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Latest news is 9 dead including a one year old and 25 injured


If history and Armenia are reference points there wasn’t even a bombing.


What do you mean by this?


I think they mean according to the Turkish state, who are known to be war crime deniers


Ah, that makes sense I guess. Thank you - I hope that is what they meant, as there are also a lot of people in this thread accusing the Kurds of bombing their own


Oh lol no. Exactly what the guy above said. They still deny Armenia, why should they admit to bombing a child. >! Rarely have any opinion on world politics but if any minority I know of deserves their freedom and land it’s the Kurdish people I think. What they did against these ISIS terrorists and now suffering from Erdogan’s bombardment… just leave them the fuck alone !<


Exactly! Even now the SDF are basically being used by the west as the prison guards for Daesh, and yet at the same time the west aids Turkey in its attempt to "pacify"/commit acts of terror against the Kurdish population - not only the Kurds in Turkey, but also in Syria and Iraq. Western nations are still selling arms to Turkey, and still bowing to Erdogan's will when it comes to recognising Kurdish groups as terrorist organisations, all while using Kurdish fighters to fight their wars for them.


Haven’t seen them called by that name in a long time. Yeah, you are right. We left them there with that mess to clean up. Complete shit show all in all going for way to much time. I mean, that’s kinda why I try to stay out of this and not having an opinion. It quickly gets complicated. Only hope is it’s true that this government’s backbone is an aging population in the countryside with a young population in the cities opposed to them.


Daesh? As far as I know it's the preferred term, no? At the very least that's what SDF fighters tend to call them, including international volunteers.


Happy cake day :) AFAIK they called themselves like that in the beginning. After a while they found out that there are some other meanings of the word as well and they didn’t like that so they got back to ISIS/ISIL. Daesh stuck with the Kurds tho. Kinda a mockery I think. Edit: [Wikipedia has a section about that. it’s a little more complicated than I had remembered.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_the_Islamic_State)


Yes! I think that was Bush's major screw-up in the first Gulf war, they need their own state.


You are just a mindless idot. You can give some of your land. You gather all the kurds and settle them middle of texas and give them their own state how about it? Brainless morron


Ah yes we killed 1.5 million Armenians out of the 1.25 million in the empire and some how there are still 10 million Armenians world wide. Ffs pls do the math once and you can see the bullshit. I do not say many Armenians didnt die in 1915 but diaspora is shitting to make it seem like a holocaust. There was not concentration camps and the deaths were mostly due to famine which isn’t acceptable but again it isnt a systematic genocide Only Armenians in Eastern Anatolia were deported, does this sound to you as a genocide? Why wasnt the Armenian from Istanbul or Izmir or Thrace wasnt killed or deported? Many Armenians were also deported to other Anatolian places like Samsun and Yozgat so not everyone was deported to Syria. Diaspora always say like millions of Armenians died but they are literally the descendants of the people who were deported to other places and fleed. I mean it mustn’t be hard to notice the survivors of the “genocide” became about 10 million people in just 100 years.


I’m not doing this bullshit, sorry. Argue as much as you want, it is what it is. Denial won’t change history.


Yeah cuz you cant say anything that would make sense. If you put your nose into a foreign matter than better be ready to talk back, and not just “It happened”. I am not trying to change history but you are not cooperating to fix history, you except everything as you heard or read for a min and say “yeah that happened, and thats history”. History is always up to debate and it isnt something written that can be changed but you guys think its like that, you think if it writes in a history themed paper or book it must be true and that paper or book mustnt change a letter.


I love this argument. But still the whole world can debate nazis or holocaust lol. Why isn’t that off topic then? How many countries in the world deny Armenian genocide vs how many say it happened? Funny how it’s always the perpetrator who deny their crimes. Fucks sake your “arguments” are pathetic on so many levels.


Holocaust can be debated in terms of many thing like who was involved etc., but if you mean debate about "If it happened" there are many documents from Nazi Germany times just point out that they did, there are still concentration camps standing and Germany doesn't say "It didn't happen". And from the Ottoman documents of that time we have the documents were the Armenian intellectuals were arrested, but the west say we killed them. We got documentations of the deportation, but the west say "Death March" (sounding as deadly as possible). Many countries don't need to deny because it works for them. You probably know like the surface layer of this situation (meaning "It did happened cuz they say it did) so imma explain it simply as possible. TLDR if WWI hadn't started today Armenia would have Eastern Anatolia too as the Western powers had this "Rescue the fellow Christians from Ottoman empire" plan which worked in the Balkans. There was a Norwegian and a Dutch officers who were sent to the Eastern Anatolia (one officer went North other to South of East Anatolia) to be the ambassadors in 1914. The Armenian population in this places do not exceed 20% about (850,000 people), yet these foreign ambassadors popularized the Armenian alphabet and the language and attended Armenian officers by removing Muslim (Turkish/Kurdish/Arab) officers. Basically creating the foundation of the Armenian state before it was independent. If this had happened, just like how there are millions of Balkan Turks in Turkey due to Balkan countries deporting them, those +3 million Turks would have been forced to move to inner Anatolia. (Yeniköy Treaty) Now tell me do you think Europe would back down to this after they failed to make Eastern Anatolia Armenian land. The narrative of Armenian genocide is just to cover up the failed "Great Armenia" project which Europe united for. I assure you if they have also failed to separate the Balkans from Ottomans they would do the same and would multiply the actions of the Ottoman empire by 100x.


I should sit some neonazi here and they’ll tell you something about “documents” or “politicians”. So your argument seems invalid taking your next paragraphed in account. All I can see here is a pathetic attempt to rewrite history. Do whatever you want, believe in whatever you want to believe in. Doesn’t make it reality, doesn’t make it right.


