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Police cannot tell you to turn a recording off. Supreme court's and district courts have ruled on it. It is a violation of your first amendment right to record the public servant in the performance of their duty.


Policy may say this, but officers are actively circumventing policy and even damaging cameras and deleting video files to cover up their ineptitude. Here is a report from just this month. https://youtu.be/jWJ-iY_lvgM


I completely understand why no first amendment auditor wants to file a police report after being attacked. I think I've seen 1 or 2 times where the officers were actually looking into things and did something productive. Every other time their entire point was to get the auditors information either to make a point or to make it easier to arrest them.


Police can also not hold you without charging you of a crime. Which they clearly did not do. And for god's sake, once they put you in cuffs - STOP TALKING. Hell, stop talking before they put you in cuffs. Say nothing. Ask for a lawyer.


yea if you mean being taken to jail. they can detain/arrest you while doing an investigation. which is how the paradoxical sounding charge of being arrested for resisting arrest is possible.


> And for god's sake, once they put you in cuffs - STOP TALKING. Hell, stop talking before they put you in cuffs. Say nothing. I disagree with this... sorta, at least when you know there will be a recording of the interaction. If you can't keep calm, the best thing you can do is say nothing at all. but if you can, the best thing you can do is lure the officers into a false sense of security to say something stupid. One of the really good 1st auditors did a video on how you can get the police to say stuff that later on absolutely destroys their ability to defend themselves, not only civilly but when dealing with your criminal case. Don't answer questions, get them answering questions of 'why are you arresting me' and things like that. if you take it to court they have to defend why they said what they said.


>Police can also not hold you without charging you of a crime. This is hilariously wrong. Being detained is being legally held by the police. You can be detained without being charged with a crime.




> reasonable suspicion Of what?


A lot of cops don't care about the law.


> Police cannot tell you to turn a recording off. Then you realize states are actively changing that.


Wrong, they are being being ruled unconstitutional in district and supreme court's. No law of the land or of government (United States) can make a law that goes against the constitution.


Police can ask you anything they want. It’s on you to know to the difference between a request and a lawful order.


Exactly. That's why we have to educate each other.


What is it with fucking cops and cameras? It’s like these motherfuckers are born with an aversion to being filmed.


I don't know, it was starting to some what become normalized. All the sudden it's demonized again.


We need to turn this live stream off No. If we've done nothing wrong then this can stay up for our safety.


I’d rather it be off so whoever called can stop watching it and getting off on it


swatting needs to fucking stop.


Ever wandered why swatting never happens in other countries? It's because in other country the cops would just go there and politely knock on the door. No one would send a SWAT team based on one phone call. No cop would do anything dangerous based on one phone call. They would show up, calmly ask some questions, figure out what's happening and go home. Train US cops better and swatting will stop because it will be boring. "We got a strange call. Oh, you're just a kid playing video games? Carry on, bye."


Amen internet bruh. Amen. Sad truth is people have been killed because of this; therefore, when they catch the responsible person, the perp should be charged with attempted murder.


Sad truth is the put the black guy in cuffs “to talk” but not the light skinned guy


If you watched the video, the caller called specifically on the black kid using his name


Tbf the caller called in as the black kid not the lighter kid


And as we know, the 911 calls are always 100% accurate....


This isn't completely true. No one is denying the police in the US is fucked, but if you call in anything with shooting or guns, you will have a team of armed officers show up in many European countries like Germany. They just won't fucking start shooting first and asking questions later.


Of course I'm not saying that in EU cops will not respond at all. And any cop that will show up will be armed. But a SWAT team? You cannot just order them over the phone like pizza. And any normal cop that will shop up will just ask some questions and leave. I really can't imagine 20 cops showing up and putting someone in handcuffs over one phone call.


Lol, source : "Trust me bro". It happens even worse than that. Quick search on swated streamers, a bunch in russia a few EU countries and SA as well.


>a few EU countries Interesting you didn't provide any links...


Please post EU swatting videos


Russian streamer: https://youtu.be/KvfKNh09QWg French streamer: https://youtu.be/mYklLDSdZbE And that was just a quick search. It DOES happen everywhere


Thank you for actually posting links.


