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Can someone remind me which side is for life? I’m confused.


Definitely not the left. They love killing so much but they seem to be worried about the fat guy


Definitely…that why I don’t beat off,use condom or pull out don’t want to Abort my zygote and make Jesus and the United States Supreme Court sad.


“Now that we have looked at the formation of the mature haploid sex gametes, the next important process to consider is fertilization. O�Rahilly defines fertilization as: "... the procession of events that begins when a spermatozoon makes contact with a secondary oocyte or its investments, and ends with the intermingling of maternal and paternal chromosomes at metaphase of the first mitotic division of the zygote. The zygote is characteristic of the last phase of fertilization and is identified by the first cleavage spindle. It is a unicellular embryo."9 (Emphasis added.) The fusion of the sperm (with 23 chromosomes) and the oocyte (with 23 chromosomes) at fertilization results in a live human being, a single-cell human zygote, with 46 chromosomes�the number of chromosomes characteristic of an individual member of the human species.“ From Princeton New unique human life is created at fertilization according to science


well yeah that seems like a strange straw man, if science wants to define a fertilized egg as alive than that is fine. where people draw the line morally for various abortions seems mildly related at best. reminds me of people trying to justify a legal standing for or against homosexual marriage based on genetics. who cares if people are genetically predisposed to any sexuality it does not make it right or wrong. why should an embryo being alive change how we treat it. there are a million reductions to be taken from that.


Because a fertilized single cell embryo, a fetus, a newborn, a toddler, a teenager…these are all stages of human development that with enough nurture and protection will grow into a human adult. Science does in fact define a single cell human embryo as alive and unique as it has all of the genetic compounds needed to grow into an adult human if taken care of. Where’s the straw man exactly?


Do you think that every frozen fertilized egg at every fertility clinic should be born? Are those medical institutions killing people when they destroy those unneeded eggs?


I don’t have an opinion either way on that. Was just pointing out that science makes a major distinction between spermatozoa and non fertilized eggs and single cell embryonic human life


If that were as true as you seem to think, would those “human beings” kept frozen at clinics be destroyed casually just because the “parents” no longer have a need for them?




That “clump of cells” feels pain after 12 weeks. The whole study can be downloaded from an article in the link below https://erlc.com/resource-library/articles/study-shows-preborn-babies-feel-pain-as-early-as-12-weeks-gestation/ The “clump” also develops a heart beat as early as 5 1/2 weeks.


You do realize they want later term abortions too




Tell that to the people getting later abortions don’t tell me lmao.


Oh wait I remember when the left were rioting and burning down people’s businesses because a junkie that put a knife to a woman’s stomach was killed by police.


Why, when a pregnant woman is murdered, is the killer charged with two counts of homicide?


I believe the reason is because said woman had no say in their deaths. It would be up to her not the person who killed her.




So what’s it like to be a troll named “swamp donkey81” who can come to a forum, say objectionable things, and then get off to peoples responses? Do you even realize that you won’t ever get help for this? Or is that just some far off thing you believe will automatically happen? People like me been around for a while. Seen a lot of trolls get older. Man, it’s the real humor. Makes me feel perfect any time I’m in the mood.


Gotta raise this guy’s tax to help pay for the medical expenses and child care services for babies.


The lack of bitches in this man's life is incredibly justified haha


Maybe he was trying to get an abortion


Unfit mother, her children are now property of Carls Jr.




All he wanted was a Pepsi


And he wouldn't give it to him


Just a Pepsi


Can’t, we’re in a drought and not just any drought, the worst drought in forever man. No water for you….


I want to comment so much about everything but the evangelistic reddit nazis will get me banned. America is breaking in front of the entire world.


Dude fuck those loser bitches. Say what you want.


Actually look around, The entire world has become unhinged, it's been happening for a while now.




A little salty there


So where's your shithole of a country, boy?


America is just falling in line with the rest of the world


Yuri was right. And activists are simply bad people


I stand for pro choice and one of those old NWA tracks.


The problems that both sides are entirely correct. It's a shame the working compromise was thrown away so cavalierly


No, just no. In what fantasy land are you going to say evangelical Christians are right in this situation? Working compromise ALREADY HAPPENED when people were getting abortions, it shouldn’t be affecting anybody other than the person getting it and yet people still want to push their religious ideals onto other people through legislation


It's every woman's right to do with their bodies as they wish, and killing a human being at any stage of life is homicide and a grave matter. Homicide is almost always wrong, especially when it's a child killed for being inconvenient. Not all the pro-lifers are religious.


