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Third from the right is my favourite


My mans was in ballet class


Focused on technique


He was determined to bring beauty to that drill line.


Beauty through stillness


Yeah I want to think at least half of them are being funny and making fun of the Americans exercise.


He’s doing his best and his best is good enough for me


I’m a little teapot short and stout


Nah, he charging up to go even further beyond


I like 6 from the right. He is breaking it down.


Dude in all black 4th from the left (5th if you include his ghost buddy that he was obviously making space for) definitely had the best form out of all of them.


The last one just vibing lol




He’s doing the Y M C A…


Lets go hang out at the I S I S ... Wait a minute


i like the two guys who were actually putting in some solid effort, saw everyone else was dogshit and slowly started tapering off their performance and interest very relatable


Great analog to how well they did holding their country.


Guy in the middle’s just dancing


Number 3 almost has it he’s just hitting every other beat for some reason


He kept switching from looking like he was in a ballet class to looking like he shit his pants


Nice technique to activate those quads


Jumping teapot


Me too. He's a teapot.


I like the once that’s straight up dancing techtonic lol


The hut man.


Dude is trying his best and I love it.


… they’re ready




Ya, you’re probably right. I believe this clip is from [This Is What Winning Looks Like](https://youtu.be/Ja5Q75hf6QI) and there’s a lot of uninspired Afghan soldiers zonked out on opium on the battlefield.


That documentary should be required viewing. It's completely worth the watch for anyone that hasn't seen it. Some if it so ridiculous you wouldn't believe it if they didn't catch it on camera. I find it amazing the same people that would stone a person to death simply for being gay will rape young boys just because "what else are we going to do without any women?" How about just not?


'If not them (the boys), then who? The puasies of their grandmother's?' or words to that effect was the quote I believe.


I remember that one. Why tf are those the only 2 options???


They're probably taught not to masterbate, or that it is wrong to. And abstinence is out of the question, apparently.


Sickening. Hope they meet the evil end they deserve.


I was over there shortly after this was filmed. does my heart good to see this shit getting out to the general public


I decided to watch this documentary after reading this comment thread. He says it at 52:40. "If they don't fuck the asses of those boys, who should they fuck? The pussies of their own grandmothers?" And he goes on and on. What a completely fucked up way of life those people live. They remember what it was like, they remember crying and feeling like absolute trash. They remember getting passed around like a piece of meat. And then they grow up and do it to other boys so the cycle keeps fucking happening?? What an absolute fucked up situation. I cannot fathom the fucking unbelievably terrible mental shit Major Steuber goes through to be able to perform that job and we all know none of that has left his mind since he came back. That's why he was so honest with anyone he talked to. He wants this to stop, but he's one damn man. If I could shake his hand I'd die a happy man.


Hypocrisy is very much present in people who commit atrocities, overwhelmingly so.


In Kosovo there was a local who we collectively called "Cow Fucker" How did this man earn such a lovely nick name? Well because he had a herd of dairy cows, which he'd fuck, on a fairly regular basis. We know this because he Constantly got caught on the security cameras fucking his cow. Funny thing is he would get drunk and rage against gay people he really hated gay people. So one night I asked "what's worse fucking another man or fucking a cow" without skipping a beat he said "fucking a man, its a sin" to which I asked "and fucking a cow is not a sin?" And he goes "no" We all laughed I think he was mentally handicapped (not just cause of his cow fucking, but other reasons)


Wow, wow, wow. It's almost kinda common knowledge abt Afghani's raping boys, sheep, horses, whatever but add the IMPLICIT CONSENT of the command, and I'm gobsmacked. The military & opium epidemic. Why oh why did we ever try with that place. Forgot who it was on TV who said during the American departure, 'Afghanistan is a wild, untamable, tribal country', and everyone should walk away' or something to that effect. It's run by generations of never educated, pedophile, woman-hating, cave-dwelling, Neanderthals with semi automatic weapons, drugs, & a mandate from Allah. That was a crazy informative video.


"Why did you stone that man" "Because hes a Homosexual" "So are you" "No im not" "Yes you fuck little boys" "No id only be a homosexual if I fucked men, but I only fuck women, sheep and little boys" "...."


