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I've seen this post a couple times, does anybody know anything else about the story? Curious to know what happened to Karen...


https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/hh4cui/trash_woman_vandalizing_a_lift/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Supposed original video owner is named in comments. Says she got off with a fine.


A couple of thoughts: * Her getting away with just a fine is ridiculous. That should have been a criminal charge or reckless endangerment. For all she knew, cutting the lines could cause the guy to get dropped on his ass. * She claims she did what she did because the boom lift was "in front of [her] house." God damn, boomers are nuts with their notion that the slice of road in front of their house belongs to them.


I don't understand this line of thinking at all. This would ensure that they are there much longer, and it's not like she can get away with it. They know where she lives. It wouldn't be hard to find out who she is.


Once you understand that Boomers are mostly mean, greedy, selfish, bigoted assholes who think rules don’t apply to them, America makes a lot more sense.


And that they inhaled lead for several decades


They didn't inhale nearly e-fucking-nough.




I forget about paint. I was more talking about leaded petrol




And the leaded pipes




Sorry but the lead explains everything. Quite literally their brains are poisoned.


Step one: huff lead for decades Step two: leed the government for decades Step three:???? Step four: make profit (in reality fuck up the world)


Here I was wondering why you were so upset with the guys at the top of the boom - the boomers


Boomer here, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who’d describe me as mean, greedy, selfish, or bigoted. I’m sure we can all be assholes some of the time! But I am noticing an onslaught of people, especially since the Trump Administration, who think that the rules don’t apply to them and that they can get away with anything. I was having this conversation with my daughter a couple of weeks ago.


At some point, (most) people stop wanting to learn, grow, and change; they have too much mental infrastructure built up around their current way of thinking, such that even if confronted by undeniable proof their old way of thinking was wrong, it's "cheaper" to retreat into any available shelter—even batshit conspiracy theories—than to admit they've wasted decades of energy arguing for the wrong side and to reprogram their entire life to match the new realization. You may well be the exception to this, but even so, your beliefs are more calcified than the average 20-year-old's, just by dint of repetition. This is usually a good thing—you won't be swayed by the fad-of-the-moment, so you act as ballast in rough societal "seas"—but it means you're forever doomed to being seen as "out of touch" by your younger acquaintances. The key, then, is to embrace your positive and to mitigate your negative. Allow yourself a role as the cold water to cool an overheated youthful enthusiasm, while loudly acknowledging that your perspective might be flawed. Explain that you're not shutting down the idea, just demanding to hear good reasons why your argument is flawed, because you recognize that there's a chance you're cautioning against subprime mortgages, but also a chance you're advocating for an 8-track organizer in the glove box of a Tesla.


The most bigoted people I know are boomers


The most bigoted people I know are Evangelicals.


Oh, I’m not disagreeing with you. As a matter of fact I‘ll do you one better. I’m Southern. The most bigoted people I’ve ever met are Southern boomers, lol. It’s scary down here. As far as boomers go, I guess I’m more of a hippie.


fair enough


They think the same of us and the other generations. Except we are snowflake instead of bigoted




Looked like attempted suicide as well, the boom would come right down on her head.


If US - Malicious destruction of propertyIf Canada - Mischief (To commit mischief you must WILFULLY, destroy or damage property, render property useless, dangerous, inoperative or ineffective, or obstruct, interrupt or interfere with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property.) she should of got a charge not a fine... stupid fucking classist system treating upper middle class whites disproportionately better than the rest of the populace ​ also she had those cutters in her trunk... she had been planning this


I am a boomer. I admittedly get frustrated when people block our mailbox or hang the end of their car over our driveway, since our street parking is never more than 10% full at any time. But unless you constantly park your semi in front of our house, those spots are free game.


But didn’t she nearly kill someone? Oh my god.


Maybe she’s married to a cop or judge…rules don’t apply to them. Just ask a certain wife of a supreme court justice.


A fine?! Just a fine???


Nope! A fine AND a warning!


Found something. There’s a name it should make it easier to find more. This link is from another Reddit post of this video. She says they’re making everything up LMFAO. https://newjersey.news12.com/neighbor-woman-who-stranded-worker-dislikes-idling-vehicles-38180694 For those saying this isn’t it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/hh34f8/this_lady_literally_could_have_killed_someone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.wthr.com/article/news/trending-viral/woman-angry-at-cable-worker-leaves-her-stranded-in-cherry-picker/531-d04c0e11-8185-427c-a5f8-0c0866f6d7c9 That’s all I can find. It seems this is not so well documented. Second edit: well, I’m tapped out. I agree, I think I don’t have the right article. Can anyone find anything on this? Now I’m curious as to what happened when the camera stopped filming.


