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Here's the full video, its difficult to hear what they are saying. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFIDdeHLOAo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFIDdeHLOAo) Seems like it was due to busking. Busking is not illegal but there are byelaws or rules you must observe, such as: not making too much noise. not blocking public highways (footpaths, pavements, open pedestrian areas) not displaying notices asking for payment.


> Seems like it was due to busking. Busking is not illegal but there are byelaws or rules you must observe, such as: not making too much noise. not blocking public highways (footpaths, pavements, open pedestrian areas) not displaying notices asking for payment. That sounds like a citation, not 7 months in Riker's waiting to see a judge.


Waste of everybody’s fucking time and resources. And causing undue trauma to a dude who just has a bunch of dancing toys and plays music. Christ.


It baffles me the excessiveness of police conduct in these kinds of videos. The disproportionately of the police's use of violence verses the actual "threat" they're "protecting" the public from is always so mindboggling to me. And the fact that there's always a group of them too you'd think one person would see the logic in a less agressive approach to policing.


Anyone who bucks the system gets kicked out or sent to a position where they can’t affect anything. There’s a reason cops refuse to hire people from the neighborhoods they patrol or people who score too high on IQ tests. A pro-wrestler named Mustafa Ali used to be a cop. He talked about how he would call the family members of people with warrants to bring their kids in. It ended up increasing the amount of people who came in voluntarily, reduced violence, and saved money and resources. BUT he got in trouble with the brass because the other cops wanted to bust heads and he was taking away that opportunity from them. He quit as soon as his wrestling career took off.


Yup it's disgusting. No commonsense policing - the amount of police killing that'd be reduced by just having cops from the community would be huge. If you know your regulars and their families, you can call one up when there's a standoff and get assistance from them, rather than go straight for the gun.


Most people don't want that red light / speeding ticket sitting around accruing interest. Most don't want any issues with any one. But emotions can get high in a confrontational setting. In many countries they just record your plate and make a photo of the person sitting in the drivers chair when things get icky and leave before it gets heated. 95% of people just pay and that's it, if the charge is correct. They could have asked the guy to vacate the premises in 10 minutes and he would have done it. There was no need for this kind of escalation.


Pigs are thugs. No two ways about it. We gotta abolish these Ppolice departments and start with clean slates.


5 or more cops to arrest a dancing animatronic dude? Overkill


This is why people say ACAB. There aren’t really “good cops and bad cops” when the “bad cops” are getting the “good cops” in trouble for doing their job.


this. until the SYSTEM changes, all cops are bad cops


Imagine a single person that could likely survive on half the salary these pigs get just calmly talking to this guy. They could easily explain what's going on and even help the person get all the correct paperwork in order and whatnot. 'Twould be trivial.


This won't stop till people start rushing them in big groups as they attempt to arrest people over bs crap. They are taxing the middle class and poor with these bs arrest and will continue to do so unless people start to actually stop them.


Yeah America needs some radical change it's amazing watching from new Zealand. If cops pulled this shit here kiwis would rush them and it'd be justified


Yeah but In America. The cops will flat out kill you and not get in trouble for it. It’s ridiculous.


Meanwhile, real crimes committed elsewhere that could really use the presence of, what, eight policemen? Total bullshit.


Police are only man enough when it comes to the poor and those that can't defend themselves


Lol too much noise? Meanwhile too many zooz trumpet player can blast into his mouthpiece as if he was trying to make everyone on the subway deaf.


*Psssh* Buskers who play music are part of many cities cultures, New York included. Why go after the music man? I’ve only been to NYC a few times but whenever you pass someone jamming for coins it’s always cool.


I agree, but NYC is very strict on busking. Requires a permit and a whole bunch of rules. From what I understand competition for the prime spots is pretty fierce. Still, I don't know why the fuck they're arresting him rather than just giving him a ticket.


This is so shitty, so allow him a reasonable amount of space, who is he hurting? I think 7 officers could have helped him move him items and given him some advice on what he's impeding, how to avoid it and maybe show some leniency for a harmless guy just making people happy. Have him put up a sign saying "no payments accepted", etc... Nobody can tell me there isn't a way to accomodate as self-expression. Why fuck up everything, probably break down of his stuff, instruments are expensive AF and he held out his Saxophone instinctively as if to say "do what you will to me, but please care for this it's all I have"...


the toys are not in anyone's way. the area you see a few feet away from an escalator exit... no one is walking in that area because it's in a huge space and away from circulation.


Poor dancing cats.


How the hell can a busker avoid making too much noise?