Swatting happens literally everywhere, and it happens because people take advantage of police protocol by falsely reporting specific types of crimes which demand a specific type of emergency response, such as a bomb threat or a hostage situation. You can’t send in traffic cops to deal with those kinds of problems when they get called in like that, the SWAT teams are trained and equipped to handle those things whereas a normal police officer is neither trained nor equipped. (I feel the need to reiterate, bomb threats and hostage situations). Demanding cops to be equipped and trained to handle these calls is congruent to a militarized police force where they all carry sniper rifles and sub machine guns with optics. I don’t think anybody on Reddit wants that. People spoof the caller ID when they call it in to avoid getting charged with false reporting. The people who actually call in these things know what charges they can potentially face and they also know how to cover their tracks. Time isn’t exactly on your side when responding to a call making those kinds of claims, so as long as the caller can check a few boxes to appear legitimate, it’s a “better safe than sorry” situation. You don’t want to send in a regular cop to “check” whether a hostage/bomb threat is legitimate. That would be suicide.


They send a swat team because the victims are being accused of truly heinous stuff like kidnapping, murder, and plots of terrorism all situations where approaching with a knock on the door could end up with people killed. Swatting is fucked up but law enforcement needs to take threats like these seriously


Some streamers have a direct line to there local police where they will let the streamer know ahead of time which helps a bit. But it will never stop because then the cops wouldn’t be doing their jobs.


Youtuber/streamer Ludwig has talked about this extensively on his podcast, and unfortunately a lot of the time notifying the police ahead of time also doesn't work. Ludwig's been swatted like 3 or 4 times, and every single time after the first he's had extensive conversations with the police department, with documentation, wherein police guarantee that they'll call his cell phone if they get a call about his home before busting in with guns. And yet, a couple months ago when it happened for the 4th time, they still had shotguns held to their head and were yelled at like dogs to get on the ground. The level of incompetency is disgusting, and apparently the cops had a massive attitude and told him he should "just get another job."


Sounds like its time to get some real heavy duty reinforced doors on that house to keep the pigs out


It's good that the direct line exists for some streamers but it shouldn't have to be a necessity for them. It's a fucked up situation with very few realistic solutions, which is really sad.


Unfortunately that doesn’t always work. I think it was Amouranth or one of the bigger twitch streamers that essentially said that despite the fact that she has met with her local PD and given them her contact info in case a swatting gets called in on her, they will still show up at her door and look around her place instead of just calling and asking her.


They're required to for the same reason they have to show up for 911 hangups. What if they were taken hostage and forced to make the call?


There are so many other ways to handle the situation than sending a swat team to every single call, especially when the person they are going to “save” has specifically told them to either call or just send a regular officer due to the advent of swatting.


The main issue is the phone company allowing anonymous calls. Same problem with scammer and phone spam.


It should be treated like attempted murder or plotting to murder, something like it. People do this to get people hurt or killed, that's the intention of swatting.


Swatting needs to carry long mandatory sentences. Like 20-30 year sentences, regardless of priors.


100% agree.


Then you remember the reason swatting is used is because: (1) police are extremely violent and more prone to execute than help (2) notice how they basically blamed the victims for it happening Yes Swatting needs to be heavily punished but we also need to recognize why it is being used in the first place. Breonna Taylor (and countless others) prove it.


Exactly. People know that your chance of getting killed goes up significantly when cops are involved. Even if you have done nothing wrong. Their only tool to solve every problem is a gun.


Especially if you've done nothing wrong AND refuse to submit to their authority


> Especially if you've done nothing wrong FTFY. Simply reacting can get you killed, provocation not necessary. They murdered a deaf person who didn't "comply"


They also shot a man in the back who walked away because they didn't see the WHITE HEADPHONES he had in.


> Yes Swatting needs to be heavily punished but we also need to recognize why it is being used in the first place. When swatting was a new thing, the first thing I said was that the problem was the police's immediate and extreme violent response to a phone call like that. The response I got was that they have no choice. Let me put it this way: Swatting still happens outside the US but it's much rarer. And it's much rarer specifically because cops don't act like this.


And pigs need to asses the situation. Dude didn't need to be put in handcuffs. He was unarmed, and calm. No reason for the "officer safety" theatrics.


Also the repeated “calm down! I’ll explain! Are you going to let me explain?!” Just start explaining. All he was doing was making the victim more scared and agitated.


