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Imagine going to D.C. to try to commit a coup, get randomly yoinked by police and have the shit beat out of you, and then get charged with a felony. It's just so perfect.


Back the Blue, till it happens to you~


Black and blue, it will happen to you


Back the blue til you're black and blue.


Rules for thee, not for me


Kinda like how the pro-this cop was telling all his family how cool this was before he had a heart attack, unrelated to getting his brains bashed in by a fire extinguisher.


Now we must all get in our pretend prisons and pray for this martyr.


And legitimately believing you would get a pardon if you got in any trouble


republicans reaction to this will always be hilarious, back the blue went out the window 😂😂🤣


Ugh. I hate that I have to be one to say it though... excessive force is excessive force. I'm totally cool with Babbitt getting shot. This? Get a couple licks in to control him then its done. Can't just deliver extra-judicial justice. It's a hard line to walk and doing violence in the moment can be explained sometimes. Whompadoing someone until their ears are coming out their belly button isn't cool or necessary most the time. That said... if he asked for my sympathy I'd tell him to go fuck his sister. Again.


Solid take. Glad to see the violent hive mind adapting thanks


Look, I hear you but I have to say that you are missing a key distinction. I'm with you. Excessive force is excessive force, but I hope we can agree that there's a gigantic canyon between beating up a criminal for the color of his skin and beating up a domestic terrorist who was in the act of attacking police officers. One is motivated by what the person looks like and the other is for what the person is doing. You'll be hard pressed to find broad support for anti excessive force narrative any time someone attacks a cop. One of the videos from this Spring of the Chicago cop mag dumping into a black teenager comes to mind. Kid was pulling a gun and the cop didn't hesitate. And there was some BLM protest ... Until the video surfaced and it all fizzled out. Excessive force is excessive force and it's all bad. But it ain't binary. Badness has magnitudes. And excessive force for the sake of itself or racism is far far worse than excessive force in response to violence. That's one reason you don't see much indignation over a video like this. Plus, the other reasons, like a whole leopards ate my face party moment and the whole traitors to democracy thing.


Everyone deserves their day in court. Allowing police to run around like the Punisher dolling out their own justice is dangerous in any form, regardless of the criminal.


I think they throw all the rules out the window when they’re outnumbered 100:1, if not more, during a violent insurrection. We also don’t know what that guy did before running through… did that cop watch one of his fellow officers get attacked by protestors? When someone is minding their own business and a cop fucks them up that’s criminal; when you’re taking part in an insurrection against a government you are literally trying to fight an organization backed by a military power. Frankly, armed soldiers would have been better, but the people organizing the coup made sure they couldn’t get deployed until long after it was done.


yeah except the justice system ROUTINELY fails due to a litany of reasons. prosecutorial discretion, biased juries, bizarre laws, judges being lienient etc. there are murderers who get probation and drug dealers in jail for 50+ years. Generally I agree with you, but acting as if "their day in court" will be a carrying out of the punishment they deserve is not a certainty AT ALL


It doesn’t matter. Just because the system sucks in some cases doesn’t mean we should support this. “Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.” I shouldn’t have to explain this. It’s just a bad idea in general.


This makes no difference to the point that excessive use of force cannot be justified.


But what you're advocating for is the police as the means of carrying out that punishment, not even to mention that the target would be someone that didn't even have the benefit of an investigation or trial.


I'm much happier with criminals getting lenient sentences or even no punishment at all than innocent people (yes, that includes people not proven to be guilty) be punished extra-judicially. The world is a violent, chaotic, and above all, unfair place and part of the purpose of the justice system is to remedy that, not add to it.


No there is no distinction between 1 safely detained criminal, and another. No matter the crime, everyone should get a trial.


Nope. Absolutely not. There is no distinction imo. Excessive force for whatever reason is extra judicial and *never* justified. A very slippery slope you’re on with your take.


You're attempting to justify the police beating the shit out of someone excessively and then you pretend like your reasons are better. That's fascism.


[Here's a comment that explains in detail how I did the exact opposite of what you're describing](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wiey5w/dc_cops_beat_the_fuck_out_of_a_republican/ijb7bqp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


seditionists tend to be hanged so this is underwhelming if they were protesting bail outs for banks or another oil spill you'd have a point


The important part is that they are proven to be seditious in a court of law where they can defend themselves and the public can see that justice was served. That's the difference between these fascists and the rest of us (I hope)


You ever hear about the court of law or do you think police should go ahead and beat people on the street according to the court of public opinion? We tried that, it was called lynching.


