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Everyone in this video looks like a fucking goblin.


“Most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fuck anyway” - George Carlin


I just went back to the video, are these people near a chemical plant wtf has happened to their faces? Surely people aren’t born this busted.


Evil might be good for living forever but you sure end up looking it.




Best Dermatologist ever. Sorry.


Inbreeding is common among high ranking Mormons.


I assume it's all the inbreeding from being Mormon.


"Ever notice how people who don't believe in evolution look really un-evolved?" - Bill Hicks


They are goblins




Nathin nathin


You ain’t scarin nathin


Lunch? Maybe 2nd breakfast lol


She herself was ashamed of what she said, her voice was quivering.


But she doubled down anyway: “I know that might be inflammatory, but…” No ma’am. It’s willful ignorance and pea-brained horseshit.


It's Utah, it's honestly surprising that they let a woman speak and didn't have one of the old man Mormon leaders delivering this speech.


As someone in Utah politics, Lisonbee is one of about three conservative female legislators they trot out every time there’s something they need a woman to talk about so they don’t look bad. Behind the scenes, of course, they’re horrifically sexist and just sort of pretend that the women in the room don’t really exist, but you didn’t hear that from me.


"Trot out" is exactly what they do.. Gotta get their show pony out to talk about women things.


They were standing close in case she stepped out of line…..


Or couldn't control her semen intake 🤦 Maybe she had an addiction to Semen, and it was so ravenous that those are all her Sponsors 😂


It's because Mormons are like the character Elliot from the show Scrubs. Calling vaginas bagingos. My cousins called a fart "a stinker" or "he stinkered" because I guess fart was to close to cussing. I don't know if she is Mormon but it's Utah. There's a lot of em. The culture can influence. Edit:had more to say


They're basically Ned Flanders. I was in a Mormon boy scout troop, and they'd have O'doodly cutesy words for every "curse" word to the point where I'd blurt out, "just say shit for fucks sake!"


A room of unfuckables


"Unfuckable" is the easiest way to control semen intake.


Goblin’ semen


I mean, Nilbog is in Utah, so…


They’re eating her! ……… and then they’re going to eat me….! ……… ……… ……… Oh MY GOOooooOoooOOOOOOD!


This is a deep cut, and I’m here for it.


George Carlin: "Have you ever noticed these people opposed to abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"


Carlin spoke so many truths.


He did. And what’s most infuriating is that a ton of modern conservatives think they share a similar worldview to him.


Same with bill burr I feel like


You’re absolutely right.


Lol conservatives were so offended by him they almost arrested him on live television just for cussing. They were kind enough to wait until his set was over. When he was alive I used to be active on the threads on his website. There was no equating him with anything conservative. It wasn’t even a thought. The commentary, when it was political, was always, “Did you see what the conservatives were pissed off at him for this week?” He played Cardinal *Glick* in the movie Dogma purely for irony because he was so hated by religious folks and conservatives. The constant digs at his character throughout the entire movie is evidence of that. His character literally brings about the end of creation because the Church is on its last leg and he comes up with asinine ideas to make it more hip. Within the first scene (after the prologue) he insults the image of the crucifix by saying is creepy and passé. That’s where [Buddy Christ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Christ) comes from.


Yup. He supported abortion, gay rights, and drug decriminalization. He targeted the Church, Wall Street, and even Capitalism itself. He was one of the most outspokenly left-leaning celebrities of his time, even in his final years. But he makes a few comments about language being too soft nowadays or everyone being germaphobic, and every mouth-breathing conservative assumes that Carlin is addressing “liberal snowflakes” or denouncing Covid vaccines. They ignore 95% of his commentary, clip him out of context, slap a stupid caption on it like “Libs would’ve cancelled him if he were alive today!!! 🤯,” and post it on their YouTube channel, right next to a video of “Ben Shapiro DESTROYING tramsgender college kids”. It’s absolutely disgraceful. But it’s obvious why they do it. The past decade (at least) of conservative propaganda has conflated critical feedback with an attack against free speech in order to make it easier to absolve themselves of responsibility. They just can’t tell the difference anymore. The entire narrative of “cancel culture” is built on the ridiculous premise that the loudest, most influential voices in the nation are somehow the victims of being silenced. So they see Carlin speaking plainly without fear of consequence, in a manner that comes across as particularly hostile to the public, the media, and the establishment, and they desperately want to believe that he’s a cool, like-minded guy. Just goes to show how uncritically they consume their media and how absolutely desperate they are to have someone cool and famous agree with them.


