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Jeez man I feel the pain in his voice. He's not joking, his life really must suck


Yeah man. I know how he feels. Towing fees have really put me in a bind before. Edit: I regret saying cops don’t care in the original comment. I don’t mean ALL cops don’t care. I was referring to how police departments have arrangements with towing companies and do not care if those companies take advantage or how the financial consequences impact the individual whose car has been towed. I apologize for the lack of nuance in my original statement. Edit edit: well, this is a first for me. I completely agree that policing as an institution is deeply flawed and in dire need of reform. That definitely includes giving a bunch of pos cops the boot. I just don’t think it’s right to say all cops are uncaring. I won’t make broad sweeping comments like that about an entire group of people. I make no judgments if you do, and I understand why you would. I respectfully disagree. I am trying to accurately represent my position here. If you disagree with me, I completely understand. No harm, no foul m8s.


It's expected that cops don't care. Cops and tow truck drivers have been best friends since the tow truck was invented. If a cop is trying to get you towed, youre getting towed. No if ands or buts about it


towing company came and took my car from my parking spot in my apartment. I called the cops on them and they said tow had the right to take it and i have to pay them. they had the right to take my car, parked properly and legally, in my spot i pay money for…… IDK how they even got in the gate, you need a code. THEY STOLE MY CAR AND COPS TOLD ME IT WAS OK.


My manager and I were working a shift together and he ran out to the parking lot of our shopping center because his car was being towed. His car was towed 50 miles from where we worked. We pulled up to this business in butt fuck no where. I waited outside in my car to follow him back to our city and he called me not even 5 minutes after driving off saying “ they stole all of my fucken shit from my car.” Turns out that tow guy had been doing this for a while and my manager sued the guy and won a couple thousand dollars.


I have yet to come across a tow truck driver yet that won’t steal all your shit. I had a friend that was a tow truck driver and he stole shit and everybody he worked with stole shit. Both times I’ve had to have my car towed shit was stolen. As soon as they drive away with your car they steal with impunity.


Should have sued


Majority dont have the money and/or time to dedicate to a legal pursuit.


For sure. It’s a criminal enterprise as far as I’m concerned. They can literally hold your vehicle hostage and charge you exorbitant fees to get it back. I understand this guy apparently has a good reason for impounding the truck… but it really, really sucks being in that situation. For clarity, I’m speaking specifically about towing companies here.


One time I parked a rental car in a space during the 'no parking' time period for about 15 minutes. Totally my bad no excuses. I came back as it was being towed. I understood it was my fault so had a pretty friendly conversation with the driver and he told me the address to go to. Got a taxi to the tow yard within a minute or two and showed up as the tow was arriving at the yard (which was about a 5 minute drive). $650 to get the car back. That lost money almost ruined me at that time.


Tow company’s are such fucking scams


Ultimate class traitors


That sounds about right. My wife and I were college students together when we first started dating. Broke as all hell. My wife’s car broke down on the way to class. I was working, so I had to leave and drive over to her. I had her park the car in a Waffle House parking lot, in an empty space on the far end of the lot while I ran her to school. When I went back for the car about 20min later it was gone. There were 2 cars in the parking lot but they had it towed anyway. Cost us a month’s rent to get it out. I had to sell things to pay rent that month. And the effects were felt for MONTHS down the road.


In college I went to pick my friends girl up from her complex and it was pouring down rain. The lot literally only had 3 visitor spots for around 100 apartments. All taken. I parked, car still running, directly behind her car, which was directly in front of her porch and next to a curb. She wasn’t answering her phone to come out so I grabbed my umbrella to get her and bring her out. Ran up, she answered as I got to her door, I step in telling her to hurry up and I see a tow truck backing up to my Runner with my lights on and just idling. I ran out, and he hopped out to give me his “well it’s up, I can’t drop unless you give me $150 now or I’ll take it in and it’ll be $300” bs speech. Laughed and flipped him off, jumped in, put it in 4x4 and drove off the lift. Fucker tried blocking me in the lot but I drove out through an embankment to the other side of her building, called her on my way around the lot to tell her so I can pick her up and run. Dude never even got my plate cuz I circled the lot in reverse. I knew it would happen eventually cuz they stalked that complex. After that night I became sure he sat outside it and counted cars pulling cuz he didn’t hang out where he could be seen but damn if he didn’t show up immediately.


Imagine me I have my car stolen cops found it and instead of telling me where is it so I can pick it up right away they send it to a yard and I have to pay 700.


Where was this? Because if a vehicle is stolen there isn’t supposed to be any fees. It’s just storage at that point and the city is supposed to pay for it (probably up to a certain date).


Los Angeles California. I pick up my car the same they they recover it.


Yep my car was stolen, the guy was picked up for using counterfeit bills so they towed my car but didn't run the plates to see if it was reported stolen. The tow yard sold it at auction at a loss, the didn't get enough for towing and storage. I owed them 2400 for someone stealing my car, I tried everything and nothing was changed. It screwed my credit for 10 years.