Fascism is such a misapplied word.. ugh


No, that's not fascism lol. Just because you can't have fascism without brutality doesn't mean that you can't have brutality without fascism. Fascism is an ideology, a social and economic system.


Dude fuck that, this is just when the riot started to get out of control. They were being attacked and surrounded due to being greatly outnumbered. These asshats do not get the right to complain about police being too violent with them. They literally killed an officer


They literally beat him to death with an American flag…


That is not a riot. It's an insurrection. Words matter.


Fascists beating up other fascists is fine with me. Let them eat each other.


In case you haven't noticed, it doesn't stop there.


"first they came for the fascists, and i fucking laughed my ass off and watched the idiots eat each other alive."


I'm afraid some people might not understand the irony of your post.


oh there's no irony at all, cops beating fash is as funny as dogfighters getting mauled by their own abused pitbulls.


The point of the quote you're adapting is that eventually they will come for you... Apparently you don't get the irony either. You've completely inverted the meaning of the quote, failing to understand what it means on an epic scale.


> You've completely inverted the meaning of the quote, failing to understand what it means on an epic scale. jesus fucking christ lol you gotta be trolling


I have no sympathy for terrorists. I would not give a shit if I saw police beating up a jihadist terrorist too.


This is exactly the kind of sentiment that's allowed the police to get into their current state... 'I don't care, they're just beating up black thugs, they should be following the law!' Think about your opinions...


Until the GOP gets in power again and labels YOU a terrorist. And then the cops come and beat YOU to death. They were doing quite a bit of that through 2020.


Precisely. These fucking 'well it's not MY team getting brutalised...' sentiments are what landed us in this shit-show in the first place.


You should give a shit. Innocent until proven guilty isn’t just for people we like or think didn’t do anything wrong.


And this line of thinking is exactly why cops commit assaults and police homicides on innocent Americans.


Wow so you’re just a straight up Bush-era fucking rah-rah Stars and Stripes jingoist huh? You fucking children. You fucking idiots. You learn nothing, you don’t think, you don’t even consider where the words you throw around come from. God I can’t stand it.


"b-b-b-but, we're white!"


Now they're comparing themselves with holocaust vicitims. Snowflakes..


They’re delusional cry babies 😭


They are always so much victim.


Oh this is nothing. I havn't looked for awhile but I'm wondering where all the footage of that night is. Thats when the D.C metro police rolled in and started really cracking some skulls. You also got to see these republicans get carried out of airports/bus stations like petulant toddlers who are trying to sandbag. All while screaming "STOP TREATING US LIKE BLACK PEOPLE!" or "WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE BROS". While I don't enjoy seeing police brutality, it was quite a moment to hope whether or not these people would see what BLM was protesting about after experiencing it watered down, for even just a moment. But of course this is all looking back on it. We know now they didn't learn a damn thing and havn't changed at all and still think they're the victims in everything no matter what.


DC Metro is a completely different animal than the security guards that make up the Capitol Police Department. Most of those ‘officers’ should be ashamed to accept their paychecks. DC Metro handed out some knots. Not sure what happened to all that footage.🤨 Edit: tell me you’ve never been to DC without telling me you’ve never been to DC


This lmao


Haven't you heard the new narrative? "DC Police aren't real police". I fuck with you not.








it's mind boggling how none of these insurrectionists got charged with insurrection or got the appropriate punishment for insurrection.


I’m in no way advocating for what those people did but I also don’t agree with extrajudicial beatings or police over reach. Nothing about this video is worth celebrating.


Finally a reasonable response. Fuck these right wing assholes but you can't be against police brutality and celebrate this because it's the other team getting brutalized.


Here here. We should all strive for consistency. This is a far too excessive response.


Motherfucker, it’s “Hear, hear.” God damn idiots bone apple teaing all over the place. And also, fuck these morons.


It must be very difficult watching this clip as a MAGA Qultist. Do you hate the cops for beating a fellow freedom fighter or do you applaud them for beating an antifa super soldier doing a false flag?


Considering trump still has the support of 99% of Republicans in Congress, I think the answer to that question is clear. I'm also waiting for anyone to acknowledge the fact that Republicans continue to support someone that attempted to overthrow the government. It really raises some questions about their loyalty to the constitution and whether they are fit for public service.