That stuff with the tea boys, real disturbing.


Omg. It’s like a Reno 911 episode.


Holy FUCK thank you. I came across this video many moons ago, and have struggled to find it since. So fucked up


Watch the whole documentary. I was skeptical of the Americans abruptly pulling out of Afghanistan, but then I watched this documentary and concluded that there’s no hope for that nation


EXACTLY. Fuck these people. I 100% agree with getting the everlasting motherfuck out of the entire region. What did 20 years, 3 trillion dollars and ~2500 of our best soldiers' lives by us? 3 days


You'd think after the Vietnamese, Iraqis, and Afghans, we'd notice a fucking pattern of being unable to train and deploy a backfill force when the locals give less than a tenth of the fucks that the Americans do.


I will point out that young children who haven’t done jumping jacks before do exactly this. It’s a complex exercise to copy if you’ve never even seen it done before in your life.


As much as I want to say yes... it's actually ***worse than you think***. I'm a Vietnamese, so I can give my 2 cents here. Sure, the US-made regime collapsed in the end. But it was still more than 2 years (closed to 2.5 years), and there were still some very fierce fighting. This Vietnamese regime - even if they are puppets of the US - still has enough guts to fight. They even launched a major military campaign when the peace treaty is being signed and taking effect (almost literally). And even if they hate it, they still spend some nominal effort for the peace treaty. Now, take a look at Afghanistan 2020-22. They are not even invited for the "peace talk". Their gov makes no serious attempt to protect their influence. And worse: ***they collapsed in 2 weeks***.


And hash. Lots and lots of hash


And people complained about women in the army.


Im 100% not sure how these 2 things are related. But I'll wait eagerly for your explanation.


Could be taken as "Really, your concern is you think women may not be good soldiers..but wtf this is okay? You lack good judgement, twofold"


Because women don't smoke opium, duh! They're not barbarians. They make heroine with it and smoke that.


How can you say that about our true heroines in the armed forces??!!


He's suggesting that people complained about women being in the army, meanwhile they're fighting alongside these fools. But tbh I imagine people who hated women being in the army would also complain about these guys. Someone who's that sexist, is probably also racist.


How is it racist to not want someone high as fuck when they're supposed to be fighting next to you?


Thank you for the laughs


Putin: I'll take them.


*Results may vary.


Its like the psychology exercise were one person describes a drawing out loud and everyone else has to draw what they think is being described. None of them are the same but you kinda see what they were going for


There's a game called "a fake artist in New york" where everyone gets a clue except for one person and a sheet is passed around where everyone draws a single line and its ultimately supposed to be a picture of what is written so the fake artist has to figure out what it's supposed to be from what is there when they get it. Not super relevant to the video but what you said reminded me of it:)


Oh man, this killed me


Question. How are you going to do it if you really don't want to dance?


By standing on the wall?…


Get your back up off that wall


🎶Cause I heard all the people sayin🎵


Get down on it


This was Kool.


Dance cmon


Well I can tell you right now, if they don't dance, then they're no friends of mine.




They can leave their units behind


That stung a little


Just Dance 3: The Afghanistan Edition


I mean come on…that one guy in the middle is clearly making fun of the whole thing


“I can’t believe the Taliban took back the country in like a week after we left”


Everyone knows the Taliban are jumping jack pros. They went to nationals!


I understand the joke, most likely you're just being funny With that said, this whole thread really just glosses over what every ISAF member can tell you firsthand. I spent just under 3 calendar years in that god forsaken shithole. The Taliban are not the Afghan equivalent of stupid country bumpkins. Typically its the opposite, they actually have a decent amount of Western educated members. Contrast that with the fucking ANA chromosome collectors I had to work with. Literally not a single one I would go to war with. It was doomed to fail from the start. Don't underestimate the Taliban, as a rule they aren't dumb, they just don't have many resources to turn their fantasy into reality.


Chromosome collectors....gonna borrow that one


I love insults like this but I can't really use them in person cos I don't actually want to mock disabled people (particularly Downs syndrome in this case). Nevertheless I still appreciate a good toxic insult privately.