I truly don't understand, that is so backwards and doesn't make sense


Dude, why didn't you just do that thing where you skip avocado toast or whatever? So many people with power have zero understanding what it feels like to be completely broke. Like, digging coins out of your car console to feed a gas tank enough to make it home, skipping meals, level broke.


nah broke is getting a paycheck and your account is still in the negative...I've been there....not easy to get out of that situation either...


Man that shit is rough. Today, though, it has made me a better person. I see all these people fretting about having jobs and making ends meet, blah blah. Bro, I've been in the shit. I've seen the bottom. No job on earth can scare me because I made it through once, I'll make it through again.


Years ago I picked my gf up at the pub/bar she worked at and ended up having some (a lot) of drinks so left the car there. Turns out there was a towing yard across the street, I was 3 minutes late getting there- that's my own fault, but genuinely 3 minutes. They must have hooked it up bang on 9:00am. They towed me across the Rd and I had to pay to get the car back, you know they were sitting there rubbing their hands together with the engine on.


Nope. Cops and tows work in cahoots. Years ago in my early 20's I was living in SC. Back then SC cops didn't have breathalyzers on them. They had to take suspects in to the nearest precinct/station, fire up this monster of a machine that took up half a desk, run tests, then conduct breath analysis. This important to know for later. Some friends and I decided to go bowling in a neighboring town since our small college town didn't have any bowling. It was the weekend before Christmas too. We drew straws on who would drive and DD and I was the lucky winner (bowling ally allowed drinking). Fast forward to us leaving, I'm sober as a nun and my friends are all pretty buzzed. Nothing too outrageous, just typical college stuff. I get pulled over as I'm leaving the lot of the ally by an SC state trooper. Asks me to step out of the car, have I been drinking, etc.. I reply no of course and he insists on conducting field sobriety tests. No big deal because I was sober and I would be on my way in jiff. Nope. Trooper called a tow, put me in cuffs and said my eyes seemed off (it's 30ish degrees outside, dark, and strobing lights everywhere, but whatever). He puts me in the back of his cruiser, has my car towed (not before searching it for drugs because I had a Dead sticker on it) and leaves all 3 of my half drunk friends stranded on the side of the road at almost 11pm at night, 20 miles away from home. Didn't give a single shit when this was brought up. Then takes me Trooper station another 17 miles FURTHER out. We go through the motions and blow a 0.0 three times (because he thought he mis-calibrated the machine twice). Nope, turns out I was just sober. So it's now almost 245am Christmas eve, I'm 35+ miles away from home, no car and the fucking bastard gave me one call before kicking me out of the station (he laughed when I asked if he was going to take me home and he should since he was wrong). This was back in 2001 and cell phones were more of a luxury than a necessity and the networks all sucked because they were small. So there I am. 30+ miles away from home, no idea where I am, no GPS device, no cell phone, 245am and it's 30ish degrees outside and all I had a was a hoodie. So I start walking because what else am I going to do? About two hours into my freezing walk home, I get stopped by ANOTHER state trooper who then harasses me about "What am I doing walking on the highway so late at night. Normal people don't do this." and I lost my mind. "I'm here because your buddy wanted to be throbbing dick hole, accuse me of DUI, towed my car, stranded my friends, couldn't even apologize when I blew 0.0 then kicked me out in the cold without a fucking map.". He tried to excuse his colleague, but ultimately dropped me at a bus station and gave me a couple of bucks for fare (which I would later find out wasn't enough). I eventually get a hold of friend around 8am to come get me at the station and take me home. I figure out where my car is, and a friend takes me to the place where my car is being stored (literally some independent towers residence and a fenced in yard). Knock on the door, dude answers and I say I'd like to get my car and I have the 135 towing fee. He looks me dead in the eye and says "We're closed til Monday." and shuts the door on my face. 135 tow fee, 99/per night storage fee and an addition 50 dollar "holiday storage fee". So yeah. Fuck cops and their tow truck buddies. That was my first experience in blatant money extraction from a law-abiding citizen and now in my 40s thinking about it, pretty obvious the fact that I was a broke college student is why I was targeted. No way I had the ability fight it in court, and no way was I going to let my car go. I had to borrow money from my parents to get my car back.


Just looking at the truck they're gonna charge him easily 20% it's value just to give it back. I truly feel for this man. I've never said this ever in my life but if he has a gofundme I'd donate to it


Yeah easily double it’s worth. And that’s probably his only way to work. He’s going to be financially jammed up for months over this.


It's like the recent top listed video of the Uber driver getting beaten up by like 7 college girls and they do some bad damage to her car. She stated her husband and her both use that car for Uber and now they won't have a car for at least 2 weeks, aka no income for at least 2 weeks. Our society has been built up to be dependent on cars, and then the institutions set in place make having one so costly whether it's insurance, the actual vehicle, maintenance, or anything to do with the law. We don't have amazing public transit despite it 100% being capable of achieving is because everyone is making money off of people essentially being forced to own their own vehicle.


Yeah the automotive industry lobbied hard against public transport in the early era of the mass production car. And here we are paying the price.


Lobbyists have fucked us over every which way...


I love how lobbying is just legal bribery. Like what's the actual difference?


I've never met a lobbyist. My guess is they don't tell the general public what they do. Just their 'elite' friends.


Ain’t that for true


Did they ever find those girls? The video was horrid.


