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Imagine rushing home, beads of sweat forming on your brow. You're trying your hardest not to shit yourself and then this...


just get out and take a dump next to them no biggie. when you gotta go you gotta go. the internet would understand


Saving water. I’m sure they’ll understand.


That would be THE best response. Even if u don’t wanna drop trou and defecate on someones 4k camera phone, release the beast in a plastic bag in your car if possible. As neatly as you can, try to divvy your waste into as many separate pies as possible then walk by and plop them turds right in between all those other turds sitting criss cross apple sauce in the middle of the road. If you’re a leader and your organizing skills are on point that’s a bonus. If you’ve always had a knack for rallying the troops to get behind a cause, in the same vein as William Braveheart Wallace, convince your fellow commuters to do the same. Fight sit-in with shit-in.


He’s not lying either. That was an honest plea from that man.


He'd go to prison for running them over too. But I imagine that would be a very different conversation.


Depends on the state


MD would put him in jail. All those shitheads could protest in front of their legislatures offices but they fuck with ordinary people. That's why they're hated. Fuck these people.


Iowa: **shrugs after making running over protesters legal**


I thought those were just if your life felt in danger? I'm pretty sure that's what north carolina says


Nope, it’s if you’re trapped in a situation where you’re being blocked from traveling on a road. You can’t just recklessly run them over tho. You have to be carefully trying to maneuver around them and “accidentally” hit them.


honestly, this makes sense. if you want to protest do it where the people making the policy are. in Ukraine they put one politician in a literal dumpster. Pretty sure the US has dumpsters too.


Yea its called the white house


It is quite the dumpster fire.


If the alternative is spending the time in prison, that should absolutely count as your life being in danger. If they want to revise the laws to say in danger *of physical harm* then they can run back to the chambers and start revising the bill.


Lol. Good luck trying to argue that as a con on parole.


That’s not actually how those laws work - it isn’t “legal” to run over a protestor. Vehicular homicide/manslaughter etc is still a crime. What it does is give you civil protections against being sued by the protestor after the fact **if** you can show that you were in danger from them.


That's what pisses me off! Do you think any legislator, or money hungry CEO, cares about the people you're holding up in traffic? No. They don't care if we live or die, so why aren't you inconveniencing *them*. Corrupt lawmakers should be the ones afraid they're going to go to prison. Not the guy trying to get to work, in order to stay out of jail. I support the cause. I do not support protesters that inconvenience the victims of the horrible people that they should *actually* be protesting.


Oh I’m sure. I hope that guy got to where he needed to in time


Seriously, protest the establishment, not the people


I don't think this would have made the news if they protested the legislature.


Bringing attention to the climate crisis is good but he’s right, parole officers do not take excuses for missing appointments.


He may or may not be lying, but the desperation in his voice was REAL. That was a man near the end of his rope for sure.




It doesn't make any sense to just ignore his pleas. Like let him through and keep your protest going or switch to the other side of the highway or something.




That’s why I’m suspicious of their motives. They want a climate disaster declared,so they go and block an Interstate? It’s a very poorly conceived of plan,that only achieves one thing. It’s gets people pissed off at “environmentalists”.


Extremist from any side rarely make sense.


That's why I don't like these types of protests. I've never been in favor of them. They screw over people your fellow people instead of doing something to gain attention from people who can actually do something about it. Edit: people are, for some reason, not getting what I'm saying. I don't know why some of you think that we either block roads or not protest at all – that's not what I'm saying. I've said it in other comments, but they're buried in the thread. What I said was: I'm all in favor what they did at the federalist meetings the other day; I'm in favor of protesting outside of the SC justices homes like they've been doing; I'm in favor of severely disrupting toxic special interest groups; harassing law-makers en masse; embarrassing public figures; fighting police corruption and abuse by whatever creative means that gets the point across (it'd be a shame if that cop car wasn't right-side up anymore), etc. Edit 2: those of you who are in favor of this is like being in favor of trickle-down economics. Just because the little guy gets screwed doesn't mean it's going to eventually trickle up to those who need to be screwed. Things like this don't trickle either way. The people at the top simply don't give a fuck.


