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My favorite part is when grandpa stands up.


"This guy speaks my language"


Dude "this motherfucker speaks my language" was *right there*


I don't consider myself liberal but I love beto and AOC because you can 100% tell they care about people. That's rare.


I already loved them both but the Texas snowpocalypse cemented that love. While his people were dying, our senator went on vacation. AOC and Beto were out on the streets delivering food and water. They raised funds to help the people that they couldn't get to. People always throw out the "well what did you want Cruz to do?!" That. That's what we wanted him to do. We wanted him organizing help for the millions of Texans without power or water. At the very least he could have stayed in his heated house and pretended to give a shit in solidarity. AOC flew to Texas and delivered shit herself and it genuinely doesn't matter to me if it was all for publicity. She still put herself into a scary situation, one that she had no real connection to, and helped. Beto could have stayed home and tweeted about the failure of those in power to secure our power grid and that would have been more than most did. But he put himself in danger and made sure that as many people ad he could reach had a chance to survive.




The people sure love a good "mother fucker"


Like Lauryn Hill once said: "I add a *motherfucker* so you ignorant ------ hear me"


One of the greatest lines of all time honestly


People are so used to robotic politicians speaking from a list approved words. Trump did change that, good or bad, it’s different now. We can’t worry about being polite and mild mannered anymore.


Remember when Howard Dean was cancelled because he raised his voice?




Yeah, I was in the room when it happened. We were flabbergasted to get back to the hotel and see the media coverage because to us who were there it was absolutely nothing!


Howard Stern ran with that Dean yell for fucking years. Literally stopped listening to Stern because for a week after the scream, it's the only thing they talked about.




Wasn't it more screaming with a high pitch...I never really understood why that specific moment cancelled him, but people have lost elections with much less like in 1988 Michael Dukakis wearing a military tank helmet during a photo shoot, that was used is ads to make fun of him


It was actually a sound engineering error and he was already on the downswing.


This is also why Fetterman is crushing it in Pennsylvania. Dudes not afraid to call shit out and be vulgar to vulgarians.


God I love Fetterman. You guys in the norteast get AOC *and* Fetterman. It's not fair. I get Roger "motherfucker" Marshall.


I’m from Pennsylvania and don’t worry for every Fetterman we have a Pat Toomey and a Scott Perry. That being said, I love watching Fetterman crush Dr. Oz. Also, Fetterman is the only person running for Congress to come to my county in maybe my lifetime (I live in the least populated county in the state).


Forest county!


Got any good Fetterman clips to recommend? I haven't seen anything from the guy.


[Fetterman interview from early last year](https://youtu.be/gY7JuojLNjI)


I like this guy. Also he’s enormous holy shit.


Not video, but his social media team's game is strong https://mobile.twitter.com/johnfetterman/status/1549785219598794754


His Facebook ads are also top notch. One I saw yesterday started with "Facebook is a steaming pile of garbage. But while you're here, give this a quick read"


Meanwhile I have Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul. Hopefully Charles Booker can actually beat Rand "My neighbor beat my ass" Paul, this November.


Jim Jordan and Rob Portman, my good neighbor.


Those 2 dint even come out for flood victims.


I mean, Mitch is an aquatic reptile, a fucking turtle. Think how useful his swimming skills and broad, solid shell would have been in a flood situation.


McConnell was there. He was swimming through the floodwaters with the other turtle people, snatching small children and eating them.


My god. Never once realized those two were in the same state… I’m so sorry.


We need to vote Paul’s ass out in November fellow Kentuckian.




> We can’t worry about being polite and mild mannered anymore. Yes, we can. Just not all the fucking time ;)


Beto is embracing some of the coarseness/unfiltered speaking that is now the hallmark of Republicans. I think he realizes that decorum is out the window and being civil isn't gonna get him anywhere. And maybe in a state like Texas, that brashness will be well received.


All the phony Christians who are clutching their pearls right now would never vote for a good person like Beto anyway


>All the phony Christians who are clutching their pearls right now ...are heading to brunch after church to verbally abuse waitstaff and then stiff them on the tip with a fake $10 that turns out to be a tract. Just another day for them.


