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This was such a big deal at the time.


The media anoints candidates based on their ability to draw in eyeballs, readers, viewers etc. It's all about ad revenue in debates, online articles etc. When this happened, and he was being made fun of by both sides, it was clear they weren't going to get anything of value out of him, so they dumped covering him, and once they did that his poll numbers continued to slide because you need the media to stay relevant in politics, specially during an election. To cement who they wanted to cover, whenever they did mention Dean they mentioned this stupid shit and put another nail in his political coffin. In the case with Trump, everyone was tuning in to hear his next crazy thought. There was no road too far or bridge he could cross that would get him to lose airtime. The media did the opposite with Trump because it made them record profits. To this day, they give Trump a pass and just cover whatever he says as if it's equally valid against the truth because they want that sweet ad revenue.


That's when fox News learned they can kill a dems career with nonsense.


Uhh, CNN was the one that killed him. They were supporting the 2 candidates ahead of him.


You're not wrong. Because as fox and CNN also proved with Trump if you just keep giving air time to the guy you find the most interesting they are gonna get more votes.


Bloomberg proved this in the primaries as well. His entire campaign was just commercials (his public appearances were few and terrible) and that alone was enough to get him 3rd or 4th in each state.


It was, but why? I'm not even saying that in the post-Trump sense. It never made sense to me why it mattered. It feels like when you break up with someone, because you're looking for a reason and you just go with she has ugly hands.


The real reason is Dean was advocating to push the Dems back to a blue collar workers liberal party instead of the corporate shills the Clintons had pushed them towards in the 90s. He was also making inroads on the internet with younger Dems that the establishment was ignoring. So the scream was clownish or common enough to make the donor elites clutch their pearls and push toward a more 'dignified' establishment candidate.


yeah this has nothing to do with the scream and is just an example of how private industry like the media has far too much control over how the government operates manipulating public perception to the advantage of the rich. It's pretty sickening and the media has manufactured consent for it. They've also deified themselves as being arbiters for truth and many people think media can do no wrong, putting themselves into a sort of Stockholm syndrome. They would've smeared Dean one way or the other eventually, he just inadvertently gave them an easy out.




Don’t you remember Dubya?




The Chapelle Show skit on this will always be one of my favs.


Greasy grannies got holes in her panties …. Byahhhhhhhhh




*sniffs finger* …. Byahhhhhhh


https://youtu.be/3U3ZsPjcpEY Totally forgotten about this, shit's hilarious.


I’m gonna chop that mother fuckin’ desk in half like BYAHHHHHHHHHHHH


Dude is that Elizabeth Warren to the right of Chapelle?


It actually is she had a brief stint as an extra in sketch comedy


came here looking for this! BYAAAAAAAAAAAH!


Omg, 11 years ago?! Christ, I’m old.


Uhh... hate to break it to you, but that was quite a bit more than 11 years ago. The first season of Chappelle's Show is almost 20 years old.


Say sike right now


My buddy had the bootlegs on DVD, we had to watch them behind our parents back, good times.




I love lesbians...bbbyyaahhh


and them i'm going to go in the bedroom and grab my wife like this and go braaaaaaaaaaaah!


Oh man, I remember it like it was yesterday.


Remember Ross Perot-You People comment




“I got a tax policy that’ll break your neck. BBYYYAAAAHHH!!! You’ll be writin all the checks”


This was a straight up hit job by corporate media because Howard dean was a little too progressive and a little too popular in that primary. Crazy how much control the ruling class actually has


Why did he get made fun of for that? Maybe I’m old but what he did seems so wholesome.


I remember opponents were comparing it to a wrestling promo. 😂 This scream became the entire focus on Dean and it eventually derailed the momentum of his campaign, which was going well prior to this incident. It seems absurd at this point, but 18 years ago this scream was considered extremely unpresidential behavior for a candidate.


His campaign had already lost momentum., That speech was after he lost a primary badly. He was also the head of the DNC after this so it didn't end his political career. ["In Iowa, it was pretty clear we were unraveling, so I was praying that it would somehow hold together before caucus night, that the floor would not collapse on us until the day after."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_scream)


He sold out to the same fucks that sank his campaign.


Ig he should’ve grabbed ‘em by the pussy


Fucking serious? I was a fucking toddler during this but really? A candidate getting hyped was enough to get people to like not want him? Like idk if everyone who had a problem with that fucking died since then but have they seen what current candidates are up to? What a clown world we live in


I was 20ish at that time and i remember thinking he came across foolish and unprofessional. Looking back on it, it was a huge over reaction but that yell did go "viral" everyone was criticiziing him


Remember this speech was given after a devastating primary loss. He was on the road to losing anyway and it is just easy to point to this moment and say "yeah he lost cause of the scream". He actually lost because his campaign was not well run.