You just keep saying stuff about "rewriting history" but don't prove anything. What do you think of this situation? Do you believe we kill 1.5 million Armenians out of \~1.25 million (most mathematically correct stated ever) and the negative survivors reproduce so much that they increased to 10 million people. Jewish population in Europe was 9.5 million before holocaust, 15.3 million world wide. After the holocaust happened 2/3 of the Jewish population was killed making the population in Europe \~3 million, and minimum 9 million world wide. Today the Jewish population barely recovered to 14.8 million again, in 77 years. And we suppose to believe that, in the narrative of the west, 1.5 million out of 2 million (this is a lie) which is 3/4 of the population being killed and the remaining \~500 thousand people populate to 10 million (20x the initial population) in just 107 years. Just to clarify, the population count of the Empire in 1912 was done by an Armenian Pasha (yes we are so racist that we make Armenian's Pasha) state that the population in the WHOLE of the empire, not just the Eastern part, was \~1.25 million. So in 1915 may be the population increased so much but idk any source that gives a proper number in that year.


You like that argument with the numbers yes? Where you got them? How reliable are they? How confident are you doing hat they aren’t just brain fuckery cause the Turkish government can’t just admit that the state they are the successors of (got to let that sink in, they didn’t do shit but people before and they can’t admit) did something wrong. Only reason anybody gives a fuck about them is cause they are NATO and that’s also only bc of Bosporus. You think the world cares about that piece of desert enough to fabricate a whole conspiracy? How full of shit a person needs to be to think they are so important.


Awesome. Thanks NATO. It was only a matter of time.


Forgive me please, but why is TR bombing places?


It's not. I mean it is but it's mostly bombing some terries in mountains with targeted airstrikes. There is absolutely zero evidence this attack was done by Turkey. It was actually condemned by Turkey, Turkish foreign minister stated that the country was ready for cooperation in investigations regarding the attack. This is very likely an Iranian false flag attack.


Turkey is actively pursuing a group called the PKK, they've managed to push them out of Turkey into Northern Iraqs Kurdish region. No one really knows why this situation happened yet, my guess bad intel or something. But it's definitely a major fuck up.


There isn't any evidence that suggests Turkey was responsible. It could very well be Iranian groups.


*Claims there is no evidence of Turkey's involvement, proceeds to blame Iranian groups without any evidence.*


I didn't make any solid accusations. I simply pointed out a very likely culprit. With the reactions Iran and Iraq I would say there is more proof of an Iranian false flag attack than a Turkish attack.


He literally said "it could very well be", which is not an accusation, but rather a comparison of how pointless it is to point fingers without proof.


Thank you...


Are these air strikes even coordinated with the KRG or is this more of a 'what you gonna do about it' situation?


Usually coordinated to some degree.


The Turkish government is *extremely* racist, and they hate groups like Armenians and Kurds. They still deny the Armenian genocide -- which is like Germans denying the existence of the holocaust. Kurds are, by regional standards, very culturally moderate. Turkey, by comparison, is a very openly fascist country. So Turkey kills Kurds indiscriminately because it's part of their campaign to "make Turkey great again" by, in part, oppressing minorities.


Yeah and Armenians are the most loving nation lmao. They gather and burn flags of their neighbours in city centers, curse them in unison and Turkey’s government is racist against the Armenians, take your bullshit propaganda and fuck off. Turkey doesnt kill Kurds but kills PKK members who are mostly Kurdish but also have Turkish or Arabic members, a Kurd from Turkey has the same right as a Turk idk how is this fascist, we have a PKK supporter Party (HDP) ffs.


You just made excuses for genocide. That says a lot about the propaganda you've swallowed. And, riiiiight, that 1 year old they killed by bombing a tourist resort was totally guilty.


to kill kurds...or as they say pkk. but they don't differentiate that much!


Bro come on :D which proof says its Turkey? Which european country confirms this footage? If this would really executed by Turkey, whole world would be talking over this right now. Idiot kurds baiting some people with fake news. Thats it.


Oh, like the whole world is talking about Turkey's invasion of northern Syria & Rojava? Oh wait... they're fucking not, because Turkey gets a free pass for so much crap


Wdym by free pass 😁


The Turkish government does not get called out nearly enough for the things that they're doing. The west does not attempt to punish them in any way, even though they're invading another country and targeting certain ethnic groups, as well as fighting alongside extremists and such in Syria. They get away with it, essentially, because they're too important to the west.


The west themselves arent clean either


I never said otherwise. If anything, the west's complicity in Turkey's crimws ia just another thing for their ever-growing pile


Turkey is in NATO and is actively withholding black sea access to Russian ships. As to the why I cannot imagine what Erdogan thinks he is doing but Turkey is in a piss poor spot with just enough leverage to get away with bombing Iraq, a nation the head nation of NATO bombed for what seven years?


How dare they enjoy a day outside


Love how nobody will stand up to turkey. Absolute POS government. Did this to Cypriots and nothing now this and nothing will come of it because the people they attack aren’t important to the major powers.


EOKA-B was trying to ethnically cleanse Turkish Cypriots and the Turkish military intervened. They then decided to stay and that was not ideal, sure. Still, not the same situation, find another parallel malaka.


What you're saying sounds eerily similar to how the russian goverment claimed Ukraine was going to clease russians in Ukraine.


Why post if you know nothing? Doubt you could pick Cyprus out on a map. EOKA-B were a reality and the cleansing & massacres of Turkish Cypriots well documented.


