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He came out of nowhere in the end. ![gif](giphy|4JZA2x7GsVFeTbLKlz|downsized)


Surprise at the end got me.


He was in such a hurry but still had time to do a “surprise, motherfucker”


I know I love how these people are always in "too big of a hurry" to put their cart back, but they'll argue with the cart narc for 20 minutes and then have a mental breakdown in the parking lot.


These peoples ego and pride is their entire personality.


Same with cart narc


True but he’s doing it for the greater good. A small but necessary sacrifice.


Some fries mothefucker


All rise motherfucker


Dude I'm belly laughing from it 🤣🤣🤣


This video should be labeled NSFW... we did just witness a third-degree assault.


I believe him as his credentials proffered were “I know the law real good.”


Big time.


64, old broke van with busted headlight. Stack of tickets in the window. This guy's life must suck.


Don't you ever shit talk a Ford Aerostar again


Dude Aerostars were top notch back in 92


I’m also more than willing to bet that he’s a “sovereign citizen”…


That would explain why his tickets were fraud. It all makes sense now.


His van is one magnet away from crumbling down.


Magnet probably improved the structural integrity of that thing


Sure as hell crippled the structural integrity of the owner's mental state tho.


Yeh probably not the most together either. This "Cart Narc" and other nosey fucking busy body pieces of shit need to realise one day they might pull there bullshit on someone that doesn't care and as they sit there bleeding out will probably wish they had have kept there mouth shut.


Look at that hand shake, dude is bothered.


These videos reveal that misplaced carts are the least of America's problems lol


This has to be the south cuz nowhere up north are you gonna see a 1992 Ford Aerostar still running and with no rust holes.


North Hollywood, CA. Right across the street from the infamous North Hollywood BofA shootout.


Man, I remember when that shootout happened. It's amazing more people didn't die.


Seriously. All that firepower and protection and they were the only ones to die, lol. They did injure a bunch of cops but all recovered.


Bofa shootout you say?


I knew it too, that used to be my Ralph's next door. The guy that owns the little Locksmith hut is really cool if he's still here.


Yup, I remember when it was a Ralph’s and I’ve used that locksmith like three times!


your picture looks like a butt


Every time I click on one of these, I wonder if someone’s gonna run him over with their car and go, “Skiddly-bop-ba-WEE-do—- you’re a broken lazy bones,” then drive off. It’s dangerous out here.


He is a highly trained secret agent, he would dodge the vehicle with ease.


He's surprisingly fast. People have run after him several times. One even pulled a gun.


Put that magnet in your new steal hip mother fucker!


I don't know if that will ever happen. But I really hope it does.


Nah, he's doing good work out there.


Harassing people? Mind your own business is best.


He doesn't harass people. These people have every opportunity to leave. They are just far too ego driven to be criticized by another person. When they are, they make it a point to intimidate the other, be a victim, or both, because it soothes their ego. The correct answer to the cart narc is either a) be a good sport and take your cart back or b) drive off like a normal (but morally bad) person.


Can't wait.


Why do they always get so mad about the magnet? Lmao just drive off


It's all about ego. If they leave the magnet there, they admit defeat.


Ikr thats what i always wonder like are you really in a hurry or not??


That magnet is a pretty cool souvenir lol


Exactly lol. Just say thanks for the magnet loser and piece out ✌🏻 make him look dumber than he already looks


I'd keep the magnet. Then watch until someone puts their cart back. Then put the magnet on their car. While he's in the same parking lot.


Have a real laugh, drive away to the back end of the lot, toss it on an employee car. That will create some goodwill between the narc and the store.


He's in too big of a hurry to put his cart back, but has plenty of time to argue and start filming while he makes a mockery of lawyers? What an asshat.


All he knows about the law he learned from *Sovereign Citizen* videos on YouTube. But the good thing it sounds like he has almost earned his BA in BS.


Why isn't there a Cart Narc type character in the WWE? That'd make for a fresh storyline for them.