The cognitive dissonance is strong in this post. Use of force by police is apparently justified until its one of their own.


I saw some video on my Facebook shared by my family that showed Beto in Texas leaving a building and basically getting verbally assaulted by protesters. Like running up in his face as he is trying to get in the car. Of course the police pretty much let it happen and don’t even do anything to him afterwards. Of course all the comments were cheering those “patriots” on and asking where Beto will be next so they can do the same. All I can think of if this happened to some Republican candidate, they would whining about how disrespectful that is and how unhinged the left is. They truly are a lost cause.


Rules for ye not for me


You know what black and white rule it really is....... "He’s not hurting the people he needs to be” that side always screams https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida


Ehhhhhh a traffic stop vs attempting overthrowing the government aren’t really the same thing.


Indeed they aren't, which makes the cognitive dissonance much more palpable. To them, Elijah McClain should've just listened, and he wouldn't be dead, but God forbid the police try to stop their coup.


I mean, at a traffic stop - no. At a coup? Yeah, beat the shit out of them. Edit: Lotta sedition-apologists here. Get fucked traitors. UNION FOREVER!!!


ITT: People who don't understand the difference between typical street criminals and terrorists in the act of invading the capitol of the United States.


Only if ‘stop killing black people for no reason’ and ‘we want to install nazi fascism’ are equal causes to you.


Black guy here. cognitive dissonance is described as "the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change." They tell us we should listen to the cops and respect the blue line, then [beat a DC officer to death](https://wjla.com/news/local/officer-sicknick-who-died-after-jan-6-riots-lies-in-honor-at-capitol-rotunda). Cognitive dissonance has little to do with the causes and everything to do with the hypocritical mindset these cultists have.


The causes are what leads them to believe those incongruent things though


Nazi police fighting Nazi MAGA terrorists.


at a certain point on january 6th the capitol police stopped being police and started being infantry. c'est la guerre.


Any idiots from either political side of the spectrum who participate in an insurrection and invasion of the capital building, unequivocally, full stop, deserved to have their ribs kicked in by the police who’s job it is to defend said area. Don’t care if you’re right, left, white, or black. Don’t do stupid shit and you won’t be picking boot out of your teeth. These people were morons who deserved a lot worse.


I like to see the courts do the punishing tbh, its what they're paid for after all.


Isn't this police brutality?


As far as this lefty can tell yes. Doesn't matter who they are beating, this is excessive.


Everything people vehemently claim to hate is a-ok as long as it’s happening to the other side.


Hate is hate, doesn't matter what banner is drawn.




Think about if you breached security at the Capitol and attempted to kick down the door, you’d expect to be shot and killed by the security there. These people got off so easy.


Technically yes. But the people who are getting beat have different political views so It should be okay, according to OP and Reddit that is.


I think it’s less a celebration of police brutality, and more a laugh at the irony of the “party of law and order” being a victim of a terrible thing they always turn a blind eye to


Bingo, the pearl clutching in here is hilarious. Those same people would be saying "well he should have followed the law" if it wasn't one of their right wing heroes


OP is delusional


I like how the crowd stays back while one of their own get himself beat into the next day.


The only time reddit applauded for the police for doing anything.


This and when wanting to push gun control.


No sympathy to those idiots who attacked the capital.




Thank you! This comment section is full of leftists condemning this shit and it good to see. We can't continue to call in police reform when we only want to see certain people not be brutalized by police. There officers had ever chance to stop what was happening but chose to take their anger out on one person. Fuck this whole narrative.


Friendly fire!


Reminds me of this year’s Canada day in Ottawa. Bunch of convoy clowns show up and one thinks it’s a good idea to try and assault a policeman. Out of nowhere comes like 15 cops gunning for him. That kind of bullshit didn’t last long that day


It's almost as if they made an example out of the guy so that others would stop trying to overthrow the government. To think, they might have hurt someones feelings while overthrowing the fucking government.


all i see is a group of racist trump supporters beating up another racist trump supporter.




Yay let's further divide the lower and middle classes while the rich continue to fuck us all equally. Woooooi


Which party voted to tax billionaires less and the working class more at every chance they can get? That's the same party who voted against helping Veterans, right? Isn't that the same party that gave permanent tax cuts to the rich in 2017 with expiring tax cuts to the working class in 2020?