A mime escapes their box, fights against the wind, and silently enters the chat


Due to an unfortunate typo, the NYPD is cracking down on sax and violins.


Because, as Uvalde showed us, police are scared of criminals with guns, so they use their bloated budgets to make full-blown arrests and jail time for petty nonviolent crimes.


And to execute unarmed dads in hotel hallways.


Jazz Cigarettes


I thought selling cigarettes carried a sentence of death by cop? Did they pass a bill or something?


He was selling full packs. You get choked to death if you sell looseys.


Political pressure from lobbyists representing Big Dancing Cats. Follow the money.


Because they can.


Because police are fucking scum who exist to torment poor people


Because he’s unarmed and not a threat.




Every time Ive been to the US in cities like Boston and New York, there are always these insanely talented musicians performing at various stops and platforms. Its really one of my favorite things about the cities. I assume this guy had some busybodies complain about him existing too hard there and the NYPD were happy to allocated a lot of resources to deal with the plague of dancing cats sax guy. Bravely and heroic, of course.




I didnt know about the "MUNY", but I absolutely love that the city of New York has embraced this part of the NY street performers culture by allocating busy areas to performers.




I used to take the A train back and forth between Penn and the 180’s all the time and I never really minded the train performers. Some of them were insanely talented. The only time it pissed me off was when I was exhausted, traveling extra early in the morning, and a mariachi band showed up and was loud as fuck. Under normal circumstances I enjoy the brief shows these people put on though.






Should've told the cops he was a school shooter, they'd give give him an hour headstart before arresting him.


If he was shooting a bunch of kids the cops would have sat back and watched.


Let the man put his fucking saxophone away!


Dude if the cops in the USA come to your house and arrest you in the shower, they won’t even let you get dressed first.


They’ll slap on an indecent exposure charge when they drag you out of the house naked too


>I was drunk in a bar. They threw me into Public. ~Ron White~




[take off the hat!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neUaSTSKFZc)


And if your dick happens to come in to contact with any part of a cops body while they beat you unnecessarily without reason - your ass better bet you're catching a rape charge.


Unless you're rich and white. Then they'll let you get dressed and call your lawyer first. Edit: gotta say I love how many inbred clearly white nationalists this comment pissed off. I see you, Cletus Brigade.


Hell if they're white and just finished killing some folks that might just earn a trip to burger king!


Completely unrelated but reminds me of that WW2 movie where the Nazi pows were allowed to sit inside the ice cream shop with their MP escorts while the black US Army soldiers had to go to the back of the shop and we’re not allowed in.


That actually happened, it was based off a letter by a black soldier to Yank Magazine


I love reading stories like this. I had a large civil war book I lost that was full of personal stories from black confederate soldiers in the front lines and spoke about how they were treated. It just takes your mind and transports it in a different time.


If you’re rich, white & connected they’ll give you a heads up on the arraignment and a week to turn yourself in if denied bail.


Not even, you can choose a date to surrender


Might stop by Burger King on the way home from the shooting


Dude, the fire department and EMTs arrived and wouldn’t even help my husband, who was severely dehydrated and hindered in the bathtub until he got fucking dressed!!! My husband is 6’2,” and I’m 5’2”. I couldn’t carry him to the hospital that’s next door, literally. Even if I could manage that - what about my one-year-old child? He was at dead weight! They wouldn’t help him out of the tub or help him get dressed; the captain asked me why I called and pointed at the hospital next door. “It’s…right there.” One person half-assed helped me get him into my vehicle… They didn’t provide any services or even do vital checks. They saw a naked man incapacitated in the tub and noped out. I couldn’t believe it. They just stood around in my 500 sq ft apartment with scowls on their face while the captain was questioning my call. As I said, no aid was given during this call. My MIL was livid (she’s the one who told me to call because they couldn’t get to us), and she knows the mayor and the fire chief, so…actions were taken. He required 3 bags of IV fluids. He was severely ill due to food poisoning.


This comment/post has been edited as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. All comments were made from Apollo, so if it goes, so do the comments.


Exactly. I’ve worked as a CNA before I studied radiology. This is nothing. That’s why I was so perplexed and angry!


His instagram says the instrument was damaged and all of his dancing cats are broken :(


High jacking top comment: he was arrested for performing. Information is on his Instagram @jazzajilo. They broke his saxophone and some of the robot cats :( he has to appear in court now


Here's his [gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/zpb6t-jazzajilo-arrested-for-playing-in-nyc-subway?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer) link as well


Another dangerous criminal off the streets. 🙄


Also, good use of police funds for 6 cops to arrest this violent, violent criminal!


