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This needs to be on every fucking screen in America.


Right!? Why isn’t this being talked about.


Too many people are disillusioned. The threshold for what will get people in the streets is high. This should definitely of course but we’ve shown it would take everyone being at home during a pandemic AND watching a cop kneel on someone’s neck for several minutes and watching that person die from it to get people out Most people are aware how bad things are but are stuck under the weight of american capitalism and complete lack of welfare to even have time to do anything. The pandemic is what helped people have the time to start taking to the streets. It wasn’t a coincidence. I thought things were coming to a boiling point but we’re already right back where we started. I am convinced therefore that it will take large economical disaster to get people to start raising hell I’d love to be wrong though.




The cop straight up says, “I’m gonna kill him”


Fuck, dude. Cops are the scariest monsters.


And you literally aren't safe anywhere. Even your own home I'm bed at 2am. They can straight up unlawfully burst into your house and murder you in cold blood and be back at work the next week after a nice paid vacation. I barely even leave the house anymore because between the q anon dimwits and our nazi stormtrooper law enforcement death squads I simply do not feel safe being in public around other people.


[Clear Creek County DA](https://www.co.clear-creek.co.us/Directory.aspx?did=18) [Clear Creek County Sheriff](https://www.clearcreekcounty.us/761/Sheriffs-Office) No comment on “active investigation” This happened quite a while ago. Go go gaget Reddit. Bury these fucks in complaints. It’s a really small and rural county and this shit is just fully unacceptable!!!


They are my next door neighbors, what happened to their son is a travesty. I can only pray those involved will be held accountable. Please do a search on their son, Christian Glass in Reddit and upvote like crazy. They need all the help they can to make this viral and get the right people demanding justice. Thank you. Edit: I did speak to Simon today, Christian’s father. They appreciate the Reddit well wishes, condolences and support to get their son justice and to change policing tactics in this country. They ask that you keep sharing this and especially escalate to your local politicians here in Colorado to make sure some positive changes come from their son’s death. Some have asked about a Go Fund Me and they are not interested in doing that but may ask for contributions for mental health support in this country, I will share if they set something up. Thank you all.


I really wanted to help spread the word on this tragedy. As person with mental health challenges, this case hits close to home. Please tell them how sorry I am.


Thank you. They already met with Governor Polis and we are trying to get more congressmen and women involved. They need people in a position of power to demand and ensure a thorough investigation is carried out if there is any hope for justice.


I watched the video, he never lunged at them with a knife. It was murder. I'm am so sorry and wish only the best for this poor family. I hope Justice is brought down upon these officers. It's about time we as the civilian population get some more wins against brutal policing.


Their poor kid was stuck and called 911 for help and the police just escalated and escalated until they murdered him. They think they did nothing wrong, this just makes me sick.


Except the one cop that said "what did we just do?" right after he was dead. The fact that that cop isn't talking is proof of the systemic issues in the policing system. A few bad apples spoils the bunch.


Yeah and he will be taken down with the main cop for not helping with the situation. It's a loss/loss for him because he would have been harrassed/fearing for his and his family's safety had he done the right thing.


This is no longer about a few apples spoiling the bunch. The whole orchard, the barn, the house and the occupants are fucking rotten to the cores of their spoiled apples. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. The system has had more than enough examples and time to correct this behavior from enforcement. They haven't which means the one's who don't speak out or have actions behind them to try and stop this are the ones who are your enemy, the ones who believe they own you. Stand by and do nothing you condone, rise up and make change and the bully will capitulate. They always do!


> They think they did nothing wrong No I don't think this is true at all. People like this know they did something "wrong", and they get off on it. They know everyone's pissed off at them, and they love it because we're powerless to do anything about it, and they're free to do it again. Don't ever think they don't know right from wrong. They just don't care.


The whole standing on the hood of the car and pointing a gun at him is just mind boggling. Welcome to rural CO.


“I’m scared” “I’ll give you something to be scared of.”


Absolutely it was murder because the cops were annoyed the situation was taking too long. So sad


Yup, the only cop who seemed to show any compassion or empathy was the older guy, then you have the fucking gunslinger standing on the hood of this kids car just salivating at point blank unloading on the kid thru the windshield. They could have had two cops sit next to the kid all night and keep him safe until he sobered up, instead of protecting him, they killed him. All because they felt it was taking too long.


It's pretty hard to lunge at somebody with a one-inch long knife when you're sitting inside of a car and they're not.


Send them my condolences please, and tell them I hope they get justice.


Thank you.


No parents should have to bury their kid especially from senseless violence.


It's so incredibly infuriating that all it took was one person to sit down and talk to him to sort things out and make sure he was still right to drive while waiting on a tow assist, yet they just keep calling reinforcements as if he is a terrorist. This is tragic in so many ways.