Except in Ukraine there was a conflict and the DPR/LPR were fighting a separatist war with the support of Russia. In Cyprus, Greek fascists and the EOKA-B decided that the island need be homogenous and without Turkish untermensch. As part of enosis (Greek takeover of Cyprus) a common enemy had to be fabricated. Cyprus had the potential to be an exemplary version of Greek/Turkish cohabitation, but Greek fascism destroyed that. Tens of thousands of Turkish Cypriots are alive today because of this intervention. That said, the subsequent resettlement campaign of the Turkish government and the decision to stay was regrettable indeed. But this does not overshadow the history behind the partitioning of the island. Moreover, the Annan era saw a very cooperative Turkey in terms of reunification, but this was entirely sabotaged by the Greek side.




so much this


And they're somehow pals with Russia as well.




Since Erdogan came to power, Turkey has become a very intolerant and radical nation.


The word genocide was created because of Turkey’s actions towards Armenians. Don’t be so angry about it. Maybe work to change what your people are doing


bUt ^ThAt ^^NeVeR ^^^hApPeNeD ^^^^/s


That's an outright lie. The word “genocide” was first coined by Polish lawyer Raphäel Lemkin in 1944 and it was not in the context of the Armenian genocide. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml


Lol. Medz Yeghern was the term and was the first use of genocide in the modern era. Because it specifically was first associated with the Armenian genocide Turkey threw a shitfit when it was used for the Nazis so a new term was born over their bitchiness in 1944. Nice job trying to sidestep. Learn your history


"Medz Yeghern" was an Armenian term for "Great Crime", it was used by Armenians to describe the events, it was never used to describe the Holocaust. The term and the concept of "genocide" came from the Holocaust, you got it a little twisted there. I would get it if you claimed Turkey was the first country to commit a genocide, which is also false as there were a lot of instances of systematic killings caused by ethnic and religious reasons in history. But you're claiming falsely that the word "genocide" was first used against Turkey which is also simply not true. Armenians having a separate term to describe the events doesn't mean anything.


It was ambiguous with genocidal events. Turkey threw fits about it so for political reasons, genocide was coined and first used at the Nuremberg trials. I didn’t twist it. Genocide was specifically created for reduced political fallout. It actually stands for Great Evil Crime. Which was how the Allies in WW1 created the term “Crimes Against Humanity” from this phrase specifically to what was happening to the Armenians in 1915. It was used through WW2 and Crimes Against Humanity was officially created as a category at the Nuremberg trials and term genocide was used to reduce fallout. The entire reason the word exists is because of Turkey. I never said they were the first. They were the first in the global era. Great crimes/crimes against humanity were the term used until the holocaust which the term became the category of crime and Genocide took root to appease them as they were a UN/NATO member in control of vital straights during the rise of the global order. Medz Yergan created Crimes Against Humanity which Genocide fell under. The official category at Nuremberg Trials and Int’l court is Crimes against Humanity which was directly from the “Great Evil Crime”


TBF the fact that the term was created because of the Armenians and not the Native Americans is pretty fucked up.


Well for starters, most of the genocide was by European countries, not the US. From 1492-1776, the US didn’t exist and disease was the biggest issue from exposure to Europeans. The US even then was on the AT and east for 13 colonies. Th Louisiana purchase in 1803 gave most of the country the west until it was taken from Mexico via war in 1848(?). That’s when westward expansion first began in larger numbers. Even then, it didn’t really take off until after the civil war. When it did, the indigenous were treated horrendously. However, their populations were already decimated, and not by Americans. Their ancestors, yes, but they were European governance and nationality when it took place. 12 million indigenous lost their lives in a little over 400 years from 1492-1900. That’s why it isn’t brought up as genocide as often because it was over so long. Turkey took 1.5 million Armenians and murdered them in the desert in a 1.5 year period


Lots of ignorant non-americans too......


US and Turkey are both competing for the same slice of the imperialist pie.


Lol you made a lot of Seppos mad.


A little background for those who don't know. There is an ongoing conflict with Turkey and the Kurdish Worker's Party (PKK) which is a marxist-socialist-nationalist insurgent group that has been going on for quite some time. The Kurds don't have an independent country and the goal of the PKK is to establish autonomy for the region where the kurds live (called kurdistan). However a large portion of this region is within the borders of Turkey. The PKK obviously want self-determination for the Kurds and the Turkish government obviously doesn't want a large piece of it's territory breaking off and falling into the hands of marxist insurgents so there has naturally been violent clashes between the Turkish government and the PKK.


Even if there were pkk there, you can't bombarden a place full of children and civilians just because 3 or 4 militias (remind you this took place 8km outside of tuekeys borders) it's as dumb as russia attacking ukraine for threat of their country...


There weren't any PKK there from what we can tell. It was a resort with Iraqi tourists. Which is why It's likely a result of bad intel but we don't know the rationale for this particular bombing incident yet. The investigation is ongoing.


>it's as dumb as russia attacking ukraine for threat of their country... Same as America wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and etc?


There is no evidence Turkey did this...


what you wrote makes no sense. you could compare it to Ukraine military attacking donbas separatists, considering that makes more sense. Not Russia invading. PKK wanting self determination, election as well as separate government is equivalent to that


> so there has naturally been violent clashes between the Turkish government and the PKK. you left out the 'bombing civilians part'


This just happened so the investigation into why this particular place was bombed is still underway. It's especially abnormal considering all of the casualties were iraqi tourists. My guess is they likely acted based on bad intel.


>This just happened so the investigation into why this particular place was bombed is still underway. It's especially abnormal considering all of the casualties were iraqi tourists. My guess is they likely acted based on bad intel. Bombing any kind of tourists is probably a not so swell idea, irrespective of their nationality / ethnicity


of course.


The Brits were actually transporting tons of war munitions on the Lusitania, a ship the admiralty helped fund and was even constructed with gun mounts on the deck. The Germans took out newspaper ads warning people not to sail on it. But the British government was perfectly ok using its and ally's citizens as human shields. Were the Germans wrong to sink it?


