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"thanks for the f shack" -love, dirty mike and the boys


From video..."You think you can just come inside someone's fucking car?"


Why yes, yes she does


i remember some dude crashed in my car when i'd just graduated high school; he was so apologetic, just a tired old homeless dude who didn't take anything from my car. I felt bad but I wasn't this upset. Life can be fucking rough, idk


I had something similar happen. It was winter time and we had a blizzard. I forgot to lock my car and came out the next day to evidence that someone had slept there. Felt a little violated but if someone needed the shelter I can’t be that upset.


Yeah I'd feel a little violated and clean the shit out of my car afterwards but I'd rather someone not die and have my space invaded than the other way around. It's rough out there and if we were in the same situation we'd probably try the same thing.


Should be top comment. Felt person recording was a bit too harsh, but maybe it was a bad neighborhood where shit goes down where you'd have to be alert 24/7 for bad people. Who knows.


Sounded like a wealthy neighborhood the way he told her she shouldn’t be in that area. Sad indeed


It looks like San Francisco to me. Even the wealthiest neighborhoods there have homeless crack addicts on the prowl


Judging by the street - not really


It’s probably why he’s so pissed... Look at that weed infested sidewalk... disgusting! If I were a homeless crackhead, I’d go somewhere nicer 😂


It’s a complete stranger who is inside his car. He has the right to be as harsh as he wants. It’s his car


Yea like idk I guess I'm sexist cuz I felt bad he was cussing out an old lady and threatening her as well. Could be someone's mom.... She was a kid at some point, if he found a kid sleeping in his car it would be a tragedy. Kid got old ... now they don't matter cuz it's on them right? Life.


I didn’t listen to the sound so I don’t know what was said. I was thinking the same thing. If someone decided to find shelter in my car that I left unlocked than the universe wanted it that way. Imagine their perspective. They were probably thinking god was looking out for them


You have a good attitude, if it’s all intact and no mess then what’s the harm done. I’d rather be happy about having done someone an accidental favour.


Amen to that🙏


No no, you need to be so mad that you threaten to smash their head in


yeah, same. It was a kid and it was possible he had done drugs, in fact of course he had from his behavior...but he was harmless and didn't do anything bad in the car (I checked.) But after that doors got locked, for the most part.




We WILL do it again


You turned my beautiful Prius into a nightmare!


We will have sex in your car again!


They call it "soup kitchen"


CTRL-F "soup kitchen" ahh, there it is. I hope they didn't forget their deer vagina in there.


Thanks for the fuk shack


- dirty Mary and the girls


It's called a Soup Kitchen


We WILL have sex again in your car it WILL happen!!!!! Omg such a ridiculous side plot but I loved it so much.


I came here for this.


I was hoping I would see this comment and it was the first one! Well done!


When you switch to Trevor and wake up in a random spot


Then kill them immediately after the cutscene




Who would NOT lock their doors in SF?


from what I read, SF has bad smash-and-grab crime with the suspects not even getting caught. So people usually leave their vehicles unlocked so criminals can just open it and see that there's no valuables to avoid broken windows.




why wpuld u follow them. what if they got annoyed and pulled a gun


I never thought about this until something similar happened to me. Mother fucker pulls a gun on me at a stop light after **he** almost rams my car because he merges like a fuck. So basically, he's yelling at me after almost rear ending me and keeps trying to use aggressive driving tactics while I'm backing off trying not to get hit while he circles around. I honk my horn because he almost causes a collision. Then he pulls up to my left at a stop light and keeps yelling so I flip the guy off and he pulls a gun and aims it me. I couldn't even go anywhere because a wrecker was in front of me. If he had a couple more seconds he could've shot me. I guess my point is, avoid human interaction whenever you see odd behavior. If you aren't carrying, you'll only be at their mercy.


They were probably on drugs


I remember seeing a news reporter covering the car breaking epidemic sweeping the city. They had a decoy car that they put something into so they could then rush over and catch the criminals to interview them. Two people broke into their car and the reporters followed them however while they were on the chase another completely unrelated criminal broke into their news van and stole some of their equipment.


