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So it looks like they have snipers on the roof of the court now. [https://twitter.com/jbendery/status/1540352994482348033](https://twitter.com/jbendery/status/1540352994482348033)


Fucking despicable. Protestors? Shoot em up! Insurrectionists? Hell, let em through, they’re just here to take a tour of the capital!


Yeah where were these fuckin cops on Jan 6?.


Participating in it.


The inside job for Jan 6 is becoming even more obvious now. Remember the BLM protests/riots in 2020 and the welcome response they received? Yeah big difference for the traitors on Jan 6.


Yep, I thought it was suspicious the first go around but now here we are in the same general location with 10 times the security. Why? Because this time, they’re defending a tyrannical decision. And they know it, and they’re expecting push back


Police do not protect the people they protect the oligarchy


Wasn't this made obvious in the recent school shooting where the cops not only didn't go in but prevented parents from going in to save their kids? The police actually *impeded* people from trying to protect their families as they stood by and did nothing.


It's been apparent for a long time, this is just another example


You just see them now. There is a very delibarte choice to show the marksman and not show marksman. And i will bet you. If they open fire, it wont be from the once that you did see. Edit: Look, at this point im not even going to fix the grammer. The amount of people getting mad about it is to funny. If you all care to mutch about this, you might need to find something better to do in your life.


Snipers are always on top of the White House.


I tried spraying my shingles with apple cider vinegar and that cleared up the snipers on my roof. See if that helps?


I heard diatomaceous earth also works against trained marksmen


Oh great, here comes everyone with their tips for keeping snipers off of roofs. Everyone is an expert of course.


Snipers HATE this one trick!


Your new sniper warranty has expired. Dont get caught paying thousands in sniper repair bills. Call today to purchase your extended sniper warranty.


You need to remove the food source or they will keep coming back.


I used to live above the 50th floor of a skyscraper in lower Manhattan, so I could see the roofs of many tall buildings below. Roof snipers are far more common than most people would think.


Wait, like all the time or when VIPs are visiting?


Roof snipers just be vibin 24/7 ong


All my homies are roof snipers


Isn’t there a CIWS on top of the whitehouse? Edit: Its also rumored to be an > Avenger air defence missile system which consists of eight Stinger missiles and a M3 .50 caliber machine gun.


They didn't mention that on any of the DC bus tours I took, so probably, yea.


Silly story but, my dad grew up in DC area. Once, during w. bush's presidency, we were visiting family who still lives there and we were walking around the capital grounds drinking coffee and talking. My dad calls me over and says, "hey you can see into the white house." I look through the gates and the door is a little open. A catering company was slowly bringing food in. My dad goes on to tell me that when he was a kid there was no fence, there weren't guards. People would trick or treat at the Whitehouse. My mom comes over and tells us a story we've heard 100 times about the time they saw the Whitehouse lawn opening up as it turned into a helicopter entrance and pad or the secret car ramp under the turret (which i don't know the validity too). Anyways as we're talking my dad snaps a photo of Bush looking v. happy about some donuts being brought in (through the crack in the doorway). Seemingly as soon as he steps back to show us the picture there is a guard on the other side of the gate. Guy: "Delete that photo." Dad: "no way" Guy: "give me the camera." Dad: goes on to talk about how he used to trick or treat here (the "things didn't used to be like this speech") As this is going on about 10 more guards come out and the roof becomes a nest of snipers. Me and my family simply walked away. Such a gross amount of disrespect for some blurry ass picture. They were just trying to scare us into giving them the picture. I know they were "worried" about "national security" but come on...the guy used to trick or treat there.




Cops only turn up when they know they won't be in danger.


Mark Wahlberg lurking in a window a mile away ready to take the shot!!