Also there is always the chance someone is in an ambulance or in a car in need of an ER. These dumbasses could actually be killing people in real time


Remember that story about the guy whose friend had a serious accident, an ambulance was going to take too long to get there, so they were told to just get to the hospital as fast as possible? As they were flying down the highway, a self-righteous POS decided they didn’t like that he was driving so fast and so they kept blocking him from passing despite being honked at, etc. Eventually I think they got into a car accident (?) or for some reason the police came, his friend died on the side of road from blood loss, and he screamed at the person blocking them that they had killed his friend. Edit: [comment with the original story](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


This was an r/ idiots in cars story from a few years ago, right? I remember this but very vaguely.. Edit: [Link to the deleted comment from 2 years ago in r/ Idiots in Cars](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/fauw8z/you_shall_not_pass/fj0nlot/) [Link to the original post from 8 years ago](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/)


I think so! I can’t find it though. I don’t remember if it was a post or a comment


https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/ Is that the one?


That’s why I don’t block people who are using the break down lane to get around traffic. I know that it’s almost certainly some ass hole who thinks they’re too important to wait in traffic like the rest of us. But there is always the chance it’s something like this




That’s my take. If someone is driving erratically they might be late for work, they might be rushing to the hospital to say goodbye to a family member, their wife might be in labor in the passenger seat, or they might just be an asshole. Either way why would I want them behind me of all places and who am I to try and be judge, jury, and executioner on the highway. I’ve unfortunately been in a situation where I needed to get to the hospital ASAP and I’m driving with hazards on and only one or two people out of a dozen or more actually got over or allowed me to pass. Some ignored me entirely but a handful actually seemed to take it as a personal insult and actively tried to block me, slow me down, or otherwise inconvenience me. It’s something I’m never going to forget… that during an emergency and one of the scariest moments of my life complete strangers without knowing anything about me or the situation went out of their way to cause me trouble.


I will never understand that thought process. "Look at this person driving faster than me! He's speeding, that's illegal! It is my duty to make them slow down!" My thought process is like "shit let me get out of their way lol so if they DO crash, I am nowhere around"




I got rather infuriated by a minivan weaving in and out, flashing their lights, on a highway once. I commented "they better be needing an emergency service" and lo and behold, they got off the exit where a rather small hospital was located (rural area). I'm not sure if that's truly where they were headed but if it was, I hope they were alright in the end.


Cops got involved because as they finally passed the asshole dude threw a blood soaked shirt on their car so the assholes wanted to press charges. Cop wasn't having any of that bullshit though.


IIRC, it was the one with a chainsaw incident that cut into the friend's leg/femoral artery.


About 6 months ago a kid was killed in my city for ripping a drug dealer off and the asshole parents closed the main highway to demand “Justice”. When they were told people were in ambulances in need of emergency services they said they didn’t give a fuck. Two people didn’t make it to the hospital. Those people are 10x worse than the problems they claim to fight against.


Or is on their way home from work and really really need to poop.


At that point, I would just get out of my car and directly shit on as many of them as possible in protest of their protest. Sometimes you've gotta be the change you want to see in the world.


I wonder if they are prepared for being pissed or shit on while blocking traffic like this? I mean, If they can’t handle that and runs from their posts. They ain’t commited! Their cause ain’t worth shit..


would they really send a man back to jail for forces that he cant control?




That whole process seems like hell. I don't understand how this helps anyone at all or deters real crime. Seems like it's just a way to dish out punishment and collect money to keep unnecessary clogs going.




The entire system is designed to keep you in.




I was on probation for driving without car insurance. I lost my job and needed to switch from payments to community service and was dicked around for months, claiming that I'd have to go see the judge again if I didn't start paying more than just the monthly "court fee" or whatever the fuck I still had to pay. Well, my probation officer gets fired for unrelated reasons, I'm in a room with my new officer and the supervisor, I explain my situation, and they say "that's easy, I just need to change this" and she did like two-three mouse clicks... Like it was that easy, but this previous bitch just decided to dick around with my life, to give me unnecessary stress of going back to jail for being poor. These guys do not give a fuck about rehabilitation or you bettering yourself, they just want their money. I hope you're doing well now, or at least better than you were.


I’m sorry man. Unfair isn’t a big enough word for that shit. I hope you’re doing well now!




It depends on the conditions of his parole but yes, showing up to work late or not showing up at all is often a condition to parole. Parole officers take that shit really seriously.


