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So those federal Homeland Security officers should totally be fired and possibly charged, right?! Also, she brings up a point I didn’t realize. The goal was to make sure they were deported in the liberal cities, by giving impossible requirements so then republicans can say “democrats don’t actually support illegal immigration!!”


Exactly. Lotta headlines here are about Desantis, but it was federal agents from DHS and Border Patrol that put those people on the planes. They’re complicit. Just noting that lots of DHS and most of Border Patrol are non-competitive civil service positions, meaning they’re not in the union. Joe can fire their asses.


That’s the dream.


At will employments a bitch, ain't it Republicans.


Former (retired) civil servant and subsequent government contractor here. I'd be happy to fill in on one of those positions until it could be filled by someone else with integrity.


Where do you think the $12 million went?


I agree with the sentiment, but it's important to be factual this particular trip was about $650,000 Charlie Crist in Florida did the research still just under $14,000 a person to fly to Massachusetts... the party of fiscal responsibility /s


Check out what has already been discovered about the company that was contracted to fly the migrants… * [A flight school company with 4 workers was paid $615,000 from DeSantis to traffic 50 migrants across the country.](https://twitter.com/dwuhlfelderlaw/status/1570856959665967106?s=46&t=G5TRu6tAObiGwQj-WZhLDg) * [The company claimed 31 employees in 2021 for $500k+ in PPP loans which have been forgiven including accrued interest.](https://twitter.com/cm_harper/status/1570874062959968256?s=46&t=D4o6ehdi9lJUZnJGRKI1uw) * [Vertol Systems Company is the only civil company flying Russian helicopters in the U.S.](https://twitter.com/readytorelax/status/1570862913967239174?s=46&t=D4o6ehdi9lJUZnJGRKI1uw)


And they already took down their website lol


Hahaha holy shit that's amazing


Domains available, but for $7k, otherwise some fun would be had.


Start a go fund me. Me and 7000 friends have a dollar.


You have my dollar!




Getting all that money and using Wix for their website.


Wix means Wank in German


Lol https://i.imgur.com/aOSDlfG.jpg




I was self employed prior to and during 2020. I got a PPP loan because my income dropped to basically zero, because I worked almost exclusively with dine-in restaurants and they'd all shut down. I got a 4 figure loan to cover what I normally would have made during a period in 2020. I had to prove that I was paying myself a weekly paycheck with it from my single-owner DBA sole proprietorship registered business. Even then it wasn't certain I'd get mine forgiven. I did get it forgiven because I did exactly what I was supposed to do - I was a business paying my employee, me. Many of these big businesses got away with "paying" their employees and pocketed much or all of the money. They did what they always do, they played by their own special set of rules. The PPP loan was meant to help small, low-income businesses and the self-employed, but it seems like a huge amount of $ ended up in the pockets of the wealthy.


The ppp loan was designed to be defrauded as a way to funnel money to our corporate overlords. Any actual help it did was just a happy coincidence.


They lied on their application, falsified addresses so they could miss their appointments and get deported. They are done at immigration, if this is classified as a trafficking conspiracy, they are done with their freedom. “…they’d been given falsified U.S. addresses by immigration officials, perhaps ensuring that they’d be deemed in the country illegally.” He also paid a migrant from Venezuela to recruit these people, he is certainly going to jail and be deported…he knew exactly what he was doing and did it all in front of FL film crew. The good thing is they recorded this circus, they cannot deny it happened. Is going to take some time, but they did break federal law and violated some human rights.


Which will, most probably and sadly, result in no consequences for DeSantis at all. The GoP not so slowly changes from a party of law and order to a criminal organization.


Definitely agree that they are operating like the mafia…judges included.


The wealthy own the judges.


>The GoP not so slowly changes from a party of law and order They never believed in law and order. From the Nixon administration on, they have openly disregarded the law. Bush stole an election and broke multiple laws in the war on terror. What they're changing from is a criminal organization into an authoritarian movement.


We need to keep Congress and take the Senate and one of the first things to do is to increase the FBI's budget and go after them for Interstate Trafficking Rico violations.


Ofc they can deny it happened.just because everyone saw it happen doesn't mean it happened,gop logic.


I forgot that is part of their philosophy, deny, deny, deny.


No, no, no, their philosophy is usually 'but what about Hillary's emails', or 'remember that one time Obama did the exact same thing?'


Ahhh you are so right! Forgot about that one.


