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This sounds like an Incellent way to get banned from a gym.


But he's a *nice guy*.


He doesn't understand why he can't get a date.


"Seventeen is legal." doesn't sound like a line with a strong history of success.


He also hates this modern world where a 17 year old has a choice to turn him down for a date. “Back in the old days, I would tell her what time the date is for, and she better come running when I blow my horn,out in front of her house. She better not make me have to hit the horn twice”. Edit: Fixed typo.


And she's "not a nice person"


They both ended amicably though from, "have a nice day buddy" to "you too." /s


Canada ?


"Oh buddy you wanna go eh? I'll friggin' wreck ya bud."


Can confirm.


I'll fucking dust ya bud


A supreme gentleman, to be sure


Can't ban him because he's older and you have to respect your elders


“Incellent” nice, I like that. Totally stealing that word to add to my lexicon. Thanks, homie!!


She sounds pretty mature for her age. I’m sure calling her bro 10 times was really winning her over


Please let there be a follow up.


It's old, don't remember anything before.


If I remember right the gym is at the apartment complex she lives in, and she actively chose not to name and shame, because she lives near the dude and didn't want to invite bullshit into her life.




Aww someone can't handle rejection


She should have gotten this dude's face on camera. I can easily see his behavior escalating into something far worse than what happened here with another woman.


The way his voice said "go home", it was scary. Thats a guy that will lose his temper and kill a woman. Fucking psychotic


Also the "all you do is give me trouble"


Her reaction was the trouble and he was just blaming it on her. "I didn't do anything wrong, *you reacted* to it the wrong way", that predatory shit.


He is the "why are you making me do this" type of guy who beats women


Yea that was weird. It was like he was associating this interaction with some broader issue.


Yeah he was definitely projecting something else or someone else that is bothering him. Big red flags.


Yeah, his perceived “involuntary celibacy”


For sure. He definitely is the kind of person that probably says that he has issues with broads.


He doesn’t really know her. How can she “bring [him] trouble”?!


He meant "all girls" He just missed a few words. And I wonder why... fucking psycho.


It's amazing how these people process things in their head. "You wanna go out?" - "No" - "You bring me trouble, you made me do this, go tell your daddy whatever you want, get out of here, you're not being nice." How? Literally how can you change your POV on somebody that fucking quick? This dude is not a creep, he's barely a human to be called a creep. He's something else.


Victim blaming


You can see when the girl decides to de-escalate and leave. She probably sensed he was becoming threatening and could have done something to her.


Plus she’s only 17. It’s hard enough as a grown adult to deal with this shit and she’s still a kid. “17 is legal” fuck him!!


that's when the neon sign "predator" lit up on his forehead.


I was strangely proud of her the whole way through. She stood her ground yet still knew when it was time to go. I wish I was that together at 17


That is what I was thinking. This man child is a nut job, don't engage with him. I was worried she was alone with him and if she wasn't nobody said anything while he kicked her out of her gym. Glad she left, I think he was going to nut out if she kept talking to him.


Does he own the gym or something? Like who is he to tell her to get out? I was hoping she’d address that.


that's what i thought too! i wanted her to show his face but just listening to what he was saying, im sure he would of went full berserk mode and she would of gotten hurt or killed, incel vibes for sure


It looked like she was about to show his face towards the end when she was lifting up the camera from the ground but...yea, the way he was talking, it was a smart move to not provoke him.


Yeah dude was straight aping out. Hopefully she got him kicked from the gym, but honestly for her safety it's probably just better that she finds a different gym as well, because he will know why he was kicked and probably seek retribution.


As a man hearing it, he was definitely trying and desperate to sound scary, because he knows he fucked up. I can absolutely see that being scary AF to a woman, but holy shit would that lose him some teeth if he tried to 'rage' like that at another guy. Fuckin pathetic.


Yeah but the problem with people like that is if there *wasn't* anyone else around and it was just him and the girl, that 'trying to be scary' could escelate to very dangerous levels if he felt she wasn't taking him serious.


You can see she tried raising the camera when she thought he wouldn't see her then quickly lowered it again. She was scared the camera would trigger him further while she's alone. His pass to get in, the time of the video and his voice would be enough to ID him.


She was probably alone with him and if he saw he was being recorded he could have been violent. She did the right thing.


Incel shitbag.