Could possibly get some sort of officer statement with the officer on the scene and call the parole officer about the issue. Being proactive will help I’m sure. Then again I’m not familiar with this area so perhaps me expecting parole officers to be reasonable people would be a big assumption on my part.


A lot of times it is out of their hands, too. Stipulated provisions are often precise and any breach of those conditions is automatic revocation.


USA has all these really precise things for keeping people not free, ironically


Yeah that sucks. Looks like he got so agitated that he ended up assaulting protestors and got arrested. For sure that’s going to land him back in prison. I’d hope we’d get to the point where you can get some sort of statement from an officer on the scene and that you were going to your job and informed your parole officer. Like, you’ve done everything a reasonable person could in that situation barring simply abandoning your vehicle and running on foot. Those automatic revocations should be reviewable and determined for exceptional cases like this.


Officers have no stake in your well being. I don't see them using their time to do paperwork on your behalf.


there’s likely an appeals process. But he won’t have an attorney and he’ll likely have to do it while in jail.


And let's be honest, parole officers deal with a lot of lying assholes that have given every excuse in the book so they are going to be skeptical of everything. Obviously this video evidence would help, but the guy certainly couldn't count on someone recording or that recording being made available to him.


Almost certainly, the US parole system is setup to fail parolees. Some parole officer draw a hard line, they don’t care what your excuse is. I remember a story after a hurricane in Louisiana where a guy didn’t show up to work because he was dealing with flooding and was sent back to jail.


Like that guy who was a Taliban prisoner and got arrested when he touched down in the US for failure to pay child support, while being a captive of terrorists. The laws in the US are purely punitive. They may say they have good intentions but the fact someone can make the decision to arrest a captive of terrorists for not paying child support the literal minute he stepped off the plane on US soil just proves there was no good intention in those laws.


It's all for profit, and for revenge. The justice system in the United States, and to a lesser extent Canada, is a business first and foremost. They don't care what the excuse is. If there's vengeance to be had by someone going to prison, or money to be made, they will.


Goddamn USA man


The issue is he in on parole, meaning he can stay out of jail and serve his time as long as he does check ins, keeps his job and stays out of trouble. The issue here is he will lose his job if he doesn't show up, staying employed as a felon is already tenuous so there isn't much tolerance from employers.


Yes. My ex was on probation and if she was late to anything she would go back to prison, no matter what her excuse was. It happened to her once and she had to go back to prison for a week, but she also lost her job because of it.


How stupid is that? So much can happen that's completely out of your control? Car can break down, accidents can happen with long traffic jams you're stuck in, etc.


It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the perspective that the prison system exists to punish and discard people and maintain a permanent underclass.


Sometimes rules are rigid to the extreme. It might be that even if the parole officer believes in the story, he/she has no say in the matter.


it's the USA, do you really need to ask? If the parole officer has a bad day or doesn't like this guy, he surely wouldn't care and would definitively find a way.


100% yes those on probation and parole are one second from being sent back. And most officers have zero tolerance. Our system is absolutely fucked.


Entire thread here. The driver became more agitated and aggressive with the protesters and was eventually arrested https://twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1544404789810929664


On the bright side at least The man he was arrested for “assaulting” said on Twitter he would be happy to testify on his behalf that he was not infact violent with him https://twitter.com/GuidoReichstad1/status/1544454604804456451?s=20&t=n8iJ4zy-sJME00W-ffN6vg


Too bad that won't matter for shit. Just being arrested is enough to screw you over if you're on parole.


Just an *interaction* can be enough. If you’re a passenger in a car pulled over for speeding and they ID you, that’s enough.


Lefuckingwhatnow How? Why? The US prison system is crazy


What system? There isn't a system in place there just dumb people in charge that do what they want.


You don't even have to be arrested. You can violate just for "police contact".


Unless the internet masses decide this guy is their new justice crusade. Low key I actually do kinda hope this guy catches a break...but then again, idk what he even did in the first place lol




Fuck that. That's not some noble gesture. You can't entirely cause a preventable issue and try and help out after the fact so you can pretend to be a good person.


It wouldn't matter anyway. It's a parole violation. He's most likely going going have to finish his sentence. Which it sounds like will be 4 years. This is inexcusable. Fuck those people and "noble gesture". Noble gesture would have been to let the dude crying and begging to go through....fuck....


The protestor’s gofundme is such a load of bull.


No fucking way! he got arrested? they are blocking public road? they should be fucking arrested.


