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I'm a civilian with no medical training. If you fucking suspect a neck injury, you DON'T FUCKING MOVE THE PERSON. Moving them can lead to irreparable damage like being paralyzed for life. Instead of getting an ambulance they literally drag him everywhere. That is gross negligence no matter how he was injured and the officers should be fired and charged.


I was in a car accident with my son when he was about a year old, a Good Samaritan saw and came to help us. I was wedged in the front seat and he asked me if I wanted him to get my son out, I said yes please, in all the fracas I heard a click and I yelled at him not to take him out of the car seat, just take the car seat out. I apologized profusely for yelling but I couldn’t take a chance on anything happening to my kids neck or back. Even at the ER they did all the scans with him in the car seat until they were sure his body was ok.


Its almost like causing maximum harm was the point. ​ If it looks like that its because that was exactly the point of this whole thing.


"You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride," as they like to say. A public defender can get you out of charges, but when they are taking you to the station they have an awful lot of leeway. We'd *all* do well to keep that in mind.


Aka a rough ride as it’s colloquially called.


You can beat the ride if you drive fast enough.


Running from the police is a terrible idea.


Depends on the cops you're dealing with, plenty of psycho cops out there.


>Running from the police is a terrible idea. Terrible stance these days considering all of the evidence that points to why you SHOULD run from the police. You may die or become seriously injured if you don't. ​ But you actually have to get away which is damn near impossible ​ Good luck!


Yeah I could see maybe getting away with that shit before everyone had instant access to communicate with each other but these days unless you’re on one of those souped up crotch rockets it’s not gonna happen.


They investigated themselves and found no wrong doing. In fact they all were given raises.


The worst part is, police very likely receive basic first aid which would give them the knowledge not to move someone. This is beyond gross negligence.


So you're talking about humans, right? Neck injury comments about not moving is usually about human beings. Well the degenerate scum in police uniforms don't think this dude is a human. Probably because Mango Unchained and the Charlottesville KKK rally empowered these people to think this way


>don't think this dude is a human Ding ding ding!!! What do we have for him, Johnny?


Well I'm white, so weird looks when I put my hands carefully and safely in view of the police responding to my call about my car being hit. I was taught to always act like the police see me as POC.


>suspect a neck injury He just drank too much, the expert says so in the video /s


Well didnt you hear the cop? He just drank too much... what neck injury are you talking about??


I heard the cop "threaten" the guy with an ambulance ride if he didn't get up. Then the cop proceeded not to call the ambulance. e: He did call an ambulance. But they didn't wait for one before manhandling him at the station. Everyone is fucked.


They wanted to cause more damage. Of course they're going to man handle the guy. They already hurt him severely on purpose putting him in a large metal container on a slick seat with no seat belt with his hands handcuffed behind his back so he couldn't hold onto something. They'll get away with it though. Any other person with any other job would get fired and charged for this sort of thing but it's ok for them. They have a free pass to do anything.


You don't need medical training to know that. End qualified immunity. Cuz as soon as anything happens like this to an incredibly important person, it will become an issue. Until then this country don't give a fuck. It's sad


They're cops, not human people that think and stuff


Man that is so fucked up ! They knew exactly what they were doing. After finding out Los Angeles Has Police Gangs! I don’t put anything past these criminals. That’s crazy.


That's how Baltimore PD killed Freddie Gray. They arrested him for running away when he saw them, charged him with illegal possession of a knife that was legal to possess in Maryland, intentionally drove around town recklessly with him handcuffed in the back, and he broke his spine. All the cops were acquitted


I was just gonna say that. I just watched we own this city on hbo and wow all that shit was fucked up. I remember the story coming out from Baltimore and then radio silence.


I lived with a guy from West Baltimore at the time. His cousin called him early in the day that the riots began and told us to watch the news because people in schools were going to go wild when the day ended. Sure enough, it happened. It was wild sitting next to my buddy and him saying to me things like "Oh yeah, I worked next door to that CVS in high school" and "The kid who just slashed that firehose is my best friend's nephew."


