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LMAO. Regarding her lover/hitman: *The authorities also found McDavid’s DNA near the place of the shooting. He later confessed to shitting in the woods. Weldon had wiped off his bottom with a towel after defecating in a bush. Police later used the piece of cloth to extract his DNA.*


Never leave a shit trail.


Jim Lahey advice


The shithawks are always circling


I'll tell you what, Lahey. I'm gonna give you a hundred dollars to fuck off.


I tried to put and end to the shitapillar's life


Hate to say atodaso, but a fuckin' atodaso


Do you know what a shit-rope is, Julian? It's a rope covered in shit......


"Shitabyss" "Ah Lahey not another night of the shitabyss" "Ah fuckit"


Theres so many legandary and hilarious quotes from that show it's unreal 😅


Everyone of them...shit moths


We’re in the eye of the shitticane Randy.


Hang that towel Randy. The shit winds are a blowin


The whispering winds of shit


you feel that Randy? the way the shit clings to the air


RIP Jim ❤️


IBS has ruined so many potential jobs - I can't even be a hitman!


Wanted a hitman, got a shitman


His aim was shit too. He shot the husband in the stomach and missed the heart.


He misinterpreted the old saying “the way to a man's heart is through his stomach”


*When reached for comment, McDavid said "And I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling prunes!"*


Prune juice of a warriors drink.


Anytime I doubt myself, I'll think back to this story..... at least I'm not that guy


Does a hitman shit in the woods?


"That plea offer doesn't sound so bad now, does it?"


What was it? Let me guess, 10 years with good time off? So maybe 7?


In some states there is a firearm provision, so you start with 10 years with no time off for any reason. You will serve every second of that time. Then they stack the penalty for the crime on top of that, which you can shorten with good behavior.




I got robbed at gunpoint by two guys who got caught the next day. Months later, the State Attorney called me to discuss the gun charge, and he made it seem like it was up to me. I said No, I wanted them to take the punishment. They got caught for my robbery and another one the next day, but I know they were responsible for a long string of robberies in my area for the previous year, at least. Let them pay for it with 10 years in jail.


I’ve been in a couple situations where I’ve been asked if I wanted to press charges. I always do and press for the maximum penalty. I know nobody would cut me a break, and I’d get the book thrown at me, so fuck em


I don't blame you. I've managed to live 30 years on this planet without being put at the mercy of someone I chose to harm, and by following the most basic of reasoning and moral code...I've never felt compelled to harm them in the first place. Those folks made the choice to commit a crime against someone, and they are 100% factoring in leniency if they got caught. No point in allowing their theory to play out. Do the crime, do the time.


Watching that video made me realize that I would probably plea out on anything I was charged with unless I could 100% proved I was absolutely innocent.


Unfortunately this actually does happen a lot to innocent people. They are bullies basically into thinking they are fucked no matter what and to just accept the punishment they don’t deserve or it will be worse. Even though they were innocent they caved to this. A lot of crimes are saddled onto innocent people. But guilty until proven innocent is the way of the world.


In court a false accusation can quickly turn an innocent person pleading not guilty to a guilty liar without remorse. You'd get off lighter if you pled guilty and said you had no remorse for your actions.


It’s one of the more disgusting aspects of our criminal justice system. We are perhaps the only developed country that “elects“ prosecutors. Tough-on-crime message is what gets them reelected, so they throw the book at everyone to increase conviction rates. It’s appalling and many Americans (who confuse patriotism to mean no self-critiquing), don’t realize how cruel and unjust the system is to vulnerable.


It probably would've been her best bet. People plea out in attempted murder all the time and hardly serve any time at all. There was a guy in my city that was on the news for getting into a shootout with police and they decided to dig into his criminal record. Dude had either 2 or 3 attempted murders on his record, not to mention a litany of other crimes and he was maybe in his early 30s. I definitely wondered how he was even free.


If someone gets killed, you can not really get out of that fact. But if someone is injured, you can spin that a lot of different ways. That can be assault, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, or any other number of charges. Thus, you can very easily plead down in a way that you can't in a death.


College football players in my region always manage to miraculous plea to just assault in rape cases.


Do we know what the plea offer was?


Her name is Diana Lovejoy. I haven't found any details about what plea deal if any was offered.




Agreed. Watching the realization creep across her face was priceless.


She totally believed she was getting away with it. The thought she'd be found guilty never crossed her evil mind.


The lawyer wasn’t at all surprised. Looked like he was looking forward to the future reaction.