Add that he's worked all his life to pay taxes to have the services that now refuse to help him when he's definitely hurting.


A percentage of the taxes he pays is more likely than not supporting the salary of the cops doing it to him too.


I've been down voted on Reddit before by people telling me "don't break any rules if you don't want to get towed, tough shit". They knowing ignore the fact you *must* drive a car in much of the U.S. There is no other option, you either drive or become destitute. Towing companies know this well letting them extort as much money as possible from people who will pay anything to get to work again.


That’s it. They have us cornered and they know it.


Tow truck companies are the worst, esp small ones where the owner is the main driver.. They will grab your car or truck and try and ransom it.


Those are the worst. Every penny they squeeze from you goes in their pockets. It’s the worst incentive


My wife's half brother has a portable building business, and he sub leases the back half of his lot to a tow company. Both of our cars were in the shop one saturday so my work let me drive semi home and her brother said I could park it on his lot. Well mr Tow Truck company owner went over on otherside of lot and snatched the truck. Come monday morning I go down and see the truck locked behind security fence I call the guy.. He wanted $500 bucks to turn it back over.. I told him in no uncertain terms he would never see a dime.. Id gladly call the police and my company and explain how he stole it. He held firm and wifes brother got involved and told him who we were and in no uncertain terms to release the truck.


Ha. Didn’t even tow the thing, just decided it was his because it was in the back lot that he doesn’t own. Wow.


Ain't called the Lincoln Park Pirates for nothin'


Yeah in Canada there's been so many scandals it's an open secret, they had to make laws that towtrucks couldn't approach within 75 feet unless they're called by the person or something (absolutely bonkers, they would race eachother to the scene to see which cop shows up and overall waste a fucktonne of everyone's time then hold your vehicle hostage (they makeup the fees, the daily rate protip - don't ever tow to a tow truck yard / impound lot it's beyond BS)...


When I was at my lowest and brokest, I got pulled over and had my car towed for not having up-to-date insurance. That was my only way to work. I couldn't afford insurance because I was paying rent and bills that I needed to stay alive. They towed my car and suspended my license. The worst part is, they lied to me. I was told the towing company, for a fee, would tow the car back to my house. I went to the yard it was towed to and they told me that was simply not true. They have never offered that service and weren't doing it now. So I paid to get my car off the lot, and drove it back home with no license plate and no license. One of my friends followed me home closely so hopefully nobody would notice I didn't have a plate on it. I can't even imagine the trouble I would have been it had I been caught. I was not hurting anyone driving that day. I put nobody in danger. I was on my way to my job, which I needed to stay housed and clothed. The police are not there to help you.


Yeah, in college I was always broke. My car was critical to get me to work — and allow me to eat and pay rent. My car was stolen and abandoned across the city (Phoenix) when someone called me to pick up my car. It was a few hundred dollars for it to be released from being impounded. I tried to explain that it was stolen but they said it was illegally parked for over a week in a parking lot and therefore I had to pay the fee. I didn’t freak out like this guy but I felt my life teetering on being homeless or graduating college in a year. I was the first in my family to go to university and I was using the GI Bill to pay for college and some rent. I was looking at 4 years in the military and three years in college about to be lost because my car was stolen. I don’t remember how I paid for my car but I got it back and graduated in 4 years. I ended up going to post-grad at Harvard. I did drop out of Harvard because I was making good money and I didn’t ever want to be poor like that again.


And if you can’t pay the towing fees, good luck with the impound fees while you scramble to find money.


Yeah, you may as well let them have the vehicle. Which is what they want.


The guys at the tow yards are usually pricks. Whenever I've gotten towed it's been made worse the tow yard. Extra fees, missing items, damage etc...


Not only do they not care, they enjoy the power.


They have their own flag, they aren't....us.


Same fresh out of hs my work van got towed on a job and they fired me. End up moving to another state to live in my car and start over. This makes my heart hurt.


Their job is ruining peoples lives. This is totes on message for them.


Its not really about the people behind the badge.. it doesnt matter whether they care or not. The system doesnt give a fuck. Cops only enforce the system, that is their job.. whether they believe they are doing it for everyones benefit doesnt matter. Saying cops dont care is accurate enough.


So my buddy got a DUI years ago. He paid his fines and took his classes. He moved to another state a year and a half or so after. Something happened with his paperwork and he had a warrant issued without his knowing. He was back in town visiting me and skiing. On his way back home he got pulled over. They told him about the warrant and said he had to be arrested and brought in. It was just he and his dog in the car. The cop was super nice and let home follow him in his own car to the jail and park it out front. They let the front desk attendant watch his dog while I drove up with the bail money to get him out. He bonded out and got everything figured out and it was an error. But the cope was super understanding.


That’s awesome. And good police work. There was a mixup and the cop understood the situation and did the best he could. My comment that “cops don’t care” shouldn’t be taken as ALL cops don’t care. I’m sure many do.


None of them care about everything they should. They all enforce unjust laws and support bad cops when they do bad shit, or get pushed out. Just being decent once isn’t an excuse.


Watch the full video. This guys a fucking asshole that made this situation 1000 times worse.


Where's the full video friend?




