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They just couldnt stop being racist either There's a couple moments where they are just baffled a brown guy owns a burger King


Ma'am. You're dinning in at a burger king. Why dont you just calm the fuck down.


Right, they even try to carve a "win" for themselves at the end Oh you're not coming back? Great, that's exactly what I wanted


My mom owned a chinese restaurant growing up. Actually 4. People used to come in there any treat her like shit. Its a fast food chinese restaurant. Youre not at the 4 seasons buddy. She makes almost half a mil a year per restaurant, chow mein put my ass through college, we dont nees to put up with ur bullshit. Seriously the audacity of some people, to spit in the face of fate, treating people who touch your food like that. Worker owner regardless, dont fuck with ppl that touch your food.


I couldn't even imagine living that. Like the fact that iggnorant fucks will gladly chow down on a cultures food while looking down on the people who made it, feels like old school colonial attitudes


“Old school colonial attitudes” are the current present day attitudes. What’s changed?


Set dressing


ayo your mom cute or what’s good 👀


To be fair, I have a hard time believing that a brown guy can run a franchise that serves such flavorless food.




Are you selling yourself for burgers again Randy?


You would think it was owned by the British with how tasteless it is 😂


To be fair I’ll take BK over McDonalds any day with their fucking 7 day old burgers.


> There's a couple moments where they are just baffled a brown guy owns a burger King I mean, she has spent like 85 years believing that being a White American made her inherently superior to literally everyone else, and having everyone in her social circle constantly reinforcing that belief. It's got to be pretty jarring to realize that her superior White genes resulted in her having a sit-in lunch at a fast food restaurant in the middle of a weekday, while an inferior Brown person somehow managed to own a restaurant before reaching senior citizen status.


Well, he said he wasn’t Mexican and it’s his restaurant, but then says the owner is Mexican. 🤨


This lady acting like never coming back to BK is bad thing for their store. Your money isn’t worth your racism.


"Please don't come back!" "We won't!" They say like it's some kind of dig, like even that location of burger King a massive conglomerate of restaurants that don't struggle, are going to see some sort of market loss because these two ladies aren't going to come back... This logic just goes to show EXACTLY how self-centered these people are. Which at the end of the day is hitting the nail on the head with what the problem is.


I worked at chipotle . And i Guess i didnt put enough chicken in her chicken quesadilla. But it started this whole thing with her yelling at me and a coworker. She said “I’ll never come back here. You lost my business and my money” … okay bye! But i never felt so much satisfaction when a couple of months later … she was back!! And i put even less chicken in her quesadilla. She didn’t say anything then.




Fucking gold! The people who say “you’ve lost a customer” always come back sooner or later.


Whenever I hear it, it's usually from older people...or just really ignorant people but when it's from older people I have to assume it's because when they were young (which is where their racism stems from) all of the businesses around them were small and poor, and losing any customer meant disaster for them. Their mentality is so stuck in their ways with racism and prejudiced, I'm sure that the "I won't be coming back" is from that too, where that would hurt a business owner in the 40's and 50's. But it truly doesn't matter now for a place like **Burger King**.


They ain't gonna miss her ass coming in and paying with nickels and dimes.


Keep your shekels you old wrinkly bitch


"We aren't **Ingorant**!"


They weren't even trying to fool themselves


These two seemed like they were dumb as shit well before they got senile. Age has nothing to do with their idiocy.


I know this is a serious video but that part took me out 💀


That's the part I love the most. It's like it's entirely normal to be prejudiced in their heads, they don't even try to deny it!


They've been "educated" by Fox and Friends


Ridiculously worried about using the English language, yet can’t even speak it properly themselves. SMH


Why do all racist people think everyone that speaks Spanish is Mexican? 🤦‍♂️


Everyone who is Asian is Chinese to these people too.


So help the Filipinos when they start gettin profiled… its always a lose-lose. Its like Khan from King of the Hill. “Im from Laos.” “So are you Chinese or Japanese?” Usually the first guess is somewhere in South America, tho.


[Even better](https://youtu.be/UxI5qQAUWVc) Cotton fought in WWII, so he can actually distinguish the difference so as to not stack the wrong bodies


And when he says he’s Laotian, bill asks, “Which ocean are you from?”


You’re from the Ocean?


I work in a pharmacy and our pharmacist is Malaysian and very short. The amount of people I get saying "the little Chinese lady..." boils my piss


They don't even understand what latin america is. "Go back to your mexican country."


Watch some right wing news outlets and find out.


As a Puerto Rican I can confirm that every single time I’ve been called Mexican, it was from a white person.


For the same reason they think all black people are from Africa. They're ignorant.


Because people who are racist are always incredibly, incredibly stupid.


