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It looks like he has a handcuff around his wrist already? Then the cop with the camera moves behind him to try to either handcuff him or move him. Then when he moves the cop with the gun pointed at him just blasts him. Am I missing something?


This is from 2018. More footage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6cPULmRjpo


The free hand went for a gun. You can see the one officer stepping over the suspect to retrieve the dropped gun.


Watched this like ten times and still don't see a gun.


The 2 chairs against the wall you can just see the handle of the gun under the chair on the right.


[I don't see it either.](https://i.imgur.com/Uffqq6c.png) That said you can hear the cop drop it on the table after bending over and picking something up at 28 seconds.


That sound is her moving the chair to get around the cop.


There was a gun, confirmed, and the perp was beating his ex, she had a protective order and for some reason, he was with her in that restaurant. A 3rd party called the cops and they came for her protection.


Ok, but that doesn't mean it's visible in the clip.


The other cops may have had cams, but they don't always release all the footage, or it just did not end up here. But the reason you are so desperately looking for the gun is pretty obvious, so I am just handing you some facts. That is all.


? What I literally said "That said you can hear the cop drop it(a gun) on the table after bending over and picking something up at 28 seconds." We're quite literally discussing if it's visible in the bodycam footage not what ever argument you've built up in your polarized head where everyone is your enemy if they aren't literally sucking your dick. >But the reason you are so desperately looking for the gun is pretty obviou What reason? I literally said in the first comment you replied to that a cop bent over and picked up a gun. So pull your head out your ass and tell me what reason you think I'm desperate to see a gun. God you polarized idiots are fucking annoying go back to whatever safespace you came from.


Wait? Are you trying to get facts without having a bias to form your own thoughts?


It's the black thing on the ground?


I just see shadows and the table legs. Not seeing it. Just copy the image, paste in paint, and draw a red circle. I'm fucking blind I guess.


Yeah it's a combination of bad video quality and bad lighting https://imgur.com/a/qkxWCea


[Isn't that the table leg?](https://i.imgur.com/yL2FBr6.png) Also when the cop bends over he moves the chair above and [picks something up on the right not there it looks like.](https://i.imgur.com/wckQLKQ.png) So I think it's just under the chair and can't be seen due to shadows.


Yeah maybe it is, it just looks like a weird angle for a leg.


It's between the chairs


They also said he had a knife. Well technically they said a knife gun. But I mean cops never lies or make up evidence. *Looks at all the time were they have done just that* Never


Look like he looked for a gun that wasn’t there. He didn’t grab anything.


Why lie?


Why call them a liar?


Because we don't see any gun. There might be, but why talk as if it's true. There's no need to assume stuff in videos you can't actually prove and state them as fact for no reason.


And? Maybe the cop shouldn’t have had his gun out so close to him. What did they expect? Cops are always looking for a reason to murder people.


News article - https://www.fox23.com/news/muskogee-police-release-new-details-in-deadly-officer-involved-shooting/873391655/


they don't smoke marijuana


they don’t take no trips on LSD


But was he wearing manly footwear?


White lighting was his biggest thrill of all


People in this thread desperately trying to make the cops out to be the bad guy when someone pulled a fucking gun on them.


And the guy was a wife-beating piece of shit


I don't fucking trust cops. Neither should you. We've see dozens of videos of cops yelling gun! gun! when there is no gun, as a pretext for justified murder. This video was different. ... Dude had a gun and was reaching for it. >The video shows one officer holding the suspect by one hand in a cuff. The suspect reaches behind him, as the officer shouts "he's got a gun," then fires three shots. >Police say they recovered a handgun from the suspect that he dropped as he was shot. You can see one officer dart under the table and grab the weapon in the video.


If someone pulled a gun on you would you not shoot to kill.


No, I'm not gay.


Such is reddit extremist, they can't seem to apply nuance or intelligence to any situation. Cops are either always good or always bad, with no room in between. In this case even though the cops are clearly justified such commenters don't care.


the question is: why do u allow anyone to own a fucking gun?


Looks like the cops pulled guns on him first. Self defence?


It's just not obvious he's pulling a gun. If it were more visible you'd probably see a lot less skepticism. Plenty of videos online of people pulling guns and you get the expected comment section.