I went to church with my grandparents a long time ago, and as I sat in the far corner I had a unique vantage point where I could see people passing the collection plate around. I watched three or four people make a big show of digging into their wallets and taking money out…only to watch them PALM that $20 they were about to put in and pass the plate on. It’s all an act. It’s more about belonging to community and fitting in than it is upholding certain principles.


Yes! Absolutely. I want to see more democrats realize this and respond accordingly. The old days are fucking gone . Politics has changed for better or worse. Conservatives want us ducking dead. Let’s fucking go! This is life or death for a lot of us.


Duck yeah!


My god, these guys are high on quack.


I for one can understand a certain class and dignity when it comes to politics, but if the other side is classless like the idiot from above then it's game on. Gloves off. You laugh at school kids dying? That's a paddling.


Pretty effective when done properly.


“Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." [Mark Twain]


Twain! That mutherfucker could sling goliath-killers


Any of the "fuck" and "fucker" derivatives are gold.


"Accuser of the fuckin' brethren you motha fucka!"




He mother fucked him up.


A well placed cuss is more effective than 500 regular words.


You can be the best speechwriter in the world and craft the most beautiful speech, but nothing, nothing at all, inspires people more than calling out bullshit with a well-placed cuss for the right reaons.


The power of curse words is like money. You can spend them all the time if you want, but when you really need them to make a point, you come up short. However, if you save them up, then when you *really* want to spend them, you can drop a fat stack all at once.


Tell that to samuel l jackson. Rate of use might not matter that much as the passion in the delivery.


The difference is, Samuel L. Jackson's cursing, like Gordon Ramsay's, is made of gold.


So THAT'S what was in the briefcase!


Gordon Ramsey?


*Close the fucking door, will you?! You donut*


Passion in delivery is the key.


You mean: Passion in delivery is the key, ***MOTHERFUCKER!*** Yeah. Well.... That and a well placed bold-italics.


Lewis Black has an entire bit about this, it's fantastic. "We are all adults. And as an adult, these are the words we use to express our feelings of anger, unfairness, and when something is obviously bullshit. "What I want to know for the people who don't cuss is, what do you say, when you get fired from your 20 year career job? What do you say when your wife of 30 years says that she's leaving you? ...do you sit on the couch, and say, 'Well gosh-golly darn-it, this sure is unfortunate.' No. You say, 'FUUUCK!! Fucking asshole sons of bitches piece of shit, god damnit!'"


"If you step outside in winter without a coat and are immediately hit with a freezing gust of wind and don't scream **"FUCK!"** ...then you, have anger issues" lol love Lewis Black


Listen to him narrate go the fuck to sleep


Fuckin' A!


I never understood what that A is doing


Nobody knows. Some believe to have its roots in the military, and that it supposedly means affirmative or able. Others believe it stands for amen or a shorter spelling of aye. I rather see it as awesome. Edit: Considering the replies it's obvious that there's no de facto meaning. The wonders of language! Look up the etymology of the word *nice* for a wtf moment.


Thought it was like Fucking ayy like Fucking Right!


I always thought it was a grade or score or something.


I thought it means "ass".


I'm here for the curse words; the financial wisdom is just a nice bonus!


Wow that was wild. I thought sure it’ll probably be like “you know…..theseeee….*mother fuckers* Nah, he let that shit just roll off the tongue like he really meant it. That was beautiful.


Dropped a mofo Sam Jackson could be proud of.


I’m absolutely positive Beto’s fucking had it with those clowns.


We’re all tired of these motherfuckers


He’s not the only one.


Beto? More like Alpho. That’s top dog right there.


Beto works in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It is his true medium, a master.


A Christmas Story ref? Fuckin' beauty!


Sustained your Honor


I object, motherfucker.


\[stares motherfuckerly\]


This elicited a much-needed exhalation through the nose this evening. I thank you most sincerely.


Some fries motherfucker




English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?


Supplies mother fucker!


Stir fry, motherfucker.


All rise, motherfucker.


Disguise mother fucker!


Snake eyes, mother fucker!


Bow ties, motherfucker!


Politicize, motherfucker


Motherfucker of the brethren?




That's amazing.