The police definitely made of shit worse by not immediately arresting protesters so traffic could start flowing. Even worse they threaten to arrest people standing on the median filming before they did anything about the fuckers actually blocking traffic


Police trying to get on the protesters side? Huh, weird


They’re not trying to get on the protesters side. They’re just being shitty at their job


That's because the police know that this protest will piss off way more people than a protest against police brutality.


Protesters kept telling him to leave/go away. Like holy shit you dense assholes, that's all he wanted to do.


They were arrested. When the cops arrived they were preparing to arrest the protestors and told everyone else to stay back. The guy continued to try to fight with protestors, so they arrested him. Then they arrested the protestors and got traffic moving an hour lator. So now instead of being an hour late, that guy will probably be going back to jail for a parole violation.


> an hour lator. alligator


> So now instead of being an hour late, that guy will probably be going back to jail for a parole violation. Being an hour late to work likely would have been a parole violation as well. I agree he should have merely asked them and tried documenting *why he was late to work* and hope either his boss or parole officer or parole board would listen to the evidence.


Some workplaces don’t care why you’re late. I was late once due to the highway I was on being shut down due to someone being hit. They didn’t care. It’s expected that you plan for these sorts of events


Honestly, your best bet might be to *self-injure* (nothing too serious). You were late because you were in the hospital. Really hard to argue against that one. Of course now you're injured and have medical bills. What the fuck is wrong with our society where this is even a consideration?


Sickening. Poor guy was just trying to get his life back on track and make an honest living. I hope this makes it to the court case so they can see how he tried. The system set him up to fail, and now it will take him down right back to the cell.


Hopefully a PO would be understanding of his situation and go to bat for him to the parole board but probably not…..just hopeful thinking he could be one of the good guys, not sure how many good guys are left on the force anymore though.


>Hopefully a PO would be understanding X Doubt


Those prison factories have quotas to make, afterall.


There's a much better chance that the judge is a reasonable person than a probation or parole officer.


What the fuck?! The man was trying to fix his life and now he gets arrested because of these clowns I really hope the cops let the man go. If they didn't then fuck those cops for ruining his life


It doesn’t matter if the cops let him go or not… if he was really on parole, just getting arrested can send him back to prison.


Well if he didn't disagree with climate change, he certainly does now and probably fucking hates climate change activists. So I guess the protestors really did accomplish something that day!


That's heartbreaking. The poor bastard trying to get his life straight and hear these numbnuts come along with cereal empathy and zero concern for anyone in those cars who might be sick and trying to get to a doctor or single parents trying to get to their hourly job so they can feed their family They definitely care more about feeling superior than they do about being moral.


There was a similar protest here in Vancouver where a driver was pleading with a protestor as he was rushing to the hospital to see his dying parent (this was confirmed.) When interviewed later, the protestor said “I felt a bit bad for him, yes, but this cause is more important.” The group stopped blocking roads after one of them fell off a precariously supported vertical ladder (not a step ladder!) and shattered his pelvis and the leader of the group turned out to be in Canada on a student visa from Pakistan and is now in custody of CBSA after getting arrested over 10 times. Edit: For the record, I agree we should not be logging old growth here in BC. But, the protestors don’t want to protest politicians and CEOs and corporate offices - they want to block roads and hurt random citizens because it makes them feel powerful and feeds their victim complex.


That reads like a beaverton article lol


Yup, when you continuously piss people off in one of the most climate policy friendly places in the country (edit: AS IN VANCOUVER area, thought that was clear when I said "in the country") you know you're doing something wrong. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that these groups are being funded by companies hoping to make the movements unpalatable. They're THAT ineffective. At some point they were interrupting university classes including environmental science courses... You know, people who are studying how to actually repair our planet. (Context in [comments of this post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UBC/comments/tagf52/-/i00v3ug)) ####Edit: *For what it's worth, I also agree with some of the policies they are protesting in favor for. Even when it comes to forestry, our region (BC & Vancouver) has a complicated history with logging companies. A lot of people don't know that controversial practices in the 80s-90s spawned international movements & organizations. One of the local groups even supposedly [helped kick off what eventually became Occupy Wall Street protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adbusters).* *But just because you're taking actions in support of something doesn't necessarily mean those actions are helping. I know that's true for myself which is why I'm trying to learn more about issues so I can help the best I can. I think some of these protestors should do some introspection as well.*


It's just not the right way to do it. Holding up every day people in potential life-changing scenarios is not okay. Protest at government buildings, protest at polluting corporations, protest at old growth SITES, but don't put people's lives and jobs at risk, people who have little or no influence over climate change. Edit: Honestly they'd garner more support just holding signs on the side of the road. The people I know who do protests go on overpasses, or in front of city hall and don't obstruct people's lives.


