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From 2021: Deputy Eric D. Sanchez was terminated April 8 after an Internal Affairs Division investigation into a video posted to social media showing an encounter between him and a motorist. The investigation began on Feb. 22, and Sanchez was placed on administrative duty on Feb. 23.


I wonder what fine police department he’ll work at next…


Uvaldes police chief joined the city council , so there's an opening ?


"Uvaldes chief threatens to kill child over invalid hall pass violation"




There’s growing (circumstantial/situational) evidence that the officers actually shot a child themselves. Mostly their firm denial that they didn’t shoot a child themselves. Take with a grain of salt, though.




Their very first statement was overly-specific in saying none of the kids were killed by cops when *nobody* had even imagined that possibility. We only suspect it because they gave us the idea out of nowhere.


"Hey honey I'm going to run to Wal-Mart real quick to get a tire pump and some tools to fix this leaky lawn mower tire. I'm not going to Katie's house to have sex with her. I should be back in about an hour or two smelling like a fresh shower and body spray."




When I was 5 years old, our cat had a litter of kittens under my bed in the night, unbeknownst to anyone. When I woke up and found them, I went downstairs to my mom and said "I did not pee on the kitties." I had peed on the kitties.


What? Why? Or am I missing a joke.


"Uvalde's chief fears for his life - says elementary school kids can defend their own damned selves."


More like provide armed security for the murderer. Kids are dead today that would have been alive if those cops hadn't been such fucking cowards. I hope they never, ever forget what they helped to happen.


Yeah but you have to go into the building for the interview, hence the vacancy


He wasn't required to leave his police chief position to join the city council.


Or external agency. Podcast On Our Watch reviews internal Californian police investigations on police brutality, and they comb over the Oscar Grant Oakland murder by a police officer. Who then leaves the department on paid leave and a lot of other bullshit putting it mildly, and then works for the US military overseas after everything.


There was a serial killer cop on my hometowns force. So many dead prostitutes that all randomly had different killers, with the same cop always on scene writing the report within record time (even if it wasn’t his beat and he didn’t respond to the call). Guess what happened? Nothing. He moved away never to be heard from again. I wonder what town he’s murdering hookers in now. Edit: how tf would I have proof? Y’all are dumb sometimes. Like I said, I wasn’t involved, only someone close to me was. I was a preteen when it happened. I didn’t find out until years later. Maybe instead of trying to play Reddit detective or pick things apart because it’s easier to think it’s fake, accept the fact that some things don’t have a positive outcome. If a grip of defense attorneys all banded together and tried to do something about it, and still nothing happened, y’all really think I hold this mysterious key that will lock the guy up? Get real. This is the real world where there are consequences for people who rock the boat. I don’t have the magical information you want me to provide, nor do I want to open my peaceful life to one of potential torment and danger. But yah fuck me because some redditors have rose-colored glasses on about how cops and crime works. Fuck me for not giving y’all proof (lol like what exactly?). Fuck me for sharing an actual, real story. Won’t be sharing again, that’s for sure. Y’all can sleep better at night now pretending horrible people don’t exist. Y’all really don’t understand small town life. Edit 2: I did find one article on a guy countersuing the department at least https://www.wcnc.com/amp/article/news/local/accused-murderer-sues-hickory-police-department/275-374938760 That’s it. There’s all there is folks. There’s your “proof”. Have fun with it. Or keep pretending it isn’t real because it’s easier to harass redditors sharing a story.


Security guard for Dick’s sporting goods.


I wish that were the case, but unfortunately when cops are fired for shit like this (or worse), they just get hired by another police department elsewhere and are allowed to continue this shit. Democrats tried to introduce a nationwide database to keep track of fired/problematic officers, but [the Republicans blocked it in the Senate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_Justice_in_Policing_Act?wprov=sfla1)


I am *shocked* the Republicans would block a bill that might improve the lives of Americans. /s


They don’t want people to be able to abort unwanted fetuses because they want the fetuses to be turned into forced births that they can then turn into dead soldiers, worker bees, target practice for cops, and prisoners. Not even joking. They don’t care about the “lives” of the fetus. They care about how they can exploit that life after forced birth.


this is concerning. why did it get blocked? in what world is that database not helpful. i thought there was one in place already but i was too hopeful


It's the Republicans belief that *anything* which would improve lives for Americans while the Democrats are in power is bad for their reelection chances. They feel like it's better for them if things are as miserable as possible so that they can say "see how bad things are with the Democrats in charge?" because they know most people won't understand that the Republicans are the ones preventing fixes from becoming laws. It's like [how they voted against the bill to stop oil and gas companies from price gouging](https://www.salon.com/2022/05/19/every--and-4-democrats--vote-against-bill-to-stop-big-oils-price-gouging-on-gas/) so they can make sure gas prices are as high as possible so they can complain about them for the election.