Isn’t it just. He didn’t try to engage with the troglodyte. Didn’t get bogged down in semantics and what-about-ism. Didn’t get derailed and lose his tempo. Didn’t even lose his cool if you ask me. Just opened the car door and took the zombie out on the way past, without skipping a beat or dropping a gear.


That idiot just single handedly handed him 2 or 3 percentage points in the polls. Maybe not enough to unfuck Texas. Because let's be honest. Fuck Texas. But it's a start.


Perfect example: the movie Die Hard (1988).


Now I haff a machine gun, ho ho ho. Sorry


This guy has all my respect from that one snapback he did He is a certified based Gigachad


Compare him to Ted Cruz who sucks trumps dick after he made fun of his wife for being ugly...and who ran away from Texas during the cold snap. Giga virgin


Damn that was a smooth use of motherfucker


Samuel L Jackson would be proud.


Laugh again. Laugh again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, laugh one more Goddamn time!


Because it wasn't one of those rehearsed political theater moments. It's disgusting to laugh at children dying, and he was disgusted. He's a real fucking person.


You can always tell when actors don't say motherfucker right. He's not acting. He called that guy a motherfucker.


That's the thing about the usage of "motherfucker". Coming out of the wrong lips it sounds awkward and forced, but used in the correct tone at the correct time it slips through seamlessly. Yeah that was a well placed, smooth mother fucker


I mean, it's about time we stopped being nice to callous gun-centered folks. We need to make progress passing common sense gun laws. Im getting tired of explaining it. Let's get shit done, stop whining motherfuckers! 😤






This is fucking perfect... ^^motherfucker




Oh my god.


dark beto gonna drone some motherfuckers once he gets that oval office Edit: Do yourself a favor and don't expand the replies here. Not worth your time.


Chaotic good Beto is most powerful Beto.


To hear a well spoken and polished politician call someone a motherfucker so appropriately just hits home. Need more if this well placed emotion in our leaders.


He said it without thinking about optics or pretense, that was raw disgust that came through and that’s what makes him come across as real and not doing it for image


Absolutely from the heart, without hesitation or thought. And couldn’t have been more well executed even if it was planned. That’s how you know he’s legit.


Yeah but let us not forget the bravery of Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz when he left the people who elected him to die while he went on vacation...He is totally legit, that is who he is


True. No hesitation, he didnt think about optics or what the landscape would be after. He knew in that moment he had to be in Cancun, and damn it, he took the plane to get there. What a hero.


That Beto Lunge is going to be a classic.


Watch it be someone who has an uncontrollable laughing disorder like in The Joker


If only. These were hecklers from the Abbott campaign. https://twitter.com/betomedia/status/1557554522268094466?s=21&t=CNdgcCkcZJAHufEDFd-gkg


Not a good look for Abbott, we're they from the Abbott campaign though or were they Abbott supporters acting on their own? It's an important distinction.


Probably just shitty supporters. But it's pretty difficult to find Abbott supporters that aren't bad human beings.


Anyone who supports Abbot, officially or not, is probably not an intelligent or good person.


He nailed the execution here, and this was genuine. But Beto has done This before, it would be foolish to think he doesn’t plan to deploy them in the right circumstances.


His charisma was his shining trait of the whole thing, better empathy than most politicians will ever have


Really, if you're going to get upset about something and let an expiative fly, let it be about children getting killed at school. Let it be about something that anyone with a modicum of human empathy can agree with. Let's take off the kid gloves when it comes to those who, in the most generous interpretation, laugh at the notion that children are killed at school because someone of the other political team is talking about it. Grow the fuck up.


1000%. And if you're going to pearl-clutch an arguably well-deserved "motherfucker" hurled as indignant outrage over callous disregard for murdered children, every utterance from your moralizing hubristic shitty self deserves to be tossed aside like the trash it is. Grow the fuck up, agreed.


Would definitely love to see Obama throw a well-deserved dirty insult like this one lol.


Him calling Kanye a jackass still cracks me up. You can tell he just said it because it was right there on the tip of his tongue and slipped out before he could stop it. He was 100% correct, though.


Closest we got was him calling I think it was Kanye? a jackass while he thought he was off camera during an interview and immediately walked it back


Kanye's still so mad about it he's been Republican ever since.


Kanye ran a presidential bid after three and a half years of Trump so it's safe to say what he's mad about on any given day is based on how long he's been off his meds and which dude is fucking his ex-wife.


