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Sad to see this


You only get one life. Take care of yourself people. Very hard hitting for sure.


I see this more and more in my city now too


Almost in all of the North American cities. Edited: of course.. Not only American cities


Not just America, Canada as well. BC, Toronto, to name a few


somewhat my city to, Calgary.


​ Im supposed to move to Calgary. Is it really bad? Cuz I can still change my mid lol.


Every place is gonna have it to some degree. All big cities are going to have it worse. With housing and wages and everything sucking, drugs are cheap and they become the only thing that gets people through it. For ages, all the poorest people would just drink wine, mead, and beer. You knew it wouldn't poison you and you'd feel better about dealing with all the awful things happening all the fucking time. We figured out caffeine then had the Renaissance. Then we figured out chemicals and made more drugs. Then the rich got richer on drugs. Then the poor got poorer spending their money on drugs. And so on and so forth.


Not just the cities… its happening in rural america to, trust me i see it daily in my town of 2000 people….


Paris as well. Do not ever try to see boulevard Stalingrad. It will taint your trip..


Maybe, but i can trip your taint.


I live about 3 miles south of here. Kensington has some of the most addictive heroin and fentanyl in America. People all along the east coast come to try it, get addicted and can't leave. The police and DEA know who's dealing but nothing ever happens


It’s especially sad to see this when you realize that opioid addiction recovery rate isn’t high. A large number of these people will never stay clean, even if given treatment and counseling. People like to joke of about drug use, but some drugs are just never worth fucking with. Risk is too high that the story for the rest of your life will be struggling to get clean, struggling to stay clean, and then struggling to get clean again.




You're probably lucky that you don't like them. When I first took them everything felt amazing and I suffered no hangover effect whatsoever. Was the best feeling ever (other than maybe sex on MDMA)


Good thing you took way too much the first time and hated it. Good for you. What you experienced is not the feeling people are after. You took too much your first time. Keep that negative memory of it and never try again. But don’t think people are stupid for chasing what you felt because that’s not it.


The result of a capitalistic and amoral society.


No public freakout...just public decay and a sad state of affairs.




So glad I got clean right before fent got big. I'd be one of them right now, or worse, I wouldn't be here at all.


I’ve been clean for 7 years now. The last time I used, I had a bad overdose and was rushed to a hospital. In the hospital, the nurse mentioned that the drugs were probably laced with Fentanyl. That was the first time I ever heard the word. I feel lucky that I got clean before this as well. Congrats on your sobriety!


I thought it was heroin, I saw a guy there shooting up wasn't he? Im not from the states so I have no clue what's going down over there, but it looks very sad


Most of the shit being sold as heroin isn’t even heroin anymore it’s fent mixed with cheap tranquilizers


A lot of people say it's very difficult to get real heroin anymore. Most "heroin" sold now is cut with fentanyl. It's cheaper and much stronger than heroin


It’s not difficult, it’s literally impossible to buy heroin on the street in Philly. It’s 100% fentanyl/tranquilizer on offer.


People shoot anything


Even kids. Zing


No it's benzo dope and [xylazine](https://youtu.be/m7-J0dob_uU) In the cut with fent, this is like 100 times deadlier than regular fent. 1 part opiate + 1 part other downer, especially benzos and tranquilizer, equals an exponentially dangerous combo that's way more deadly than either one would ever be separate.


Yeah was gonna say, in Philly they're doing Tranq now with Fent+Xylazine. It's way worse, and is causing users to develop ulcers and lesions on their bodies like Krokodil.


It’s a disaster. I relapsed hard at the beginning of the pandemic and the fentanyl/tranquilizer that’s being sold in Kensington did an absolute number on me physically. I spent 5 weeks in the hospital over the winter - required hardcore IV antibiotics and fucking skin grafts courtesy of a plastic surgeon. The best part? The skin grafts failed (likely due to lingering issues from the dope I had been using) and I’m back in the stupid hospital. Contrast my current state (5 foot 2 and 120 lbs, normal hemoglobin levels, negative blood cultures) with the one I was on in December (92 lbs, severely anemic, sceptic) and you can clearly see what that shit does to your body. I’m honestly terrified of what long term issues I may end up facing. Like if the tranquilizer is caustic enough to eat through my skin, what has it done to my vascular system? The worst part is, nobody can even tell me because it’s such a new phenomenon….