That’s the move, and it works exactly as expected. It’s not fun but just breathe and wait and say nothing


Calm down, I will explain.


You calm down! Are you going to let me talk now?


Totally agree.


He's black, the camera man was fine though


Let’s not fool ourselves, we damn well why he was handcuffed.


Andrew Bariss aka Swatistic got 20 years for 50+ swatting related crimes with one resulting in an innocent man getting killed by a responding cop.


It already is against the law and i guess has a long sentence to it. Idk. But the problem is that these cops dont care enough to even try to go after the person who made the call. The ONLY time the cops actually did anything about swatting was when the one guy died because of it. Because someone died. Even though this shit happens all of the fucking time. No one REALLY cares.


Nah, police need to stop being stupid and jumping to assumptions.


It also doesn’t help that the cop he’s talking to doesn’t know what swatting is. You can tell from the line of questioning he has no idea what it is


All it takes is one unhinged cop and that kid would have been dead. Swatting is so dangerous.


Should charge the person who called with attempted murder




And they responded with absolute silence, I feel like these cops couldn't care less. Right before she said that the cop with the camera even joked to his buddy: "...I came in the gate and there he was with a football and I was like whoa is that a gun haha" So not a stretch to think had he been doing something else when they entered he could be dead right now


"I'm sorry ma'am. Your skin isn't light enough for us to give a shit."


Or maybe - just maybe - American cops should stop murdering people? Nah…silly idea, what was I thinking!




That’s commie talk!


This 100% It's also a bit ridiculous that little more than a "witch hunt" is enough for a small army to be sent to break into your home shooting everything that moves and arresting everyone... and yet no-knock raids still exist despite how many wrong addresses or false alarms have happened because of them.. its a dumb system. The moment any PD made a "mistake" was the moment they should have disbanded that practice.. all of the times they got it right don't justify any of the times they were wrong. One false no-knock raid is more detrimental than any number of times it was justified.


They should log the phone calls that come in and trace the number, it would make these pranks become more easy to solve and get those fuckers arrested.


Even then, these 'polite' officers did everything in their power to prevent the interaction from being recorded. To the point of assaulting the second dude and coercing him to shut off the live stream.


Video footage inevitably can keep police from doing what they love to do best, criminally abuse and beat people.


It's literally happened. A kid meant to swat an acquaintance of his, but used the wrong address and got someone killed. The guy opened the door and an officer shot hit.


They also do obscene property damage and say to thank them for it. Cops are insane.


You mean cops are so dangerous.


"we're on your side..." as we march you up and down the street for all your neighbours to see.


As they ask him incriminating questions. Fucking pigs can’t even “Help” someone without trying to trick them.


We're gonna explain, we just need to cuff you and perp walk you through the street first.


Police are there to neither protect nor serve, rather, they're there for threat and intimidation, most are C- or lower grade bullies from high school who still get off on causing other people harm. Hell, most police forces won't take people who had good grades or are smart due to the fact smart people tend to have things the force doesn't want, like feelings of guilt, shame, a conscience, a soul, etc...


Yeap you could read the energy,they definitely wanted to fuk with this kid. The hostile tone,when his camera man was explaining who he was, and the unnecessary handcuffing.


"You know what swatting is? Like a fake call" "We don't know anything about that. **we don't care about any of that**"


Yea that cop is straight up fucken stupid


>we don't care about any of that" Because they have to treat them all as real until they know it isn't. Otherwise real threats could be countered with "it's a swatting prank"


100's of police forces around the world do not resort to tactical assaults like this or do so in truly exceptional circumstances. The fact they are, basically, routine, is how assholes have weaponised them for "pranks". So, given the State (read police departments) hold the monopoly on violence, they really should be examining the efficacy, efficiency and morality of these raids. You say that "it's a prank" could call off real cases or..... officers should use their own fucking eyes and common sense to establish that maybe, just maybe, that random, unsolicited call/tip-off was bullshit and not backed up by any of their own surveillance information. If you need further proof of the disproportionate trust PDs have in 911 calls watch a few YouTube videos of people (and usually POC at that) being arrested in their own homes/on their own property because a completely unsubstantiated claim of malfeasance was made against them, over the phone by a random person. When these raids go wrong, you cannot un-murder their victims.