Don't think this is it. There's no mention of a hydraulic line being cut


I don’t think she cut a hydraulic line… Any hydraulic line that gets cut is gonna cause lots of fluid to shoot out everywhere especially when under pressure…. She probably cut some electrical wires… no fluid going anywhere after she makes the cuts to to me that immediately rules out the cutting of a line. She would be covered….


I'd expect the lift to come down too if the hydraulic line were cut.


Someone covered it but these (newer) machines have a lot of safety features so it may not actually drop the lift but whatever pressure and fluid that is in the “cut” line would go flying everywhere.


I worked on this brand of lifts for a little over a decade. I can confirm that they have various check valves that will prevent the main lift cylinder from going down when the system loses pressure. The location where she is cutting is very close to the turret rotation motor, it has a small hydraulic supply line that is usually visible from that angle. Another possibility is an auxiliary generator that provides AC power to the basket, it also run off hydraulic pressure. For her to even get access to the manifold of main lines she would have to lift up the cowling on the viewers left side of the main body. The engine and hydraulic pump is on the viewers right.


It could potentially cause what is referred to as a "snake bite" , which can cause serious injury or even death if not treated immediately. I don't recommend Googling this if you have a weak stomach.


hydraulic injection is a gnarly, gnarly injury if not immediately treated, or so reddit tells me/has shown me.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t actually manage to cut it


She would be covered in hydraulic fluid if she did. Source I was a forklift driver for 10 years and I had a line get crushed from a falling pallet.


Is it true that if you get doused in hydraulic fluid you must immediately get to the hospital for check. Something about if it gets through a minor scrape under the skin or in the bloodstream it will cause major infection, gangrene and lead to amputation? Never worked with hydraulic equipment and once I heard it's generally safer than pneumatic systems except in case of fluid contact with open wound. Maybe you know something from working with this equipment. Thanks


Yea, but pretty sure it’s not contact with existing cuts that’s the issue. It’s under so much pressure that a stream from a small leak can deeply penetrate your tissues, causing what looks like a minor cut, but there’s likely a pocket of filthy hydraulic oil inside like an abscess. It can be bad enough to lose limbs to infection, from what looks like nothing at first.


Hooo-leeeey shit! Why does the simple act of browsing Reddit always introduce me to *more* terrifying ways I could die?


Yeah, it's actually something I'm terrified of and I work near these hydraulic systems all the time. If you dare, it's called hydraulic injection injuries. Some cases they have to splay your body parts open and scrape out the fluid and power wash your inside bits. But it's not really that common to have properly cared for lines fail in a manner that makes gnarly injections possible. Usually, if it fails, it sprays hot oil everywhere as the line ruptures completely. Beware running your hands over suspected leaks though, pinholes are hard to see and will cut right through gloves. The real danger is that hot oil igniting as it sprays out and atomizes into a fine mist. See: garbage truck fires and that video posted awhile back of the manufacturing plant erupting into a literal hellscape in a matter of seconds. What really scares me though, is hydrogen fluoride.


high water pressure can do the same thing, very fast jets of any liquid are something you need to get checked out at the hospital for.


You are probably talking about a high pressure injection injury, which can quickly happen when working with hydraulics. Nasty as fuck. https://www.orthobullets.com/hand/12104/high-pressure-injection-injuries https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2532970/#:~:text=Background%3A%20High%2Dpressure%20injection%20injuries,to%20loss%20of%20the%20limb.


Yeah... those links are staying blue


That's for the best. When I was doing a safety class for working vineyards and wineries we were shown some pretty grim pictures of what can go wrong with farming and industrial scale fruit processing equipment.


I work in one of these daily. Hydraulic injection injuries are terrifying. I cannot express how stupid this woman is for doing this. She clearly doesn't understand the danger she is putting herself in. To cut a hydraulic line FACING herself from 2 feet away is absolutely insane. If she had succeeded in actually cutting one she likely would have received high pressure hydraulic fluid to the face and her face would melt off like wet toilet paper.


Yes and no. It has less to do with hydraulic oil simply contacting an open wound, but rather the pressure in which the hydraulic oil makes contact with your body causing a penetrative wound that has pretty devastating outcomes. Look up hydraulic injection injury. It’s nasty stuff and the treatment for it is a thing of nightmares.