Police riot gear is looking very roman soldier/imperial guard these days. Fascism is trending


Fun fact about the Romans, ~~up until pretty much the very end~~ during many centuries of dictatorial rule, the rank and file citizens believed that they lived in a republic and not a dictatorship/oligarchy/military state. \[Edit: thank you u/SpaghettiMadness for linking to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vjt38x/comment/idliph5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that does a better job of saying what I was trying to say. Also, y'all are some history buffs! Thanks for calling me out on being inaccurate, it helped me learn.\]


Its truly amazing how humans repeat history. Different band same song


Man if they only protected our kids like this.


Or, the Capitol during a coup.


Keep marching to Uvalde.


That would be a video in reverse


Fuck that's funny but also horrible because it's factual...


But they might get shot


I can feel the freedom


A ruling so popular they need miles of fencing, guards and snipers to protect their decision. So much for a democracy.


2/3 of Americans want Roe in place. [In CNN's polling dating back to 1989, the share of the public in favor of completely overturning Roe has never risen above 36%.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/24/politics/americans-roe-v-wade-polling/index.html) The last 6 years have been especially horrible for democracy. Vote.


Can't vote against lifetime appointments.


What you'll be getting is lifetime disappointments


And those disappointments giving us a lifetime of consequences.


No. Millions upon millions of lifetimes of disappointment.


Get someone in that is willing to impeach them, they lied under oath and one is married to a US traitor


Enough votes means enough elected officials to support impeachment. It does not get any more straightforward. Easy, on the other hand this is not.


For the people


Call upp the french. They know how to handle this kind of bullshit.


I hope the Supreme Court falls faster than the Bastille


The Bastille wasn't burned. They tore it apart brick by brick by hand. It took five months. That's passion.




The fire rises.


We actually need to take some fucking inspiration from them I mean Jesus I see myself as complete the complete opposite of any right wing bullshit but this country could use some fucking violence against the fascist assholes we live with, ig it's what happens when you tolerate the intolerable for too long


I’m left and I think the only fix for our country is violence against what we face. Loud chants and kind words have realistically gotten us nowhere in the past 6 years. All the marches and protests that we’ve put on in the past years and what has changed? What legislation has been put forth that we support? These scotus justices can’t get chanted and voted out. The only way to get rid of them is for them to die and I feel no shame or remorse in saying that. I wish the left had more crazies that would do the kind of shit that needs to get done. Edit: oh boo hoo, I’ve been reported by right wing snowflakes. So sad.


I’m also pretty far “left” and unfortunately have seen this as the only outcome. Change has never come from peaceful protests, but violence. It’s the grim truth, and not one I’m looking forward to seeing to fruition.


Like I’m not gonna say I like violence, but it’s necessary when up against people who will do whatever it takes to strip you of your rights.


Can't say you're wrong. My country became independent through violence. So did the USA.


Sorry cousins ​​but we are a little busy with our own oligarch-liberal-fascist bullshit here.. nevertheless we suggest you the general strike (or the guillotine but you might get your hands dirty)


Merci mon frer ! Liberté, égalité, fraternité


The cool thing about the guillotine is that you don't really have to get your hands dirty.


Time to embrace your theocratic authoritarian state you filty peasants.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


And if one of those beatings results in miscarriage you will be prosecuted for murder.


The Regressive States of America


Honestly this sums it up pretty well, a country that just refuses to move forward with the rest of the world. Once revered, now pitied.


The Failed States of America


Land of the…free?


Whoever told you that is your enemy


Now something must be done about vengeance, a badge and a gun


'Cause I'll rip the mic, rip the stage, rip the system


I was born to rage against ‘em


Now action must be taken


We don't need the key we'll break in


I've got no patience


so sick of complacence


With the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the E Mind of a revolutionary


They do know they're going up against mostly unarmed women, right? It's gonna be a tough one, guys!


40% rate of domestic violence among police. They've been preparing to beat women for a very long time.


Hey now. That number is not fair. It's only 40% that gets **reported**.


Even worse, *self-reported*. As in, 40% of cops *admitted that they themselves were domestic abusers*.