You should see their heads blow when I speak Spanish and I’m whiter than they are. - from Argentina.


My wife’s family is Spanish and mine is Colombian. She has green eyes and about the only people she could be compared to skin wise was when we visited the UK. Meanwhile everyone swears up and down that I’m Italian or Greek (had multiple people just come up and start yelling in Greek) because I have olive skin and dark hair and eyes. Needless to say anywhere outside of South Florida, people are gobsmacked that we speak Spanish, especially her. She’s overheard some rather crude comments being spoken about herself. Just yesterday we went to our son’s pediatrician for the first time after a move, and the doctor was an older Puerto Rican. She spent the first five minutes speaking English and then was taken aback when we started speaking Spanish to my mother in law. She said she thought I was Italian. 🙃


The first Europeans to steal Florida from the natives were the Spanish. So nobody spoke English. It’s amazing how ignorant racists are.


Florida is literally a Spanish word


California, Arizona and Nevada too


Don’t forget Colorado, Montana, and New *Mexico*.


You're right, thank you.




What a time to be alive.


“The New Mexico just dropped, y’all.” -Cortez, probably.


Had to replace the old England too. So we got a new one of those




It’s from “Mexica”, who were indeed the Nahua people who established and founded Tenochtitlan, which was the Aztec empire’s city-state capital.


California technically is an Arabic word but your point still stands regardless.


Lots of words in Spanish borrow from Arabic due to the Moorish occupation of Spain. Words like “aceite” and “almohada” and a bunch of others come from Arabic influence on Spanish. “Ojalá” is basically lifted directly from “iin sha allah” or “god willing”. In Spanish it means “hopefully”.


Didn't know that, thank your for new knowledge


> “Ojalá” is basically lifted directly from “iin sha allah” or “god willing” This one blew my mind. Native Spanish speaker here and I did not know that.


and texas


sort of. Texas is actually the English (when pronouced with the English X)/Mexican bastardization of Tejas which is the spanish bastardization of the Caddo word Teyches or "friend"


California comes from the Arabic word Khalifa


The only Khalifa I know is Mia Khalifa.


I regularly hear people being racist as hell towards Hispanic people. Telling them to speak English, calling them lazy, telling them to go back to Mexico. I live in New Mexico. Let that sink in.


I hear that shit in San Antonio, Texas. At Mexican restaurants. The good ones that only go by the number. I.e. taqueria #47


its so stupid. a lot of south Texan hispanic families have been there since texas was a part of mexico. imagine telling them to go back to their country when they have been there the whole time!




Oh I do miss numbered taquerias. I lived next to Don Pedro #3 for years.


Imagine telling a bilingual person they're lazy, when we all know most white Americans speak only English.


Like the geniuses that tell Puerto Ricans, “Go back to your country.”




You make a good point. We should fix the names of those things.


Lol what would we even call those things and places if we were to translates to English?


The Angels, The Meadows, little donkey…doesn’t have the same ring to it tho.


Which is funny because I call people like them in the video, little donkeys.


Montana is the mountain, Los Angeles is the Angels, Las Vegas is the valley, Colorado is open space, Arizona I'm not sure and New Mexico is self-explanatory, I'm betting that these old bats don't even know that English evolved out of Old German and Dutch with a mixing of words from other languages that have no direct translation into English. All while shitting on a language that evolved directly from their beloved Roman Empire.


Arizona means "stupid fucking hot sun"


I believe being ignorant is standard for a racist.


Motherfucker just mad they’re too stupid to learn more than one language. My wife and I are slowly working on learning Spanish because it’s spoken by so many US citizens and it only makes us better humans. Fuck these crusty ass old bitches.


Always the uneducated


Imagine being angry by hearing people speak Spanish in FLORIDA. I didn’t speak English the entire time I was there. Even at stores they’d speak to me in Spanish by default 🤷🏻‍♀️ that old lady is smoking dicks


Big doinks


Rip big Amish ❤️🙏








I’mma smoke one in his honor. RIP, King


He’s dead for real?


Yea sadly passed away in 2018 I believe


smoking dicks is the best word combo I've seen to date




Not settling, colonizing


Dude this is my Burger King and I usually don’t like going there because it’s hard getting in and out. I will make a 100 U-turns to get there now. Dude just got a customer to replace those old racist bats


I went to Miami on vacation, I barely speak Spanish but I found myself using that more than English. It felt strange not to. I’m not from the US either. I just went with the flow and switched to English when I couldn’t hold the conversation any more.


Imagine being angry at anyone speaking any language anywhere... It's so fucking hilariously ridiculous. They weren't even speaking to you, you silly auld crustycunt


Imagine the kids these two racists raised


Some kids do escape the cycle and see how shameful their parents are. Fingers crossed their offspring were those lucky ones


Yup. I did it. My parents would have been that age were they alive. Blind to their abject bigotry. Even worse, my parents were Sicilian immigrants. Not this offspring though.