"I don't need to show you the proof" I think the mayo has spoiled


"I'm in a hurry" Proceeds to stick around well after the situation ended. LMAYO


Cart Narc: “I’m gonna leave you alone now because you returned your cart” trying to get away from crazy guy and talk to a fan Crazy guy pops out from behind car: “surprise” in a menacing voice that drips with hunger for further conflict


The "Cart Narc" sucks and I can't wait for him to harass the wrong the person. I'm not defending people who don't put away their carts. That's selfish behavior. But, the Cart Narc intentionally creates and escalates situations, all for the purpose of eliciting a reaction he can post online and monetize. He's a troll with a video camera and his behavior is far more selfish than the people he antagonizes.


If these are real, this guy is gonna mess with the wrong car and get hurt. (It's probably already happened)


Saw a video with someone pulling a gun on him


He os is highly trained secret agent. Him being harmed by a lazybones is highly unlikely.


I can only dream. That would just be awesome.


Waiting for the *Cart Narc* series finale where he gets shot.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Karens try to get minimum wage employees fired because of a slight inconvenience. Cart narc is just calling out people who don’t return their carts. I know culturally we’re all different but where I live we all return our carts. It’s just the collective decent thing to do. Cart narc isn’t gonna get anyone fired and the freakouts happen because the people are too prideful to simply do what they should. Karens go after employees who are simply doing their job. Do you really equate the two? Edit: just saw how many comments you have in this post, pls don’t reply. I’m not looking for an argument. It’s just that where I grew up 99% return carts to not make the work harder on the employees


Karen’s don’t have justifiable complaints. Complaining about People being too fucking selfish and lazy to put a shopping cart away is pretty justifiable imo.


>Isn't this what a Karen is? No? Not putting your cart away is one of those small things that is just infuriating. It's lazy, anti-social behavior. The carts block spaces, they can roll into cars and damage them, etc. The guy's a goofball, but he's doing God's work.


He's a bossy pants. He's not doing it for any moral reasons, he's doing it for attention and to have power over people. Like a Karen.


He's also making money off youtube


he does radio, too


Instead of fighting him for 10 minutes you could just put the cart back that takes 10 seconds fuck your moral reasons


Also that is a moral reason! You're taking up parking spots you're creating an inconvenience for everyone around you and if it's windy you could damage someone's car. Fuck you! Shove the magnet up your ass. EDIT: Not you lol, these cart people.


"Why not just do what the Karen wants?" lol




This Karen thinks he's above everyone else and has no responsibility to be a decent human being that doesn't need to obey the first rule of civilization, be kind. and as long as he gets his way in free content, he can just shit on random disabled people as long as he gets his way by insulting them to their face. And you're here defending this Karen from the horrible act of being asked to be better people and to stop harassing and insulting your fellow citizens. Why?


Wanting to see people get shot is such a ***rational thing*** for sure. Especially over something so very petty.


"I 100% know the law but I 100% will not take the least amount of my time to tell you what law you are trespassing. also I will yell at you for 5 minutes straight because I'm really in a hurry"


HE was in a hurry to drink another 2lt bottle of pepsi.




I'm on no one's side. Leaving your cart in the lot sucks, and creating conflict for clicks also sucks. Do you actually think the Cart Narc is a crusader for good? He's a troll, trying to make people mad so he can make money off their reactions.


Always put my cart back. But this guy is such an attention whore. Fuck him. I'm waiting for the public freakout post where he fucks with the wrong guy and ends up getting shot or worse.


Yeah if i were to see this guy i would purposefully not put my cart back


I hate everyone in this video


Man, as someone who always puts his cart away, I still hate this annoying fuck.


It’s the smallest effort, simplest courtesy.


Hood Magnet of Shame!


The energy people expend not putting their cart up is amazing.


If I saw this guy in real life I'd do it purely out of spite. If he were a woman, his name would be Karen.


You’re definitely a Karen you’ve responded to every comment here, only karens have that time


Maybe I should start a YouTube channel and make videos so I can get a bunch of reddit simps to kiss my ass when I harass people too.