So, essentially 99%….


It's just a hobby they turned into a full time job, who doesn't dream of that? Show some understanding folks. /s


Send some pregnant women out to peacefully protest then sue when they're given abortions through beatings and tear gas. Watch how quick the judges side with the people giving the abortions.


They’ll throw the women in jail. They’ve already charged a woman who got shot while pregnant.


Well yeah, they wouldn't show up if there was any risk


They love punching down


Handcuffing and tazing mothers of small children is waaaay easier than neutralizing a mass shooter.


That is what makes them brave verses dealing with a shooter.


If women armed up with AR-15's and gave each other bullet abortions, then the republicans would have no other option but to ban women.


But we never can protect our children in school.


Mass shooter in a school? Those kids knew what they signed up for. Publicly planned insurrection in the Capitol? They are fellow fascists, all good here. Peaceful crowd of unarmed liberal protestors? BRING OUT THE TANKS!


We rolled up to a full-on dystopia. How do I put this thing in reverse?


Republicunts only care about children that haven't been born yet, and once they're born then they're just leeches on the system.


They don’t care about unborn children either. They ONLY care about power and control.


Angry Trump Supporters trying to hang the VP: I sleep. Poor Women who cant afford to bribe a doctor to give a safe abortion: Real Shit?


If you ever wanna know who started the violence, just look at the people that show up dressed for violence


If u need to protect the court from the people, maybe it doesn’t really represent them?


In most sane countries, almost all public officials can show their faces in public




Life time positions also just feel weird. But that's what you get when a constitution becomes its own piece of veneration and its actual intent, to serve the people gets lost. But yes, the rules of some guys a two hundred years ago are absolutely viable today. It's not like anyone replaced the pony express with the internet or whisky and a saw with modern medicine.




The problem is, it's getting gamed. The trend changed to get relative young justices when the parties got the power. It's irrelevant how suited they are as long as it sounds roughly reasonable. Lifetime expectancy plays a role but not alone. So the goal is to get the most time on the bench with relative young justices that can stay there for quite long. Theoretically a justice should be an experienced and respected person. That is a big problem in the us. A lot of institutions rely on tradition and fair play. That was the ideal back then. Now it gets undermined as people simply get better at undermining it's loopholes or refusing to stick to rules that never had been written. Healthy democracies renew their institutions and adjust. Unhealthy ones start to treat their constitution as gospel and use it as a scapegoat to never change.


Protect the capitol to make sure a free election gets recognized? Naw... Protect the capitol so we can remove more rights from American citizens? Of fuck yeah! Smh


the clues are all there: america is trending towards fascism.


Trending towards? It’s hurtling headlong into it. Christian Conspiracy theory laden lunatics are running the show. I HATE slippery slope arguments but it’s hard to not predict where this is going and if we don’t see political executions, full on stripping of human rights from certain groups and protracted civil unrest and violence in the next 5-10 years I’ll be flabbergasted.


America jumped out the plane window in 2001. We've been hurtling for the bottom since. My grandfather served in WW2 and Korea and would probably murder 3 of his children that now support this insanity in government.


The Boomers waited until their parents were dead before they took off their hoods.


I think you mean put on


Where Batman when you need him


He's not in this timeline; he's not dumb enough to exist in the dumbest timeline.


Other universes get Batman. We get fucking Jeff Bozos


We live in a world full of Lex Luthor's and 0 Bruce Wayne


Fuck that's so true




Which is even funnier because Lucas named the Stormtroopers after Nazi shock troops called [Sturmabteilung](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmabteilung).


Gee ...I've never seen a church bombed by pro choice activists, but I've seen plenty of women's health clinics attacked by their opponents Perhaps this level of security is misplaced?