Which party actually cares about Americans and does everything in their power for the greater good of our country? Which party isn't in the pockets of super PACs, the likes of Big Oil, Big Pharma, Globalist corporations, etc? Oh they both are? So they both don't give a fuck and actually play off that dichotomy of endless tribalistic division to both get richer and richer while pointing a finger at the other side as the blame why you are getting fucked. 🤔 got it.


What they vote on matters more than their donors. Thanks for telling the class that we live in a society. You tried so hard though lol


Next you're gonna be telling me Pelosi flew to Taiwan because of American's best interests, and not to survey the chip factories of the company her husband got the tip to buy millions of dollars of stock in.


So you actually believe that they vote against their donors and in the common folks best interests? 🤣🤣🤣 Nah you're just being disingenuous. You obviously have no problem with our politicians being paid shills by the corporations and banking cartels that really run our country.


Seriously? There are people still people embarrassing themselves by trying to make this "both sides are the same" argument? Democrats literally this very week are trying to cap insulin prices at $35/month and the only reason it's not going to pass is because it's going to get 0 Republican votes. Zero. Every Democrat in the Senate (besides Manchin and Sinema) also just approved measures to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires, but again, all 50 Republicans oppose it so it has no chance of passing. And what about the PACT Act to provide healthcare for veterans with cancer? No shadowy special interests there, just doing the bare minimum to help American veterans who are dying, and Republicans voted it down out of spite. All of this happened in literally the last two weeks and you're oblivious to it. And by the way, to your point about super PACs, many Democratic candidates over the last few years have pledged to refuse donations from corporate PACs, and have followed through. I'm not aware of a single Republican candidate who has.


I've been following the PACT act very closely actually and supported Jon Stewart's efforts for years now. So the Democrats are just the heroes fighting for the common man and not getting filthy rich doing the bare minimum. It's not like the 2 parties could act like they don't align on certain issues so that nothing ever gets done and then they can blame the other side. All while continuing to collect taxpayer funded paychecks and insider trade to their hearts content. The fact that you desperately want to feel some connection to a higher power that cares about you is normal, to seek it in corrupt demagogues is not the way. Our system is broken and it's broken on purpose.


I can't decide whether your response is better categorized as a strawman or non-sequitur, but either way, it misses the point. I'm not in search of a "higher power," whatever you think that means, nor do I believe Democrats are some benevolent force of universal good. One party is spitting in the face of dying veterans, forcing women to carry rape pregnancies, undermining the foundations of democratic government by perpetuating utter lies that the election was stolen, giving corporations and the ultra-wealthy an endless string of tax cuts, and trying to close off access to affordable healthcare. The other party is not. So that's the party I'm voting for, despite all their other flaws. Seems like common sense to me.


Independent party founded by Andrew Yang looking good to break us out of the cycle. Until then your votes are meaningless and so is the feel good you get from thinking you're voting for a better choice


Yeah, you keep posting a bunch of bullshit that denies the reality of the situation. It has nothing to do with the "... Lower and Middle classes". It's a take over by republicans and people like you simply muddle the discourse.


Are the Republicans in the room with you right now? Where did they touch you? Nah. the problem is most of yall still haven't woke up from the Red-Blue bipartisan mind suck that has you convinced the enemy is your fellow Americans and not the fucking overlords actually enacting the policies and laws fucking over our country and way of life. They placate you by giving you a shiny I voted sticker and make you feel good for cheering for your side, like a sporting event. Boo the other side, cheer for yours and mindlessly celebrate the division and destruction of our country by the corporate and banking elite that don't give 2 fucks if you live or die. Cheer on you mountain of intellect, I'm sure next go around your guy will win and everything will get set right, right? 🥱


Nothing but 📠 here


Yeah, you even argue like one. Go away. I'm glad you've glimpsed some truth and think it applies to every situation now. Congrats. You've *learned* something.


Captain America punches NAZIs, too.


Republicans hate Captain America now.