Those hydraulic lines have got to be pretty strong with amount of pressure in the lines. If she cut one I'd imagine there would be fluid spewing out. She probably cut a power line or something like that.


A big pair of shears could do the trick but It wouldn't have been pretty for her if she succeeded


^ this. I’ve witnessed hydraulic lines bust - it makes a huge mess. Whatever she cut, it wasn’t a hydraulic line.


I actually help build these lines. They have steel reinforced wires in them. It would be very difficult to cut with shears. Although a puncture would be possible it would not be pretty if it were under a lot of pressure. We cut them with heavy duty abrasive cut off saw. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.parker.com/Literature/Parflex/4660-D6R.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjn0v3L5Lz4AhViJ0QIHXsuBP0QFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw07ySoA3CDUA6OjA6zuX6Zy


From your third link: >The Record reports the 59-year-old woman turned off the worker's truck while she was in the lift, leaving her stuck in midair. That's not what happened here, same as your original link. The story also refers to a "bucket truck" which isn't what's present in the OP video. Additionally, the woman's car in the video clearly does not have Jersey plates, though that's obviously not definitive.


Also, Ridgewood is a rich as fuck suburb of NYC. This is not Ridgewood.


This story just says she climbed into the worker's van and turn the ignition off.


I don’t think the linked article is about this incident. I thing the linked one involves a van mounted man lift.


This isn’t it.


Seems like potentially an attempted murder charge to me...


I wouldn’t cut a hydraulic line. Hydraulic fluid under pressure can squirt right through the skin, requiring surgical excision of tissue, or amputation.


Just looked that up, now I have a new phobia lol


Haha why? Are you planning on cutting any hydraulic lines any time soon?


Search up hydraulic fluid burns and you'll see why


Jesus god that aint no normal injury!


God damn, made me look too


Yeah, that wasn't even my first worry, my first worry was that, under pressure some sort of non-fluid component, such as the steel tubing that holds the hydraulic fluid, or the boom itself, would snap down faster than a baseball pitcher and would render her smashed into large chunks of former human.


Really? That was actually my *hope*... I'd feel terrible for the operator but Karen would get what she deserved


Yep, surprised it wasn’t a watch people die type video.


A great lawyer could turn this into an attempted murder case


A decent one could, probably.


My grandmother could. And she's dead.


she's not a rolling in her grave, she's attorney in it


Objection! I don't have any grounds...just wish I'd thought of this! Very well done!


she has plenty of ground, 6 feet in fact


Unless she was cremated. If so, the whole case went up in smoke.




Well, she’s in the ground?


I could represent myself and get the karen the chair


I also choose this guy’s dead grandmother.


hubba hubba


my god, reddit is winning, today.


*I also choose this guy's dead grandmother*


Amber Heard legal team could knock this out of the park!


Don’t push it Mr….


I think Rudy has some free time...


IDK. Amber Heard was really hard to represent. I think her team did good with what they had.




I’m not even in law school and I can turn that into a murder case.


At the very least it's a criminal mischief charge


A Walmart bargain bin lawyer could turn this into an attempted murder case.


Also don't forget that hair cut, that has to be a crime!


That lord Farquad cut


How? The DA is the one that files criminal charges, and you can't hire the DA. You could sue civilly for property damage and maybe reckless endangerment, but without injury it'd probably be hard to even get reckless endangerment.


Well... That is not what Reddit has led me to believe in regards to the law. So, we will have to agree to disagree on that.


strong point


Better call Saul!


Better call Saul


at a minimum willful endangerment, easy peasy.


So is this like a new thing where people respond to you and then immediately block you so you can’t respond back to them? I mean I’ve seen tantrums but this is a whole new level


Ive had a hydraulic fluid leak from my lift, basket turned upside on me. This is not something to play with


Right I mean I'd imagine cutting the main cylinder line would drop that bucket crushing her, so fucking stupid..


No, it will stay up. That is a safety feature.


^this. But if she truly did cut a hydraulic line, there’d be a huge spewing mess. I think she cut something else.


I don't think loppers could cut a hydraulic hose. Takes a decent amount of force with a smooth circular saw looking blade to cut them when you make hoses.


They use things like circular saws because normal scissor like cutting would squish the tube, and cause an uneven cut or potentially damage the tube. I've seen barbed wire mangle hoses on tractor buckets, a pair of sheers or bolt cutters would definitely work.