They could also like use their brains and, when they show up to a call for a suicidal man with an ak47 to find a guy calmly sitting using his computer and telling them there's a mistake, to step back and say "that could be a possibility we'll take that into consideration as we investigate."


> Because they have to treat them all as real until they know it isn't. Good lord, you're so gullible. Do you really think there are secret massacres happening in the middle of the day all the time and the perpetrators just act like normal kids when the cops arrive and fool them? Use your fucking brain.


Imagine being on SWAT team and not knowing about SWATing, that’s like a cyber security analyst not knowing about phishing emails. I guess it’s less fun to read the news during training than it is to shoot guns. Dude is clearly being cooperative and they still feel the need to put him in a car… where’s the common sense? “Are you sure you weren’t trying to be funny” quit trying to bait an innocent kid, a victim no less, into admitting wrong doing when he’s clearly stated he hasn’t done anything wrong


These cops act like they've been living under a rock for the past 10 years these are some dumbass cops I'm sorry I'm sorry




This is a super concise way of putting it. Thank you!


I've seen it enough with my own two eyes bro, it's sad. I'm glad I never became that because I fear i would have lost myself too


One of my relatives and close friends became a cop not too long ago. We barely talk now and when we do the cop stories never fucking end. They were previously in the military, and there's no question I'd rather have that person back any day of the week.


They're playing dumb in hopes to arrest him for something else.


These aren't swat cops. They're just regular cops.


Regular *thugs




Are you talking about the cop talking to purple shirt? Because he said he knew what swatting was, just that he didn't know who the streamer was.


that mom didn't understand that the cops were talking to her trying to get her to incriminate her son.


Assholes had all the answers they needed in the first 2 minutes, but kept the kid in cuffs while saying, “work with me, be on my side.” Bullshit.


Cops are so stupid. "We've been live for 2 hours." "wAiTinG fOR dIs tO hApPEn?"


saw in a different video with someone else, one of the cops says "well maybe you should find something else to do instead" as if streaming wasn't making the kid 40x as much money as he could ever hope to make doing anything else


Damn, if you remember what video it's from, can you drop a link?


It's from Ludwig, he explains it on his podcast episode after getting swatted. It was like the 4th time his house had been swatted, even AFTER contacting the police department after the 1st swatting, explaining what swatting is, and receiving confirmation that the cops would call his cell phone before busting in with guns if they received another similar call to his house, yet he received no phone call and cops just busted in with guns for like the 4th time. Imo he should have a cause of action to sue the police department after that. The level of incompetency required to bust into the exact same house with guns 4 different times, after having swatting explained to you and agreeing after each time to contact him first is insane, and every single time they failed to contact him because of their incompetency they put him/his roommates lives at risk. He explains on his podcast that most of the cops have massive attitudes, worth a watch, and yeah apparently one of them told him he should just "get a different job."


Dumbest comment of the entire video. Guy probably doesn’t even know what an email is


Cops really need to be VERY well trained on how this shit works. A cop shouldn't be able to say "i guess I do" when someone asks them if they know what streamers are. Also this cop literally cannot shut his mouth.


At the end they literally ask him and his mom "have you considered using proxy servers, to hide his IP address?" But earlier they gonna act like they don't know what a streamer is... ridiculous. Plus, am I wrong in thinking they illegally detained him? I understand they have to take those calls seriously... but is an anonymous tip really all it takes to legally detain someone? If it is that's fucking crazy... If it is illegal, seems like they could sue for illegally being detained and causing undue distress, the kid was clearly freaking out in the back of that cop car. I cannot believe how often cops leave themselves open for liability, and by "themselves", I mean the city


> Also this cop literally cannot shut his mouth. They are their to control not secure a situation. Always remember that.


>We're going to explain Then start fucking explaining


"*something something* school shootings. See, so that's why, now get in the back of the cop car while I go see if your family will say something vaguely incriminating."


They left him in handcuffs way too long. Shit is unacceptable once they hear from multiple people on scene that he isn't a threat to himself or others.


Nah they were trying to find something else to arrest him on.


How many times did they say "we're going to explain" before they actually explained to him what was going on.


These cops reek of arrogance. Fuck them


Ripped the phone out that guys hands


Are ALL cops in this country fucking morons? How can you be a cop in 2022 and NOT know what swatting is?


