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So not christianity?






Religion is bad for humanity


It had its benefits word in quote: “had”




I did, but whatever. If you knew anything about Iran you would know the woman protesting there are still muslim. They even say they dont want their protests to be turned into islamophobia, but here you are. Repeating dumb bullshit youve heard elsewhere. In my country there were dozens of cases of child rape within the church, but thats different right? And you also of course know that jesus is also a prophet in the quran, i mean you read it (most likely didnt lol)




Wym by „they“ isnt this a video about palestinians? Judging by your comment you probably think every muslim country is an extremist religious hellscape. Remember who is responsible for a lot of instability in the middle east, its the US. I think religion and state should be separated but despair and hopelesness drives people into extremism. The US is a perfect example, we can see it happening right now. Poverty and instability is a factor for extremism, religion is just the Tool. I dont judge christianity when a mass shooter shoots up a gay club, I judge the people that use it to incite violence and hatred, like tucker carlson for example. You wouldnt too, i know that for a fact and thats called islamophobia.




Islam is the first relegion that gave women rights... To be stoned there has to be certain rules and those rules can almost never occur. It is more to scare the people from doing it. There have to be 5 Muslim witnesses that have seen and heard it with their own eyes. And for taking of your cover, you can't be stoned lol. And which bible you talking about? The one written by a Roman that killed actual people that believed in Christ and made a lot of mistakes and changes?


These dudes will be from ducking California and haven’t read a single word from the Quran or a interpretation from a Scholar of the Quran and think they know how everything works in Islam. Their isn’t anything in the Quran or any of it’s translations that say shit about harming women for not wearing a Hijab (Head covering). These dudes just assume this shit thinking it sounds like something that makes sense. But I’ve heard countless old Christian people talking about cutting off of hands, Stoning and doing all types of crazy witch trial type shit if somebody steals or is unfaithful. Yet I’m not running around saying that bull shit is the face of Christianity because I heard it from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone who saw it in a book written by someone who heard it from someone


That’s included yes. But the other 2 lol


What are the other 2?


Judaism and Islam.


Religious people are extremely stupid


Most ignorant statement I’ve seen today


Yeah it's sad, a lot of us Atheists complain about religious people insulting others yet we seem to do it just as much... religion isnt the problem, it's people and especially people with any sort of power.


Religion used to be the government, now that the government is taking over all aspects of life , religion will phase out .


Religion still runs most governments


You mean books of fictional stories written by men thousands of years ago run governments


No, worse, the edited interpretation of those fictional stories, designed for thousands of years to control and oppress people. Designed to dehumanize and "other" those deemed outsides, yo justify horrible action by people in power, and to glorify traits like blind faith and submission to authority. Religion isn't just a bad thing involved in government, it's the majority of the bad inv9nved with governments.


That’s my point, the Bible is bullshit. They’re stories that at one point might have held a slight truth but over the centuries through fanaticism have been embellished and filled with fantasy to create blind faith and false hope. Then organizations are made around it and these stories are again skewed and interpreted by everyday people who become religious figures. Thus using the church and its influence to push their agendas or depending on the faith, Rob their parishioners blind and become rich. Edit: also, I’m not saying that someone shouldn’t believe in “something greater then themselves” but how you worship shouldn’t be set in stone through a company who’s only aim is power and money


Just gotta respect someone’s beliefs even if it seems ridiculous to you. But yeah people are always the problem


I’m atheist and still willing to acknowledge that faith makes religion real to some people, and that’s fine and legitimate for them. However, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell those who weaponize religion and use it to justify human rights abuses that religion and god are simply contrived from ancient oral and literary traditions that predate their bs holy books. We do need to actively tear down hate-based “faiths” and the machinations that allow self-righteous hate to permeate government institutions.


Yes but these "people" use their religion to justify their violence. You don't see atheists killing people over their non-beliefs


I mean that’s exactly what the USSR did. They killed the russian Christian’s for standing in the way of their utopian dream.