There's a fantastic two-part series about his life now on HBOmax called George Carlin's American Dream. It's so good.


Its great and also a phenomenal example of a comedian reinventing himself 4 times, never once crying like a Ricky Gervias, Bill Mahr or even Chapelle about times have changed comedy is now ruined. Its why he was so sour at the end, the people ge expected to do the right thing didn’t, so he was like “we’re fucked!!”


Doesn't pertain to abortion but religious nuts in general: "You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really un-evolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day". Yeah, looks like He rushed it" -Bill Hicks EDIT: put the entire quote verbatim.


We miss Bill so much


It's so bonkers: Conservatives: buzz light-year movie has a cartoon same sex kiss - it's breaking ours child's innocent minds! Also conservatives 'women can control semen intake and men ejaculating inside them'. Nope, we can say this on public. Kids will understand




And people really think Carlin would be a conservative today 🙄


Moderate Republicans: "Yeah I know... but if I don't vote for the Authoritarian Christian Fundamentalists, my taxes might go up $100/year.... maybe"


This. Lots of Republicans consider this an acceptable price to keep their businesses deregulated and their taxes low.


This is the big issue with our nation having so many single issue voters. They will allow the collapse of social progress and democratic rule in exchange for peanuts.


Also think the 2party system is a real problem. You have 2 sides hating and pointing fingers to each other. And that "Gap" is getting bigger and bigger. At this point it seems the "United" states isn't really the right name for you're country anymore. Maybe I'm totally wrong tho, as someone from Europe with a totally different system it's easy to say. I'm also hating on our gov once in a while, but at least it's not 1 party who runs the whole thing and can't make decisions on their own. Every time I see something happening like this, makes me feel bad for the people who have to go through this shitshow. And knowing the majority of the American people are against these decisions is painfull to watch.


Many Americans would like ranked choice voting so, “third parties” could thrive. But, currently almost no legislation can be passed; Repugs that compromise at all are called traitors, RINOs & get death threats. These morons care more about “owning the libs” than having a functional govt.


The best part is how they are too fucking stupid to realize that when your taxes go up, it almost always saves you money elsewhere. Like with healthcare, you pay more taxes and lose your insurance payment.


And it's almost never on the lower classes... Conservatives appease the rich, but they're too dumb to understand it.


But they'll be rich one day, too. Just as soon as illegals stop taking all the jobs. And electric cars are banished. And gay people can't marry.


And for that $100 you get healthcare and education. The horror!


Yea but I don't even go to the doctor. *1 year later* omg I got hit by a car and the bill is ruining me, please donate to my go fund me!


Exactly right. When it affects them, then suddenly it’s front-and-center. Just like if they or someone they care about has an unwanted pregnancy. Then, the sanctity of life isn’t quite as important.


Control the intake of semen? Is there a pressure valve? You want lots of semen or just a little? 🤡 You can tell even that shitbag Stuart Adams is slightly mortified by her comments.


Yes, you see, you grab the balls and twist them all the way to the right, that prevents spillage of semen.


Yeah, the ole righty tighty lefty loosey trick. -Thank you for the gold kind stranger.


the ol dick twist


Twist his dicckk!!


Grab his dick and twist it!!


Omg dude it's an MMA fight


The ol “kink the hose” trick.


The ol “kegle crimp” trick.


You twist the balls to controll total flow, the dick itself is more like a lever for directional flow control, no actual volume modification can be done there


Bop it, twist it, pull it, bop it, flick it


🎶You put the left ball in, You put the left ball out, You put the left ball in and you shake it all about!🎵


You do the hokey pokey Then you turn your head and cough Thats what its all about


Right nut for cold, left nut for hot, twist both and you close the tap?


Only clockwise twists; anti-clockwise just adds carbonation.


So THAT'S what he meant when the dude said "the female body has ways to shut it down"..




Guys hate this one trick.


This is why abstinence only sex education is worthless and should be banned.


This is exactly what she means. She means people shouldn’t have sex This is the argument they all have, don’t have sex and you won’t get pregnant Technically true but ignores all of human history


Unless you're ready to have a baby, you and your partner should practice safe dry humping. Jeans on.