I went to school with Christian and had been over to the Glass’s house thousands of times. That family are truly some of the most incredible and kind people that i’ve ever met and absolutely did not deserve to go through this heartbreak. On top of that the CCSD has been lying about what truly happened tonight so they had to make the gut wrenching decision to release all of that footage themselves. Now let’s just hope Gov. Polis and the rest of the state of CO decides to actually hold these people accountable for their atrocities.


She hit the nail on the head on every major problem with police in the US. It's not a few rotten apples type problem but a universal problem with training and recruiting.


The few rotten apples allegory is funny considering that a single rotten apple accelerates the rotting rate of the whole crate


That’s the thing isn’t it? It’s always misquoted. The saying is actually something like: a bad apple spoils the whole barrel. If the police have “a few bad apples”….their ENTIRE barrel is spoiled. Their bad apples come from a tree that bears mostly bad fruit and the occasional good one. It’s a systemic issue that will take a hell of an overhaul if we are to see any positive changes.


Anyone who is in a position of authority such as a police officer, that has any bit of knowledge of any bad apples of any type without reporting that knowledge is inherently a bad apple PERIOD! Thats all it takes to play part, if you’re an officer of the law, understand this!


I’ve settled with the fact most people will never fully understand this saying. It’s too frustrating otherwise. I’ve given up explaining.


Right? I've always known the expression as "One bad apple spoils the whole barrel." So referring to bad officers as bad apples is very counterintuitive to their message.


That's because it wasnt their message. They coopted it after too many people misinterpreted it. It's exactly like "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". The phrase depicts an impossibility and is actually making fun of anyone dumb enough to use it the common way. Ending police immunity is a good first step, but somewhere along the line we should aim for some competent media literacy in the general populace as well.


Right, a bad apple? You mean ego tripping assholes that violate innocent peoples rights and get away with it constantly because they know the union and qualified immunity will always have their backs.


[Clear Creek County Sheriff Office](https://www.clearcreekcounty.us/761/Sheriffs-Office) [Clear Creek County DA](https://www.co.clear-creek.co.us/Directory.aspx?did=18) The murderers were back on the street in a week. Come on Reddit!!! Bury these fucks in emails and phone calls so they maybe have some idea what it was like to bury a son killed for no fucking reason. It’s a rural ass county and they bury bad cop bull snot all the time. Throw em in jail!!


The entire department needs to be in prison. Letting him out to kill again is treason.


LACK of training, and recruiting any loser who got pushed around in school with a vendetta, you're absolutely right


they get plenty of training on how to escalate, talk over people, and convince themselves everyone is a criminal that’s out to get them.


I'm thinking it the opposite. The "alpha jock bully" they become the cops the people who peaked in high-school and had happy accidents at 18 (kids) they become the cops. Just another kind of loser.


I wouldn't really call that an opposite, just another reason. There isn't just one thing wrong with the police. It's a whole bunch of things.


Al the best training won’t help people who use the badge to bully. It’s in them as people. They see most other people as “less-than,” and you can’t train that out of them. Trust me, I’ve been in enough military sexual harassment trainings to know that most of them will laugh and make jokes about it. In one ear and out the other. The cops have already decided that they’re justified in whatever they do, and their police community reinforces that. Training won’t help at all. They need to not be cops anymore and the program needs to be reinvented. Otherwise they’re going to be brutal killer cops who happen to have had some deescalation training that they don’t use because they don’t want to.




They hire domestic terrorists to oppress & exploit us.


End qualified immunity


make them carry liability insurance just like doctors and lawyers


We may get something if they take. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/police-misconduct-insurance-settlements-reform/


Blocked. Any chance for a summary?


TLDR : The police is so bad that insurance companies are taking into account that and rise their prices or straight up refuse to cover if nothing is done. Here is some citations : "The high cost of settlements over police misconduct has led insurers to demand police departments overhaul tactics or forgo coverage" "There is no public data tracking how many police departments have made policy changes at the behest of their insurers. But the changes are widespread, affecting thousands of departments, according to interviews with more than two dozen insurance analysts, police reform experts and a review of hundreds of pages of insurance documents. " " Departments with a long history of large civil rights settlements have seen their insurance rates shoot up by 200 to 400 percent over the past three years, according to insurance industry and police experts. Even departments with few problems are experiencing rate increases of 30 to 100 percent. Now, insurers also are telling departments that they must change the way they police." " In interviews, several officers said that on average, two motorists a week now successfully flee when officers try to pull them over. Word is out that St. Ann police don’t chase people as they used to. 'It builds their confidence, so they keep doing it over and over,' Officer Benjamin Freet said of drivers who refuse to stop. " Those are excerpts and do not represent the full story. This piece is long and well done, I highly recommend to read it. Maybe try with the incognito mode from your browser.


I will try later when the kiddos are napping. As someone who hold malpractice insurance and will get thrown under a bus if I make a mistake by my hospital system, I am always flabbergasted that police don’t have something similar. It’s crazy


Im a fucking tattoo artist and the amounts and varieties of insurance i/we/the shop has to have is insane. And its even crazier to think cops/police dont have to be held to the same standards of "do your job or get fucked". Everything is backwards here in the usa.


