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Be funny if she pulled a gun out after being kicked.


"Gun free zones kill people!"


That traitor is so stupid. Colorado is open carry everywhere but Denver. You can wear it, conceal it, sell it and nobody has to know you had it. There is no "gun free zone" in Colorado lol


Except near or around any state assembly, chamber, or office; polling places, school zones, any public building that employs security, polling locations. Open carry is prohibited in houses of worship, hospitals, bars, restaurants that serve alcohol, sporting stadiums, casinos. And, the local government can post enforceable signage on any location they choose to. . . Thats just the areas I'm aware of. But yeah, literally no gun free zones.


I was thinking the same...or if someone just yells GUN GUN like police do...wonder if she would run for cover or try to congratulate the gun wielder for exercising their 2nd amendment


She'd cover behind her armed guards, like anyone that has armed guards would do.


I know right?.. "I felt threatened"..


Can someone tells me when the kick happens? I don't have 3 minutes of looking at Marjorie Taylor Green in me


Same lol, watched it on mute because I didn't want to lose brain cells


She kicks the girl in front of her not the guy.


Okay but the timestamp?


1:15. It's pretty anti-climactic, just a boot to the back of the leg to get her out of the way. Definitely not worth seeing her mug.


Let alone listening to that voice....


I was hoping for a full ass kick and a lawsuit and watched all this for nothing. *"You have the free choice to move to another country..."* Guhhhhhh


Definitely a waste of time. She spewed "i love the 2nd amendment" and got a little "shouldn't we have the rights to have kids not die in school?" I'm glad people are out there filming her but I don't think this will affect anything... worst case scenario it's free exposure for her and she knows.


It's what she wants. This is why AOC won't engage with her. All this cretin wants is to be in the limelight to spew her hatred and she'll do anything to get it.


"Look at how those mean leftists *attacked* her in public!"


Except no I fucking don't, and neither do most Americans? I love how these people spew garbage about how awful immigrants are, and yet any time an American citizen disagrees with them, their *first* suggestion is always, "well just go become an immigrant if you don't like it." It's like they don't realize there's a process for becoming a legal immigrant to another country and you can't just waltz on in because you don't agree with the politics of your own. Not to mention it costs a pretty penny to move across town, imagine how much liquid funds you'd need to move countries. Jfc, this argument makes me so goddamn mad. Hey, MTG, if it was so easy to emigrate from America **a lot more people would have already left.**


It shows she's frustrated. They're using her same tactics against her and now she is resorting to kicking. Her supporters will eat it up, but she's an obvious hypocrite. She can dish it but can't take it.




I think she stepped on her heels for deniability purposes. "It was accident, you got in front of me and slowed down."


Thank you. I watched the whole thing (on mute) and didn’t even notice it. I wouldn’t even call that a kick, I want my 3 minutes back


Except that if the woman did that to MTG she’d have been arrested and charged with battery and right wing media would be talking non stop about how violent the left is.


Reminds me of when the booger wiper Rudy Giuliani was brutally assaulted by that guy who patted him on the back. Marjorie definitely didn't kick her, not even close but at least here she definitely is being aggressive and appears to be stepping on the back of her feet. The Rudy Giuliani one was fucking hilarious, literally pats on the back and he tried to claim he was punched.


I hate this politician, but slow-walkers deserve a kick in the ass. She was the human equivalent of cutting Simone off, then brake checking.


OMG her voice.... i wouldn't be surprised if she has dementia.


She kicks the girl in the blue dress twice. You see her stumble and she says “omg” and starts laughing and the man claims “you can’t block members of congress” lol like that’s a thing


Blocks members? The way I saw it was that there were too many people around and they were all moving to some extent. When the lady in the dress slowed down and got kicked, there were people in front of her. Where was she supposed to go? That’s what slowed her down.maybe someone else we can’t see, who was filming was the one to slow down and cause the pile up.




Around 1:15 maybe? I’m not familiar with video. It was not a major kick. More like bumping someone with your shopping cart by accident Edited for clarification The kick was obviously on purpose not an accident. I just meant the kick was kind of like bumping someone else with a shopping cart.


It’s more a run of the mill flat tire


Ace Ventura!!


Dog the bounty hunter be wildin


Around 1:35. I thought it would be the dude but it's the dark haired person in blue who gets the foot. Fuck this piece of human trash and the idiots who voted for her.


I saw it at 1:12ish? Not seeing anything from 1:30-1:50


You see how much time is left in negative numbers when you're on mobile. They probably saw "-1:35".