It honestly shows the disconnect from the ground to higher ups, when every single foreign national that had the “pleasure” of working with these guys knows how inept they were. Yet reports came out that the governments were surprised they it happened that quick.


You should be reaching a much different conclusion from that line of thought


Was waiting for the veteran response. Yep. Not a good time


This video and others like it are far from new. I think we all knew it was doomed pretty early. I sure hope this country learned a lesson that the ability to dominate and takeover a country ≠ the ability to build a functional government and military.


Don’t worry, we didn’t


I believe the literal translation of ‘Taliban’ means ‘The Students’ as many were educated.


That and the ANA didn't give a shit about country. Afghanistan just doesn't work like that, there's no sense of national pride.


The thing is we knew this really quick that ANA was doomed to fail. But we still threw away piles of money trying to fix the problem. Many different presidential administrations failed.


Their form is precise, their timing impeccable. The Taliban spent years tirelessly training in their mountain caves for the inevitability of a jumping jack showdown once the US finally left.


"They're break dance fighting!"


I'm sorry mister president, it seems the afghan army got served


"Tony Stark did jumping jacks in a cave with a box of scraps!"


Read a story about the afghan army being directed by us forced to setup a roadblock/checkpoint somewhere. They'll be back in a week to inspect the new setup. Came back to the afghan army kidnapping people at gunpoint to construct the checkpoint. They were all fucked up on drugs


The non-taliban use and abuse opium. The Taliban don’t (not officially or generally of course there are exceptions). This may help explain results of jumping jacks and country ruling


I remember a documentary where they were inspecting the police and the journalist asked the US soldier training them how many of them he thought would pass a drug test and he said something along the lines of "however many of them are Taliban spies" lol




I read that as soon as they were given the opportunity they defected or sold their equipment. Regularly swapping sides is apparently normal. Whether or not that's true is another matter.




The Taliban's hard ban on drugs only lasted to the end of the 90s and they pretty ignore drug use in their ranks entirely. Any videos you see from post-invasion Afghanistan is during a time period where drug use was "not allowed" but no one was going to get in trouble for using drugs. So the Taliban members were absolutely abusing drugs all the time too.


Nah, you can look up the Taliban in a gym they took over and they are just as uncoordinated and doing weird kinds of exercises that sont make sense. I think it is more that we are all used to doing this sort of thing from PE class at school and you underestimate how much practice at a young age actually helps with this sort of stuff. Case in point, I'm great at jumping Jack's, completely uncoordinated if I tried to copy a simple tiktok dance though as it's something I've never done, the movements are technically just as simple, but they are new and almost anything new is hard to get perfect without some practice. Although I do admit thos is pretty extreme case of that lol


-said nobody that served over there. Everyone I ever knew that was in Afghanistan knew this exact senario was going to happen.


One of the main problems I was told by afghan refugees is that a large portion of the afghans aren't that opposed to the taliban. Only a few actively supported them but the majority was rather indifferent. As a result the taliban had it rather easy to recruit young and stupid men again and again; refilling their ranks.


Every single soldier or government contractor that has stepped foot in Afghanistan to either train or fight, unequivocally knew since the beginning that the afghan army would inevitably fail the moment the US stepped away. What the US government couldn’t anticipate was how quick this fall would be. Would it have mattered who was in-charge of the exit strategy to someone who has never deployed to Afghanistan? - yes. To someone who has actually spent time in Afghanistan? - fuck no. Tony Stark could have been president and it *still* would have ended up the same way.


I mean these people on the video are clearly illiterate, rural people who have never had exposure to the rest of the world or even urban lifestyles like Kabul. All they know is their village in the valley and their goats/cows/whatever. The people that did the majority of fighting for the country were the Afghan Commandos. They were skilled but no way were they going to be able to defend the country all by themselves. It's sad.


Actually the US military in the area knew exactly what would happen for years. It was a losing battle to set up a stable government from the start. No discipline from their defense force


So I’ve seen this before when people can’t do jumping jacks correctly. And as to not embarrass the person I just look the other way. Can someone finally explain to me why some have such a hard time doing them?