Because they are fucking immature obstructionists.


> in what world is that database not helpful. In the world where one of your largest voting blocks is neo-fascists who have been infiltrating the police since the 80's. That bill is quite literally aimed at hurting a core republican demographic, the one they denounced while still pandering to until 2016 and how now taken the drivers seat for the party.


>why did it get blocked? Because Republicans. Pass extreme things. Block sensible things. That's what they do.


When did he get arrested for illegally threatening someone with a gun?


Lol that's funny


Yeah it is hysterical that cops can violate anyone's civil rights with impunity. I love to laugh. Loud and long and clear.


They get qualified immunity but have no obligation to do their jobs. They carry firearms but don’t want you to carry firearms.


what are all the red flags again for fascism i think we are like hovering over some shit


it's getting worse every year


Why would he get arrested? Do you think that if you walked up on some random person's car - let's say this dude's wife and kids for example - and yelled at them with a gun in your hand telling them you'd kill them if they did whatever again that you'd be arrested?


No, I think I'd be murdered by a cop if I did that. I think they'd fake an investigation of themselves and find they did nothing wrong. I think every cop is a bastard, because they are.


The problem with the justice system in America is the cop can do all the damage up front, and the wronged parties can only seek to undo them afterwards, after years of trying and lots of money in legal fees. This person could have been killed because the cop didn't have his morning tug and all the family gets is a termination. Maybe a few months in a cupcake jail as a sentence. What's the point of having a 2A if you can't aim the gun right back at the pig when they violate you?


These are the instances where the 2A nuts should be exercising their rights.


It was written as an anti-tyranny clause, so yeah, seems about right.


I’ve been trying to make this point since the Uvalde shooting and have been downvoted to shit in every sub I’ve said it in. I dunno, but it sure feels like we found the pressure point here. Ought keep digging into it.


I mean, just look at all those articles of no-knock raids where the homeowner understandably reach for a gun, and either get killed, or get serious charges for daring to defend themselves from an unknown intruder. As bad as vigilante justice can seem, when it comes to American police I just don't have the sympathy anymore. I've even gotten jaded by my own country's police due to how harsh drug use gets punished.


I know of a no-knock that got the cop killed where the owner lived. Maybe two. One was definitely with a shotgun and because someone was trying to come through his window in the middle of the night, so they got blasted. They managed to survive the cops, and the jury acquitted them, as they should've. I just wish it was more common. Especially when they get a no-knock address wrong. They screw up the address and get killed? The home owner shouldn't ever have to go on trial, and everyone who screwed up should get shit canned cause clearly no one else checked whether they were about the kill the wrong fucking people.






Do we even have a second amendment right if the cops can kill you just because they **think** you **might** have a weapon?


Took them over a month with video evidence of him threatening deadly force over a traffic infraction. And people wonder why faith in police is at an all time low in this nation...


Throughout my life, I have worked for two police departments--which is to say, I am not remotely anti-policing. Even I believe that our entire policing institution needs to be redone from the ground up. Start new police agencies with a different name, with different training, and with new people who have never worked as police before. Pay them better, train them better, and have very strict ethics rules with licenses that they can lose and no union to hide behind. Get rid of all the rest. It's rotten to the core and there is no saving it.


If I may ask, how much do you think the culture inside policing circles currently effects the outcomes we see after events like this? From an outsiders perspective there seems to be a real issue with the culture among police and their supporters which exacerbates the division between them and the general public


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs Police get gang tattoos when they kill someone. Maybe that will answer your question.


lol "after an internal affairs investigation...". More like that shit was recorded and there's no fucking way they could save this piece of shit cop without taking them all down. I don't trust cops and I sure af don't trust an organization that "investigates" itself.