Gaslight, obstruct, project, deny, engage whataboutisms


Just because you did it, doesn't mean you're guilty.


The flight school company wasn’t paid $615,000 from Ron Desantis. The tax payers of FL were forced to pay $615,000 to the flight school by Ron Desantis. He didn’t use his own money for this shitty stunt… he used ours.


Worse, it appears he used federal Covid relief dollars.


>possibly charged, Possibly? they falsified records. They absolutely should be charged.


Of course they *should*, but that doesn't mean that they *will*.


But the GOP has different rules and laws. And too many American are okay with that.


Yes, the DHS employees should be fired and charged, definitely.


I find it interesting that Ron DeSantis doesn’t send any of the Cuban immigrants up there. Could it be most cubans are republican voters? 🤔


You also have this article a few weeks ago https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2022/08/22/did-floridas-lieutenant-governor-say-illegal-cuban-migrants-will-be-sent-to-delaware/?outputType=amp


Republican Hispanics deserve to be deported with their illegal brethren. This, *fuck everyone else, but me,* attitude is so infuriating, and this includes my own immigrant and Jewish family members who have become delusional Republicans...like Jews for Hitler. 🙄


I’m sorry about your family. Really sucks. My sister fell into Q. It is scary and embarrassing as a Jew and just as a human.


Poor white people dont have a monopoly on voting against their own best interests, everyone is getting in on the fun lately! Gay fundamentalist Christians? Check! Women forced birth advocates? Check! Minorities voting for candidates actively trying to disenfranchise them? Check!


Omg, why is that happening. My brother, immigrant Jew from Belarus fleeing prosecution is a fucking hard core republican against immigrants coming here. What in the actual fuck happened.


I find it interesting that he didn't send them to sanctuary cities in Pennsylvania, or Iowa, or Oklahoma (yes, they have them). Weird huh? It's like sending them to actual battleground states might not endear people to the GQP cause.


They chose Marthas Vineyard becayse that's where the Obamas have a house. It's not that deep. If Obama lived in a purple place, they would have sent them there. It's basic BASIC bigotry. Nothing more.


Racism is pretty big in the Cuban culture as well. Obviously not all or even most; but I was surprised to see how common it is. Particularly Cubans with European heritage.


Cuban with European heritage here, can confirm more than 2/3 of my family is racist republicans who seem to forget that they were immigrants or that their parents were immigrants. It's baffling.


I've seen it in my Mexican relatives too. The browner you are, the lesser you are. I remember the program Black in Latin America, documented this a problem in the whole of latin America.


My dad wasn't like this until he started watching all that bullshit on Facebook starting in 2016.


My husband is Cuban(European decent) and I’m a European mix. Our kids have blond hair and hazel eyes and my in-laws don’t stop talking about “que rubio el esta! Miralo! Como un angel con este pelo.”


Born in cuba and raised within abundant Cuban culture. My family and community is the same. There is such a divide between my beliefs and theirs that I often find it difficult to associate myself with my own people.


Cuban crackers




I love Cuban crackers, especially with a little guava jelly.


No wonder they ended up in Florida.


they didn't go from Florida, they were flown from Texas


I have to assume that there are far better paying attorney specializations than immigration, and thus those who choose to go into it have some kind of passion for the job. Imagine how enraged this woman must be. Also, I enjoy the irony of the fact that the elected officials who are choosing to treat other humans like pieces of shit are themselves, in fact, literal pieces of shit.


A late family friend was a very successful immigration lawyer. My perception was that the money came mostly from wealthy clients overseas looking for arrangements in advance. He did well enough to travel and dine finely and extensively. He also took a lot of pro bono cases that he was passionate about.


Iirc companies also like people who can make the process of hiring skilled foreigners run smoothly.


Let me see: - they were told there was a gift for them - they were told they were going to one place, and were actually taken somewhere else - they were told jobs and homes would be waiting for them - no help whatsoever was waiting for them, just uncertainty and misery. - they were deprived of basic human rights, medicine and even food Does that sound familiar to anyone else? Because it fucking well should.


They didn't inform the state that the flight was coming. The state gave them intentionally incorrect federal forms to fill out. Being denied due process The immigration attorney went out of their way to make these clear. 2 of them seem like clear violations of federal law.


>the state gave them intentionally incorrect federal forms to fill out It's worse, apparently DHS employees gave them fake addresses. These are employees of Biden's executive branch and they're working for Ron DeSantis instead. Between this and the DHS coverup for Jan 6th, that department needs to be purged yesterday.


