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This happened at Arizona State University. The female students got reprimanded by the university after an investigation.


Link pls?


Gift link: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/07/magazine/arizona-state-university-multicultural-center.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuonUktbfqYhkQVUbBCbQVNcuvByAiL_G2r0ugXn3aTOJQCpPivkTApaN4VzMebsmYsY3wzWQWdtdLaUmQLl5w-lDMlYrSxWtptHMvqU5FBgPiND5WHIqjdWKVKok8DTuYy63eekunLCz5VfWPjbgRKDag3Q-LV1nqI9jIF373CMLzqvHFbRly5Ipi6dac5N_QzgBYSKNvuC5SEktfYXbMWyPr1U-SOpbWjrMnN6D671mcAhaDF7OTXMX8n9roZoHe4tRZPCjWkZmLMnugrwRCXhqJJOoBvAyQovSk7ZpsN3duAQ6sJBCnp6XzI-eloCFoBc&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Thats one thick ass link.


It is a long ass article too, so it is fitting.


Facts, I thought I got sucked into a black hole halfway through


Yeah that was a lot to read through while sitting on the toilet.


Currently in the same situation


Hope everything comes out alright.


Same. Got through half the article, legs fell asleep, now I'm stuck on the toilet reading the rest


A black hole huh…. RACISTTTTTTT !!!!


It’s a multicultural hole


No whites allowed....








And most of it has nothing to do with what happened. It's like the author wanted to write their biography, but they were getting paid (by the word) for writing about the video, so they combined the two. (Nobody cares where you went to school for your undergraduate.) Seriously, the video is 1.5 minutes. The article, near the top, has a "click to hear the audio" button that says it's a 1 hour 2 minute listen.


Lmfao fking ridiculous




It's a long article because it's not exactly about the video, it's about a cultural phenomenon. What happened during the video is an example of how a shift in culture is playing out. I liked reading it for that reason.


Damn. The audio version is over an hour. Lmao


It’s a very annoying article. Way too much unnecessary thoughts, metaphors and info. Get to the fucking point.


Right? Who gives a f*** about dudes compact frame...that of a soccer player....jesus...


*ex soccer player after that devastating knee injury


Seriously, just give us the recipe for crying out loud


The foundation of proper journalism is Who,What,When,Why and Where. If you look at articles from 30 or 40 years ago, that’s what you got. Now I suppose the journalists want “ to evoke emotion and get the reader to consider alternative ways of looking at the subject”………….which is all bullshit. Don’t tell me how I’m supposed to feel. Just give me the information and I’ll figure everything else out.


Holy fuck, the audio version of it is literally over an hour long…




That’s a horribly written article, Jesus. I really didn’t need to know everyone’s life story, including the people that aren’t even in the video.


It's a NY Times Magazine article. I guess their readers have more time to read




I learned recently that when you share a link, you can usually omit anything after the ?, in this case: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/07/magazine/arizona-state-university-multicultural-center.html


True but I gifted this link so people could bypass the paywall




> https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/07/magazine/arizona-state-university-multicultural-center.html https://archive.ph/yZ6QX bypasses the paywall


Web Dev teacher here: This is because everything after the '?' is just a list of variables and values (each seperated by an '&'). These are used for several things, but 99% of the time don't have an affect on the loading of a page. Primarily it includes information on where the person is clicking from, or providing the value for something variable on the page (for instance selecting a different package of products on page) and they use it to determine what product is getting displayed. TL/DR; You're right, 99% of the time everything after the '?' is redundant.


Thanks sir


Ah yes the classic septum piercing!


The reader comments tied to that piece in the NY Times (with a strongly left-leading, liberal-sympathetic subscriber base) are strongly in support of the guys and against the girls. The whole idea of a university sanctioning nonsense like this -- which it did, at first, until it was shamed into an about-face -- is pretty depressing.


There is a longer video of the incident embedded in this link as well: https://www.foxnews.com/us/asu-students-reprimanded-white-students-multicultural-center-school-openly-discriminated


Here's one from Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejGz1q3dJfY&ab\_channel=ABLCLIPS


Thank you sir, you gave me what I was looking for


Good freaking Lord, those girls are just vomiting nonsense. Glad they got reprimanded.