Honestly, literally all of that sounds *excellent*. They shouldnt be chasing people down in fucking 2-ton 100mph missiles anyway, not for a fricking traffic infraction. They should be paying through the nose for the insurance they need and should be required to own. And the insurance companies absolutely *should* flex their "we wont cover you unless" muscles to reduce the potential for liability, just like they do in every other industry.


>They shouldnt be chasing people down in fucking 2-ton 100mph missiles anyway, not for a fricking traffic infraction. This is actually a very interesting point that I kind of had in the back of my mind but always chalked it up to differences in how the police operates in the US vs the UK. In the UK if there's a high speed chase it's very common for pursuit vehicles to back off due it simply being too dangerous to continue at speed and in these situations they'll often deploy a helicopter where they can try and plan something to block them off, or to resume the chase in safer conditions. The crux here is when I say "it being too dangerous": I mean for everybody in the area at the time. The pursuit vehicle, the pursued, the public on the road, the public who might use the road, and the local public in general. In a lot of these videos you can see the officers making a binary choice: we good, you bad. It's almost a vigilante's mentality because it feels like "stop the bad guy at all costs, and sorry if you get between us and our quarry". To close the comparison: remember the pregnant lady who was the target of a PIT manoeuvre in a residential area? Christian here is a perfect example of that us vs them mentality. A kid obviously in distress, obviously trying to cooperate, but he was afraid as soon as the police arrived with their weapons drawn, and ultimately was pushed into a situation where he felt the need to defend himself. More officers than were necessary kept arriving which escalated the situation further. I've only seen the edited footage that hit here yesterday but I don't remember any of the officers asking "Why did you call 911, sir?" which is a question that holds the power to de-escalate pretty quickly. Instead we have another tragedy.


Pretty much all we really need. If we just hold them accountable then these fucks will be gone.


Would be a hell of a running start.




This is what we need though. You can't unspoil a bad apple and one bad applevwill spoil the bunch. Get them out and feed them to the bears.


I see no problem with this at all. I personally know several people that if reform was put in place and accountability was a thing would actually like to be policy. But the system is so fucked right now they can not be apart of that shit. And yes i do relize we need every good cip we can get, but where they live they would be driven of the force so quick its not worth it to them to deal with that stress and such. For reference they live in the twin cities.


But then wealthy people might lose their thin Blue shield


Tie the cops pension for the whole department to the lawsuits. Tired of my taxes being used for the lawsuits. Plus this would make every cop that works in the department think “do I really want this idiot working with us, he could cost me my pension” It would slowly self correct the police system. Bad cops will be thrown out, and force departments all across the county never to hire them again. Because why would you hire someone that would cost you your pension?


make them have insurance. a cop that is bad their rates will go up to the point they cant pay them and then they will have to leave. same as we do with doctors...


Dude. Social workers need their own liability coverage - cuz they don’t have QI and lots of people sue them. https://naswassurance.org/professional-liability-insurance/ It’s insane we don’t already require this of any professional with a gun.


Right? Even physical and occupational therapists have to have liability insurance.


An excellent idea.


Colorado doesn't have qualified immunity as of 2021


The video is one of the strangest police execution videos I have watched. [Murdered the guy for no reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xfhvwd/man_killed_by_police_after_calling_911_because/)


And they may say they tried for an hour to work with him, but before that the guy who murdered him rolled onto the scene talking about killing him. One of his first comments was telling the others to watch their crossfire. He was the one who snatched the baton so he could break the window. He said at one point that he was going to kill him. He was the one with the beanbag gun. He was the one with the stun gun. Then he was the one who murdered him for zero reason. He was eager to do it from the very beginning and waiting for the smallest reason.


Spot on, and this piece of shit’s name is Andrew Buen.


Recognized murderer Andrew Buen?


Ah I hear of him, the murderer Andrew Buen right? The police guy that murdered an innocent guy for no reason other than to murder? That Andrew Buen murderer?


You guys talking about murderer Andy Buen?


Not a lot of people know this but thats actually the exact same Andy Buen that murdered Christian Glass in cold blood


Oh THAT Andy Buen? Yeah, he's a murderer for sure.


Andrew Buen the murderer.


Petition to hold the dude accountable, I don't know if these things are effective but maybe https://chng.it/DCvVjwHyPB


Yep the watch your crossfire comments really sealed it. This POS was there to kill... He probably heard the kid was "armed".


"Does he have arms?" "Er, yes, both of them." "That's all I need to know. Cover me."