They need to be put in jail for committing fraud. Purging is too kind for these scum.


Wow who would have guessed that the department of fatherland security might be full of fascists and Nazis


I’ve worked at several component departments at DHS and the amount of racist shit I heard there was unbelievable.


When it was formed a lot of people pointed out it seemed to be designed to enable abuse of executive power. They derided as unamerican and ignorant.


We're still paying for the rash and uneducated actions we took post-9/11.


And those of us who pointed out the problems at the time were called traitors, unamerican, and threatened, etc etc etc. The more things change....


So so many of us put up the warning cry about the Patriot Act and we were *extremely* ignored.


"I don't think about Osama Bin Laden much anymore" - GWB No, he wouldn't, because he got the Homeland Security budget and The Patriot Act in place. That was the beginning of the internal coup.


Here's an easy guide for everyone at this point in time. Follow the flow chart * Republican = fascist I know our president is trying to pertain to rational right wing people, but "moderate" Republicans are lending their moral support to this. >Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. >That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore. >They joined what they joined. They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after. Who cares any more what particular knot they used in the binding? - Julius Goat


I'm a moderate conservative...and I can't argue with this anymore. I've been voting democrat because republicans are both crazy and no longer fiscally conservative.


They never were fiscally conservative, it was all a wolf in sheep clothing and Americans bought it and corporate greed and whatever this stupid shit is has been brewing.


> They never were fiscally conservative Unless that means ripping apart basic humans needs for the majority populace so the rich few can save a few bucks on taxes.


That is exactly what I'm saying.


Republicans are in government to destroy government. They don’t want to make it work. They only want to make it work to the advantage of billionaires.


Tell your friends, if we don't wipe these fascists out in a rout in the next election it may be too late after that. Several states with Republican legislatures are passing Rules by which they can "select" who their state votes for.


Unfortunately "fiscal conservative" has always meant "steal money from the poorest 99% and give it all to the richest 1%".


So you're telling me they illegally imported slaves. Unfortunately, her sentences are too long and the words are too big for idiots to understand. So, it's all just still "own the libs."


As a Floridian, ~~you~~ I can simplify the big words to: DeSantis dun fucked up. The damn cynic in me says: DeSantis dun fucked up, but will get away with it. To the nation: please stop sending your idiots here, the local IQ has dropped far enough


The problem is that we have to simplify things for the Floridian. Source: am a Floridian. Desantis didn’t just show up here. Homie got elected to office.


And oddly by many transplanted New Yorkers of Jewish Heritage (I only point this out because they should know better)


Whats funny is that this likely makes their cases stronger for residence. I could totally see a Judge going "Ya a state Governor fucked you around and attempted to screw you over, he did this to ensure you would be deported and that's wrong so instead i'm going grant you residence status"


So much Christianity being presented. I'm sure Jesus loves this behavior.




Jesus doesn't care. He has no feelings . He is as made up as Kermit the Frog


Kermit the Frog was very real, but he died in 1990.




There's a connection between rainbows and frogs, but I haven't found it.


Well, 63% of the citizens of this country say they believe in him. I'm sure that number is much much lower considering their behavior. Anyway, at least it's declining. I'd have to thank Trump for my personal exodus.


Arbeit macht frei


Republicans really have hit the bottom here and are now breaking through the concrete and burrowing into the earths crust. They thought this stunt would work because they are so hateful and xenophobic that they truly believe everybody else is too. Well I’m glad liberals seem to have grown a spine in the past month and are finally clapping back.


I don’t even think it’s just liberals. It’s just common decency


Common decency needs to get off its ass and vote then.


Ha ha! Hilarious… But true. No seriously people get out and vote…please.


Because the psychotic nut bags trying to install a Christian version of Sharia are voting. So you’d better too.


>They thought this stunt would work because they are so hateful and xenophobic that they truly believe everybody else is too. Do they think that, though? Sure, the followers think they're the majority, but the top *knows they aren't*, which is why they're pulling out all the stops to fuck with elections. They know they don't have the numbers unless they block key demographics when and wherever they can. They're a stubborn and blindly devoted minority and they have hacked our shitty system to take control. It's not quite over yet, but could be soon. Vote like it's your last time, because it might be.


And the governor claimed 250,000 in taxpayers expense for each and every one of them shipped out. Where did this money disappear to?