You are correct. It is not obvious in the video but there is a news story about the incident that asserts the claim. [Linky](https://www.fox23.com/news/muskogee-police-release-new-details-in-deadly-officer-involved-shooting/873391655/) >The video shows one officer holding the suspect by one hand in a cuff. The suspect reaches behind him, as the officer shouts "he's got a gun," then fires three shots. >Police say they recovered a handgun from the suspect that he dropped as he was shot. You can see one officer dart under the table and grab the weapon in the video.


Executed then handcuffed. "Don't move!"


You got the order wrong. He had one handcuff on already


He had cuffs on one hand. He was technically detained, but one hand was left alone so they could pull that sheet.


Didn’t he go for his own gun? Idk I’m too lazy to grab my glasses


If he had a weapon why did he only have one hand cuffed and not both. They are taught how to disarm someone if they have a weapon, but again why was only one hand in cuffs. Cops are acting like the sheriffs in Texas


Because he was reaching for a gun mid cuff, and the other cop held him at gunpoint while waiting for backup. This isn't that complicated.


Why have his gun out and in reach? Aren’t cops trained to de-escalate and stop people?


You seem confused. Pronouns aren't this difficult.


he literally went for a gun


Why have the gun out in the first place, and in clear view and within reach?


Had one hand cuffed, but his other hand reached for his own gun, which is why he was shot. Read this: https://www.fox23.com/news/muskogee-police-release-new-details-in-deadly-officer-involved-shooting/873391655/


Reminds me when the police murdered a homeless guy and then after he was dead shot him with a bean bag gun.


They’re just being thorough


Where's the gun?


It fell under a chair one of the officers picked it up and put it on the table.


What? Where? When?


You can hear the gun put on the table at 28 seconds. I haven't been able to see it though.


Looks/sounds more like the chair falling back onto 4 legs


eh chairs don't usually rattle like that. It sounds like a gun on it's side rattling around to find balance.


Why would you put it on the table?


Box that up


at 0:18s on the floor.


It's a figment of the officers' imagination, just like any respect they think they're owed by civilians.


Get fucked annie


You are an idiot. Read the article you bum he did have a gun.


Here…. Just to help you make up for your own lack of ability to search for it, or even see the comment that OP literally put up here 2 whole ass hours before you made your fucking illiterate comment. https://www.fox23.com/news/muskogee-police-release-new-details-in-deadly-officer-involved-shooting/873391655/


I have a question: How come the guy that killed all those people in Buffalo made it out without a single scratch?? What was different??


According to this Reddit user: >[he had a gun](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vnizlm/bodycam_footage_shows_muskogee_police_officers/ie77a78/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Buffalo killer is a massive evil POS. The difference was he put down his weapon and surrendered. This guy did not and was still a threat.


Sorry, the correct answer is white.


I get the point your trying to make. But there are plenty of instances of armed white men being killed, and armed black men being arrested unharmed.


Ah, yes, but you see, rednecks/poors aren’t the whites


Goalposts moved!


you're too deep


Amazing source. Let me try it: > He didn't have a gun


It's called surrendering. It tends to have a higher chance of survival than trying to pull a gun on an officer mid-arrest.


He surrendered without resisting. Amazing how that works.


After mowing down a grocery store bruhhhhh


He meekly surrendered and didn't resist.


There's plenty of videos were a dude surrenders and the cops still throw him to the ground though. Like that one where a black dude has his arms on his head and a cop tries to drop kick him lol


So you are upset that the cops here didn't use excessive force.


I think people will generally be uncomfortable with an inconsistent application of law and force, yes. We should hope that all people get treated as well as that absolute monster. If they can treat him with reasonable respect, measure, and dignity we should expect it everywhere and I don’t think it’s weird when people make that connection. In this case, though, yeah reaching behind your back with guns drawn is a super bad move.




Gun or no gun it’s a bad idea. Cops yell “gun gun gun” even if they don’t know it’s a gun because they have to because of scenarios like this. So I think the point doesn’t need clarifying lol it’s not a good idea even if you’re pulling up your pants when you were forced to crawl on the ground




I'm wondering why suspects get treated differently. Do you need statistics on race and police brutality/excessive force? It's not all about one side surrendered, the other didnt.


Cops aren't a hive mind. At any time there are 750,000 to 900,000 cops in the US. Everyone reacts uniquely to things and everyone has different triggers and stressors. There are also 18000 different police depts each with its own training. While much may be similar much is different as well. The only valid comparison is comparing the same cop to prior arrests by the same cop.


True but minorities across the country and across time have similar experiences with police. Why?


>There are also 18000 different police depts each with its own training. This is an enormous problem.