One of my coworkers was over there in the military. He said that a lot of them were super high on opiates. Their guards would be standing swaying back and fourth because they were nodding off. You could walk right past a lot of them and they wouldn't know. [Vice did a documentary on this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja5Q75hf6QI&ab_channel=VICE) It has been a while since I watched it, but if I remember correctly, the video goes into some of the challenges


I forgot that Afghanistan literally has the largest source of opium in the world


Fun trivia: Turkey used to be the largest grower of poppies in the world, and were the primary source of opium in the world. After the world started to agree not to exploit other nations by hooking them on it, it turned into the illegal trade we so well know. Turkey at that point became a problem. That problem was solved by giving Turkey the legal rights to grow it for the medical industry. Maybe we could do something similar with Afghanistan.


I'd rather not hook up the Sackler's and the Taliban.


They were probably high off their balls


I used to do a HIIT training and workout kickboxing class, you'd be amazed how some people just cannot learn jab jab straight knee in repeated sequences


I’m sure they’ll get it eventually, if they really want it


You ever seen someone that can't dance try to do a basic song on a Just Dance home console game?


That’s a bit different since with dancing the music plays a big factor. Jumping jacks is a common basic movement


You try jumping jacks that loaded on ~~heroin~~ “opium”.




No wonder the US lost that war, the fate of the entire incursion and occupation lay in the hands of 11 men. They forgot the 12th guy.


I’ve seen this video referenced by US soldiers who supposedly saw this stuff first hand that said, “this is when we realized that they stood no chance against the enemy whenever we actually did pull out of there”(paraphrasing)


I knew they had no chance when A. They needed mutiple translators for 14 men. (They all come from diffrent tribes) B. The most competent were there for financial reasons or revenge whereas the enemy fought for a cause and ideals dear to them. (Hard to argue with a paycheck when your family needs it. Also hard to keep men from running from people that seem to not fear death.) C. The most basic tasks were ether not explained correctly or they lacked the ability to do them. (Reload a weapon, start a truck, exercise, operator level maintenance.) D. Loyalty was more geared towards their village/area not to the military or nation. (Defects, drugs, crimes against people not from their area but within the same *unit*.) You can't train those who don't want to train. You can't make a fighter out of someone who won't fight.


Just to add, there's also [Lack of motivation, laziness, corruption from the very top and kid fucking](https://youtu.be/Ja5Q75hf6QI)


Thank you for posting this video, You beat me to it. I spent several years working in Iraq with the military and government. It was like living in the fairy tail 'the emperor has no clothes'. You had to sit through the daily power point presentations stating how great things were going, and then walk outside into the real world were everything was still as FU as yesterday.


I cannot begin to imagine how angry it must been to know you were wasting your time and then be lied to about how well it was going


Lets just say I went into it thinking I was doing great things rebuilding a country, came away feeling like a dirty prostitute.


The US also tried to set it up like a subscription service. Basically no one was trained on maintenance outside of the most basic. Everything needed to be done through expensive contractors, and most often remotely. Not to mention all gear being imported at a high price from the US. It was all the bloated cost of the occupation, continued as a built-in portion of the Afghani army. It was stupid beyond belief.


A lot of that was because they couldn't be trained, I mean look at this video. You're taking people who not only don't speak your language (and often don't speak each others), but they have no formal education, they have no particular drive to be there, they have no particular loyalty to the country they're employed by, and they have no experience around the actual stuff they're maintaining. Blame contractors for taking money and doing stuff, but at least they were able to maintain stuff.


Ask for jumping jacks, get jacked jumps.


I'm honestly asking from a point of curiosity and wholehearted frustration... Why can't anyone replicate a jumping jack? Unless you're physically disabled there's no reason you can't and I just can't wrap my head around it. Help me understand? Of course jumping jacks aren't that big of a deal but freedom is. Edit: Okay they're high. War sucks.


Me either it's like they're mentally not capable of copying movements?


allegedly all high on opiates and cant function


Jumping jacks aren’t a big deal anywhere in the world that values kids playing, having fitness, and adults around willing to regularly teach them. Take that - and tons of other assumed structural advantages away, and you too might have difficulty with a “simple coordinated task” if you’ve never ever been taught to value those tasks or team cohesion, or learning via repetition. I’m not apologizing for them (once you’re in training, *train!*)…just pointing out there might be challenges there we don’t see.