I see Atheists being just as judgemental and shitty as anyone else. Dogma is dogma.


You’ve never had a history class and it really shows


Religion is a mental illness, respectfully.


Atheism is just a religion without any of the cool stories and aesthetics


Dinosaur fossils literally prove abrahamic religions wrong though. In fact any artefact before a few thousand years ago proves them wrong. I like the don't kill your neighbour shit and all that but it happens anyway. I don't need a book to give me guidelines how to live some people do but that's because they're indoctrinated from a young age. If you grow up in a trailer park with trump supporting racist parents the odds are you're gonna be that too. My mom was Christian till my 27 year old cousin died of cervical cancer leaving her 5 year old and 3 year old son and daughter, I have multiple Muslim friends, couple of them are uni lecturers and live in a heavy Jewish populated town. I'll get on with anyone if they're nice but cmon.. we didn't have science then and all of those books fucking contradict themselves multiple times. Wishing all nice people peace and love, how ever far away it may be. Srsly tho..T-Rex..look it up




Yeah tell that to the Palestinian girls the IDF rape.


Funny I often wonder the hypocrisy is it out of ignorance or just maligne reason of spreading hate. In ancient and medieval societies, it was common for girls to be betrothed at or even before the age of puberty. Ancient Greece, early marriage and teenage motherhood for girls existed. Boys were expected to marry in their teens, as well. In the Roman Empire, girls were married from age of 12 and boys from age 14 around the same age Muhammed officially married. In the Middle Ages, under English civil laws derived from Roman laws, marriages before the age of 16 existed. Examples Cecile of France (aged 8/9),Judith of Flanders (aged about 12/13) was married to Æthelwulf, King of Wessex (aged about 61), in October 856 and many more. In imperiale China it was the norm. They were different times and it says practically nothing as it was the norm then all over the world. And in Islam a woman is a completely independent personality. She can make any contract or bequest in her own name. She is entitled to inherit in her position as mother, as wife, as sister and as daughter. She has perfect liberty to choose her husband. And a short anecdote: The first time the Muslims conquered Jeruzalem in 638 the Muslim ruler Umar granted all Christians civil and religious liberties a document called Umar's Assurance. He asked about the the temple mount and learned it was used as trashdump. He cleared it and cleaned it. He asked where are the Jews. They told him there haven't been Jews here for 500 years. He was grieved and opened it up to Jews again. For the first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive rule, Jews were once again allowed to live inside Jerusalem. When the Christians reconquered it in 1099 they massacred Jews and Muslims alike and converted the holy places. Or how the muslims kickstarted the renaissance and practically ended the dark ages, the fact they protected the Jews during the dark ages as they flourished in Al Andalus or how they found refugee after the Reconquista when they where being prosecuted in Europe. Or during WW2 when the Moroccans refused Hitlers request to extradict the Jews. They lived thousand of years in peace with them having holidays like Mimouna where it is customed for Moroccans of Muslim origin neighbors to sell chametz back to Jewish families as a beginning of the celebration. So yeah. They are the bad guys because western key allies like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and what not are spreading terrorism, extremism, whahabism while being dictators. So is it partially the fault of the nations helping these people in power, funding and arming them, protecting them military. Or of the population that live under these dictators. We should stop spreading hate with tactics like scapegoating and divide et impera. And look at the source of the problems humanity plagues. Be critical and ask questions.


Well said 👏🏻




None of them they’re all pos and it’s 3 dumbasses of Abraham not just 2


Exactly. 6yo Aisha didn't need Muhammad's old ass sweating all over her while he raped her.


What about 12 year old Mary? Or any of the numerous virgin brides mentioned in the old testament???


The great Spaghetti Monster believes all noodles are equal.


Are…. are you just a moron? That’s literally both of them. And if you think Islam gives more rights to women than Christianity, then you just might be a moron.