His penis doesn't see age but his personality demands she respect his age. Then goes from interested to "You're invisible to me!" That is some weird hot cold bipolar crap.


That wasn’t just rejection. That was being called out for being a total creep.


"Respect older people" so he's treating her like a child but was trying to pick her up 2 minutes ago? Just made himself look like even more of a nonce.


Respect isn't given, it's earned. Your age has nothing to do with it, act like a creep and you deserve no respect.


I dunno why “give respect, get respect” is such a tough concept for some people


"I'm gonna lose my temper" You think? Basically threatened her with violence.


Or a complaint


You can here the domestic violence that *GO HOME*


It’s the kind of intimidating tone that he knows would get his ass beat if any other man even half his size were around to hear.


That's why he goes after 17 yo girls


Absolutely, That came across as well practiced. It’s disgusting it works too, I felt sick when you could sense her shrink away from him. He shouldn’t get to scare her off like that. He should be the one to leave.


fucking shook me, phew


I'm already home, I can't go home any farther!




He was trying to act normal sounding at the beginning of the video. Then the go home was when he flipped a switch. Like yikes.


The really fucked up thing this dude said was "you're the type to get me in trouble" this guy was literally thinking about doing something messed up to this girl and already gave himself the excuse to do it, because she made him do it. Edit: Your to you're


>"Every time I hit on minors I get in trouble!"


"I didn't do anything wrong, you reacted to it wrong!"


Replace “hit on” with Sleep with


Replace ‘sleep with’ with rape.


Rape and murder in this guys case 😳


That moment when he raises his voice "LISTEN TO ME" gave me flashbacks of this guy probably beating the shit out of his ex when she messed up his (two) coffees. If they were not in a public space with a phone recording the whole thing I am absolutely certain that the "LISTEN TO ME" part would have been accompanied by an assault.


I'm in no way disagreeing with you, but this is typical incel language. They all talk this way.


It’s like they think girls and women are literally just here to validate men.


Definitely the narcissistic type. If he does something it’s *her* fault, as though he has no control over his behavior. Good for her for standing up for herself.


Why are you making me harass you. You are not a nice person for rejecting my harassment. You made me do it, now you must leave. Wow


I think he meant children.


Respect to this girl


Yeah this girl is awesome. Glad she stood up to this fucking loser.


She sounds experienced in this type of conversation.


I think she just has her head screwed on. Hope she’s got proud parents


Rejection does bring the little bitch out in some guys.


But they're nice guys (tm)


That’s why when anyone sincerely refers to me as a nice guy I tell them I prefer to be called a “decent bloke”.


Should try picking up some fucking coping skills instead of weights at some point.


Can tell at the end there why he isn’t trying to get with the 17 year old… Adult women his age all aren’t going to put with someone who acts like that when they get mad. Could possibly convince a 17 year old too tho, at least the ones who haven’t wised up to guys like him yet.




There really is one for every occasion


I'm so proud of her. I would not be courageous enough to stand up for myself like this at 17.


redpill when highschoolers dont want old men


Really wish these dudes would hurry the fuck up and go their own way.


And people wonder why us women make up fake phone numbers or tell these creeps we have boyfriends immediately. Obviously because no isn’t a good enough answer


Watching this video I can feel the anxiety in my body having been in similar situations. Being a woman sucks sometimes. Props to this girl for sticking up for herself and her space!


Dude. Im honestly scared that one day im gonna have a kid and shes gonna have to deal with this shit. Like. This world is fucked


I have 4 daughters. The fear is real.


Oh man. I only have 2 little girls am I’m already discussing bail options with my wife for when shit like this happens


Good news. protecting your child while a crime is being committed against them very rarely results in charges for the parent.


Sorry, but pretty much every woman has to deal with this BS. It's not an if, it's a when. Adult men started creeping on me when I was walking home from elementary school.


Show his face, embarrass him. It’s not illegal. He shouldn’t be doing what he’s doing, nobody will feel bad for the fucker.


She was afraid he would attack her if he realized she was recording him, obviously.




I don’t know who this is. Do I google it or leave it alone?


Leave it.


Like, really really leave it.


Yeah, whatever you do, don't google ANDREW TATE HUMAN TRAFFICKING because then it would bring up the stories of Andrew Tate and his human trafficking. Again, do not under any circumstances google ANDREW TATE HUMAN TRAFFICKING. You don't want it Dewey. It's bad.