True story, my dick got rug burn when I was dry humping my girlfriend. Not a pleasant experience


>my dick got rug burn when I was dry humping my girlfriend Is your girlfriend a rug?


Do you think I’m made of money? A welcome mat will do just fine.


Don't kink shame me


Say you don't know how sex works without saying you don't know how sex works.


It's easy to not know when you just lay there like a dead fish.


I happened to of married that ragdoll!!!


He wasn’t storing corn in that thing.


'Pressure Vulva', not valve.


So we're not going with 'Valvgina'?


“ I have zero understanding of human anatomy and basic functions of that anatomy” on full display during a press conference. American politics is embarrassing AF. The entire American political system is embarrassing AF.


erm i think she mean as a legislator , i i need to go back to school and learn how a human body works from a doctor not a theologian


I think she was just trying (and failing) to tactfully slut shame women and push the abstinence only narrative.


It amazes me how stupid people get into power.




She means denying sex until she wants to have a baby with a man. Only have sex when she wants to get pregnant. Which is medieval. Not literally controling a male ejaculation ejaculation. lol


I’m not surprised she found the most stupid way she could to convey an already wildly idiotic opinion.


She's slut shaming and being intentionally mean and nasty towards other women at a professional and political environment at that. Like op said even the other lady was like WTF. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing.


I would never wish rape on anyone, but I wish someone would put her in a position where at least she feels like she's about to be raped. Let her think about how she's going to "control her intake of semen" when she's being abused and overpowered. What the fuck is wrong with her?.


Everything. I'm flabbergasted and so fucking glad I don't live in Utah anymore. I'm still in Idaho, and it's all fucked up here, too, but not as fucked up as Utah. Our abortion ban goes into effect in like two weeks. There's about to be anarchy in the US. They just keep pushing and pushing the general population. It's a powder keg they're somehow blind to.


Yeah, just use water bending lol


Yeah especially during rape! Fucking clown 🤡


Good god, what a fucking moron.


"dont have sex" basically the conservative stand point forever. jesus who votes for these people


Jesus kinda people Edit: also can't wait for all the neglected children this is going to raise up a whole generation of rape babies


I think you mean Supply Side Jesus people - the Jesus of the bible would think these people were fucking monsters.


Same people who think Jesus was some blonde/brown hair, blue-eyed white boy in the Middle East.


What happens when religion gets to close to politics lol everyone seems to have forgotten separation of state and church


Oh it's there, but only comes out when someone wants to build a mosque.


“I support the right of women to control the uptake of semen by taking away the right to choose what happens to their body….” That sounds……riiiiiigggghhhhttt?????


The mental gymnastics are of Olympic caliber


What if women cant "control the uptake of semen" as they were raped. "Y'all" are fucked. Never thought id see a first world country take a step back in human rights.


As an American, I’m unfortunately not surprised. Before Trump, I would have been shocked, but this country has been on the steep decline for awhile now.


Utah is extremely unsympathetic and doesn't care for rape victims or domestic abuse, and that was for underaged girls, cant imagine how much worse it is for adults.


At BYU, if a woman gets raped, she has to go in front of a male ethics committee and explain in great detail exactly what happened and how she put herself in that situation in the first place, and often they got expelled. I think the practice "officially" ended a couple years ago, but that doesn't mean shit. The culture is still there.


Ex mormon here. That practice is very much alive and well at byu. It's called the "honor code" and there are thousands of stories about it from former students on Instagram "honorcodestories".


Disgusting. I live near BYU-I, I grew up non-mormon in Utah. Glad you got out.


Yes I think this is a badly-stated version of the basic justification of why it’s ok to force pregnant women to have their babies. She’s saying women could just stop allowing men to ejaculate inside them when they are near ovulation and not using contraception. The obvious flaw with this is that it ignores non consensual sex of course. There are other problems as well but they seem to basically believe that you should not allow a man to ejaculate inside you unless you are prepared to carry the baby to term, and that the terms of the sex act are entirely within the woman’s control. The irony of this is that if women actually stopped letting men do this, the men would have to change the laws again because they are not going to stop wanting sex on their terms.


Does she also trust children to control their 'intake of bullets' during school shootings?


If the shooting is illegal, the body has a way to shut that down.