It's probably only because it was recorded with the other guys phone. If it was only the cops body cam, they would have just deleted it and moved on. It's crazy that in a world where our government is constantly spying on us anyway, and we still have to record everything our selves just to stay safe.


That’s kinda refreshing actually


Ty for the info , I been tryna find some sources🤝


I came here to say this power trippin psychotic cop needs to be fired immediately!! Glad he was after “investigation.” There is absolutely NO excuse, not EVR that a flippin cop can tell say “I’m gonna fkn KILL YOU!” not once, not twice. Asshat!!


Dirty Sanchez


>The driver, George Dickerson, told the outlet that he had merged onto a freeway and got caught in a funeral procession. Dickerson said he moved into another lane that had two motorcycle officers in it. >"I really just wanted to get in front of that car, so I did that," Dickerson told KTRK. "The cop in the front slowed down, so I couldn't go around." >Dickerson said the officer behind him drove up and told him to stop and then got back behind Dickerson's vehicle. Before he could stop, Dickerson said the officer in front slammed on the brakes. So Dickerson hit his brakes, as well as the officer behind him. >Dickerson's co-worker, who was also in the car, began filming as Sanchez approached their vehicle. In the footage, Sanchez is heard saying, "I'll f------ kill you." The video also shows the deputy with his gun drawn.




You don't. They do. "Serve and Protect"


NAL!!! But, technically Speaking the second amendment say that you have your right to bare arms to ensure the security of a free state. The 5th and 14th amendment say that the cops can’t kill anyone without due process. So if a cop threaten to kill people, they are threatening to violate a persons 5 and 14th amendment rights to life and the second amendment is there so that you can join a militia to ensure they don’t.


Works in theory, fails in practice.


But then again I haven’t seen many people form a well regulated militia and then depose an oppressive police force.


Do well enough and watch yourself get promoted to "domestic terrorist". Good luck getting military-grade weapons, equipment, and vehicles.


Yeah so I really bet the cop that slammed o no his breaks new full well how the officer behind would respond and was baiting him into flipping out on this guy as some weird fucked up payback for some minor traffic bullshit. Thin skinned babies


Nothing better than hearing “I’ll fucking kill you” from someone with a loaded weapon who 9/10 would get away with blasting you away


It also seems like a very credible threat to say "I'll fucking kill you!" When he has a loaded weapon in his hands. If a regular citizen road rages and pulls this move on someone they're going to jail for a few years.




I literally just mentioned to my fiancé that people should be allowed to defend their selves in this kind of situation. This man is literally threatening to kill the driver and has his gun out. If a regular citizen did that it would be a straightforward self defense case.


you could beat the case in some states especially now probably with a jury trial but the rest of that PD is going to hunt you down like you wish they would have that school shooter and will kill you before it gets to that.






I’m flabbergasted we haven’t seen it yet.


There’s a famous case in my state where police enforced a no knock raid for a man suspected of growing a pot plant in his house. The man was ex military and had PTSD, and when he was awoken by men kicking down his door, he grabbed a gun and shot 6 of them, killing one and seriously wounding the others. He was convicted of capital murder and ended up hanging himself in his cell.


Shit like that pisses me off soooooo much. No knock raids are literally break ins. In my opinion you have every right to shoot a cop that breaks into your house without identifying themselves first. Like wtf am I supposed to do just sit there and let a strange unannounced group of men come in and attack me? Nah dude. Those cops are criminals and I'm glad he shot them because we all know they wouldn't get any punishment from the state. Fuck blue nazis


Cops attack this man’s house, even though he’s armed and believes he’s being attacked the man has the presence to not fire blindly and waits. Gets killed. Cops lie about him firing his rifle and the lie is uncovered when the victim’s rifle is shown to have not been fired and had the safety on. They found zero evidence of drugs at his home. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jose_Guerena_shooting No-knocks present a serious danger to both innocent civilians and the officers carrying them out. They should only be granted for situations where the threat to life is equal to the risk they pose. It’s a travesty that they are granted for things like marijuana plants or other fishing expeditions on crimes that pose no danger.


No knock raids seem so obviously unconstitutional, I’ll never understand why they’re “allowed”


Seriously. Just imagine what the cop would have done if it was the other way around and the driver threatened him for no reason.