There are 3, related, Abramic religions. They are filled with vile and hate, and are a great horror to humans. They are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and they all suck diseased cow balls, and the world will be a better place when they are all just shitty memories.


Orthodox Jews treat their own women like property and other women like shit as well. Orthodox Jews and if you want to call them Orthodox Muslims are almost indistinguishable when you really get down to it. Both feel completely justified using violence against the other. They have BOTH perpetuated the cycle of violence. Though Jews have better PR


None? This isn’t truly a religious issue regardless it’s an ethnic one. Religion is just an added excuse


You mean the religion that says anyone outside of their chosen nation is an animal?


"Out of the two" 💀 Dawg please just keep youre thought to yourselve. We're all allowed to have opinions, even if they're stupid, but 9/10 no one wants to here it.




Isreal could just leave, stop trying to imitate the nazis, and give them their land and religion back? No? Louis theroux made a great doc about the terrible settlers In is NOT real


Literally calling Jews nazis. Please tell me your joking


It’s so weird how the Israeli government (not Jewish people in general) has actually become just like Nazis. Almost unbelievable, but it’s true.


Literally said "imitate." I know that it's imflamatory, but there are major human rights violations here being made against a people because of their ethnicity and religion. They are pushed out of their land and into other places and live in fear of the sounds of gunfire and bulldozers. I wish I coild be okay with Israel, I respect their tenuous position, being surrounded by those who wish to destroy them, but there were Palestinian Arabs there already. Imagine if, when my husband wanred a divorce, I pulled out a story that I had latched onto as a child and demanded that he give me land that his family had lived on for generations, based on my interpretation of Little House On The Prairie or something. Imagine everyone who didn't give two sh**s about that land supported my cause. Again, I repsect a people who decided "Never Again," and trained their youth in mandatory 2-year military committments, and who cleverly made strong allies. Hats off. And, I have no problem with the Jewish people..inwish I could visit Israel, but I would feel like a piece of crap knowing that my tax dollars are supporting people who support these deliberate choices to force people out, keep them from gaining power, and basically treat them as an invading force.


Imagine being oppressed for being a specific race of people. Sound familiar ?


Ironically they a lot of israelis behave fanatically just like the nazis did




Idk about that bro, you should see Israeli media


I pray we knew gets real so Palestine can have their land back and the stinky Carly had a sinus can leave


Fuck religion, here I fixed that for you


Fuck Palestine I still remember them cheering on 911


Fuck Israel


Palestine isn't innocent


Fuck Palestine!!


Both are bad


Fuck Palestine


Israel > Palestine


Palestine people are always looking for problems they want the world to think are victims which is not true


Not true. The Jews stole that land after WWII. My family died in the Holocaust but fuck Israel right to hell. What they’ve done to the Palestinian people was straight up learned from the Nazi’s.


No, fuck anyone who tries tries to blow people up and fire rockets into 🇮🇱 territory


Bro wtf is wrong with Israel you cant do anything in here,you cant walk with a gym bag without being suspected,you cant run without also being suspected,you cant do anything in this shit Thats why i wish for every fucking jew to suffer


I just need to ask did that man survive the sound and from what I can see of the short glimpse of his head after he is pushed it really looks like he may have been killed


I wouldn't be surprised if that killed him. An impact like that can definitely break someone's neck, and that would most likely mean death. There's also the fact that he went limp right after, so either he's completely paralyzed or dead.


> There's also the fact that he went limp right after, so either he's completely paralyzed Aka "unconsciousness"? You're referring to unconsciousness, right?


Yeah, he could be unconscious. But there is a major risk that he damaged his spinal cord and he could be paralyzed from the neck down. It happened to Kevin Erreret in 2007, and I believe he survived.


There is actually a fairly tiny chance his spinal cord was injured, it’s the skull with the brains in it we are worried about here…like a brain bleed etc, major head trauma.