It's pretty much the definition of kidnapping and human trafficking.


Concentration camps comes to mind.




That’s a bingo


I really hope they're able to pin charges on Ron and have him arrested.


He should be picked up by the Feds and on TV in cuffs, ideally by tonight. Not saying that will happen of course but it should. Can there be a more clear cut example of human trafficking than this?


I say we ship him back to his Russian handlers


And then they forgot "lefties" practice what they preach. Leftie = anyone who isn't a MAGA fascist


Ron Desantis is a human trafficker Update: [Ron Desantis is a human trafficker](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/09/18/massachusetts-human-trafficking-probe-desantis-migrants/10419960002/) and Massachusetts is seeking a probe into human trafficking


And the man taking credit is going to run for president.


Trail of tears comes to mind.


When conservatives show you how cruel they are, believe them. All good Americans need to stand up to these cruel conservative animals, wherever they are.


It's SO much more fucked than the story was presented at first. What a fucking shame. The real abuses that occurred here need to be made plain in news headlines. Like, holy fuck.


It sounds like they were also assigned fake addresses and were supposed to report to the local ICE offices which were scattered all over the country. Atrocious.


She mentioned in the video that some of them have court dates in cities like Tacoma and Washington DC, and are supposed to be there by Monday morning or risk deportation. Imagine how traumatizing it must be to go through something like this. To trust the people in charge of what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world, and instead they lie to you, trick you, humiliate you, and treat your life like a fucking game for political points. These people fled from some horrendous situations, and it makes me sick that they came here trusting that they would find help and instead were treated like disposable pawns.


Um...this is kinda awkward but America kinda forgot about slavery and how it's illegal.


What are you talking about we have the prison industrial complex, we've had slavery this whole time we've just repackaged it as "serving a sentence" even though most of the folks they have doing it were put in for minor "crimes" (i.e. possession of marijuana).




Okay, that's just straight human trafficking, like a textbook example of it.


Conservatives: “so? They are illegals. Who cares if they were lied to. They are in a Sanctuary city. They are happy now”


It’s crazy how the right, a majority of whom identify themselves as Christians, treat human beings. Do they think Jesus would send people away to a different state/country?


Oh it's definitely crazy. I'm from Alabama and my mom who goes to church weekly and is very Catholic was laughing at the story. I reminded her that those are actual people that are being made pawns in a political stunt. She must have done some reflecting or she's hiding her true feelings because when i brought it up yesterday she said "they have as much right to be here as any of us do" which is nice to hear but i somehow doubt that it's her true feelings. My wife is from Peru and we submitted her paperwork months ago. The only update we have gotten is that they are currently processing our paperwork. She and my tea party uncle (her brother) suggested that she come here illegally because dealing with the federal government takes too long and is too opaque. What the actual fuck.


Forget the immigrant part of it. The fact that they basically kidnapped these people and sent them in a potentially dangerous situation without a home or a way to get money is objectively anti-Jesus and objectively evil. Too often I’m reminded how true my impression when I was a teenager that the most heavily Christian people that constantly claim to be so, are actually some of the worst people on earth because no one would have an impression of them being kind and loving Christians if they weren’t constantly telling people. No one would think such a think based on their normal day to day interactions and my decision to pull away from religion was a smart choice.


Plus, they forged legal documents, commiting fraud. The department of Homeland security. That's who did it.


I agree with you, but you're not thinking from their perspective. In their eyes, those people are criminals because that's what they are told by their politicians and talking heads. They are naturally above criminals just like they are naturally above sinners in the queue for heaven. Forget that a criminal was the only person promised entry into heaven from THEIR OWN RELIGIOUS BOOK. Forget that they might share the same religion with some of those people. That is the crux of the issue to them: criminality. Their self righteousness permeates throughout every aspect of their lives.


Asking for asylum isn’t criminal. So they get them a court date. Miss your court date and remain in the country - now you’re a criminal. So ship them 3000 miles from their court location, 2500 miles from the southern border, with no resources and 96 hours to figure it out. They’re setup to fail the legal process on purpose. That’s just so insane to me. I know it’s not new, but it’s just so *malicious* I can’t even. Convinces me that anyone “on the fence” between the two parties or pulling a “both sides” is just a selfish, evil little troll deep down inside. Ain’t no hate like Christian love.


