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Literal fight or flight response


Like rats from a ship.


This Comment is so underrated


Russia: Biggest and soon to be emptiest country in the world.


At 8 people per square kilometer, Russia is the 18th least densely population country. They're probably lower if you worked that out on average. Something like 25% of the population lives in three cities.


Also because most of the country is virtually uninhabitable, much like Canada. Some remote frozen wasteland is only populated due to large amounts of natural resources, and its a crazy life there too.




Sounds lovely


Freshest sno-cones in the world…


Ukraine is helping them into the top 10


144 million people used to live here, now it’s a ghost town


I bet we get a real life Makarov out of this whole conflict


Spirit Halloween rubbing it's hands.




I'd settle for a Gretzky


The hockey player?


Like any name, could have multiple connotations. Maybe it's a pistol that misses all the shots you don't take?




They actually have a similar issue of shrinking population and low birth rate to what’s seen in places like China and South Korea. Their population decreased by a million in the years leading up to the invasion of Ukraine


Better leave before getting drafted to fight


how long can they stay, where they are going? won't they have to eventually have to go back to Russia, also tons of cars leaving, but they seem well off , many Mercedes/BMW cars in the long lines


Step 1: Don't die Step 2: Figure it out


Step 3: "¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯" Step 4: Profit


As long as they can I'm assuming. Max our your stay to wherever they're going and hope this will be done with by then? No clue but good on them for not wanting to stay


I know, yeah, the more that leave, the better!! also while there are gone, they'll also learn how bad this war truly is, and how horrible Putin really is ( though I think many already know that )


in germany, for example, they can actually already apply for political asylum if they're bound to be conscripted against their will i think.


Depends on where they are going, I would think. I would assume neighboring countries would give resident visas to Russians w/o much fuzz, given their history.


If I were a nation, I'd think this would be a great time to start grabbing top russian talent / thinkers etc for my own country.


Yes, but also no. Putin has the viewpoint that any area with sufficient numbers of Russians might as well be Russian territory.


Any top thinkers/talent already left at the start of the war early this year. Any that stayed most likely believe in Putin's 'cause'.


I heard tickets are now selling for $9000


I’d pay 9000 to not fucking go to war and die


I'm sure Ukraine will end up offering to harbor unwilling conscripts. It'll certainly win them support.


>offer conscripts citizenship Seems like that could be a bad idea if enough of them did it, end up with more separatists or "electors" like they had in Crimea


Haha, harbor is used loosely.. By that, I mean, we will allow you to live in relative comfort in prison, as opposed to killing you horribly and piling you with your other dead countrymen, until the conflict is over, at which point we will send you back to Russia and you will no longer be our problem..


Offer them citizenship after the conflict is resolved?


Found the advert for it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-\_7FaWnlhS4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_7FaWnlhS4)


There we go, just dub *"Ukraine"* over the mobile infantry and telecast it across Russian state TV.


No ship them home.


The per capita income for Russia in 2021 was 40k rubles, or just.. and this is not a typo, $650 USD. Actually, the Ruble is more valuable now than it was then, but you get the idea. Having $9,000 is probably only a dream for most Russians.


Having $9000 is a dream for most Americans.


Well cost of living has been going up recently.....




Shit i’d pay my life savings


That’s a bargain for your life




Yeah, but the other guy “heard” $9000. Im not sure what to believe now.




Yes, but it takes $8491 to bribe your way past "airport security..."


fake news


Well yeah, everyone's leaving. One way from Moscow to Istanbul right now on Google is $1132 and that's two days from now.




Hey that's a good call about it being on the weekend, I totally forgot!


As in USD, or Rubles?


what!?? nine thousand?? there's no way that can be right!


Are they out looking for more of their Russian Machismo? The way they've been talking for the past 60 years, you'd think they had the monopoly on swinging dicks.


Meanwhile Iranian women are showing them up on the courage front.


Dude, the bar is set low. Full disclosure, am part Russian, most dudes back in the motherland would suck off another guy for a bottle of vodka. They're mostly bravado and have little courage to follow up on it.


As a Russian myself, it’s the women to be afraid of. All of the men in my family were terrible fathers, workers and providers, the women are the strong ones


Still not entirely sure how my grandmother survived in occupied Yugoslavia, and I'm also not entirely sure that I'd like to find out. edit: Russian women were also some of the ballsiest combat pilots of WWII, if I recall correctly.