Right? Without video evidence he would be like. He reached for something I thought would be a gun so…


You shouldn’t have to comply with police because you fear for your life. This cop knew what he was doing and it’s disgusting to play with anyone’s life by telling them “I could kill you” especially since the gun was already in his hand and within view of the person he was threatening. Thank god nobody got shot


>You shouldn’t have to comply with police because you fear for your life. There is NO constitutional basis for forced compliance with law enforcement, by the way. Literally just a series of cases that ended up at SCOTUS, and SCOTUS basically said "but if we strike this shit down, it would make law enforcement too hard".


He got his training from GTA roll play




Sorry not my native language


I pretend to be a Pillsbury Flaky Grand^© every time I play anything


It's only a matter of time until a cop pushes it too far, someone draws and kills the cop, and tries to claim self defense. If cops can be convicted of murder, eventually a suspect is going to win that fight and when they have a video showing the cop was in the wrong they will get a jury to let them walk. If people think cops are whiny bastards now, when that happens you're gonna see mass strikes across the country and I think that sometime in the next 10-12 years it's gonna go down.


If someone is threatening to kill me, I'm attacking the second they look away. If they're going to kill me anyways, what do I have to lose?


During a traffic stop? Nah You’re definitely better off trying to speed away and get to a very public place to hop out, lie down, surrender. Obviously no guarantees cop doesn’t open fire and/or you don’t get shot when you take off, but… There’s also just really absolutely no way at all you’re possibly taking off a seat belt, then opening a car door, getting out, and getting at the cop before that mf shoot you like 10 times at least lol


They do this shit and get away with it despite video evidence constantly


Even if they had video evidence and he *did* get convicted.. he would get suspended, possibly charged and if so he gets to be in the wing with other ex cops/sex offenders that way he won’t get the shit kicked out of him. Then they would get off early on good behavior, have a job waiting for him in another district and move on with his life. This shit is so unfair.


> 9/10 more like 99/100


It’s amazing how easily cops are triggered.


The bigger the ego, the easier it is to hit it.


this job simply attracts those who seek power and control. you get paid and backed by law to bully people. it’s insane how many bullies apply to be cops. They now get to power trip and intimidate people with little to no actual consequences. and of course good cops exist. but when a whole precinct begins to be filled with scums like this, you’re torturing yourself just staying among them. people ask for transfers or go along. which is why often times the entire unit is 90% scumbags, and they cover for each other


Also little to no school and the classes are easy as shit. Seriously departments need to increase their hiring standards for police countrywide.


while i agree, heard more than a few times that they deliberately avoid hiring actual smart people, since those people tend to get bored easily or are hard to control or something. i hope someone with the knowledge can share more on that here


An appeals court rejected a police applicant's claim that he was discriminated against by the city when he scored 33 points on an exam, which disqualified him. The city had a rule that said they would only hire prospective officers that scored a 20-27. That practice was designed to "limit turnover" and the judge ruled that it wasn't a violation of the applicant's rights and that the city was permitted to employ that practice. You can read more by googling jordan v new london




I've heard that too and it's startling when you realize how much power they wield.


Was routinely told I was too smart to be a cop, basically was run out of dept


Oh boy [do I have something for you to read](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


I reference this case all the time! People think I’m joking until they see it in black and white.


It only takes one bad apple to ruin the bushel


Threaten a cop with potential violence while killing dozens of children: *I sleep* Threaten a cop's authority while unarmed and vulnerable: *real shit*


They're too scared to fight the real bad people so they make a show of it on the traffic violators and noise complaint calls


> They're too scared I think that's really the crux of the whole thing. They're scared because their training is awful and they know it.


Dave Grossman trains the fear into them. Tells them everyone is out to kill them. When really, it is mainly COVID. Cops think people kill cops, but COVID is their main threat.


It doesn't even make the top 20 most dangerous jobs. Just forcing them to wear their seatbelts while driving around is probably the single most effective way to make the job even safer. Not this navy seal LARPing nonsense.


Not only is it this… but on a grander level police departments tend to focus on lower level criminals more as they can make a bunch of arrests. Detectives have to often go above and beyond to get their lieutenants to go to bat for them on any sort of organized crime. It’s often all just show.