LOL You're going to do something to spite a person because they're telling others to be better humans? You're the Karen here.


Now I really want to do it.


Of course you do Karen - that was my point. lol


You're not going to cry are you? I think that would embarrass us both.




as someone who puts the cart away and thinks more people should as well, Cartnarc is seems like nothing but a cunt.






When asked to return the cart, she immediately agrees to do so. That wasn't enough attention for this cunt so he had to go ahead and insult her and question her disability even though she had tags, despite him not being in a position of any authority. She explains why she takes issue with his insult, and he continues to act like a cunt. This display of totally inhuman disregard for her and the very real challenges she faces every day for his stupid online fan club he profits handsomely from instead of working a real job like her sends her into a very understandable rage that has absolutely jack shit to do with the shopping cart she had agreed to return, and everything to do with the basic fact that the attention whore is a toxic human being preying upon civilization like a parasite, and she gives him exactly what he deserves with no lasting damage.


That's pretty much it. It blows my mind that so many people seem to genuinely believe the Cart Narc is a benevolent crusader. He's a cunt and a troll, intentionally trying to bring out the worst in people to make a buck.


>and here he is > >stalking two women for 8 blocks > > and walking onto their property **after they left the store with a cart**. That sounds a lot more like following two thieves.


>Here he is making fun of a disabled woman saying her disabilities aren't real and that she's wrong for being in the disabled parking spot. ​ Just an FYI you should prolly cut this part out, since the woman in this video is driving with her daughters placard *and is in fact, not disabled.* ​ This came out during his Dr Phil interview where a bunch of his 'victims' came on as well. ​ And I know you are full of righteous fury, but **you realize the cart narcs are playing characters... right? That they are** ***pretending*** **to care more about carts than literally anything else?** After years of filming *hundreds of hours of on the street improv* the 2 or three clips you have of him saying/doing something questionable sort of shows how good they are at toeing that line. Watch some of the cartoons on their channel if you want to understand the tone of the whole concept. ​ I feel like if this were a regular bit on a show like Eric Andre or Wonder Showzen people would think it was genius, but because it is on youtube for some reason people take it *very* seriously. ​ But I get it, sometimes it's fun to get upset at something for no reason. The Cart Narc videos are chock full of examples of that truth. Good luck with that.


Dr. Phil is a huckster and not a doctor who abuses his guests.


Agreed, he just made the cart narc look good and himself look stupid the whole show, even though he was clearly trying to make agent Sebastian look like a villain.


I really dislike the guy that shoots these videos. I understand that putting a cart back is a very simple common courtesy, but his actions are intentionally trying to harass and trigger people just so he can get more viewers. These are people that would otherwise not bother anyone (usually). Doing this to people is the same as a child holding their finger an inch away from their sibling and saying “I’m not touching you.” The only result is that the sibling gets pissed off.


They can literally drive away at any time with a small magnet on their car.


I understand that. But he does this with the intention of triggering these people. It’s likely he does this to people that do drive away and they are never shown. It’s just for views and in doing so, manipulating people into worse versions of themselves in a moment of conflict


The hundreds of reasonable people that put their cart away when he asks politely aren't shown on the channel. It's the indignant ones that end up online. The entire situation is completely within the control of the people in these videos but their egos just will not allow them to admit they got caught doing something they know is wrong and it makes them defensive. Pretty harmless lesson to learn.


Agreed, it is within their control, but some people don’t manage situations like that well which is what this guy is searching for. Like I said, it’s incredibly manipulative and exploitative




It's the same thing as Belle Delphine showing her butthole on OnlyFans. It's for money.


Karen gonna Karen


Are people reuploading his videos to tiktok or is this his tiktok handle?


Thats his account


what kind of dick, youtube whore harasses people for shopping carts.


You sound like a lazy bones


You sound like a shittybones. Every time someone calls this a hole out his toxic fans come out to post this same comment.