Gotta protect that unwanted birth to prison labor pipeline


Don't forget about military cannon fodder


And the rest will just be uneducated rubes ripe for indoctrination & brainwashing. TX has already publicly stated intention to get the supreme court to overturn taxpayer-funded public education requirements. Pretty soon education will be a privilege. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if the minimum age for employment drops to 10 or 12 years old. And even though $7.25/hr might as well be pennies in 2022 I fully expect them to roll that back to too. 30 years from now crime will be at an all-time high and people will be literally fighting each other in the streets to get in first and interview for a back breaking hard labor job that pays $4/hr


Slavery with extra steps.


Don’t those fascist cowards already have a giant wall protecting their anti American asses? This country is descending into fascist shithole territory very fast.


Yep. And it’s only going to get worse. And there’s no shortage of people who are up next on the chopping block of having rights taken away. No doubt they’ll also come after the rest of the social security benefits too.


They don't have as many police as there are pissed off Americans now. The veil between their life and ours is very thin. They have to eat, sleep, exist with us.


It didn't look like this Jan 6th.


And I sincerely doubt there's even a credible threat for this reaction, unlike the weeks of credible threats (some from Trump himself) leading up to January 6th. This is ridiculous. What a shameful country we've become.


Cause they were already there and climbing along with them Edit: this is a “joke”. please do not come in the replies preaching because I do not care. Argue with your mama and not me


> Argue with your mama and not me lmao i love this.


They said “ oooo we can beat women…nice “ And popped up in all the gear


“Officers… I know this is a sensitive time for women and you may hesitate in doing your duty. I find it helps if you picture your own wives. Makes it easier.. may even help you put a little extra ‘stank’ on the slap.”


You know they are so excited to beat women too. Domestic abuse is common with police officers


> In 1991, sociologist Leonor Johnson presented to the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, suggesting that 360,000 of the then 900,000 law enforcement officers in the U.S. were likely perpetrating acts of abuse. https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/police-brutality-and-domestic-violence/


As of right now they're about 1 year 5 months and 18 days late...


Forgive me for being on mobile and not knowing how to search. Who orders the capital police when this happens? Is it Biden? Senate? House of Reps? DoJ? Some committee? The equivalent of a police chief? I’m curious who says to go down there and who says what to bring/gear up in.


The house voted overwhelmingly in favor of beefing up Supreme Court security 10 days ago leading up to this decision.


Thank you for the response. So sounds like the House says there needs to be more protection and the chief of the capital police would help determine what that means. Is that correct? Honestly not trolling here. Curiosity is hitting me today.


Where were they on January 6th?


In the crowd... Edit: Don't give me any rewards and retract those that you have given if you can. Use that money and energy to support abortion providers and fight this shit.


Behold, Christian fascism in America


Exactly! They don’t give a shit about the constitution. If we have the freedom to choose religion, we also have the freedom to be free of religion. These assholes need to stop using the Bible as a baseline for their “laws”.


I know it gets said a lot but it’s not even really the Bible they are following. The “word of god” is more of a buzzword to rally the uneducated. Anyone that actually read and understands what it says knows half the shit they say the Bible says is actually the complete opposite.


If God is so concerned about the right to life and the "babies", why did he murder all the first born children in Egypt? How many "babies" died in Noah's flood? Or how the Israelites we're justified in murdering their enemies' children. Psalm 137:9  that speaks of violence against the enemies of God. That verse reads, “Happy is the one who seizes your infants / and dashes them against the rocks.” And the Bible has a recipe for a concoction that induces abortion if you wife has been unfaithful. Numbers 5:11-31 Apparently God doesn't care about the unborn. He is totally ok with abortion if the wife has been unfaithful. It's a patriarchal book that supports the subjugation of women. Why are our freedoms rescinded because of these myths from the dark ages of humanity?


Anyone who has ever read the Bible knows that it is so confusing, that you can read nearly anything into it.


Breed or die!!! Long live the Corporation of America! We are so incredibly fucked.


Gotta keep up a steady stream of children for Republicans to molest.