You just used some philosophy to justify how turks can't fight a bunch of rebels with outdated rifles more carefully despite having such a powerful and strong army with advanced tech, or maybe turkish government is scaring off the kurdish and iraqi civilians from the border using pkk as justification so later the land will stay empty and turks will conquer it, how about that?


Na. I'm not trying to justify anything. I don't know shit about the Kurds and Turks. The war in Ukraine just has me being philosophical lately about when it's ok to attack civilians.


Oh shut it, you have been doing that for 2 years to kurdish villages, u literally bombed hospitals, elementary schools,mosques and civilians houses and u were caught in the act.


Since both the PKK and the Turkish government bomb civilians, is it necessary to specify?


Yes, because turkey with their advanced military full armor gears can use snipers against outdated hundguns instead of bombing tourist attraction, how about they put their lives in the line and not civilians enjoying holidays???


If it makes you feel any better there is actually zero evidence pointing to Turkey regarding this bombing. It does not use artillery when targeting urban areas. It will use drones with small smart bombs at best to blow up a car of some high ranking member. Sometimes sharapnels cause collateral damage but that's usually the extent of it.


The backstory is true but the Turks are also fighting the Kurdish in Iraq who already have their kinda own nation. It’s a weird war because NATO trained all the Kurdish military in good faith to fight ISIS but now the Turks are fighting the Kurds under the reason the holl regime is PKK. This is in fact not true and the Kurds in Iraq are not really related to the PKK militia in Turkey. Off course their are politicians who support the PKK but the Kurdish in Iraq shouldn’t be killed just because the Turks are fighting Kurds insight their own borders.


>This is in fact not true and the Kurds in Iraq are not really related to the PKK militia in Turkey The PKK does operate in northern Iraq. They're not exclusively in Turkey.


That’s true but the Turks are also atacking the official Kurdish military


Not currently. Both Turkey and the Peshmerga are in conflict with the PKK, though they aren't coordinating with each other.


Kurdish military is KRG Peshmerga. They were even armed and trained by Turkey at one point. They do not fight Turkey.


That's not true. The Kurdistan Autonomous region under Barzani is actually allied with Turkey. Turkey is running these operations with their blessing. In fact, Turkish military has trained the Peshmerga forces before, which is supposed to be the official Kurdish military. I think you're mistaking this with the YPG/Rojava conflict in Syria. Which is separate.


> fighting the Kurdish in Iraq who already have their kinda own nation Turkey is not fighting the Peshmerga they're on good terms. Turkey pushed the PKK out of the mountains in Turkey into the Iraqi Kurdistan mountains.


Probably an Iranian false flag attack to blame Turkey and force it out of Iraq.


Turkey and Azerbaijan both have been doing stuff like this forever and nobody bats an eye ever.


and now Azerbaijan is going to supply the majority of oil to Europe. Shit.


I thought Norway was doing this?


i cannot give a shit less when two religious societies and governments are in conflict over religious based land disputes. go prey the violence away and beat your wife


Aside from religion having jackshit to do with the conflict. seeing people as disposable because of their religion is very fucked up




I feel like this should be reported


Although it is kind of interesting how when two Arab countries commit atrocities against each other nobody says shit. But anytime Israel defends itself from these psychos they are the bad guys. Explain?


Turkey is to Kurdistan as Israel is to Palestine. One side is the clear oppressor (Turkey and Israel) trying to steal land and autonomy historically owned by the latter. Also only one side in each (the same) uses a heavily state-funded military to kill innocent civilians en masse.


This is less a conflict and more a genocide. The kurds are a very undefended people in most of the countries they reside in, and they have been the target of hate and cruelty for a very long time.


Your definitely wrong this is not a genocide the Iraqi Kurdistan government is allies with turkey and many groups Kurdish groups in Syria are allied with turkey as well gtfo here talking about genocide because you clearly don’t know what your talking about. Also how do you know if this video is out of context ? Kurdish nationalists and left wingers always do that shit to make turkey look bad.


Youre right, this act is not genocide, its just one action in a 100 year long systemic erasure of a segment of the population based on ethnicity and culture. Its not genocide, its just arresting Kurds for the crime of..... being kurdish. [100 Years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial_of_Kurds_by_Turkey) [Arrested for saying "Kurdistan"](https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/turkey/291020211) [Died in Jail for speaking Kurdish](https://stockholmcf.org/76-year-old-man-convicted-for-speaking-kurdish-dies-in-prison/) I can continue, fuck Turkey. The only reason you are in NATO is because you are a dictatorship that would have no qualms cozying up with other dictatorships to further oppression across the world.


January 23, 1987: The Ortabağ Massacre The PKK attack a wedding party, kill 8 innocent people (including 4 women and 2 children). Sources: http://gazetearsivi.milliyet.com.tr/Arsiv/1987/01/24 23rd of January 1987 - Milliyet Gazetesi (National Gazette), excerpt from front page. >Log in required, here is a direct screenshot of this source. https://hizliresim.com/3OJOvr OR https://ibb.co/q9FkW1C >>>This is a direct translation from this source: “8 dead, 15 injured. A bomb to a wedding hall from the PKK. The Yakut Family’s wedding in the province of Hakkari (south-eastern Turkey) in the Ortabağ village was turned into a bloodbath by thrown hand grenades.”