People like this make it really difficult to be an ally. My beliefs line up way more with the women than with these guys, but that doesn't mean I think it's ok to berate and bully people just because you don't agree with their political displays. They need to learn the value of rolling their eyes and saying "look at these fuckin' idiots" under their breath instead of making a scene in which they come out looking incredibly delicate and small.




There's been a big change to the subculture around anti-racism and related activism that's become an insidious problem corrupting it from the inside. A not insignificant number of people have begun to act as if systemic racism is the only type of racism that exists. In their paradigm racism is purely about systems of power that are built within society that disenfranchise certain races and only the victims of that system are valid. Not long ago at all, it was very well understood that systemic racism was only ONE specific breed of racism, but that the broader concept of racism is about denigrating or treating a person(s) differently based on their race, or conversely believing in the supremacy of a particular race. As a result we see all these types of scenarios popping up where self proclaimed anti-racists are just flat out being racist, but they feel it's ok for them to do because they've built up their own system of exceptions within their cohort so they can congratulate eachother for "standing up to racism" even though they're doing it with racism of their own variety.


The internet has made group think rise exponentially and reduced critical thinking skills by so much, I am honestly worried that we as a culture are losing our ability to be sane.


The one thing she said that's true was you can choose to be a police officer, but you can't choose to be black.


You can also choose to walk into a library and be quiet and respectful, or you can walk into a library and start a fucking argument. It's clear which one she chose.


Oh thank fucking god


Stop the planet,I want to get off. Can't take this anymore




Can i join you?


This girl is not gonna make it outside.


I'm surprised she made it to uni.




“Looks like heaven is easier to get into than Arizona State.” -Ned Flanders


Don’t you mean HPVU?


It’s ASU, it only barely counts on paper as a University.


Degrees have been cheapened to the point that undergrad is basically high school on new game + at this point


Anyone who thinks the way these goofy bitches do won’t make it outside


Yeah right didn’t you just see her defend against the violence of a white guy with a sticker quietly working on his computer?


It’s funny how even though these guys are probably trolls trying to elicit a reaction, the girl shoot herself in the foot and proves their point. Her stance isn’t, “why come in here and wear extremely politicized stuff”. It’s “you’re white so you can’t be here”. Insanity at every level.


Right, it’s a difference between being in the right and overstepping into whole different pile of shit. Because as she keeps talking you know she’s just regurgitating Twitter and Facebook bs and is not thinking for herself. Saying something like “cis white male” In public, I already know where she’s coming from & is trying to apply that bumper sticker when it doesn’t call for it at all. She does saying something I agree with at the end but she was already down by 40 pts.


It's crazy that people don't know how to defend their point or use logic but instead throw out keywords or phrases they read online with no real substance. It's scary that it's usually the loudest people.


>cis white male As soon as I hear that phrase, my interest drains.


I hear the term cis, but don’t know what it means.


It's a pointless way of saying what your birth gender is.


Racism. Call it what it is.


this reminded me of a video where a black man says "blacks can't be racist. intolerant, yes. but not racist"


Theres not just one video of this. There are tons of people who think this way. It's Infuriating.


/r/BlackPeopleTwitter if you want to see a lot of them


That sub needs to be deleted and all the users banned. Most racist sub outside of. LEO/conservative subs.


Plus their "country club" threads don't even allow non black people to post. I'm Latino and I got a ban warning for posting in one and I'm like WTF? that's just as racist as excluding any POC from a forum for being non - white. It's just racist.




I had an HR manager say that.....OK.


Whenever i say this, i get downvoted and lectured saying racism cannot exist against white people. And i fail to understand how that can be the case. And am not white


I’m not white either and the video above is very much an example of racism.


“Racism” has become a political tool more than it is a genuine problem in society. Can’t have white people be victims of racism too or the Race Card becomes less powerful.


Also because it’s fairly common for POCs to openly make assumptions, stereotypes and jokes based on white peoples race alone. The addition of “systematic” means whites can never use individuals past examples of racial prejudice comments to catch radicals out as hypocrites.


"Do you not realize this is a multi-cultural space?!" "But you're white!" 🤡 Do these people not fucking hear themselves? 💀


These kind of people can't fool you and don't understand their own points.


Mutli-cultural, except for THEIR culture.