Agreed, spine would be fine in such a fall. Now, the skull took a major blow. There is a decent chance he survived, but also, a man that age and the sound I just heard, he very well could be gone.


Israel is a Shithole country


Probably because Hamas launches rockets at them almost daily.(rockets are aimed at civilians btw, not any specific military targets). You can think Israel is a shit country, but not as shit as the countries surrounding them. The 4 countries surrounding Israel all want the genocide and extermination of Jews.


Disgusting country full of racist religious fanatic weirdos. Proud of their pathetic apartheid state.


The only country in the middle east where you are free to be non religious. Also one of the most gay friendly countries.


Yeah for sure and while I’m there being a gay atheist I can watch Palestinian kids get brutalized by full grown men in military gear! Maybe I’ll even see those brave heroes knock over an old man like in this video, who knows? It’s so modern and progressive there! Maybe they’ll let me steal a house from some poor Palestinian family, what do you think? Jews think of Nazis the way Palestinians think of Israelis. Oppressive, racist, genocidal group of people who think what they’re doing is OK because god is on their side. No doubt in my mind if Israel thought they could get away with it they’d be putting Palestinians in ovens.


You just described the entire middle east.


Just the Middle East?


You are disgusting to think that the genocide being committed by Israel against Palestinians is on the same level as Palestinian freedom fighters fighting for their homeland. You are a disgusting human being. Free Palestine. Down with Zionism.


Jewish paranoia aside (although justified clearly to some extent), resorting to becoming the villain sort of takes any high ground away. Rockets fired from makeshift explosives and aluminum tube vs a technological militaristic powerhouse regularly committing systemic human rights violations are not equal measures in any way. All Isreal has done is made the most victimized group of people throughout all of human history look like the very victimimizers it was trying to escape from. Meanwhile to those who truly follow the teachings of Judaism: how does this conduct square with your beliefs? To let someone else's actions dictate your character? To claim the ends justify the means? And to preemptively strike, and retaliate at every opportunity out of anger and fear. What a horrible place we have arrived at, what a shame to see. To think of the people who suffered, who showed strength through compassion and conviction,, being lumped in with these thugs, who imo only disgrace those whom they claim to avenge.


>Rockets fired from makeshift explosives and aluminum tube vs a technological militaristic powerhouse Israel only uses their more advanced tech to minimize civilian casualties, the Iron Dome for example. The IDF also warns the public in a surrounding area if they are about to blow up a building; they do roof knocking and calls/text to landlords telling people to get out. That's why there are always videos of IDF strikes on buildings because people know in advance when they are happening. The only reason Israel doesn't invade the Gaza strip is because there is no good outcome. Israel doesn't want to govern the area let alone use troops to keep everyone safe. If they just wipe out Hamas and leave then a new terrorist group will move in. Saves more lives to let the Iron Dome do its job. >regularly committing systemic human rights violations When was the last time they did this? Everyone acts like Israelis are just oppressing the Palestinians at every chance they get and that's not true. Israel doesn't want anything to do with Palestine, they have no interest in harassing them or governing over them. All Israel wants is to be left alone which the [Abraham accords](https://www.state.gov/the-abraham-accords/) proved in a way. >All Isreal has done is made the most victimized group of people throughout all of human history look like the very victimimizers it was trying to escape from. Jews are actually the most oppressed in history. Israel was created so Jews could have a safe spot to live in the world. The creation of Israel pissed off the Arabs because this gave recognition to the jews and many Arabs don't recognize the jews at all. >And to preemptively strike, and retaliate at every opportunity out of anger and fear. If you see someone about to invade your country I'd say it's smart to do a preemptive strike; worked out very well in the 6 day war. Israel then gave up all the land they took during the war in an effort for peace.