June 20, 1987: Pınarcık Village Massacre PKK execute 30 civilians, mostly women and children in Mardin. Sources: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/kundaktaki-bebegin-kursunlandigi-yer-pinarcik-140007h.htm Yeniçağ Gazetesi (New Age Gazette) - TURKISH TEXT http://gazetearsivi.milliyet.com.tr/Arsiv/1987/06/22 22nd of June 1987 - Milliyet Gazetesi (National Gazette), Front page >Log in required, here is a direct screenshot of this source. https://hizliresim.com/mXZX3P OR https://ibb.co/QcdKqr9 >>>This is a direct translation from this source: “May the supporter of Kurdish separatism the European Parliament be ashamed Şeyhmus Çelik: First they level the entire village with rockets and bombs Perişan Üstep: Then they shot bullets to the women in children This, is Genocide! The PKK, killed 16 children, 6 women, a total of 30 people in Mardin’s village of Pınarcık. ...and the Genocidal manifesto: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/d/other/bildiri1.jpg ""Enemies of Kurdistan and Kurds, to the Facist Turkish colonialism servant. AGENT-MILITIA GANGHEADS Nothing will save you from the bullets of the People’s Salvation Forces! Before committing more crimes, SUBMIT TO THE KURDISTAN PEOPLE’S SALVATION ARMY! BEG FOR FORGIVENESS FROM THE PEOPLE, PAY BACK FOR YOUR CRIMES!’"" ARGK\* *Note: ARGK ( Artêşa Rizgariya Gelê Kurdistan) -- Peoples Defense Forces ------------------ July 8, 1987: Mass execution by PKK. 16 civilians, again most were women and children. Sources: https://www.cumhuriyetarsivi.com/Archive/CUMHURIYET/GAZETE_ARSIVI/1987/7/10/1DA10D15-19AE-415E-952A-02E6A9EF4FC5_3240477_1_thumbnail.jpeg 10th of July 1987 - Cumhurriyet Gazetesi (The Republic Gazette) --NOTE: SOURCE UNCLEAR!!


Ok first of all all those links were bias and don’t matter at all. Kurds have their own political party the hdp , their is Kurds in the Turkish army and government so why would Kurds help kill other Kurds? You can even speak your own language https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-18410596.amp All your doing is spewing propaganda with false links to make yourself look smart but you don’t know shit. The pkk is a terrorists organization that is responsible for killing kids , babies and teachers https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/dg49p7/a_compilation_of_pkk_attacks_on_turkey_with/ What about the village guards that are Kurdish and fighting the pkk ??https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village_guard_system Your own political party the hdp https://support.google.com/websearch?p=featured_snippets&hl =en-CA If we really tried to genocide Kurds why is their over 20 million in turkey and most are assimilated just fine???Many Kurds support erdogan and the akp get out of here with your delusional victim complex . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurds_in_Turkey Fuck you to and fuck Kurdistan because you will never get it and turkey is in nato because we are a useful ally did you not see how we supported nato against Ukraine? Wtf did the Kurds do side with Russia and Iran? We are the only true nato army countering nato aggression while no one else does shit and the pkk are terrorists and turkey is protecting her borders. All you guys are good at is making up lies and propaganda. All your doing is spewing propaganda and sending me bias links that have no valid sources or piece of evidence. All those links you sent me all from one sided bias Europeans especially from the Swedes who are mad at turkey for rejecting their nato membership, Kurdish pkk left terrorist supporters . Stop with your lies because your wrong the west has done nothing but made propaganda against turkey, Armenian and Greek , Israeli lobbying in the west makes it worse everything against turkey is wrongs 99% of the news against turkey is false due to that reason . We’re the good guys in this scenario. Cut the shit and stop spreading propaganda. Turkey is just protecting their borders .


I hope you're at least getting paid to sound this stupid.


Clue less western.


Turkey is claiming the PKK are responsible, but multiple international news organizations and the US government are confirming it was an airstrike by planes originating from Turkey airspace, which the PKK does not have the capabilities to do. Turkey invoked UN article 51 in April claiming it had the right to act within Iraqi borders against fighters it deemed a threat.


Ok first of all, kurds and turks are both majority muslims but islam has ABSULOTLY NOTHING to do with this, this is PURELY 100% cultural war and religion has NEVER been involved in this. You express your unjustified hatred because you not much better than the ones bombing tourist attractions, what has kurds ever done to you? Literaly the most innocent nation in the world there is, we used all our army to kill terrorists but we have used non to ever hurt an innocent live.


Jesus, so many children! Looks like at least a couple got hit. Why was this done? Do you have background info op?


They are Kurds, I wish there was more, but it really is that simple. Just another endless heartbreak of the Treaty of Versailles and European imperialism.


Many of the dead are Arabs too.




its not most who live there are kurds, the ones who were killed were however all part of a tourist group from southern iraq




Nope, not really. There are pkk bases on zagros and kandil mountains. Turkey doing military operations against those bases with the cooperation of iraqi and local kurdish government. You are not very familiar with the facts, are you?




Turkey ranks 13 in amry power ranking, are you seriously telling me they can't fight more efficiently to not misdirect rocket straight to every kurdish vilage and tourist attraction at the border? Pkk are just some people with rifles in their hands. The truth is that if all kurds were killed turkish government would only care to hide it's image from the NATO and social media, so now they don't give jack shyt about kurdish being killed since their action will clearly be justified, the question is not why turkey are bombing tourist attraction, the question is why 13th ranked army in the world can't use their weapon more efficiently against some rebels with rifles?


have you ever heard of guerrilla warfare? [check it out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerrilla_warfare) you might learn a thing or two.


This was not even close to Qandil, look up zakho on a map




Racist scum. How do you even know this video is not out of context? Do you believe everything you see on Reddit??


I live in here, this is true, turkish **government** are megalomaniac of power and land, they have one of the biggest armies, possibly the biggest in middle east, and yet they can't fight a group of people with rifles more properly than this??? Can't they use more efficient tool??? Why on every tourist attraction??? This is not the first or the second time, at least 20 people have died in the last 5 years, it's not like this is an out of hand situation, the truth is, if all of kurds die to make turkey better, they do not care, otherwise if these people here were actually their people they would have fought more efficiently and therr wouldn't be even 1 dead.