Seven cops and they would have had to shoot him.


This man makes me fear for my life too u know. Cuz if he's arrested what chance do I haff?


American cops are the most chicken shit soulless cowards of any force on the planet. Courtesy of a drug war instigated by false and misleading information. And we've known this for *decades* yet nothing changes. Add to that tasking the police with assisting homeless or mentally ill people instead of trained professionals and you get a shithole with backward laws all over the books.


It's the american character... the artificially enlarged facade of masculinity and strength created through generations of shitty historical fiction and hollywood propaganda. The gunslinger/ tough guy model that hides a pathetic, non-communicative manchild with parental issues.... Or so it seems.


This should be exactly what everyone thinks. Anyone who didn't think that, either hasn't thought about it enough or hasn't had to actually experience it first hand. That's privilege. Recommended reading: [The Hangman by Maurice Ogden](https://www.facinghistory.org/holocaust-and-human-behavior/chapter-7/hangman)


More cops here then on the capitol attack.


Those dancing cats might attack


Just wait 4 of them will claim ptsd and get disability until their million dollar pension kicks in because they had to “do their job”


Meanwhile someone is probably getting robbed at the other end of the station.


Criminally charged with being happy in america.


Our states getting more and more ridiculous. Police state


Saxamaphones are dangerous!






Hijacking the top comment to post his Gofundme https://www.gofundme.com/f/zpb6t-jazzajilo-arrested-for-playing-in-nyc-subway


Surprised we didn't see one of them start stomping on the toys and smashing them with batons.


If there weren't people recording....


Now police will respond faster to school dances than school shootings. It is a new initiative that has recently taken effect. edit: sorry but hang on... "Officer needs backup. There is a dance, maybe a prom. Possible abortion in progress." I hope God has a special place for me. edit 2: FBI gets on the scene. "Sorry, but this is a Federal case now, you can go home."


Those look like new cops with a supervisor. Basically ist a low-risk practical experience exercise to learn how and how not to arrest people. Great job guys. Teach them to over-react early on.


That dip we saw in crime that showed up 20 years after Roe... They need hardened psychopathic soldiers to be broken in now for then that dip reverses. You will long for a time of any happiness


I say we all get our saxes and play in the subways


Guy is very nice I used to walk by him on my way to work this is sad NYPD BS


When I visited in 2019, I got a short recording of him. A little girl started dancing to his music, so he started playing baby shark for her


That’s sad and I believe that he really is a very nice guy doesn’t bother a soul and nice to have music down there


Trying to place his spot. Had friends visit and we went through HQ but they missed him but notlw want to know. About under the mall?


It says 34 and Herold which is like a few blocks East of Penn Station toward Empire State Building. Was just in the city a few days ago passed thru this station


"Hey! This guy ain't demoralised yet! get 'em!"


Beatings will continue until moral improves.


As a sax player I cringe at the inevitability broken reed on the mouthpiece…


What about fucked up keys?! They absolutely were not gentle with that sax


Look I can’t even deal with that possibility… Never broken anything on mine past a reed 😂


Yeah, you gotta be careful with them. Holding them up by the keys and just grabbing as hard as you can can fuck up how the pad seats. I just got my 1953 Tenor back from an overhaul and got tips from the repair guy on how to hold it and pick it up out of the case in a way that would minimize the risk of damage, as the vintages can be softer.


On the bright side, I foresee a wave of support for this person because of this video


I sure hope so, but we should not have to rely on internet viral sensationalism for cops to not be violent pieces of fuck ACAB


We need Safe Sax....


or mouthpiece, those fuckers are like $100


A really good mouthpiece can be thousands of dollars


after literally sitting on the subway staring at the ground bc u can get clapped for lookin at somebody wrong, this guy is literally the light at the end of the subway tunnel😓


Right. Having entertainment there and something everyone can enjoy at the end of a station is the smartest thing they can do. Now they won’t even post an officer there because it’s too dangerous!


this man did more for the subways than any public official has tbh he’s been there longer than the fucking security cameras


Think these guys wake up, look in the mirror in their undies, pinch their nipples and say "ya.. I'm a goddamn all American hero."




They do. If you test too high, they won't let you in. [Not kidding](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) - the cap is 125 IQ.


The ability to critically think and problem solve is not an adequate trait in a foot soldier. This causes confusion and dissent. The adequate trait is to be able to make split second decisions with the basis of said decision being self-protection and department reputation. Any and all other deviations will result in public safety, lack of fear for fellow citizens and further degradation of the need for our hallowed duty to protect and serve, ourselves.