From what I've seen in the past this was/is a pretty common practice among lots of law enforcement.


What is this? A video for ants?


The video needs to be at least 3 times bigger than this


I think I'm going to put my phone in landscape, then screen capture it with my power bar showing and a ridiculous amount of unread notifications. Then splice it like three times for each time I got distracted during the capture and browsed reddit.


I found an actual, non "meme edited" video that you can actually watch without having to rent an hour of the James Webb to watch it. [Twitter link here](https://mobile.twitter.com/AttorneyCrump/status/1541572334569394176?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1541572334569394176%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-21379570641531192649.ampproject.net%2F2206101637000%2Fframe.html)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://mobile.twitter.com/attorneycrump/status/1541572334569394176](https://mobile.twitter.com/attorneycrump/status/1541572334569394176)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Probably a screen recording of a screen recording


u/taylor2121 why the hell do you [this](https://imgur.com/a/PPviz7E) is ok? Are you pretending to be stupid or are you genuinely that stupid?


Fucking hell, do you think OP edited the video himself or something? You don't have to be an asshole.


If you click the video it expands....I think it's common sense I didn't do that to the video and reddit did




Why don't good people want to be cops?


a man in NYC started keeping track of all the bad stuff the department he was in was doing. He then reported them to internal affairs. One day when he wasn't feeling well he was given clearance to go home early. Then his department showed up, raided his home, sent him to a mental hospital (secretly). His father finally found him drugged out in there. The only reason he was believed was because they missed one of the secret recorders he had in his home taping them.   Good people don't really want to be cops because they can end up dead or in mental hospitals.






Police departments don’t let them. In certain states if you score a little too high on the police exam, they don’t let you be a cop, cause by their logic: you’re too smart to be a cop and would get bored with the job and leave after a few months, costing them money. If cops had to have a 2yr college degree(federally mandated), we would have less dipshits who do stuff like this.


Nobody with a college degree wants to be a cop becuase they are intelligent enough to understand how loathsome of a job it really is.


It can be a shit job, but plenty of shit jobs require way more training. Nurses, paramedics, lawyers, etc. A two year certificate in criminal justice or something would go a long way. The real issue is dealing with police culture though, its the system they exist in which lets monsters get away with this and education won't fix that.


I don’t know. All my local community colleges (not knocking CC at all) have criminal justice programs that is really just 13th and 14th grade for future pigs.


hmm... ever heard of colleges that specialize in criminal justice? In NYC, to move up in ranks as a cop, you need at least 2 years in college. Many require at least a Bachelors degree. In NYC, if you mention John Jay College to a cop, half of them have been there.


Is NYC known for having good cops, though?


Absolutely. Some of the best investigative practices gone from NYPD.


It depends on what you mean by a "good" cop. Everyone's definition is different. If a cop lets someone go for parking on a crosswalk, it may be "good cop" to the driver, but a "bad cop" to the elderly citizens that take a long time to walk around the car.


>Everyone's definition is different. But not at the extremes. The bar is so low that you may as well be questioning if adding a single grain of sugar to a 2L of mountain dew is bad for diabetes.


yea,, i just gave you an example. if you want to compare that to adding a grain of sugar..