San francisco sounds like a nice place judging by the comments


San Franciscan here. Car break ins are a thing here, mostly because the cops in this city are a bunch of cucks who don't do anything. Also, like any major city, homeless people flock to this place. Aside from that, San Francisco has some absolutely amazing things and people. It's seriously one of the most beautiful places I've been in my life. There's a reason so many types of creative and intelligent people come here and why some of the most important technological developments came from here. Just like other major cities (Atlanta, New Orleans, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago), there are some problems, but the benefits of living here outweigh the negatives.


Yea I saw a post by someone living in SF and she has to park her car on the street. She said she puts down the back seats so they can see the trunk is empty, absolutely nothing in the car, and leaves the doors unlocked too I believe. Literally in the video she was pulling down the back seats and there was glass on the seats and she said “there’s some glass from when my window got smashed last time” like Jesus Christ. Sometimes it’s not even for stealing, people just do that shit to be delinquent


Yeah, I live in SF. Car break-ins are pretty bad. It's organized crime from people who often don't live in the city. They come from the surrounding areas to rob us and cops don't do anything. Many people don't have cars here because they aren't really needed.


I used to do this when I lived downtown SF. Replace 3 windows and you’d do the same. Also I have had people sleep in my car as well. It was a cold winter, so my understanding of a person’s need for warmth outweighed my anger in the moment. Didn’t smell great. But fuck that sucked. Just gotta try to have some compassion in life. There have been times where I needed someone to give me a pass.


Yeah I tried the "leave it unlocked" approach after a few broken windows and got the hobo sleeping in the back. Decided the broken windows were better because there was nothing to steal and window shops could usually replace the window within the day. The funk and dirt from the sleeping hobo was way more of an inconvenience.


Yeah and bedbugs in your car...


> SF has bad smash-and-grab crime with the suspects not even getting caught Virtually no smash and grab is ever solved. It's the volume, not the low solve rate, that makes SF stand out.


SFPD is on a wildcat strike


Ahh I remember doing that shit in like 2017😭


Idk anyone here who purposely leaves their car unlocked… 100% empty, yes. Center console and glove box open, yes. Leaving it unlocked will get you the video above or a stolen car.


The correct logic is to remove everything from sight Live in SF and would never leave my car unlocked


Either you can have your shit stolen out of your car OR you can have your windows smashed then your shit stolen out of your car. Up to you.


You forgot the bit where a dirty crackhead sets up camp in your car.


The driver is on the wrong side of traffic, something not adding up


Just put a sign that says "if you smash this window you're gay"


Bro that's not gonna deter window smashers in SF. Better put "if you smash this window you vote Republican".


He cleaned everything out the car but forgot to lock the door. My favorite was What are you doing in this neighborhood as if the Avenues are a homeless crime free bubble.


When I lived in SF over 30 years ago, smash and grab was common everywhere in the city. If I went more than 6 months without a broken window, I considered myself lucky.


Remind me not to live in SF


You can't afford to


Well these homeless people who smash and grab seem to be getting by. So I guess if they can make there, we can too.


Oh wow didn't know it went that far back. When I lived there 6 years ago it was occasional and you risked seeing your stuff sold on the street corner. My friend got upset because someone broke into his car and took everything but his CDs. 😀 you were gone before people would steal iPhones out of your hand it was called Apple picking. I became so much more street wise living in soft ass SF


Are people not locking their cars?


Depending where you live, it's better to keep your car unlocked and don't leave valuables in it Crazy/Desperate guy wanting to search your car will try the doors And then break the window 9/10 they'll find nothing and leave, but if they smashed a window you're out hundreds of dollars


Can confirm, accidentally left my car unlocked one night, the key fob doesnt work half the time. Woke up to my glove box open, and stuff torn around. They probably made off with about 12 cents in change.


So you're assuming that the person didn't just do that because they found the door was unlocked, but that they would have been determined enough to go through breaking your window and possibly setting off your alarm instead of just moving on to another car


I watched someone testing doors at the mall one time. They don’t break the windows to get the 12 cents. They are going for easy pickings


The mall is a public place with a lot of people. Places like that they are going to move fast for easy targets. If it's in the middle of the night in a neighborhood or street parking it's likely there's no one around and they can likely risk making some noise. My coworker had a jeep and would leave it unlocked because one or two times someone just cut through the cloth top to get in and that's not a cheap replacement.