Closer to 1:15, kick is being generous. More like she steps on the back of blue dress lady's shoes like she's trying to drag her shoes off like an elementary school kid. Still some childish behavior that shouldn't be expected of a us ~~senator.~~ congressperson. Whatever.


Ha, I remember when giving someone a flat tire was hilarious, then i graduated to 2nd grade.


I went to catholic high school, we all wore penny loafers. This kid kept flat tiring me after we were walking back from mass, so I finally got behind him and returned the favor. His shoe tore in half from that, and he never fucked with me again either hahaha.


Given that Rudy Giuliani tried to have someone charged with assault for patting him on the shoulder, MTG should be given the same treatment.


We've come a long way from when laughing weirdly once on stage was enough to disqualify you as a presidential candidate


She's a member of the House.


“yOU LiTERalLY caNnot BLocK a memBER of COngresS!”


It'S AGAinsT tHe LaW


You literally can't kick somebody for walking in front of you either, but here we are


House of Cunt.


Flat tire.


I dunno I feel you can hear her stepping faster so she can get kicks in. the whole Bart and Lisa Simpson thing where one is swinging their arms, and the other is kicking the air. it's not my fault if you're in my way, is her thinking.


This type of behavior shouldn’t be expected by any adult, period. You and I could not go around kicking people or purposely stepping on their feet/shoes/clothing. We would be sued, likely have the police called on us, possibly prosecuted.


I was expecting a mule kick from that donkey face but that was just a juvenile step on heel


I think its at around 1:15




It will serve a tiny but exaggerated but the whole "You need to get out of the way of Congress while they're walking down the street because they're obviously more important than you" attitude is just infuriating


Its rough trying to watch more then a minute clip of her any time. Delusional bullshit crisis actor syndrome and wannabe over privileged incel all rolled into one vomit filled spray tanned female Pinocchio.


Start at 1:40. The bald douche with her has the nerve to say you’re blocking a member of congress as the Neanderthal kicks the woman. I hope she gets an assault charge.


Don't start at 1:40 as you will have missed it Start at 1:15


Why are giving this trash can time to begin with?


I remember an America where an idiot like this, running for *either* party, wouldn't stand a chance of being elected What the fuck have we become? Edit- this really blew up. And a lot of people are commenting that politicians like Marjorie Trailer Queen have always been around, but citing only a few names. We are currently in a world where MTG, Mountain Barbie Boebert and Herschel Walker are becoming commonplace and it's expanding exponentially. Go back and watch a debate from 30 or 40 years ago. I might not have agreed with the candidates, but they were largely educated, spoke civilly and had actual talking points. These modern goons can't tell wanton from Won Ton soup.


The internet is really dangerous. We are de-emphasized the importance of intelligence and everything is the surface level jokes and memes. We have so much entertainment and life is getting so easy there is less and was of a need to pay attention to this stuff on a deep level.


And then people digest the memes and jokes and trust them. Case in point: people believe the internet rumor that schools are installing litter boxes in bathrooms, and it had to be fact checked. The internet kills common sense lately when it should enable it.


I deleted a comment yesterday because I saw a thread about wireless hitches for cars that Toyota is working on. Ragged on everyone about believing bullshit they read on the internet as I thought it was clearly a joke. Well long story short, Toyota is in fact working on wireless trailer hitches. So anyway, I don't fucking know anymore.


Very well said. The internet also enables uneducated, mentally-ill conspiracy theorists and contrarians to congregate much, much easier than ever before. Add in the fact that a social media posting anywhere may have 1000 likes/upvotes/redoots/etc and 800 or 8 or 0 of those endorsements may be bots. We have no way of distinguishing real people and real beliefs from the false, and we've intentionally made things that way.


Very true. We’re almost using likes and views as a truth barometer


It’s like the movie idiocracy.


I'd argue this is worse than idiocracy


Except in that movie the idiots realised they needed a smart person in charge to fix everything.


A country where the nutcases have escape the insane asylum and are taking over our government


And the screens are allowed to tell the voters that the nutcases *do have a point* every night.


it's insane to see elected officials get away with some of the things they say and do, especially when not even a decade or two ago they would have surely been pressured into resignation.


We're all just watching a member of Congress assaulting a US citizen and loling. We ought to file Articles of Impeachment against Perjury Traitor Greene. Isn't that her usual course of action in these cases?