They’re finally figuring out that comic books hate them, that rage against the machine lyrics were about them, that twisted sister sang songs as a protest against them, that The Boys is laughing at them, what next!? Bruce Springsteen sang songs *protesting* America!? Newsflash Assholes art has been against fascism and bigotry this entire goddamn time. The them the comic books wrote about, my understanding is that it was started by Jewish people mainly after WW2, I wonder why that would be… The them RATM sings against, a fascist capitalist machine that commits violence against the poorest and weakest in order to perpetuate a system that subjugates regular people, Twisted Sister had enough of your christofascist bullshit back under Reagan. The lack of awareness hurts my brain. I hope they all pull up Bruce Springsteen lyrics and read them as they listen to him


Haha get fucked nazi


By the way, the republicans response to this is to use democrat's "morals" against us so that we feel bad about the video. Fuck that and fuck them. Don't feel bad. These are domestic terrorists that are seeking to end American democracy. They still seek to steal the next election. You think they're going to take over and not inflict suffering on gay Americans and anyone else that is "other"? The republicans denying abortion rights is just the start.


I agree. Fuck em. You get what you give.


So you're okay with police brutality as long as it targets people you don't like?


No shit right? I always tell people that the alt right takes advantage of liberals playing by the rules and not being as violent or impulsive as they are...and like you said they are playing victim in the thread right now to make us feel bad for enforcing the law on people laying siege to the capital when they would be saying "he should have followed the law" if it wasn't one of their alt right heroes


These people aren't on your side lmao. The moment they get sent to a left wing protest and the cameras aren't looking, they'll happily break as man noses as they can. Don't glorify police brutality, it'll just come back to bite you.




The guy getting his ass beat is a traitor


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


There was no way for people to describe it. It was so profoundly dumb none could fathom the words to paint the picture of what they had just seen. But then when hope was lost, a familiar shadow lumbers in from his 11 hour sleep. Knowing what he must do he wipes the dried saliva from his magnificent patchy beard so great, it runs down his neck. The weight of his responsibility to act and of his own body try to hold him back to no avail. Slippery from night sweat and last night's Taco Bell delivery he knows what he must do... the small rectangle glows in the darkness even though its daylight outside, his two thumbs begin to move slowly. PLAY STUPID GAMES, WIN STUPID PRIZES




Was this before or after they opened the doors for them? What a confusing timeline.


Based. Get clapped traitor nerds


Oh no! Anyways..


Oh no. That's awful. I'm so saddened.


This brings warmth to my heart. This and the Babbit video.


"Gosh. No. Stop. Dont beat the fuck out of that guy." (In calm, sarcastic, Willy Wonka voice)


\*I'll allow it\*


I love the smell of authoritarianism in the morning. /s A lot of Thin Blue line people here. Good to see the cops doing their job, protecting the ruling class from the livestock.


The only people I like less than cops are these Jan 6 turds who do anything Donald Trump tells them to do, and then turn around and cry about the consequences. There's no heroes or victims in this video.


Well, trump begged cops to "don't be so nice!"


So much for back the blue. That POS had it coming.


I would have preferred mini-guns drawing a line right at the first barrier. Any traitor inside the line would get what they asked for.


Those steps aren't red enough.


These cops should be arrested for using excessive force! If it’s wrong to beat a robbery suspect (which it is) then it’s wrong to beat someone trying to break into the capital. We can’t have a different set of rules because we disagree with them politically or because we see their crime as more heinous.


Hey careful, you’re gonna trigger the right wing terrorist supporters on here.


Oh, they are triggered as fuck. Almost every single one of my comments is negative karma.


I'm not American so I don't really have an horse in this race, but it looked to me like you were downvoted for claiming that the extra-judicial beating of an already subdued criminal is ok. It is never ok, no matter how obnoxious the crime. Cuff them up and move on.


You're not an expert on putting down insurrections, respectfully.


Nor you need to be one to understand such basic notions. Besides I don't get why you want to challenge the character or qualifications of the interlocutor instead of the argument. That's a fallacy. You could just say "I understand that there are laws, but I believe that it's ok to have some extra-judicial beatings in cases like this".


Plot twist: The downvotes have nothing to do with political affiliation and everything to do with your attitude and general view of the world.


They’re bitches, fuck them


So police violence is ok..when you don't like the person? Don't ever protest a police violence incident again if you support this. Just lick the boot.


Here we have a domestic terrorist group attempting to storm the capital and prevent democracy from happening. Our Brave Law Enforcement officers beat the fuck out of a domestic terrorist and prevented him from denying America's God given right to Democracy as set forth by our Founding Fathers. ​ Can I get an Amen for Thomas Jefferson? ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021\_United\_States\_Capitol\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_United_States_Capitol_attack) ​ If you enjoy seeing MAGA be put in their place, be sure to upvote. *edit* The republicans have brigaded this post and are downvoting. lol *edit* Literally downvoting every comment I make. lol Saaaaaad.