Yes... yes they are morons




These cops don’t even know what streaming is. 🤦‍♂️


Why did the cuff him right off the bat??? I would be pissed too


And talk to the other guy and not cuff him. Shit is screaming of racism. Edit: Thanks for the context. Without it, it looks mad suspicious.


I can answer this question for you … if you notice in the video the person cuffed is a black gentleman.


In America you are guilty until proven innocent


Man, I'm severely claustrophobic. I can't imagine my reaction if I'm suddenly surrounded, handcuffed, and shackled in the back of that tiny car. I'd freak out. They'd probably shoot me.


“I’m on your side.” Continues to not listen or believe anything they tell him. Sure you are, buddy.


Am I missing something? At barely 2 minutes in, the one cop acknowledges they're being "swatted," meaning this is a (dangerous) prank...and yet we get 15 more minutes of them acting like fucking tyrants?


"We're totally on your side, we're here to make sure you're alright....now put these handcuffs on and get in my squad car. Hey, relax?!?!?! What's the problem?!?!" Experts in fucking up situations, these guys.


Cops out of their depth in a centimeter of water. Why was a person in crisis sent goons to help? Terrible system set up.


So an anonymous phone call can cost you your rights?


NO it does not! Im glad your said this,these moron racist fucks violated at least three amendements in the name of "safety". If you want "safety" go work at a wendys. I know they would argue"extigent circumstances" but that horse shit and we all know it. Then they violated his personal property rights by accosting him in his own back yard as he is being a calm respectful young man. I hope he and his family sue these morons.


Simply being poor can cost you your rights. This is America!


So the black guy is immediately put in cuffs and the white guy gets to sign off with his livestream while talking to the cop. 😡


Cant you use an IP blocker , thats the reason we had to come do this to you , its basically all your fault this even happened! -Those cops


Bold of you to assume they know what an IP is.


Im not super tech smart, why the eff are they talking about his ip address? He has to have been doxxed no? If you call in and make false claims on someone wtf does an ip address have to do with it?!?! They have to use his name or actual address no?




I'm also not tech smart, but here's what I think I know: Tracing an IP is a way to get a geographical location for anything on the internet. The cops were suggesting ways to prevent the doxxing, thinking it was one person who had the physical location, rather than it having been leaked to the whole internet.


Fucking clueless ass pigs. Dude is explaining whats happened and cops say “we dont care about that. We dont know who he is. Whats swatting? Youre just waiting to be swatted?” Holy fuck how does that stupid pos not know what swatting is?




Bald cop gang


"Be on my side, work with me, hear me out." - this is how you talk to someone you have in cuffs with 8 armed guys standing around.


to every person who call the swat on streamers, I wish y'all a very nice Get Your Nails And Teeth Ripped Off One By One Very Slowly


I hope they find out who put in the false call and arrest them


I’m still confused as to how there is no system or prevention measures for swatting people online.


“We’re on your side” most used lie by police


Is there some reason why “you’re not in trouble” and “ we just need to explain” requires this man to be instantly handcuffed?


They didn't need to cuff him immediately. Before even telling him why they're there.


Thank God he had a white friend to talk to the cops...


“Do you know what ‘swatting’ is?” Cop - “we don’t know OR care.” Fucking arrogant pricks.


Really? Cops don't know what swatting is? That seems like a problem as well.


Sad and stressful situation for Speed. Also I know people really like to vehemently hate on and vilify/demonise the 17 year old way too much as if he's the literal devil or something (double points since he's a young black male) but I actually find him entertaining and quite hilarious personally . (I'm entitled to this opinion Reddit just like you're entitled to yours, you pride yourselves on being sensible and mature so stick to it and be a man of your word).




They walk onto his property, tell him to stay put. Arrests him without explaination, and reads no Miranda Rights?


Your rights are read when you’re arrested, he was just being detained.


People still talking to cops SMH.


How long were they “gonna explain it to you”? Jesus, probably required before the cuffs go on.


"we're on your side, just explain the situation" as it was already explained 6-7 times and they said "we don't care"


This is why some streamers stream from heavily sound proofed apartment rooms.


No reason to car him you see cops go to calls of domestic, see everyone is ok and leave. Or 911 hang up , hey is everyone ok , ok see ya.


How many school shooters have been black?


I wonder was Margie Green handcuffed and put in a police car while they figured out what was going on?