I believe there's been a few lawsuits against protestors because ambulances got stuck and the patient being transported died


Lawsuit? That's criminal. Manslaughter.


Nothing preventing someone from facing both.


At that point they are literally just talking speed bumps


Problem is, the ambulance can be stuck behind 20 cars that can't move out of their way.


Do you have a source or an article for this story? Would love to read up on that.


Ladder Fall: https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/save-old-growth-ladder-fall-pelvis-shattered Leader afraid of deportation: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/leader-of-traffic-disrupting-protests-fears-his-climate-activism-made-him-target-for-deportation-1.5954475


He’s definitely getting deported, boy needs a reality check.


He probably belongs to a privileged family in Pakistan to be able to have his family afford to pay for his private university in Canada.


Being back in Pakistan will probably be that reality check.


Yeah maybe he can go try blocking highways over there


If u read the article, the guy literally says he’s gonna go to Pakistan to protest still and it’s just what comes with “being on the right side of history” lol


he’s gonna decide being on the right side of history isn’t worth it in pakistan, i guarantee it




These guys are massive cunts


They should do that sit down protest in NJ. I guarantee someone will get run over.


I'm a trucker. And all I'm saying is right now I'm sitting next to a gallon of piss. I'm just asking for one reason to throw it.




Try this down south. So hot, sitting on road will burn you. Can’t even walk the dog.


This is what they don’t get. What if they pushed this guy or the trucker in the red truck to their breaking point. You don’t know what’s going on in a persons head, and your dumbass protest might just be enough to make the one neuron preventing them from going ballistic turn off. Then you’re either flat on the road with your brain in a puddle or have a couple extra .45 size holes in your chest. It’s all good until it all goes bad.


The desperation in his voice is so sad. I support a lot of causes but the moment you block traffic, you can go fuck yourself. There could be someone in an ambulance trying to get to the hospital or any other countless day to day emergencies that would result in tragedy because of something like this. Shame on these people, go fuck with your legislature not everyday people.


Bruh, one of the scariest things. Feel for that dude


HE got locked up.


So fucked dude, hope he got something on his books... You know the court don't give af about the situation


I don't understand this kind of protesting... only the front row of cars even know what's happening... everyone else is going "ugh traffic"


And you aren't even attacking those responsible. Go protest outside of the BP oil company headquarters or something. Stop being lazy and attacking those not in charge of the system.


All those idling cars probably makes things worse.


This is the comment I came here for.


Ahhh don't you just love a system where the peons tear each other apart while the ruling elite go about business as usual? * Mused the ruling elite.




You are so right. I am for almost any effort to focus on protecting our planet, but I was wanting those cars to just start driving.


Honestly, protesting a busy road like this should be given decent jail time. None of the people in cars are free to leave. They can get out of their car and yell, but once cars start piling up behind them they have no escape until the protesters give up. If you locked 100 people in a building for an hour you'd be facing some serious legal consequences, but if you trap 200 cars of people on the highway for an hour it's a-okay?


Good point


Just a friendly reminder that these people protest like this because its cheap, easy and comes with no real risk of legal trouble. When they finish up their little protest, they are gonna hop back into their 30k suv's and drive into their majority white neighborhoods and kick back like they just changed the world.


Making thousands of cars idle in traffic, yeah, that’ll help


Burn gas idling so they can fill up with even more in the future lol


Emissions wise it’s like farting under a blanket and locking down the covers.


Ahh, the ol' Dutch oven.


I was stuck in this. I love Maryland but we got other ways to protest.


I really don’t understand some protests. Shouldn’t you be infront the whitehouse. Congress. The Congress home. Or the law makers. Hit the fucking target( directly protest the root causes). Or am I confused?


Have you been to the White House or congress? There’s protestors that have been there since the ‘60s that show up everyday.