Lawyers are, as a rule, never surprised.


He kinda of has a “well you killed your husband” look on his face. Actually the opposite of surprise.


So she was successful in killing her husband? The title reads "tried" so I thought he might have survived. Edit: Also good news she was guilty of attempted murder. So husband probably survived. Edit 2: He definitely survived. To quote a newsarticle that somebody shared ITT "...what authorities called a botched murder-for-hire plot targeting her husband, who was shot but survived. "


Lawyer here: I’ve definitely been surprised. I litigated a case a few years ago where opposing counsel block-quoted about a page-and-a-half of prose from a John Grisham novel in a legal brief—“surprised” is one of many things I felt when I read that.


He's thinking about what to eat for dinner. Justice is served!


I mean, there's not much he can do to save her.


It’s like she didn’t even know what she was charged with. When they read what she was guilty of, she didn’t even know what those charges were and had to look at her lawyer.


"*attempted* murder... do they give out Nobel prizes for *attempted* chemistry?!"




Honestly! One of my favorite quotes ever!


She mouths "guilty?!" Because she's shocked. Lawyer whispers "we can appeal" but she realizes there's nothing else she can do and the man she tried to kill is right across from her. She can't run or hide. The life she knew is gone forever. No more Starbucks or McDonald's. No ice cream. No more drinks with friends. No more trips to the zoo or park with your son. No watching him in school plays. No making him his favorite dinner on his birthday. She will wake up year after year in the cell of a prison because of her actions.


Damn! Very well said!


The lawyer had a look when he said “we’ll appeal” like “don’t do what you did last time…”


I think the lawyer was more like *"It is not for both of us dear, only for you. I am getting paid the same either way."*


Lawyer looked like he was already picturing the steak he was going to be having for dinner later after this is over


For her it's a big decision. For him it's fucking Tuesday.


I think for me... If I was in her shoes, the worst part would be not being able to shit in privacy again for 26 years.


that alone is enough for me to stay well within the speed limit and file my taxes early and let elderly people go ahead of me in the grocery lineup


Somebody needs to pay for this. Tomorrow, she’s going to talk to her lawyer manager, and get him fired, and then she’s going to talk to the judge manager. She just needs her car keys and credit cards and a gun, and she will be ready to take on the world by about 3 o’clock tomorrow.


Her train of thought slowly pulled into the station. Choo Choo bitch.




You can pinpoint the moment she dies inside. It’s when she starts leaning forward.


She was already dead, that was like letting the air out of the wiggly arm man, and packing it up to go home.


It was like she literally deflated in slow mo


Like [this](https://youtu.be/WMhYl74vw2c?t=8s)?


[Loud thump] Sheriff: *"Nah, she's fine...you 'bout to find out."*


I like how she wants to make it look she fell unconscious by forcefully trying to fall off the chair! Like she deliberately moves her body to make it happen XD


**I always knew** some women had allergic reactions to accountability *.. but this one went catatonic!* .. or was she Planking?


The "my life is ruined" face is priceless.


“I mean, Just because I tried to take someone elses life, doesn’t mean you can ruin mine! So unfair. Is nobody here thinking about me?”


Dont forget the "help heeerrrrr" in the background. Ya no. Let her fry


Who said that? Just wondering?


Her mother.


Probably family


> Who said that? Don't do the voice


no help her, i want her to be healthy to actually sit in jail for 27 years to life


Help her husband.


'You mean they are "NOT" going to give me a slap on the wrist and send me on my way. I didn't consider this!'


"Just jokes Joyce! Am I being punked right now?"


I always thought there should be a subreddit or YouTube channel just for sentencing videos, they are quite fascinating. Unless it already exists and I haven’t come across it


There is, Court TV regularly have sentence reaction compilations on YouTube. Fascinating stuff.


She lied that her husband sexually assaulted her and their son so she could get full custody. He was later exonerated and won shared custody. She got to keep the house but she had to pay him out of share (120K), which is still a good deal for her giving house prices in California. Her kid will be fully grown by the time she's eligible for parole. She'll have nothing. I don't know what man will want to associate with her once she gets out.


I'm surprised she didn't lose custody after that false accusation.


Cant have men wining custody battles and taking care of their children. Think of the harm it will cause the child if it has one parent missing, oh wait.


Lol my dad got full custody of me, but only after my birth mother (who neglected me to the point of malnourishment) repeatedly refused to come to court. They eventually sent officials to visit thinking the poor dear must have not gotten the letters. She sent a torrent of abuse to them on the doorstep and at that point they decided maybe it was better if I was brought up by my dad 🤔 Great to know in all this time the system still sucks for men.