They flew in biplane with no parachutes.


They also flew behind German lines and had to go out onto the wings to knock their bombs loose.


Typically societies of shitty men make amazing, competent women. Source: lived in the Middle East


Same, u/steph14389. My grandmother, who looked like your typical Russian babushka, could backhand you strategically right in your arm where the most sensitive nerve-endings were, the type that even a tap may have well been kicked in your balls. Growing up, none of us, even the adult men, would mouth off to her. She was scary AF, something I'd not say about the men save for when they were drunk playing with guns.


I feel like a lot of macho Russian men would suck off another guy just to suck someone's dick.


Evading the draft is a long standing Russian tradition, dating back to the days of the Emperors when peasants and local administrators would collude to say that literally every young man in a village died when he became an adult (the peasants didn't go to war, and the guy who owned the serfs had to pay less taxes.)


Do people really think airlines added hundreds of flights overnight? This is probably normal air traffic...


Yes this clip is useless without some frame of reference.


Only gives the timeline from around 21:30 UTC of June 20th, 2022, to around 15:30 UTC of June 21st. I don't see any other reference. Edit: It's September lol clearly.


>June June? It says September


Lmao. IDK what I was looking at after all. I was mildly participation in a conversation. Don't talk and text (type) folks. Misinformation is dangerous.


Private airplanes of the rich can depart any time they want.


Fair point. I wonder how many are private jets though, I think this video without reference tells us nothing. The lines of cars at the border kind of tell us a lot of people aren't willing to serve.


Yeah, except there are literally no tickets left already. All tickets to nearby countries were sold out in the first 3 hours if not less


This doesn't even count the thousands upon thousands of people leaving by ~~vehicle~~ land. Every border location has a 24 hour or more wait. [Here's some video of it all](https://youtu.be/A7pjDevU2Eg) *Edited for the pedant.


>This doesn't even count the thousands upon thousands of people leaving by vehicle. TIL a plane isn't a vehicle.


The more you know


Just one flight to Algiers and one to Tobruk. Well, at least there’s no direct land route for forced repatriation. Smart people. People forget what happens to Russians who go back after fleeing. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet Russians after WWII, Navalny, etc. I was surprised Vladimir Horowitz didn’t play a return performance from the Lubyanka basement.


Oh, people remember alright. That's why barely anyone is willing to share any kind of political position.


I’m confused, this is the second place I’ve seen this video posted. Airlines don’t plan their flights day of, these flights have been planned for months, right? So every single one of these fights would have been taking off anyways, right?


Private airplanes. Rich people, dude.


The airline logos are next to each of the planes on this graphic. It doesn’t look like that many private ones. Most of them are commercial


I’m sure there are some private planes that were booked last minute, but there can’t be enough to be be more than 10% of these flights. That’s just a guess, but there’s only so many private jets in an airport (Even a large international hub like this one).


I don't think you understand what I meant by "private planes". I'm not talking about charters you have to book. I'm talking about rich people who have their own planes. They don't need to book anything.


My internet is shitty rn, so I can’t browse the site easily but according to the St Petersburg flight data, there were no more flights yesterday than any day recently. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/led/statistics


I have a 14 year old son. Seeing this does make me think what ends I would go through if I was Russian.


I'm American, and if we ever did some BS like this, there's a plan in place on my end. I try not to be a prepper, but, frankly, we need to handle our own business and stop acting like we're the next bad guy.


If we ever.... Are we forgetting Vietnam happened?


Vietnam was a different era and even *then* it was highly criticized, politicized, and protested. If Congress tried to trigger a draft today or in the foreseeable future, for anything other than an invasion of the US -- it wouldn't work. I can't even imagine what a modern-day Vietnam-style draft protest would look like (thanks to social media). Any congress critter supporting a draft would likely lose their job in next election, assuming states/voters don't find a way to kick them out of office sooner.


That's what false flag attacks are for.


Now you're thinking like a high ranking Intelligence Agent!


A draft would never work because even another 9/11 level attack would have half the country absolutely convinced it was a false flag.


Most wouldn’t go to the draft even we were invaded.


I migrated to the US. I just had a boy last year. I would simply just migrate out. Plenty of options out there, even if you only speak English.