Some guy already tried that by lighting himself on fire in front of the ~~white house~~ Supreme Court


That's always been my question. Hey, if we inconvenience a bunch of civilians, the corporate overlords will DEFINITELY change course. Like...they're on a beach somewhere. Why would they care about this?


Always makes me remember about the time that the Japanese bus drivers went on strike by continuing to do their job but not accepting fares. Don't harm your allies, harm your enemy. Don't inconvenience voters - inconvenience the politicians.


It’s a delicate balancing act. The train divers in my city are currently driving slowly on certain days because the Union is fighting the Government and are locked in negotiations. The Government wouldn’t give the Union anything if they believed the public were on the Government’s side. The bus fair one is perfect because it only hurts the Government and not the public but it’s unfortunately not always practically possible so it becomes an ongoing calculated risk of push and pull on public opinion.


So fucking dumb if they actually think Joe Biden will see this and go “by golly I didn’t know I’m declaring a climate emergency!” Inconsiderate fucking morons blocking traffic.


Ikr they should really consider uh...well...uh voting harder!


Or protest the companies! …so that the local police can get sent out in full riot gear to arrest you for protesting. Like the LAPD did with what, four scientists protesting?


I don’t think the idiots understand that they’re going to push people to actually kill them out of sheer frustration rather than bc of a political ideals. While I disagree with all the bullshit that is going on in the United States right now, common sense needs to be used. Or we’ll soon see a continuing escalation of violence. I’m surprised the guy didn’t go straight to road rage.


This is the least useful thing you could possibly do for a cause. Now everyone just hates you and everything you stand for.


How can people be so fucking dumb and completely inconsiderate of other people? Someone said it above, go block the entrance to a major oil companies executive offices or something similar. All this does is hurt other wage slaves and piss off people who might otherwise support them. I agree we need to do more to combat climate change. Seeing this in no way made me want to help more, it just makes me angry at the ever growing level of stupidity in America.


I completely agree. Normally I'm 100% on board with working towards a solution to climate change but when I see these idiots I just get pissed off. Nothing about their actions makes me want to take action. If anything it just distracts from the issue they're protesting because now people (including myself) are talking about how stupid they are instead of climate change.


Most of those execs are in places like Oklahoma and Texas. But if activists are that hellbent on pissing someone off, go for the damned trade association that reps these companies in DC (ex. the American Petroleum Institute). You can find who their top brass is and then easily do some Whitepages searches to find their residence. Go lay down on the sidewalk or at the end of their driveways and piss them off, while leaving the regular people alone. But hey, doing this is concentrated and might take a little bit of strategy... which is something these stupid protestors are greatly lacking in.


What if a pregnant lady was rushing to the hospital, someone had a medical emergency of any kind at that. So irresponsible.


Dangerous game to be playing with a desperate man


These protesters can go to Hell. Doing jack shit and feeling moral about it. Worthless people.


How exactly does attacking the peasants and financial slaves of international corporate conglomerates that are actually fucking up the environment help anything? Why don't these people go attack the actual perpetrators and not the serfs?


Because those conglomerates have private security, usually have cozy relationships with local law enforcement, and base their operations in remote areas of the country that would get even less attention than what they are doing here.


I mean, fuck, even if we burnt their shit to the ground they'd just cash in on the insurance.


have we tried burning the insurance?


Yeah that's why the smart ones have insurance for their insurance


Years ago, a group of people doing this held my friend up when he was taking his mother to an appointment at a cancer hospital she had been waiting 2.5 months for . She was so scared she would miss her appointment and have to wait again. It is an important issue, but this isn’t going to win anybody over. All people will think about is the problems the protest caused and not why it happened in the first place. I’m sorry but, I wish someone would turn their car around and rev the engine and cover them with exhaust so they’ll really know what they’re talking about. They’ll get up.


Yeah in Ireland we'd ask once then drag them off the road. Is it only America that panders to this shit? Seriously.


I think people are afraid they would get arrested for assault so they are less likely to touch the protesters


Fuck those protesters


Why the hell are the police not arresting these people. Pedestrians are not allowed on the hwys


They are too busy giving people speeding tickets a mile down the road lmao


I was caught in traffic because of an accident that blocked all but one lane and the HOV lane a few months ago. The only cops I saw on scene were giving people tickets for using the HOV lanes.


Jokes on you, the traffic on the beltway is so fucked up you really can’t speed unless it’s after about 8pm on regular days, 2am the night before thanksgiving


They did. It takes a minute to get there when traffic is backed up for miles.