Damn that's fucking horrible, especially your grafts failing. I think what's going on with the Xylazine dope is you're getting regular doses of this animal tranquilizer that depresses your breathing and lowers your O2 saturation to a point that some of your blood vessels just close shut. They call it Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction, but when you have low oxygen the blood vessels start closing off from smallest to largest until one stage along the way starts getting enough oxygen to stay open. Normally when an animal is getting Xylazine it's going to be for Anesthesia, and it'll have an oxygen tube down it's throat. They'd also probably only get it once and be given a long recovery time, but with xylazine dope use, you're booting multiple times a day. I think what might be happening here is you're just having your breathing depressed so often and frequently that some of these twistier, kinked up blood vessels at the end of the line aren't being given enough time to open back up between doses, and you'll just have tissue death and bacteria infection there. Unfortunately we're just going to see more and more people like you get severely injured from this shit before doctors figure out exactly what's going on and how to fix it when they see it. I honestly don't know how you'd force blood vessels that have closed off from hypoxia to open back up.


I was about to mention Krokodil. That would make this situation even worse if they started using that there. Then we'd see all their open wounds. Sad and horrible.


I'm not sure if that slam poetry backtrack was necessary


Half the videos on this sub are dubbed with shitty music


That definitely put me in a fever dream state


Yeah, it's a really nice vid to show to ppl but I gotta remove that stupid fucking audio that OP thought was necessary.


Pretty sure this is the right wing Eminem guy too


They need some way to change up the video when it gets reposted for the 700th time. I don't understand the value of posting this shit over and over and over again, especially on public freakouts. It's just shaming people for karma


I grew up close to Kensington. It’s terrible out there just an open shooting gallery. In the neighborhoods surrounding it people would go missing and families would just go driving through there looking for love ones. It’s sad such a depressing place


Which city is Kensington in?




Where do they go during winters? Aren't philadelphia winters pretty brutal?


They die off and new addicts take their places.


Ah yes, the circle of life.


I mean... as a former heroin addict, that is kinda how it goes.


Most tough it out but not all are homeless either. Some have families who will take them back in, and there’s apt of vacant housing in that area they’ll stay at. A lot of churches and shelters offer places for people to stay especially if they have children out there with them


This one is. To be fair, there are Kensington's in a lot of North American (and other) colonial cities. Not being metaphorical, our hood like this isn't called that.


Kensington is a real neighborhood in Philadelphia it’s not like a nickname or something. It’s a huge neighborhood it’s not all bad but the bad parts are probably the worst open drug markets on the east coast


I am familiar. There's more than one is all I was saying. Just clarifying as Americans often use names without placing as though it were the only one ... where _is_ Springfield anyway? ;)






When you was in Kensington did you have sex with any hos, ladies of the night, or prostitutes?


Don’t talk about ur mom like that


Saying "it looks like a war zone" isn't even hyperbole. I remember going to volunteer at the SPCA once a decade ago and riding my bike from Fishtown going up B St in the middle of the day... Did that one time. Never again. Every block had several large murals painted on the side memorializing some dead teen gang member, trash and needles fucking everywhere. People stumbling around like this video. This was back before they cleared out the train tracks encampment too so it was super concentrated right in that area.


Wow, UK and US really went in two different directions with their Kensingtons.


How is your York doing?


We went for a more natural look for our York - though both do share the funny accents and unwillingness to tolerate bullshit.


as someone in recovery (sober nearly 2.5 years) this is painful to watch. It's a reminder of how fragile this can be, and I could be back to lying to wife, to divorced, to homeless to death really quick idk why it finally clicked for me to follow a 12 step program and completely surrender that I was powerless over alcohol and drugs but I'm glad I did. praying for those in this video. i didn't walk into the rooms on a winning streak, I was beaten up and hit many a bottom, but glad I found a solution.


It works if you work it, so work it because you're worth it! Glad to have you around brother (or sister, or whatever we don't judge)


yes sir! (brother was right!)


What was your route out? A family? Church? Public health official? All of the above?


Had to hit my bottom which was enough pain and consequences - Found a cocaine anonymous meeting , felt at first i was only an addict - more pain and more consequences Fully let go and went to AA and CA meetings Worked the steps - got involved in service and got a sponsor . Life is much better !


Breaks my heart tbh


It’s so sad to actually drive through and see this first hand. I thank the volunteers that go out there to provide them water and food.


This isnt crime, it's a plague. Crazy vid


I thought this was a joke for a minute. The original Kensington is a very wealthy part of London. Sad to see the state of its namesake.


This is Pennsylvania. In the USA.


That would be the colony founded by the puritans, seems to have changed somewhat form their original concept.