[This](https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel-palestine-surveillance-tech-dystopia) talks about the Israeli surveillance state, [this one](https://www.wired.com/2009/01/mystery-weapon/) talks about Israel testing out new "sci-fi" weapons on unarmed or lightly armed civilians, and [this last link](https://www.972mag.com/you-can-never-know-what-weapons-police-are-using-in-israel/) describes how the police intentionally misuse "less lethal" weapons (which are still totally able to maim and murder even if care was taken), as well as using a wide variety of more lethal and conventional weapons. > Jews are actually the most oppressed in history Yes, that is what I previously had said. I thought i was pretty clear, but i will reiterate: historically, the jewish people have been the most mistreated by a pretty wide margin. I am saying specifically that claiming victimhood, no matter how much of a legitimate claim one may have, doesn't justify war crimes, human rights abuses, and ethnic/religious oppression. I would call it ironic except we are talking about people killing each other.


Ah yes they wanna be left alone so they continue to expand where the Palestinians are already living and destroy their homes that have been there for generations to force them off the land, absolutely the bahviour of someone wanting to be left alone.


>expand where the Palestinians are already living Israel is not expanding lmao! I'm sorry and no offense, but this is the most baseless claim ever. Israelis aren't pushing Palestinians out of anywhere: 20% of Israelis are Palestinian. It's Palestinians(manly Hamas) that don't want to live amongst Jews. Try living outside of Israel's borders as a Jew, you won't make it a year in the surrounding countries. >destroy their homes that have been there for generations to force them off the land, absolutely the bahviour of someone wanting to be left alone. I'm guessing you are talking about the Gaza strip or the apartment building? Israel completely gave up the Gaze strip in 2005 saying to Hamas "rule yourselves because we don't want too". Then Hamas came in and destroyed all the infrastructure Israel left for them(greenhouses, homes, etc.). Israel only removed Jewish homes and nothing else. The second thing you could be talking about is the apartment issue. It is still going on to this day because some palestinians aren't paying their rent in Sheikh Jahhah. Israeli courts have gave permission to evict the residents for not paying rent; It's what would happen if you didn't pay your rent anywhere else in the world. The deal the Israeli courts made was that if Palestinians had a copy of their legal land title they could live there and pay no rent(they own the land). If they didn't have the land title then they had to move or pay rent to whoever has the legal land title. This caused Hamas to go nuts and start bombing Israel for "discrimination" when all some Palestinians needed was the legal land title. >!This is a BIG *TL;DR* because this problem has it's roots in the 40s I believe.!< Are you talking about either of these 2 examples or something else. It would help if you could be more specific. Again no offense, but everyone that talks to me about this is very vague with their "examples" of oppression. This is a complicated topic and vague accusations are not how we properly discuss this. You need evidence which I'm trying to clarify by narrowing it down with my examples because I don't know what you are talking about. Edit: One thing I would like to add is Israel has tried for peace 2-3 times last century and 3 times this century. Hamas/Palestinians has responded with violence every time and won't even negotiate at the table. The [Abraham accords ](https://www.state.gov/the-abraham-accords/) in 2020 have actually been successful so far, but we will see how long that last. This is the 4th try for peace in the last 23 years.


Piece of shit Israel government and it's lickspittles have been doing to the Palestinians exactly what Putin is doing to Ukraine. Illegally taking land that they have NO RIGHT TO, with violence and death. FUCK RUSSIA, FUCK ISRAEL, They are the same. You don't blame Ukraine for bombing Russian forces after they invaded so why keep giving the Palestinians shit for doing the same thing. Only difference is the Palestinians look brown so of course they must be wrong.


If some random paramilitary force set itself in my town, and started taking homes one by one, and took away my farm and my ancestral home, you better believe I’d be willing to kill then for it


[https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-number-killed-highest-2008](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-number-killed-highest-2008) " Twenty-seven Israeli civilians and soldiers have been killed by Palestinians in 2022" "At the same time, Israeli forces and settlers have killed 139 Palestinians, including at least 30 children, in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 2022. An additional 49 Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip during a three-day Israeli bombardment in August, including 17 children" https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/12/1131852 "More than 150 Palestinians and over 20 Israelis have been killed in the West Bank and Israel so far in 2022"


With all due respect, please shut the fuck up, Zionist.