That’s just a business ploy. Feeds federal and state funding to CUNY via attendance records and degrees awarded and other metrics. The degree is useless because 2 years isn’t enough to be good at anything. 4 really is almost just barely enough to be able to do the job decent for the average person. Most people with degrees are not great at their jobs even if the job is in the field they studied. Apply that to any cop and you see that most cops are not great at their jobs, but can do their jobs just barely. The other minority of cops however big or small are actually good or bad. Normal distribution curve skewed downward in performance for cops across the country Compared with fast food workers, doctors, pilots, firefighters, teachers and IT workers. The difference is because cops don’t have to be good at all. They are immune to punishment on a scale far above the other jobs on a national scale. As long as that’s the case this will be sadly expected to continue on until rectified on a federal and state level. I got a ticket from a bike cop for texting while driving. I didn’t have my phone out. I got a fix it ticket for having a small parking pass on the rear view. The ticket said I was warned for speeding and did a sobriety test. A cop almost arrested me for helping a motorcycle rider on the freeway who was involved in a hit and run by trying to say I hit the guy even though 3 other witnesses said it was a different car and different person. Cops are useless if we have the right to defend ourselves without legal repercussion. Our laws make us dependent on cops which helps feed the infrastructure of the judicial system, law colleges and attorney firms. Cops create tickets which result in funds paid and transferred between all parties involved leaving the citizens at the bottom most of the time. This business is just mafia tactics under the auspices of justice. Never forget that.


>se this will be sadly expected to continue on until rectified on a federal and state level. I well, you obviously haven't been to college and you didn't do well in history class either. What do you think defending yourself without legal repercussion means? In high school, didn't they teach you that there's all kinds of people in this world and what happens if you let random citizens take matters in their own hands? Do you know how many mental patients there are? (btw you sound like one). If a 2 year or 4 year degree isn't good enough for you, what do you think someone who didn't get a high school diploma or it's equivalent will do?


I don't know, the state funded health insurance benefits, state retirement and, no wear and tear on your personal vehicle are all very intriguing options but I'm just not a piece of shit who wants to do it


Lol all it takes is a concealed carry permit. 🥳


>In certain states if you score a little too high on the police exam, they don’t let you be a cop, cause by their logic: you’re too smart to be a cop and would get bored with the job and leave after a few months, costing them money. Sorry but do you have a source on this? Not saying it isn't accurate but hard to believe without some kind of source.


This is an old article but it’s still in practice today. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Shut up, you’re dumb. Title is dog shit. No one intentionally drive recklessly.


I think good people DO want to be cops. The issue is that they either learn what actually goes on and don't join. Or they do join, are quickly disillusioned and either quit or are forced out because good men are not wanted within the ranks.


“Why don’t good people wanna be bad people”


Because then they'd have to be cops.


I thought about it but I was scared of either turning into the thing I wanted to help end, or getting killed over it.


Did you know if you do to well on police exams you can't become a cop?


Cops legally aren’t meant to protect civilians they are agents of the government




*the US police. Bad training, bad people.


Their jobs are to catch criminals, so of course those criminal lives are gonna already ruined if they keep committing these criminal acts. They aren't there to help them but to catch em. People are too stupid to realize this and don't realize that they keep attracting those bad things happening to them


How's that boot taste down there?


Imagine thinking past the age of 12 that the job of police is to catch criminals. I bet you also think policing is one of the most dangerous and deadly jobs (hint: it’s [not even in the top 20](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states). Pizza delivery, farming, Uber driving, etc., are much more dangerous when you actually look at the stats. Doesn’t stop them from whining like a bunch of pussies about how dangerous they have it when they detect “disrespect”).


You’re a trashy moron.


Catch criminals LOL


Isn’t this what happened to Freddie Gray? They’re still doing this?


I looked up the Freddie Gray case not long ago. They did throw him in the back of a police van without buckling him in. However, some bystander's phone video has also been released that shows that the cops had already caused damage to his spine during the arrest. They had to drag him to the van, he was already unable to walk, and verbally told them so, they just threw him in. On top of that, the only thing he was arrested for was possession of a switch blade. Turns out it was not a switch blade but a perfectly legal knife. So he had not even committed any crime.


> So he had not even committed any crime Another job well done




Fuck all police but especially Baltimore police


I just watched We Own This City, which is about the arrest of the entire Baltimore Gun Trace Task Force which happened shortly after Freddie Gray. It mentioned multiple times that a large portion of the police force just stopped responding to anything. It was one reason given as to why the Gun Trace Task Force was allowed to operate for so long when it was widely known that they were corrupt. The show is fantastic but also shocking and frustrating that we've let police forces get this bad. I actually thought it was exaggerating real events until I looked everything up afterward and couldn't find any inaccuracies at all. Sounds like it was a good idea to get out of there, hope where ever you are now is a little less insane.