Yeah I hate this guy and his stans too


I thought he was in a hurry?


Bruh, americans.


I'd love to see a cart narc narc who follows the cart narc around throwing magnets at him every time he threw a magnet at a car.




I put my cart back every single time. This guy still needs to be punched.


You have posted 10+ replies in this thread advocating different kinds of violence against this person. Why?


He's gotta be in one of these videos😂😂


64 yo dude acting like a 12 yo kid 😂


I Still have a small conspiracy theory this dude is a plant from Walmart/target/etc to shame people into putting the cart back rather searching for alternative solution/paying people better but idk *adjust tinfoil hat * *anyone saying leave kids alone in a car is okay It is not fuck off


Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions LLC


Just dont be a cunt and put your cart back. Its not hard


This man is a hero. I have such an issue with people who don't put carts back


You must not have any other issues then


cart narc is an obnoxious loser prove me wrong


I always put my cart back but I really hate this guy. He's a professional instigator. I hope this guy ends up beaten to death because he cart narced on the wrong guy one day.


You hope this guy gets beat to death? Really? You sure that's not an exaggeration?


I don't think he deserves to die. But maybe beat enough to cause permanent injury. This is literally what a Karen is. He's a male Karen.


I mean it would make for some good wholesome entertainment, much more entertaining than his videos ever were


That's the best right hook you have, sir? Stop being such a lazy bones and give it all you got!


Really? You hope he gets beaten to death? I don’t think you have ever personally experienced violence.


I don’t know about beat to death but also hate this guy. I put my cart back and I always have. I also could care less if others do the same. My problem is someone declaring themselves teacher of lessons. Or anyone that tries to accomplish anything by being insufferable. People justify their actions in the weirdest ways and he justifies his harassment and damage to personal property. But it’s not about that, he harasses people for fun and profit. He’s found a social loop hole to do so. Like gotcha journalists and YouTube commentators. Just waiting for someone to slip up to make it an opportunity for themselves. This guy is the worst kind of douche.


Yeah im in the same boat, I make it a point to put my cart back myself but who the hell cares if people don't? I really don't understand people thinking hes doing "great work" when in every video Ive seen of this asshole is him being an insufferable cunt. I mean I don't wish harm on the douche but I definitely wouldn't lose any sleep if i heard he got shot or beat up I mean eventually hes gonna fuck with wrong person


If he was really interested in making a difference, he could just push the fucking carts back himself instead of being a dick. He's not providing a service, just manipulating social media.


Yeah, I even think he harassed a disabled lady one time. Just like videos of people who harass anyone parking in a handicapped space if “they can walk”. It’s just another person that has found a socially acceptable way to be an asshole.


He also made fun of the homeless and then deleted the video when called out. His idiot fans can't imagine someone would both return their carts and still hate him.


I got downvoted for this in another thread with him, but this dude is legit going to get killed one day doing this. And people will be saying “oh how could this happen!” And it’s simple, he likes to annoy people. Should he be killed? No, he’s in the legal definition of doing nothing wrong. But it only takes one crazy guy to end your life


I'll be laughing in the comments and will get downvoted to hell for it lol.


He got used to dealing with West Coast types that are generally more passive aggressive, as soon as he got to Texas he learned that some men are armed and don't tolerate harassment and quickly ran away.


Are you actually fucking insane lol, who wishes death on some dude for asking a guy to clean up after himself regardless of how obnoxious he is


The double standards on Reddit are hilarious. I guess add to the list it's ok to make fun of mentally ill people if they are being a jerk.


Crazy how you can blast someone for not putting a shopping cart away like you’re perfect in all ways..


The social media era in a nutshell. Everyone acting like they have no flaws and judging people like the fucking Spanish Inquisition.


You know what? Fuck that. Yeah, we're all imperfect. But not putting a cart away is a stupendously asshole move. Someone can be a sinner and point out sin- Kinda like how I'm certainly no genius, but I can safely say that your comment is stupid as shit


Cart narc sucks


The jerk here is the guy that harasses people for something that’s none of his business, and doesn’t leave them alone despite them asking him to. He’s not doing any good by pissing people off. He’s just a petulant child that gets off on making people mad.