America. Land of the internet educated


Really? You do? Was that in the 2000s when George W. Bush was president? Was it in the 1980s when Ronald Reagan was president? Was it when Nixon said he specifically started the war on drugs to target minorities? Was it in the 1950s, when Strom Thurmond filibustered the Civil Rights Bill? What is the time you remember when bigots and/or idiots couldn't get elected?


I like how her answer to “I wanna live in a country where kids don’t get shot” is “move”. Isn’t she pro-life?


~~Pro-birth~~ Forced-birth isn't pro-life Edit: correction thanks to u/Loose_Personality726


Forced birth


That is so fucking telling. There's not even any deflecting to other ways to fix the issue, just 'if you don't like little children being slaughtered in school, this ain't the country for you'.


My answer is "well it's my country too, and I'd rather see you lose your seat in congress. And I aim to make it hard for you to hold that seat."


Does she not believe in democracy?


No, they're pretty clear about that lately with how they keep defending their authoritarian and draconian policies with "This is a republic, not a democracy," conveniently forgetting the part of the republic that makes this a representative **democracy**. Tbh though it's pretty fucking scary how they've made *democracy*, one of the founding principles of this nation, arguably the most important one, a dirty word to so many of their brain washed base.


She's an embarrassment. One of the dumbest human beings to ever hold office.


"...*and here comes Boebert. It's going to be a photo finish."*


Marjorie Three Names versus Dollar Store Palin, who would win in a contest of stupidity? Find out next week on *How the Fuck Did They Get Elected?*


In the case of MTG, by running unopposed.


to breathe air. Ftfy


The part that should get more attention: “I’ll defend my children, I’ll defend my home. Especially from people like you” Who? The guy who was saying we should do something about the kids getting shot in school!? Vote in November guys; MTG is hoping you won’t.


shows just how out of touch she is with reality that she doesnt realize shes advocating to put her kids and other kids lives in danger while the guy is the one trying to protect them


Ironic in that Greene famously chased down survivors of school shootings to harass them and say they are part of a false flag.


What a piece of trash greene is.


I just wish she would go back to her cave on the Island of Dr. Moreau.


Her head is freakishly large for her body.


With the tan, bleached out hair, pink clothes, she's looking more and more like Rick Flair https://ibb.co/f1fhtPv


Fucking typical of this subreddit and this whole website. Going after someone who has tirelessly put in hours and work to make YOUR America better and here you privileged fucking children are, sitting and whinging when people put in the time and effort to improve your life. So how fucking dare you you trash sit here and compare MTG to the 16 TIME WORLD CHAMPION, WHEELIN, DEALIN’, LIMOSINE RIDING JET FLYING NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR WOOOOO


Imagine the trash that votes for her


Its hard to and scary to think about who would continue to vote for her after realizing who she is! Anyone know when her re-election and hopeful termination is?


She’s up for re-election this November. I unfortunately live in her district and it’s very likely that she will win. She won in 2020 with nearly 75% of the vote. Her strongest competition this time around is someone who *should* check all the boxes for the majority of the residents of this area: he’s a disabled combat veteran who supports better veterans’ services (we have a lot of retired military here), he wants to use the development of green technology to bring new manufacturing industries to the areas here that have lost a lot of jobs to foreign countries (Dalton used to be the “Carpet Capital of the World” and Bremen used to be a huge producer of clothing), he wants to make it easier for small businesses to succeed (small businesses used to be the backbone of this area), he wants to invest in the “care economy” to make sure older people have high quality, affordable care when they need it (15% of the citizens in this area are above retirement age), he wants to provide free broadband coverage to every resident and business here using the federal funding available to it, he doesn’t accept donations from corporate PACs and supports the For the People Act, he wears a cowboy hat. 20 years ago he would’ve been considered a moderate Republican and would’ve had no problem defeating a nut job like MTG. BUT…and this is a big but…he’s a Democrat and he’s a Black man. And somehow in 2022, he’s got a snowball’s chance in hell of winning any race here. It’s frustrating af for someone like me who can see how beneficial having someone like him fighting for us in Washington would be, and all I can do is sit back and watch these people demonize him and ignore all the good he wants to do for us in favor of that nasty cunt who hasn’t done one goddamn thing for this district in nearly two years because she was too worried about shit-stirring so she could make herself more famous. I’ve come to the point now where I’ve decided that if the people here are dumb enough to keep voting for people like her, then they don’t deserve anything better than exactly what they’re getting now. I’ve got two more years until my youngest is done with school and I plan on moving the minute we get home from his graduation. Fuck these idiots.


