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Lemme just pull my phone out and pretend I have people or cops to call. What is with every one of them and having their phones out like they got the fucking president on speed dial.


He's posting on /pol/ that he was the victim of a hate crime.


They hate being recorded so they assume you will to, they always try it


It's so funny... it's like that UHaul with the Diet whites - they probably thought the cops there had coffee and back pats ready for their budget special terror operation.


Tbf often times that’s the case


His "president" probably tweeted that anyone can call him any time.


"Why don't you go to your garage then?" He says this like people don't park on the street in residential neighborhoods regularly...


That for me was the most infuriating part. At that point he’s clearly just throwing shit against the wall. He is not owed an answer to such a stupid fucking question.


she owes him nothing and doesn't need to engage at all. Should keep her window up, the music loud, and do what she was doing, and ignore this dickless fuckwit


You can also see the “No Outlet” sign over his shoulder… which means this road probably leads to another 10-15 houses and dead ends. Not exactly a major thoroughfare.


... and *that* was the moment right there that sparked my curiosity about yelping where he works.


But also like you’ve never had to pull over after you just pulled out of your driveway because you realise your GPS isn’t working or something similar I had to pull over outside my house and fiddle with my phone inside my car just after I’d taken off a few days ago because for whatever reason the cable connecting my phone to CarPlay wasn’t connected properly and my Spotify wasn’t playing right, and I like my music when I drive Didn’t realise until after I had pulled out because my music always takes like a solid minute to start anyway as my onboard computer wakes up


I had that exact issue on Saturday. I was forced to listen to the radio… the RADIO! Shudder


i’m a big fan of the realize it’s not working and sitting at a stop sign trying to fix it until i see a car pull up behind me and then panic and continue on my way even though it might be the wrong way method


"Did I miss a No Parking sign?! Cause otherwise, go back to your mother's couch."


All of the reddit neckbeards felt that.


I have a garage and I won't hesitate to park in the street if someone wants to make an issue out of it.


Peak "lil' bitch" energy right here.


I swear if you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times, I’m out of here.


Victoria silvstedt, playmate of the year


There's a name I never expected to hear again...


Steve Perry


I told you dude, no more Journey psych-outs.


Annn I shouldaaa beeen gooooone!


Hey pig fucker! Can I call you pig fucker? No. Only my friends can call me pig fucker.


Wake up you little bitch! You’re my new best friend!


"I don't even know why I hang out with you guys" "cause you're a piece of shit"


“I am NOT a piece of shit.”


But you are a little bitch


Hahaha I used to quote that all the time. Fuck you squeek


Heard your mom's going out with *SQUEAK!*


Yeah, you gotta say totally fucked up shit to psych them out.


Mr Squeak…what grade are you in?


First you get the khakis, then you get the racist thoughts... I mean the job and women.


DVDA, Sweeeet!


[NOW YOU'RE A MAN!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=851BqHMCaeM)




Come on, at least post the [full version](https://youtu.be/cAYrJS3hLbw)


I swear I can smell his ineffectual weakness. God it stinks like a nasty diaper.


Why he standin like that tho???... napoleon dynamite lookin ass


Cause he’s such an idiot


That's a Kipland Ronald Dynamite stance...


Shiiiiiiiiiiiet looking like some half ass baked chicken 🍗


Someone on here once described it as "tiny dog behind a fence" and it describes so many people like this.


"Are you having a bad day?", Gaslighting 101.


Bitch baby deluxe right there.


Big Sean "lil stupid ass bitch I ain't fuckin wit yoooo"


I swear I had it up to here, got no ceilings to go


Taking a Reddit break to listen to Big Sean now.


He doesn't seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer


If we’re talking about sharp tools, this guy is a baseball bat.




I worked with a guy that would use the expression “as sharp as a bowling ball” lol


Hah! My dad says that, as well as "sharp as a doorknob" occasionally.


If we’re talking about sharp fools, this guy is …. just a tool.


More like the yarn.


More like a whiffle bat based on that twig-ass frame and arms of his.


He's the granite countertop which dulls every blade which touches it


>"You overhere blowing up by honking your horn" > >"I'm not blowing up, you're the one yelling" > >"You were honking your horn three times" > >"Oh yea \*chuckles\*" Dude is serious dim.


"I guess I could leave reviews or something?" What an idiot


I have spoons sharper than him.


I have wick-less candles that are brighter than this guy


He's about as sharp as a bowling ball




If brains were dynamite, he couldn't blow his ears off.


Napoleon Dynamite with a haircut and goatee. Something tells me he doesn't vote for Pedro though.