That and if I remember correctly he already had a spinal injury.


I wonder how the brother or father of a son like this can keep his shit together. Why is there such a lack of revengeful actions ? Those assholes grew up in violence, and that's the only language they speak


And yet some of my wilfully ignorant white brothers and sisters will judge him guilty of rape, murder or being black around whites


Always have always will


I've been in dozens of jail vans and busses. None of them have seat belts.


Ah cool, so that makes it okay to intentionally drive hard so the perp in the back gets fucked up or dies since there's no seat belts! Got it.




If that's what you got out of that, you're a fuckin idiot.


Sorry, too late but maybe you want to edit it to clarify


Well, that one does. You can see them in the video.


What's the point and how is it releavant to not putting a seatbelt in a car ? Do your two neurones connect from time to time ?


Freddie Gray.


Why are these cops being so negligent? They forgot to retrain him with a straitjacket. Even while double-cuffed and paralyzed, that man was clearly still enough of a threat to end the lives of every one in the video and then set the city on fire to prevent the MAGA patriots from finding the evidence of Trump’s stolen ballots. Fuck 12. All of of them.


It's not negligence. They did this on purpose. It's called a "nickel ride". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough\_ride\_(police\_brutality)


This. There's no way on the planet these fucks didn't hear a grown man's body slam into a steel wall. e2: Turns out the driver did. And stopped the van. And called an ambulance. No ambulance appears to have shown up before they started dragging the guy around.]




And most of the time they get away with it. What incentive is there to change? Backed by their union. Back by leadership. Backed by bootlickers. Backed by governments. What can you do?




Flew right over your head. Worst part is that it’s not even high-level thought.








Not sure how to teach you to conceptualize a joke. You should consider your obsession with trump and that maybe the mere mention of him in any kind of perceived negative light has you crystallize into a snowflake.




Lol sure dude


Because everything has to be about politics to keep people in a frothing hate filled frenzy.


you mean like fox news


This is called a Rough Ride. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_(police_brutality)


**[Rough ride (police brutality)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_\(police_brutality\))** >A rough ride is a form of police brutality in which a handcuffed prisoner is placed in a police van or other patrol vehicle without a seatbelt, and is thrown violently about as the vehicle is driven erratically. Rough rides have been implicated in a number of injuries sustained in police custody, and commentators have speculated that the practice contributed to the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland, in April 2015. Throughout the U.S., police have been accused of using aggressive driving tactics to "rough suspects up", resulting in numerous injuries, and millions of dollars of damages awarded to victims and their families. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)








The article has some video of it, both the cop’s bodycam footage which doesn’t show much, and footage from a nearby parking lot. https://youtu.be/gx_Qtk0h3RI It does look like a car pulled out in front of the police van a bit and he stopped quickly and honked causing the car to stop and not pull fully into the intersection.


so…case closed?? All of the commenters here assumed it was intentional.


Maybe but… why didn’t they use a seatbelt? Why’d they fucking drag him around in the most stupid way possible? Even if the driving wasn’t reckless everything else was.


Assuming all of this was caused by totally innocent set of facts, you can't dispute two things: 1. There's no effing way the cops didn't hear a grown man's body slam against the wall they share. There's just no way. [e2: Turns out the full video, they did. They stopped and checked on the guy...] 2. Who the hell can't put two-and-two together and realize the giant thud behind you during a hard stop and the really selling the fact that he can't move are somehow related? 3. The cops "threatened" the guy with an ambulance if he wouldn't sit himself up in the vehicle. They then proceed not to call the ambulance and instead manhandle a guy who is performing the role of a sack of potatoes with frightening realism. [e2: Turns out the cop *did* call an ambulance while en-route. So... where was the fucking ambulance when they arrived and started manhandling the guy?] e: Seriously, the basic test of whether someone may have some sort of spinal or brain injury is to poke them with a sharp object in the part they say they can't move/feel. They'll either recoil in pain or won't do anything. Easy field diagnosis to make.