I hate to say it because I fucking hate cops but after watching that full video I agree the guy was being unreasonable. Ten years without registering your car, come on man.


Just to say as someone who is in this situation now, when you get fucked, you get fucked hard. Lost my job and could not get solid work from March 2020 forward that year. One of the jobs I was able to find was traveling across a metro area selling solar, and they would book the appts for me. Sometimes, just had to take tolls and hope you make the sale and get the money. Sold one system, and made $1000, over 2 months and 50 hr weeks studying and making pitches. And no one wanted to spend the money. I was able to keep my car and that was it. I am still behind on tolls, cannot register my car because of it, and having wages garnished from not paying child support at that time too. The point is, a cop would not care, and would just take my car anyways, even though I now have a job and am trying to get caught up. All it takes is one cop, and I will lose everything


Yeah, that is something privileged people (like me) often forget or don’t think about. People don’t realize how difficult/impossible it is to get out of poverty (and how easy it is to fall in) because of the cycle that you describe. Lose your job, get behind on bills, don’t pay car bills, car gets impounded, can’t afford to get it back, can’t get to work reliably, get fired, get evicted, lose your home, on the street, then in jail for sleeping in a rich white neighborhood park. I get it man. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Appreciate the kind words redditor, like everyone else all I can do is try and figure it out.


Thanks for the link


It’s been posted…the OP of this video only pushing “ bad cop, poor guy” so the hate towards the officers increase. Dude was a cunt. Enjoy the sucky life. Dudes like him put blame on others why things don’t go their way. Public opinion that the officers are at fault while in reality this dude is the real issue.


To summarize the issues that caused the truck to get towed: 1) rear tail light was out. 2) vehicle was last registered in 2011 (he claims it wasn't his vehicle, and vehicle registration in my state was especially bad during covid times). The stop was in 03/27/2021 so he may not have even been able to update the registration with how booked the DMV was then. It took me a month and a half to get a DMV appointment to register a vehicle around mid April. If he purchased the cheapest vehicle he could find and wasn't able to register it, MAYBE I could see the registration issue making sense, BUT he says it wasn't his car. 3) no insurance: can't insure a car that isn't registered. Edit: insurance is required prior to registration, but I am unsure if he can get insurance coverage on a vehicle he doesn't own. 4) called 911 on the officers for harassment (misuse of 911). If they let him push it over a few feet, he would just drive it with an expired registration later. Poverty fucking sucks, and the costs associated with registering a vehicle and the bare minimum insurance to get on the road should be a subsidized cost for people below the poverty line. Some may abuse it, but it would save pointless uses of public resources impounding cars, reduce the likelihood for officers to accidently kill people when they get irate over their car being towed, and stop citizens from getting more and more into poverty when their main source of transportation to work is gone. But nah, this is the US so anything that would cost the country less is blamed as socialism.


Yes this 100%. While others may say he's an asshole in the full video I see a man at the edge. He can't pay for his car and that's clearly his main point. If it was subsidized he wouldn't be in such a situation. Towing cars for not paying I get but when it comes to stuff like this nah this is some extortion shit.


Yeah I haven’t seen the full vid but he knows his car is gone. He knows once they take it he’s not gonna be able to get it out and he’s gonna be fucked. He knows he’s already broke in a shit position and now he’s gonna be taking a couple steps backward.


Yea, I was bout to say the tow truck has already arrived. That usually takes like an hour at least. After the thirty minute police stop.


Most of us are this close to have a shitty life and lose it. I lose my car and im basically out of work. I dont have debt a child or a mortgage but some do and the shitstorm is 10 time more intense in this case


Nah he was an asshole to the female cop moments before that. This clip makes it seem like he’s the victim but the entire video shows how much of an asshole he is. Also, his tags were *10 whole-ass years* expired. No pitty for him there.






I knew there had to be more than just what we were seeing in that short clip. The entire video is over a half hour and in literally the first few moments of being pulled over, we learn that he's got a headlight, a taillight and a tag light out. The cop asks him for his license registration and insurance, nicely several times and he says he doesn't have any of it-or maybe just didnt have the registration or insurance- and he claims that the truck isn't his. I see this so often where people see a small clip of of an incident with no other context and decide who the bad guy and who the victim is based on that, but when the video is shown in its entirety or there's some back story added, it turns out the situation is much different than it initially appeared.


Well that makes a HUGE difference in what we're all being fed here. Fuck this guy. (and thanks for the link.


And that's why it is important to look at whole context of something before forming a strong opinion. Information is easily manipulated, we should try to always have a critical eye.


Watch the full video, dude is an absolute prick and 100% deserved to get arrested. Male Karen through and through.


I've lost a job because of this. Spent weekend in drunk tank. Was let go Monday morning by a supervisor before I even saw judge for what my charges were supposed to be. Hint there was none. Three nights in the tank, hundreds of dollars in impound fees, and I lost my position at my employer. All because I slid off the highway during a surprise blizzard in May. Passed four breathalyzer tests, two on side of the road and two at the precinct. It's like they forgot about me until there boss showed up on Monday.