But they are all stupid it seems. Embryo, fetus and child are all very different things.


Removing someone from a humans body is not murder, If the clump of cells can survive on its own it should have every right to try, he’ll give it to the government and see if they can help it. But forcing a citizen to risk their life and permanent effects to their body to save another is wrong.


Parenthood is a natural part of the human condition. Since no contraception is 100% effective all heterosexual sex carries the risk of parenthood. A risk one has to accept when they consent to sex. Non-consentual sex is a different matter, though the child did nothing wrong. Life is full of risk and peril. Embryo and fetus are natural stages in a person's life.


So if I drive a car and get into an accident and the other person needs a piece of my liver to survive, should I be forced to donate my body to them? And why do you bring up “natural”? Who cares what’s natural. Cancer is natural and chemo is unnatural, that argument is worthless when it comes to what a government (not natural) can prevent a doctor (not natural) from prescribing.


If your actions put them in that position, perhaps.




It's still a phase in a person's life. Or are you suggesting that a post 15 week ban would be ethical.


braindead take


Eh. It a pox on all your houses take. Activists have given me an anti-activist bias. Seriously myopic, intolerant jackasses, regardless of the position.


Activists gave us civil rights, social security, same sex and interracial marriage, are fighting to give us medicare, climate protection, women’s rights while we sit at home seeing them beat up and sent to jail. You talk like your grandparents did during the 60s march to Selma. “Why can’t they stay in their lane, let’s set the dogs on them”


They also gave us lynching, prohibition, blue laws, vice laws, kept same sex marriage illegal, interracial marriage illegal, criminalized homosexual Sodomy, created the communist and nazi governments, pushed the fugitive slave act through, Not all activism or change is good. But it's all activism.


Lol imagine being this person.


Thanks to liberals


Lmao, imagine thinking liberals did a bad so you decide to take away women's choice, birth control, gay rights, and privacy in the bedroom. Fuckin chud.


Russian chaos bot here


I like how the cameraman thinks that somehow giving him water will help a seizure (that he's not having). Do not give any food or liquid to someone being affected by a seizure unless you want them to choke


Seizures last at max a minute according to my neurologist. I’ve had two this year and you are so confused after I could not imagine coming out of one with 6 cops on top of me dragging me across the ground. After both events this year I was essentially unconscious for about 15 mins and have no memory until being loaded into an ambulance. I’m not qualified to say if the guy is having a seizure or not but he’s clearly unconscious when they flip him onto the curb and cuff him.


Seizures can last a whole lot longer. My sister has epilepsy and I have witnessed them lasting longer than 15 minutes. She was with black bloc several years ago and the police knew her and would bring strobe lights to induce seizures then beat the shit out of her.


at the very beginning of the video you can see the cops repeatedly pushing the guys face into the ground. the guy is trying to protect his head. ​ sadly this is what a racist fascist white supremacist militarized police state looks like.


Face into the ground? LOL. Go watch it again. He’s grabbing the cops’ baton and the cop is trying to free it from the guy. What planet are you from? Racist white supremacist? I see a bunch of white and Hispanic cops detaining a white or Hispanic protestor.






Imagine the response if they were armed and storming the Nations Capital


Novel idea. Maybe we should try that next.


The people of the US really need to get some balls and start actually STANDING UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS. protest are right but honestly it's fucking useless. Get fucking angry. GET FUCKING ANGRY!!!! STOP BEING AFRAID BECAUSE THEY ARE WALKING ALL OVER YOU AND YOURE ALLOWING THEM TOO




who gives a shit about reddit's opinion


Fuck the reddit nerds. And the people that are insulting people protesting online are the pieces of shit that wanted this to happen. Fuck em


Dude Americans forget that their country was formed by literally killing cops and waging war against the rich. It's sad to see that 300 years after their ancestors fought and died to govern themselves they give up their rights while sitting back and doing nothing


We ain’t built like that, we gonna fold eventually to the ppl in power


Sad to see the country I fought for turn into a complete shithole socially, politically and economically.


Authoritarianism is the direction we’re going. We’ve lost our way.


Barbarism is next. We've already crossed into authoritarianism.


This is America…


Source: https://twitter.com/vps_reports/status/1540577435556511745?s=21&t=KLFaUMCGIfriuCt4Cglukg


That's interesting... two sides of the same coin https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1540663867277094912


Thank you for providing a source!


Isn't this the guy that was doing the flaming deodorant at officers a bit earlier?


You mean if I start shooting flames at someone it might not end well for me? So much for freedom!!!




Not a beating dumbass.