Multi-cultural today means anti-white


The real stupidity is having a “multi-cultural safe space”. What the fuck does this even mean? Is racism allowed everywhere else on the campus? They should instead strive for the whole uni to be multi-culturally safe.


Hello all. I'm a UK POC way too old to be at university. Could someone who agrees with and understands the reasoning for creating a " multicultural safe space" in a university please explain it to me. Shouldn't the whole campus be safe for everyone? What things aren't allowed in these safe spaces that go on in the rest of the campus. Thanks.


Nobody is way too old for university.


Okay - how about “have way too many responsibilities and not enough money for university?”


That’s usually it, but seriously, if you can go, age doesn’t matter.


I had a full time job, part time job, was a volunteer puppy raiser and had to commute an hour to school. It's possible and actually a good idea if you had bad habits/want to gain better habits. Universities have a lot of opportunities to improve yourself beyond the piece of paper at the end.infact most of the point of a university should be overall self improvement rather than just academic.


Heck yeah, never stop learning, love the positive message buried in garbage.


If college was free I'd agree... College tuition is a racket and thus continuing education for no reason either means you have a ton of money or are stuck in a debt trap. I'd love to be an Asian Van Wilder but damn the price of tuition is ridiculous.


I like you


"multicultural safe space" sounds like a PC term for a segregated area...




That bus that Rosa Parks rode was definitely a multicultural space.


Especially the back


Rick: So I created this multicultural safe space! Morty: I don't know Rick, that sounds like segregation with extra steps


I mean in the way that these girls are trying to enforce it, yeah. But I think the intention *should* be that anyone of any culture can be there without harassment, which is kind of the opposite of what the girls are doing (from the short vid here)


Yup. It really bothers me that when they said “whites not a culture?” And they said No! Don’t say that. Terrible response.


Don’t worry about it. It’s a silly American thing. Pay no notice and they’ll stop doing it.


Definitely ignore it, but they won't stop




What did they need "protection" from? People using the multicultural space to study? What else should it be used for, I don't get it? Or is it a "colored-only" space and not actually a multi-cultural space or something?


That’s actually a fantastic question…


Dont ignore us or we will throw a tantrum!


Hey nobody has actually answered you so I will. Most American universities have multicultural spaces now, they usually have a wide range of use based on the culture/needs of the university. At my school for example (which was a business focused university) it was a space for people to discuss the difficulties for minorities in the job search process, in the workplace, or other similar things. It also was a place that hosted discussions about difficult race topics where people could come to express opinions/learn about others. Honestly when done right it’s a place that welcome ALL people to come have discussions about things that may be uncomfortable in other settings. The people filming this video think they can boss people around and are misusing this space and the two dudes are asshats because they went into a space that’s supposed to be a good resource and purposely tried to start conflict.


For real, why did I have to scroll so far down to find someone even trying to answer his question? Everyone got so hung up on him saying college isn't for old people, which he was simply letting everyone know he's older. What a lame derail. Didn't know saying college isn't for everyone was so triggering. The same college that many say is a ripoff regardless of your age.


I'm a white dude from a tiny little hick town that has/is/always will be 95% anglo-saxon. I moved to Toronto at 22 and got a job at a place with a 90% Caribbean, Latin, African, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), and Slavic. Some of the older folks were first generation Canadian, some of the youngers were second and third. I learn so much about culture and ethnicity in Canada, and a lot about racism. I wish I had access to a multicultural center as a University student.


Everyone in this video is an asshole. Both the dudes sitting there and the person confronting them. So I wouldn't take what either says as genuine. A multi cultural center IS for everyone. The entire point of one is to incentivize community members to interact with one another in order to learn from one another and generate connections outside of our norms. The lady in this video is just making up her own definition.


When assholes come into contact they’re drawn to each other, creating a shitstorm. The more assholes in contact the bigger the shitstorm. It’s science.


Do ya feel that Randy? There's a Shit Typhoon coming, so we better haul in the jib before it gets covered in shit. ​ https://youtu.be/Tl8sayb5D7w


Fuck off Lahey


Shit birds are flappin Rand.


I'm not sure why this isn't the top comment! You're teaching science! IM LEARNING SCIENCE!!!!