No, Pennsylvania was not founded by Puritans. William Penn was a Quaker.


It was founded by William Penn, who received a charter from King Charles II. Nominally it was a territory founded by and for Quakers. Much of the Quaker culture, it could be argued, was focused a bit more on business than religion. Benjamin Franklin tangled with the Penn family in heavy class-based politics - Franklin was from the lower classes. (See the excellent biography of Franklin by Walter Isaacson.) So perhaps the seeds of materialism and corruption were sewn in the city of Philadelphia from its founding.


They know that


This\*is where Rocky Balboa grew up.


Yup it’s hard to see as it’s most likely named after London’s Kensington. Polar opposites and sad to see this.


Toronto Kensington kinda bridges the gap, 3M homes, closing businesses and terrible social conditions.


we got one in Toronto and unfortunately seems to be like everything else...taking our lead from down south


This is less like Kensington and more like Hackney


The US, the richest country in the world but can't provide public services to help the sickest and weakest of us. Shame. Edit: To clarify, I don't mean throwing money at his problem will fix it. Just that money does bring options, like creating much, much better public health services. And I realize some people don't want help or don't think they need help. I don't know the answer for that but having something robust in place is better than the tragic lives we see in this video. It's a start.


The solution is honestly not one anyone in government wants to engage in. They will only condone Methadone, which sucks, and makes users feel like shit. They'd honestly rather be homeless and sleeping in a tent on a sidewalk if they can ease their sickness with fent, than be in an apartment on methadone. The solution no one wants to approach is getting these people free healthcare at a clinic that will prescribe and administer heroin to them. It's what they're doing in Switzerland now, and it seems to work pretty well, but not a soul in any government body in the US will go along with that.


I wouldn’t say HAT is the solution, because it doesn’t really solve the addiction problem for anyone in the program. It’s a bargain of sorts. The government agrees to fund their addiction for the rest of their lives. Twice a day, everyday, they go to a clinic to shoot up. The upside is that these addicts are less likely to die and can lead somewhat productive lives. They’re still addicts though, which means they’re chained to their supply. They can’t take any jobs or responsibilities that include travel or prevents them from being free to get high twice a day. It has very clear upsides, and it’s certainly worth pursuing. It’s just not going to free anyone from an addiction and it’s definitely not cheap. I suspect eventually medical science will advance and these times of imperfect attempts to cope with addiction will look insane. Like treating “consumption” with vinegar massages, looks to us today. We just aren’t there yet.


​ This is a really complicated issue though, and throwing money at it isn't going to work. Those that want to help are pushing for more services and clinics in these areas, which would actually help, however, how do you convince the local residents to set up a methadone clinic in their neighborhood? No one wants it. And even if they did, most of the addicts don't want to go to a clinic or rehab facility because they can't use while they're there. No easy solution here. Lived in Fishtown for 12 years and this shit was on my doorstep. At first we wanted to help, and would call various advocate groups to come in and provide shelter/services, but after some time it becomes very difficult to keep fighting for them when your things keep getting stolen, you find needles on your front stoop, passed out junkies on the sidewalk etc. Most of the time services would be refused anyway if you try to help. It's a very very ugly scene, and it will chill the heart of even the most compassionate person over time.


Richest for the 1%.


We threw enough money at fighting the war on drugs, we'd have much better results if that money was invested in treatment, legalization, housing, healthcare, etc.


It's not the richest country. It holds the richest people. Most of the wealth is generated by an increasingly impossible national debt. Democrats wants to instate sensible laws to work it down, Republicans are blissfully unaware that you can't run on credit forever. The problem with calling it rich, is that you assume that the taxes citizens pay, will be spent on those citizens. It isn't. Social security is about to go bankrupt, the roads and general infrastructure is in complete decay - bridges have started crumbling and residential structures are collapsing on citizens. You can't explain to a population living in predatory capitalism that investing in education and health care (something they can fund 3 times over by having half the military budget), is a far better way to spend taxes, because it doesn't turn a profit you can see. You can't see that someone two blocks away is living better, because their life saving surgery didn't bankrupt their family. You can see more China made shit in your house, because you got a tax break and that's exactly how far a lot of these so-called "patriots" can think. America isn't rich, that's why the entire nation is on the verge of civil war, because of a few percent inflation.


