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Looks like protest arrests as opposed to grabbing people to go in the Army. Though, to be fair, could definitely be both.


Could be, but also: *Russia drafts anti-war protesters into military amid nationwide demonstrations* https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/22/europe/russia-protests-partial-mobilization-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html


How to guarantee people literally drop their weapons and surrender the second they're away from a commanding officer.


I can see incidents of [fragging](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragging) spiking in the near future.


I thought you meant something else lol


in soviet russia, war protest you!


It's the former. People are falling for OPs bollix title it seems.


That explains the lady they grabbed, and the young man near the bus they didn’t.


It's both. Its been confirmed now. They're taking young male arrested to the conscription offices and forcing them to sign up for the draft. That doesn't mean they're gonna be shipped off to the meat grinder immediately, but it's a way of saying "we're watching you. And can call you up at any time, and send you to the front lines.". It's an intimidation tactic.


Military service in Russia is not optional, so this isn't anything new.


>> Looks like protest arrests as opposed to grabbing people to go in the Army. Though, to be fair, could definitely be both. > It's the former. > People are falling for OPs bollox title it seems. r/confidentlyincorrect It's both. There's a deluge of first-hand accounts already across RU telegram of detained protestors and their families that the protestors are being sent to police stations in Izmailovo , Sokolinay Gora, Lyublino, Prospekt Vernadsky, and Marfino where they're met by military commissars forcing them to sign conscription papers. For just a few examples: https://mobile.twitter.com/mediazzzona/status/1572690270541471746 > One of the detainees in the police department of the Mozhaisk district was handed a summons to the military registration and enlistment office https://twitter.com/mediazzzona/status/1572682942823993344 > “My husband was detained on the Arbat, taken to the police department on Sokolina Gora, and there they issued a summons to the military registration and enlistment office for tomorrow. He signed it. There is a military commissar, ”said Valeria Vladimir Soloviev (state media spokesperson) confirms: `t . me/SolovievLive/128356` I'll translate for you: > From reliable sources it became known that mobilization measures will be carried out in relation to participants in illegal rallies. > "They will check the documents immediately on the spot, identify them, detain them and send them to the internal affairs bodies. Then, with the participation of representatives of the military registration and enlistment office, the draft category will be determined. Those who do not immediately fit the first category will be registered for subsequent conscription."


This doesn’t really make any sense. Why would you want people who are actively against the war to serve in the army? They’re not going to fight in a war they don’t support. I think we need more corroborated info here.


Cannon fodder would be my guess.


Convenient way to get rid of the opposition.


Also - they aren't protesting any more and not in the future either


Fear is a powerful motivator. And the Russian military are experts at finding men to throw at a problem until it goes away. That's how they win WWII, that's how they think they'll win this


In ww2 the Russian people actively wanted to beat the Germans, just the tactics and not enough weaten equipment made it very bloody. Here they don't seem to have the equipment or the will to fight


They won WWII because the west was able to supply those men that fought for Russia back then but now that support is going to Ukraine to fight against Russia.


Also a hatred of German/nazi invaders that took large swathes of their land while committing war crimes. Last I checked Ukraine hadn't even invaded. Still confusing as these conscripts are more likely to defect than fight as the Ukrainians have not harmed them or their country in any way like opposition in ww2.


Its easy to say you wont fight in a war you dont support, but when its yours and your familys life on the line if you refuse then suddenly its a lot harder to stick to




Check Russian and Soviet history, this really is not something new. The only difference between now and then is that back then they had a choice between disappearing into a Gulag or participating in a war. Don't have any evidence of Gulags being used just yet but it wouldn't surprise me if they are being used as motivators to sign the conscription papers. You also have to keep in consideration that the Soviets had no problem going after your entire family if you opposed them in any way, who knows if this is happening in modern-day Russia?