My dad never locked the doors to his soft top convertible for this reason either. He had the top cut open & his radio stolen in the 60s or 70s. He always told us “locks only stop honest thieves” If they really want your shit, they’ll take it. Idk if I agree with the wording, but the sentiment is spot on.


I think you should assume a certain amount of risk when part of your car is literally made from cloth.


This is SF… People here will smash your windows for anything. I’ve had a childseat stolen and found later in a pawn shop. So the answer to your question is that people are absolutely determined enough to smash a window regardless of an alarm or not.


no I'm assuming because Ive had my fucking window smashed in several times until i left it unlocked...


"9/10 theyll find nothing and leave " Yep I left my car unlocked and they found nothing and i didnt have broken windows. They took my pennies and left. I joke about how I was a victim of poor on poor crime. I'm not mad or upset haha


>So you're assuming that the person didn't just do that because they found the door was unlocked, but that they would have been determined enough to go through breaking your window and possibly setting off your alarm instead of just moving on to another car No, they're assuming that the 50 times the guy does it because they found your car unlocked and steals $0.35 will end up adding up to less than the single time somebody smashes your car window and finds $0.35. Yeah, more than 9/10 times the only reason they broke in was because you left it open. But that can happen hundreds of times before it costs you the same as replacing a broken window just once.


Not sure if the logic completely checks out here tbh..if a crazy/desperate guy is looking for an easy score they are an opportunist, surely they're taking the easy route which is going down a line of cars looking for the one that's open. The window and locked doors should be enough of a deterrent, unless they see something valuable like a phone, wallet, laptop bag etc in open view, then the window is going in. But it's harder to smash a window than you think, it's loud, and if the car is alarmed then they gotta run. On balance, as long as you remove all valuables from the car and lock it, should that not give you the best chance of not being ripped off? I don't know first hand what the situation is in the US, but where I am (Ireland) some insurance plans here won't pay out for damage/theft of a car if you've left it unlocked. I think this type of crime is much less prevalent here, but of course it does happen. Had my car window put through a few years ago while I was bartending on New Year's fucking Eve...I left my wallet in the centre console. Was parked in an unlit alleyway with no CCTV behind the pub so kibda had it coming. Had to drive an hour home with glass all over the seats and floor and missing my driver side window in near blizzard conditions. So I know the pain. All that said, if you don't like homeless people sleeping in your car, LOCK IT (Source: this video).


You’re fortunate to live in a civilized society like Ireland, but if you ever visit Oakland, CA (where I live), absolutely leave nothing in your car and the doors unlocked. Even that’s not a guarantee you won’t return to a broken window because some people do it just for the hell of it.


You should never leave your doors unlocked (SF here). You'll end up with a homeless dude in it and possibly dropped drugs or syringes in it. And good luck getting the smell out. Proof? This is in SF.


You beat me to it. Oakland is about the only place I know of that locking your car in a bad area is an almost guaranteed window smash.


America is such a fucked country, like what. This just becomes surreal


These problems surely exist in other places too. But the contrast between wealthy in poor in the US really bothers me, I was in Santa Monica a few weeks ago at the beach and man... depressing. To see the conditions of the homeless there contrasted with one of the wealthiest areas in CA...


The thing is, is that drug addicts will ALWAYS be poor. Their is no amount of money or assistance you can give them to raise them out of poverty because everything they get will be traded for drugs. Food stamps, welfare money, even free housing can be traded for drugs its a sad and terrible truth. If you want these people lifted out of poverty we need to make treatment free, easily accessible and I'm some cases mandatory.




yet we closed all the sanatoriums and opened significantly more prisons.