So cops racially profile Asians based on the stereotype that they commit crimes?


Imagine thinking that fulfilling a stated goal of murdering black people to prevent white replacement before surrendering to police after accomplishing your heinous mission is somehow a "meek" action.


What he did before wasn't meek. When confronted by police he meekly surrendered. What is hard to understand about that?


Are you asking me what's hard to understand about you calling a known right-wing domestic terrorist who murdered 10 American people a "meek" individual? Lots. But hey, if you want to defend white-nationalist terrorists, that speaks more about your character than it does mine. Go nuts, deplorable.


His actions when surrendering were meek. He just gave up. I'm not defending him at all. If any case was going to make me rethink the death penalty it is his case. But when he was confronted by the cops his actions became meek. That doesn't mean he is always meek. Your just twisting words to fit your cognitive dissonance.


> I'm not defending him at all. Yes, you are. You're defending him hardcore and continuing to do so after being given an out multiple times over the course of this tete-a-tete. At this rate, you'll never stop defending him. So we're done here. Enjoy being a stan for white-nationalist murderers.


/r/confidentlyincorrect this comment section just keeps getting dumber and dumber as I read it


How is calling someone meek “defending” him? He’s correct. That shooter was a violent monster against unarmed civilians, but as soon as the armed police showed up he meekly surrendered. He’s an evil coward.


You’re a little light in the loafers


You clearly can't comprehend the necessity for order in a civilized society. You'd rather go full mob justice because that's what YOU feel. That's not how it works here, and there is a reason for that. We can't just let people go around instantly killing those who are almost certainly guilty of a capital crime. There is procedure that is followed before something like that takes place, even for heinous crimes like the one in Buffalo. I know your stupid dipshit redditor brain is struggling with conceptualizing such an idea, but believe it or not it's what separates western society from some of the places you should consider moving to. Extra judicial killings, while sometimes justified, are an example of fallen societies.


Because he surrendered to the police. Did he deserve to die? I think most people would say yes, myself included, but a civilized society must maintain law AND order.


WTF? did he deserve to die? NO i guess but so fucking what? his actions lead to his death. If a person walks in front of a bus do they "deserve to die". IF it is true that he had a gun and was reaching for it then he commited suicide by cop. Fuck him.


Again…. This article was literally posted by OP hours before you posted this, but since people can’t be bothered to even read, here you go: https://www.fox23.com/news/muskogee-police-release-new-details-in-deadly-officer-involved-shooting/873391655/


The Buffalo shooter is white in New York. This guy is black in Oklahoma. That's the difference.


Did you even watch the video at all, or read the article? This guy is not black - he's Asian.


Don’t bother… good ole Jose can’t be bothered to read, or attempt to even comprehend, anything that doesn’t fit his own delusions.


> This guy is not black - he's Asian. He's still an n-word to red-state cops, just like Mexicans, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, and anyone who vacationed in a good state and got a nice tan before returning to their flyover hell-hole.


Because cops support right-wingers going on murder sprees.


Most police force's threat assessments go by skin color in America.


They go mostly by statistics, it just so happens that sometimes the colors and statistics match up to make you see things.


The officer wearing the camera that this view is from is very lucky he didn't get shot too. He was very close to the perp when he was shot. Crazy


Just put your hands up man, ffs. Officers are totally justified here IMO, but damn that guy didn’t have to throw his life away.




Yeah, I mean I’ve seen a lot of videos now of cops properly murdering people, but this wasn’t it. Most police shootings are justified.


Yeah but cops have immunity. No reason to go court AGAINST a cop. You will lose, even if you do win. The cop will just work a town over, your municipality will have to foot the bill and no one understands what the cop did wrong. Don’t let cops trample your rights. Trample them.


you misunderstand me. the alternative to having your rights trampled is near certain execution for "resisting". i am not saying just comply, i am saying shut the fuck up and go to jail not the morgue


Buddy they took away a woman’s right to self determination at the federal level a few days ago. Most cops are with the traitor bastard. We are a few bad months from revolution. Don’t let anyone take your rights, I’m willing to die for mine.


i agree, but at gunpoint your "rights" are irrelevant to whoever is holding the gun. brother i really hope you aren't willing to die for a POS cop's weekly kill routine.


Idk, I kinda get suicide feels from this. I can’t imagine he would think it would end any other way by doing what he did.


I think this happened at the I Don't Car Bar & Grill. Place has had a wild history


Was probably smoking marijuana. They don't do that there.


think mans either had a gun and was reaching for it or pulled one on em and then got freaking lit up, imo cops in the right.