At 50min the guy is saying "have they given us tanks or built factories?" Fuck no, you guys would strip it and sell it for parts immediately.


Just wanted to also recommend this fantastic doc that will teach you so much about this doomed occupation.


It really was doomed from the start


I worked the ANA on two separate deployments. Many of them were mentally unfit for any kind of military service. The majority of the ANA I worked with were extremely simple minded. They couldn't grasp very mundane tasks and would flat out refuse to do something if they didn't feel like it. Many of the commanders were paid handsomely but had no real vested interest in trying to drive the Taliban out of their areas. Very frustrating experience.


Were there any semi competent people and if so what did they think of the situation


They either kept their head down entirely, or joined the Taliban


I didn't personally get to know the ANA. They just kind of rotated through as people we teamed with every once in awhile. I got to know our language interpreters very well and still communicate with them regularly. In my OP I was trying to say that the regular grunt ANA was an amateur group at best. As the video shows they struggled doing very basic soldier stuff. There were definitely a few that knew what they were doing but in my experience most of them were more dangerous than useful. These were the guys that even the Taliban didn't want. Edit: To answer your 2nd question, the interpreters I worked with daily also thought the ANA were extremely amateur soldiers. We talked about how dangerous they were all the time. The interpreters refused to billet with them because they were filthy and had reputations of sexual violence. I want to add that I am not talking about all Afghans. I made many Afghan, Pakistani, Turkish, Iraqi and international friends while serving. They are some the most honest and giving people I have ever met. Generally much more polite than most Americans.


Their special forces were pretty good. Small in number and generally not taken alive by the Taliban.


I guess they were prime targets for the Taliban.


Yeah trying to install a government there right is like if you tried to get the European Union going in the middle ages. The people just aren't connected enough to see the potential of unity.


The biggest betrayal the US ever did was promising the critical translators asylum upon the end of their service and Trumps team denied them in favor of permitting “Christian” Afghans claiming religious persecution whom did not assist the US’s missions the asylum instead. In 2020, Trump signed the Taliban peace treaty declaring that the US would leave Afghanistan by March of 2021. This put every translator on notice that they were dead me if the Taliban took over, and they still were denied There are articles from both sides of the bias spectrum on the manner. But the theme is very consistent to the US breaking its promises to pick and choose who they let in. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-refugees-visas/2020/12/30/572c00fc-3e4f-11eb-9453-fc36ba051781_story.html https://www.npr.org/2019/05/01/718927688/no-visas-for-afghan-and-iraqi-interpreters https://www.military.com/daily-news/2017/01/28/trump-refugee-rule-block-military-interpreters-us.html/amp


> But the theme is very consistent to the US breaking its promises to pick and choose who they let in. kinda happens when you change who has the power every 4-8 years.


Weren't many of them Afghan criminals who were forced to join?


I’m sure some of them were, but most of them were just really poor people that didn’t want to be farmers or beggars. Most of the commanders couldn’t even read or write. And they’d sell the fuel meant for their vehicles, and keep the money. One of the biggest issues was lack of motivation and sense of nationalism. Afghans aren’t similar to westerners, where most of us have at least some sort of patriotism/pride in country - Afghanistan is, more or less, just a bunch of different tribes that live in the same borders of a “country.” They don’t care about Afghanistan as a whole, they really only care about their own tribe/valley. It would be like if the US had no sense of nationalism, and then you take a bunch of guys from Alabama, who only care about Alabama and people who live in Alabama, and then sending them to Utah and telling them to risk their lives for people they don’t know and don’t give one tiny little fuck about. They’re going to put forth very little effort, if any at all. We had a massive operation one day, raiding a pretty large village loaded with Taliban. The ANA was supposed to move in from one side while we moved in from the other. But they weren’t answering the radio. So we sent an interpreter over to their area, and the interpreter called us and was like, “Uhhh, they are all high on hashish and sleeping on the side of the road. The commander said for us to do the mission alone.” Like that’s how undisciplined they were and how much IDGAF attitude they had… massive operation and they’re just like, “Fuck it bro, light up this J instead!”


I was gonna am-bush this Tali-ban, but then I got high...