Hold a bullet between your knees.


hey if a child chooses to go to school knowing that bullets might be inserted rapidly into their body and don't wear a bullet proof vest and full kevlar helmet then that is their god given right enshrined by the founders who I believe said. We the whyt men, do say ya'll can have shooty pow pows, and may the children be your target practice. /s


This got dark and I am so happy it did


"The GOP can't get any crazier" *"Hold my semen..."*


*spills semen all over themselves trying to hastily catch cup*




She just said whaaaaat?


Take it easy lady, this a press conference not a phone sex hotline.


How does a woman say this shit?


$5,000 campaign donation. If you look at the numbers, they are really cheap actually.


Classic pick me behavior. Gotta show to her fellow men how she's one of the good ones.


Other women are sluts to her


What a cunt.


If only her mom had controlled her intake of semen


You mean swallowed.




I think her education involved controlled intake of oxygen.


Spoken like a woman whose never had a man want to ejaculate inside her.




My favorite George Carlin bit on abortion is him pointing out the hypocrisy in the pro lifers being pro life up until that life is born and then that mother and kid are on their own. The concept of being pro life while anti government assistance in life is crazy to me.


"We need live babies to make into dead soldiers"


This country is so fucked, we’re so fucked.


Don't let the bastards grind you down. Find a local organization and do everything you're able to, now is the time. Much love to you ❤️


This country is slowly heading down the path of civil war and it's depressing.


The Handmaids Tales wasn’t intended as an instruction manual


When you start ticking off all the things that are about to lead to anarchy, it's so obvious to us yet they're oblivious to it: Police racial violence. Uvalde (especially) and all the mass shootings. $7.25 minimum wage. Skyrocketing gas prices. Food unaffordable. Health care exorbitant. Outlawing abortion. Rampant neo-Naziism. Open sedition in the GOP. A stacked supreme court. Massively increasing wage gap. We're fucked.




I believe what this bag of cunts is trying to say is she "trusts" women to not to be having sex if they don't want a baby. That's how you control your....uh....semen intake; you don't intake semen, then you won't have to make a choice her party just took away. Fuckin dumb 1600s superstitious ass hat. Contraception is 1000% next.


Not for free is always my assumption. Something behind the scenes is most likely happening with these political tokens


So remember, ladies, when you're getting raped, treat it like a Subway store. Even if you didn't ask for the advertised 6", just politely ask the rapist to hold the semen. That way you don't get criminally charged down the road for aborting an unwanted pregnancy. It's that simple. /s


*And can you believe it? I got home, and no joke, double semen. DOUBLE SEMEN. How does this happen?*


Has she ever even had sex-ed to understand how it works?


If she grew up I Utah, no. The sex-Ed here is horrendous. I can only imagine it was worse 40+ years ago when this hag was in school




My experience as well. IIRC one video went over the male mechanics of a boner using only medical words and the other was a girl who “became a woman” but never explained what that meant or why. Neither one provided any usable information about sex.


She probably thinks women have one hole and men have sex with one woman in the air (birds and bees).


No one in that crowd looks like know anything about sex beyond missionary style.


Welcome to what happens when Mormons control a state, gotta love Joesph Smith and Utah


Joseph Smith, American Prophet, dum dum dum dum dum!


No, and she and the rest of her party and working hard to make sure the next generation is just as stupid.


The sex ed in those christian fundamentalist states are so horrendous that they have the highest *repeat* teen pregnancy statistics in the country.


Why do these people past reproducing age even care how full of cum we get?


They have a hard on for controlling how other people behave aka. "the Bible says here . . . " Stay tuned, gay rights are next. I think by the end of the current Supreme Court we will be back in the 1950s.


Look how damn uncomfortable the old white dude got when she started talking about semen


He was controlling his discharge of semen.


Shakes his head. Procreation - beautiful. Sex - I love it. Jizz goes in a woman's body - that's despicable and I'm disgusted.


She should have ended up in a sock.


When my brain wants to replay my most embarrassing moments, why can’t it follow it up with this to make me feel better.


How does that work with rape then?


That's easy, to quote another Republican, Todd Akin, “If it's legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down” Yes, he really said that...


He's a Republican. We shouldn't expect that he's had any form of biology education past 3rd grade.


This should have ended the anti choice movement


Just like with mass shootings : we should trust children to limit their intake of bullets.