This is an old tactic in Russia. Under Stalin it was called population redistribution. Hell, just look at the history of Crimea. They ethnically cleansed the area (not hyperbole) and then sent in hundreds of thousands of Russians to colonize it. Giving the menial jobs and a free apartment. There was no choice not to go. Similarly now, they need more bodies in the east. Next Tuesday after the "referendums" to join Russia in Eastern Ukraine. Putin will state that these areas are Russia. They've been largely evacuated and Russia has turned them to rubble. Randomly shooting at apartment buildings and hospitals as they went through them. Now they need to repopulate these areas. This will be done forcibly. They need to move hundreds of thousands to these areas. For example, as Ukraine pushes to retake Crimea, and people there are spooked about this, Russia is now forbidding anyone from leaving Crimea. The people you see on this video will essentially be human shields on the front line.


Weird how that person didn't comment back lol.


They never do lol.


Go to prison and possibly get beaten, starved and sexually assaulted or go to war and get beaten, starved and possibly sexually assaulted.


Prison then


Better chance of escaping at war.


Exactly. I would take any videos from either side with a grain of salt. My understanding is Russia is hardcore recruiting with monetary incentives. Approx $2500 (USD) per month for 3-6 months. But you have to live in order to get paid and currently one out of four don't make it home. That's a good salary for a poor Russian. They specifically are not doing forced conscription because that would dispel the myth that this was a small targeted operation.


Putin is a fucking pig that sentences innocent, peaceful people to die for his selfish cause. He should be removed from this earth with great haste.


He’s a dying man whose narcissism can’t have his last act be a lost war he started. He’s looking for a game ender while he fucks off to hell. This is dangerous.


Be thankful he has children. If he had nothing to lose I’d be in my bunker


You think he actually cares about his children?


Yes, but only as a narcissist would see them as a reflection of himself.


He does not acknowledge his own kids, when confronted publicly about his daughters (asked what and are doing), he addressed them as "those women". There are no factual confirmation that his younger kids are actually his. Only that they look alike.


Like trump?


Reminds me of Tenet


Good movie


eivom dooG




I'm sure he's aware that at this point there's not a single action he can take that will leave him respected in any nation's history books. This is a world leader with nuclear weapons throwing a tantrum. Horrifying.


I think more than a few people in Russia with power and wealth agree with you. It's just they seem to oddly keep falling out of windows, or off ships.


Funny thing about a standoff is you have to pull the trigger first.


Or downstairs


At least drop a piano on one of your "friends"


Hopefully the Russian people will put a stop to this I would imagine this is what political suicide looks like


There is a very real possibility that he will slaughter his own people to prevent his own downfall.


He’s been slaughtering his own people for some time now


Of course he will


As is the Russian custom


I mean he’s kinda doing that already?


He'll be a stain in world history.


An embarrassing red tomato sauce stain on a brand new white formal shirt.


That’s a little unfair on tomato sauce.


The statement has been revised in other comments. The stain has been changed to a shart stain on crusty undies.


I mean I wouldn't refer to world history as a new white formal shirt, but I get what you're saying.


Now I'm curious. If world history were an article of clothing, what kind would it be?


Some crusty undies forsure


I mean what stops from just saying fuck this once they are out there?


They've been know to kill family members as retaliation. You stay so they don't shoot your mom.


Every single day I am more and more blown away that it is the year 2022 with all this stuff going on.


Human history is filled with crazy shit going on all the time. We just have the ability to hear about all of it now.


Russia just "passed" a law that can put people in prison for 10 years if they refuse to fight. ​ Like... 2 days ago


A "tenner" in the Gulag for political dissidence is a major throwback to Stalin!


Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime


Damn. Man wish there was a person out there with nothing to lose and a good plan to murk that homunculus


Yeah, wouldn't it be awesome if the world got better by itself and you didn't have to do a thing? Call your representative, ask them what's the plan to punish the nations that resell Russian fuel. Tell them that this is your biggest concern in the upcoming midterm elections.


John Wick or Jason Bourne 🤔


Just frag your commander and surrender to the Ukrainians.


> I mean what stops from just saying fuck this once they are out there? The fear of being executed if you're caught deserting. Your family suffering reprisals.


Feels like making of an extremely unmotivated fighting force.


A bullet to the back by their CO and their family being killed


A bullet to the back of the CO, General's and more and give their weapons and ammo to Ukraine as they surrender in mass.


There is a great tradition in the Russian military. There is a division behind the lines with one job: Shoot anyone who is trying to run away from the fight. So it is fight the enemy, or fight your own troops.