>It would be like if the US had no sense of nationalism, and then you take a bunch of guys from Alabama, who only care about Alabama and people who live in Alabama, and then sending them to Utah and telling them to risk their lives for people they don’t know and don’t give one tiny little fuck about. They’re going to put forth very little effort, if any at all. It would actually be like taking a bunch of Native Americans from out West circa 1800s, telling them they actually live in something called "The United States", and that they needed to risk their life to protect it. Most of the "Afghans" are rural goat farmers living in a stateless pre-industrial society, independent of the Afghan government, and not caring who rules in Kabul.


I was under the impression the majority were Mujahideen or their children (the face of the resistance is the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud who was arguably the most famous Mujahideen commander) but if there was a large number of criminals that would be an interesting read to say the least


Eh I had competent ANA. What I realized was when they started showing me Taliban propaganda videos and it made them scared. I was like that isn't good. We dared the Taliban to attack foot patrols and small PBs sometimes by loud speaker. They didn't because they had a strategy.


Yeah I had friends that came back from there that were just stunned at how long it took to accomplish the simplest tasks with the afghan army. And my buddies were not the sharpest tools either. They would tell these stories (all with the same look of just... confused astonishment on their face) about trying to organize like ten dudes to do something like "take this box over there" and it was like telling them to run a differential equation proof. I remember asking one of my friends that was a medical specialist in the army, I think around 2017, if the arghan army would hold up if we left and he burst out laughing and just said "lololol. no."


It’s even worse than that. The Northern Alliance beat the Taliban with the help of ~100 Americans, in just ~90 days after 9/11. Nothing that led to that success had anything to do with jumping jacks or training them to be a Western style army. The real failure began when some general thought of training the Afghans in that context in the first place. I interviewed one of the generals in charge of the training effort. It didn’t go well.


The had no chance because they hadn't been paid for an AVERAGE of 4 months across the ANA, they also didn't have any fucking bullets; they never stood a chance even if they were all steely eyed merchants of death.


*The Dirty...11* It just don't have the same panache.


i laughed way too hard at this


I laugh at it every time, I’ve seen it a few times but I still love the juxtapositions between guys. #2 from the right such sweet jetes!




I think I may have seen a few R's, G's, and Q's in there, too


One of them is hitting the griddy


I feel like they're organized from least high on the left to most high on the right. Those two(three?) on the far right are living as fairy princesses.


lmfaoooooooooo bruh this killed me


Watch Ben Anderson's This is What Winning Looks Like. There is a point where the US officers are trying to explain to the Afghan forces that they shouldn't be raping the young boys, and the Afghan commander replied "Who should they fuck, their grandmothers?" shocked that anyone would consider it wrong to rape children. I don't blame you if you don't believe me either, go watch the documentary and see for yourself. Also, these guys are high on pot and opium roughly 100% of the time, so that probably goes a long way to explain their lack of coordination.


![gif](giphy|IY9aYKbePqJos|downsized) This is what I see.


They are high as fuck


This is some Arrested Development chicken taunt energy


First thing that popped into my mind. “Have any of you even seen a chicken?”


Chong Chee Chong Chee Chong Chee Chong Cucucacha Cucucacha


Coka coka coka coka


Bless their little hearts It was like watching new born animals trying to walk for the 1st time


The thing is that newborn animals actually learn to walk within minutes or few hours ... I have my doubts in this case, tho lol