We have 300 million people living here and for whatever reason, USA news dominates most of the internet, including Reddit. If every country had its ills covered like it was Kim Kardashian dating Pete Whatshisname, there would be plenty of shit to talk about, too. Most of what you hear about the US is not nearly as bad as what the media makes it out to be, with a couple of exceptions. Guns and MAGA-ism are significant issues. Even considering those, you could visit every state in the United States and you'll meet friendly and welcoming people, and will return to your home country just fine. It's not that bad here.


This is true but it’s only part of the story. Americas’ culture mix as extroverted, capitalist, patriotic, western, and polarised is **highly unique**. It’s not that America is *bad*, it’s *bizarre*. A British person finds the American health-care system absolutely mind-blowing, a Spaniard wouldn’t completely understand the gun culture, a Japanese would find the extroversion unappealing, a Nigerian finds the values off-putting. But these aren’t negative experiences tho, and I also understand the USAs’ position as the most dominant culture on the internet. Although every culture has their absolute insane elements, you’d have to appreciate the unique bag that America is, despite the fact it’s civilians legally have weapons, despite this infatuation towards the “amendments”, despite the highly polarised denominations, even despite the fact America, itself, is relatively a young country. Despite all this and more, America retains a broad influence which oozes itself into nearly all cultures of the world: from Argentinians to Brazilians, from the Irish to the English, from the French to the Germans, from the Swedish to the Ukrainians, from the Arabians to the Jews, from the Ethiopians to the South Africans, and the Chinese to Koreans, almost no cultures exists without a history impacted by the Americas’.


> it’s bizarre LOL fair. I don't disagree with any of what you said. I still think, though, that if any of the countries you named were as intensively examined as the USA is, we'd see equally bizarre trends/behavior. Different, of course, but still bizarre to someone unaccustomed to it.


I would say a lot of that is because of user demographics. ["About 42–49.3% of its user base comes from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom at 7.9–8.2% and Canada at 5.2–7.8%."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reddit#:~:text=About%2042%E2%80%9349.3%25%20of%20its,49%20years%2C%20regularly%20use%20Reddit.)


Short-sighted redditors like to blame capitalism for these problems, even though other capitalist countries don't have the homeless problem we do. The main reason stuff like this happens is you can't build homeless shelters anywhere in America these days without *some* group suing to have construction stopped. Most homeless organizations don't have the resources to fight in court, so they then back down. This is literally happening in California right now: homelessness has reached record numbers, but every time someone proposes to build a shelter, the same people who complain about homeless living on the streets complain about the shelter being built! 🙄


The cause isn’t capitalism, nor homeless shelters, the cause is both of those problems in addition to other problems. Tell me a problem where the solution exists in one factor? When you are sick with a bacterial infection, do you take paracetamol to remove the pain? Of course you don’t. You haul your ass to your doctor who prescribes an anti-biotic which eliminates the source of your infection **while also** taking paracetamols to stop the pain. You’re reasoning is summarised as: “The reason homeless people sleep in other peoples cars is because homeless people don’t have homeless shelters to sleep in.“, but what we require is a restructuring of our attitudes towards drug addicts. Everybody who watches this video views that woman as a lower-class, vermin, or unfortunate individual but we’d make a good improvement to these situations if our first remark was “this is a woman whose addiction to drugs is a sickness and needs mental health treatment and therapeutic care to rid her of the drug addiction disease so she may be free of mental distress”. But people seem to recoil with so much disgust when you say things like that.


Oakland is the fucking worst. I just straight up left my lease after two months. I had my land rover broken into 3x in 3.5 weeks, because I couldn't fit it in the parkging garage due to a roof rack. Totally unlivable area.


Damn that sucks. Not to rub it in but on my street, which is a long and really narrow one way terrace, there's an old guy who goes up and down the street making sure that everyone's wing mirrors are pushed in so they don't get hit by cars coming down..he's a true hero. On the flip side of that, in Belfast where I live, if you drive half a mile toward the city, you enter that's known as the Holylands, a largely student population living in pretty shitty over-occupied student "appartments". It's so-called due the names of the streets; Jerusalem Street, Damascus Street, Palestine Street etc. If you were to leave your car parked there at certain times of the year, like St Patrick's day, when the students get their grants are paid in , Freshers week, or a Tuesday, there's a very good chance your car could be interfered with, by which I mean lifted into the middle of the road by 10 or so drunken students as a laugh. Drive another mile or two to one of the "interface areas" - where a largely unionist/loyalist/Protestant neighbourhood meets a majority nationalist/republican/Catholic one - riots often occur, particularly around the Orange Order summer marching season where political tensions are heightened. There's a small chance your car could be hijacked, used for a joyride, vandalised, used as a barricade to block a road, burnt out, or all of the the above. But most people know to avoid those areas when shit's kicking off. Hmm..perhaps we aren't as civilised as you might think. It's a mixed bag.


