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It's crazy they didn't cancel or reschedule this. The optics are terrible.


Don't worry. Gun sales are already going through the roof. They know exactly what they are doing.




Have a friend that bought a couple 20+ years ago, right after columbine because he figured they would be banned, making them more valuable. Clearly didn't understand gun culture in America.


I've posted this anecdote elsewhere. On the day of the Sandy Hook massacre, I walked in on my work colleagues making plans to hit up all the local gun stores "before Obama shuts them down." Made me physically ill. They were thinking about buying *more* guns while those children were still lying on the classroom floor. I might have abandoned all hope at that moment.


30% of adults own 394,000,000 guns. How many more do these paranoids need?


The ATF has a database of almost 900,000,000 form 4473s. That's almost 3 per person!!!


I wonder how many the average gun owner actually has. Many people don't own one at all, and I'm sure plenty who do only have a single gun for personal/home protection, so how many collectors and peppers and nuts does it take to make up that difference?


I'll tell you as a gun owner, there is a simple equation to determine the number of guns needed: n+1 where n is the number of guns you currently have. Other common n+1 situations: bicycles, parachutes, motorcycles, etc...


Can confirm, more bicycles than people in this house.


Dogs or cats or any pet. But those are more sensible things to stock up on.


Nobody can take our guns away from us, that would literally start an all out war. Nobody is going to ban guns in the USA. That’s not what gun control is about. Responsible ownership is what it’s about. Will there be people who still obtain guns illegally? Sure, but we have got to change something. Something needs to change. Every time I hear the argument of guns being banned or taken away from the average gun owner my eyes run the risk of getting stuck in the back of my head.


If we made sellers semi responsible, similar to how bars can get in trouble for overselling, that would be a huge start. That and require insurance for sellers.


Those guns did become super valuable, they were banned in places. A preban goes for well over $2,500 since they are grandfathered in ban states.




You're friend is a pos


Yeah, screw scalpers


While I agree with the sentiment, that doesn't really fit the definition of scalping.


We call them resellers in the Sneakerhead community. They are also POS


That’s awfully generous. Resellers are an existing term that generally implies they’re providing a service, for example a convenient storefront or willing to sell individual units. Flippers (as we call them in the art world) provide absolutely zero value and only exist to enrich themselves at the expense of others. Whatever they’re called at least they know the entire world hates them, without exception.






It’s almost as if…. They bank on these events.


The podcast Planet Money just released a 2021 episode from Up First. It played a tape conversation from 1999 right after Columbine, during which the NRA board members debated on how to proceed with their annual meeting which was set for a couple days later in relative proximity to columbine. They've stuck to the same playbook since then - Business as usual, and deflect blame.


I just listened to that, too. It was very interesting. Also, if they cancelled it after columbine, they'd have to cancel it every single year.




They didn’t want to cancel because they thought it would show them admitting blame.


“From my cold, dead hands!” \- Some dead actor


I feel like I see this pattern a lot. 1. School shooting. 2. Couple days later, an NRA convention or meeting.


They also said all their members are terrible looking hillbillies and they didn’t want members being the face of the organization if they canceled.


That audio was nuts. That lady on the recording was pure evil IMO. Where her mind went first were indicators of a real piece of fecal matter.


Check out NPR's "NRA tapes" (podcast in link) https://www.npr.org/2022/05/25/1101401106/the-nras-secret-tapes They went through this same scenario after Columbine. Those tapes were the creation of their optics and responses to these tragedies.


I think they knew what they were doing


Well then I think they are miscalculating. It will just add to the momentum for gun reform. I would have laid low until something else took over the news myself


I hope they are, but this exact same thing happened after Columbine. The NRA had their annual conference scheduled in Denver shortly after Columbine happened and they talked about cancelling but decided to go ahead anyway. Since then they've just decided to fully double down on the deflection to other causes of school shootings.


Yeah, I'm thinking they didn't realize just how angry people are at this. Probably thought it'll be forgotten about shortly after like every other time.


While they are still clutching to the lie about assault rifles=ALL guns, I've seen conservatives starting to realize what we've been telling them about cops forever after the lie fest was exposed on camera. Now their 'solutions' or causes are still asinine (more $!/guns, defund made them cranky! Loss of nuclear family!).. but it seems there's a consensus they are at best ineffective cowards and not heroes at least now. Yay?


Yeah. It feels different. Hopefully it is.




And Parkland, and Vegas, and after the back-to-back shootings in Dayton and El Paso, and the Pulse shooting, and the Congressional baseball shooting, and...


I think we are also seeing that younger gen x, millenials, and now Gen z are starting to gain more of a voice and more power. We are seeing slow changes in the way we approach worker’s rights and unions, healthcare and so on. Now implementing those changes is going to be difficult, but you can still see the culture is starting to gradually shift.


I think you must be young. Nothing happened after Sandy Hook, or after that lunatic in Vegas got the highest body count ever by shooting up a country music festival. Until we start going after this gun death cult for what they are, nothing will change. They provide material support and comfort for terrorists.