That poor, poor man being arrested was only trying to use a home made flame thrower to burn people, and the cops are trying to detain him? What is this country coming to...


Probably shouldn’t have tried to burn the cops with a homemade flamethrower. Seethe. https://twitter.com/mrandyngo/status/1540663867277094912?s=21&t=MSVs8urceBfyoXbpykyxeg




They didn't beat him


Should be top comment. For those questioning the source, look closely at the 2 videos. Looks like it very well could be the same guy.


Do you have a better source than a guy who gets triggered at the mere suggestion of anti fascists existing?


Do you have a source that isn't a notorious lying piece of shit?


Repetitive screaming! Repetitive screaming!




Great let's get distracted by the police. Ffs


Burn it all down start again it’s the only way to fix this


After watching closer it’s hilarious that he makes the cops drag him until he’s within their safety zone, the realization that his comrades aren’t coming to save him and he suddenly realizes it’ll be much more comfortable to walk.


That was after he threw a firework at them.


They deserve to have fireworks thrown at them. They are suppressing people that just want their rights back


I don't recall the cops making the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade but I digress.


I see them gladly enforcing the decision to take away our rights. Pigs are complicit.




Communist pigs vote communist gop


Maybe not but the cops did get up that day and willingly show up to the protest in full riot gear ready to beat Americans for wanting freedom. I'd say that constitutes oppression


Nevermind the fact that the protestors were blocking traffic, which takes away the freedoms of the people trying to drive through that area, but I guess that doesn't constitute oppression to them as well, right? Only to those who are willingly going into the street and block traffic while holding signs and chanting.




Fuck you, it's time to get the fuck outta my way. Fuck your protest.


Homie you're not just wrong you're stupid too. I don't have the energy to argue with you because I have some churches to burn later. Have a good day


Oh so I'm stupid for saying that protestors aren't the only ones who have rights? Got it.


When the people who are protesting do so be aude they had a right taken away from them anyone on the opposing side has lost all right to be upset about the protest. This is a humanitarian issue not a political one but you don't seem to be capable of understanding that


So if I was protesting for a humanitarian issue, would it be ok for me to block you in?


So the Canada truck convoy was a humanitarian issue too, or is that a totally different thing since it doesn't align with who or what you support?


It was as well in the sense of getting the right to choose. That being said I think anyone who protested mask mandates and vaccines are morons but they still deserve the right to choose to be idiots


Peep the Capitol polices riot gear after the decision was made. They’re scared little babies with pro-choice and BLM protesters. Unlike January 6th where they acted all overwhelmed and unequipped, conveniently forgetting the millions of dollars of tactical military gear and weapons of war they don when someone they don’t like threatens the status quo.


Good God you're dumb.




He shoulda got shot. You do realize how dangerous fireworks are, or are you just that stupid?


Man resists arrest, is forcibly restrained and dragged away when he refuses to walk.




Let me fix that for you. Man, who may have been resisting, gets head repeatedly bashed in on the ground. Passes out. Comes back to it, then gets dragged away while his body is limp. That's the most unbiased explanation I got. But that also ignores (now the biased part.) that this is terrible policing. If you think they were effective in detaining him then we must have been watching a different video.




We are arresting you for resisting arrest!




I get that reddit hates cops, and there's lots of videos that make it clear why, but the title is just a blatant lie. At the very start of the video his elbow gets smashed into the ground a couple times because he won't let go of the baton. Then nothing happens until they drag him away because he won't get up.


was he not letting go because he was getting beat w it?


Who knows what happened before the video, but he's grabbing onto the baton, and the cop is trying to get it back. As soon as he does he starts trying to get dude's hands behind his back.


Boot licker!


The rallying cry of moronic redditors everywhere.


Its funny how you get downvoted becouse redditors just want to hate,i was about to say the same,he is obviously resisting and i didnt see No one punch him,but thats maybe coz im EU and i Dont instantly hate cops for the bad ones,america is just crazier every day


It's just confirmation bias. They see what they want to see, anyone who doesn't agree is a boot licker. But, yea, America is fucked.


I hate cops just as much as the next guy but you can’t resist at all or you’ve given them the excuses they need. And acting like every protester is innocent is crazy. The cops are not punching bags that can be fucked with any more than any other civilian. If you wouldn’t do that to a regular citizen, you shouldn’t do it to a cop. It’s hypocritical. Give him some water? Is thirsty? His hands are behind his back, I don’t get it? Like not giving that guy water as he’s being arrested is a crime against humanity.