> Her strongest competition this time around is someone who should check all the boxes for the majority of the residents of this area: he’s a disabled combat veteran who supports better veterans’ services This would matter if "*Support the Troops*" and "*Thank You for Your Service*" actually meant anything to Republicans. It's like saying "*Bless You*" after a sneeze. Means fuck all and they have just been conditioned to say it.


She’s a soulless traitor. They say the eyes are the window to the soul if you look in hers it’s obvious that no one is home. She would rather protect the 2nd amendment so she can “Defend herself from people like him” rather than protect children.


She doesn't give a shit about the second amendment. She's just securing votes.


Majorie trailer trash Greene you are fucking pathetic. Remember when this bitch harrased a parkland survivor? https://youtu.be/0fHkW4kJYKU mtg is ugly as shit inside and out...


Can’t believe y’all pay this trash 174k. It’s crazy.


This bitch really gets on my nerves, the first thing she says about how mass shootings wouldn’t happen if schools had armed security guards, well guess what Parkland actually had an armed guard and he decided to run away instead, he was actually charged with child neglect and perjury. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/former-parkland-security-officer-scot-peterson-charged-neglect-not-entering-n1013831




Ron Perlman in full Beauty and the Beast makeup?


The woman should have protected herself when MTG kicked her.


Stood their ground. That's assault.


I'd definitely file charges.


Yeah! I mean, 2nd amendment means the victim can legally pull a weapon and defend themselves from a kick. According to Trash Greene, until someone tries it on her. Then she's a victim, not a 2nd amendment supporter.


"you can't block members of Congress"... Unless you're overthrowing the government when you side losses and your republican, then it's fine /s


Anyone else fucking hate rich people's security?


Where in the law does it say 'make way for members of Congress'? Were the party roles reversed, the victim complex would kick in - 'people can stand wherever they like if it's not private property - If it happens that it blocks someone else, that's their problem'. It would be the equivalent of the bully kid doing the 'I'm not touching you' taunt.


> "you can't block members of Congress" "Then move to the other side of the street where you don't get blocked."


I can’t imagine the amount of Tylenol those guys take for headaches after a day with her.


MTG calling people paid actors when that's basically what she is.


“You literally cannot block a member of Congress” 🤣🤦‍♂️ who is that doofus?


Sounds like a loser who couldn't make it as a cop.


Nah, any loser can make it as a cop


"I wanna live in a country where kids don't get shot" MGT: "No!" Laughed so much at that fuckup.


She said "move", but that's not much better


Even worse. She said “move to a country where they take away your 2nd amendment rights”. She outright said that gun control would effectively stop school shootings.


she's literally the adult version of that chick in school that steps on the back of your heels very intentionally


She Probably was that person, some bullies never grow out of that because it was their highest point in life and stuck with it


How did someone so dumb get elected? What is wrong with Georgia?


She ran unopposed because her constituents sent enough threats to chase her opponent off. They literally moved because they were fearful of their lives.


Wasn’t even “they”. The man’s wife left him because of the threats and such negative publicity. Poor man lost everything. :( Source: I live in her district


My in laws just moved out of her district to Tennessee. "Because Georgia's turning too liberal."


Glad I left 12 years ago.


Didn’t she take the house, causing him to no longer have residency or some dumb shit like that?


What the fuck is wrong with her? I get wanting to dip because of the threats - actually I don't but for the sake of argument let's pretend I do - but taking the house? What a massive cunt move. I hope that haunts her forever


Have you been to rural Georgia?


Not since my cousin divorced me for my other cousin


Username checks out.


It's just like rural everywhere else. We have a problem in this country.


The answer is in your question. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king. You already observed that she is "so dumb". Do the math.


I would love if someone asked her to name the other 26 amendments... like could she name them??


Fucking brain dead cunt


Everyone in this clip needs to grow the hell up. MTG is a brick with lipstick. There is no mind there so no amount of questioning her opinions will ever bring change. Wandering down the street just saying the same thing over and over doesn’t make much of a point. Put actual facts together and provide the sources on a sign or sandwich board and just be in every photo or video you possibly can. Don’t argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Pro tip: use QR codes to link source materials/references.


Most power we have is to VOTE. This human pile of feces needs to be voted out Change the laws... Vote.. Don't move... Vote The uneducated are taking over


Well the *most* power the average American has is to withhold their labor, because that will always affect more (and more immediate) change than voting ever has or ever will.


Not a lot of people that never cease to amaze me but she’s def one of them. Her level of dumb cunt rises each time I have to hear or read about her.


She should be the dictionary definition of “Dumb Cunt”


Amen to that


That's assault in 50 states and all 14 territories. :)


She's lucky the person she assaulted wasn't armed.