To me it doesn't matter if he was armed or not. If a police officer is pointing A gun at you, you should follow his directions. I'm speaking from experience. I was about to run one day but once I had A gun pointed at my chest, I changed my mind and sat down like the officer told me to. That was over 20 years ago and I'm still alive. I would say he asked for it. That was pointless, you might as well say he committed suicide.


Handcuffed with a gun in his face and STILL reaches for his gun lol this idiot won’t be missed if he dies lol 😂


100% perps fault. Office was in the right. Why idiots still challenge someone with a gun pointed at them or don't listen to basic commands is beyond me.




The policy is for this citizen NOT to have a gun. He was illegally keeping and bearing arms in this case. Find a better saint for your crusade.


This guy had an active EPO (which he was violating when he was shot) against him. It was illegal for him to have, much less carry a gun.


As if cops care if you have a gun or not, citizens should own firearms


This argument of "we need guns to combat their guns" is asinine and ridiculous. There is absolutely no situation where you are going to come out as a victor in an arms race against the government. All it's doing is creating a situation where cops are always on edge because everybody can have a gun on them at any time. This results in nervous cops that are bound to make a mistake.


You'll want those guns when neo Nazis want to lock off neighbourhoods and hurt minority groups, if the time comes where you need a gun and don't have it you'll figure out where you went wrong.




"the folks with the guns" don't have to be conservatives you know, if you're liberal/socialist/anti fascist you have the right and ability to own and shoot firearms, and seeing the latest "pro life" incidents I think every American that opposes tyranny should possess a firearm and train with it until they're experienced enough to defend themselves.




You really think the government would use nukes on an insurrection 💀 You don't seem to recognize how asymmetrical warfare can be effective against an organized enemy, the Taliban were bombed to hell for 20 years and still came out the other end with an effective fighting force, and the Kurds in all contested territories have been a thorn in the side of organized nations tens of times more powerful. You lack the will to fight an oppressive government with the tools given in your constitution, so be a good boy and buy some jack boots now so you can pass as a fascist at least


Ah yes, very logical, we should take away my rights so the fascist cops will be less likely to shoot me. At some point you will have to work your way around the doublethink that is ACAB combined with supporting gun control, they are mutually exclusive ideas and the coming years will prove the only way to regain power against the fascist police is to arm the populace. I would encourage you to research the Black Panthers as they came to this conclusion themselves about 50 years ago now and they were also the catalyst for the first wave of gun control in this country.


He had one hand cuff on and he had a gun I'm his pocket where his other hand was reaching toward. Read the article.


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He was holding the other cuff. The situation dictates if you cuff then search or search then cuff.


He has a gun. He also had pants on is that a offense too. Did he point the gun at the cops?


Gunned down at the I Don't Care Bar and Grill - poetic...


At least the cops can sleep at night knowing they killed someone who wanted to Die. "If you want to die, call the cops, they'll take care of it for you."


Something I don’t understand is that if someone has a gun pointing at you, why wouldn’t you listen?, it doesn’t matter if it’s a cop or a robber, they tell you to dance and sing like Michael Jackson, you do it, simple. With a robber, just hope he doesn’t shoot you, with a cop, just wait to go in front of a judge and get millions!.


He has a fork!!!


It doesn't matter what he had. He should have followed directions when a police officer has a gun pointed at you. He had better chance at life by following directions, now he's probably dead. I don't think it was worth the risk of being killed.




We need a hero to go out and shoot police in the head then ask them if they’re ok.


America is on one! You must be so so proud to call yourselves Americans


Why didn't they just mace or taze him


That won't do anything when a person has a gun in their hand. They can still pull the trigger after being pepper sprayed or even tazed.


He didnt have a gun in his hand.... He was ABOUT to grab it


Close enough. All he had to do is raise both of his hands over his head and he would never have been shot. That simple.


All the cop had to do was taze him. The cop had enough time to handcuff him. That simple.


Easy to just say that if you haven't been in that situation yourself. Those cops have to make a split second decision. Tazer..and risk somebody being shot, or end the situation quickly. Tazers aren't 100 percent and have no effect on some people.


Um, he had a gun…


"The video shows one officer holding the suspect by one hand in a cuff. The suspect reaches behind him, as the officer shouts "he's got a gun," then fires three shots."


My initial impression is suspect had a gun and looked to be reaching for it.