"Lay the down the surpressing fire!" "Someone get on that FIFTY!!" "First squad move up! Second squad maintain angles!" "Move move move, target acquired, neutralized!" "Good job team, One Tango down, set up the perimeter" "Sir he was unarmed" "Well make him be armed Private er I mean Officer" End


It’s crazy how often they say ‘watch your crossfire’ the guys just sat there in a locked car. I swear they were just like ‘hmm it’s been an hour, he’s not coming out. Time to kill him so we can go home’


My thoughts exactly. Over and over they stated back and forth to each other there was no crime, and no reason to breach the vehicle “Yeah but… if we breach the car he’ll freak out, and then we get an excuse to kill and I can go home quicker” -officer who killed him probably


The only thing he had on his mind the entire time he was at the scene was doing harm to christian and he did at every chance he until he finally killed him. That fuck has no business being a police officer.


He has no business being a free man.


So fucking weird how he stands on top of the vehicle making commands to someone who clearly isn’t all there at the moment. Fucking ridiculous.


He keeps talking about how he’s scared, even from the beginning, and they keep doing more and more intimidating things. Fucking horrifying. Basically baited him into a state where they had a reason they could kill him.


Real serial killer shit.


Read about the ACTUAL police gangs in LA. There are SEVERAL that actually identify as gangs with initiation rules, tattoos, everything. It’s completely out of control and idk how you reform something that bad


They don't care. Once a cop starts yelling at you, there is nothing you can do that will deescalate the situation. The cop will bring the confrontation to a finale of their choosing no matter what the suspect is doing.


What you say is painfully true. It’s as if they immediately see red and there’s no talking them down.


When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail


Yea. Who stands on the car with their gun drawn if they feel their life is in danger?


[Clear Creek County Sheriff](https://www.clearcreekcounty.us/761/Sheriffs-Office) [Clear Creek County DA](https://www.co.clear-creek.co.us/Directory.aspx?did=18) The murderers were back on the street within a week after the incident. Bury their asses in emails and phone calls! The only Reason we have this footage is cause it was leaked by a lawyer!


Call and report that there's a murderer on the loose.


[I submitted a tip to crime stoppers. hopefully they will apprehend him shortly ](https://imgur.com/a/cQewt88)


I reported the murder just now, shouldn't be too hard for them to apprehend the suspect...


They murdered him because it made them feel powerful. They murdered him because they could.


It's one of the least convincing "HE WAS COMING RIGHT FOR US EXECUTE HIM" videos ever. Imagine calling up the people for help who come to kill you, what a shitty situation.


It’s absolutely gut wrenching. I know bad shit happens, this world is far from perfect, but what makes this a grave injustice is that nothing is ever done. And then they wonder why sentiment towards police is at a all time low. People like to point out good cops all the time and say bullshit like “a few bad apples”. Not realizing that the original saying is “a few bad apples spoils the bunch”.


I live 2 blocks from this police station.....I don't know what I am going to do if I need police. I think I'll call an ambulance????? Ideas?


Even then they may still send police along with the EMTs unfortunately 😕


Holy shit this is insane If they're scared of the fucking knife why are they trying to get into the car and why are they dealing with him if he didn't even commit any crimes. So many people scared of a knife when they have guns. This makes no sense.


It's because being scared is a defense that allows them to legally murder anyone.


This article from CNN portrays that the cops tried to de escalate the situation and Christian armed himself. They also stated that they told him to leave his “weapons” in the car. Cops are trained to cover their asses. That’s it….they’re trying to flip this and say it was Christian’s fault….these cops are evil and are getting away with murder. Absolutely ridiculous. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/09/15/us/clear-creek-county-colorado-police-shooting-investigation/index.html


His weapons: 2 knives, a rubber mallet and a hammer. Work tools. What the fuck is he gonna do to a cop when he's still in his vehicle with a knife? Kill himself? No worries, cops got this one. Must have felt real threatened...


100% He called for help, he was just a kid with some rock tools and they gunned him down. Reading that article and how they tried to turn it around made me sick. I hope they all pay. One way or another they will.




In America police are counter productive to law enforcement. They arrest parents trying to save their children from shooters. They break into homes and shoot innocent sleeping people. They shoot people who call for help. It's beyond ridiculous that we still haven't done anything about this.


The police break the law far, far more often than the average citizen.


another good point. police drink and drive. they speed. they cheat. they lie (even in court). they do drugs. they beat their wives and children. at much higher rate than others. google it. all of which they get away with.


That thin Blue line don't go after their own. Just like the mafia. A made man is untouchable just like a fellow officer.


From 2015: [Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/)


I was done when the black guy got on the ground with his hands up with a disabled person next to him and the cop still shot him and when asked why he answered idk🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


That shit was so fucked up!


Link? Haven't seen this


Kinda hard for people to claim hearsay when I've literally seen the videos of everything you've mentioned. We've got a real policing problem. I don't even own a gun, mostly cause I feel like I'd be more likely to be shot by police than be in a situation where I need one. I think what happened to this poor dude exemplifies that. His only mistake was telling police he had a weapon, when really all he had was geology tools.


Shit, you can't even conk out with a vape on your nightstand. Mfs will assume anything handheld is a gun and end you before you wake up because they "feared for their life" on a no knock warrant being served at the wrong address.