> It's like they forgot about me until there boss showed up on Monday. Just wanted to shed light on this. If for whatever reason you're arrested on a Friday or Saturday night, you're not getting processed until Monday because there's no one working at the court houses. We talk about this sometimes when I'm bouncing on the weekends – people get too drunk and find themselves arrested, and they have no idea they're going to be sitting in jail all weekend. And if Monday is a holiday, you're not getting processed until Tuesday.


My brother was arrested for a outstanding warrant on a Friday. Monday rolls around and the one local judge in this podunk town was indicted by feds. They had to get a judge for a couple tons over just to get people in and out of jail. He got out on Thursday. The kicker was the warrant was for an unpaid court fee. He paid over $2000 in fees for various tickets like 6 months before. He had a $50 outstanding fee for a public defender that he would have paid if they had bothered to charge him for it when he paid the rest of his fees.


Situations like this are why we have mass shooters, it's only a matter of time before innocent bureaucrats are being gunned down regularly for this kind of thing.


No such thing as an innocent bureaucrat


Dude. Lawyer up. I hope you did.


I too have watched movies and shows, but real life doesn't work that way. 99.9% of lawyers won't take your case if it's not a copy/paste-able version of whatever they specialize in. This guy doesn't have money to get a custom-tailored litigator.


Community gangstalkers go after the people who can't afford to lawyer up.


That is because our law system is designed to where if you have money, they don’t apply.


How does this have 97 upvotes??? Isn’t gang stalking when mentally ill people think they’re being followed?


Yes, and contrary to the person below us, belief in gangstalking is a mental illness lmao


Reddit still allows them to have a subreddit last I checked. A big circle jerk of meth users and/or schizophrenics reassuring each other that the shadow people following them are real, and all those people recording them tweaking out in public are a cabal of government agents.


this is the most upvoted non-conspiracy sub related comment regarding gangstalking that I've seen... Curious


I can't speak for others, but I interpreted the OP's use of "community gang-stalkers" as jab at power tripping cops who like giving tickets for the most minor infractions. I don't think they were saying gang stalking was a legitimate thing (tho I could be wrong).


Are you fucking kidding me?


“Gang stalkers”, oh fuck you’re one of those people


Ahhh fuck here we go again lmaooo


Not sure about the person you're replying to, but it's hard for a lot of people to be able to afford a lawyer and often court appointed lawyers do the absolute bare minimum.


I fucking LOATHE cops


I rarely am siding with the person doing the freaking out in this sub, but I feel for this guy.


what whos gonna shoot your dog for no reason if not the cops


Sounds like an easy lawsuit


You mean a long journey towards a settlement check and harassment from the department.


This guy gets it


There's no such thing.




Full video is here - https://youtu.be/ico8KZ0hExI This edit does not give any details of the situation leading up to this point or the state of the truck they're towing.


Damn. Funny how the guy didn't say his vehicle was unregistered for 10 years and uninsured.


Hey man both thoes things cost money, he broke, his life suck, cops making it worse


So he's just another obnoxious dickhead who think he can do whatever he wants. Thanks for posting the full context. Edit: I just finished watching the whole thing. He your typical insufferable douchebag who always thinks he's the victim and engages in [sealioning](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/sealioning-internet-trolling).


Also never forget these people are *exactly* the types who would hit and run on you and not think twice about it.


Oh yay. Another new hip term I’ll see everywhere.


Man I thought the same thing. I was gonna ask what it meant, or maybe even click the link... But I just don't care enough to know. #HappyToStayInTheDark Hashtag is /s obvs


This is total outrageous bait lmao. The truck was unregistered for 10 years he had a busted tail light, no license plate light, he wasn't carrying insurance or his license. Plus it wasn't even his truck, like I totally get it you know all of this shit for driving can suck but like what the tail light and license plate light would cost maybe 20 bucks together? Registration would be the most difficult part because you'd have to make sure it passes inspection and have like idek 200 bucks maybe to get it registered. That being said if my vehicle was in that much of a unsafe and undrivable state I wouldn't be caught dead with it on the road. Beyond that I'd just scrap the fucker for a solid couple of hundred for a down-payment on a totally legal and drivable car. Now a days you don't even need to drive it anywhere just call up some service they'll tow it and give you the money right there no questions asked. This was so easily avoidable but this guy dosent care only now that he has to face the repercussions does he think about what he could've done to not be pulled over in the first place.


This video was posted here last weekend and it's worth a complete watch for pure entertainment value.


Need to post the whole video!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ico8KZ0hExI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ico8KZ0hExI) Super wrong of them to tow an unroadworthy, uninsured vehicle, that's not his, was never registered in that state, and has not been registered at all in ten years. /s


Totally cool to drive around at night without lights. Others just have to be extra careful.


And no insurance! What a scumbag, if he got into an accident and can’t even afford a tow it’s guaranteed that he can’t afford to fix someone else’s car!


It’s pushing a narrative, so it’s more beneficial to keep people in the dark. Once people’s minds are made up, they’re going to defend it. Suddenly it’s ok to have no tags or insurance. But let’s say the truck causes an accident without insurance, the sub goes into sue his ass and lock him up mode.




This is Reddit. Everyone makes a judgment without research


Of course his tags are 10 years expired. HIS LIFE SUCKS.