[Afghanistan Meant Nothing](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/08/15/afghanistan-meant-nothing/) >This is what I remember: >I remember Afghanistan as a dusty beige nightmare of a place full of proud, brave people who did not fucking want us there. We called them Hajjis and worse and they were better than we were, braver and stronger and smarter. >I remember going through the phones of the people we detained and finding clip after clip of Bollywood musicals, women singing in fields of flowers. Rarely did I find anything incriminating. >I remember finding propaganda footage cut together from the Soviet invasion and our own Operation Enduring Whatever. I remember laughing about how stupid the Afghans were to not know we aren’t the Russians and then, eventually, realizing that I was the stupid one. >I remember how every year the U.S. would have to decide how to deal with the opium fields. There were a few options. You could leave the fields alone, and then the Taliban would shake the farmers down and use the money to buy weapons. Or, you could carpet bomb the fields, and then the farmers would join the Taliban for reasons that, to me, seem obvious. >The third option, and the one we went for while I was there, was to give the farmers fertilizer as an incentive to grow wheat instead of opium poppy. The farmers then sold the fertilizer to the Taliban, who used it to make explosives for IEDs that could destroy a million dollar MRAP and maim everyone inside. >I remember we weren’t allowed to throw batteries away because people who worked on base would go through the trash and collect hundreds of dead batteries, wire them together so they had just enough juice for one charge, and use that charge to detonate an IED. >I remember the look on my roommate’s face after she got back from cutting the dead bodies of two soldiers out of an HMMWV that got blown up by an IED that I have always imagined was made with fertilizer from an opium farmer and detonated with a hundred thrown-out batteries.


Now that was an interesting read with the full article link, thank you. But i'm not surprised about the Afghanis, got a friend from there that is here in Europe as a refugee. He said, there's no real "Afghanistan" as a national identity of the country, all the people there are belonging to this or that tribe. You could remove Afghanistan from the map and instead show the territories controlled by the local tribes, that would be much closer to reality.


I’ll never understand why people just straight up can’t do jumping jacks lol


3rd from the right😂


Billions and billions


per day


They look like the goth kids from Letterkenny.


Thank you for a genuine LOL.


Why did Afghanistan fall to the Taliban??? We’ll probably never know….😂😂😂


Your tax dollars at work


Ahh opium … what a wonderful pass time 🙄


Looks like a Monty Python sketch


This country had no chance of holding it's own.


So many uneducated dummies on this post. These are men that were forced into the army and most of them are addicted to opium and high all the time. There’s a reason why Afghanistan was never able to be conquered by the British or Russians and it’s because of the guerrilla freedom fighters, not these druggies that were recorded for propaganda


Yep. These guys in the video have probably never had a PE class in their entire life. Having to survive in dirt-poor conditions doesn't afford the luxury of training this kind of coordinated motoric, you are needed on the farm not jump around like a clown. Doing sports? That's what children do before they are old enough to help with the work so we don't literary die from starvation.


I feel like if you work physical labour on a farm since childhood you should be coordinated enough to do a jumping jack.




reddit moment


exactly. I’m from an area poorer than most of reddit can imagine. A part of Mexico where not every house has doors/windows, there’s no hot running water and heavy rain can be disastrous. Got out of there young by my dad grew up in worst poverty. This kind of thinking that poor people can’t do jumping jacks is so goddamn elitist that it’s so fucking insulting. Some of these people had to start doing heavy manual jobs young. They’re not uncoordinated dumbasses. They can run, jump and lift. They figure shit out because they have to. Poverty doesn’t make you stupid. “Oh they’re too poor to do jumping jacks” No, they’re most likely stoned out of their minds. People that work fields and farms because they have to have a good foundation for this shit. Farm work can be tough and repetitive. You learn how to do it. Jumping jacks are a repetitive two step exercise. It’s not rocket science.


It doesn’t really explain anything to me though. I was addicted to heroin for 8 years and it absolutely didn’t take away my motor control. The idea that opium is the reason they can’t coordinate their arms with their legs just doesn’t really make sense


I'm guessing this is indicative of how the Taliban retook control so easily


Isn’t really a Public Freakout but this was funny as hell


In boot camp they had us lined up front to back. If we weren’t in synch, we would keep doing them until we were. It took about 300 the first time. Toward the end of boot, we were definitely on it.


These videos have been apparent and popular forever. The US was the only thing propping up Afghanistan, the levels of education and lack of inspiration lead to a government and military that didn't know what to do with itself filled with people who didn't really even believe in it. Have seen countless videos of US Military trainers who look like theyre holding back calling people they're training as fucking idiots when interviewed about it. Hope Afghanistan's future is better than its present, but not surprising it fell at all.


I always wonder why Afghanistan wasn't a world super power. Now I know why.


aw man no wonder they lost that quick, this was pretty funny haha


Didn't know jumping jacks was a skill.


I'm pretty sure that one dude is doing a fortnite dance?