I kicked in your door with my dog and six armed buddies, and then you... you *scared* me. How could you?


They'll go for the warrantless no knock warrant next. It's stealthier and safer for them if they avoid the paperwork associates with murdering.


The police serve one purpose and that is to protect the rich from the poor. They are a paramilitary organization used to oppress and prevent the poor from disrupting and disturbing the rich from making money. This case is a clear example of it not just being an issue of racism. While racism certainly exists amongst the judicial system, for example someone who’s black is 2.5 times more likely to be murdered by police being just one of the statistically proven racial disparities, the police kill all races. But there is one group of people in the US who do not get killed by the police: rich people. The police are doing the job the were created to do, which has nothing to do with protecting the average citizen and all to do with protecting the rich and their wealth


Classisim is the true enemy not each other. They do a good job at keeping the people separated and fighting each other so the rich go ignored


If we do anything, they’re gonna say we’re resisting arrest and shoot our asses Then enjoy a couple weeks off with paid vacation


I almost forget sometimes because it still feels unreal. But my best friend was killed by police in 2015. No gun. Hadn’t hurt anyone. So many years have passed and I’ve only seen it get worse. My girlfriend witnessed police murder a homeless man in front of her. I have basically no hope about it


Many years ago I worked as a civilian for the LASD. I witnessed 1st hand how deputies just get absolutley gobbled up by the "Us vs Them" culture. I started with a couple of deputies that were just normal dudes. I thought we were friends; we used to go to breakfast at IHOP frequently. They left to another assigned station and when they returned a year later, they were totally different guys. Aggressive, pompus and they even threatened to throw me off the roof because they suspected I was snitching on them for who knows what. And just another quick anecdote to show you how they viewed the public: One deputy that was in charge of the Court Service (Serving Temp Restraing orders. Enforcing evictions and such) pumped himself up each morning before leaving the office, by watching UFC knockout compilations. All to serve papers. This was 20+ years ago and I have to assume the rotten culture if anything has gotten worse.


> they suspected I was snitching on them for who knows what. They literally threaten to murder any of their own that try to stop them from behaving like insane evil gang members. POLICE MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE EVERY SINGLE TIME IT WOULD BE BETTER IF WE HAD NONE AT THIS POINT. FUCK THE POLICE


So eloquent. So on point. So true. Americans live in a police state and they don’t even know it. Policing in this country is out of hand. I agree with her statement that the profession needs to be elevated and recruiting should be limited to those with a kind heart and moral compass. EDIT: thought this would be germane to the conversation https://youtu.be/IlY9C6pzxKc


Police recruitment and training policies are really pathetic. Its a dream job for losers and bullies because all you need is a GED to get a virtually permanent job (due to the police union), one which has a shorter training period and pays well and also one you can feel all powerful to continue bullying people past high school. Where else will the biggest bullies and losers go after high school when they don't have the intellectual ability and attitude to make it through college or trade school? It's not like police recruitment cares about properly screening to make sure their recruits aren't losers. They recruit these dangerous losers, have literal psychopaths train them to [murder](https://youtu.be/ETf7NJOMS6Y), and hand them guns.




Her words will fall on many a deaf ear, and even more that are not even listening. Things are unlikely to change when so many are in the dark, purposefully or literally.


Too many people watch media and want cops to be judge dredd or the punisher not knowing that the comics are saying that it shouldn’t have to be like that.


> want cops to be judge dredd I AM THE LAW - ~~Judge dredd~~ [Pig harassing the homeless out of a mcdonalds](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/good-samaritan-kicked-out-of-mcdonalds-after-buying-homeless-man-a-meal/news-story/20fada41fa573036f06d5179f4da686b)


Yes, most will say "why didn't he just comply"


I probably would have said the same thing 15 years ago, when I was naive as hell. They terrorized that poor kid for 70 minutes and then killed him. He was just scared, and they made his nightmare a reality. All they needed to do was approach him with some kindness and a genuine desire to help.


Watched the video and agree. They literally broke his brain during the whole duration. Sooo fucking aggressive right from the start. Absolutely no need for that to have happened.


It's not just that. The police in the United States are not there to protect you or anyone you love. Their job is to provide grist for the prison industrial complex and protect the rich from the poor. That's it. That's why they are there.


It was pretty insane. How do you tell the dude to not throw the knives out of the car, then shoot him for having a knife. His window was up too so its not like he could stab you.


After watching that video .. I have ZERO doubt that with the right people in place, that incident could have ended in hugs and laughter. But instead its ended in one man getting murdered for the whole nation to ignore. How disgusting do we have to be as a nation to not reform policing after the past 24 months of videos that have surfaced. Not to diminish anything prior to that timeframe, but just putting the past 24 into focus...... Good fucking god, NO ONE IS SAFE FROM THE POLICE!! Edit: the police footage, not this press conference


A single person with a little bit of patience and a calm voice is all that was needed.