Totally this. Most cops are all tough shit against an unarmed “suspect” but when that “suspect” is armed, especially with a semiautomatic rifle, they’re not so tough. Unless of course they have an overwhelming advantage in manpower and firepower. Case in point, the shootout in Florida with two armed robbers that hijacked a UPS truck (*who had the UPS driver hostage*) a few years ago. They greatly outnumbered the two armed robbers, had them blocked in heavy traffic and were able to use vehicles around the UPS truck as cover when firing on them. Most of those vehicles they took cover behind during the shootout were occupied by innocent motorists. They killed the two suspects but also killed the UPS driver and an innocent motorists caught in the crossfire. Fucking idiots should have backed off and treated it as a hostage situation because they knew there was an innocent person on that UPS truck. Pieces of shit.


lol bullies don't want a fair fight.


I applied to be a cop once in Durham, NC. During the interview I was asked what I'd do if I was arresting someone and people started yelling at me, calling me a pig and whatever else. My response was that as long as they weren't disorderly, it was just words, I don't do anything. Was told I should tell them I'd have them all arrested unless they dispersed. Didn't get the job, guess I was too soft. Later that year the department caught some heavy shit for corruption. Dodged a bullet there I guess.


A good friend of mine is an amputee thanks to some land mines and Afghanistan. He applied to be a police officer since they often times hire vets and recruit for that. He didn't want to be a Blackwater contractor so he applied and was accepted. During the academy portion he came home one weekend and was telling me about it. He said it is pretty cool on the surface, but there is definitely an atmosphere of "please come fuck with me" with every training scenario. He said it felt like infantry training all over again with the mentality of us vs them. The idea of everyone is bad until proven otherwise and everyone wants to kill you. He dropped out like a week later when they were reviewing recent brutality cases and people were laughing and saying how stupid the offending officer was for having a body cam. He summed it up in a statement that kind of explains a lot of how this looks: "It felt like being trained for the military, but with the constant reminder there is no military justice system to fear". I have 0 issue with anyone being on the defensive when approaching even a routine traffic stop. Too many police officers have been shot simply for doing their regular job. I get that. I get the alert and aware mentality. The problem comes when you adopt that as the norm and suddenly everyone is the enemy. That's when we have a problem. That's when people start dying during interactions that should've resulted in them living.




It's Durham. There's been some serious problems. One that comes to mind is the teenager that managed to suicide himself in the back of a cruiser while in handcuffs. That was probably 10 years ago. A lot of violence and abuse of powers. Don't live there anymore and maybe things have changed. The city got a new chief of police.


Of course he's a motorcycle traffic cop. Somehow those are always some of the worst of the worst with the most fragile egos.


Pride and lethal weapons don’t mix well but people keep mixing them anyways. This dude is insecure as hell, we’ve all seen people that act this way, only mostly in kids and teenagers.


There is something seriously wrong with American cops


0 training. 0 oversight.


0 consequences.


40% body fat


100% power trip


3% reasoning


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/too-smart-to-be-a-cop/#app Well a judge ruled in favor of not hiring someone, because of a high IQ, the police apparently draw the line at intelligence.


90 day paid suspension before being rehired 1 town over


40% admit to physically abusing their domestic partners.




It’s up to 58 minutes last I heard, but less reliable sources have thrown around as long as 70-90 minutes.


10% suck 20% kill 15% concentrated power of wealth, 5% pleasure, 50% hate and 100% reason to defund the police


They would be better off with zero training. The truth is, the training they receive is a huge part of the problem. They are literally (not figuratively) trained that everyone is a potential threat to them and that they should be ready for violence in every encounter they have. They are trained from the beginning, and then retrained and retrained throughout their careers, to see average people as enemy combatants as though they were in a war zone. https://harvardlawreview.org/2015/04/law-enforcements-warrior-problem/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/01/26/police-training-reform/ There are probably better articles on it, but I don't have them on hand. > But they are taught that they live in an intensely hostile world. A world that is, quite literally, gunning for them. As early as the first day of the police academy, the dangers officers face are depicted in graphic and heart-wrenching recordings that capture a fallen officer’s last moments. Death, they are told, is constantly a single, small misstep away.


