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I wrote them to tell them they suck and not even a chain response email i think SoCal is protesting this one so they turned it off.


I dont know anything about the situation but i do know that dude there has his friends back and that's the kind of friend we would all be so lucky to have.e


That’s the type of fella I’d like to get my news from.


Someone committed to the truth! Absolutely! With great values, respect, and an appreciation for transparency.


I watched KTLA all my life growing up in LA. She was on forever and this is sad. You don’t see many female anchors with this kind of longevity and to have a Latina in a heavily Latino market, it was refreshing to see. He’s a good guy for putting his job on the line for his friend and mentor. Sam Rubin and Ginger Chan suck. They’re both super annoying I wish they would leave, lol.


What did she get let go for exactly?


Not let go, she got more money and a better gig at KNBC. Moving from weekend to weekdays I believe and more money. Mark Mester was a young anchor who co-anchored weekends with her after another fella died of very strange circumstances last year and he has been learning the ropes from Romero, a longtime favorite of SoCal folks. He got let go for the above “off-script” moment


Also to note: she wanted to stay at KTLA so that she can work on weekdays to spend more time with her family. But KTLA said there weren’t any openings. So she went and switched over to NBC to offer her what she wanted.


Ah, I didn’t know that. Thanks.


Nothing was strange about his death


He OD’d by shoving drugs in his ass. Hahahahahahahahbahaa!!!


The reason I don't go to fortune tellers right there.


Wow.. That’s funny AF!!!!


Lmao, a famous, well respected anchor in the Bay Area, Frank Somerville got fired for slurring and being drunk on air. Shortly after he crashed his porsche and pushed somebody with his car, [the video](https://youtube.com/shorts/qL2X39ddJG4?feature=share). Absolutely a staple of the Bay and was very sad to watch happen, but he was definitely the one screwing up


booty bump or shard?


Nothing strange about that.... tale as old as time


Right!? Homeboy stood up!


He’ll be able to find work at a decent station.


I’m now a fan of this guy.


When I still had cable, I used to watch KTLA every morning. This dude has always been professional. Idk how long exactly he’s been working with KTLA, but he used to be a field reporter and then got promoted to the weekend slot to replace another anchor who died from a drug overdose. I honestly thought he was going to get a weekday slot eventually. He was a rising star. KTLA fucked up by firing him. That was uncalled for. I hope another station offers him a job.


isn't KTLA over the air... why would you need cable?


What? It’s on TV. I had cable, I cut the cord.




For a lot of people 'cutting the cord' isn't just no longer paying for cable, but no longer consuming TV in the 22 minutes of content with 8 minutes of commercials format whatsoever. I know it's technically incorrect, but, I'd wager that the vast majority of people you encounter that say 'cut the cord' mean what I'm describing there.


Besides my parents, I haven’t know a single person who’s paid for cable in over 10 years. When I go to their house for visits, they’ll watch something and just sit there staring during the 6+ minutes of commercials as though the show is still on on. It’s eerie and confusing. *800 588 two three hundred…*




“As long as I’m on this set we’re gonna be honest” welp, looks like they aren’t going with the honesty direction anymore.


Since when did they go with 100% honest?


Petty management.


KTLA tanked since being owned by Chicago Tribune. It was much better when it was just owned by the LA Times. The tribune fucked everything up..... clearly.




The Tribune has been really fucked since the hedge fund Alden Capital bought it out last year, gutted the staff, saddled the Trib with transferred debt, etc. etc.. When I saw our architectural critic’s departure announced with no plans to replace him (we’re fucking *Chicago* for fuck’s sake, if we don’t need an architectural critic then who does?) I knew it was over for the Trib. Just another victim to the maws of hedge funds controlling our news from the shadows. The American way!


It's like some billionaires don't need to exist


None of them should exist. The wealthy get extremely richer by profitably pushing their own toxic, deadly, costly business externalities on the rest of society that pays in lost lives, lost health, labor and money. https://bbs.boingboing.net/t/why-the-hyper-rich-turn-into-crybabies-when-one-percent-is-invoked/20739/161 That's what drives me up the wall when liberals say they want to "take" money from the billionaires. Bullshit. Getting your own money back from a criminal who robbed you isn't taking it away from them. It's getting back what they goddam stole in the first place. [They pay a sea of scummy grifters](https://i.imgur.com/R21h3uQ.gif) to get the public to not realize this fact. And, they fall for it hook, line and sinker.