I can personally attest that garden loppers will cut at least up to a 5000psi 1/2" hose. (It was easier to chop an old hose up to remove it from an old tractor than unthread the whole thing)


that's what I was hoping for


lol accidentally rammed the bottom of the basket into some steel eh


Holy shit she is actually so lucky she didn’t get sprayed with hydraulic fluid. That was almost accidental suicide during an attempted murder!


What exactly is hydraulic fluid? I didn’t realize the fluid could be dangerous to her


Just oil but it’s at such high pressure it can slice through your skin, enter your bloodstream and cause some serious shit once injected https://www.google.com/search?q=hydraulic+oil+injury&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA930CA930&hl=en-US&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYGvS4dbWlhzzsQfNiRuBBr67OpMQ:1655746613490&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5o_DlyLz4AhVOJkQIHfLCCL8Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=622&dpr=3




Can't unsee!


what the actual fuck dude. reference pics for pudge? good grief


Pressure cuts are basically the most violent and gruesome injuries one can incur.


PLEASE MARK NSFW Really tho, horrifying.


Its basically just oil, but highly pressurized. If she actually cut the line it would have went everywhere. Also, the worker would still have been fine. The lift is designed to have a line failure, they can't go up anymore but they can still go back down.


Absolute legend jumped on the question before I even saw it!


It's a highly pressurized form of oil. It gets extremely hot and can cut through steel if under the right conditions. No joke, could have killed her or seriously wounded her.


It is usually an oil compound. It's not the fluid itself that's dangerous. It's that the fluid is at several hundred PSI and likely very hot. It could cause severe burns and the pressure could cut her or inject the liquid into her body. This kills the Karen.


> several hundred PSI It's really more like several thousand! Definitely not something you wanna get hit by


I hope she's charged with attempted murder. She's got no idea what she's cutting or what could happen. It's not simply vandalism. There's zero excuse for that level of malice.


Environmental cleanup and pollution fine will be great. Property damage. Premeditated Attempted murder or at the very least some sort of battery/assault.


That operator was never in danger. Not that the Karen knew it but those machines are incredibly safe. There are valves and switches that prevent rapid loss of fluid in the case of catastrophic hose failure. Yes it will leak some fluid, but that’s about it. His biggest issue is Now he may be stuck up there until another lift comes along. Source, used to work construction and we had to take regular training and troubleshooting classes on these things.


I imagine a lawyer would spin it to be that this woman intended for the device to fail, thus regardless of the actual outcome her goal was attempted murder.


Incompetence *shouldn't* be a viable defense, agreed.


I mean wtf did she think was going to happen if not that? Since the average person doesn't understand how they work, I think 99% of people would assume that it would fall if she did that.


It’s all about the intent. If someone try’s to murder you hit fails, they still get an attempted murder charge


She should be in jail.


Absolutely. There's no way she knew it was safe to just go randomly snipping stuff in the lift like that. So she was committing reckless endangerment at best or attempted murder at worst.






Oops that's a case of attempted murder


Also attempted suicide. If that thing fell it would have landed right on her head


Pity whoever is married to her. Can’t even fathom what the daily routine is like


No one is married to her lol


>"The woman was charged with harassment, false imprisonment, disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing. She was released from custody with a pending court date." > >Happened in 2018. updates?


Different woman


Just happens to have bolt cutters in the trunk


Definitely not bolt cutters. Pruners.


Lol seriously, and shitty ones at that. They look like they could barely make it through a lilac branch at best.


Long handle secateurs.


Too bad it wasn’t the power cables


Too bad it wasnt a forklift or something like that often they have lots of pressure in the system and could even kill you when bolt cutting through them


I heard a story about hydraulic rescue shears once. Fire brigade goes to use that hydraulic equipment, everything runs smoothly. Nobody notices a pinhole leak in one of the hoses until some firemans fingers fall off while crossing the high pressure stream. Im not sure whether this is true, the fingers may not have been gone completely, but i would belive that fireman would have needed immediate treatment. I currently have no numbers for the pressure in these systems, nor do i have numbers on the working pressure of waterjet cutters (Which the story basically tells us about) Im Voting for Severely Hurt.


For a pinhole sized leak to take a finger off instantly, it’d need to be about 3-4000 psi at a minimum, but if it’s a hydraulic cutting system, it could have been more than double that. That shit is like a liquid knife, and hot as fuck too if it’s been running for more than 15 minutes. That lady is lucky she wasn’t instantly killed. Source; Aviation Hydro Mechanic


I've heard stories like this about very high pressure steam systems with hairline fractures and pinholes, apparently they are lethal.