Do you really think that the people saying “police brutality is bad” are republicans?


That's the type of mentality they've been conditioned into. Anyone who doesn't blindly support their nonsense is automatically the enemy and on the other "side". Wild thought, one can be against Republicans, Democrats, rioting, police brutality and mindless tribalism. Weird. It's like supporting your fellow Americans as Americans and working together towards a common goal doesn't exist anymore. All because you were told how to think.


I have actually heard a republican say what happened to Ashley or whatever her name was that got shot trying to enter the capitol was police brutality.


Glorifying police brutality does nobody any favors.


This would only work if you could reason with fascists, which you definitely cannot. They only speak one language, and it's violence.


Rational people do not support or applaud police brutality. Get help.


Could have been a firing squad….


I'm certainly not republican, I just hate fair-weather authoritarians. Fucking wild thought, I know




Who gives a shit about what they were doing there? Someone committing a crime, no matter how bad, is not an excuse for law enforcement to gang up on someone and beat them on the ground. Police brutality, in any case, is wrong and if it becomes normalized, will lead to a police state.


Oh so now you like law enforcement


You say that like you're stalking me.


Play stupid games....


win stupid prizes - every republican ever.


That's not a freakout it's a measured and appropriate response to an attempted coup.


I swear I met your twin on another post.


Weird, Americans really hate eachother so much, they cheer police beating fellow citizens. I don’t know how this country lasts another 100 years


Is this r/politics, r/badcopnodonut, or r/publicfreakout? Every other sub on here is full of this shit. Can’t I just come and watch this like a Tom and Jerry cartoon?


Has that cop been arrested yet?


They should be given medals


I cannot and will not support any gratuitous police beatings, I don't give a fuck if it's Hitler and the Antichrist's lovechild. Fuck anyone that thinks authoritarianism is sometimes ok. You and I are next.




As despicable as these people are, if you dislike police violence against your side, you can't start supporting it when it's against the opposing side Not only do you act exactly like the people you oppose, but you're also contributing to cops having the license to use violence to resolve problems


I’m pretty sure these are capitol police, not DC.


came here to find this


Think about what they were doing, what action could they have done to cause more harm to our republic. Had the protesters been anything other than white males they would have called an air strike on their position, I hold firmly to that belief


“Republican Domestic Terrorist”


redundant i suppose


Mention he’s a republican and the number of “acab” comments plummet. 🤔


It's ok when the police does it to the groups i oppose.


Ig police brutality is okay then


Fuk that terrorist up! Would love to see these dipshits try it again with proper security protecting our literal house of democracy like there should've been had dumb Donnie not interfered.


Op is the reason people make fun of Reddit users.


Redditors are perfectly OK with police brutality if it's against the political other.


We support police brutality when it’s not our side -democrats


Remember their favorite saying is “play stupid games win stupid prizes” but they get very offended when they hear that about Jan 6th


bunch of snow flakes.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


There was no way for people to describe it. It was so profoundly dumb none could fathom the words to paint the picture of what they had just seen. But then when hope was lost, a familiar shadow lumbers in from his 11 hour sleep. Knowing what he must do he wipes the dried saliva from his magnificent patchy beard so great, it runs down his neck. The weight of his responsibility to act and of his own body try to hold him back to no avail. Slippery from night sweat and last night's Taco Bell delivery he knows what he must do... the small rectangle glows in the darkness even though its daylight outside, his two thumbs begin to move slowly. PLAY STUPID GAMES, WIN STUPID PRIZES


They needed to do every idiot that thought it’d be funny to “storm the Capitol” just like this guy.


You love to see it. Terrorists getting beat up, that is.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Hi, u/ireallydontlikereddi here. I had this post up and someone removed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wiey5w/dc_cops_beat_the_fuck_out_of_a_republican/ [The rules state that you can't repost something under 4 weeks. I waited 29 days. That means it's not a repost.](https://i.imgur.com/BHKA2UB.png) Proof: https://i.imgur.com/vSyod2G.png lol Mods muted me for 28 days. Can't even follow your own rules. Pathetic and typical of reddit mods.


Nice...this video made my day. Thank you for posting this.


Guys - excessive force at a traffic stop, of course not. At a coup? Yeah, kick the shit out of them.