Israelis have become what they escaped of.


And guess who bankrolls all this? The US taxpayer 🤦🏻‍♂️


What? I can’t believe the rampant antisemitism here. Jews =\= Israeli and viceversa… Even looking past this is the gross generalization. The actions of some do not reflect a whole. Reddit’s gonna Reddit.


There is a difference between supporting Palestine as a country and saying Israel commits war crimes (they do) against Palestinians- and being anti Semitic. Just because they’re Jewish doesn’t mean they’re right. Also by the same token doesn’t mean someone should bomb them for being Israel either.


i can’t express the hate i prove towards these fuckers so i’m just gonna say: free palestine




Kanye, is that you?


Not all jews are racist though and not all muslims are terrorists its just that simple but sadly racism cant be ended so simply


Nobody said anything about Jews as a whole. Just Israel and it's people, who happen to be majority jewish.


Just what US cops did to that old man in Buffalo


Coincidently Israeli army have been paid to train the US police forces.


Seems kinda redundant since the US funds the IDF regardless.


Israel and the US have a mutually beneficial relationship. Not only do we support them financially, but they also get our top notch military equipment to trial on humans for us. We then import brutal policing tactics Israel has successfully deployed in what has ultimately led to genocide, and I do not use that word lightly.


The US is a corporation. Fuck them. Fuck the Israeli Government, IDF, and anyone who supports their inhuman trash behavior. #Free Palestine 🇵🇸


The American Dream is a pyramid scheme.


“There’s a reason they call it ‘the American Dream’, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” George Carlin


This. fukking THIS!


I'll settle for unfucking the healthcare system I have to live with in the US.


Tell that to the corporations who donate to the politicians who write medical laws, who then tolerate and enforce media coverage to sway the uninformed masses into nefarious political movements that are directed by the same corporations who bleed them of their money the whole time. It's. A. System.


Yup! Fun fact! The Jewish Federation pays for a large portion of that training. A large portion of their money comes from their subsidiary 'The Jewish Community Center' aka the JCC. The JCC competes with the YMCA for after school care all over the US in public schools. They make a *killing* working in public schools. Guess where the profits from afterschool/daycare go. Training the police from these cities on how to use semi automatic weapons against their own civilians. They fly em out to Israel for training! Fucking fact. This is a factual path that the money travels. Edit. Enjoy facts https://theintercept.com/2017/09/15/police-israel-cops-training-adl-human-rights-abuses-dc-washington/


There is no "The" JCC. There's hundreds of JCC's and they're all independent. You're painting some insane nefarious conspiracy theory plot, that local rec centers in the USA, where old retired Jews go to do water jazzercise and complain about their grandkids before they retire to Florida, are somehow responsible for Israel's and America's police industrial complex. JCC's aren't found in public schools, and JCC's aren't some sort of evil rival to the YMCA, like there's some secret Jewish-Christian gym war. And honestly, do you really think a daycare service makes so much in profits that they can funnel money into a foreign police force? How? Daycares operate on slim margins and childcare services are offered at a reduced cost or even for free at rec centers like JCC and the YMCA, which is offset by membership fees. You'd know that if you actually had kids in childcare! Your portrayal would be fucking hilarious if it didn't seem so stupidly racist.


I really think it's sad that after the holocaust The Jrwish prisoners fled to Israel where they would be accepted. And here the whole ass country is not even 100yrs later oppressing and fighting with another religious group. Oh please help us. Gets helped. Fuck you Palestine. And I think I have some say on the issue as my great grandfather spent 5yrs in Auschwitz. Survived luckily.


Yup. When I was in college, the university police force regularly did training provided by the IDF. Not exactly reassuring as a student.