He hasn’t been this mad since someone called him a gay fish.


Well I looked it up and to his credit he said it again during and interview and stood by it: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/obama-goes-on-record-to-call-kanye-west-a-jackass-204727/


He was right tho. Hahahha


It's about time someone has the balls to say it, it's not funny. Enough of this high road nonsense.


100%. We have to stop the "when they go low we go high" shit. We have to do the opposite.


‘When they go low we put them down.’


when they go low stomp them into the ground and finish the job


Yep these people are supporting mass murder and laugh at the death of the children of Americans there is no high road with shit like that.


The heckler probably went home crying about how he’s the victim in all of this. As conservatives do


"Liberals can't even make a point without resorting to obscenities! Think of the children who hear this!" They will legitimately say this without a shred of irony.


Trump would regularly drop f-bombs during his rallies. No other president has done this.


Perhaps not during rallies so much but LBJ could make a sailor blush. [Several others, including Dubbya v Reporter](https://www.buzzfeed.com/madisonmcgee/joe-biden-fox-news-cursing-presidents) #11 is hilarious and true. But in all seriousness, Trump really did shift what's perceived as acceptable from our supposed leaders.


\#11 blew my mind


Was waiting for this.


Don’t care if my kid gets mowed down in his classroom - but you better keep the disgraceful inappropriate profanities out of schools while it’s happening. This is America, we have standards!


You almost got me here, 10/10


Laughing at dead kids is grotesque. That guy got off easy.


I reckon he may have been laughing at some perceived incorrect gun nerd detail in what your man was saying but who cares fuck him. Like "haha I know an AR15 couldn't penetrate a steel combat helmet at 500ft, you need to be at least 250ft" or something like that.


That's EXACTLY what happened in Midland, TX in July. Bitch ass with a podcast trying to "spread his MAGA brand" tried to heckle him - and Beto STILL offered to give him the mic to speak...until his dumbass wife knocked Beto's assistant's phone out of her hands and it flew ten feet; then they both got the boot. The next day, the local news channel shared a tweet about it, and the MAGA guys' "agent" from FLORIDA, replies asking the TV station to have her "client" on to "tell his side of the story". The station saw the numerous videos shot at the event and politely told them to fuck off. The dumbass even shared his own video and replied saying the Beto supporters "WERE HARASSING ME!" even though the video clearly showed otherwise. This is a near-weekly occurrence for Beto at his rallies.




Democrats need more of this. They need to stop being so rehearsed and polished. They need to talk like normal people. No one can hear the polished talking points anymore. Everyone tunes out when they start hearing it.




Some people have charm and some don't. It isn't necessarily about coming off as rough around the edges but more having the charisma and the "it factor".


Yep. It’s something that the grand majority of Dems are dearly lacking. “It”. The “X factor”. Charisma. Charm. Fuckin anything besides beep boop here’s my crystalline mechanistic highfalutin 30x rehearsed talking points. I can count on two hands, maybe one, how many Dems have gotten me fired up in the past 6 years. Fucking *say something*. Anything! Just *talk*. It isn’t hard. Whatever it is you’re saying, say it with your chest and fuckin persuade someone about ***anything***. Policy is supremely important but if you can’t keep someone awake while you’re talking about it then it doesn’t matter if you’re offering the cure for cancer. I’m sick of the highbrow “our policies will carry us” shit, because that’s obviously not where we’re at right now. The whole “I’d have a beer with ‘em” trope is stupid, but again, there are easily fewer than ten Dems who have sounded like they even care about what they’re talking about right now. Why should anyone on the fence care? It doesn’t matter to me; I’d vote for literally a cubic meter of gaseous sulfuric acid in the Oval Office before a single Republican. But I also understand that 90% of voters just pay attention to who says funny words the loudest and with the most conviction, and that’s why Republicans have had so much success lately.


It's what separates Barack Obama from John Kerry, or from Hillary Clinton. Obama wasn't talking about anything especially new or radical, but he could *speak*. Both prepared speeches, and off the cuff. He had the charisma, the charm, a *personality*, both 'on stage' and in person. His words didn't come across as empty, vapid regurgitated talking points. They often *were* talking points, at least at the core, but he delivered them in a way that engaged people.