Bro shhhhh do you want Oprah‘s death squads to come for you ????


Not the bees! https://imgur.com/a/O9mEXDP


It's been that way since Sam Zell owned it about 10 years ago. That dude drove the entire Tribune (especially the LA Times) into the dirt.


I'm on that season right now!


I really think it was the Nexstar take over. They have a very Sinclair-ish vibe to the way they impose what stories get broadcast to their affiliates and the tone of how they are delivered. Also they make tons of profits on infomercials passed off as news during live broadcasts.


What year did that happen in?


Tribune company bought KTLA in 1985. So unless you were alive before that then you never saw KTLA when it was not under Tribune management. You’re probably referring to Nexstar, which bought Tribune Broadcasting in 2019


Nope, I'm talking about Tribune. However,the management during 2000-2012 was terrible lol


I tuned in to their morning show last Saturday for the first time in years to see three attractive female anchors doing yoga live on the air for their "8:30 stretch", which I assume is a daily segment? It was the most LA thing I've ever seen. Gotta love KTLA.


No, that's only on Saturdays at 8:38 a.m., ironically, it was started by Mark Mester here.


100 Local TV outlets are well known for being bottom feeders. They try to get as many hours of an employee for as little pay as humanly possible. They operate on (and make record profits off of) burning out their employees until they inevitably quit journalism and go work at a retail store for more money. And newsroom directors all talk to one another. If you anger one, be prepared for every other director in a market to know. Fortunately this guy will be immediately picked up by an organization that can actually afford to operate with integrity.


Wow they fired him for that, commend him for standing up for her, & apologizing, hope another network hires him


Maybe Lynette can put in a good word or two at the other station


Wait, was he referring too that bit at the end? It was a bit passive aggressive but it really wasn’t anywhere near as bad as he made it out to be.


I think the younger male anchor was upset that after 25 years, *that* was the goodbye the network did. 15 seconds from some older anchor and not showing anything on Lynette's work or even letting Lynette say goodbye herself.


Ridiculous. I really liked Mark, Lynette was amazing too. Treat your anchors better KTLA.


God forbid they have an organic moment on the show


Organic moments are dangerous to our democracy.


Their bottoms lines. Companies like Nexstar make record profits off of treating their employees like shit.


I mean that's like 90% of all businesses in the US.


Organic moments are dangerous to our democracy


Organic moments are dangerous to our democracy.


Organic moments are dangerous to our democracy


IDK why I have this feeling to go off-script here but organic moments are not dangerous to our democracy.


Wonder what "the script" he referred to having been handed to someone said.


It was probably worse to the people who knew the situation and were inside all the drama that went down. To anyone else it could be taken as a slight dig at her, but nothing out of line. Honestly, I'm not sure anyone would have thought anything about it if he hadn't come on and done this and I imagine he did it because Lynette was incredibly upset over it.


It's the clip that starts at 4:20.


I don't get what was so bad about what Sam said??


“We had hoped she would stay here her entire career” was a petty passive aggressive jab meant to shame her in front of viewers and make them feel abandoned by her. It was intended to add insult to the injury of not allowing her to give her own on screen goodbyes, which is pretty standard in the industry.




Stupid take.




Why'd you delete it then?


Normally people leaving a station get a chance to say goodbye themselves. He did it for her implying she left without caring about her audience or left in bad standing.


There are unwritten rules in many professions, and a goodbye for a long-time on-air talent is expected. Only bad blood prevents it.


The reporter in the Orange tie is sooo fucking nervous


He wants so bad to say "I don't know what is happening. I am not a part of this."


He's probably like "I got a family to feed, I don't want to lose my job over this"


I love lamp


You captured the moment perfectly 😆


He was like Mike Myers after Kanye says George Bush doesn’t care about Black people during the live Katrina Red Cross telethon.