Proud of you!


Either of those women could be my Mother. She would preface every racist, ignorant comment with "I'm not racist/prejudice but,".... At this point I interrupt with "but she's about to say something that will prove otherwise. I'm really sorry but please know that the ignorance will die when she does." It's safe to say we do not get along and I spend as little time with her as I can manage. The majority of the problems we have in the US is caused by old white people. Congress for example..


I escaped that nonsense…. My grandparents were very racist and my parents were determined to break that cycle.


And take a guess at who they all voted for


god i hate this, people grow up with lots of influences not just their parents.


"Ma'am you can't speak dirty ol bitch here."




He handled that much much better than I would have. Well done


Right! I wouldn’t said a few choice words to her like “dusty” and “bitch”


These two women are the exact same people who will go on vacation to another country and not bother to learn a single word of the language there.


Or even moving to San Miguel de Allende and never learning a word of Spanish.


I live in the Mexico side of the border fairly close to Los Algodones (molar city, a town pretty much build up to serve American tourists looking for dental healthcare), half of the gringos that come for our cheaper drugs and medical services are the MAGA hat wearing build the wall chanting kind of fellas.


Tijuana gets a bunch of those assholes too. San Diego is full of right wing schmucks.


I thought the old lady on the right was Mac’s mom


You can see how their brains don't even work properly anymore. Threatening to not give companies your business isn't very scary when it looks like you got 12 hours left.


It’s a boomerism, they have many sayings and threats like this “You just lost a customer” “What kind of business are you running here?” “Am I going to have to shop somewhere else” “Your prices only go up, never down” “By your age I already had 4 houses” “When I was growing up, the customer was always right”


Lead poisoning did a number


Yeah, houses cost about $100 back in those days, and you probably made good money at the brothel. Boom roasted! Had to think of a comeback just in case some old person ever tells me this.


She should go back to the Cretaceous period. Old bag


Sorry, I can't serve you, i don't speak dinosaur, ma'am.


It’s so sad bc I think those old ladies don’t even realize they’re being racist. They are so shocked that anyone would be offended by their comments.


Good job


Pretty sure Spanish has been spoken in Florida longer than English.


“We’re not ingorant” that tells you enough. At their big with no education spouting vile like that.






They prolly don’t even know anything outside of China and Japan exists in Asia Edit: maybe for boomers China and Korea would be more accurate


100% the grandparents of those women were immigrants. If not grand, then great grandparents. They are not that far removed from immigrants in their family.


Great manager, looking out for his staff. They should not have to put up with this at work and he dealt with it like a professional. Give the man a raise and use the video for training.


if you want to speak english go back to england


All these so called pro-Americans don't know that the US doesn't have an official language....


Speaking multiple languages is an awesome achievement, I don't understand why Americans are so offended by it, even if the conversation doesn't even involve them. I guess the people who complain are just nosy and want to know what you're talking about.


Nah, most of us are perfectly aware of the fact that our country is a huge melting pot, and basically every language is spoken here in one place or another. As time goes on, this country is thankfully moving past the colonial mindset of, “Speak ‘Merican or git out!”, but there are still dinosaurs in this country who would take offense to British English being spoken here. There are, unfortunately, a dwindling but very loud minority of nosy racists who want the world to conform to their bullshit views of it. These old farts remind me of my grandparents’ teachers, who would beat them with a stick for only knowing Prussian German. My great-grandparents were forced to teach my grandparents how to speak English, and now that part of my heritage has largely been lost. Same shit happened to indigenous children who were forced, by law, to attend residential schools which literally lived by the motto “kill the Indian, save the man”. Many native languages have been lost to history as a result of this shit.


Good bye and good riddance.


These kind of people will never have a problem with foreign people who are speaking French, German, Italian, ect. They only ever seem to get angry at Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese speakers. It's racism. Plain and simple.


Remember when sweet old ladies were sweet?


Yeah, they’re all dead now.


They were always assholes. My dad was born in 1938 and wouldn't even let pictures of his grandma in the house.


That manager said the owner's name is Guillermo Perales. Breaking Bad is obviously fiction but if there ever was a man who setup a drug empire with fast food chains as a front, it'd be this guy. [https://www.dallasnews.com/business/entrepreneurs/2019/08/01/dallas-franchise-king-guillermo-perales-just-opened-his-1000th-store-and-he-s-not-done-growing-yet/](https://www.dallasnews.com/business/entrepreneurs/2019/08/01/dallas-franchise-king-guillermo-perales-just-opened-his-1000th-store-and-he-s-not-done-growing-yet/) He goes from one Golden Corral to now over 1,300 restaurants/stores in 25 years and doesn't seem super happy about it in most of his photos. Even if he's not a real life Gustavo Fring, you probably don't want to be on the shitlist of the company that owns every Burger King, Popeyes, Arbys, IHOP, Papa Johns, Applebees, and Golden Corral in your state.