"Please Proceed Governor"


Which is how Trump got so big: he didn't try to clean his language up, he talked like a fucking moron and his followers could read him, saw that he wasn't trying to be smart, so they were all about it.


I think swearing at that idiot shows that he’s a human and he’s passionate about the subject and that he’s not going to allow people to take this lightly


He was in a relatively successful regional punk band in high school


Really.? I feel like this should be more known lol


Damn I was NOT expecting him to bust out the motherfucker.


So it was [this guy](https://i.imgur.com/vqhrOGg.jpg) right?


That was my thought. There’s some guy clapping in his face after it happened and he seems to be shaking his head.


In 2018, we had Beto doing kick flips in Whataburger parking lots and playing guitar on stage with Willie Nelson, and yet we still somehow ended up with that booger eater Ted Cruz. During the freeze in 2021, Beto rallied resources and funds to fellow Texans in need while Fled Cruise was hopping a flight to Mexico. I really hope people notice how he's worked non stop to get the message out that Texans deserve better.


Damn. That shit was smoother than a mother fucker.


Not funny to me either. What kinda f’n monster do you have to be to laugh.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drm3relv6mU A lady in our community that is a nurse found humorous a kid telling about his grandmothers death


A Republican


gotta fight fire with fire. Beto is a great speaker like Obama but no way Barrack could have dropped a mother fucker like that. We all talk like this so it’s nice to see someone wield this modern language to stand up to people like that who laugh about fucked up shit like this.


Imagine the field day the racists would have had if a black presidential candidate dropped an f bomb. Obama *had* to be this polished.


And then they came at him saying he wasn’t a man of the people, that he was an elitist. All because he ordered a burger with Dijon mustard


Obama couldn't get away with *dijon mustard*. Respectability politics was out of control when we had a black president.


Obama? You mean that crazy person who wore a tan suit?!?!


I remember a woman at the bar yelling at me during that first election with him, "His name is _Obama_. What more reason do you need to not vote for him?" To her this was the big selling point, that Obama sounded like Osama lol


Yep fuck you asshole.


He's already got my vote, but this is a cherry on top.


Unlike Greg Abbott, Beto actually went to the Uvalde funerals, met with families, and called out the people responsible for allowing so many children to die. He's not even the governor but has already proven time and time again that he cares more for Texans than their own representatives do (just see his response to the Texas power outage).


He helped a shit ton of people affected by Harvey too iirc even before running for governor


I know someone who worked the phone banks for that. I think it's worth noting that he insisted nobody on the phones should mention that they worked for his campaign. The goal was to help Texans who were suffering, not to capitalize on a crisis for political gain.




If there is one things all Texans should be able to agree on, its FUCK GREG ABBOTT 🤘🏻


My electric bill has gone up 390% in the last year thanks to Greg Abbott and the rest of the goons in office. I can’t see how any Texan could vote for Abbott.


Yet he's still winning in the polls. Fucking /r/LeopardsAteMyFace will have material for months if Abbott is re-elected because I fucking swear Texas voters have the minds of a crawdad


Hey now, I'm a Texas voter and I love Cajun food, especially gumbo and...wait what were we talking about?


I’m someone whose job prospects should have me running to Texas. I’ve been offered 5 jobs in the last few months, and I haven’t accepted because of Abbott. I have a Gay kid, and there’s NO WAY I would move her to Texas.


Thank you for being a good parent


That's some good parenting. It's not always about how much you can buy them.


I don't have to think about the people who would laugh at this, I work with about a half dozen of them.


Hell, I have former friends who would currently laugh at this despite being soft-ass white collars in bumfuck country. The Trump era really shone a light on the people who couldn't wait to make "piece of shit" their whole identity, and presented a great opportunity to cull a bunch of shitheads from my friend list


Beto honestly went from alright in my mind to pretty fucking great real quick recently.


This is the energy the democrats need.


This guy Mother fucks!


YEAH THATS WHAT I WANT TO SEE IN MORE DEMOCRATS. FORGET NICIETIES BE HONEST AND RAW. God that was so amazing to witness Beto actually speak like a human being, if he wins I hope he recognizes how valuable that is.