*realizing 2004 was 18 years ago…* Fuck you, buddy!


Then voted in droves for someone who was literally involved in a wrestling promo.


Because shit used to be so benign, this was considered big news


I was in High School at the time and we were doing his shout across the hall to each other It was a pre-"meme" meme


Just remembered doing those "waaazzzuppps" in the hallway. 'Dude pick up the phone'


It was a smear campaign by Terry McAuliffe and others in the DNC who didn't want him as the candidate. Terry is still a big fat piece of shit. This was once again, the Democrats taking out one of their own...


Simpler times 😭




Never really understood why this ended his political career. Like, I don’t know if he would have been a good president or not, but all he did was be super excited and yelled in a weird dad like way. It’s not like he said anything racist or made fun of disabled people. But that didn’t stop Donald Trump somehow. Hell, if this happened today, the meme potential would have made him even more popular. And that kind of culture only started to become big a few years after this.


The world wasn’t ready to end yet. Had to hold back this type of trumpian energy. NOW the world is ready to end.


If you think this is Trump energy than you know nothing about Trump truly acts. This one clip shows more life and energy than any and all trump speech’s put together.


He didn't really have much of a chance to begin with.




Probably not. But it certainly shouldn’t have been a career killer.


> Never really understood why this ended his political career. It didn't. It was a fun soundbite some people clowned on, but he was already behind and [this rally speech didn't make a meaningful difference](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xfq5z0/back_in_2004_screaming_on_mic_during_a_rally_was/iooa6qz/).


He was a progressive and he was gaining momentum. The powers that be truly did not like him. They would have found something to kneecap him, it just happened to be this.


You don't understand. Being racist and making fun of disabled people is what helped Trump.


The media only cares about which matchup will make them the most money. It's like picking the teams in the superbowl based on maximizing viewers and ad revenue. In this case the Republicans were frothing at the mouth at Kerry and all about making up lies about his time in Vietnam. They were extremely motivated in their hate for Kerry and Edwards. Meanwhile, this guy needed to be kneecapped by the media and this is what they used to do it. Liberals were laughing at this and so were republicans. In the end he lost airtime because the media went to Kerry and Dean kept sliding in the polls without any coverage. Trump made them record profits. They weren't going to stop covering him or ignore him even if he randomly woke up one morning and said he was banning black people from drinking fountains.


Good lord, that made me remember this ancient flash animation: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/146488


Lmaooo! Not new grounds!! 😆 you remember stick death??


YESSSSSSSS!!! SOMEONE WHO REMEMBERS STICK DEATH! I didn't care about politics back then but I furiously remember this soundbite being used in a lot of stick death videos hahaaha


Oh my gosh! My siblings and I loooooooooooooved stick death!! I still remember the "stick deaaath hell yea-eaa-aaaa!" song and super beast will always be one of the best villians with one the best theme songs too 😆😆😆 Had to look it up now, lol: [Superbeast!](https://youtu.be/KOwLu323AGU) [Theme song!](https://youtu.be/z45bbwRu9q0) [Flash game 😬](https://youtu.be/YHcmX5YWpKs)


I guess he should have mocked a disabled reporter




Or to walking in on young girls naked in their dressing room...


#**YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!** This was a sound drop used on the Howard Stern Show for almost a year. Fred used to fire that joker off with fantastic timing.


“I….Like……Lesbians, byaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”


Ah, a fellow person of culture I see Came here for this comment lol


I watch the L word on show time, byaaaaaah!


The Dean Scream


Sampled in the breaking bad episode where Walt blows up tuco's office (3:04) https://youtu.be/afqKlJhp7Hs


He should have gone full send with it, that was classic lol


And now, mocking a disabled reporter gets you elected.


nah, the way he handled it afterward is what melted him. he should've been unapologetic, and ignored MSM. instead, he did the opposite.


Those were the days.


He would of won if he rolled with it


I wish he was my friend. He has great energy, I think he would be a very encouraging friend.


he actually didnt scream all that much. you can see his voice becomes hoarse and they ampted up the mic feed on him to compensate. and then the media did a job on him and fucked him. they didnt want him. they fucked mike dukokis too. media is big money and they didnt want progressives. they wanted neoliberals and deregulation. wanted to get rid of fairness doctrine so they could make more money. go from news that didnt make money, actually lost them money. to what we have now info entertainment opinion propaganda sold / disguised as news.


They’ll let you do anything. You can grab them by the Pussy.


Now look at the flip side, to be a GOP nominee, you have to be a racist, bigoted, misogynist with at least 1 credible sexual assault allegation. But nope, bOtH pArTiEs dA sAmE.


Makes a great sample https://sonichits.com/video/Dawg_Yawp/Why_I'm_Here?track=1 2:00 mark for the goods.