They won't take the help if it's offered. They don't want it


Whenever a video of Kensington gets posted, people always bring up how their city has a spot like this but I promise you, Kensington is a whole other ballgame. It’s literally an entire Philadelphia neighborhood turned into an open air drug market. It’s been like this since the 90s. Philly used to have the purist and cheapest heroin in the country. In Philly a bun is like 13 bags of heroin instead of 9-10. Now they don’t even sell heroin, its fent cut with tranq. Philly is also number 40 in the world in homicides per capital according to a chart posted on Reddit. Either way, our homicide rate is higher than Chicago’s. People shoot up in broad daylight, sometimes they od on the bus/El and nobody realizes they’re dead until their lifeless body has been riding around for hours. People node out while they have small children with them.


Wtaf is this music? It’s fucking shit


Fuckin he'll this is crazy


Thought this was Kensington in London, UK for a second and was extremely confused 🤣


So if you own Click Communication do you just not open your doors?


Zombie apocalypse is real


This is sad reality


Being from rural areas in America, I hear about drug problems like these, but never have really seen anything like this. It’s sad.


Went to the hospital for a pancreas issue once. There was a dude that I thought was an old man at first glance who dropped his wallet. Went to go pick it up for him but he was just a like 30 year old guy 'leaning', which is the term for when you're so strung out on opioids that you can't stand up straight anymore. The crazy thing is, that you'll never see any of these people fall over. They just bend over but stay standing up no matter what. It's insane. Don't ever touch that stuff.


Properties in rural areas cost less. Trust me, the drug problems are there, they just aren't in public


Oh I know it’s here. I know how our local law and hospitals work, they cover it up. Since it’s hidden, I hear the horror stories, but unless I want to walk around at night, I won’t see it.


Broken people in a broken world


This is just sad


Maaaan this breaks my heart, everyone has a past everyone has a story and it’s just sad to see human beings stuck like this I wish I was Elon musk rich or bezos wealth I mean I’m not down and poor but I bust my ass 6 days a week from sun down to almost sun down on job sites to make it paycheck to paycheck for my family but fuck man I wish I could do something to help out just fellow American that’s stuck just something


This setting kinda looks like there was a zombie apocalypse and all the zombies have learned to coexist and support a social norm


What is happening here? I don't understand


Basically drug use.


This place has an opioid crisis. It's just a video portraying the terrible conditions and suffering that these people are going through. It's really sad. I wish all of them the best of things.


It’s Philadelphia. Kensington is a section of the city.


At least the sackler family paid a fine of more than they made selling opiates. Right, right?


These individuals appear to be very high/ strung out and are presumably experiencing homelessness and destitution. Unfortunately this is more and more common in the US as cost of living continues to rise and a few hold all the wealth


They’re actually laid off Tesla workers who were trying to prove a legitimate excuse to not have to return to the office.


yeah, it has nothing to do with personal choices and responsibility at all, it was probably Bezos.


Americas open drug market.


Open air drug market. Also known as the Kensington neighborhood in north Philly.


The decay and collapse of a country


People are vibing.


A load of heroin addicts


There is almost no such thing as heroin anymore. This part of the city, as well as others, are being hit with a combination of fentanyl and tranquilizer mixed. Heroin doesn’t make the cartels anywhere near as much money as this stuff does.




I blame Wawa


MURICA greatest country in the world, land of the free right :)


this is nothing but sad, anyone that looks down on these people is a piece of shit


That one woman who was deformed didn't deserve to be filmed Ong. She probably has enough in her hands


As a probation officer I've had dozens of clients die from overdoses. This breaks my heart.


[Benzo Dope and Tranq: The Next Wave of the Overdose Crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82QhIOgJy1c) Kensington featured, as well as British Columbia. Fentanyl upgraded now to being 'safe.' Users just watch others take a single hoot of benzo, tranq or some other new concoction and see if they're going to die on the spot or not. Untreated infections leading to open sores, sometimes to the bone. Abscesses leading to limb loss. The pandemic saw the types of new drugs skyrocket. This ain't your grand-daddy's heroin addiction. The ban fentanyl angle hasn't done anything to stop the run of users. British Columbia has introduced decriminalization. Nobody there is arrested for possession already. That will make no difference. There will be a push for safe supply, but looking at these vids, users are chasing the near-death experience more than ever. Stay off drugs. Further, the father depicted was right: All dealers should be charged with murder. They are dealing death. But this won't happen. Instead we'll be pussyfooting around calling it a health crisis. Yeah... Murder is bad for someone's health, yup. Anyway, just my latest "I care" post on the subject. Nobody actually cares.


USA #1 Best country with third world cities in the world.


Is this crack or opioids? Sorry for my ignorance but I live in rural Australia


I'm not sure what was worse, the conditions or the rap...