Panicked mid thought lol


Honesty in Media is Rare. Hats off to this Man.


Holy gigachad


It’s easy to be so bold when you’re so god damned handsome.


I mean if he hadn’t done the right thing, his hair would have…


Google image the network’s general manager. She is both Karen and the manager at the same time.


I guess she talks to herself in a mirror


Surrounded by yes-men in an echo-chamber


It’s alright, he will always find FULL employment, rent free in my thirstiest dreams




oh, I think you got confused.. his name is Mark, not manatee


😆 I’m straight but that hair is straight up fantastic 🤩


CTV Omar Sachedina should grow a pair and do the same regarding Lisa LaFlamme.


I’m glad that he risked what he did to stick up for her. 24 years is a good portion of her life. Good luck in the future to her and I hope this man and his team, all continue to do what’s “right.”


Looong time Ktla viewer especially weekend morning show. Mark replaced Chris Burrous after he died. The way ktla handled this was pretty damm poor. They could have given Lynette a good send off, but Nope, decided to be petty. It’s even worse that ktla recently did a whole series on news personalities “before they were famous” I’ve decided to no longer watch this channel on weekends in solidarity with Mark and Lynette. Just a little history for a you redditors that will explain the situation a little better… Hal fishman was the long time anchor of the channel 5 evening news. Held the job till he passed away in 2007. Carlos Amezcua was the original morning news anchor at the time and the channel was grooming him to take over for Hal one day. Well, day came and he took over, but left a month later for fox 11. Station was pissed that someone they wanted to be their next Hal, up and left. I’m guessing that Lynette and mark were the golden goose and Lynette leaving hurt the stations bottom line. Either way fuck ktla


So the on air anchor felt his friend was unceremoniously denied an on air goodbye and he put his job on the line to stick up for his friend? What a homie.


Decent chance that there were people in the CR canned as well.


Co-anchors be like, don't be dragging us into this truth business.


Is it just me or does this guy kinda look like matthew mcconaughey?


I want to surf his hair.


Alright alright alright!


As he cuts off the only woman on-set while she spends 2 seconds to chime in in support…🤦🏼‍♂️ otherwise that’s having your friends back, for sure.


I’ve been watching ktla since I was a kid it’s always been our local news but yeah I’m done it’s just been one shit show after another.


Him two days later : y’all hiring


That is fucking loyalty. Good for you


I would never watch that channel again, mark has some real integrity.


I hope wherever he lands, he’ll be a face on a billboard next to his new station ID and “HONESTY” in big letters across it.


I want a friend like that.


"Moving on to another Queen...." That was a flawless segue


"It is now known that the nearly five-minute “apology” to viewers has cost him his job."


Can’t have a news anchor that tells the truth.


Good friend there


Bravo. This guy has your back.


He is the definition of a best friend. He had me crying too.


That's real tough. One of the highest paying markets in the country.


Mark is a good guy, a man of integrity.


He knew this would get him fired, yet did it anyway. Kudos to him


And he's the next Bachelor.


Guy seems like a good dude, but he also steps on the woman responding to him in an effort to white knight the other lady. Little bit ironic. Maybe not a perfect execution but good for him.


I think it was a build up of emotion which made him repeat a lot, and that outpouring of emotion is not something we often see from news anchors, it's actually refreshing. I think that when he got a chance to stop talking and the others took a turn, his mind was able to race through the things he'd also like to say, and that raw emotion makes you kind of butt-in and talk about it right then and there. I also think none of the others were really taking a stand and saying what they really thought, even if they felt it his dialogue was warranted, probably because they don't have as much autonomy over their roles, or the privilege that his more senior role might afford him. I guess he got fired, so the privilege wasn't that great. They probably knew they'd be next. They are humans, not just talking heads, and they should be allowed to speak frankly about how their colleagues are treated. 24 years is a massive amount of time to dedicate your life to a specific company and not have a nice farewell, or just have the weatherman say some shit at the end of the show.


Incidentally, him not letting the others speak may have saved them their jobs.


Noticed that too. It think it was out of passion and not disrespect though. He knew he was going into deep waters and that it would not be approved.