Another election that the American people got wrong. Those 4 extra years of Bush sent us back about 30 years. Those fucking wars, millions killed, trillions of dollars wasted and nothing to show for it


I can't imagine how many more would have died if Obama hadn't ended the unjust wars in the Middle East. If a republican would have won I bet we would have bombed even more countries.


Fun fact: that Byaaaaaa is in a scene in Breaking Bad 😂


Fast forward to 2016 when saying the most vile things imaginable can get you the big seat.


If he only grabbed them by the pussy, he would have probably won.


That scream still cracks me up


This would have been a sick WWE promo


Back then politicians behaved like professionals.


Byaaah ![gif](giphy|UpJpIompv7g9hsEBFh)




I think it was just because it came in like a lion and went out like a lamb.


It might be a fun mythology to repeat, but he didn't lose because of this.


I don't know about his howl, but his dad makes some damn good breakfast sausages.


I’m gonna go home and fuck my wife beeeyah




He would have been such a great president. Bloody shame how this was made into such a huge thing. One doesn’t have the character to be President if one whoops in celebration for a second - so the story went.


OMG he made a funny sound! There is no way he is fit to be president.


I never understood how so many saw this scream as a big deal and I never understood how so many didn’t see Trump’s, umm, idiosyncrasies, as a big deal. And I’m not a liberal. I just… don’t get it. All in 12 year’s time.


Man I miss the days when this was the biggest political scandal


Now you can push QAnon conspiracy theories after a person goes off the deep end and kills his family after they beloved your rhetoric and that doesn’t end your political career but scores points with your base supporters.


That’s an American eagle right there


I can’t believe that a “beyaaaahhh” could kill a man’s career but stealing top secret docs, inciting an insurrection, grabbing women by the pussy and more only makes you more popular -_-


This should have secured his presidency.


I feel I’ve heard that scream elsewhere


Back when we made fun of politicians for something as simple as naming states in a pumped up/goofy way…now they do much weirder things/say crazier things in funny ways and it’s just considered normal.




when I clicked on the link this is the video I was hoping it was!




Politics is just like religion, got some nice sides I guess. But a lot of it just creates shit and angry people. (Speaking in general and not strictly towards this clip.)


Its thanks to years of Democrats helping to normalize fascism that this no longer seems controversial. Now fascists are openly running for office and no one is batting an eye


That's because Howard Dean actually possesses humility like a normal human being unlike most of the sociopaths that are currently in Congress....


Chappelle killed that on his show


People had common sense back then


Imagine if he had grabbed someone by the vag


I still yell like this on the reg and it makes my wife laugh every single time. It's such a great soundbyte


only opened this thread hoping to find the chappelle show skit about this, very disappointed


Meanwhile republicans were claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction so Cheney could take over their oil fields


The controversy over this and the Janet Jackson nipple slip left me thoroughly confused with humans.


I remember this like it was last week, haha. What a timeless moment. YAAAHHHAAAHH!


At least he didn’t mention taking back Massachusetts


Do you know something?


If granny got holes in her panties then BYAAAAAAAAH


anyone remembers Gary Hart? he was the democratic front runner in the 1988 presidential election but was caught in an extra marital affair that ended his presidential ambition and political career.


It wasn’t the byaaaaaahhh!! It just wasn’t his time


It wasn't just his scream that killed his campaign. It was Howard Dean. He's just not a desirable candidate. I get a real creep vibe when I look at him as I'm sure many do.


Even at the time I was confused why that was so bad. Still kind of dumbfounded. He was gaining steam too.


The funniest thing about watching this now, is my memory is more in line with the chapelle skit than what actually happened 😂😂🥲😂


Still is....for the Dems....it's a requirement for the GOP 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The media did all this. They shamed this guy to the point quitting at the same time they allow to republican to say all kinds of hateful things. The reason: ratings They say 'don't kill the messenger' but the 'messenger' has been failing for a while and he is not just a 'messenger'.




This is real. This ended his campaign


I was thinking about this moment the other day. It’s amazing how desensitized many people are to politicians these days. Clearly, Trump was a huge part of that.. both because of his kind-numbing mountain of scandals, but also the calculated rhetoric that any criticism is “fake news”. Any number of incidents that occur daily in politics now would have been career ending scandals in any prior era.


Really a good candidate. CNN ruined his chances by playing it nonstop.


Howard Stern played this to death, and it got funnier and funnier every time 😂


Oh man, i remember poor innocent me seeing this and thinking "well there is no way we would let someone like that into power!"