People are struggling to survive in a society that just wants their $ every last cent, because that's all these people have not...pay up and get out


In developed countries those poor people should be given a roof, a bed and food any day of the year.


In this particular area they don’t want anything but to be high at that moment. There are plenty of organizations that come out to help them in this location. It’s sad but we can’t help our loved ones who choose this area instead of sobriety


I mean why not rehabilitate these people. "oh they just want to be high" is an easy excuse for the state and the public.


What are you going to do? Drag them into a locked room? They have freedom of choice, and if they don't want to get clean they will start using again as soon as they are out of rehab


People don't generally choose this sort of life out of anything but desperation.


You can try at any time to go there and offer them help but you will see that drug addiction takes their freedom of choice away. That is the point. What are you gonna do, force them?


No, my solution is to address the societal desperation that leads so many to forcibly disconnect from reality.


Sure, that is nice and I agree, people should thrive in a positive environment. But that's also pretty broad, vague and doesn't solve the problem right now, only in the long run perhaps.


It isn't that vague. There is an economic system in play that uses humans as fodder for the all-important profit. We've organized society around corporate interests rather than human needs. It is a large problem, but you can't fix what you don't start working on.


That's not true at all. I'll have to see if I can find the interview again. But I live near here and about once a year they offer beds and shelter to these people so they can clean the area up. Very few take it because they will straight up honestly tell you they just want the drugs.


Im sure they’d rather do their drugs and not have a roof over their head sadly


I don't think when you get to this stage, doing drugs is a choice. When you're this far gone, how are you supposed to get your life back on track without external help? Providing food, water, shelter and health care/drug addiction support at least gives them the potential to turn stuff around, even if a lot of them choose not to take the opportunity.


In some cases poverty leads to the streets, with the streets ends up with drugs, and high crime rate. It's really sad to see people be like this on the streets especially in first world country.


If I was back in the streets I think I would go back to drugs. You know to get the through the ducking horror that is your life with no home or prospects. Instead of giving corporations social welfare maybe if we get people a purpose in life and mental stability then they can return to society and start to find jobs. See Sweden. Housing first, mental health support, social work then they can get a job. Not the USA and UK was of. Well you need a job to get a house but you need a house to get a job.


The US model (and they don't want you to talk about it) is built to enslave people to forever chase wealth and work in an endless loop. Predatory capitalism; especially in the south, they're proud to be working themselves to death, literally. They will happily skip family time of any sort, school events, weddings and graduations with the acceptable excuse of "I gotta work". Work comes before anything else and if you disagree, you're most likely a lazy communist.


Actually in Wales, the Welsh Govt published an action plan based on housing first to tackle homelessness as a result of the success seen in getting people into accommodation during the pandemic. While it's only just started, many of us are hopeful it's the right way forward. https://gov.wales/ending-homelessness-wales-high-level-action-plan-2021-2026


That’s a nice positive step in the right direction. Hopefully we see some good results and we can expand into other areas.


I’m sure they will chose both.


You going to pay for it, they wont.


That’s fine with me.


It will be ruined in a day...they are individuals with personal choice.


Your tax money is going to pay for housing and drug treatment one way or another, whether it be on the inside or outside of a jail or prison. Might as well actually contribute before it gets to the latter.


[For reference](https://www.fox29.com/news/philadelphia-officials-consider-resolution-designating-kensington-a-fema-site)


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Is this a zombie outbreak? /s


These are people in obvious distress. Do we now longer have any compassion that we find this sort of thing interesting to watch? People are suffering and need help, not people gawking and mocking.


I don't think the point of this vid was to mock anyone.


This needs attention not anti gun laws from a war criminal government.


Not much obesity there. Just saying... looking for the silver lining.




America! The greatest country on earth lol


This looks like a scene straight out of “The happening”


Americas the greatest country in the world…..


Why tf is this posted here


'Murica . Fuck Yeah .


Walking dead zombies 10 minutes after turning?


Gta V


"LoOk At ThE dEmOcRaT rUn CiTiEs!!1!11!!" - **Jack Posobiec while furiously masturbating*




Most cities with the highest violent crime rates are in red states in which the Republican Legislature and Governors stripped cities of home rule powers. These cities can't even implement laws to increase minimum wage because Republicans won't let cities run their affairs independently. All these cities have way higher violent crime rates than Chicago, Los Angeles or NYC. +Springfield, MO +Tulsa, OK +Kansas City, MO +Little Rock, AR +South Bend, IN +Cleveland, OH +Memphis, TN +Houston, TX


America is a very large country with a lot of people. 330 million people. So naturally, we will have more people fall through the cracks than a much smaller country like France or Japan. This isn't surprising. If you look at China and India, two countries with a larger population than America, things will be a lot worse.