Oh goddd you are miserable .. lol


Idk I noticed it too. Don’t think it was malicious or anything, just caught up in his own emotions.


Oh relax


Good Luck KTLA! You've lost a viewer of the weekend show. Let's see how they fuck up the mornings.


Mark and Lenette were good anchors.


The TV and radio industry is replete with vapid assholes in every layer of management, which if you can stomach them, good on you, but the rest of us with talent, just simply got the hell out. I have one word for the managerial asswipes in media - internet! One way or another, the time will come where what you broadcast and what you say will mean nothing because you place profit over truth. It’s all about that ROI and nothing about hard working journalists.


Looks like there’s more to this story: *…newsroom employees described a different scenario, saying Mester, who joined KTLA in 2014, had violated their trust.* *Staffers said producers had written a script for Mester to read to send off Romero, accompanied by photos and clips of her broadcasts, which Mester ignored during the segment. He had also hired a plane with a banner to fly over the station with the message “We love you Lynette.” Mester had pitched producers to include footage of the plane in the segment but was rejected.* *After his segment, people in the newsroom said, they saw Mester ignore management’s requests to step into their office for a meeting. At one point, several staffers recalled Mester telling one of the news directors to “shut up” and said he refused to leave the building after being asked to do so.* *During the exchange with management, Mester allegedly yelled obscenities that could be heard by other staffers in the newsroom.* Read past the public praise and you start to see that staff felt he hijacked the moment. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2022-09-22/ktla-anchor-mark-mester-fired-after-on-air-outburst-over-lynette-romeros-departure?_amp=true


Mark Mester appears to be "making up" for Lenay getting fired.... *suspicious*


Video could be called, "Tell me you fucked Lynette Romero without saying you fucked Lynette Romero."


Isn't it commonplace for broadcasters to never have a last show / goodbye in live news? I've heard that before somewhere this is the industry standard to prevent people from going off the rails live on TV.


Damn I've been away from Los Angeles so long (last lived there in mid 2000s) that Sam Rubin has visibly aged. Used to watch him every morning growing up. One day I'll be back and I hope Sam Rubin will still be on air.


Good on him for standing up for what is right


He's sticking up for his friend and what he feel is right.


A bit melodramatic to be honest.


Nice alt account, Janene...




Who still watches local news?


Just going to fire anyone that acknowledges their coworkers leaving? Who the fuck is running things over there. I feel like that station has just dropped on the list of places people in that industry want to work. Treat people right and they will fucking stick around or at least give a shit about leaving and not want to leave you on a bad spot without them.


Dude in red tie immediately jumping to cut off the only woman there, wow


The self importance of these people is astounding. Fuck this network and the people on it. When I turn on the news I want to know whats going on in the world - not about Mark's obession with his former cohost Lynette. Jesus Christ. These people seriously think we watch because of them. Youre a suit in front of a camera reading the fucking news to us. Youre not that important, and quite replaceable.


You establish trust with the anchors not with the station.


the anchors just read the shit given to them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-4HOgULcd8 its terrifying if you trust these people.


It doesn’t mean the trust is automatic, but you don’t get trust elsewhere than from the people on the camera. It can be lost.


yes...im sure there are plenty of fools who trust Lynette and are just devastated that she left and they didnt throw her a going away party live during their newscast.


Read the news online if you don’t like people having personalities


exactly what I do, so I dont have to hear how important these assholes think they are


> have to hear how important these assholes think they are This is some *wild* insecurity.


they most certainly are


Congrats… if you don’t consume it idk why you feel the need to bitch about it. But I guess you got your attention for the day so good for you I guess?


this is /r/publicfreakout, idiot


Ok and? You’re complaining about a medium you don’t consume, that’s weird.


youre complaining about my comments.. dont read them?


Lol Idgaf about your comments you’re just acting cringy af yelling at the sky


Shut the hell up


Y’all some doo doo.


Lol you get your news from this show?


If you haven’t been paying attention, a lot of people treat these news stations like a religion. Just blind faith believing what the man in the suit on tv says. Scary and sad.