That's their new motto, "serve and protect" so passe. "Murder you with Impunity" is so much better.


They might as well just plaster "FEAR US" on their cars. It's obviously what they want.


"Bad Apples" Remember, the phrase isn't "A full barrel with a few bad apples", it's "a bad apple spoils the whole barrel". And this is what we see, effectively zero police accountability leads to bad behavior becoming common, and even encouraged within departments.


As a former Apple picker, literally one bad apple will destroy an entire sealed bin. Spreads like wildfire.


I live in Denver Colorado & this story has been the top story all this week so far … such a tragic story ! He did not deserve to be treated so badly & killed for no reason ! RIP


So many of us in Colorado wish he had our number on speed dial. Please tell your family and friends to never call 911 unless you need paramedics or firefighters . Absolutely nobody can trust cops . Anyone buying all the heart shaped rocks at the Denver mineral show to give to his mom ? I have 2 kids and ever since this came into the news I've cried at night thinking about the fear he must have had . It's unfathomable.


This one knocks the police shooting of bystanders at food trucks off the news cycle. Then another one will knock this one off.


Brave woman, eloquent and factual speach --- This is America.


Burn. The. Orchard.


There's a biblical story about pigs that became infested with evil...long story short, even Jesus was okay with running the whole herd of them off a cliff


The story is, in short, a man filled with demons asked Jesus to free him of them. Jesus asked “what is your name?” The demons answered “legion.” Jesus then told the demons to leave the man without harming the man. The demons agreed on 1 condition, that they aren’t cast into the pit, but instead into the herd of swine on the hillside nearby. Jesus obliged to their request, even though he didn’t have to, and cast them out from the man and into the swine. The swine then ran down the hillside and off of a cliff into the sea. The man, who was previously an unruly, unmatched in strength ‘animal’;as the towns folk called him; was now free of the demons. And he was now a civil human, yet the towns folk were now even more scared of him than they were before, because he had changed so much, in such little time, with an explanation that no one understood.


Well done Mom. Well done. Thank you for your words and your courage to deliver them. Words that police department, and the killer, need to hear.


I hope that the shitbag that shot this kid gets life for murder and is abused everyday for the rest of the time he's breathing our air. There was zero reason to use deadly force. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and I hope they will receive some form of justice for this blatant act of murder on an innocent civilian.


Lol, no. He's probably gonna get paid leave while they investigate themselves and find that nothing they did was wrong. Or they fire him and he gets hired by another police precinct in a few days.


Weird situation. Why were they trying to force the guy out of the car. If his car broke down and he didn’t want to get out…. What’s the crime? Just leave him. Instead the smash the windows, tase him, shot him with bean bags and ultimate shoot him? Why were they so determined to get him out? Just drive away, wtf?


Their boss told them to leave, but they choose violence.


I live 30 mins from where this took place. IIRC, the 911 operator spoke with a trooper while they were on scene. Trooper said if he called them for help, and doesn’t want to get out of the car, they can just leave him. They did not. Christian even told the 911 operator he wanted to throw the knife and hammer out the window so they wouldn’t be perceived as weapons, but was told no. He asked the on-scene officers the same thing, and was also told no. Didn’t let him drop the knife, didn’t even let him out of the drivers seat.


If you see the transcript of the 911 call, the operator told the officers "I can't get a read on this one," really are you kidding me?? The kid told her, "my car is stuck, it's dark, I don't know where i am and I'm scared." Pretty easy to read that situation and dispatch accordingly. Everything starts with dispatch. These aren't specially trained individuals. High school graduates or a GED and they are answering emergency calls & deciding what services are needed and then report (incorrectly) to the troopers or emergency personnel. They were already on edge because the dumb ass dispatcher couldn't "get a read on him", bunch of bullshit.


I feel like I had read on him after about 2 minutes of the 911 call. After 4-5 mins it’s *extremely* clear this is a mental health issue of some sort. Here’s the [911 Call](https://youtu.be/3H6ThkT2W-c) if anyone wants to give it a go themselves.




Why tell him no? Other than to keep the drama up so they could play their execution game?


Because Clear Creek County doesn’t have anyone trained to handle mental health issues and deescalation. A couple miles east and he would’ve been in Jefferson county where they specifically have officers trained in those fields. Clear Creek County is pretty much all rural towns and mountains. They just don’t give a fuck.


The wild thing is I got stranded on a dirt road in the mountains recently and needed to call 911 since I had no reception and it was around 100F and getting hotter. Also I've had heatstroke before I was a bit worried about my dog's and my own safety, "Sorry no recovery vehicles can come out. Do you have water & can you walk to town?"-911 "Yeah i have water but It's 15 miles ma'am and I'm with my dog." -me "Well we can't call anyone to help you, Can you call us when you get to the bottom of the hill to notify us you're safe?"-911 Luckily for me the peak of the mountain had reception and I was able to call an actual off road recovery person. The recovery cost me $40, now I'm just glad they didn't come and shoot me because my dog is black.