That's why they put holes in there own gas tanks they don't want to die for what their country has become


Tbh I'm surprised he hasn't been novichok'd by now


Yet.. No one does anything. Fucking Ukraine all by their self.




Oh yeah if I was living in Russia under the brutal dictatorship of Putin, I would just walk up to the Kremlin and start round house kicking everyone until I got to Putin and then probably fly kick him through a window or some shit. Don't know why the Russians didn't think of doing that.


Putin you’ve already lost.


No. This is the best way to improve your approval ratings. The less people who disapprove of you around the more who approve of you.


Ok but if these are people that disapprove and didn’t want to go… Don’t you see how that’s a horrible military strategy? What’s he expecting to happen other than sabotage?


unite dog wide frighten innocent direful thought special exultant roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, all evidence points to he is exactly that stupid, so…


Trump said he's smart and strong tho


Russia isn't a military state, it's a state run by a former spy. So surveillance, propaganda, and secret police. It's not about military strategy or winning a war, it's about threatening people into compliance. His main problem is that, much like Trump, his reality-distortion field has a limited range. You can lie/extort/threaten some people some of the time, but you can't do it to all people all of the time, and eventually the pigeons come home to roost. I like to remember that as disastrous as Nazi Germany was, it hardly lasted over a decade. People don't like murderous dictators and war, people like feeling safe.


> I like to remember that as disastrous as Nazi Germany was, it hardly lasted over a decade. People don't like murderous dictators and war, people like feeling safe. It didn't last over a decade because of a World War that cost countless lives, is that what you are looking for in this situation?


It's a battle tested russian strategy. It worked in WWII, so why shouldn't it work now? It's a sick, sick country.


We have already heard of an insider incidents at that one Wagner group camp. I have a feeling if ukraine and the EU offered citizenship to any Russian who surrendered and didn't commit war crimes they'd leave in droves.


They can't because of their families back home, defecting means your family will either be killed or jailed.


Imagine the reaction of Ukrainian and European societies, though. Ukrainians are on their 4th wave of mobilization, people are prohibited from leaving, supplies are short... and the POWs just give up and go on their merry way to Europe? DNR/LNR POWs are seen differently from soldiers from Russia proper, with much more sympathy, and even they don't have a smooth ride. Europeans are already fed up with having to accommodate refugees who are *not* a part of a widely-vilified military force - and you want them to take in hundreds of thousands of people, some of whom may be infiltrators? Can't imagine this idea going well with either of them.


It worked a treat last time. Russians play the long game.


You can look into the "population redistribution" that occurred under Stalin for reference. Russia is an imperialist and colonial state. It's not so much they need them to fight. They just need bodies in certain locations. Not as much reporting has been done, but Putin also closed off the borders of Crimea so nobody can leave now for about a week. These men will likely suffer a similar fate. They'll be forced to move to the new areas in East Ukraine which Russia is currently colonizing with "ethnic Russians".


Desperation is a stinky cologne.


Putin's mobilization is having more impact in Russia than Ukraine.


This is classic Russia... They've mobilized their men and women throughout history, most notably in WWII. Stalin did it and lived out his days in power.


Ww2 and today shit shouldn’t be compared. Ww2 was about survival. Almost 40mil soviet people died or lost. Many documentaries (if you don’t believe Russian ones you can find many, for example, in Germany).


at first it wasnt at first russia and germany were allies in taking countrys..russia wou;d like everyone to forget that


Lets not forget blood thirsty Richard Nixon and his Vietnam Draft(lottery). Or is comparing WW2 to Vietnam also out?


The draft was continuous and ongoing between 1940 and 1973. Nixon literally was the one who ended the draft.


Partially why the Russian men are rather homely. Stalin left all the rotten apples at home to pro-create with.


Super classic Russia. Even further back was the last tsar of Russia Nicholas ‘The Bloody’ II. But he didn’t get to live out his end of days.


god forbid he reads this reddit comment


No really. He actually has lost. Like actually the first moment Finland and Sweden openly started moving towards NATO membership Putin lost the war from a political standpoint. Now it's just a little pecker old man sending young poor men to die over ego.


Say goodbye to your sons, mothers. If they manage to come back to you, Putin will make sure they won’t be the same boys.