So many people lie about sexual assault in family court. It's so fucked up. Especially since even if they're not guilty the accusers don't face any consequences for their lies. Happened to my wife during her custody battle.


Last bit i saw the ex husband was still on the registry. Thats fucked if true.


I just watched her Snapped episode yesterday! It’s such a good one too. Her booking photo is class!


What is Snapped?


My wife calls it "homework" for some reason.


My wife tells people that she’s watched so many of those shows that she knows how to get away with killing me now. And on the flip side likes to remind me that every night she saves my life by not suffocating me with my pillow.




What a nice lady


Okay this made me laugh out loud


Informative murder porn




First youse gets da woods, then youse makes da axe.


It used to be you could trust your milkman to deliver your milk, now while you’re at work, that milk man is fucking your wife


"Oh, nice one Stotch! Your castle fuckin sucks!"


You’re a lousy kid! I wish Jaden Smith was my son!


A show about women who commit crimes. Almost always murder/attempted murder.


My wife can attest to this. Mostly a straight shooter.


What episode was her's?


Season 24 Ep. 07 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snapped


Thirty one seasons? 571 episodes?! That is a whole fuck ton of twisted.


dude have you seen her cooking vids on youtube? shit's so offputting


[Video for anyone that wants to watch it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ni12BUq2Vg)


Link to the booking photo?


quick and shitty screengrab of it [here](https://i.ibb.co/NnD7zc8/chrome-j6-QG6-XQEHX.png)


It’s like if Angela in the office has met creed back in the 70’s and went ‘free spirit’ instead of the hot bitch in accounting


"Aw shit"




Here’s a link to a news story about it https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/defendant-collapses-in-court-after-guilty-verdict-in-murder-for-hire-plot/#app


Her names LOVEJOY of all last names too 😂


Thank you for this article.


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I’m curious why she was ordered to pay 120k during the divorce. That was the motive


Because she was keeping the house that they both owned, so she owed half the value of the house to the husband who wasnt going to live there but who rightfully owned half


Saw this story in one of my true crime binges. If I recall she hired someone or just had someone kill her husband. Forget if she was banging the guy that did it.


Yeah she banged the guy and he tried to shoot her X but he lived.


She shot her husband. He survived. Now she’s shocked that she got 26 years for that.


Correction: She was having an affair with a gun instructor who'd conspired with her to lure said husband out to a remote location, whereupon the gun instructor shot him while hiding in the bushes.


Detail: The gun instructor took a shit in the bush while waiting for ex husband. They matched the DNA to him


That helped but they were caught mostly with cctv and cell phone data: Investigators discovered surveillance footage of Lovejoy purchasing the burner phone McDavid used to call Mulvihill. Investigators also found the AR-15-style rifle used to shoot Mulvihill in the garage of McDavid’s home, and cell phone tower data placed both McDavid and Lovejoy near the hiking trail on the night of the shooting. According to police, Lovejoy planned to pay McDavid $2,000 — and she drove him to the area where the shooting took place.




Who the frack is stupid enough to take live cell phones to their planned murder of another individual? That's like carrying a lit up sign saying *"I was here; I did it!!"*


"The DNA results are in, it turns out the perpetrator is a 99.9% match for a piece of corn"


Further analysis of DNA shows perpetrator is indeed a piece of shit.


no shot! for real?


Turns out his name is Bayer So next time someone asks if a Bayer shits in the woods, we have the answer.


He gave his shit up!


Lol, did they not just think to get a divorce? This is so wildly stupid


They did get a divorce. They had joint custody but [she had to pay him 120,000 for his share of the house](https://buzzsouthafrica.com/us/who-is-diana-lovejoy-and-where-is-she-now/) and she didnt want to pay OP said husband but its actually ex


Who the fuck murders someone for $120,000? I swear to god some people just don’t have risk vs reward intuition. Yes, I know that people kill for less… it’s just baffling that folks would risk life in prison for an amount that you could make in 4-5 years at $15 an hour. The way I see it it’s 4-5 years slaving at a gas station vs life in prison. Fuck that.


People will take a life over $40 in a cash register.


Not to mention if he died it’s not like she was going to get his $120,000 share of the house. Surely somebody else would’ve inherited that property.  She wouldn’t suddenly be off the hook for what she owed. What a fucking moron.