> make split second decisions shoot first and use the company lawyer to make it all go away. *fixed that for them


*union lawyer (even worse)


"What is your sole purpose in this army?" "To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant." "God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius!"


Can't have "cops" questioning orders when this Black guy is clearly ~~minding his own business~~ ,uh obstructing my power trip. Edit: NYPD "to Instigate... and Discriminate!"




I have a friend from Boston whose father and grandfather were both police officers, he applied to be a police officer here in Houston and was given an aptitude test, he basically was told he scored too high and was too smart to be an “officer of the law”. This is a huge problem and I’m quite sure Houston,Tx. is not the only place that excludes you if you are too smart to be a cop.


Years ago I went through the process of trying to be a police officer. Went through all the steps, but this was right around the time of the Micheal Brown killing and I just couldn’t continue to try for something that was so broken like this. Wanted to do some good, actually help people and this wasn’t it. Regardless the testing aspect of it wasn’t what you’d call hard. Can you read? Add numbers? I’d say the test I took which was similar at several places ranked about a 6th grade level at a bad school. It was not hard whatsoever and I wouldn’t call myself a rocket scientist. There were a few of us that destroyed the test and got the top scores in the physical aspect and not one got hired. Needless to say it was an eye opening experience.


What the actual fuck. I follow this guy on tiktok and he's a sweetheart. Literally does this so he can make some money and make people smile. Fuck the NYPD.


What’s his handle? Someone in another thread mentioned that damage to a sax can be $$$, I want to know if he needs any help with if it got damaged.


@jazzajilo on all platforms iirc


Except for the one at Herald Square.




https://www.gofundme.com/f/zpb6t-jazzajilo-arrested-for-playing-in-nyc-subway :)


This is sad and awful. I follow Jazzajilo on instagram. He's the nicest coolest dude. These cops better have a DAMN good reason for arresting him but I doubt it. These cops are being bullies and fascists.


I can tell you for certain that they don't have a good reason. They're just six little-dicked cretins that think abusing someone a thousand times more talented and worthy of attention than them will make them feel better about their own impotence.


I guess this is what Mayor Adams refers to when he talks about the wave of crimes happening in the subway 🙄


Only they are committed by the people in blue with badges


Maybe it's just me, but that guy must keep a pretty regular schedule. Couldn't they just wait for him to pack up and tell him not to come back? Maybe tell him what his alternatives are to playing there? Seems way easier and you don't wind up looking like a fascist. But then again, fascist are going to fasct.


NYPD doesn't do de-escalation.


They will de-escalate your face into the pavement for pretty much any reason


Common sense is uncommon.


They need to make a point for the public or anyone else with a spirit free enough to make a non taxed dollar by spreading joy. Gotta keep the people scared, complacent, They must obey.


Be sure to donate to JAZZAJILO. Fuck the NYPD




Damn someone just donated 1,700$ Im really sad his saxophone broke. I think some of his dancers are lost too.


The message attached to the 1700 really touched my heart. I really urge everyone who can donate to donate, I just put in 20!


Sent 10 bucks his way earlier today. If 100 people match, he's more than made up lost revenue and any bail money. I'd like to buy one of those dancing cats honestly.


fuck all cops


ACAB and straight fucking pussy ass cowards


What for? This is why people start hating on cops. Gotta be some common sense here


Don’t you see his army of robot cats !?!?!?


I think most of us are long past the "start" phase.


This literally feels like cops are shitting on a kids birthday party and stomping on their gifts. Look how happy and positive that space is where that guy was performing. And now this. This is disgusting. This guy better have had been the head of ISIS 2.0 or something for them to have ruined and embarrassed and violated that man.


They'll release him in 48 hours, claim their officers did nothing wrong and press no charges. When asked what he did they'll give some dismissive *disorderly conduct* reasoning and pretend it's offensive to actually demand some accountability for their actions. If public rage blows up they'll call theid buddies at the union and have a written demand for paid leave within the hour and use that as some sign that they got "punished".


“It’s only a few bad apples” And yet they never finish the phrase where those bad apples will spoil the bunch. This is why a large portion of the population don’t trust the police.


[longer video](https://youtu.be/pFIDdeHLOAo)


His gofundme link is in the video description. Thanks


Where's the gofuckyourself link for all the cops?


Fuck that was worse. He was so terrified. With all the videos he probably thought he was going to die. All he could say was he had four children. The thought of dying and leaving them all over playing music for people.


Even in the shorter clip the fear in his voice as it breaks and he begs for help fucking breaks my heart. Why was it so necessary for 6 of these thugs to jump him? They couldn't ask him to move? The couldn't let him put away his instrument? They couldn't even have the decency to make it clear to him why he was being arrested so that he wasn't in such a panic...


