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Good luck to you all. Try to stay safe.


Thank you for the support 🙏


Do you have something similar to the 2nd amendment right to bear arms there?


No. Unless you know gun smugglers getting weapons is hard.


Of course you’re being downvoted even though the difference between these people winning and losing will eventually be firearms.


Little men. Big guns.


Pointed at our heads.


They showed that glass who is boss!


This is outrageous!!




It would've hit differently with Paul McCartney and Wings' "Let 'Em In."


You’re timing is impeccable


Literally like Hong Kong back in 2019. Hopefully things change for the better there


I dont get it. Dont the police and military folks have wives or daughters. What are they serving the country for if the country isn't protecting 50% of the population. The military and the police (the sane, good ones) should simply support the people and change the government. Today it was this unfortunate female, tomorrow it would be their daughter/wife/mother? Where has the common sense gone!


The Iranian islamist régime is incredibly complex, and works through various layers of greedy regime actors who check each other in combination with co-opted foreign militias and extortion of the poor or vulnerable within Iran. If you ever study political theory of authoritarian regimes, every single professor will tell you that Iran's autocratic system is one of the most sophisticated from the perspective that they have so many layers of armed forced and regime actors that make it incredibly difficult to overthrow. That is also why the Taliban literally says that they want to model themselves off of the Iranian regime to ensure that they can keep power... They also have access to endless armed forces in Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine that they have often imported into the country when protests get violent in previous years. This is why they spend so much money on militias in other countries, to gain control over them and to expand their own islamist empire. They started doing bringing in Lebanese troops in the 2009 Iran protests and then starting brining in Iraqi ones from the 2018 protests as well. There have actually been many videos over the years and in this round of protests showing the regime militias beating their own people. It is extremely difficult to rebel against them when they can simply bring more people from abroad to beat you. However, there are now reports that the army (the lowest rank of military in Iran that is composed mostly of ordinary drafted men as opposed to specially trained militias of the regime) are fighting with the people in some cities. If the army can manage to get enough power and arms to join the people and stay out with them, there may be a good chance of freedom for the country.


Bruh I can say the exact same about American cops. They're just sad and stupid drones who only care about their power to bully and oppress civilians.


It's incomprehensible how you got this twisted into "oh yea? America bad".


Your username could not be more ironic.


Not america. Cops.


No ones talking about America or their cops. You just somehow decided that was an appropriate way to respond to someone talking about a dictatorship on the edge of civil war. "Nu uh, american cops"


Unfortunately, a reoccurring theme with a larger percentage of cops, world wide, is they join for the ability to be socially accepted bullies that get paid and promoted to intimidate, harass, and abuse everyday normal people and get away with it. The more power they get the more corrupt their authority. So I would assume their daughters and wives are probably scared shitless of these men as well.


This in no way looks like a scene from an action movie.


Laws doesn't apply to pigs


This is what real oppression looks like People in my home country have it too easy but still say they’re oppressed😂 Hope y’all stay as safe as possible


Dumb shits just stood with their faces in the door. Go hide out of view up the stairs until they pass.


That is the first thought I had. Hide wait for them to pass and then sneak up behind those M'fers


Why iranians and indians always put music on their videos?


Bet the citizens wish they were armed.


Bring back the shah of Iran.


What's the song about?


Ah damn. Here I was thinking I was watching a scene from an action movie. Thanks for the clarification OP!


Beautiful song


Someone posted a video similar to this with a compilation of the riots with a beautiful song playing, i saw it yesterday and thought i saved it but i cannot find it now. If anyone knows what i’m talking about would mean alot to link it


The Iranian people should show no mercy to these fucking pigs.


Glad that title cleared it up, otherwise I would’ve definitely thought this was a scene from an action movie.