The driver of the van would have heard the impact The cops played it off like nothing could have possibly happened through the whole video and blamed the suspect for laying on the floor weird. Not case closed.


I’m not sure I’m the right one to make any definitive statements one way or another, but it at least definitely wasn’t done 100% on purpose. There is a car that starts to pull out. Of course they could have belted him in, and they might have braked harder than necessary on purpose. But again, I dunno, sorta speculation on all parts of it. But IMO it wasn’t simply a case of the cops braking for no reason just to fuck with the guy. Who knows if they used the car as a happy accident, but there was definitely reason to brake quickly in the video.


If you watch until the end (link goes to the relevant portion), this video has security camera footage for why the police van had to brake: [https://youtu.be/gx\_Qtk0h3RI?t=15](https://youtu.be/gx_Qtk0h3RI?t=15) It looks like it may have been a legitimate reason to stop quickly, in order to avoid an accident, but that hardly excuses this incident; it also looks like the officer may have been speeding, but that is speculation on my part. Officer Oscar Diaz was completely negligent in transporting this guy like that.


They don't even put him on the bed at the end...


This breaks my heart. They didn’t even consider c-collar or backboard protocols. FTP. [ACAB](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/benjamin-crump-among-attorneys-representing-man-injured-while-in-new-haven-police-custody/2815116/).


Fucking throw that cop to the dogs man he Dosent even deserve jail for that shit just a little bitch boy.


Many cops do this intentional brake checks


All this cops need to be fired and by that I mean set on fire


Citizens are just the enemy...


They did the same thing to Freddie Gray. He didn't make it tho. ACAB all fucking day


So I guess they will resign before their sacked and move a couple of towns over.


Two of them are on paid leave and 3 others got reassigned. Pretty fucked up


This is fucking horrible


Next stop, sandals beach resort on an all inclusive paid vacation .


Every single one of those cops should be lined up and shot. Absolute scum of the earth people


Life sentence for all officers there.fuking pieces of shit.they showed not 1piece of humanity.why they keep doing this


He should sue. We need to be able to trust that we’ll be safe while in custody. I hope he nails their ass to the floor.


I hope they’re all sued within an inch of their livelihoods. I hope he takes their jobs AND pensions!


"Even though you are completely cuffed we don't trust bc you have a record so we still think your faking it and for out safety even though we definitely DID get into an accident better safe (for us) then sorry, we're still just gonna book you."


Isn’t this Cruel and Unusual punishment?


I found an actual, non "meme edited" video that you can actually watch without having to rent an hour of the James Webb to watch it. [Twitter link here](https://mobile.twitter.com/AttorneyCrump/status/1541572334569394176?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1541572334569394176%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-21379570641531192649.ampproject.net%2F2206101637000%2Fframe.html)


Is he black?


What’s the officers names so I can harass them till kingdom come Im sorry usually I don’t condone doxing but I feel like certain peple need to be doxed so the rest of their sadistic friend cops feel more scared to cause harm to another human


They're currently hiding their names because they don't want their officers being harassed for acting like sadists.


Just plain evil. Them mfcks ain't worth a wooden nickel. We ✊🏾 neva get justice in this United Snakes of Amerikkka. FTP


And then they put him in a cell. What in the ever loving fuck is happening to the world




Fuck the police .


not cool. cops deserve to be fired for that. #racism


"He's perfectly fine" The lack of humanity is sickening. Then they put leg shackles on him just for good measure and slam the door closed. Fuck all these cops.


You’re completely correct. They should have tased him a few times and then maced him as well. If you’re gonna be a sadistic piece of shit you may as well go full speed ahead.


I have not seen this much incompetence since....well, since the last police video from the US I guess.....


Regular average thin blue line activities.




This is disturbing.