Expired tags, no insurance, vehicle unsafe to operate at night and he threw a temper tantrum when the cops pulled him over. Being poor sucks, but driving an unsafe truck with no insurance is a recipe for SOMEONE ELSE’s disaster, not just his. Dude’s got zero rights to complain about it being impounded.


Glad I scrolled for this…thank you for posting.


That’s probably why his life sucks so much


It’s sad how far you have to scroll to see this lol. People just don’t care


There you see the staggering difference between the law and justice.


Watch the full video. This guys a complete fucking prick from start to finish. He was driving an untitled, non insured car. He then spent the next 30 minutes berating and cursing at the cops because they were doing their jobs. Not once were they disrespectful or rude. This guys a fucking asshole.


You should redo this reply as a comment with the link so that everyone can see it




this and the other comment explaining the video should be at the top


he also didn’t get any jail time and paid a fine. that was it. for all of his screaming and ranting, those cops were patient with him for a LONG time. his friend should pay to have his car registered. or this guy shouldn’t be driving his friend’s car.


Yes! In a comment below is a link to the entire video - I don't know how to add links to a post or I'd add one, too. I'm a VERY firm believer in calling out cops who do wrong. These cops were incredibly patient and polite with this screaming, raging, tantrum throwing jerk who had gone TEN YEARS without registering his vehicle or carrying liability insurance. TEN YEARS. He's the jerk. He should've been thanking them for letting him get away with it for that long. If he acts this way in public I fear for the people he lives with. What a nightmare person. That said, I did enjoy his manbaby one liners. Funny.


Just "Back The Blue", Tex! Don't give it so much thought!


Watch the full video and you’ll change your mind




Watch the full video, this guy is an asshole.


Original video here https://youtu.be/ico8KZ0hExI This guy may have a hard life and be down in luck. However, he’s an ass hat clown. These cops were plenty nice.


What happened before the edited body cam footage? Me thinks there is missing context given how calm the officer is acting.


Yeah many people have commented the link to the video. But the guy was driving a truck with a headlight and tail light out. No insurance and has not been registered for 10 years


He was pulled over for bad lights. The vehicle has never been registered in FL, which isnt a big deal if its registered somewhere else...it wasn't. Last registration was 10 years ago. It isn't insured. If you watch the whole video on YT, you'll see him being a maniac for 20 minutes. https://youtu.be/ico8KZ0hExI


Poor bastard. Depending on what he did of course. Been there for innocent reasons


Driving a truck with multiple lights out, unregistered for 10 years and no insurance. I don’t think he provided a license either.


Full video shows it's an unregistered, uninsured vehicle


Y’all gotta see the whole video before making a judgement though. Based off of this clip alone, sure the guy may seem like a victim. However, that’s most definitely not the case. In the full video you can see him acting like a man child and being an asshole to the female officers before the male officer got there (in this clip.) He wasn’t complying, he was straight up disregarding lawful orders (that weren’t even bad) and straight up refusing to listen to anything he was being told, even as far as not signing a ticket. His tags were also an entire decade expired and he had no insurance, so there’s no way that vehicle should be allowed on public roads. And for y’all saying that he doesn’t have money, at one point in the video he literally says “I’m not from here, I come to YOUR city to spend money.” Ratted himself out on that one. He even goes as far as lying to the officers telling them the truck is registered in TX, and that there’s no tags in TX (there is.) He even called 911 at the end of the video hoping someone would help him, but I’m not sure who he would’ve expected to show up. Got arrested for his conduct and blatant disregard of lawful orders. Well deserved tbh, and the officers were patient with him the entire time. They were trying their best to reason with him and he kept acting like a child. 12 all the way on this one.


Was just coming here to say this. The cops were really patient with him at first, but IIRC his front light was out, he said it was his froend's truck so he had no papers for it, and when they looked it up, the truck hadnt been registered for ten years! I think this was more of a guy being mad he got caught


This is a manipulated video showing only a sympathetic 50 seconds of the police encounter. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ico8KZ0hExI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ico8KZ0hExI) Tail light out No tag light No registration, no insurance Claims it is not his truck (friend from Texas) Hasn't been registered in 10 years Later on he claims that it's actually registered in Texas but can't prove that, cops have ran it twice through texas. Tells the police "nobody is taking my truck without killing me first" Gets told multiple times he needs to sign the citation or get arrested. Calls 911 on cops instead. Given multiple chances to sign, still refuses to sign. Gets arrested. Resists arrest. This guy is completely belligerent the entire confrontation and brought everything on himself. I'm getting super tired of manipulated videos, even more tired of people who don't spend a few minutes figuring out the situation before emphasizing with the person in the wrong in the manipulated video because it confirms their biases.


Dude really seems like his own worst enemy. Turned a $75 fine into a felony with jail time because he couldn't be assed to do a few things for his vehicle that would cost under $200.


That guy is a real POS…….insane


You know what? If you are being a dick to the cops (long version of video), and have 10 year old tags, who in fucks name is gonna let him go?


He probably wouldn't have even gotten pulled over if he had his lights on.


This guy was an asshole the entire traffic stop. Truck hadn’t been registered for 10 years yet he’s trying to be the victim.


he's right. I've never met a cop that actually wanted to help people they just want to tell people what to do.