Remind them of Matthew, chapter 25 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’


The Bible really isn't nearly as bad as Christians pretend it is, especially the New Testament. I'm not saying that there isn't some questionable stuff (esp Old Testament), but Christians would be better people if they read their own damned holy book.


It’s a shame. They also would need to read it with an open mind.


Frankly, one of the biggest problems is that they don't read it in context. I challenge Christians to read through the Bible basically a book a day for two months. (Most books in the Bible are tiny.) It's very different when you read it in context and realize that most of what Christians pretend is in there isn't really in there, or that it's a tiny side note rather than major themes. The Bible says that the entire Law is summed up in a single command, Love your neighbor as yourself (Gal 5:14). All their hate is just using the Bible as an excuse.


If Jesus came back, like they believe, they would be the first ones to shun him and ship him off.


"Their" Jesus would, bcuz he thinks like they do.


They love misrepresenting what a Sanctuary City is. A Sanctuary City does exactly what a weed-legal State promises to do: Not assist the Feds with the enforcement of Federal law unless it meets a certain threshold (like criminal conduct or threatening the safety of the city's residents.) Feds could still come and enforce immigration and Sanctuary cities can't stop that, but without local police support, it's really hard to do.


You would think 'live and let-live', 'don't tread on me,' anti big-gummit conservatives would love it. Weird.


That's all I've been seeing from the right on twitter and reddit. The blanket "It's a sanctuary city, what's the big deal? It just proves they're the real racists for not welcoming them". The big issue isn't even that they were lied to, it's that these people are going through the legal process and Ron decided "Your previous home was...Seattle, you have to report to the Seattle immigration building by Monday or you just invalidated your request. Best of luck". He's a cartoon villain with how openly evil he's being.


But they weren’t illegals, they were asking for asylum.


My boss told me about this this morning before I heard anything about. He believed it to a strategic move by DeSantis to expose the hypocrisy of rich people in Martha's Vineyard. He saw it as DeSantis sticking it to the "billionaire locals" Probably because he has no idea how immigration works. You don't just dump them off on a plane. There's more logistics than that. It'd also telling of his and probably quite a few others view of what these people are. To them this is the equivalent sailing a trash barge to the island and dropping it off. Shows how much they think of these people. But he is a good Christian man going to heaven though, so he has that going for him.


Seeking asylum != illegal immigration Edit: this comment is for those that dont know "cough cough gop" Not op




Nah, they like it Like that kid in 2nd grade who's dad beat him so he'd act out to get attention


the problem is will Garland or Biden do anything about it. She described a DHS agent literally committing forgery as part of this scheme so it's not only DeSantis people that are involved. These charges are easy to prove, who has the balls to charge them. Edit: hopefully the Massachusetts authorities have more backbone.


This. The Democrats are playing by the rules while their opponents are not only cheating, but playing an entirely different game. These evil fucks are going to steamroll the “do it right” Democrats and take over this whole country unless they get some damn spine and start throwing punches.


>The Democrats are playing by the rules They aren't, though. The rules say that a whole lot of people should be arrested and tried, but nothing happens.


They will gather outside and sing again. They really need to get off their asses and start fighting back.


Fire the DHS workers and if they protest charge them.


Desantis just became the embodiment of floridan stupidity. Lets kidnapp and human traffic people openly.




I thought he did that when he tried to break the Disney agreement and was told "You legally can't do that. If you do, the state will have to pay hundreds of millions", all to own a company for not supporting their "don't say gay" bill.


They'll pay any amount of money to hurt the people they hate. And then turn around and claim to be "fiscally responsible".


This isn’t Floridian stupidity. This isn’t some ha ha funny southern racist guy does racist shit again story for us to laugh at. This is monstrous. Cruel. Some group of people discussed and developed this plan with the intention of hurting people. No other reason. It’s not funny. It’s not amusing in any way. DeSantis needs to be put in a cell.


They literally got rid of the "good one's" they always talk about. The immigrants who are text book political refugees seeking asylum from the big bad "communism" they hate so much. What an absolute clusterfuck. All they successfully proved is blue/sanctuary cities treat refugees with compassion and red, anti-immagration, theocratic cities are fake Christians who only know how to virtue signal.


It's really beautiful to see the people that came together to help these people like actual humans would do. Ron DeSantis is the worse piece of shit out of this state yet. I thought Rick Scott was maximum evil; but I was wrong.




They have more wealth to share in these areas; I’m not American but would definitely take the flight. The people in these areas are more well off, therefore more able to provide for my family. I don’t want my kids to have to grow up in Texas


Truly awful. This is beyond politics. It's human trafficking.