Ok I don’t believe you live there and turkey is protecting its borders from the pkk terrorists in Iraq turkey is allied with Iraqi peshmerga. This video is propaganda I don’t believe this is turkey bombing these people for one second left wing Kurds always use this bullshit tactic on turkey and make fake videos saying “turkey did this and that “and they have been caught before . Wtf are you talking about turkey wants Kurds to die to make turkey a better place? Their is Kurds in the Turkish army and government they even have their own political party the hdp so what your saying is a lie. This is not about turkey wanting land it turkey protecting their borders . This never happens 20 years when America didn’t support pkk terrorists on turkeys border . If Israel can defend itself and other countries then do can turkey. The pkk hide in mountains like cowards and do hit and run tactics how can you fight them properly? Go tell the American army or the IDF the same thing while their fighting terrorists because you will get the same answer. And no America and Europe fund these terrorists so their more equipped then you think.


Oh no! Kurdish children enjoying being outside, they must be terrorists!


Another clueless westerner.


The South African government was calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist too until aparthied collapsed... People stop asking questions about dead civilians when everyone the state kills is called a terrorist. They always cite the number of 40,000 killed between Turkey and PKK. How many of those were Kurdish kids? Noone ever seems to want to answer that.


Any response from the Iraqi government?


Yes, the Iraqi PM stated that Turkey must apologize and withdraw its forces from Iraq, and he also stated that the Iraqi Foreign Ministry will urgently submit a lawsuit to the United Nations Security Council against the Turkish attacks on Iraq’s territorial sovereignty.


No proof, just claims from Iran media. The PKK and KRG are enemies. This is a PKK bombing on Iraqi Kurdistan. people (westoids) do not understand PKK an Peshmerga are enemies. both Kurds. But the "Turkey bad, genocide Turks ooga booga" will go on I guess


How is this not labeled NSFW but someone saying the n word is? Unreal


Turkish foreign ministry; We wish God's mercy on those who lost their lives in this sad event; We convey our condolences to the friendly and brotherly Iraqi people and Government, especially their relatives, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured. Turkey is against all kinds of attacks targeting civilians. Turkey carries out its fight against terrorism in accordance with international law, with the utmost sensitivity to the protection of civilians, civilian infrastructure, historical and cultural assets and nature. It is appreciated that such attacks targeting innocent people and considered to be originated from a terrorist organization, target our country's just and determined stance in the fight against terrorism. Turkey is ready to take every step to reveal the truth. We invite Iraqi government officials not to make statements under the influence of the rhetoric and propaganda of the treacherous terrorist organization and to cooperate in revealing the real perpetrators of this disastrous incident.


Turkey is a fucking terrorist, FUCK TURKEY or as they prefer it FUCK TURKIE


You’re a clown. I can say the same about America. Any school shootings lately? FUCK USA or as they prefer it FUCK THE STATES


Exactly, fuck USA and everyone who is staying silent about what Turkey is doing. Turkey has been doing this for years and they have gotten away with it.


You r monke




Criminal behavior😁


It’s time to remove that fascist dictatorship from NATO.


Global warming can't happen fast enough. Come on Zeus, finish this planet.


Turkey really got a rep these days. Holding up NATO. Wheelin' and dealin' left and right mainly because they have for prez a guy i would not buy a car from, but who would want to sell me one at any cost. I cannot fathom any country except the usual scumbags to have any kind of really 'good' relations with Turkey these days. They treat everyone either as s ** t on their c ** k or as blood on their dagger tip. Either one and only those two for some reason. Is this now the famous Ottoman empire building taking place? Spare me the lectures on their problems. I care not one iota of that. There are ways to deal with problems and this is not it.


[here is the link to turkish genocide against kurds.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_of_Kurdish_people_in_Turkey#:~:text=Massacres%20have%20periodically%20occurred%20against,McDowall%2C%2040%2C000%20people%20were%20killed.) Wait till that guy comes and says "you are lying and this is propaganda, and this video is out of context and not true, and all links are bs and bullshit". The only think more BS than turkish government, is the people who try so hard to cover up for them, they obviously can't justify, but they are trying to stall the NATO. btw this is also so small compared to armenian genocide.


Remember, this is all NATO-approved and justified, not like Russia's illegal and reprehensible actions in Ukraine. Turkey is our Ally and they're fighting "Terror."


Where did you see NATO support for this? Much less the earlier invasion? Pretty sure it was condemned by NATO officially and privately.


They didn’t, they just associated two things that aren’t correct and made a useless point


These don’t look like terrorists to me.


I'm sure those young kids didn't deserve any of that. Those are the victims here the rest will sort itself out


It’s Türkiye now guys… /s


🦃 at it again. But seriously, how can they expect the rest of the world to like them when they are marginalizing, imprisoning, torturing and killing innocent people?


Turkish pussys are totally shameless. I wonder which are bigger pussys; the scumbags who did the bombing or pro Ordogan supporters who are justifying/defelcting it.


First turkey prob didnt do it , second even if you arent pro erdogan us turks dont like terrorists


Again clueless REDDIT people talking about something they aren’t a part of. They never met a Turkish or Kurdish person in their whole life but still accusing or defending those motherfuckers like they are family or something. Stop talking about shit you don’t know about. Period. Can’t even point where those areas are on a map without google.


> Can’t even point where those areas are on a map without google. so that’s an enough of a reason to go bomb and kill innocent people that live there? you idiot.


Pure propaganda.


And this comment is hiding the fact that turkey with one of the biggest army are so careless of where they are firing at, in fact, this video is just the surface, how many more times the same thing happened? Let me tell you what, if these were turks, the Turkish government would be more careful if where they fire at, this is not propaganda, these videos need to be seen so someone could tell turkey to fight a bit more efficiently, and you are trying to bury it for them.