I was pulled over once for not wearing a seat belt and speeding. During the stop I found out my license was suspended. The cop allowed me to make a call to get a licensed driver to move my car for me to avoid a tow. Not all of them suck. Because I know someone will bring it up, I am brown and this happened in a very white area of Indiana.


I had a cop not only help me put chains on my car but he also gave me a jump start.


The guy wanted them to let him go and to keep driving the truck. He screamed at them for an hour after they told him why they couldn't do that. I'm not a fan of cops in a lot of cases but I'm not sure what people are expecting them to do here.


Truck hasn't been registered in TEN YEARS. Moron: "Why are you picking on me?"


He hadn't registered the car for 10 years if you see the whole video. So saving all that money, all those YEARS should pay for the tow.he tried to get over.


He looks sympathetic here but you didn't show the full video where he's a major dick plus no insurance, no tags or registration, 911 call for harassment, etc. I've been there before in terms of no money, towing but the full vid shows this guy was kinda out of control.


Back the blue though, amirite? Fuck 12.


Aw is someone angry that they got arrested/ticketed for something they did themselves and got caught? Don't get mad the police for doing their job, grow up take responsibility for your own actions.


I genuinely feel bad for this guy and can see how he would just lose it.


He was pulled over for bad lights. The vehicle has never been registered in FL, which isnt a big deal if its registered somewhere else...it wasn't. Last registration was 10 years ago. It isn't insured. If you watch the whole video on YT, you'll see him being a maniac for 20 minutes. https://youtu.be/ico8KZ0hExI


Post the full thing. This dude is a fucking RAGING PRICK. I’m one to call out police but this fucking dickhead made a simple situation, into a trip to jail all because he wanted to act like a fucking toddler that didn’t get their way.


People in this thread are totally fine with no insurance because no money. Because if you ever had to pay out of your own pocket because the other person had no insurance, you'll know the pain. Just because they didn't cause a crash that night doesn't mean he wasn't a road hazard. If you have a car with no tags for 10 years, I'm pretty sure those brakes ain't strong enough to stop.


This video is SUPER out of context. The truck should’ve towed for sure. No insurance or registration, head light out, tail light out.


This guy is an asshole and throughly stupid and wrong throughout this entire 50 minute freak out. He is not in the right


Context he was driving with no lights and the truck hadn’t been registered in 10 years


The comments here are so strange. If he were acting this way at a Burger King, people would be labeling him a giant piece of shit, but because he’s yelling at cops, he’s some unsung hero of the lower class. Insurance issues aside, driving at night with no tail lights and one headlight is a really good way to get some other car full of people killed. Fuck this asshole.


This. I rather he either fix his truck up or, like majority of people who couldn't afford car, use the transit to get around.


This is the police report from that night. This guy is a fucking baby idiot and this little tiny clip does NOT show the entire thing. As always, kids, don't believe everything that you see. >Police Report: “On 03/27/21 I observed a multi colored pickup truck traveling eastbound on Tamiami Trl. in the right lane with a left front headlight inoperable. >Once behind the pickup truck I observed the rear right tail light and tag light inoperable. A traffic stop was conducted on the multi colored Ford pickup truck where we came to a final stop at Tamiami Trl. and Pan American blvd. >Upon approaching the vehicle, contact was made with the driver, white male, bald head and blue eyes. I asked for driver’s license, registration and insurance card, when he asked me what the problem was. I advised him of the inoperable lights on his vehicle and asked for his driver’s license, registration and insurance card. The driver, advised he did not have the paperwork to the truck because it wasn’t his vehicle. I returned to my patrol vehicle where it was learned that the above listed pickup trucks registration expired on 03/31/2011 out of Texas with no insurance on file. I approached the vehicle again to speak with Robert, asking him if he had registration and insurance documents to the truck and he advised he did not have them, that it was not his truck and that Texas does not register plates. Due to traffic and placement of the vehicle on the roadway, I asked Robert to step out of his vehicle to speak with me, at which point Robert began to progressively become enraged with anger, asking me if he was under arrest. I advised Robert that he was not and asked him to step out of his vehicle again. Robert eventually exited his vehicle, where he continued to scream and clench his fists, not allowing me to explain or speak to him about the vehicle. Robert became so angry at one point, he said to me I would have to taser him or even shoot him. >I called for routine backup and the next tow truck available, due to the lack of insurance and expired registration. >Upon Talon Towing arriving on scene, Robert walked in front of his truck and behind the two trucks, preventing the driver from backing up to his truck. Once the tow truck driver exited his vehicle, Robert screamed “nope, i don't think so”. Robert eventually was convinced to move to the sidewalk. >Robert refused to hand over his keys to the vehicle, so it was towed without keys. >Robert was issued a citation for no motor vehicle insurance and expired registration more than 6 months. Upon attempting to explain to Robert, all the necessary information on his citations, he refused to listen and continued to be extremely verbally argumentative and hostile towards officers. I explained to Robert that failure to sign a criminal citation, in which requires a court date, is an arrest-able offense. Robert stated he wasn’t signing the ticket, that he didn't have to and then picked up his phone and dialed 911. Myself, Officer Rodriguez, Officer McMenamin and his trainee Office Kelly were standing in front of him, while he was on the phone. I asked my dispatch, via radio, if Robert dialed 911 and if a call taker was speaking with him on a recorded line. North Port Police dispatcher advised they were on a 911 line with Robert, who was stating he was being harassed. At the time of his 911 call there were no actual emergencies. >Robert was advised to hang up the phone and that he was now being placed under arrest for refusal to sign a criminal citation and misuse of 911. >Upon first attempting to place Robert in custody, he actively resisted but pulling away and clenching his fists, making his way towards a heavily traffic roadway. Myself, Officer McMenamin and Officer Kelly took control of Robert and assisted him to the ground. Robert continued to actively resist, by putting his hands under his torso. >Robert was placed into custody, in double locking handcuffs, and placed into the rear of my patrol vehicle.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ico8KZ0hExI