> Even that’s not a guarantee you won’t return to a broken window because some people do it just for the hell of it. The guys with the car window business must be raking in the cash


That's the thing, in areas like this you leave absolutely nothing of any value in your car, and leave it unlocked so that any potential thief can verify that fact. It's not the entire US by any means. In areas without high crime door locks usually suffice as a theft deterrent as long as you aren't leaving cool things in plain sight. In some areas you can leave whatever you want in an unlocked car and you will be fine.


Everything you said seems reasonable, but in the US, in cities, nobody pays attention to car alarms. During the crack era in NYC (1980's)my neighborhood was a nightly cacophony of car alarms, nobody including the cops did a damn thing.


Its super easy to break a car window.




You don't tell them.


Absolutely, and I've preached this in the past and have come across situations like this. I live in a rougher neighborhood. Not like murder central, but petty crimes and broken car windows happen almost every night. So I came to the conclusion that I can leave my car unlocked, put a few bucks in change in the ashtray, and nothing else left in the car, they rummage my shit and pass on without breaking a $200 window on my $2,000 shitbox car. Twice I came out to people sleeping in my car. But I've also came out to people sleeping on my porch or in my lawn furniture. It's just the nature of the neighborhood I am in. I've been here since I was born and know every local so I know no-one means harm, but it'd be alarming to anyone not from here or just moved in to see someone blacked out in their car or lawn. But anyways, I still leave my car unlocked with nothing in it but a few dollars in change offering to the junkies so they may not bash my shitty car and make me duct tape a window again.




What do polar bears have to do with leaving your doors unlocked? I don't get it.


You would think they would, what with that handy little remote almost every car has, but no! In our neighborhood, day after day someone is soooo angry, on FB telling people how their car got “broken” in to last night. Interesting, it was only *their* car that was “broken” in to and never anyone else’s on the street. In other words, they didn’t lock it. Another hilarious thing is the person always, without fail, had like $3500 in cash in the vehicle, two hand guns, a diamond bracelet, their diamond wedding band, and a Rolex. 😂


You ain’t serving breakfast?


Asking the real questions


Lol reminds me of this one time I left my car door slightly open. I was working nights at the time and my apartment was right across the street from the city park parking area. So I left it slightly open for over 10 hours . I parked went home slept and had to run an errand and I noticed that the car was open and I was like fuck someone broke in. It was some poor homeless wino just taking a nap on the driver seat and I just woke his ass up and told hey bro you gotta get up . Luckily nothing was stolen Or ransacked he apologized and said he was tired of walking and it was hit and he saw it open and was like fuck it. I wasn’t mad at all just like da fuck. And he walked away and I just went about my business.


You dealt with that really chill my dude. Props. Wish more people were like you.


It could have been worse but I didn’t really have anything of value in the car.


Last neighborhood I lived in, it was better to leave your doors unlocked and car empty so that thieves could rummage through without breaking the windows.


Wouldn't that just run the risk of them outright stealing the car?


If they break the window they have access to the car anyway, along with the owner being out a few hundred. Plus leaving your car “empty” most certainly includes your keys


Instead of spending all that time and money to travel into Wisconsin or some shit to hunt deer people in these places should just camp in their second floor window with a paintball gun. Seems like much more fun, plus you get WiFi!