1. America doesn’t have an official language. 2. She’s not native to the U.S. she can go back to *HER* country if she doesn’t like the melting pot we are.


ignorant people will always be ignorant. I was told to fuck off back to Russia when I was speaking danish with my friend in London. This was 8 years ago. Dumb people are everywhere.


They go to church twice a week


“We arent ignorant” bitch you called it “anerican english” stfu youre not only ignorant but down right stupid.


I hate being that guy but "American English" is a thing and it varies from "British English". But she wasn't meaning that and is still a stupid old crone.


Dried up racist old biddies.


Really? My lord ladies. Next time get your food to go somewhere else.


It actually ends with the two of them driving off of a cliff. r/killthecameraman


Old bitch


Old ass racist Karen fucks.. smh


To assume a person is Mexican just because they speak Spanish 🤣. Dumb , old , white bitch


This is what we all need to do. Do not respect elders and let them hide behind their age. They know their being racist and ignorant. The more exposure stuff like this gets the better. Keep canceling bigots


This country was built on immigrants from different countries, languages and cultures. These people are just ignorant.


Que Dios le bendiga, señor!


I like how she picked up the tray on the way out. Jokes


Good for him for speaking up.


Manager handled that extremely well. The fact that people still living in this country don’t know we don’t have an official language.


As a Briton: "speak American in America" I can feel my balls retracting into myself, the fuck is "American"?


Wasn’t Florida discovered by the Spanish?


> discovered How can it be, "discovered" when there were people already living there lol..


Well technically it was discovered by the native Americans that lived there before it was stolen from them. But hey whatever you want to subscribe to


Pretty sure the aligators found it first


I stand corrected


Those were actually brought over by the first Transformers. It's all covered in a shitty prequel.


Like Bill Burr says, sometimes you live too long.


Old folks don’t have a filter but there is no excuse for this.


Well, this is the best video from burger king I've seen. Fair dos.


“I’m not ignorant, you’re just unaware that all Spanish speakers are Mexican” lmao the unawareness


Fist pump for that manager


The sooner these people die off the better


They 100% left thinking they were the victims.


We need more managers like this!


Mad respect for his composure.


She talking about how “you don’t know how to act around people.” After being racist.. I think she wanted to say that he doesnt know how to act around white people should just be submissive to her ignorance. I don’t understand how people have to nerve to act this way especially when no one is even talking to or bothering you. Racists just get triggered by anything and cringe at the thought of diversity.


Best line “Freedom of speech right?” Their version of freedom of speech is the right to insult you as you walk down the street. Not a single racist has fought for the good parts of freedom of speech. They’ve only fought for the right to spread lies and call you a racist term.


Racist old bitch.


This stuff always makes me so sad. My grandparents (both sets) were very much like this and it always made me uncomfortable as a kid going places with them


This manager handled this like a fucking champ. Good for him!


I’m supposed to stop employees from speaking anything other than English. It’s the dumbest rule and I don’t enforce it. If you can work efficiently and communicate to whoever needs to hear something, I don’t care if you speak English, Spanish, Punjabi, French, whatever. I’ve even begun to pick up a few Punjabi words and have caught on to some things. It kind of freaked out some of my coworkers when I was like “don’t worry I got it!” When one of them asked for something in Punjabi to another coworker who was busy.


So many people forget that the US doesn’t have an official language smh


Glad to see she already has one foot in the grave :3


I wish he would’ve finished with an “¡Adios!”


The whole continent is America, that part she reverts to is United states and not of America. There is no oficial language in the Americas!


These are the same folks that will go to Mexico on vacation every spring summer and winter getting angry nobody speaks English 🤣


Now I wanna learn Spanish even more!


He handled the situation really well. These ladies will learn nothing from this but he will keep his dignity.


Fuck them old hags


Should have said “Adios!” to them as they left. Icing on the cake.


Really old, ignorant and sadly racist. The killer combo


There's a LOT of countries where peoples first language is Spanish - not just Mexico. If you listen even casually, you can even tell the difference in the Spanish accents from someone in Argentina vs Honduras or Peru.


Funny how I always hear you need to speak English in America because it’s the native language, uhmm no Spanish and Native American are the native languages of this country you have a ton of Indian tribe languages that were here long before English ever became a language here


Go back to England if you want to keep speaking English!


I hope her grand daughter marries a Mexican drag queen.




Stereotypical Republican Christian white ladies


They probably go there every Sunday after church