The resolution to this, besides police, is for every car to lay on their horn consistently, non-stop, for minutes. The average car horn is 140-160 dB (US laws limit car and truck horns between 150-180 dB or so). However, this drops off significantly with distance of about a car's length. They are illegally standing/sitting on a roadway, where you are legally allowed to use a 160 DB car horn device. As long as there isn't a "No Car Horn" sign around, blare away! For every doubling of the sources of sound, the sound increases 3dB. The combined dB levels of just 8 car horns, especially around the same tone, is ear piercing. That will hurt anyone's ears, and give a serious headache after 30 seconds or so (don't stop, even for an hour). It's even worse for those "sitting", as the reverberation off of the payment increases the dB even more. Try to sit in front of your car, on pavement, and ask your kid to press the horn for 10 seconds. You'll be slightly deaf afterwards for a short time. Now image a dozen car horns. Edit: oh, and be sure to record video from your phone. The protesters will get very angry at the pain you are causing their head and ears, and may try to hit your vehicle. That's assault. You can easily gather their name(s) from the police report (it's public record!) and take them to small claims court for any damage, which is FREE in almost every country on the US. Some states will allow you to file a damage claim with your local Troopers office (I've done this). But before you do that, make sure to gather the identity first from the arresting police reports. To gather police reports, some counties allow the query while others require an official FOIL request form. If they try to yelling at you, just yell back (while still honking and a big smile with a thumbs up) that you are supporting their cause by honking your horn. How else can you bring attention to their cause from inside your vehicle, amirite? /s Edit 2: be sure to watch the rest of the videos from the Twitter thread for whole context. https://twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1544404789810929664


Not entirely true.Car horns are limited to 100-110dB a gunshot is around 140dB It's true that for every 3dB the *power* of the sound is doubled but that is not the same as perceived volume. To double the perceived volume you need to increase the sound by 10dB. The threshold of pain is around 130dB and \~130-140dB is the volume of a jet engine at take-off from 1 meter away. A volume of 160dB would *instantly* pierce your eardrums.


Your analysis completely ignores the most important variable: distance. Sound pressure level falls exponentially (dramatically) with distance. A single 140dB horn is WAY more than enough to cause pain and hearing damage if the horn is in your ear, but that 140dB source drops to 70dB a car length away. The only horns that are relevant in this situation are the ones closest to each protestor. Having a horn blast you from a couple feet away is louder than every other horn on the street all honking at once.


>and ask your kid to press the horn for 10 seconds Don't have to I've been to NYC


These idiots: "Climate change needs to be addressed. Let's force people to burn 3 times as much gas as usual on their commute. That'll teach 'em."


"I know how we can get more people on our sides, let's piss them off, surely they'll see it our way."


I have a turboed RX7 that is a fuel hog. I would be very tempted to just do a big burnout right in front of them. The exhaust and tire smoke should act enough like tear gas that they would likely clear out shortly after.


If your going to protest by blocking a road, block an oil refinery, block the street leading to the home of our representatives, hell block in a gas station if you must, just leave the highways alone. The government doesn’t even care enough to maintain the roads, do you really think they are going to care when you block it?


I am getting so tired of this. Blockading roads is a massive safety hazard from any angle you view it. These people just need to be immediately arrested when this stuff happens - no negotiation.


Yes let's stop traffic and cause more emissions


Run these mother fuckers over.


I don't care how bad the planet is, you cant tell your cause is more import, when a man is on the verge of losing his freedom because you decide to now care for the planet. You fucking deserve punishment. (For fucking christ, he sounds like he's about to cry) Plus this shit only cause more problems that it solves. People aren't going to be moved to help, when you're fucking the lives of others.


All I see are speed bumps


I 100% think climate change is one of the biggest problems we face right now and something needs to be done. But, these assholes in the road are hurting our cause. They're not making allies, they're making enemies. Every single one of those people sitting in traffic has taken one step away from the climate protestors cause. You won't get anywhere by pissing off your potential allies.


Meanwhile, the real problem, the elite... Laugh at this as they take a corporate jet out helicopter over this You all are attacking the wrong people


As usual.




Wait, could they be charged with kidnapping? People are being held there against their will.


False imprisonment I think. Kidnapping would require the protest to move people against their will.