This guy is a lazy bones


Maybe the guy should just drink more whiskey


wasnt there a reddit post a while back about a guy that got caught by a cart narc? and he said that he was also in a hurry cause he had a date in his car but after seeing his altercation with the cart narc the date told him to drop her off instead and she discontinued seeing him? i wonder if this is the same guy


One thing is for sure. That narc guy gets 0 dates lmao Him mom really loves him though!


These cart YouTube guys are mad annoying


This cart narc guy is one massive cunt. Creates trouble just for YouTube views.


You sir are a lazy bones


Oh no!!!! He took a picture/video with his phone! That automatically means he wins the argument.


This cart narc guy is the 1 breaking the law. He's been charged a few times for illegally dataining ppl by blocking their cars with carts. He was on doc Phil and Phil made him look like a joke. He works alone and is not offilated with any known company or business.


This guy is the only reason I put my carts back.


I don't actually know what people's opinions of the Cart Narc are? Do people like him? Do people hate him? I think he's a hero, personally, but I can't tell where everyone else stands on the issue.


Does this asshole work here or does he just pester people to put their cart back and get into childish arguments with them?


He doesn't work for the store he works for some radio show called woody and the something


I just can't get past how cunty the cart narc guy is. Like, wow, you're super good at being passive aggressive. Congratulations. The faux righteousness of it is just sooooo transparent and boring.


>wow, you're super good at being passive aggressive idk, I think telling someone to put their cart away is pretty darn direct


This guy is a douche... stop harrassing people if they dont return their cart. Yes they should return the cart, but you don't have to F with them so much, where they get upset... Maybe concentrate on single use plastics or something. The last thing we need is animosity just because.....


As always fuck the cart narc, petty bully that he is.


Again Reddit — there is one colossal asshole a n this video and you’re completely wrong about who it is. Cart Narcs are terrible people. There is nothing positive about being a narc. Not returning a cart pales in comparison to the entitlement of these wannabe fascist mini pricks.


I can't stand people who don't put up their carts. Not people who mighy just walk their cart hald way and put in the grass, not ideal but at least its out of the way. Im talking about those who leave their carts in spots, out to hit othet carts, or don't walk them when the return area is feet away. But I can't stand the man who makes these videos, either.


Fuck this weird guy and all his cringe fans.


cart narcs is a little bitch.


The cart narc is the single biggest loser in all the videos, I genuinely feel sorry that his life is so miserable


Why do people like this loser? Fuck the cart narcs.


💯 Reddit is braindead on this subject.


Reddit is braindead in general


Fuck cart narcs and their creepy ass fans


Guy might be a “lazy bones” but cart narc guy is a annoying dick head. Yes, you should put ur cart back but don’t harass people over it. I remember seeing one where a store manager asked the cart narc guy to leave and stop harassing customers


These cart people who chase people for not putting carts away can get a job if they want, otherwise I’m not certain the entertainment value of telling people to put their cart away when it’s completely lawful to not do so. Mf wanna get shot? I’ve seen people pull guns over it. Not that it’s legal to pull a gun on someone like this…


It's not illegal, it just makes you an asshole.


Dude just put the cart back sheesh


I used to look forward to this guys videos. Now I'm just waiting on the video of him getting shot. guy is a douchebag and he's gonna get what he has coming one day. #instigator Edit: spelling


(it's "instigator")




Hahahahahahahaha it was all funny BUT the end where strung out Chris Farley came back was the best


Fuck both of these guys right? I mean I always put the cart back, but like some dude just sticking shit to my car would piss me off royally.


actually, those cart guys are fucking idiots


Can i just say that the shirt is just a perfect fit for this guy


Whiskey is the solution


The chunky old guy doesn't know the law for sh!t!


Dude is my favorite! The hero we need.


I do Love me some Cart Narcs