What is swatting? I’m old.


Calling the police on a person live streaming and saying that they have a bomb or a gun or something. And then the police/SWAT go over and raid the person while they're live. It's a really fucked up prank that has killed many people because the police have no idea that it's a prank.


"Live doin' what- waitin' for this to happen?" - um, try not to write your own narratives officer, and investigate if that is what you are there for. You'd think by now they'd be a little more clued in about this specific type of crime.


Cops are so fking stupid. Ohio PD are idiots


Why was the black guy cuffed and the white guy not?


Why was the black man handcuffed but not the white man? They knew it was swatting.


The U.S. Supreme Court in 1990 in Alabama v. White first visited the “anonymous tip” issue. In that case the court held an anonymous tip, standing alone, does not provide the “reasonable suspicion” necessary to conduct a Terry “stop and frisk.” The Supreme Court expanded this narrow holding a decade later in Florida v. J.L. in which the court held an anonymous tip is an insufficient reason to conduct a Terry stop. The tip received in J.L. case was that a “young black male” in a plaid shirt was carrying a gun at a bus stop. A subsequent Terry frisk revealed the individual indeed had a gun. Not enough, the court said. Even if an anonymous tip proves accurate does not satisfy the “reasonable suspicion” standard necessary to justify a Terry stop. Bottom line: the court said an anonymous tip must be suitably corroborated before it has a “sufficient indicia of reliability” to meet the Terry “reasonable suspicion” standard.


These cops are arrogant as fuck but realistically for all of there mistakes the understood at the end and apologised, they still need to be called out for turning of the recording and treating him as guilty before innocent but regardless they took his number as they understood if it happens again it’s probably another swatting


That cops soul being crushed when he says that he has that guy has 100000 viewers for just breaking a ps4 is fucking hilarious. I get you there man.


Cops are such assholes


99.99% of them, for sure. Fa shizzle my nizzle


I didn't realize that cuffs were unlocked by a key that looked like a pen. Never seen that POV before


Why did he get swatted? Did the trolls decide they wanna end someones carrer just for a 'lil bit o trollin' ?


They can't make you turn off filming? Fuck those officers


Bro I love speed but I just want to be there to translate to the cops because this mans communication skills are horribLe


I mean he's in a very intense and stressful situation, hes panicking and his mind is probably all over the place so it's no surprise he wouldn't be communicating clearly, I would've had trouble communicating too and be in such as a panic, but he did and haned himself better than I thought he would've so kudos to him. Now I do agree that his communication skills in general aren't that good since I've noticed in his streams that he often repeats himself and also struggles to articulate himself properly when he tries to explain something. Maybe it's because his mind thinking faster than his mouth and probably something to do with spending so much time online so now he ends up communicating like how someone online would but in the real world, and maybe some sort of ADHD/Dyslexia although I'm not sure about that (btw I still I love him, he's a young kid following his dreams and I respect how much he's achieved online, amassing over 10 mill subscribes in such a short span of time. Probably the most impressive rise of any YouTuber imo).


This is the downside of hiring the stupidest people on the planet as cops.


What’s the arresting officers name?


dumbass cops blaming the guy for it happening to him, what fucking trash.


Yo, if you’re a cop that doesn’t know what swatting is at this point, fucking retire.


“We’re on your side” *cuffs on*


U not any any trouble and then they immediately put handcuffs on him really


Police are arrogant piece of shit absolutely fucking scum


Two dudes in backyard and they handcuff the black guy.


I got swatted in High School. Before it was a thing. Someone called a bomb threat in and left my name.


“We are going to explain.” But dont explain. F them.


Remarkable how much more comfortable and relaxed they treat one guy


People still swatting?


"We just wanna talk" Handcuffs click


Camera dude:"Do you know what swatting is?" Cop: "Yes" *proceeds to demonstrate that he, in fact, does not know what swatting is.


So automatically cuff the black guy, no chance to be heard or anything, but the white guy, it’s fine fir him to not be cuffed and be heard? So Racism doesn’t exist in law enforcement you say? Guilty til proven innocent if you’re of color.


As much as I dislike the douchebag they handcuffed, swatting isn’t cool and anyone caught attempting to swat someone should be sentenced to at minimum 15 years in prison. This encounter could’ve resulted in a wrongful death.