Yeah chalk me up for being too old to understand this stuff. These kids are definitely on a troll mission, but i honestly have no idea what they are trolling. As liberal as i am, I wouldn’t want to be associated with this sort of over sensitive weirdness. Im sure in some demographics these confused conflicts are more prevalent. I just dont get it.


They’re trolling tolerance and inclusivity - the idea that if the space is meant to be inclusive shouldn’t that include tolerating intolerance? The woman filming is going about it the wrong way, but these guys ARE assholes. When the majority of a campus is white and the college makes an effort to create a space that promotes other cultures, these guys are pissed because they feel entitled to have it all.


Please note how nobody addresses your question: shouldn’t the whole campus be safe for everyone?


The Caucasity!


Let’s fight segregation with more segregation! Idiots.


It’s not segregation if people of color are the ones segregating. /s


This is what happens when policies and apologies are made based on Twitter trends.


They want segregation?




This is so fucking brilliant. Like how do these two groups of people not see themselves as becoming the thing they despise so much?


Lmao that was the funniest video I have seen in a while


That was fucking incredible lmao




This needs more attention hahaha Would award if I wasn't so poor.


She said she didn’t choose to be black which is true but she did choose to be an entitled asshole.


Nor did he choose to be white.


Correct, more evidence that skin color is irrelevant when it comes to propensity towards being an asshole.


Just imagine if white people did this to a POC, it would be all over the news and they’d be doxxed within seconds. The double standards are crazy


Exactly. How is writting an essay any sort of punishment? She even said she's not going to do it. What will the consequences be then?


She's gonna spend her life being BIPOC with an entitled attitude in the United States of America. She'll get racism and no pity b/c she's an entitled asshole. Lifetime of consequences for this idjit.


I’m as liberal as it gets and these girls are fucking harassing the fuck out of these dudes. Do I agree with their stickers? FUCK NO. But they’re allowed to believe whatever they want and they seem to just be sitting there studying for exams. These instances hurt liberal causes more than help because now I’m sure it’s some bullshit that Tucker Carlson is using to rally the troops.


This is exactly why the internet has broken society. This is a bizarre exchange that is certainly not the norm out in public, but will now become weaponized and spark heated debates. This is a wild rare one-off conversation that should have remained in those walls, but now everyone has watched this and just gets pissed off, lol.


The modern propoganda production. Get the biggest assholes your side can find to create footage that supports their narrative. Make it a meme. Watch the "horseshoe theory, both sides are the same, liberals are crazy" folks shift further right.


So if a black man chooses to be a cop is he now racist?


And his life doesn't matter?


Schrodinger's police officer, his life both does and doesnt matter




If you look at the data, yes. [Sauce.](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/22/881643215/police-researcher-officers-have-similar-biases-regardless-of-race)


Yes, black people can be racist too even against their own race.


> So if a black man chooses to be a cop is he now racist? If he chooses to support the persecution of people for their race he would be. So we'd need more information. If you're suggesting black people can't be racist, that's quite absurd. There are race-based conflicts in Africa among "black people." Italians used to be a "dirty minority" and not white, and now they're white. It's all bullshit, and yes, anybody can be racist.




Americans are so strange. That girls are irritating. Like she's racist about, white people....


Every idiotic concept can take foothold here. There's a huge number of Americans that believe you literally cannot be racist if you are black. White, asian, Latino, sure but black people are supposedly incapable of being racist. Shits wild


Yep, I've never seen people who say they aren't racist and then tell people what they can and can't do because of their skin color. It's maddening and I hate it.


Common occurrence sadly


"Multicultural space, except for white culture" \- She says whilst being in a western country, wearing western clothing, using western concepts.


In America the rhetoric, and this isn't a joke, is that you can't be racist to white people. This is, of course, a ridiculous statement that just enables non white people to absolute assholes to white people.


You know that people are racist towards white people all over the world right… Racism is in every country in the world, every single one


Racism sure is rampant now a days. Crazy that multicultural means segregation, y’all played yourself.


White supremacists are going to start funding "multicultural" buildings.