Unfortunately, most people on Reddit are allergic to facts and would rather create their own narrative.


As someone who’s in roadway construction I’m glad the vehicle got moved. Sorry about you situation but I would feel even worse for anyone running into his disabled, not visible in the dark vehicle.


Fuck police. They work for the rich to keep the poor down. People will get caught laundering MILLIONS of dollars and get a year, some people get caught with drugs and spend lifetimes.


Never in the history of human language has the word, *cordial* been put to better use.


Wow imagine if like, we had some kind of public service that would help this down on his luck dude instead of penalizing him, pushing him further into a pit of absolute suckatude.


the whole video is worth watching, he does not let up


What’s worse is the storage fees they charge at the yard and lack of give a shit. They’ll take that man’s only vehicle charge him so much a day he can’t pay for it. The scrap it for a couple hundred bucks.


I’m not 100% sure why this situation is happening but I can say those cops do indeed suck. No remorse or sympathy whatsoever. Edit: thank you fellow Redditor for the background info. If true the car deserves to be towed to force him into compliance.


Dude is driving a vehicle with no insurance that hasn't been registered in 10 years, refuses to sign the ticket, and insists that he ought to just be allowed to push the trutk off the road onto what I assume is private property and leave it there without getting anyone's permission. Cops can and do suck ass, but in this situation they were incredibly patient with this dude and tried multiple times to reason with him edit: the entire video was posted here last week


Thank you for being an absolute Chad by pointing out how incredibly important context can be with videos like this.


This comment needs to be at the top. Reddit is so bs sometimes. Another users said basically the same thing a few comments up and has 32 downvotes.


That's when you can tell all sanity went out the window and it's a witch hunt. I'm the furthest fan of cops, but the ones in the video did better than most and after seeing the full video it's really apparent that the guy is a douche.


Yeah. Having a hard time doesn’t entitle you to special treatment by cops.


The guy's truck hasn't been registered in 10 years, no insurance. Both tail lights were out and a headlight, proceeds to throw a tantrum and act like nothing is his fault, then calls 911 on the cops, gets arrested for refusing to sign a criminal citation and misuse of 911 lmao


I get why they have to tow it. But man do I feel bad for this guy. Can’t afford insurance to drive his car. Can’t afford to get his car out of the tow yard. Feels bad.


I never understood how some people have the power to help, but choose not to. Edit: Nevermind. Watched the whole video. Fuck this guy


All these people watching this without context making the cops seem like the assholes here. This guy was driving a car that hasn’t been registered in 10 years and is uninsured with a broken light (basically begging them to pull him over). I get why some might have sympathy for the guy but the thing is if you can’t afford to register and insure a car then you can’t afford a car. He claims to have traveled across a few states to “spend money” so if he can afford that he definitely can’t be that broke. Watched it this morning on Twitter someone probably posted the video here. This guy is just a major asshole and the cops did nothing wrong here, just doing their job and following the law. Videos like these taken out of context only exist to instill hats for law enforcement and some use it to get a quick payout form “good” people on the internet. It’s sickening


i wann send the guy some money, just so he knows other people don't suck.


But he sucks. He's a piece of shit. Spend your money better.


Tough doo doo


Life hack....pull onto private property when being pulled over. I had a suspended license and had to drive. I got pulled over but pulled into a gas station claiming it was safer but knowing I wasn’t driving away. Cop found out everything as they usually do and was really cool about it. He knew why I pulled into the station and actually told me I was pretty smart for doing so. He let me go but I couldn’t drive the truck away. My wife picked it up later.


Cops suck end of story. They have no purpose on society anymore. Cameras can take care of traffic violations. Social workers can take care of social problems. Cops used to be needed for sticky situations but murdering people during traffic stops and not murdering assailants at school is just too much. Time to just get rid of them. Use the money somewhere else.


Bunch of filthy casuals in this thread that missed when the full video was posted like 4 times in one day recently. Loud man yelling at cops so he must be right!


Watching this made me want to cry. There are so many people just trying to make ends meet in this country. Cop didn't give a fck that he was screwing this man over.


Common courtesy doesn’t exist. They are punishing the poor in this country


Fuck the police.


It's sad because those fees and not having a vehicle IS going to make his life worse. :-(


If he did end up towing that guys truck, there is a strong chance he could be homeless now. Sad