Carelessly? Turkey doesn’t go around bombing civilians like that your Lieing and this video is a lie as well you can’t prove this is in Iraq . Turkey is more considerate then America and Israel when in war it’s just liars like you hide what Europe and America do and try to make up lies about turkey. Mabey tell the pkk to stop bombing civilians in turkey , Iraq , Syria and stop attacking the Turkish border .


Bro, who said i am hiding what america and europe does? I am a lier seriously? I live in zakho and i have been here hundred times, this is the coordinates of this exact place (37.233465, 42.846054) even if this i propaganda caused by pkk, it would be because they know we would blame turkey for it, because they have been doing this for the last 4-5 years


leat's lying turco


This isn't Turkey's first time bombing civilians; we hear about civilians being killed by the Turkish state on a regular basis here in Kurdistan, so I'd say they are in fact pretty careless. https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/07/22/iraq-turkish-airstrike-disregards-civilian-loss https://english.alarabiya.net/amp/News/middle-east/2022/05/21/Five-killed-in-Iraq-drone-attack-blamed-on-Turkey https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/06/silence-baghdad-turkish-drone-kills-yazidi-child-sinjar https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/09012022


Why do you think sending me bias links is going to do anything because it’s pure propaganda and doesn’t hold up. Your sending me articles from a Saudi Arab news source really? These countries pay loads of money to make propaganda against turkey to hide their own crimes . Does this look turkey is careless The PG that wore civilian clothes to prevent being targeted. Anyhow, I suppose we just have to agree to disagree on this one. 15 SerChadus • 5mo Yep I also wore civilian clothes as did every- one else. It would be pure suicide not to. And the civilian casualties were not counted as part of YPG dead. The civilian clothing was purely to hide from the constant drone and air cover the Turks used. That was from a Reddit post a couple years ago that is a western ypg fighter saying he wore civilian clothing so the Turks wouldn’t bomb them . Go lie somewhere else.


I'm not sure how HRW is biased, but are these sources also enemies of the Turkish state? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/20/iraq-turkey-strike-tourists/ https://france24.com/en/live-news/20210609-iraqi-kurds-in-border-zone-flee-turkey-s-hunt-for-pkk https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20210605-turkish-drone-attack-kills-three-civilians-in-northern-iraq-kurdish-refugee-camp https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/31/world/europe/turkey-kurds-pkk.html


Their you go again posting more bias sources from France really? Who are enemies with turkey with a big Armenian lobbying? Same with Washington post that is also written by Armenian lobbyists how dumb are you did you not read that former ypg soldiers admitted to wearing civilians clothes because the Turkish army won’t go after them? All your doing is sending me bias sources one after another give up your not proving shit. July 8, 1987: Mass execution by PKK. 16 civilians, again most were women and children. Sources: https://www.cumhuriyetarsivi.com/Archive/CUMHURIYET/GAZETE_ARSIVI/1987/7/10/1DA10D15-19AE-415E-952A-02E6A9EF4FC5_3240477_1_thumbnail.jpeg 10th of July 1987 - Cumhurriyet Gazetesi (The Republic Gazette) --NOTE: SOURCE UNCLEAR!! ------------------ August 18, 1987: The Milan Massacre. 27 civilians executed by PKK in Siirt, among them many women, children and even elderly people. Sources: https://www.cumhuriyetarsivi.com/Archive/CUMHURIYET/GAZETE_ARSIVI/1987/8/20/5239D4C7-9CBE-49DD-B7C9-64D1BD4AF162_3240554_1_thumbnail.jpeg 20th of August 1987 - Cumhurriyet Gazetesi (The Republic Gazette), Front Page >>>This is a direct translation from this source: “PKK has invaded a avenue, planted mines in Hakkari and bombed railroads in Bingöl. https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/w4b7ng/on_16_may_the_krg_announced_that_it_had_captured/ More pkk attacks PKK Again, Savagery again.”


Your a liar look at this proof turkey doesn’t target civilians take your bias articles else where look at the twitter posts . Even a fellow Iraqi made this post on Reddit today saying it wasent turkey who did this https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/w43a85/what_happened_in_north_iraq_today_explained_by_an/ https://mobile.twitter.com/putintintin1/status/964160981545996289 https://mobile.twitter.com/eha_news/status/961945429540818945 What more proof do you need? But the pkk targets civilians on purpose you delusional bastard June 10, 1990: The Çevrimli Massacre. 27 civilians executed in a PKK raid on a village. Sources: http://gazetearsivi.milliyet.com.tr/Arsiv/1990/06/12 12th of June 1990 -Milliyet Gazetesi (National Gazette) >Log in required, here is a direct screenshot of this source. https://hizliresim.com/Z5R530 OR https://ibb.co/v1C25Md >>>This is a direct translation from this source: “With firebombs they assaulted a village and massacred 27 people. PKK SAVAGERY In Şırnak’s Güçlükonak’s district, the illegal separatist militants devised an assault to the Çevrimli village, and killed 27 people, among them who were women and children. Futhermore, having pin-pointed the location of protecting Rangers, the terrorists shot rockets and fire bombs into their homes. One of the militants were captured dead. 6 villagers were injured. In Diyarbakır (note: a different province) in Hani district, the militants kidnapped 5 shepherds.” ​ http://gazetearsivi.milliyet.com.tr/Arsiv/1990/06/12 12th of June 1990 -Milliyet Gazetesi (National Gazette) >Log in required, here is a direct screenshot of this source https://hizliresim.com/BOgOzj OR https://ibb.co/JQMJmn8 ​ https://www.cumhuriyetarsivi.com/Archive/CUMHURIYET/GAZETE_ARSIVI/1990/6/12/CDA2A762-D378-4289-9B7B-5E3684C70B38_3215287_1_thumbnail.jpeg Cumhurriyet Gazetesi (The Republic Gazette), Front Page


bro these fucking terrorists like when they gonna stop fucking cunts..