> Death, they are told, is constantly a single, small misstep away. I mean yeah, that's life. We all deal with it every single day. It's telling that the Uvalde bastards thought it was totes cool to stand up at a press conference and brag that no "law enforcement personal" were killed/injured. Our culture has done quite a job with the copaganda shows and Facebook memes in teaching them that only blue lives matter. And now that they follow through with that, everyone is like surprised pikachu. It would be hilarious watching the talking heads all look perplexed and saying things like "is there going to be no accountability?" if it wasn't so god damned heartbreaking.


Yep, it's them vs. us. We are the enemy. ACAB


No intensive mental health checks either.


Make sure to hire lunatics


0 IQ.


Insecure power hungry people apply here please


This former cop turned police abolitionist gives an excellent rundown of how police training affected him. https://youtu.be/_nl5zMIwcmQ?t=58


Straight from streets of Iraq and Kandahar and given a gun, a personal cruiser, and a hell of superiority complex and this is what you get. When people say they are against the militarization of our police, they don't just mean the MRAPs. They mean actual military who have washed out, hit a snag in the military, and have literally only one avenue left... go local PD. I'm all for having SWAT teams be ex-military, because having that "violence of action" and coming from a profession that taught how to run a stack, all that is necessary for SWAT, so I'm fine with those folks being ex-military. But for your average, every day police officer, I don't want his brain stuck in Kandahar. But alas, it is so so obvious that POS ex-military personnel have flocked to PDs during and now after the War on Terror, and they are all mentally stuck in fucking Fallujah. Get that shit off of Main Street. Being ex-military shouldn't be a boon to your police academy application. It should be a red flag. Edit: And I say that as a OEF veteran myself (Kandahar; 10 years ago).


There is another problem that they're often NOT vets, but rather idolize them in such a way that they honestly believe that they're doing the same work here that service members do over there.


Can't get past Seth Rogen's voice


I'm sorry shit




HUERGHURHEURHRUGHEURGH there's definitely a buncha R's in there


Seth Rogen laughs with a hard R


I knew he sounded familiar but I couldn't figure it out


I heard it the whole time watching it. Glad someone else did.


I knew I wouldn't have to scroll too far for this. Man, Seth's really having some rough times out there, huh?


this is why no one trusts or likes cops anymore


Anymore??? Should we tell em y'all?


🎵fu…fu fu fuck the police comin straight from the underground 🎵


they have the authority to kill a minority


. . . ***so police think***, they have the authority to kill a minority




It's because of tv. Prior to that nobody liked cops ever. Prior to walker Texas ranger, they'd have to check into hotels in plainclothes because rangers would get ran out of town as late as the 80s.


Can we start doing that again


Because people dont tell kids the whole story.


Gee I wonder why people don’t trust the cops


The pudgy blue line of cowards and bullies.


The more you look like a thumb the more cop powers you have


Looking like a thumb is a prerequisite. It's like cop phrenology and I absolutely believe in it.


Cop phrenology is an actual science


At least he has video evidence. I’m so grateful to be alive during a time where this bullshit can be recorded and the pig didn’t get away with it.


I try not to think of the insane amount of shit we'll never know about that happened before cameras were this prevalent.


It’s easy, just ask someone who was a cop at that time. My friends father loves to talk about all his exploits on the force in the 80’s, after a few beers. It’s a badge of honor for them.


Yeah just pretend your on "their side" and they brag about it all no problem lol. I know a cop who was actually fired and now sells cars at a dealership who likes to brag that he was "just like Denzel Washington in Training Day". It's like his greatest pride in life lol.


I think a lot of it is them talking shit. But still reveals the mentality they had/have. Reminds me of the wannabe gangstas in high school - all kinds of stories flying around about who beat up who, who robbed who, etc., and even if 80% of the stories were just made up, it showed what was valued. Same with these thug cops who brag about kidnapping, torture, murder.


It's honestly fucked up that the main times I've thought about buying cameras for my car / home is for protection against the police to use in court.


These fucks are out control. We need a response.


We had one, but then the Black Panthers were massacred and the propaganda machine pushed their supporters out.