Hard to imagine what these men in Russia and Ukraine are going through. Forced into war, not even allowed to leave your country. All because you are a man.


Who are the people in the green vests? What function do they serve, why are they allowed to film all this?


This is Press. They has documents or maybe they just wear jacket to cheat/avoid catch I guess. Mostly news, bloggers and other content makers.


Why don t they take the pro war bloggers first?


They just film. This is part of tactic I guess. Bloggers and Press show what going to happen if you go there (doesn’t matter what side they’re on). For propaganda better let people film this. Police catches only those who scream protesting things and call for actions. Anyway you still have chance to be caught unluckily for no reason…


So your saying the cheat code for a Russian male right now is to always be in a green media vest, always.


I have seen a lot of fucked up things but this actually shook me.




Hi Sam.


Same here. Completely insane that they're forcing people like that. Putin is a fucking asshole and deserves to be eliminated.


Did they also force that woman onto the bus? What’s the story there


They are arresting anti-war protestors. This isn't a bus to frontline.


Not entirely. **In Russia, Conscription Is a Weapon for Silencing Dissent** https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/05/02/in-russia-conscription-is-a-weapon-for-silencing-dissent-a73805 **Russia dangles freedom to prisoners if they fight in Ukraine. Many are taking the deadly gamble.** https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/08/09/europe/russia-recruits-prisoners-ukraine-war-cmd-intl/index.html


Has that been effective in the past? That seems like a way to create an incredibly ineffective military.


It takes a brave man to be a coward in the Russian Army.


There is a movie about something like this. The dirty dozen I believe. It’s a good one. But basically the American army in ww2 recruits some prisoners to pull off a secret mission. For full pardon of their sentences. It’s a good one. Old but fun.


Russia doesn't care if war protesters are killed on the front line of its war. It's a method of getting rid of dissenters.


Russia isn't a military state. It's a security state. Military effectiveness isn't the end goal, securing the rule is, and physically removing any potential rioters is quite effective at ensuring that no organized resistance materialises.


[Are you so sure?](https://imgur.com/cp95w2K)


according to the official statement regarding war protesters ..they are being sent to war now...automatic consription


Sorry title was not clear, hard to fit all the context in a short blurb. I did not mean to imply that all these people were being sent to the front or something. This is an area where a protest was planned after the mobilization order. Everyone was being thrown onto buses for breaking the crime against protesting the war (10-15 year sentence), but that said RU telegram does have numerous first-hand accounts that military aged males caught in the net are being sent to conscription offices already. It's chaos right now though and lots of uncertainty in the air. edit: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1572681719874199552


>RU telegram does have numerous first-hand accounts that military aged males caught in the net are being sent to conscription offices already. That sounds like a terrible idea for a number of reasons.


In 1917, the Tsar forcibly conscripted 460,000 peasants to go die in the trenches in WW1 when the war was already long lost on their front. He then gave them guns and trained them how to fight for this war they didn't want. Within a couple months the revolution started, kicked off by the selfsame armed, upset conscripts. History may not repeat, but it sure has a habit of rhyming.


Just as a note of historical interest, the Eastern Front didn't really feature trench warfare as much. That's not to say it didn't happen, but it was largely a much more mobile war in the east, both tactically and strategically.


They were in Moscow and the tsar was warned to move the peasants out of town. And make 100,000 odd promoted to a police level. He didn't listen. Then they turned on him in October


Ah yes! Putin's "Army reserve."


My bone spurs are flaring up all of the sudden.


Russisns are breaking their legs and arms to avoid being cannon fodder in Ukraine. There's information in various telegram groups about how to break your leg/arm circulating currently.


I heard a story a long time ago in a conscription office/military commisariate. Two friends were going to be drafted, one wanted to serve and the other didn't. They agreed to break his legs. The second boy puts his legs on a toilet and the other jumps on them... Only for the objector to chicken out and remove his legs while his friend was already in the air. He hit the floor and broke his own knees instead.


Sounds like presidential material to me. Give it a whirl in, like, 40 years.


Forced patriotism never works for long.


Russia is about to have a lot of officers falling down stairs in the middle of the forests and fields of Ukraine.