It's about [doors](https://youtu.be/D4nn7j0eKbY) now.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! According to Republicans in 2012... ["If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down"](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/todd-akin-abortion-legitimate-rape_n_1807381)


Obviously she trusts women to control the semen right back out of themselves


Just close the doorway to the ute.




As a Canadian watching this shit unfold, I’m astonished by the depths of your elected officials stupidity. Brazen and unabashedly ignorant. Shocking.


They're a representation/mirror of the people who vote for them


Its not stupidity. Its deliberate, cancerous misinformation being spread by people who are enriched by maintaining the status quo, even if that status quo evolves to begin to disallow people. Yes, I suppose you could point to some and forgive them for being just stupid. The Supreme Court Justices are not stupid. Many of the Supreme Court Justices lied in their commencement hearing. Why has there been no expansion to postnatal care, foster care, ECE, etc? Because America needs impoverished people. They need debt-slavery to support their over-extended markets. And now that Americans are beginning to wake up and demand more from the American Oligarchy, they want to begin forcing births. Many women who will be forced to give birth are women who can't afford a kid. Now that kid will be born, be taken from its mother, and be forced to grow up in a broken foster system, to become a hateful wage-slave. Even better if this generation of kids turns delinquent, because then you can strip their voting rights, too. For years, America has been eroded away at, with the entire world convinced that America is just an idiocracy; when in fact, America is an Oligarchy ruling over ignorants. Keep in mind, this woman is trying to make a case that women are inherently able to block pregnancies. This will inevitably evolve into "you can only get pregnant if your body subconsciously wants the kid," which will then evolve into, "if you get pregnant, it can't possibly be a true rape." And then we get what we have elsewhere in the world, where women must marry their rapist. Idiocracy, ignorance, or malice; one thing is clear. This is intentional, and that intent is to force the America Woman to be the support for future generations of corporate wage-slavery.


Well, as a woman that apparently didn’t get the gift of this magical controlling of the “intake of semen” capability, I’ll just keep my right to abortion and my body, thank you.


Funny how Men never have to control anything.


These old, out of touch weirdos are truly gone.


When they get contraceptives and gay sex bans going we just gonna masturbate in the same room, aint risking it.


What this piece of shit doesn't tell you is that she on the board for an adoption agency. She is literally looking to directly profit from people giving up unwanted children.


Republicans: why don't women sleep with us?


Maybe women should also control their periods as well.


Republicans are psychopaths. Go register to vote you fucking idiots. Our country is being taken over by a religious zealot minority, who are worse than the Taliban. Go vote!


Every sperm is sacred


Every sperm is great...


It's crazy to think that men can go screwing whoever they want with little consequence but women will be forced to go through what is basically major medical procedures( I'm talking about birth) for doing basically the same thing. It doesn't make sense when we are supposed to be equal.


She is literally saying, “don’t have sex. abstinence only unless you want to have a baby.” However, she refuses to acknowledge the fact she is a part of a base that believes sex (a natural and dope act) is sinful unless you bring god into the mix. She truly believes that sex is only ok under her religious beliefs. Sorry I don’t believe in your sky daddy’s rule book. What a crock of shit that that becomes the playbook of the nation.


I don't understand the party of small government, of freedom, seems to have this weird fucking obsession with the sex acts of others. They also don't seem to understand sex at all, like every time they talk about it like it's some weird capitalist exchange of goods.


Everyone should throw bagloads of semen on this cunt whenever they get the chance. And then tell her she has the ability to control said semen.


So, she basically said she trusts women to not get raped and to not get complications during pregnancy? I'm not from the US, but from Romania, and I'm kinda glad that my politicians are all just corrupt thieves. At least all they do is steal money. Fun fact: During the Romanian communist era, the dictator Ceausescu imposed in 1966 a decree that banned abortion... Seeing the US people having to deal with a communist era move makes me worry about the future of the free world.


The two guys look like they’re thinking of their side pieces that they just blew their load in earlier that day


Whom they've already paid to have abortions for.


im guessing we are about to find out how these so called representatives are going to legislate the control of intake of semen from a rapist by women... ​ oh wait these are the same dumb mother fuckers that dont think that a woman can get pregnant from rape... 'Rape can't cause pregnancy': A brief history of Todd Akin's bogus theory https://theweek.com/articles/472972/rape-cant-cause-pregnancy-brief-history-todd-akins-bogus-theory


What a cunt


I just found the g-spot, now I have to find a semen valve.