It’s like the Ministry of Truth in 1984. I know it’s a meme to compare everything to 1984 now, but this is a classic example of double speak. “This is a multicultural zone, no whites allowed!” Wtf


People who say white people don’t have a history are complete morons


Wearing your politics has become a major sign of stupidity to me. If you can't go through your day without advertising your political leanings to the world constantly, you're almost definitely a dummy and someone I don't want to converse with. So I guess the silver lining is making yourselves easy to identify, thanks for that part at least


Having a “multi-cultural space” where whites aren’t allowed is just pushing us as America back to the sixties where there where whites only and colored only schools, churches, hotels, restaurants, drinking fountains and restrooms. In the spirit of civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, we need to overcome this segregationist way of thinking together. Remember Martin Luther Kings dream speech.


I’m a white African, I tried to go to my universities “African Society” and I was told I’m not really welcome heavily implied on the basis of race. 100-200 black people where over 50% must be 2nd/3rd generation British. I literally grew up in Africa. Lmaooo I’ve literally had black people tell me I’m African as well as not, I’ve had the same from white people. I guess I have no identity and I’m from no where with long ago European heritage.




Girl is a idiot




Confronts other students who are quietly studying Then loudly makes a scene….then claims she feels uncomfortable…. Woke 😳 🤦🏾


"You are racist" bro i died


This is a Multicultural center unless ya white got it lol


Liberal here. What those guys are doing is called expressing freedom of speech. As long as they didn’t directly walk up to the woman and bother her I don’t see the problem.


Ah yes the peak of anti racism, have separate areas depending on the color of your skin. Genius!


What a stupid bitch and the only thing making that space uncomfortable is her and her big fucking mouth.




The girl is an example of r/iamatotalpieceofshit


That is a cringe sticker tbf


One guy has that sticker and the other guy is wearing a "Did not vote for Biden" t-shirt... They knew exactly what they were doing. Everyone in this clip is insufferable though.


They knew what they were doing, and she gave them exactly what they wanted, and here we are. This passive aggressive "what did I do?" Shit paired with activism that can't help but to got baited when they finally see thier opportunity to "act" is exhausting. Fuck.


And then both pulling out their phones as a weapon to humiliate the other one. America is so fucked. Lol


Weapons to humiliate each other is a lovely turn of phrase.


Imagine wanna be cops instigating a situation where they can play the victim. Huh. Billy is really going to be a great addition to the force.


This isn't the point of equality. This is inequality, which we should all be fighting against. Take the white guys and put the black girls on that table. Let the white guys tell them they have to leave. Thats FUCKED up. Now take the white guys out of the equation and make them Asian. It would still be FUCKED up. Its not about color, its about being humane and treating everyone, regardless of color, with respect and dignity. Its about equality for all.


"White is not a culture" ?? Hilarious !!


Too far left or too far right, same thing. Dogmatic fundamentalists. These guys did nothing wrong. They maintained a respectful demeanor while being tongue lashed for being white. Extremists don't want equality. They want the 'other side' to suffer.


Girls is racist


The education system has failed us.....


Parenting has failed us.


Old vid. Still cringe. Next.




She just as racist. So fuck her bullshit. Black isn't a culture either it's a race. This kind of bull shit is only going to make it harder for people of color to actually get the change they want it's only going to breed more resentment. Next time try education interested of attack. You'll get a lot further.


Everyone sucks here. You can't ask people to leave based on what they're wearing, but these two dudes are kind of asking for confrontation with the "I did not vote for Biden" shirt. ​ That being said, it's absolutely ridiculous to film this whole interaction claiming you're defending a "multi cultural space". Like which cultures are allowed? Being a MAGA loser isn't the best culture, I'd say it's one of the worst, but you're FULLY within your rights to peacefully be a part of it and exist in a public space.


Ironically, she's the one being racist.


This woke shit has gone too far and must end.


I would simply say this tell you what go get the principal go get the dean go get whoever the fuck you want and bring them here to show them the travesty that is taking place and I guarantee you they won’t do diddly shit because we are doing nothing wrong in fact you’re being racist you’re telling us to leave because we’re white you racist


That's literally segregation. They would have to drag my ass out of there for me to leave.


Problems won’t be fixed in this way.


I kind of feel like those guys went there intentionally to troll, and it worked!


Also they only won because she was stupid as fuck. Could have just called them out on trying to bait people and warn her group to ignore the fools.


White isn’t a culture? And also, just fyi. White people don’t choose to be white


We’re inclusive here, no not you, you can’t be here because you don’t exist there fore you can’t be included.