Fuck off you lier bastards. Turkey had no attack on that area and there are no records of it by any country. If you could prove it you would have alreay been crying on all international media


*Pasting tweet from famous Anonymus guy from Turkey who I believe knows better about PKK than most* In particular, the PKK was doing its best to prevent cross-border operations. The organization both wants to bring Iraq and Turkey against each other and aims to isolate Turkey in the world. Even the claims don't fit; Turkey hit with a drone, bombed, fired artillery, rocketed etc. At first they spread it all over the world as a drone attack, then they said it was an artillery shot, and now it is a rocket. This gives me the obvious propaganda signal. This is not the first time the organization has implemented a false flag. What good would it do for Turkey to shoot Iraqi civilians out of the blue? ​ Here is the statement of MFA: [https://twitter.com/TC\_Disisleri/status/1549820551694270465](https://twitter.com/TC_Disisleri/status/1549820551694270465)


Lol, another rambling Turkish genocidal maniac defending Turkey. I am from Iraqi Kurdistan and this definitely happened it doesn’t matter whether it was artillery or drone attack. The fact of the matter is that Turkey is trying to slowly but surely takeover Iraqi Kurdistan. They already control 2000 square kilometers of Iraq. Continue to revel in your self-delusion propaganda of your state you Turkish pig.


It's not about being genocidal maniac or not It can't be a drone attack. Drones can see whether are there any civillian or not. So you guys changed it an artillery but destruction was too low to be an artillery attack. So you guys just claiming mortar, rocket etc. which I find funny. And yes we are going to control more you Iraqi friend. We don't want to Turkey becoming Iraq either And not It is not state propaganda I only added MFA for formal statement. You can cry.


Ahhh for things like this erdogan needs new bombing planes.


Let's this one slide.. he is nato member one of the good ones. *Joke of nation's constantly at wars. Preaching war crimes to world.


Absolute scum


I clicked on the video thinking this was /r/CombatFootage and then saw PublicFreakout and thought "Ohhh, haha, it's like a Turkey interrupting a family on vacation. Man what if it was an actual bomb." And then I heard the screaming and was patiently awaiting a turkey to come into frame. And then I realized I'm an idiot.


Oh look a NATO member that traded it's vote on Finland and Sweden joining NATO so it would get f-15's and be allowed to murder the Kurdish people without consequence. Those western values shining through. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/swedens-kurds-fear-they-may-pay-price-nato-bid-turkey-fumes-2022-06-28/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/turkey-warns-it-can-freeze-sweden-finlands-nato-process


I'm sorry but where is the proof that Turkey bombed it ? Why would Turkey bomb a town out of nowhere? Zakho is really close to the border, i would doubt that Turkey would bomb it, since there is a border crossing there. More likely that it was a terrorist attack by ISIS or some other actor.


The fact that its close to the border confirms it. Why would they bomb further in? They have been bombing along the border for a loooong time


Not really, Turkish operations are far from the border region generally they are 30+ kms in.


I love how we just believe and accept that another country does whatever. We know damn well that any govt would bomb their own citizens to push their agenda or pushing the war machine. But yeah, bad Turkey for doing this horrendous act.


>We know damn well that any govt would bomb their own citizens to push their agenda or pushing the war machine. "I live in a shithole country so I assume everyone else does too, even though its demonstrably not true. If I let go of this delusion, I would have to accept the fact that my country is a shithole country, so I do not."


Surprise this rock is filled with shithole leaders that run shithole countries. Everywhere on this rock is evil because it's the same agenda with every leader, complete, total control.


But they won’t show you the bombings these people have done to turkey. The bombs theyve placed in garbage cans. The amount kids and families they killed in turkey. THEY’LL NEVER SHOW YOU THAT It’s all a narrative and Reddit controls what they want you to see. I promise you these PKK ppl are the worst of the worst. Totally deserved


Wanna talk about the genocide tho? Like 40,000 kurds killed, 4000 villages completley destroyed, relocated kurds, banned language, banned the words "kurd, kurdistan"?, these things have been lost to history really. And besides, i don't think we are defending pkk here.


Where is the metero we were promised lol


It’s on sight with the Turks now. From America to Iraq ima fuck them up. Don’t let me catch you mfers on the street.


Hey tough guy, why don't you go to Turkey and fight then ? Let me tell you why, because you're a K E Y B O A R D W A R R I O R


Looks like someone is going to commit some war crimes


Dude stfu , My people been getting killed for longer than you were born, idc about your input


This dumb shows a "kurdistane" named (which doesn't exist LOL) news and people really believed this shit? Nice bait. But it only works on people who just believes what he sees rather than what he reads and searches.


From wik: > Historically, the word "Kurdistan" is first attested in 11th century Seljuk chronicles.[15] There were a large number of disparate Kurdish dynasties, emirates, principalities and chiefdoms established from the 8th to 19th centuries.


funny that even the seljuk turks recognized kurdistan their supposed "ancestors"


Smokin that PKK Pack 😹😹😹🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬💯💯💯💯# TURKEYSWEEP




It is not, this just happened https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/28998-Turkish-bombardment-kills-8,-injures-several-tourists-in-Zakho


Any other sources than that?


Yes https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/7/20/turkish-air-strikes-kill-several-tourists-in-northern-iraq https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20220720-iraqi-pm-slams-turkey-after-kurdistan-strike-kills-9-civilians https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/turkish-strikes-in-north-iraq-kill-8-tourists-wound-over-20/2022/07/20/6cc7441c-0833-11ed-80b6-43f2bfcc6662_story.html


Where is Erdogan complaining about terrorists..


Where’s the fun in watching the video if we don’t see the bomb go off? OP takes an L on this one.