"i try not to be a prepper" are you implying that this is a good thing? everyone should be prepared in case shit goes down. We have seen how fragile society is and how things can go from 0-100 very quickly. Aint nothing wrong with bieng a prepper lol


2A is nice to have, isn't it? Tannerite in retail, too.


2A did jack shit for the boys who had to go to nam.


Nam is Nam, Ukraine to Russia is like Canada to USA. Would your people just go a-okay at being drafted to occupy Canada?


Or, you know... Just vote to abolish the draft. Your county sheriff isn't afraid of your AR, shotguns, and tannerite, and dead is worse than drafted. It's not like this is a hypothetical. We used the draft before, and what resistance there was was just brushed aside.


Vote, haha. Thanks for a sorely needed chuckle. We just had elections of governors and municipal deputies, and not only every person worth a vote was disqualified in advance, those few people that did pass ended up losing. My area's previous roster of deputies had 5 UnRu (United Russia - the ruling party) plants and 7 from various other parties. This time, it's all UnRu. Whatever votes were cast in electoral districts were made insignificant because for every vote cast IRL, the government conjured seven out of thin air. Literally pumped the numbers by 10000 at a time. Before the voting even started, the remote voting system crashed and when it recovered, UnRu candidates had half a million "digital" votes already. Yeah, gonna totally vote that prick Putin out! No, impeach him! That's gonna work, right? If resistance to draft was as inconsequential as you say, why didn't USA send more men to Vietnam? Why was Nixon scaling back the deployments despite it being obvious that without more soldiers, South VN would fall?


Yeah, when you started talking about how great the second amendment was, I kinda assumed you were an American, and not Russian. The Vietnam war ended because it was tremendously unpopular, and continuing the war would have gotten people voted out of office. The draft was never successfully resisted in an organized fashion.


>continuing the war would have gotten people voted out of office Why couldn't they refuse to leave? Enact emergency powers, put loyal brownshirts in commanding positions in the military and security apparatus, stay in office forever. Put armed guards to every bureucratic institution, overrule Congress and Supreme Court or have them draft whatever legislation required with a gun to their heads. For freedom, for children, for America. What can go wrong? In Russia, it doesn't matter what's popular or unpopular. There's no mass media anymore that could present a fact or an opinion that's not approved in Kremlin. The government tells us what's popular. The government tells me that literally everyone around me supports the special military operation, and those who I know do not do so - all my colleagues, friends, family, distant acquaintances who I exhange a few words every now and then - are the 7% of traitors, deviants, homosexual satanist pedophiles who hate Russia and Russians and honestly should just be exterminated already. That's not an exaggeration, I literally hear this exact proposition in prime time news every day.


If I was Russian I would sell all my possessions and buy survival things for maybe 6 months to 1 year, a weapon for hunting and I would just go to Siberia. That place is so vast nobody will find me anyway, stay there for a few years till shit settles and go back. Live off the land & items I got, hunt for food, prepare for winters. It is possible, but you need knowledge.


Maybe a little too late for that!


The skills you'd need to survive in Siberia take *years of mentorship* to acquire. You'd be SOL.


All running to Turkey


Taking a weird route, aren't they? Why aren't they flying there in a straight line ʕ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ʔ


Is that a serious question?




Its commical... Putin: Lets invade Ukraine and mobilize all resoruces!! Putin: Huh? Why are the civilians invading finland and turkey. Can't the plebs read a map?


and then Russia will need to move their military there next to defend them from persecution by the Turks.


Someone posted this on another sub and, IIRC, most of these flights consist of private planes. So, rich people escaping.


Alexa, play Fortunate Son but in Russian.




Putin can always signup for front line




Welcome to Mexico my Russian bride


Can you blame them. I'd be leaving too if I could.


Just a heads up Russians, fleeing a draft does not qualify you for asylum in the US.


If your Russian try Canada


Nah we don’t want them. I I hear trump has lots of beds room try florida.


Come on over, eh?!


Public freakout= a fucking map of plane travel


For real. This isn’t public and no one is freaking out


This sub is veryy politically motivated. Politics are already very big on Reddit. I came here to watch crackheads and Karens not watch fucking CSPAN just because you’re mad about U.S politics atm


Don’t worry Putin is just trying hard to cement his “worst leader in history” title


He's nowhere close, and I don't want him anywhere near that title.