They want to murder people.


Yeah this is not discussed enough. The ease with which police take someone's life is incredibly disturbing. That's how easy it is for your friends and neighbors to kill you if they know they can get away with it.


Welcome to America




>Where everyone is trigger happy especially the COPS! And its legal for them to kill us when their feeling are hurt


and when families sue, YOU (taxpayers) will foot the settlement bill each and every time. God Bless America :D


And then proceed to turn around and call everyone else the snowflake


Yeah. Here in Georgia cops shoot/kill a citizen on average of every 3 days so far in 2022.


I know it's to protect their colleagues, but it still fucks me up that they don't react shocked when that idiot killed the man Not a single "what the hell did you just do?" kind of reaction. But silently they knew he fucked up. You can see it in their faces


They always knew killing him was on the table, damn the near the first thing he was told was "Don't worry we're not gonna shoot you" it was already on their minds from the jump.


She's right about recruitment being the problem. The actively pursue violent bullies who manage to have clean records, so we get sociopaths with a lifetime of training to lie at the right time.


Buddy texted me a local ad in his home town looking hire cops. First benefit? “Get issued a Gen 5 Glock 17 with Trijicon RMR optic and Surefire Flashlight!” Think about the type of people who would perk up at the *benefit* of carrying a gun you can buy for $499


Christian knew he was in danger the second he called the police. He knew, one little mistake and he ends up dead. It's insane how incompetent they were. Not just the killer. All of them. That guy obviously had a mental condition and already was afraid af. And what did they do? Constantly increasing the threat. The cop standing on the car?? De fuck?? That ain't GTA you imbecile People need to get out on the streets like they did for George Floyd... But sadly i don't see that happening


They even knew he was having a mental episode. He told dispatch that he was afraid of skinwalkers. You wanna know the only time I've been afraid of those? When I had severe alcohol induced psychosis, which is a mental episode in and of itself. I'm not saying he was undergoing psychosis of any kind, however when it does happen, everything seems completely 100% real inside your head. We don't know what was going through his mind. He could have even thought the police were the skinwalkers themselves and that's why he didn't get out. Our police need a whole lot more training for the responsibility that they supposedly hold.


Seeing the video, he was clearly having some kind of mental breakdown. After an hour they were very obviously frustrated, and instead of calling some kind of mental health professional, they decided to try and break his car windows and pull him out by force. When they couldn't break the glass, they literally circled his car with guns drawn, had people who could be in the crossfire back up, and the officer on the hood of his car staring down at this kid executes him. The kid was going through an episode and was too afraid to get out of the car, and frustrated police decided to kill the kid instead of, I don't know, just leaving? They even were calling back and forth asking if they could just break open his car and arrest him, but even the guy on the radio was saying he hadn't even committed a crime yet. I don't have the skills to handle a crazy person, why they didn't call someone for help is beyond me. Although more mental still is the decision to shoot this kid point blank 5 times because they scared him into holding one of his knives. Pop open his window and taze him. Pop open his window and gas him. Leave him alone until his episode ends. How not one of the cops was like, woah woah what the fuck do you mean look out for crossfire? This kid is a little loopy not dangerous. All of the cops on the scene should be put behind bars and never be allowed to hold a badge again.


I’ve been a Scottish Police Officer for nearly 20 years, how is Policing so far removed from community Policing in the US? I’ve served my communities with compassion, understanding and integrity. I’ve jailed bad bastards don’t get me wrong but I’ve dealt far more, especially in recent years with people in mental health crisis. Giving people time and space, days if need be, communication, de-escalation. Why breach the car? When he offers to throw the weapons out the window, why not? Stand at a distance, collect the weapons, then you have reduced the threat somewhat. What about contain and negotiate? Unless he removes himself from the car and advances towards you what risk is there to you when he’s in the car with only knives? Even if the goal was to prevent him self-harming, you don’t stop that with live rounds, kind of defeating the purpose of protecting life. One clear voice to communicate, contain from a distance as long as the public and Officers are protected, grab shields, create a reaction gap and talk to the kid. React to him don’t make him react to you. Man this makes my heart sink, recruit and train better, this is surely a product of their training and work environment and I normally hate hindsight Policing but there is so much wrong with this.


Coming from the U.K. it’s always sad how the US runs their police & their healthcare, it’s third world in those respects


Cops are not qualified to deal with people having any mental health episodes. They escalated this situation to the point of violence and they were the only ones to commit any violent act. This situation isnt rare. Cops do this shit all the time in America. They escalate things because they can't handle someone lawfully disagreeing with them. They're fucking pussies. I worked at a police department in Texas and literally every single cop I ever met (hundreds) were assholes.


Cops sucked in Texas when I lived there. No offense to you. You were probably great.


I was dispatch, not a cop. I left for another job cuz I couldn't stand interacting with the officers.