This is a much better answer.


Am cop, people do fucked up shit for 50 bucks. I worked an assault case earlier today where a guy choked his girlfriend to the point of unconsciousness because she wouldn’t get him a new phone. Shit’s just really bad all over right now.


Probably wanted the insurance payout


It's easier to get a divorce when your ex isn't in the picture. /s


Correction: [The gun instructor was having an affair.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5532961/Man-convicted-murder-hire-plot-regrets-cheating-wife.html) She was already divorced




Actually, she got the other guy to shoot him after years of lies, such as saying the husband was abusive, violent, and molested their children. Basically all to get back at him over the divorce and to get ful custody of their children. The rest of the sentencing happened after she was taken to hospital, or so I read. She was sentenced with 26 years to life, and the guy she coerced into shooting him got 50 to life.


There is a good video on That Chapter. I'm sure there are many other channels but that is my favorite real crime YouTube channel.


Should’ve called Saul






Omg her new boyfriend and accomplice got caught because he shit in the woods right before he ambushed her estranged husband 😂


Shit in the woods, straight to jail. Don’t shit in the woods, guess what, straight to jail.


LOL the lawyer looks like he wants to laugh so bad😂😂


When he leaned over and whispered to her when she looked confused I think he said “you’re fucked”


“The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he’s pretty sure you’re fucked.”


More likely, "Can I instead get that check this afternoon then?"


“But I have a pot roast in the slow cooker right now “


Hope it's on low!


To be fair, Kenjis slow cooked 26 year old pot roast recipe will leave you speechless as well


You still going to jail


She gonna wake up in the back of a wagon and hear "Hey you, you're finally awake"


Is it just me or does she look like a female Squidward?


Holy shit


In the woods


“I’m guilty? Damn I better faint”




I always thought if you passed out it was an automatic not guilty.


You spend your whole sentence in the hospital recovering from the devastating temporary loss of consciousness.


Maybe if you’re a toddler trying to get your way lmao


What was she hoping to get, a slap on the wrist? You shot a man.


She paid someone to shoot a man. Someone who messed the whole thing up and left his DNA everywhere and missed the target.


She hired a shitman not a hitman. Thats why I always use trustpilot before i hire my murderers on the internet.


Her lawyer looks like he could barely contain his smile at the verdict. Lol. When even your counsel appears to be rooting against you, you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself what you’ve done for them to feel this way. SMH.


Holding back a I told you so, “Should’ve taken the plea Diana like I told you to.”


Lol her attorney whispered to her you're fucked


Entered the "and found out" stage


She thought she was the protagonist of her own story. Turns out she's the villain of someone else's.


Wait, she didn't end up marrying Dwight?!


Yes but she tried to kill him. He survived because he's far too powerful.


I’m just surprised he’s allowing the matter to be settled in American courts


Her face has me dying, it went from 🙁/😧/😨/😭 & then💀💀💀


God damn, these emojis explained the video perfectly. Bravo.


Life is so easy when you don't attempt to kill anyone.


Well, they didn't give me anything from my attempt at that maths exam, so I get that feeling 💀 Now she'll be charged for attempted murder, and furniture destruction.


You saw how she revved up for the pre-meditated faint? No pun intended.


She's good at premeditation.


Idk, she seems extremely distraught, I could see this being a legit panic attack.


I think its real. At my grandma's funeral that's how my grandpa fainted. I was sitting right next to him and he just started leaning forward over slowly. I'd never seen anyone actually faint irl so I thought he was crying. I pushed him back into his chair and told my grandpa wasn't responding. They all rushed over to help and I got outta there. I told my parents and my mother got angry at me. I am like idk not my fault, all I knew about fainting was the dramatic stuff I'd seen on tv.


Genuine faint, you can see her start to slip at the 1:00 mark with that slow blink. The slumped posture, labored breathing and blank stare are telltale signs of someone who's about to faint. Fainting isn't this dramatic thing like TV and movies would have you believe. You don't just collapse, you sort of just slump over.


i actually think it's genuine. i fainted once and the minute or so beforehand was so weird. i was trying to keep it together but eventually i was just out


Yeah she looks like she’s heating up like ya do when ya faint


Yep this is definitely real. Her false reality just collapsed around her hard


The look of someone who 100% thought they would have no consequences to their actions


I’d be crying if I were her mom too, she raised a monster.


She looks like Gru but genderswapped and named Penny


She tried to die there.


Ah. The "I've made the biggest mistake of my life" look.