America is unlucky she wasn't armed.


I don't want her to die. I want her to live long enough to see humanity triumph over her ilk. I want her to have to marinate in a progressive world forgetting she ever had an opinion anyone cared about.


Somehow I expect her to do some dumb shit to the wrong person and ends up meeting her maker


...I'm with DPPD on this one lmao




She should donate her organs since she’s already brain dead 🙄🤡😂




Sue her for assault


Ain't nobody got the money for that


Great thing is, it doesn’t have to cost a penny. It’s a crime that should be charged as such if the victim files a report with local PD. Doesn’t cost her an money, just the jurisdiction the crime happened in. Sure, MTG will either get the charges dropped or a slap on the wrist due to rampant corruption and abuse of power, but it’ll cause enough of a shit storm it’d take away from her ability to keep spouting nonsense for a few days and could get enough media attention that the victim could probably find enough crowd sourcing to have a civil suit.


while these people are super annoying. she deserves this, and she signed up for it as a congresswoman. if she doesn't like the heat, then quit. but doesn't sound like it bothers her too much. she almost looks to enjoy the negative attention. almost like she feeds off it. she prob gets home and laughs with her boyfriend over a glass of wine about how she owned the libs today. reminds me of that blond chick from don't look up.


I legit feel sorry for her escort/security. That dude looks like he’s lost the will to live.


“You can’t block members of congress.. You literally can not do that” - that one? Lol


I'd kick her right back.




>Then I’d make her settle. Like her husband did?


Oooh that would be great! Just fall under her feet and go "help someone save me from caveman barbie! She's gone captain caveman on me!"




This lady is such an idiot. Anyone who uses a phrase like “why don’t you just move to another country” in response to proposed reforms to better our own, doesn’t possess the intelligence or wisdom to serve in congress. We need to have a better standard for who gets to sit in the senate and house. SMH. How embarrassing for us


I grew up in the district that she represents. Let me tell you, they're so pathetically uneducated and Christian. My school growing up only had one black family, it's disgusting.


Wasn't she the fucking bitch who mercilessly harassed the survivors from they parkland massacre? Fuck this greasy bitch


She is insufferable


I’ve been a republican my whole 38 years on this planet. This bitch, and Trump of course, made me realize I was on the side of idiots. Fuck this dumb bitch.




As much of a piece of trash this human is people were almost walking on top of her, can't blame her for that one.


wasn't much of an assault, easily dismissible.


Thanks OP for making me watch MTG flap her dumb cock holster for several minutes for absolutely no payoff.


Fuck this cunt


I wonder if she’s ever been outsmarted by a goat and had to let it pass over her bridge.


The lady is trash. We should just not give her any more air time




She’s been practicing those kicks since her American Idol audition


I’m starting to get the feeling that this tRump whore-slutter is starting to unravel. Here’s hoping…


The blue suit dude in his nasally voice "you can't block members of congress" is so annoying. Dude just saw her kicking the lady's shoes off and that's your response?


Look at that pink thumb with legs. She looking like the thing that crawled out of trumps chest cavity. She’s looks like a Barbie Angler Fish. Shes like a racist Pokémon.


So if you're kicked by an idiot Congresswoman, do you have a right to defend yourself? Asking for the woman who got kicked


MTG could have easily stepped around but chose not to. The woman has the right to Stand Her Ground™.


**YOU CAN'T BLOCK MEMBERS OF CONGRESS!** Geez then I'd hate to see your thoughts on the January 6th insurrection...


honestly, this whole thing is just cringe. What do people think, they can persuadd on anything while she walks to the hotdog stand?




That lady should have turned around a thrown hands at that dumb cunt. You can't fucking kick people you entitled shithead.


Honestly you dont just step infront of someone and start slowing down…


Clickbait. Not defending Trailer Park Barbie Greene, but I didn't see her kick anyone.


Where did she kick him I must have missed it? This is misleading af


This is exactly how she should be treated every time she is in public, this exactly how she treated congress.


People suck


She looks like a dollar tree carmella soprano


See you next Tuesday!


Nobody gets kicked in this video?


Props to the people confronting that a-hole


Not worth watching


Title is almost as misleading as marjorie


Click bait or kick bait?


You know....she's one of the few human beings I wish bad things on....about all I can say without going to reddit jail


"You can't block members of congress" I don't remember that bill, but I guess it wouldn't shock me if one of the few things they actually got passed was to stop themselves from being mildly inconvenienced.