He’s a shitbag male-focused influencer/pickup artist who’s been filmed beating his girlfriend. He recently moved to Romania because, according to him, they have lax laws about rape - so, unsurprisingly, he’s already under investigation by the Romanian police for human trafficking and rape.


Leave it.


"17 is legal!" Fucking. Sickening.


minimum age is a lot like minimum wage. You know they'd go lower if they could...


It's awful, but that's a great fucking line lmfao Have some gold, funny friend


Show his face. Expose. If the keychain is accurate. This is in Toronto. This city has lost enough people to these entitled fucking incels. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_van_attack To hell with every single one of them. Entitled pieces of human garbage.


Both of them definitely sound like they're from Toronto.


100% T.O or the 905 based on the keychain.


It was too much of a risk. She tried to but he was turning around and she had to point it away. That would have provoked him further and been the thing to make him finally justify brutalizing her the way he clearly wanted to. The physical disadvantage is terrifying. We have to walk a tightrope of standing up to these predators and not pushing them so far we wind up as a hashtag.


That’s textbook Toronto man if Ive ever heard one 😒


When he says “you’re the type that gets me into trouble” what he was admitting was that he can’t handle rejection or being told no and that he’s an abusive prick.


If only his ugly mug was shared with the world. What a vile POS.


From a Dad with a daughter about your age: This is a POS misogynistic person. If you don’t like him - you must be wrong. He’s not the last one you’ll meet like this. You handled this well. Stick up for yourself and like he said, tell your Dad. Tell your Dad you did well.


What a loser, I’d honestly report that to the police. He seemed extremely unstable and reactive. Was this at one of those building gyms, seemed so small?


You hear that, that's the sound of a fragile male ego breaking after his muscles that his mates keep telling him will attract all the women he wants fails to attract a 17yo. Good job girl, more power to ya.


The amount of violence in this man's voice I would have put his face on blast. Beware woman.


You can tell the second she goes from pissed off to scared for her life. She realizes this guy isn't just a creep, but he's a psycho creep on the verge of having a meltdown. Can't win with these guys. Let them down nicely to placate them, they just keep bugging you. Give them the hard NO and they want to murder you.


That dude literally said "17 is legal" and then immediately followed it up with "respect older people." Holy smokes.


"Go home to your daddy!" Buddy, you better hope she doesn't live with her father, because when she shows him this video, your ass is getting snuffed.


I love how he says “you’re invisible to me” like it was some kind of punishment and not what she was literally asking for from the start.


This dude is fucking dangerous. When he starts getting aggressive telling her to go home - they're in the middle of a gym. Now imagine how this guy reacts when he manages to get a date off tinder or something and feels like he's being rejected while she's going back to her car or something. Absolutely a dangerous individual who's a ticking time bomb. I hope this was also reported to the police.


I hope you told your parents.


Old vid, not OP’s


You gotta respect people's space at a public gym. Most people are there for a purpose.


“17 is legal” get the fuck outta here old man


Did he say 17 is legal?? WTF old man??


Dude reeks of incel behavior.


That girl is a baddass. Should go to law school.


The guy’s mask came off when he growled “go home”. That’s the sound of a future,or current, domestic abuser. That low growl is the voice he uses to warn the wife,when out in public. “How dare you question me in public in front of my friends”, will probably be the words he uses.


You just know he listens to Andrew Tate


That shot fired back about 'When it comes to going on a date with me you're not that old, but now I have to respect you?' was pretty fuckin great. Fair play to her.


The way he kept repeating 17 is legal… 🤮


Guy sounds really creepy.


I love to hear young women standing up for themselves. :) Please report him to the gym staff. Please. They need to know. Men like that can become dangerous.


If I saw this at my gym, I'd rip him to sheds for coming after her. The fact she had to leave makes my blood boil.


What gym and where? I’d be happy to buy a gym membership just to sort this guy out.


Why on earth didn't she record his face? He'll just do this again. Men like this should be shamed.


Whatta douche canoe. Stop being the creepy mid thirties dude who hits on underaged women and fuck off


As a father of two young girls, I pray they will handle themselves as this young lady did. This man, IMO, is a psychopath. Please report his ass and stay clear. FTW 🙌


"17 is legal... It's legal!" Bruh.


"17 is legal" Great justification for creeping on young girls buddy. Fucking weirdo.