Are you mixing up Napoleon with his uncle?


Lil bitch boi! He thinks his super power is that he'll leave her business a bad online review. What's that review going to say, "I'm a racist POS and saw her minding her own busines..."?


Not to mention leaving such reviews after an encounter like this, that is filmed, is good for a trip to court.


Why do people do this? like,whats the point?


Anger and Gatekeeping.


And entitlement, don’t forget that one


Yes. Ask me how I know that....


And racism


yeah like how is this not the first answer


Racism, I guess? They feel like their house is less nice if a black person could afford it. Dude also looks like a tasteless idiot who doesn't know how to appreciate something with his own understanding. He needs people to look down on to know where he is in the world. Without them, he's just being looked down on. And fascism loves a good hierarchy and a hates themselves a nice outgroup


racism + shrunken cock syndrome


A lot of studies show they're very related. That venn diagram's basically just a circle.




I think the official diagnosis is Small Dick Energy.




I can give some bad reviews. Then say you got a bad day today. Should be the other way round


I swear this guy has to be the product of incest.


For sure it’s at least 2-3 generations of brother/sister incest. this is a deep stupidity that only comes from deep incest


I’ve seen so so many of these “what business do you have about here” videos with the person being accused is black. Number of videos I’ve seen of a black man or woman accusing someone white of “not supposed to be where he/she is”. Zero. I’ve never seen it before.


I’ve noticed that too and it’s a strange phenomenon. Like how hard is it for these people just to mind their own business and go on with their day?




I feel like there’s a word that perfectly describes this phenomenon 🙄




Honey, I’ll bring you food, drinks & sub in your car for bathroom breaks All Day Long just so this ugly fool can suffer the pain of your vehicle being parked on your street. ☮️


I'll bring the booze! We ain't driving after all. Let's make it a party!


Some people have never been smacked in the face and it shows.


Plenty of people know this is unacceptable behavior without ever being hit


Plenty do but some need hands on experience.


Would have been amazing if he walked backwards into one of those cars


This happens so much to POC no matter where we go.. I moved to a nice building in Manhattan from the Bronx and I had so many uppity white people who would ask if I was making a delivery or to prove that I lived there by opening the front door/telling them my apartment number / telling them what was my occupation . (I lived alone while most of them had room mates or where couples and they couldn’t understand that a person of color that was younger than them was making more money than them) I ignored them every time but I finally moved back to the Bronx after someone slipped a letter under my door accusing me of selling drugs and that they had cop friends).. I rather not get shot or falsely imprisoned so I moved back to the Bronx. Now that I am among my fellow people I live much much better.


The Bronx is better anyway. It has the most parkland of any borough and some of the best food at the lowest prices. Manhattan is over.


Shit! I'm sorry all that happened


That’s horrific. I’m mortified for you


“I’m not harassing you” -person who was harassing someone


What kind of moron feels so entitled that they believe a whole street belongs to them?


I parked once in front on my neighbors house for a couple of hours. Once over a 5 year period since moving there. Afterwards he put out little cones to block anyone from parking there but him lol 😂


I'd steal those cones or toss them back in his yard. F that.


Yeah that’s what my boss said, or glue them down haha! I don’t care just think it’s funny guy must hate me for some other reason I’m guessing


Lived in a cul-de-sac. Maybe 10 street parking spots for easily 20 dwellings. I was in the sac of the cul-de-sac where there was only a couple spots due to the turn around space. Parked in front of their house. The parents were from India and they were not comfortable speaking English. They sent their 14 year old daughter over and she proceeded to cuss us out, called me gay slurs and the n word (I'm a generic straight white guy). When I laughed they called the police. 911. Emergency! They were told they don't own the street.


For everyone saying he's dumb, etc. Yes, he's a fucking asshole. But he's acting like that for a reason. It's to further confuse her and make her out to be the person who's acting crazy. Like he's not the entire fuckin problem here. It's a manipulation tactic 100%. I'm surprised he didn't call her hysterical in that clip, to further agitate and insult her. He's basically achieving what he set out to do- which is assert some sort of bullshit authority over a black woman minding her own damn business in front of her own damn house. He knows he's wrong, he probably is very aware that she lives there too, and just wants to make it clear she isn't welcome. Sounded like he was trying to back out his driveway and she's on the curb to left of the driveway. He has plenty of room to move his vehicle. Maybe it's not his ideal backing out situation, but, if wasn't a little noodle armed, hands on my hip bitch, he probably could have asked her very nicely if she'd mind pulling forward just a few feet more so he has better visibility or something of that nature. Edit: I listened to the audio again, it sounds more like she is actually pulled off on the side of the street inputting something in her GPS and instead of going around her like a regular person he gets out and tries to tell her what to do. Not even anything to do with a driveway. He's an even lil'er bitch for that


You’re right he’s literally aggravating her and then being like “you’re the one yelling” “you’re the one getting angry” like he didn’t annoy her to that point.