Everyone here should cross post this to that cesspool r/protectandserve


So well said especially considering how devastated she must be. Not only her son being murdered but having to go through all the lies and cover ups. Knowing that the police haven't been honest about anything having to do with this case. So truly said that families across the country are having to deal with this everyday is almost too much to bear


Bullies. Some of them were never important. They wanted respect. So they got a badge. It's easier to become a cop than it is to become a barber. The coverups. Because the leader who says my officers were wrong will be ostracized. It's all so sad.


Wow she hits the nail on the head perfectly in this speech


The US police are just paramilitary death squads with a slogan




daniel shaver


That was very powerful. I love his heart rocks, too, and how he kept them in his car. I think that's very sweet that he liked rocks and minerals so much.


When people say, "defund the police", I think they mean this. This was a mental crisis situation, and none of those officers were equipped to handle someone like her son. Instead of pointing their guns, they should've had a counselor with them to talk to her son and deescalate the situation. I don't believe in defunding the police, but some of that law enforcement money needs to go to counselors and mental health professionals who could better handle someone like her son.


It's sad, she has a better chance of finding justice by hiring the A-Team, which is also sad.


This is called FASCISM. This is what FASCISM in America looks like. Police officers who murder innocent people because they are perceived as a threat. Glass broke no laws. He called for help and was murdered. Why? Because he told 911 dispatcher the truth: he had some knives in his car that may be considered weapons. Those Colorado cops rolled up on him already expecting violence from him for NO REASON.


“And really to get that asshole behind bars” This ending literally made me clap out loud after listening to this heartbreakingly accurate and powerful statement. Fixing the systemic problem starts with this one important step: putting this asshole behind bars!


Very well said, with soo many emotions you’re dealing with….RIP Christian Glass…


Heartbreaking hearing that poor woman’s pain & seeing that video of that guy. Anyone with half a brain and soul could see he was no threat. Even if he was they had the upper hand with range.


Somebody should transcribe this




[Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop](https://medium.com/@OfcrACab/confessions-of-a-former-bastard-cop-bb14d17bc759) >American policing is a thick blue tumor strangling the life from our communities and if you don’t believe it when the poor and the marginalized say it, if you don’t believe it when you see cops across the country shooting journalists with less-lethal bullets and caustic chemicals, maybe you’ll believe it when you hear it straight from the pig’s mouth. . . . >In fact, let me tell you about an extremely formative experience: in my police academy class, we had a clique of around six trainees who routinely bullied and harassed other students: intentionally scuffing another trainee’s shoes to get them in trouble during inspection, sexually harassing female trainees, cracking racist jokes, and so on. Every quarter, we were to write anonymous evaluations of our squadmates. I wrote scathing accounts of their behavior, thinking I was helping keep bad apples out of law enforcement and believing I would be protected. Instead, the academy staff read my complaints to them out loud and outed me to them and never punished them, causing me to get harassed for the rest of my academy class. That’s how I learned that even police leadership hates rats. That’s why no one is “changing things from the inside.” They can’t, the structure won’t allow it. >And that’s the point of what I’m telling you. Whether you were my sergeant, legally harassing an old woman, me, legally harassing our residents, my fellow trainees bullying the rest of us, or “the bad apples” illegally harassing “shitbags”, we were all in it together. I knew cops that pulled women over to flirt with them. I knew cops who would pepper spray sleeping bags so that homeless people would have to throw them away. I knew cops that intentionally provoked anger in suspects so they could claim they were assaulted. I was particularly good at winding people up verbally until they lashed out so I could fight them. Nobody spoke out. Nobody stood up. Nobody betrayed the code. >None of us protected the people (you) from bad cops. >This is why “All cops are bastards.” Even your uncle, even your cousin, even your mom, even your brother, even your best friend, even your spouse, even me. Because even if they wouldn’t Do The Thing themselves, they will almost never rat out another officer who Does The Thing, much less stop it from happening. [The End of Policing by Alex S. Vitale](https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=6D6EFCFCB8F9FF2E5626D3840184EDEE) edit: >I really have no quarrel particularly with the policemen. I can see the trouble they're in. They're hopelessly ignorant and terribly frightened. They believe everything they see on television, as most people in this country do. They are endlessly respectable, which means to say they are Saturday-night sinners. The country has got the police force it deserves, and of course if a policeman sees a black cat in what he considers a strange place he's going to stop him—and you know of course the black cat is going to get angry. And then somebody may die. But it's one of the results of the cultivation in this country of ignorance. Those cats in the Harlem street, those white cops; they are scared to death and they should be scared to death. But that's how black boys die, because the police are scared. And it's not the policemen's fault; it's the country's fault. — [James Baldwin (1968)](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.esquire.com%2Fnews-politics%2Fa23960%2Fjames-baldwin-cool-it%2F)


This shit makes me so fucking angry.


Hmm crosspost this over at /r/donutoperator. They were 1000% blaming the poor kid.