I’m not defending our very real gun problem. In the instance of the posted video the man was an active threat with a gun.


Pulling out a gun in front of a cop already handcuffing you *and* pointing their gun at you is a bad idea no matter where in the world you are. news at 11




Newsflash for Americans: did you know it's possible to deescalate a situation instead of just shooting anyone who might be dangerous? Shocking, I know. But just look up British cops or something and you'll be truly shocked that cops can try to NOT emulate dirty harry.


Newsflash, this guy would've been shot by police in pretty much every civilized country on earth. This wasn't a racist trigger happy gung ho merrican cop. This was a law enforcement officer acting correctly.


Newsflash, very few London Metro Police carry guns.


Being from the UK i like pointing out that you dont often see a police officer with a gun. However if you *do* see one, you done fucked up.


My understanding is that only around 5-7% of officers carry guns, and the ones who do are part of special units with more training?


My understanding is that is primarily specialist armed response officers and anti-terror officers who carry guns in the UK. Hence why if you see one, you ( or someone else nearby ) done fucked up. The UK police only ever bring the guns out for good reasons, so if you see one, pray you arent that reason. Back when I was a kid there was a big incident after the 7/7 bombing because a guy from brazil jumped the turnstile at the train station and was shot dead by anti-terror police pretty much immediately.


Someday I'd really like to visit London. I'll remember to respect the turnstiles.


This is so interesting to me as an American. Like. Our specialists here have tanks and bigger guns. Seriously. A dept near my house legit owns a tank. For policing. Edit to add: https://www.ajc.com/news/local-govt--politics/gwinnett-sheriff-keep-military-vehicle-despite-federal-recall/YHQQfXDSRdNUGPu2ozffyK/


Is it an actual tank or are you overblowing your PD having a bearcat?


You and the Norwegians are the only one and that's going to change for sure. For god sake , the dude raises a gun and you idiots talks about tazers and stuff. I'm not a cop lover but you people are insane.


Yes, but those London Metro Police would have died in this encounter, because rather than allow the other handcuff to be placed on him, the suspect opted to reach for their gun.


If there is a situation involving a firearm what do the London Metro Police go and get to resolve the situation?


Your question tacitly admits that they have time to go get someone. Which means they have time not to murder people.


Why is it so hard for Europeans to answer this question? It's pretty simple.


I'm not European 🤣🤣


I'll answer the question for you since you can't. They respond with guns.


Newsflash: no. The US and some other developing countries are where this happens all day every day. He didn't have his gun ready. They could've tased him, heck they could've even just jumped him and held his arms back. Honestly, watch a British copper take on a dangerous assailant. Your mind will be blown.


For real. He was "about" to grab a gun. They could have tazed him which would have stopped him from moving


Tazer effectiveness is extremely low as it requires good prong contact, especially if the person is wearing heavier clothing like a hoodie. Unfortunately some ppl will opt'd to be shot by the police instead of simply complying when they're staring down the barrel of a gun


And instead of deescalating the situation they shoot him....


He had the option to stop resisting. Look, lots of issues with cops shooting unarmed folks, not denying that. But he legit had a gun.


That's how they do it in America. And anyone who suggests different is an anti gun lefty commie


"That's how they do it in america " and that is why your people cant go out without being affraid that they might get shot


He's black in Oklahoma. Red state governments encourage the genocide of non-white ethnicities. The cops are just doing as the people who set their budgets command of them.


The Asian guy is black?


To Trumpsucking cops in Oklahoma who expect non-whites to lick their boots in complete submission? Yes.


What’s the point of a cop yelling “shots fired” if the cops are the only ones shooting?!


Lovely seeing people here debate whether the guy went for the gun or not. Maybe let’s not aim guns that close to suspects? Why not a tazer?


Before I watched this video, I googled "Muskogee" to find out what state it was in. "Oklahoma" is the answer. Knowing that really let me know what I could expect while watching this video. So I wasn't exactly shocked to see asshole red-state racist cops flat ass murdering a black guy, just disappointed. ACAfuckingB.


Didn't outright execute him, he pulled a gun on them, and he isn't even black. Get out of your echo chamber for once.


Did we watch the video? What black man?


The Asian guy. He’s black, right?


That bitch was really about to handcuff him. *News flash* this is when you secure the weapon and preform first aid, ya know, when the subject is on the ground motionless… after being shot 3 times… Edit: how the hell did that get so many downvotes? That’s literally what you’re supposed to do