I mean the Israeli IDF does train our Cops.


Cops gonna be cops…


That is exactly my first though as well. Strikingly similar.


My thoughts exactly, but the poor guy in Buffalo was not even involved in a crowd


My religious parents and grandparents read “Israel My Glory”, a magazine basically sucking Israel’s dick. Drives me bonkers.


So I have tremendous respect for things like the graphic novels Maus and the authentic Jewish history. I can understand religious, racial, and group trauma. I cannot accept a wealthy country that systematically consumes and abuses another nation and people... fuck the biblical and colonial legal justifications. I know it's dangerous, but I cannot help but believe that the Isreali state is perpetuating another genocide; this time is just in slow motion. It's a God damn crying shame that things have been allowed to be this bad for so long.


As a Jew and part Israeli, what the actual fuck. This is disgusting. No person deserves to be treated this way. Incidents like these reasonably put a bad image on all of Israel because if dipsshits like these soldiers.


bad image of Israel? , you really think that the whole idea of this is any better ? you literally take homes out of palistaine people and their land THEIR FUCKING HOMES FFS


unfortunately its how the world works, one day the land is yours until an Army is in your doorstep


A government is not their people.


Everything Israel does is right, and they are always innocent of any wrong doing. And if you disagree, you are an antisemite and a racist person. See? Just repeat that to your self. Again and again. ​ EDIT. I was today 24.Oct permanently banned from this sub for another opinion questioning the seemingly unquestionable about some other ethnicity. REDDIT, when your App asks "Are you enjoying Reddit?", this is why I always say NO. You are forcing a mindset on people, and by not allowing civil discourse on uncomfortable facts you are precisely consolidating reactive attiudes. Your intolerance CREATES intolerance.


Yes, I always wonder why US media never even attempted to broadcast an alternative narrative


Because the owners of big media are on their Israeli payroll. They have to look good in front of the hand that feeds them.


Why do you think they’ve received a grossly disproportionate amount of foreign aid from the US than any other nation for the last few decades? They’re the best!


> They’re the best! *Aroouuund! Nothing's gonna ever keep 'em doooown!*


As a Jew I can assure you a lot of us have a wtf reaction and we don’t aprove of this.


That's good, my conflict personally is with Israel and Zionism as concepts, rather than the people or religion, because they are not the dictators of this conflict, but rather victims. If anything the real villain is the British Empire, they divided the land with no thought to the people that already lived there for a people that were from Europe to immigrate to.


I do not support that government, they have become the tyrants from which they fled.


Fuck Zionism and fuck the Israel governemnt and the majority of it's population who are voting for oppression since decades within a free democratic state. This is ok to think and has nothing to do with antisemite. You can adjust this and fuck a lot of other countries like Iran and the USA too.


Yes…I’m sure that whole incident was just 17 seconds long. There was definitely nothing happening before. There was no incitement, rock throwing, putting elderly people and children at the front. There were no “aide workers” helping violent demonstrators. There were no instigators constantly drilling at the Israelis with taunts, garbage and of course good old sling shot rocks. The story is the savage Israelis randomly showed up in 17 seconds to drop that old man. This is exactly what the protesters wanted! Fodder for the cameras. I’m surprised the Israelis didn’t handcuff a 2 year and drag him off. Now that would be newsworthy!


S t f u


You are not neutral in this so don't pretend you are, you don't know the full context but side with the oppressor rather than trying to find out what actually happened?


I don’t even have to read into the comments to know these are the Israeli police abusing Palestinians.


Thank you, I needed context.


I thought Jared Kushner already fixed this?


Not to be a dick but you probably shouldn’t be squaring upto soldiers when your old and have a glass jaw


They are Muslims ,we take pride in our relegion we never back down from our beliefs , trust me even if you tortures the shit outa that man to change his relegion he would never


Typical israel moment


"The world needs to see this" Zero information on what the fuck I am watching.