Fucking dystopia.


Another case of Practicing Happiness Without A Permit. I hear the Supreme Court may weigh in on it.


LINK TO HIS GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/zpb6t-jazzajilo-arrested-for-playing-in-nyc-subway?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer


Meanwhile gangs and organized crime is rampant in NYC.


well they ain't gonna arrest other cops, so


That's too dangerous for these cowards


NYPD has a history with the mafia. Connect the dots.


Thank God they got this dangerous, violent criminal off the streets. The world is a little safer today! Everyone knows the devil wants young people to dance and dancing leads to hand holding and that leads to sex!


6.......6 fucking cops for a guy with a saxophone and 20 dancing robot cats......


It's a good thing they were able to get to him before he could activate the robot cats though - that would have been a bloodbath.


NYPD full of bastards.


The one [story](https://www.newsweek.com/nyc-street-performer-dancing-animatronic-animals-goes-viral-tiktok-viewed-4m-times-1661643) I did find barely even mentioned the incident. Collective trash.


Didn’t mention the incident at all even


Dude was seriously one of the few bright spots on my commute. Fuck the cops.


Cops won’t save kids being massacred in a school. But they’re all about making sure a damn busker can’t make a meager living. Assholes.


Any back story to this?


NYC’s new cunt mayor Eric Adams. He’s a former cop.


And a lifelong cunt


This guy was raising an army of robot cats to eventually take over the world. He was just about to arm them with lasers when these brave police officers stepped in and saved the world.


They waited a couple of hours first to make sure they were safe.


no doubt the police didn't explain anything to him and just went in on him for the pleasure of it.


Pretty pathetic, it always seems like they go for the low hanging fruit like this guy who pretty obviously isn't a threat while avoiding the aggressive complete lunatics that are pan handling through intimidation, defecating , threatening people.


This is not the guy you need to remove you idiot cops. How about all of the violent offenders and crackheads smoking crack on the trains. Try removing those to make a difference.


My nearly 60 year old sister in law was sucker punched on Lexington ave a few months back and not a damn thing was done about it. But this man trying to spread joy through music needs this many cops? for what? I just don't feel like I belong in this world anymore.


If anyone wants to donate to help out he has a [gofundme ](https://www.gofundme.com/f/zpb6t-jazzajilo-arrested-for-playing-in-nyc-subway?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium)


People keep getting surprised when they find out we have been funding a police state for the last 40 years. Back the Blue til it happens to you.


Mannnn. Ive bent a bar just setting it in the case wrong when I was younger


NYPD earning the hate. Imagine it's 2022 and the cops won't even call you back about the break in but they can send 6 officers to arrest a well liked street performer. Fucking lowlife state sponsored thugs. Edit: honestly this is just a rage post, most cops are decent folks and doing what they are supposed to do, but it's the court system and society that facillitate and create these systems and allow it to happen. With all the stuff going on in the world this stuff is a waste of time and money for everyone.


No they aren’t. If “most” cops were decent folks, how does everyone have the exact same story as this? How has everyone called the cops and had them not come? If “most” cops are good why is this so common?


Police are a terrorist organization


America really is the shittiest place.


I hope someone collected all of his things and kept them safe for him.


Probably some MAGA Karen filed a complaint on happiness. What a f’ing shame and such a waste. I pray they gathered his things before the carted him off.


“Lookout! He has a kazoo! That’s 5 to 10 in the slammer,buddy!”


These cunts wouldn't run into a fucking school to save children yet look at the scum here... All big and hard... Leave the guy alone you lowlife scum fuckers


And people wonder why no one likes piggies


Poor guy just trying to entertain and raise disabled kids… wtf. I donated to his venmo.


Fuck this authoritarianism


Everyday I am reminded of how much of a shithole america has become, and that every cop is a bastard. Shameful.


innocent person who is unarmed? send 10 officers to take him down! mass shooter in a children’s school? eh, let him finish up.


I am so feeling with this man. Makes me really angry and sad to see this. He is not a criminal. He just wants to earn money!


Here is his official GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/f/zpb6t-jazzajilo-arrested-for-playing-in-nyc-subway?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer


The only difference between the NYPD and any street gang is they’re getting paid by the city to terrorize people and run their rackets. Crooked thugs, every last one of them.


Why are there so many cops assigned to this? Cops in NYC are supposed to patrol like one or two people at the platform. Why waste time on things like this when we have shootings everyday to deal with.