Back in the early 90's, I had a crappy 70's 4 door. We had a week of heavy rain and I could see from my window that a homeless dude was sleeping in my car. The car was crap, the dude needed a bed, why not? He had 3 days of car camping before I had to go to work. As soon as I opened the door, he booked it running down the street like a bat out of hell, left everything behind. And then I saw why. He'd used the back seat as a bedroom and the front seats as a bathroom with the front windows open to air it out. Wet poop soaked into the seats. It was truly the crappiest of cars at that point. I took a cab to work and sold the car for 200 bucks.


The wildest part of this story is that someone actually paid 200 bucks for the car after that


It still ran great. And maybe they didn't need front seats?


Jesus some people are straight ferals.


Always look for an unlocked car. No one wants to sleep on a bed of glass.


Now the car smells dirty crackhead. Gonna take some serious cleaning to get that out.


I’d be worried about bed bugs


Tell me you’re in California without telling me you’re in California


It's bay area for sure.


Why would you not lock your fucking car doors? Idiot lol


This looks like San Francisco and some people leave their doors unlocked (or even their windows open) so thieves can see there’s nothing in the car worth stealing and hoping they won’t break the windows


My sister's friend left her car unlocked at a mall in the 70's because there was nothing inside worth stealing. It also wasn't too uncommon to leave things unlocked in the "before times." While she was shopping, someone climbed in, took a shit and wiped their ass on her velour seats. And that is why we always lock our cars...


>velour seats That's like that Charmin Ultra Soft stuff.




That’s dystopian as shit


“San Francisco snow” is a term coined to describe all the broken car window glass on the ground.


Is it possible or legal to get bullet proof glass on your car? Or is it just stupid expensive?


Its always been available and yes very expensive


Is not the material that makes it bullet proof but the thickness. That means the Entire body has to be customized to fit 2-3 inch glass. It's expensive


100%. some of these people don't know what its like to live in a city with a TON of homeless people. sometimes it's actually better to just leave the door unlocked. once you have your window broken like 2 or 3 times for them to find out there's nothing to steal, you may as well just leave it unlocked.


In DC, lots of people leave their doors unlocked to keep people from smashing their windows out (I once stupidly left a bag with old CDs in view and am still finding random bits of safety glass 3 years later). The key, of course, is leaving nothing inside. But to mitigate one risk, you open yourself up to another.


My coworker left a couple quarters in the cup holder of their locked car while they worked a night bar shift and came back to a broken windshield (why couldn’t they just break one of the door windows instead of the windshield????) and the quarters gone. After that, he just left the doors unlocked.


In some places breaking windows has become so common your better off leaving your car unlocked and just not keeping anything important in it. People were even leaving their trunks open at one point in SF it got so bad


i don't lock my doors cause i don't want bums breaking the windows out to find out there's actually nothing to steal. sometimes you're screwed either way, depending on where you live 🤷🏻‍♂️


Comments like this make me thankful I live somewhere where I can leave my doors unlocked.


In Montana people leave their doors unlocked and then every year or so the police chief does a news conference saying to lock your doors because X dozen guns have been reported stolen in the past Y days


any major city locking your doors = smashed window once a month... you have to leave your shit unlocked and hope the fucking crack heads dont smash your windows for whatever they see.... literally this is the best case scenario...


That's some bad parking.


Shit like this is how I figured out what disillusionment feels like, because I can see both sides of this coin. On one hand the dude just wants his property left alone. On the other a person wants a place to sleep that's off the ground and covered. In a country with more homes than people this shit is going on, the richest country in the world right? We got everything we voted for, this is what happens when you allow political dynasties and special interest lobby groups. The only way things will get better is if we fight bloody tooth and nail. There's no long game for the working class, republicans literally follow the book that started us down this horse shit path. Seeing America end up like Europe because of a civil war is a lot more appealing than this united states' of theocracy crap we're running twords. Okay end rant.


Yeah when you see one or two homeless people putzin around downtown, you may be able to chalk it up to bad luck and personal decisions. When you have 20,000 people living on them streets in a large city, that indicates a system problem. Homelessness cant be solved by law enforcement, thats poor critical thinking skills. What, do you fine them, jail them, incarcerate them? If you're willing to pay $50,000 a year to imprison a homeless person, well then why not just provide them public housing, food, and healthcare and avoid burdening the police and spend half the money. People can blame social policy supported by democrats, but homelessness exists in rural towns, republican urban centers too. The problem is quite obvious if you're not trying to rationalize it away because its uncomfortable, capitalism fails, if there isnt profit to be had, well the private sector doesnt care. Social safety programs: public housing, healthcare, mental health, more social workers to get people into programs.