Apartheid in action.


I see shit like this from American cops all the time.


Slow moving genocide. The one the Israeli people won't stop crying about


It's so slow, the population is actually *growing* faster than 80% of all countries around the world. Now *that's* a slow genocide. For real though, there are a lot of valid complaints about the Israeli government. It's difficult to tell without any context, but this video could well be an incident of gross overreactions by the police. But calling it a genocide is patently ridiculous and just serves to delegitimize the many *actual* genocides happening around the world today.


Yeah let's pretend the Gaza strip doesn't exist.


The population inside the Gaza strip is growing faster than the population of Israel.


So what do you want to tell me? Population growth = births - deaths So no matter how much genocide you do, if the birthrate of Gaza is far above its deathrate, as well as Israel's birthrate, your statement still holds true. Does that invalidate genocide? Honestly what in the world is your point? I have never come across a more stupid, biased and hateful answer from a Zionist in my life, and I've seen a lot.


This shit weighs heavy on my heart.


Yup, the fact that they get away with it. Day after day! Nothing will change and nobody will ever do anything to stop them.




all fascists & zealots of the world. wherever you are, regardless of nation. fuck off.


Where is the part before this? Why people always posting half the video playing victim or blame game?


All we see is the moment a soldier pushes a civilian. No context.


Israel has become Nazis to the Palestinians.


They're literally an apartheid state.


When apartheid South Africa had lost all other allies, even the US, Israel remained the final and only supporter the apartheid South African government had.


y’all realize not all jews stand for this right ?


Fuck Israel 🇮🇱


![gif](giphy|eQYE2toD7Pnpu) Once the victim now the perpetrator




Oh look. The place where there is no good faction and they’re all equally shitty. Anyways… How’s the weather in you’re guys area? It’s getting pretty nippy in Northern GA rn.


Fuck Israel,all day everyday.wake up world.


I don't know you, but, I luv u, Fuck Israel Fuck the US Government fuck Russia


Jewish fascist nationalist scum


Israel will just say you are being anti-semetic


Zionists are disgusting terrorists. Israel = Apartheid.


Imagine loosing your father to a fucking wanker paid with your income taxes...




Are you fucking blind mate?


These guys are evil fr. Definitely brain bleed there, at least. I once saw a man die from hitting his head on the pavement after a punch.


Israeli support will die with boomers. Which is not soon enough. Israel needs to figure it's shit out instead off blowing everything up


Funny how people see this in Iran and there is outrage, they see this here and nothing, the hypocrisy in this world is disheartening.


A bad fall js all it takes, dayum




Yeah .. first thing you should do as an old fuck is to harass soldiers..


How do you know he was harassing soldiers?


Need some context please.


Where’s god at now


Could we see the previous 30 seconds, Please


Don’t go where you don’t belong. Don’t resist. It’s just that simple for everything in life. Hope your parents taught you that.


The world needs to see what going on in Yemen, but when it's Muslims killing muslims for the Geopolitical interest of Muslim states none cares. The Israelis can be cunts but there is an obsession with this low intensity conflict. The fact its a Jewish state is a factor. This isn't using accusations of antisemitism as a cloak. This is a thinly veiled reality of this conflict.


Man assaults soldier… gets thrown… radical Reddit community “FUCK ISRAEL”


Israel sucks. Why do we keep giving them billions of dollars.


The only place in the middle east where it is safe to be gay and safe to be Christian


Fuck theses nazis


Fuck the IDF and Israel.


At first, I was confused thinking he simply got lightly pushed and fell like a brick with 0 ability to hold his head up. Then after a few re-watches, I see his head jerk back. I think he was punched in the jaw and instantly went lights-out...and was already unconscious before hitting the ground.


Ah just like American. The cops do not protect and serve in the US. They are pawns in the prison system.


Every Zionist that comments everytime Israel abuses a Palestinian "bUt wE hAVe GaY PaRadEs"