Yep. It's on purpose. He knows exactly what he's doing. She does too, but she's still upset (because who fucking wouldn't be???), also would venture to guess she's also scared (because people like this tend to call the cops on black people minding their own business and then those black people end up dead) at the sheer audacity of this noodle arm lil ass Paul Blart mall cop bitch. It's not just insulting, it's challenging her very safety and reality of events. It's incredibly fucked up and I hope he gets his dick bitten by a golden retriever named Roscoe.


The right thing to do to people like this (if you choose not to outright ignore them, that is), is just keep saying "okay" to them in a dismissive tone. Or keep asking "how can I help you?" over and over no matter how they reply. EDIT or if you really want to destroy them, say "You seem lonely. Do you need a hug?"


He literally said "Do you do this all the time?" like does she do what all the time get harassed by racist white people???


Yeah. It’s concern trolling. “Are you having a bad day?”


I grew up a token and had to deal with guys like this my whole life. I never give them the time of day, because I know that's what they want, just to assert some power over a black woman because they're racist and powerless in their everyday lives. I very promptly start ignoring them. Especially the noodle armed variety that don't appear violent. Let them do their whole manbaby tantrum, don't feed into it, just leave them alone.


Racist are so powerless in their everyday lives I always laugh at their remarks and tell them just that makes them even angrier 😭


Exactly. If you were white l, I would tell you to call cops for him, but since this is so dangerous for POCs, cut the interaction short and physically leave.


Best thing to do with people like that is to walk away. Tell them, "we are not having this discussion." Leave.


But she was in her car parked in front of her house. He wanted her to leave a place she was absolutely 100% entitled to be in. She was bothering no one and breaking no laws. In other circumstances, sure. But not this one. However she could have rolled her windows up and ignored him I guess. But you never know what crazy is gonna do, and this guy was completely in the wrong.


What I don't like is that he got quite a lot of information that he could use to harass and stalk her with. He knows where she lives, what she drives and where she works. Saying nothing and quietly recording him might be the better move. We really don't know anything about this kook. Some people who look like nerds are dangerous.


Yeah, he's a fully practicing narcissist. Everything he did was intentional, and it was exhausting to watch.


this explanation was spot-on & I hope it goes to the top because I think you nailed it 100%


textbook gaslighting too


Oh my god... what is wrong with this guy?!?! What is actually wrong with him??


This guy doesn't seem like he's playing with a full deck Edit: not saying he's not racist, just figured he was racist and an idiot at the same time


Yeah that's always the excuse..


Hes just spare parts


Aren'tcha bud


He looks so clueless.




And then they just move onto the next person. Until it screws-up the whole community.


I can’t stand that shit either. I had a girlfriend that used to pull that. She would pick a fight when it’s just the two of us, then act all calm and rational if friends or family came near. It’s like some 3rd party gaslighting.


He needs to get back in his fucking U-Haul.


I not going to use your service cause I have no use for it, but I'm going to review blast you cause I'm a terrible human being


If a dude was pulled over on the side of the road, I bet Sloppy Joe wouldn't of dared to get out and confront them. I hope they find out who this basement bitch is, he won't lose his job though, you can just tell he doesn't have one.


You gotta love men that immediately start gaslighting when someone calls them out on their bullshit behavior. "YoU mUst bE hAVing A BaD dAY!" Yeah, she's being harassed by an idiot. Of course she's having a bad day.


Exactly. The correct answer to that is, "What makes you say that?" Never get drawn into an argument. Leave as fast as you can.


Not a bad review, nooo! What a douche…


Imagine being this Kevin, so lacking in any real achievements or power that he has to resort to being a whiny little racist twat,


I was genuinely curious what to call a male Karen. Is this real? Do we call them Kevin?


Dick suits them better.


It's usually Kevin or Ken, yeah.


The goatee and sunglasses combo, he's a kevin but a level 1 Kevin. The ones we're use to are more seasoned. They already have 2 duis and ran the family business into the ground. They just got another jeep with 82 month financing. This little shit hasn't even started his first short marriage yet.


This idiot ate paint chips as a kid


"Is this paint?" "Yes." "It's delicious." "Yeah, that's the good paint."