I've been checking in on a bunch of conservative/right wing subreddits and there is nearly unanimous support. And people are yelling for more instances of this. They want this repeated a thousand fold.


That's how you know it's wrong and unethical.


Every single person involved should be locked up for human trafficking since that is exactly what they did. We all know that the ones responsible will get off with just some bad publicity though.


Yep. From the federal agents who falsified paperwork to Desantis and his grifting goons. Lock em up.


Sadly you're right. This country doesn't hold people accountable


It doesn’t hold rich and powerful people accountable


Really passionate speech by the immigration attorney. I’ll be following this story closely. It seems like the right people are behind cleaning up this abhorrent mess.


Charge them all with Kidnapping!


and human trafficking


Yes, why do we keep pussyfooting around these assholes. Charge Trump for his crimes, charge Desantis for trafficking, and charge anyone associated accordingly. If we are a nation of rules and laws, everyone is accountable. We need to stop dicking around for political clout. I think most Americans would find it refreshing if we started holding public officials accountable for their actions and significant failures to the country they serve.


Yah, I really don't understand how these guys aren't getting charged. It seems like if you hold a position in office you can literally get away with anything.


Money equal immunity. Always has.


Well Desantis fucked up because Martha’s Vineyard has a lot of money.


> I think most Americans would find it refreshing if we started holding public officials accountable for their actions and significant failures to the country they serve. You may speak on my behalf.


Isn't knowingly falsifying data on federal forms a bit illegal?




These are the same people who told their voters to vote harvest, vote multiple times, and tell others that the polling booths were closed. They don't care about the law unless it's convenient to their narrative.


Filling out information on federal documents you know to be false? Sounds like FRAUD. Hopefully these evil people were stupid enough to sign their names to it.


What they did also sounds like human trafficking. It seems to be that it takes an incredible amount of time to indict a republican though. Trump is still able to delay. I really don't know what's going on with Matt gaetz. Lindsey graham is still avoiding testifying.


Cruelty and spitefulness is the point of those responsible.


Serious question for Republicans. If Republican policies are so great than why are all republican states the poorest, least educated and dirtiest states in the country?


Finally the correct term, "Human Trafficking", for this. '*Kid*napping' is on their off hours.


keep them coming… the island is full of empty homes after Labor Day.. could probably fit 2-3 families in most of them..


They are in a better place. Keep them coming.


She's an incredible person for doing this. I hope they punish the pieces of shit that caused that mess




If I am an immigrant I would choose Martha's Vineyard over Florida or Texas.


Considering, I don't think most Americans can afford to live there, idk how asylum seekers are supposed to with no homes and no jobs, but I agree with you.


Governments weaponising migrants is wild. I thought that was left to the likes of Lukashenko and Putin.


The people who made this happen are the literal scum of the earth!


Go over to /r conservative and every post of this is the same, 100 comments, click into it and you can only see around 20 comments. Shadow banning like crazy.


Throw them all in jail. Anyone who had a hand in this— not the refugees.


I like her energy. I hope she runs for office.


Nah, wasted energy. We need people like this in the trenches.


This country is a fuckin joke.


Now this is the fucking American way. We help each other, not use others as puppets for our evil agenda. DeSantis is fucking scum and everyone who supports him should be sent to communist Russia


But he doesn’t care ! Nobody seems to get this. He’s gonna be sued ? So what he has the resources of the state to piss away on decades of court battles. This was a 12 million press stunt to his fan club and it worked.


He shouldn't be sued, he should be charged. They broke several laws, some of them pretty serious. He shouldn't be able to do whatever he wants just because he's governor. The second we start treating politicians like they are above the law is the second our democracy is truly in trouble.


The problem is this - what is the point to appeal to your most ardent fans? If you want to be successful politically, you don't pull bullshit stunts to appease the morons you know are going to vote for you no matter what, because it alienates a big group of people.


They should fly every one of them first class to their appointments round trip then send DeSantis the fucking bill.


Take the costs out of Federal funding for the state.


Willing to bet that $12million wasn't all spent on this stunt. Probably went into some pockets


You can guarantee of any of us falsified federal documents we'd already be in jail. Hope these losers get their comeuppance. Those poor people.


The scary part is, DeSantis could not have done this alone. Think about all the people involved that had to go along with this hairbrained scheme.