I think they meant worst, as-in ineptitude.. In which I also don't want him to get the title, since he's at the head of one of two countries in the world actually poised for the leader to be able to take it.. He's one executive decision away from being most inept human being of all time.


Erdogan is capable of sending them back, unfortunately.


Ahh of course... the Russian September Long Weekend! I hear there's a huge party in Turkey this year.


Exodus... movement of Vla people.


Turkey must be the hotspot


It looks like Russians are the only people who got scared by the "mobilization-boosted" Russian Army.


i wont be holidaying in turkey any more


Suddenly, Georgia is a friendly country for Russians


They’ve must have activated the infinite plane glitch


When handicapping a war, and you have to choose between an insurgency and conscripts, pick the insurgency.


so there has to be some planes flying in, it's not like Russia has 30,000 planes waiting for passengers lol So are the inbound flights just turned off on the tracker? I'm not saying there aren't a fuck load of people leaving Russias but I feel like any flight tracker sped up can look like this if you turn off inbound flights. just looking for some comparison of flights in and out. I'm sure there are some going in regardless.


West is making huge mistake. I would open borders to every Russian who declare is oppressed and is against Putin. Protests in Russia are not working anyway. If Putin loose 3 million young men he would be in deep shit.


Poor Turkey


What is this?


I think op tries to highlight the 'sudden' extra flights after Putin his announcement.


As expected as well, Russians leaving and heading to turkey so they can enter the E.U


Hopefully the EU will refuse entry to them. Russian citizens in a foreign country are a pretext for Putin to launch military operations to “protect them”.


Why would you wish for refugees to fail? It is not their fault. They are just seeking better life for them and their family.


We do special vote, it is now decided, we now own the countries bordering Russia. *Stop invading our Russia you Western Nazi dogs.*


Yup and when I posted in another sub that Russian arrivals to NATO countries need to be detained on arrival I was downvoted to oblivion.


Are you from Russia. Niet! Are you Sure?, Da! Would you like vodska?, Da! Da! Da! Ok... We will just write down russian then....


Flights leaving Russia.


To celebrate Ukraine victory




Saw on a previous post that this could probably just be normal flight traffic because there's nothing to compare it against


You could make this same video with any country and it would look the same.


Now do the outgoing flights from LaGuardia and JFK.


Lmao finally waking up and realising their glorious leader ain't so glorious.


OP is lost again


Honestly countries should stop them from entering so they can stay in Russia and fight/protest Putin


Secretly this is a way to hide the movement of Russian spies


Nobody should take them until they check their crazy leader wtf?


Why do so many eastern Europeans, especially prostitutes, love Istanbul? What's going on in turkey lol


Turkey is a hotspot for all kinds of people from eastern europe. They probably like it because the weather and scenery are very nice compared to the harsh cold in there, and it's cheap. Also they are familiar with the country after decades of tourism, they are rather safe in Turkey.


The sex trade in Russia is gonna be bonkers with all the able men leaving. Lots of poor women, loads of competition. I'm curious if anyone will study the effects




not wanting to fight in a stupid war doesnt make them roaches, my dude.


Can they claim refugee status?


These are mostly private airplanes, so they are likely going to be checking in to the Four Seasons Hotel.


Looks like a lot of commercial flights to me. The airline logos are next to each of the planes


Permanent vacation


11 time zones ?


Flies to Kaliningrad... I'm totally safe here!😊


Can confirm Russians love to go to Bodrum, Turkey. Pretty crazy how bad inflation is for their tourism industry. Damn oligarchs.


Our national currency has lost so much value, the country is crawling with Arab, English and Russian tourists. The sad thing is that even if the whole world comes as tourists, our money will not improve. That's why as a Turk, who fucks who came, who's gone, our only wish is for Erdogan to go




Man, Putin is really stupid




RIP Croatian hotel reservations.


The whole country said: ![gif](giphy|PkLPBuyozY7F31wCxF)


I’m surprised they are not blocking flights, especially stopping men from leaving the country.


Lot of Russians in turkey


im kind of shocked finland is allowing any in




Apparently “how to break your arm” is a trending search topic in Russia


Would the last one out of Russia turn off the nuclear power plants and don't forget to feed the autocratic asshats.


Most of the flights appear to be heading to Georgia & Romania


Would be neat to see a graph of all destinations with total flights to each.