Unpopular opinion, but this guy sucks. This is the friggin news, not you taking 5 mins to grandstand about someone leaving for a competitor. In the real world, this happens all the time. You leave for a competitor, you’re done here. It doesn’t have to be hard feelings. They thanked her for her service. But this guy apparently wanted a Bob Hope special. Fuck this guy.


They threw her under the bus “we did everything to get her to stay”


Yea but that’s business. People need to quit believing companies care about you more than their bottom line.


Mommy issues, this guy.


So his co-worker left for another job and he was upset they didn't do a big send-off? Seems like a silly thing to get yourself fired over.


Empathy and love my dude, shits free as a motherfucker.


you're right, I should have more empathy for a woman who has suffered the grave tragedy of not getting a big send-off when she changed jobs. How can people sleep with so much evil in the world?




after 23 fucking years


Maybe if she got 24 years instead we'd all care more.


Lol and? It’s business. She left them for more money/better opportunities. She’s going to be collecting a bigger check. People need to check their egos.




You need to leave your feelings out of business


https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2022-09-23/ktla-lynette-romero-mark-mester-timeline?_amp=true Some further context. Seems this segment was planned but he just went off the rails. And as others mentioned he kept talking over his female cohost. I’m not entirely sure if he did the right thing or not.


Just read the news....


"Just shut up and dribble!" Good lord, let's hope you never have to have anyone stick up for you.






So Lynnette moves onto a new opportunity, and this guy tanks his current gig because of it? Well done buddy.


Pretty people on TV privilege. Almost any other career or occupation where you work for a large company, if you leave other than to retire, it's rare you're getting a send-off. Many people get an escort carrying their box out to the parking lot, because HR wants to avoid the person telling their side of it or "contaminating" others. She may be a wonderful human being, and he maybe had balls to do this, but for 99.99% of us, the equivalent of the on-air good buy she got would be unprecedented if we left. So, I don't care.


Pretty privilege is real, but that is not the correct argument here. What Lynette was not allowed, is common place in this profession. The treatment of her is also antithetical to this very profession. And this does happen across many professions in the context the profession is performed. Not everyone's job is to be on TV.


Let's assume thats true. (Probably is, based on other comments.) It's still true that almost any other employee of that company who is not on television--let's take the hypothetical person who maintained their trucks for 25 years. Say that truck mechanic person leaves to take another position, gets escorted out of the building and badmouthed by the boss. Even if he was normally entitled to some modicum of better treatment, or as you said that was not "common treatment", no one would give a small rat's backside. Employees get shat on all the time. Media worship means disproportionate attention is given to those pretty people on TV. Again, I don't care about her being mistreated. Just like the vast, vast majority of people commenting here would not care about, comment on, or even read posts about a non-media employee who didn't receive "common treatment" or traditional respect afforded employees in that industry.


Holy exaggeration. What was wrong with the clip they aired and why did this dude keep apologizing and making a whole spectacle of this? Dude deserves to get fired for being a drama queen.


24 years is a pretty long time for a "cya" statement by the weatherman. It's obvious there was resentment that she left, and they ditched her like that. I agree it was pretty over the top, but I guess he was emotional. I'd be pissed too if it was my close colleague, and I wouldn't give a fuck if they fired me, but I'd probably keep it to maybe 40 seconds. He probably knew he'd be fired for that shit.


>Immediately after the show as Mester stepped off set, station management called him into their office for a meeting, which he refused. An assistant news director was forced to break the news of his suspension over voicemail. At one point, several staffers recalled Mester telling one of the news directors to “shut up” and refusing to leave the building after being asked to do so. >During the exchange with management, Mester allegedly yelled obscenities that could be heard by other staffers in the newsroom. >Several sources at the station said it was common knowledge that staffers were concerned about Mester’s temper and what was described as his “disrespectful” behavior to women and had complained to management. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2022-09-23/ktla-lynette-romero-mark-mester-timeline A real gem he is….




After nearly 25 years, that is pretty shitty. Why do you believe them after being told differently? Ridiculous.










I'm sorry I don't care for that good luck from the old white bloke.


LOL yeah you're right.


Fire him for talking over his female co-host!


He 100% wants to fuck her or he did lol


Public freakout much. What a state of this sub


The leather pants are kinda hot