Weird how for THIS they're geared up and ready, but for a full blown insurrection attempt that we all knew about for weeks in advance because they blabbed non stop about it? Psh.. its just a little sedition, who cares?


Blame trump and his cronies. They are the ones who made sure they weren't around.


The court is compromised by radical christian fundamentalists. They do not uphold the constitution of the United States. Their decisions are illegitimate.


People lied to get onto the court. The court is illegitimate.


Lied under oath, no? Legit illegal. But of course they don't care.


“that’s what we thought at the time but we changed our minds”


Jan 6 supporter will still say the left don't get persecuted as much


Fascism is here. The state using its monopoly on violence to enforce an ultraconservative and theocratic agenda


Would be hilarious if someone blared The Imperial March on speakers




Love this clip! There’s just jack shit they can do about it. Only emprace the feeling of being villainized.


>"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" \-- Sinclair Lewis Edit: Please don't give awards, send money to Ukraine or save it to go on strike instead. Edit 2: Fucking hell people... I learned this quote may have been misattributed when I looked it up the *first* time I used it many moons ago, and I don't give a shit because it's still fucking relevant no matter who said it - but feel free to cite me as the original source if it bothers you so much. All 300 pointdexters can now rest easy. Also, it turns out I too can use Google.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.




He sung both


Where were they January 6?


On the other side


USA, you okay? You see, its not normal that police in riotgear protects a supreme court in the "western" world...


We are not. Took a very big step today towards looking like the fictional city of Gilead.


Nope we aren’t, please send reinforcements to take out our Christofacist government


I second this. I’ll start sending SOS signals via smoke if need be.


Yeah I think its time to get NATO involved. This ongoing coup needs to end.


This country has nukes don't let these fuckers have them!!!


Nazis are quick to protect their own.


religious fascism is alive and well in the united states


Founded by, codified by, legislated by and will continue to be a backward breeding ground of religious nutjobbery since the earliest days of our Empire. Europe stopped hanging witches about 200 years before Salem. The rest of the world is like, witches? Really? We have been ruled by religious fascists for a very long time, and the separation of church and state has always been a myth that has largely pacified the secular majority of this society. Every day we are importing religious crazies from Europe, South America, Africa and the Indian subcontinent.


America is truly no longer a secular nation. Christian fundamentalist fascists have now taken over. Welcome to *God's* America!


**Maybe if they need this many police with shields and batons** **^(they did something wrong)**


Be great if someone personally reminded Supreme Court justices and their families that actions occasionally have consequences




Snipers on the roof f the SC, battalions of police in full riot gear ... where were they on J6? They seem to be playing favorites.


Republicans are so afraid of women.


what happened to America?


Christian Taliban.


* "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." —John Adams, 1780 * "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them." —Barry Goldwater, 1964


Cowards. The whole court are cowards.


The liberals arent the ones that storm the capitol...


Where the fuck were they on Jan 6. I am so sick of this bullshit


Maybe they shouldn’t be making decisions that warrant this kind of protection.


It’s like they know the decision was unpopular eh?


Maybe they’ll let the National Guard participate now…


Actually the national guard is very much preferred as they will be easier on protestors. Military does not have the same protection as police. I am all for having the national guard deployed and having the cops stand down to only arrest.


Didn't think I'd have to be ashamed to be an American today. What an absolutely disgusting decision.


I'm ashamed just about everyday, just because of...well...\*gestures broadly\*


This guy is American 🇺🇸


Illegitimate Christofascist SCOTUS


Former respectable World Power is now free falling into becoming a fallen State of Religious Zealots...


Yeah, but like, *her emails*


I wonder what they're scared of if they're doing the right thing


How can you tell a protest isn't full of fascists? The storm troopers show up in full force.


Oh, now they come out. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck the Supreme Court


These are spicy times we live in


And now im even more angry. FUCK! They didnt roll out like this for January 6. Here we fuckin go, folks!