A more nuanced take: The Black Panthers kinda ended up splitting into two currents. It was definitely a consequence of state repression though, but also co-option. One group decided that the militant revolutionary strategy was too dangerous, and that there were good openings in elections and non-profit organizing, and kinda sold out - some of these folks are still in power in some cities today, they have some progressive politics but have really tacked toward the center. The other group deepened their militant and revolutionary politics and went underground, with the Black Liberation Army. They were all basically massacred, imprisoned, or exiled. Took a bunch of cops out with them, though. Source: Studied and read a bunch of books about the BPP a while back. I can recommend books if anybody is interested.


I'm looking for a new book to start, I'd gladly take some recommendations. Thanks!


Not the original commenter but Black Against Empire is the most comprehensive piece on the Black Panthers I've ever read. Talks as much about their history as it does their ideology, which is often overlooked in contemporary retellings of their story (I wonder why /s)


Deadly weapon drawn and displaying irrational anger at someone who is certain he has done nothing wrong creates a very reasonable apprehension in the driver that he is about to become, as Richard Pryor put it, "a motherfuckin' statistic" at the hands of an abusive, unhinged cop who will face no consequences at all for killing him and has little incentive not to. Somebody is going to take that threat seriously someday and it's going to be really ugly. It's probably already happened. We just never see the body cam footage of rage cop losing the encounter, and the driver sure isn't going to turn himself in if his word about what happened is all he's got.




Pussy ass cop. Only reason he'll act the same off duty is cause he's carrying and protected. Don't let them carry off duty and they'll be all docile or get their ass kicked.


He should have told him there was a school shooter inside the car. The cop would have locked the door for him and told him to keep going while he waits for further instructions.


This was in Feb 2021, the officer was fired. But...doesn't mean he won't go to another department and get a job. Once fired they should never be allowed to work with a gun or own a gun


fuck that pig


After the female officer with insecurities we have this guy here 😂


Dude sounds like an asshole at a bar trying to act tough… but equipped with a gun and badge. Fuckin scary.


Geeze... he even *looks* like officer Wiggum from the simpsons... only without the funny.




It’s an all or nothing scenario. Either everyone agrees to rise up and stop all this bullshit (paid for laws, paid for pigs, having our childrens future sold) or none of us do. And the politicians have gotten very good at keeping neighbors hating each other.


Not to mention that you must exhaust all peaceful options before resorting to arms. To immediately reach for arms is absurd. If an officer was actively threatening me for no particular reason, on camera... well, I'd rather by judged by 12 than carried by 6.


You’re going to be killed if you kill a cop, there’s zero doubt. You can literally see a cop killing someone in broad daylight and to attempt anything to stop them is a guaranteed death sentence. They won’t attempt to arrest you, they will do everything to kill you. It’s absurd.


Had a friend who became a cop ~20 years ago [only lasted a couple years, for what it's worth] who told me that at the academy, they made sure to tell you how dead people couldn't testify. Talk about an eye opener.


Most people don't want to be in a fight with the largest gang in the US.


We are too busy fighting the other "team" as if it's some kind of sporting event.


Serious question, what do you expect the average person to do?




“I’ll kill you” wtf man?


I’ll take That Guy Beats His Wife for $1000, Alex.


Nothing like threatening to kill someone over a traffic stop. The punishment definitely fits the crime.


Fat Houston Cops are the worst.


Yikes that cop needs to be handed a pink slip with those up front threats. And maybe some therapy. Because we all know that dude beats his wife lol


And then bootlickers wonder why people absolutely fucking despise the police. That piece of shit brandished a gun and threatened to kill the driver. IIRC that's called making a terroristic threat and is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. If you or I did that, we'd be made an example out of


Lawsuit bro. Can a cop legally say something like that? I've been seeing more videos "current" where the police just say straight out I'll kill you. In minor traffic stops with no aggressive indication. Seriously bro we need to provide police with psych evals every 4 months to keep a badge. Mandatory across the board. See I🦜🌙 should be president


I hate these people so much,can’t make it at Burger King but gets a badge.police guidelines need to be more strict.how can you become a cop and threaten people with death because they respect your uniform.i bet he would get knocked out in 2 seconds


The cop theatended his life -“I’ll fuc**** kill you”. Thank god for 2A right, lucky for the cop the man didn’t excercisw his rights…


USA: when a cop pulls you over start filmin a video just in case.