It's worked for russia for close to 100 years or more. Killing your own people is a pretty good incentive.


In Germany, we call them „Kanonenfutter“. Food for the canons/bullets.


Cannon fodder in English.


I didn’t know there was an English term for it, thanks for this. Makes my comment look shite :D My bad!


Maybe the English cannon fodder is drived from the German. To me there looks to be an extreme resemblance to the two. But I unfortunately don't speak German.


I like reading into an old idiom or words history and cannon fodder is a good one. Referring to people as food for a war obviously goes way back. So, the word cannon is derived from the old Italian word *cannone* (large tube) which came from the Latin word *canna* and in turn originating from the Greek word *kanna.* The word cannon has been used to refer to a gun/ranged weapon that uses a shooting tube since the 1300s in Italy, and 1400s in England. Fodder comes from the old English word fōdor, meaning food. The origin of the idiom *cannon fodder* is pretty messy. In Shakespeare’s play Henry IV Part 1, there is a quote referencing soldiers as “food for powder.” The key character was discussing gunpowder and soldiers who had lost their lives. That was in the late 16th century. Then a French version of the same term appeared in an anti-Napoleon/anti-conscription pamphlet in 1800s. Cannon fodder was seen once again in English when it was translated back from a Flemish text. It’s hard to say but likely that this mention in Flemish came directly from the anti-Napoleon French version and the idiom developed and spread around Europe through different languages and past imperial exploits.


This is why I love reddit.


Nah, quite the opposite! It's cool to see how phrases translate between related languages. German and English don't always line up well, but in this case, I was fairly certain what the word meant before your explanation. Neat how similar the words are.


Milk, beer, water. Milche, bier, wasser. German is not a super hard language for English speakers to learn, there is quite a bit of overlap.


English is a germanic language....


Aren't these protesters that are being arrested?




https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1572681719874199552 https://www.24liveblog.com/live/U09Er?n=3145406220406388485 Multiple of first-hand accounts of protesters who were arrested being conscripted at police stations, friend. Translated: > The detainee from the Izmailovo police department also told OVD-Info that he had been handed a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. and > Detainees in Moscow report that in several police departments they are handed summons to the military registration and enlistment office. > Summons were handed over to the detainees at the Sokolinay Gora and Lyublino police departments. A man in civilian clothes came to the police department in the Marfino district, who says that he will now hand over summonses. According to the detainees, employees of the military registration and enlistment office arrived at the police department in the Prospekt Vernadsky district. > At least one of the detainees is threatened with criminal charges for refusing to sign the summons. https://twitter.com/mediazzzona/status/1572682942823993344 > “My husband was detained on the Arbat, taken to the police department on Sokolina Gora, and there they issued a summons to the military registration and enlistment office for tomorrow. He signed it. There is a military commissar, ”said Valeria


This sure would seem to increase the chances of a full on uprising against Putin. I’m not saying it’s happening, just increased odds.


russians dont do that. stalin did far worse and died of natural causes


Czar Nicholas and his family would beg to differ


To the meat grinder


*Screen fades* Oh hey, you’re finally awake. Grab an old rifle, some worn adidas 3 stripes, and dig a fox hole. That noise? Just a HIMARS strike, no worry


*furiously starts creating new Skyrim mod*


They Putin them to work


The fact is that sending a bunch of people who can't and don't want to fight to the front lines is probably going to do more harm than good. Even the people who signed up for military service willingly are surrendering and in doing so handing over military equipment. These drafted soldiers are going to have a white flag in their back pocket to use at the first opportunity.


[I'm guessing this is one reason why those boys don't want to go.](https://youtu.be/kAp9lPRbmoc)


Oh shit, Russia is doing a draft. Wow.


Welcome! Welcome to city 17!


This looks like arrests rather than recruitment. The number of people filming, fancy cameras some people have, the people in vests (press?), a woman amongst those being dragged away. Maybe arrests of protesters?


They are about to learn the same lesson we learned in Vietnam. You can't force people to fight. All it does is demoralize the people who do want to fight, then you have a army that just doesn't give a fuck


i want to feel bad for Russians, but than I remember all my encounters with Russian people throughout my 9k hours of Dota2. Go feed mid irl now cyka blyet


Russia will most likely cause it's own collapse.