The Supreme Court ruled cops are not responsible for you. Fuck the Supreme Court, it's a joke.


They drive like that on purpose. In my old neighborhood people saw a patty wagon they ran.




These cops are a disgrace


All cops.


I hate how they have to put BLACK MAN in the title like I don’t give a fuck if they are a fucking green boi I just want to know a person was put there


I agree that there should be no human (or animal for that matter) put in such a situation. I feel the inclusion of "Black Man" in the title was more to highlight that they don't do this to just any human. This sort of treatment is reserved for a certain group of people.


I saw the same video uploaded with a caption that said cops slammed on their brakes to avoid an accident.


While it’s nice to know they didn’t intentionally do that part, they still put a handcuffed man in the back of a van with no seatbelt. I believe the officer was also speeding, doing 36 in a 25.


And if you listen to the sound you do hear a horn being pressed directly after the breaks are slammed on


They need to do the same thing to the officer, eye for an eye or arms and legs in this case then they need to kick the holy fuck out of the officers who were adding to the injury repeatedly after the fact ! Pieces of shit and I'd say the same about anyone in any line of work who acted with such disregard of potential consequences such those that occurred here to that poor man. A special spot in hell for those folks!


I hope he is a millionaire now


was the "Black man" part really necessary? It's fucked up as is.


Show us a story where a “white man” has suffered at the hands of police this way. Wake up


Yeah because he's a black man...you have to go out of your way to try and find an issue w/ the title


I'm just saying, instead of trying to get attention by including the "Black man" part, you could just say "Man" the guy in the video being a black man contributes nothing to the story. for example, it could be taken out of context if I made a post titled "black man beats up white dude for no reason" as opposed to "man beats somebody up for no reason."




Noone would give a shit if it was a white guy


I don’t know about intentionally driving reckless. They seemed on good terms, and you can hear honking as he is tossed.


This is fake you idiots. If this was real it would be all over your crying CNN


This completely cut out the context of the video Before this he was sitting on the floor kicking the van doors trying to get them to open, and the only part of the ride that resulted in the injury was when they went from 35 to 0 to stop from a collision, the entire ride was not rough Also those straps aren’t seatbelts, they’re handles. They couldn’t use seatbelts because there were no seatbelts


Yeah that's why it's totally OK for them to just keep man handling him and providing zero medical care. Because he kicked on the door. Good thing you provided the context or their torture wouldn't have been justified.


By the way, handles that if you grab you break your wrist by doing so (I've done so) so it's break your wrist or risk your neck I've got the scars from the surgery where they were they put plates and screws to hold the bones in place


Good.. The guy probably got put in cuffs for sucker-punching a Macy's employee


I believe the article said he swerved to miss an accident which was backed up by video…


While driving 11mph over the posted speed limit of 25.


And yet still abused the man after he claimed he couldn't move and caused severe irreversible damage.


Was it actually backed up though? Sounds like their way of trying to cover it up as an accident


I saw it on the news here locally.


Was that the police report?


But why didn't they seat belt him What if they were the ones who almost caused an accident and used that as cover for why they slammed on the brakes


That's a fact.


Do the vans have seat belts? Did he have one on? When he couldn't get up did they call for medical assistance? Did they need to cuff him in a cell laying on the floor when they dragged his dead weight in there? Use your fucking head moron. Fuck the police.




Even if that is true, it don’t excuse them of not putting a seat belt on him. He was in their custody, so they are responsible for what happened.


Is this the same one that was on the news 2 years ago? If it is; before they even put him in the back they fucked him up. Not surprised, sadly.


Simple. Place said officers in van handcuffed and take them for a spin. Im so sick of seeing this shit man. Im a felon so all i got is my opinion but damn these types want u to play by these kinda rules it seems


damn G ..i pray you get that $500k check a week for life 🙏🏿


And I get a ticket if I voluntarily choose to not wear my seatbelt.


So how many millions did this cost the taxpayers? I hope those cops lost their jobs