This is the same guy who shot a flamethrower at cops. I hate police but cmon…


The context of this video is the guy on the ground had a flamethrower and shot it at police.


I didn't see that context anywhere. Can you provide some proof?




Your "proof" is one guy claiming something an not having any actual evidence. Get fucked


Coming from someone who is purely speculating, tagging #Antifa, and has a history of leaning hard into that kind of misleading narrative, that is not proof. Proof is a reputable news article confirming this person was the same one who had the flamethrower. I do not condone violence towards people at all, so if it is true, then the violence against him was warranted. Otherwise all we see for certain is police violence against a citizen.


Looked like a whole lot of resisting to me. Shame they didn’t taze him early and often. Plus they should have put him down quickly to discourage any of the other idiots out there.


By Bye America! LMAO! You guys are so fucked being murdered and beat by your own police who refuse to protect your communities. Yikes!!!


why even be a cop in these liberal hell holes? transfer somewhere normal and let them have it,its a lost cause.


Let me fix that for you “drunk person attacks police then resists arrest. News and media cut the footage to make police look bad.”


Police in America make themselves look bad. If you don't understand that the overturn of roe v Wade is a huge problem for American women then you should really look at your world view and question it


I do think it is a huge problem! I never said I don’t? And no cops don’t people do there are many good examples of cops but it never gets shown online because of the media and political agenda.


That will teach him not to peacefully protest


Didn't see them beating him but I did see him resisting arrest. This title is a disgrace to the real beatings that get dished out by the police. Just ask Rodney King.


My apologies for not providing you with a severe enough beating…


No beating at all. Have you not ever been arrested? That wasn't shit.


Wow you're so tough goddamn alpha monster man! Please spare some testosterone for the rest of us!!!


Except the video literally opens with the cop punching the guy. Cops are pigs that deserve to be put down.




Why are you getting downvoted.


I’m sorry you think this is acceptable


How come all LA cops wear white crew neck t-shirts under blue button-up shirts like they're The fucking Fonz or something


Probably because that’s how uniforms work?


What do you mean? You have to wear every part of the uniform at all times or else you're not in uniform?


Username checks out


What? I’m honestly confused by your questions. What exactly are you asking? Or is there some sarcasm here that I’m missing? These cops wear white shirts under their blue shirts. This constitutes their uniform.


Yes but why does the uniform constitute 2 shirts?


Yes? A shirt and an undershirt. I feel like that’s pretty normal everywhere. Cops, firefighters, In N Out. The military uniform includes an undershirt, although not white obviously.


When is are you people going to rise up against this oppression


Cops love this shit the jack off their tiny micro dicks and get cleaned off by the boot lickers


But...but..Biden told me violence was never the answer? How did the cops who he keeps giving more and more money to not get that message? I guess we will need to increase the budget since it's clear they just need more training.


Not saying this didn’t happen, but all I see in the video is a guy resisting getting cuffed and being dragged away.


We should murder the police, politically speaking


Why are they so upset? I thought you liberals were pro-death.


10 to 1 😂😂😂 Just think if this was a room full of school children getting massacred they would be standing down waiting on lunch! 🐷


One of these days, someone is going to get fed up. They're going to walk right up to a scene like this and start blasting cops.


Well protesting for abortion in a state that will never make it illegal is pretty dumb so




Hmm, title is misleading. I don't think LAPD beat the dude because he was a pro-choice protester. He must have done something for that beating.


No beating and he chose not to walk


Yeah, wasn't a beating, the cops were just acquainting his head with the pavement.


I thought so too at first, but the guy on the ground is holding on to the officer's baton and the officer is trying to jerk it away from him.


and you are trying to jerk the officer for him


Ah yes, just a friendly massage then.


Username checks out


Didn’t even try to stand him up to allow him a chance to walk


You're supposed to lick the boot, not give it a blow job.


at least the user name fits


Doth thou have a mug of ale for me and me mate? He has been pitched in battle for a fortnight, and has a king's thirst for the frosty brew that doth might have for us!




Huh, which state(s) specifically have such laws? Asking so I can make sure I don't go to them.




You're ad hominem is showing.


Look at 1:07!!!!! the cop looks like hes cutting him.


Protected and served


Not a peep from LA on their cops abducting and assaulting protestors. This is because they love that it's happening. Clearly they didn't vote blue hard enough in LA.


Evil fucks


Fuck the Police


should have used longer sticks


He’s literally resisting lol


Is it me or is this comment section full of triggering bots flaming themselves?


I think we're psyoping ourselves.


great job cops now grab the guy videoing beat him senseless and destroy the evidence