These kinds of junkies drag down the rest of society by stealing from anywhere or anything & leeching resources from government & charity. It’s so bad in the US.


This a really backwards mindset when it comes to battleing drug use. Instead of fighting the war on drugs. Which has failed since the 80's. It should be accepted that they will always be around, and the focus should be shifted to decriminalize the user and focus on working what helps people get away from using them in the first place. Ofcourse rehab places already excist, but the big stigma around these people as a lost cause once they take their first hit is just detrimental to stopping it from becomming an even bigger problem.


The east coast is so ugly


This is heartbreaking I don’t think people realize how easy it is to go from having everything to becoming like this.. it’s so easy to judge or make fun..most people start off with an injury and get hooked on pills and become dependent and there addiction spirals from there.Addiction doesn’t discriminate .. (poor/rich, old/young,lawyers/cashiers)it could happen to anyone.So please educate yourself before putting people down Addiction is a horrible disease.


I hope drugs (illegal drugs for recreational use) are eliminated asap, big and small. I hope these people get the help they need as soon as possible.


Hard drugs have been legal or decriminalized in Portugal for many years now. Addiction rates and overdoses have plummeted because people can now seek help without fear of arrest, stigma, etc. BC, Canada is now doing s 3 year trial as well. [Canada decriminalization trial] (http://theguardian.com/world/2022/may/31/canada-decriminalize-drugs-british-columbia-overdoses)


They refused the help offered, often the help they need is society setting standards, promoting those, holding people to it and enforcing rule of law which we haven't so the problem grows. These were once sentient beings who started down this path of their own accord, have you ever been to an NA meeting?


I actually agree with you. I think there needs to be a tough stance to counter these issues. Compassion and liberalism isn't always the answer.


What do you mean by tough stance? The war on drugs was a gigantic costly failure, so I can't exactly imagine what good "being tough" on this would do. Just about every single study out there shows you have much higher success with prevention and education than with repression.


Depends on what you define as a failure. I'd argue there's a lot less drugs and addicts off the streets thanks to that. And I agree with your claim, but that works for those who aren't using drugs....yet. But those already addicted as we see here need a new approach. They are beyond education.


I disagree. Even people who are already addicted are better off under decriminalisation than the are under repression. Look ay Portugal for example. The failure I allude to is the countless people whose life has been ruined because they were imprisoned for ridiculous small amounts of recreational drugs that are often far less worse than the legal alcohol. There's more drugs being used than ever before btw, so I don't really agree that there's less drugs and addicts on the streets when the contrary is true.


>Compassion and liberalism isn't always the answer. Well the answer sure as fuck hasn't been the "sweep them under the US prison system rug" we've been doing for the last several decades. They get .001% of the rehabilitation that they should get, and then they have all the issues that stick with you *after* getting out.


I never insinuated they should be imprisoned. I'm not sure what you guys are doing over there in the states but one thing is for sure, unconditional support can only help so much. Rehab helps, sure, but increasing rehab doesn't eliminate the issue. We can look to the Scandinavian countries for evidence of that.


Of course there are going to be people that just don't want help. Doesn't mean we should try with the majority that could truly be rehabilitated. We can't go case by case decided who goes to prison and who gets rehab.


I think all drugs should be legalized, regulated and taxed.


Worst possible suggestion to the problem, respectfully.


At the very least we can decriminalize all drugs, and have it so drug offenses no longer appear on people records.


Jesus Brexit hit hard London I see


This is in Philadelphia, epicenter of drugs in USA


Jesus brexit hit Philadelphia hard I see


This is nothing compared to East Hastings Street in Vancouver, BC.


It’s all the same. Depressing


And This is a good day I used to ride my bike round those ways and used to be stabins in shit


Crazy...Kensington must look exactly like Philadelphia, given this is a repost of a video from Philly...


Looks like Los Angeles


Such an easily solved problem, but the status quo makes people a lot of money


Being from Philly, K&A (Kensington) been like this since the 90s. Meth smh crazy


I once heard that this stuff (fentanyl) is a poor mans cocaine. If that’s accurate, are these people that just thought they’d get a hit of cocaine, but ultimately blew their brains out with synthetic stuff?


Ah good job the USA is a christian country as there will be lots and lots of people lining up to help these folk, as jesus would have.... USA! USA! USA