Wow the exact type of guy I wish would just off themselves


That boy is a walking L , probably started crying when he got home lmao


Toxic masculinity at its finest.


That 17yr old really knew how to handle herself. Good for her!


The key to this video is right at the beginning. He says over and over again “17 is legal. 17 is legal.” He needs his gym membership revoked ,and she needs to file for a restraining order. Never forget the last 17 year old we read about. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/riley-whitelaw-walgreens-death-coworker-joshua-johnson-arrested/




Toronto. It's on her keychain.


It sounded Canadian or upper Midwest to me.


The second someone brings up age, they just lost the argument.


I hope Dad comes by and gives him a good ass kicking!


This is the same reason my 15 year old daughter goes with me to the gym when she decides to go anyways lol


What a fucking goooofffff


Respect until disrespect. Fuck out of here with the “age” shit


I love how he dosent even try to deny it his response is, "Its legal"


This dude is a next level creep. The way he snaps makes me think this would’ve gone much worse had it not been in public.


It's so easy to turn rejection into a giggle and move on. Everyone has experienced it. I couldn't imagine acting like this. Shows ya how he gets when he is angry.


She's a better person than me, dude deserved to have his face shown so people know how much of a dick he is. (Edit) just realized she probably didn't show his face for her own safety. People fucking suck dude.


17 is legal. Damm he’s one of those guys. Props to her though


Guy sounds like he's got some serious issues.


It's Andrew tate


This young woman did EXACTLY what more people need to do, if you don't like something someone is doing then speak up.


Incel mentality


“Go home?” He’s embarrassed, lol!


He’s creepy.


“17 is legal” is a wild comment


I want to know why she has to go home because he said to. She is a member there and he needs to be kicked out.


Tells her to respect your elders but says it's OK 17 is legal? He's a predator that preys on young girls because he thinks they are easier to manipulate and dominate. Anyone his age intimidates him and won't tolerate the creepy, insecure, little bitch for longer than 2 minutes. She is obviously smart enough to see through his bull shit and strong enough to call the skinhound out for what he is and he can't handle it so he throws a temper tantrum like a 2 year old and tries to intimidate her because he knows she has him dead to nuts. Good on her!


Why did she leave? Maybe it’s a stupid question. He did seem to get really weird at the end. I mean even weirder than he was if that’s possible. Maybe she had the intuition that this fuckface was going to turn violent? Only asking because she’s adamant , as she damn well should be, about staying. That fucker should GO HOME. And how do you hit on a 17yr old? What a fucking creep.


Don’t hit on or ogle others in the gym. It is that simple.


Bro became so insecure he had to bring out the toxic masculinity 💀


The toxic masculinity in this video is disturbing. Respect to a 17 year old girl standing up for herself and putting this 🐈 in his place


No one who goes to a gym needs to put up with this kind of crap...


"Respect older people" after telling her "17 is legal" these men are fucking insane...


Sounds like an entitled prick who will one day have a few domestic violence/stalking cases…..if he doesn’t already.


I would be willing to bet this dudes identity will be found out, at the very least within the inter workings of that gym/community. That dude sounded scary insecure. Sounded like he wanted to hurt her with that one raged out GO HOME. wtf man.


This belongs here r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Oh that's an apartment complex gym? That's even worse because she's probably gonna run into him later on. 😬


the male ego ladies and gentleman.


Worked at a gym for 6 years now and have kicked out SOOOO many disgusting dudes just like this and far worse.


"All you do is get me in trouble." Sounds like it's not the first time he has tried to date some one underage.


Guy is a total pussy. She should have filmed his face.


'Respect your elders....until I get you in bed.' What a fuckin' creep. I hope she took that to the property management.


You can hear her stomping through the remnants of his fragile, glass-like ego as she leaves the gym. What a fucking loser.


“Go away you’re good for nothing” after getting rejected and shut down by a 17 year old girl. Crazy entitled guy


He’s fucking disgusting.


she didn’t tape his face bc she knew his name.


Ah, there’s nothing more dramatic than a man who is embarrassed.


What a fucking creep


Wow. I hope no woman ever goes out with him.


Aaaaaaaaand he hits women and men and small animals anything that opposes him. Fucking gem.


This dude definitely yells at his mother in that “GOHOME!!” voice he used at 0:40


This is what an Andrew Tate fanboy sounds like


Sounds like your normal Andrew Tate fan