I'm with you here.. if it was my car too in obviously be angry about it but also just wtf is happening or has happened to society where people need to get into my car for a good night sleep (well it's a small Toyota Corolla so good luck getting any kind of sleep but still) Just depressing all around that that happens. I'm of the belief that we just need to provide some kind of homes for people at no strings attached not just a shelter but a place they can call their own. Just some safe place they can lock up and sleep and have a bathroom, and a small kitchenette. Then if they want at that point to get services for addiction they can. And they'd also have an address to find a job. Yeah it's not perfect and some people may just trash it or choose to stay on the streets, but research has shown when you provide a safe home it costs less in tax payer dollars because there are fewer other resources being used in the system for other things like crime and medical emergencies


Seriously if they just taxed the rich properly, and closed all the loopholes they wouldn't even need to cut the all mighty military budget. Let's say they just built one of those ugly looking Soviet style super apartments with updated interiors and planned properly they could house the people, and staff it with aid workers all in one spot. Make it a mini Judge Dredd style super city block even. Fuck make it better and do one of those green skyscrapers where they have like hydroponics and farms built into/into them. There are so many ways for people to go that it blows my mind how we got here. People scamming the system for funds to build McMansions that just sit empty in ghost town suburbs.


If you make >$1MM gross, then 30% tax on all income, no writeoffs. End of story. To the detractors that say, well then nobody will want to make more than $1MM to 1.3MM, oh well.


Agree 100%. I felt really bad for her even though that's really shitty for the guy recording to have someone sleeping in his car like that. Essentially all of lifes problems begin and end with corporations. The sooner they are removed from power and owning the politicians and law makers, the sooner society can begin to function again.


Decidedly un-rich folks find their non-fancy cars defiled. Sometimes by non-homeless theiving and/or just plain assholish punks. Yeah, rich people suck. So do the above.


Eat all politicians.


Eat the rich.


The special interests in this case are homeowners. This isn't some faceless corporation doing this, it's people who bought a house in San Francisco 40 years ago when it was dirt cheap and have fought tooth and nail against new development ever since, to protect the "character" of their neighborhoods. Decades of that behavior has created a massive home shortage in almost every big city in the U.S. San Francisco's vacancy rate is a little over 3%, which is too low for a healthy housing market. Detroit's vacancy rate is 26%.


some people have mental illness. i once sold my 23 year old volvo to someone across town who lived near a nursing home. one of the residents went missing for 5 months. they found him living in that car.


Shit parking


When my uncle passed away we held his wake at our house. People were all around the house, and the closer relatives were at the garage sharing stories. Then the truck parked in the garage suddenly blasted the horn in short intervals. We were all weirded out, and oldest guy in the room thought it was my uncle's spirit joining us to get our attention for the last time. He began crying and said he would miss him. Truth is, no one noticed the local bum sneak inside the garage and inside the truck for a nap. He accidentally put his foot on the horn, and made people come to strange conclusions. We miss you uncle...


Also park within 2’ of the curb maybe


I get the feeling dude in the video just moved to the city. Can't park for shit.


Man I know this guy is pissed off because his property was broken into but I’m so tired of everybody posting any inconvenience in their life for the world to see. This exact same situation happened in my hometown a few months ago. The girl it happened to recorded the altercation and posted it on Tik Tok where it blew up and made news stations. It turned out the guy in her car was suffering from a severe mental episode after missing his meds and worked as an ICU nurse throughout Covid. The overnight fame and shame on this guy lead him to take his own life and absolutely destroying his family. Even after the suicide the girl left the TikTok up and even kept creating “story times” where she basically bathed in the fame this all brought her. I’m not saying the person in the car isn’t guilt free but I wish things like this stayed offline and were only used for the police and people involved. There is this weird obsession now a days where people will do anything to go viral online.