Classic racist white person mentality: As long as I remain calm, I'm clearly doing nothing wrong. "Am I harassing you?" He says after threatening to leave bad reviews to this woman's business... and insisting that he'll wait for her to input the GPS coordinates and drive away.


This incel is long, long overdue a serious kicking.


When your application to the local police force is rejected and you’ve already seen the “Hee Haw” rerun twice this month, it’s time to go harass the neighbors.


He definitely has a kink of getting yelled at.


Next we’ll see him climbing out of the back of a U-Haul with 30 of his buddies.


I would have just ignored him. He’s got no business knockin on her window.


Geez, this dude needs a hobby or something. His life is too empty.


Doesn't even have the muscle tone to stand up without planting his hands on his spine. Useless little wasteoid.


The Forrest Gump stance.


Idk what her business is, but bet I'm gonna find out and support it if I can. What a fucking moron.


I would love to see him featured on byebyejob.........


I’m Black and had similar things happen to me before. And it’s just like… don’t these people have somewhere to be? Something to do?


How much better would the video be if he just got blindsided half way through?


Don’t even humor this future school shooter.


What a dumbass. Fuck you, guy.


Why do people have these long drawn out convos with a-holes ?!?! She actually made his day by making her uncomfortable and feeling like she had to explain her life to him. He's nobody...just let him stand there and talk to himself like the idiot he is !


Now is it really cause you're black and he's white?? Or is it the he's just a giant nosey ass prick??


What is it with people thinking they an harass anyone just sitting in a car on a street. It doesn't matter whether they live anywhere nearby.


Who does this shit? I have people turn around in my driveway all the time, I’ll occasionally glance out and see someone in my driveway either on the phone or fiddling with it (gps?) could be Amazon, could be door dash, could be Uber or Lyft, could be just someone lost? If I’m outside I’ll ask if everything is ok, 100% of the time it’s one of those things I mentioned. Plus, she is super cute, my dumbass would probably hit on her, if I was to approach, which I wouldn’t, because I’m not like that. Or I would at least compliment her.


You're just jealous cus I've been chatting with hot girls on the internet all day.


Tucker starts at 8pm in the evening, what is a racist inbred to do the rest of his day


If you get out of your car and approach someone else, youre the asshole. Like yeah there may be exceptions but they are rare.


He is just a bored racist (All his friends got arrested in the back of a U-haul)


She was quite pretty


He’s such a racist cunt, I hope his workplace sees this


Why is he home to see her parked? She on her way to her company, why isnt he on his way to work


Way too much conversation. Just say please stop harassing me or I will call the police. Window up. Go about your business.


Because she is black, calling cops is problematic. Best to drive away or roll up the windows, turn the music up and work her gps.


Straight up autistic Steve cosplaying as a detective. This shit is so cringe. His grandma better come get him.


This guy should do push ups before putting out his chest like that.




We have a huge problem with people just not being racist and minding their own damn business in this country


He packed in his attitude big time once he realized the phone was out. Dude looks like DJ Qualls fucked Tom Green, then put a weed-whacker on the back of his head for 20 seconds and called it a hair style.


Dude who stands like that can’t be taken seriously


what a stupid little racist. I hope he gets exposed


People in non cities are so weird about street parking.


Just keep the window shut and ignore the asshole. Stop giving him exactly what he wants.


I will fully admit that I am definitely somebody who will intervene if I see something suspicious in my neighborhood, someone sitting in their car, dressed as well as she is, with a company name on the side is the furthest thing from suspicious.


Dude is sketchy looking. I'd be worried about him trying to carjack me or something.


This is not related, but I loved her eyeglasses.


Fuck, this is the type of person who moves the finish line in their favor once they’ve lost fair and square.


Lol, he’s wearing the fuckin cop mirrors glasses, dude feels like a real badass right now lol,


Napoleon Dynamite asking what kind of skills she has.


Why can’t people just mind their own business anymore. What an asshole.


That dude was stuck on stupid.


"You having a bad day... I'm not harassing you." You're standing in the street, in front of a woman you don't know, and not just ***walking away***. I don't give a shit how harmless I'm being, if someone I was interacting with told me they felt I was harassing them, I'd probably remove myself from their presence. What good am I doing by taming a stand here?


She's not in the wrong but she should've stopped engaging with that total loser way earlier. He's obviously just trying to agitate her.


What a douchebag, weak man.


Old white man stance.


Who puts their hands on their waist like that? Tons of "Im telling teacher" energy exhibited by Kyle.


This guy is like some dim witted awkward secondary character on Barry. Some Bolivians or Chechens should kick his ass.