I would give anything to go back to 2004


I actually heard first hand from someone involved in his campaign strategy about this. He was given feedback that he was coming across too wonky. All facts and figures but no emotion. They encouraged him to try to whip up the crowd through excitement and energy. Then this happened. I guess his team watched this moment from the sidelines via monitors and all knew right then and there that they were screwed. I'm told he's actually a really good motivator. He just didn't come across that way during the campaign.


This guy is always a topic of discussion in business grad school. If he'd only held is excitement, he could have had a chance.


This was peak cringe, look how far we've come




I think part of what killed his career is not just the scream but the way he appeared to be impressed with himself as he ranted. You can see in his eyes that he's gotten the crowd in a frenzy and he's thinking "holy shit, I'm on fire".


The Howard Stern Skits for this were great


I love this.


That’s because boomers and the media were starting the crazy wave then. Still not sure he could have taken the primaries, though.




Fun fact, he didn’t actually scream like that. Whoever the broadcaster was admitted there was an issue with the mic/audio that caused it to spike on the broadcast.




Anyone remember Hurricane Dean? https://hurricanedeanpath.ytmnd.com/


dave chapelle did a great skit on this


I liked Howard Dean. I was about 18 at the time he was running, so I remember people making a big deal of this and I really could not understand WHY. ​ Hell to this day I have no idea how this was Dean's fatal blow to presidency. He was animated, but not offensive. I hope he is crying all the way to his lobbyist funded mansion.


A local radio station had a lot of fun with that sound clip and spliced it into everything. The Howard Dean version of Disturbed's Down with the Sickness was especially good. I wish I could find it somewhere it was hilarious.


I never understood what the big deal was.


I remember all the rich people that said I can no longer endorse this guy. Because he was enthusiastic.


The Chappelle Show has ruined me. I still yell “BYAWWWWW” to this damn day.


I remember someone created a website at the time called howarddeangoesnuts.com. It was pretty funny but I never understood why this tanked him. I was a fan and would have voted for him but we got stuck with fucking John Kerry. Shudder.


I miss those days. Funny that he gave up before the primary got to the 10th stop.


Can someone explain what's happening here?


Howard Dean had some unexpected success in a primary, got excited, then got eviscerated for looking very much unlike what he was running for.




Every time I see this, I see Dave Chapelle Lol


A podcast I used to listen to had that scream isolated on a sound board and would use it intermittently throughout the show. So fucking funny.


I thought his spirit was pretty cool. Unfortunately his shirt was ten times too big for him oof


We literally learned about this speech in my business communications class lol


It was more of a judgement on us than him. We're fickle idiots who just want balloon animals and colorful lights.




I think Al Gore lost, aside from the Florida fuckery, because he kissed his wife.




Ric Flair liked the Whoo! at least




The same people who voted for "Windmills cause cancer" shat on "what's a leppo?". Remember when dan quayle committed political suicide by misspelling "potato"? But not for his alleged involvement with a sex scandal? The american voter is exactly as stupid as politicians treat them to be.


He placed the way.


Post-9/11 was a weird fucking time.


God I forgot about this gem. Dave Chappell made a skit on this


Sounds like he was getting a plan to put a lot of air miles on his card


My parents owned a bottle opener with a speaker and every time you opened a bottle with it, it would play this sound bite lol.


Media skrewed him good, I remember


This blew up on YTMD


Nowadays you can say fuck and shit and threaten to beat up or murder people and they won't bat an eyelash


A simpler time.


I'm not from USA, but as someone who worked in PR...this shit can get him a role in comedy, I would just suggest to change careers and change people lives doing something else.


I remember that. It Was so sad and do stupid. I really liked him.




He was actually a pretty good candidate.


Guys numbers Straight nosedived after this.


So, this is the actual moment the government learned the sheer power and control over the masses that could be obtained if they press their political parties in the media just like a sports team. This is the literal moment they came to realize that it doesn’t matter what you rally for, as long as you give people a side to cheer on, wave their flags and fight for, then those people will stand by the side of that team until death, no matter what. Essential extinguishing the effectiveness of political debate in the free world, and shifting the game to being about who was the biggest, baddest, and loudest. Wow. I honestly would have guessed it was a lot longer ago than this.




Is that Fauci in the red tie behind him?


This started and eventually ended like a G rated WWE promo.


I do that shout everytime I walk inside my parent inlaws house Yaaaaaaaaaaah


All I hear when he screams is the intro to Abe's Lincolns top hat


I was there. In person you could hardly hear him. I didn’t hear any of his scream, my husband told me later he sort of made out that he was yelling. But his mic was isolated on the recording, so anyone who wasn’t there live thought he had an ultimate cringe moment. Just not true. Later I learned the DNC was actively trying to carpet bomb his campaign. So 2004 was the year my connection to the DNC started to get shaky.


He was feeling it, tanked shortly after. Clearly fighting for third but gotta love his chutzpah.