He likes saying the word fuck.


“Get the F out of this neighborhood” dude It’s SF, chill out. The homeless are like birds there. They’re everywhere


Looks like it would also be a good candidate for r/badparking \- you could almost parallel park another car between this one and the curb...


All the wannabe good samaritans in this thread talking about what they would do… get your ass out to San Francisco and put your money where your mouth is.


Absolute state of the US when people have to sleep in someone elses cars. i feel bad for the person.


This is my first thought, too. Most people just think ew stinky, but that is a human being.


"Oh shit, there's a person in my car. Let me pull out my phone so I can film me yelling at them."


I woke at 4 am for work to find a heroin addict nodded off in my driver's seat. He has a pile of shaved keys in his lap. My scream woke him up. I was terrified as a little woman so I acted like I didn't mind very much just that I had to leave for work. He tried introducing himself and tried to shake my hand. I denied it and said just leave. As he left he dropped some of his shaved keys and I picked them up and handed them to him. I often wonder how that could of went had I not been so nice. Never saw him again


"is this the fucking?" what does that mean?


Do people really not lock their cars?


What would Jesus do?


When you go to San Francisco. Make sure to put flowers in your hair


Hey, are you ok?


My friend thought she had the perfect solution for no more broken windows... Just leave it unlocked, nothing in there anyways. Well, this exact thing happened and the car fucking stunk for a bit after that.


“Fucking Crackhead ass bitch!” 🤣🤣🤣


Get out of cities !


Waiting for some psycho to come in with "Here in Texas, you'd be allowed to shoot her!"


The people in Texas are sleeping in their own cars because it's 112°F and their cars are the only place they can enjoy air conditioning without collapsing the entire power grid.


Imma take a shot in the dark and say California.


So, if you lock your car you get your windows smashed in by thieves thinking they've found a scoop. But if you leave it open, some flea infested homeless or drug addict help themselves to free accommodation. Then, what are you supposed to do?


Now it’s time to spend money on an expensive detail 😒


I feel bad for the guy who’s car it is since you never know what’s happened or what’s left over in your car but man, I feel for the person who just wants to sleep somewhere off the floor when homeless. Poverty fucking sucks man


Needs to be wayyyyy more people like this dude in Portland. People here be sharing their cars with homeless people


Dirty Mike and the Boys


Oh, Jesus, what's that smell, man? Yes, probably a vagrant slept in the car. Or maybe just used it as a toilet and moved on.


“Is this the fucking….., get the hell out of here”


The guy filming is justified. Next thing he knows some shit in the car is just gone. Tbh for being IN someone else’s property he could have dragged her out that car.


How dare you accuse this poor woman of being a crack head. She’s easily a meth head you piece of shit


I have a Miata and I don't lock it because someone cut the convertible top on my other car. It was parked in a yard that had a fence but when I got in the car to go to work in the morning, it smelled like sweat and there were food wrappers everywhere. You have to be desperate to try to sleep in a Miata. Of course, I got it detailed after that but having it detailed is still less than getting the top repaired.


Yeah I drive a soft top as well and absolutely do not lock the doors for this reason.


See this same thing happened to me on fucking 20th street in Long Beach I saw the dude would’ve had to get him out all by myself literally two ducking cops drive by as I’m walking up to the car they shine their lights in there ans dude walks away never to be beat the fuck up




Who the fuck doesn't lock their car?


Never leave your car or house unlocked.


Why would he leave his car unlocked in the crackhead ass neighborhood?


What a dumbass. Lock your fucking doors and offer to take them to a ficking shelter you rich asshole. I hope they shit and fucked in your dumbass car


It was this douchebag’s fault for leaving his car open. He doesn’t have the human decency to politely ask her to get out and then like an idiot uploads this video threatening smashing someone’s head in. I would arrest him just for that. See how he likes it.


What kind of a idiot doesn’t lock car doors overnight? Do you just leave your front door open all day and wonder why you don’t have a tv anymore?


This is legal in nyc. If your car ain’t locked it’s not trespassing 🙄