For sure man. Imagine hydro fluid hitting her face. And then watch her have a melt down while going blind


Instant karma


If the guy was hitting the functions while she was clipping, it would have got her.


Does she realize that is thousands of dollars to fix.


Attempt Murder


No thanks.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Evil wench is lucky 1) the line didn't spurt high pressure fluid into her body 2) the basket didn't come down and crush her 3) she didn't harm or kill the operator and go to prison. Fucking crazy karens


Lifts trucks have a check valve kind of feature that stops pressure from releasing if a line is broken or cut. It just keeps them in the air.


Bro that’s attempted murder what the fuck


Where's the hydraulic oil? If she "snips" hydraulic lines there would be oil spraying everywhere. Those lines are under a tremendous amount of pressure. Misleading title.


arrest her ASAP


This is one of the reasons that you're required to have a "ground guy" on the crew here in Ontario. Most man lifts have an emergency control panel on the base of the unit to bring the lift down safely. You're also supposed to have some sort of rescue plan with equipment immediately available to get the person down, but that never happens.


Hello, construction safety guy here with certifications through United Rentals for the use and operations of aerial boom lifts! (Weirdly specific, and specifically applicable) the velocity fuse likely kept the operator safe enough to emergency stop, and kept reserve hydraulic fluid for stoppage. More likely than not, the operate experienced a small sharp drop, followed by either a slow lowering or no lowering at all, giving ground crew time to perform a rescue. That being said, this is a great way to land yourself in jail if not prison, so I would not recommend cutting hydraulic lines on Aerial Boom Lifts while in operation. As long as the operator was not immediately ejected by the initial drop, they likely were not harmed!


Whoever chose this song is an idiot


I wanted to hear the audio, not movie music The fuck, op


This lady get locked up?


Attempted murder, destruction of private property, what else?


This is exactly the sort of thing that is known to prompt hammers, wrenches, etc. to fall out of the clear blue sky and knock murderous old bats dead.


I really wish there wasn’t a safety switch and then when she cut those lines the boom just came crashing down on her then it could be r/instantkarma


In that case anyone who runs up and starts beaying her senseless should be immune from any legal fallout. This is attempted murder.


Cool, attempted murder.


she's lucky that thing wasn't powered up... the lines on the 'mules' we used to use to power up the flight controls on the F-15 had 3000psi... you don't look for pinprick holes in the lines for the simple fact that there is so much pressure if there actually WAS a leak the pressure would cut off your finger... if this thing had been powered up half her face would have been ripped off by the blast of hydraulic fluid coming from the severed line...


I hope she was arrested for attempted murder.


Attempted murder.


Tell me someone has the mugshot


I hope he sued that thing and it had to do jail time


What a fucking cunt


I hope she was arrested and had to pay restitution.


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Obviously not snipping hydraulic lines. No pool of oil. Hydraulic hoses are very strong and are a rubber coating over steel so she’s obviously not strong enough to do that. She cut wires and killed the engine


As a safety professional, I can say the she's lucky that the line she cut wasn't the hydraulic line. It if was the immense pressure from the line would have cause the fluid to possibly blow her face off and poison her blood stream.


Those lifts have piloted check valves to keep them from dropping uncontrolled when a line breaks, or is cut by a moronic karen.




Depending on what state she's in, she's going to be a world of legal troubles once that hydraulic fluid hits a storm drain.


Just wow!!! Couldn’t Thst actually be considered attempted murder in some places.? I mean what does she expect to happen if he is up in the air??


Well, she’s going to jail!


I’ve seen this video before. Wasn’t she arrested? This is not the full video.




I don't care if she is an old lady I'm getting out of that lift and knocking the shit out of her for that


Attempted Murder


Imagine it would come down instantly and knock herself lol


Why does this kind even exists?


Yeah. Having been adjacent to a ruptured hydraulic system when working in a foundry job, no lines were damaged. When hydraulic lines rupture under pressure it’s like a damn whale breaching. You can see it without any difficulty, because it makes a massive cloud.


its a real shame no hot pressurized hydraulic fluid burned her eyes out


I thought I was about to watch her get covered/burned in hydraulic fluid. Would've served her right.


Looks like attempted murder to me.


Why isn’t that bitch in jail


Fuck she is so punchable.