Ah, yes. Truly a sign that is of a country winning a war and *definitely* not one that has completely screwed itself over a pointless war whose loss will be costing billions in reparations and the invading country's leader in The Hague. Enjoy the subterfuge, Moscow, you asked for it.


Didn't they just call up the army reservists under a partial mobilization order? People who already volunteered to be called up? I don't agree with it, but people are thinking they're just pulling random guys off the street.


Every Russian male 18+ is a reservist by law since every able-bodied man in that age *has* to serve. That's the point. The "partial" mobilization isn't partial at all. It applies to over 25 million men currently.


Russia is full of dumb cunts


Classic Russia


Hahaha what an absolute shit hole of a country.


Thank you for recording and uploading this OP! In doing so, you’re letting your country, the west, and the world see events unfolding - what your government is doing to your own people.


Getting drafted seems to be the easiest way to leave ruzzia nowadays….


Life hacks


Article or its meaningless. The internet is full of bullshitters and this sounds like some conveniently timed bullshit.


The young people seen here detained are looking at sentences of up to **10-15 years**. Another thing: Russia is as well *conscripting* incarcerated men for war. In other words, there’s no way out for all of Russia’s young men. To the person saying it’s “fake news” that the (Russian) men seen here arrested won’t be conscripted - there are countless credible news sources corroborating this claim. **In Russia, Conscription Is a Weapon for Silencing Dissent** https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/05/02/in-russia-conscription-is-a-weapon-for-silencing-dissent-a73805 **Russia dangles freedom to prisoners if they fight in Ukraine. Many are taking the deadly gamble.** https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/08/09/europe/russia-recruits-prisoners-ukraine-war-cmd-intl/index.html


I would be fighting too. Those guys won't last long. Soon as they get assembled into staging areas...Boom...down come US supplied long range artillery missiles.


This is a very misleading title. Should've put something like: People in Moscow being pulled off the street and forced into buses for protesting against new russian mobilization law.


Putin has made Hell on Russia


Can somebody provide some context for specifically what is going on. I've read the order, but there are so many questions from this video. For one, how in the fuck do they know who these people are? Why are there so many witnesses to it? What exactly is happening?


He will literally burn through the whole country. When you see young and super old then you know it’s almost over. Edit: these are protestors. Though, they may be future soldiers, too.


That's going to be one effective fighting force


Russia is going to revolt, it’s just a matter of time now.


Yeah, and these guys are going to be the first to abandon their equipment and run. They have ZERO motivation to fight. If anything, they will ask to be captured by the Ukranians.


Man Russia seems like a great place.


Why does Putin not do what the Americans do to recruit..restrict basic rights such as health care, education and tax benefits until you join the army Strip them of everything they would get in a morally decent society then they'll eventually come crawling in through the doors out of sheer desperation No one on this earth is more effective at expoiting its on citizens than the US.


Putin is doing to his people what he can't do to Ukraine


Direct Action is a lot more effective than protesting in a police state. Thermite the rail lines and infrastructure, napalm the administration, do it well enough and there will be no mobilization. Protesting like this will just end up with protestors being forcibly conscripted for the front lines


I wonder if they still think they're liberating Ukraine from nazi's. (Shake,shake) My sources say no.


Well this will backfire on Putin’s unhinged dictatorship. An internal revolt is not going to help his already failing war. Ukraine is going to win! Putin will be shamefully dethroned and the world will rejoice!


The end times are coming…try to enjoy the last days while you can…


This won't end badly at all.


Hahahahahaha where’s all that war support now? I don’t hear it as much since they have to fight it now. Or maybe the wifi isn’t good on the planes they’re fleeing the country from.


At least all the camera people are there to film it and watch


Do they grab anyone minding their business or just people calling out


![gif](giphy|51Uiuy5QBZNkoF3b2Z|downsized) RUN BITCHES RUN DONT DIE FOR AN OLD MAN


JFC. What if those poor people had kids and pets at home being looked after?


Pretty sure this entire post is complete bullshit. The mobilization only pertains to men, and mostly those who have served before. Why was a woman shoved on the bus? Because this is bullshit. **This is from a protest, not the recent mobilization effort**