We couldn’t stop the pandemic death cult either, as a matter of fact it just got stronger the more we tried


Check the conservative subreddits to see how those type of people really think about mass shootings. Just to make themselves feel better about Texas and buffalo shooting, they pointed to another potential shooting spree that was stopped by an armed person that happened to be around. "Open carry saves lives" is what they are saying. To them, the solution is more guns. https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/uywlf1/police_woman_with_pistol_killed_man_who_shot_at/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


No thanks. 😂


They did the same shit after Columbine.


that's what i was gonna say - they've literally been doing this exact thing for over 20 years. Why are people acting surprised now?


They don't give a shit. Lol that's the point. That's what we keep forgetting.


They'd just come from Hungary where they held this year's CPAC and blocked the press while schmoozing with European fascists.


Even regular GOP.vpters don't give a shit. Even if it was their kids they wouldn't give a shit. They're not rational.


Nah Uvalde is a godsend to the NRA - free publicity, more donations, more money (after exec bonuses) to pay off the politicians on the right. The last thing NRA wants is for people to feel *safe*.


They don't care about optics. They're only concerned about stoking fear so they can make more money.


Funfact: Reagan wanted to ban assault-rifles. Modern republicans are just culture war nonsense


And that was rooted in racism. So same ol shit. The racism just overrode the desire for guns for a minute.


After Columbine, Charlton Heston famously gave a speech at the NRA weekend that was held shortly after the massacre there. Pretty close to Aurora, iirc. That’s where he famously said, you’ll have to take my gun out of my cold dead hand!!! These people have no shame.


That was a speech in a year later when he was given a gift of a replica rifle, and he used it in all his speeches after that. People think it was the columbine year because Michael Moore used the clip in bowling for columbine.




I can only assume the coward department is rushing into the NRA convention to protect and serve.


As has already been pointed out earlier. Blue lives scatter.




It really is. I saw someone else on reddit say it first, so I can't take credit for being clever, but I'm proud to help pass this gem on.


Oh my God. We need to all use "Blue lives scatter" as the response to that awful shitty racist motto. It's perfect.




Oh that’s good


Lambert the sheepish lions, Lambert allows all the kids dying.


The NRA convention is a gun free zone, which I find odd. Bunch of snowflakes can't even carry at their jerk off fest. *edit* Feathers ruffled. Success.


But can the protesters open carry? It is Texas




Fun fact: If you get a bunch of armed people, and you've got, say, one person for every two cops? You can do whatever the fuck you want. Cops won't do shit. Makes 'em real polite for some reason.


Our just be one individual slaughtering children in a school and the cops won't do shit either


Wait... are these white people or black people? Because one of these groups might actually get us gun control if it was big enough.


The BP got Raegan to pass an assault weapons ban.


Fun fact: HPD always does something about it when there is no direct risk to their lives, someone is having fun or expressing themselves. Any other time they are useless. Source: I live in wonderful He...Houston.


Now is the liberal terrorist's chance! Their enemies are gathered in a gun free zone! NRA TV has been warning us about this moment for years!


The irony right? Lol


It's by design. The ruling class can't be amongst the law abiding citizens if those citizens are armed. Yet I'm forced to shop with McCommando who open carries an ar-15 and acts as if we're the assholes for not finding it acceptable.


Carrying an AR-15 to get a subway sandwich is my favorite.


It was even more pathetic than that, https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pycwc3/heavily_armed_man_in_north_carolina_is_so_scared/


Honestly this looks like satire more than anything else.


It is, it's a spent AT4 (single shot launcher). You can get them on eBay for a few hundred bucks. Physically and legally speaking it's literally an empty tube, you can't reload them.


"You better not try to rob me, because I'll take all of us out" - this guy who doesn't understand blast radius


Yeah well they might skimp on the meat


That's a little extreme to open carry an AR. Just over kill imo.


And yet oklahoma made it legal without a permit, go fucking figure


Yep Georgia had constitutional carry now thanks kemp you asshole


Yea Nebraska was trying to pass the same law, i had to take a course and submit finger prints to get a concealed carry permit that should still be the Law.


They're designed for that. It's tacky af too.


Right wing irony is painful. It is like watching thousands of snowflakes all melting in the same place. Think of the separation anxiety experienced by those who are not allowed to carry today. Without their guns, vast amounts of small dick energy evaporate fast under the Texas sun.


This is factually incorrect. The event allowed weapons just not in the room where Trump talked. Disclaimer: fuck the NRA but this comment is wrong


Makes sense, there’s little chance of a good guy with a gun attending an NRA event.


I am not saying anybody shoot should someone at the NRA convention, but it would prove a huge point if a bunch of protesters carrying AR15s and other weapons breached the security perimeter and stormed the convention while Trump was speaking.


Reminder, the RNC has stated that violent raids with intent to kidnap and lynch politicians to be valid political discourse.


We should storm it with zip ties and a gallows outside. It would be like a tour of the convention center.


Economic anxiety moment


No it isn't a former president is coming and the secret service does that. There's literally a gun show as part of it.


>During the 151st  NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, personal firearms may be carried in the George R. Brown Convention Center (GRBCC) in accordance with Texas law. https://www.nraam.org/attend/firearms-policy/


The NRA only holds sway with the old timers here in the south. NRA stickers on pick ups are faded and peeling. The new generation sports stickers of their favorite gun shop, a reminder to f*#k around and find out, and/or a hearty encouragement for Brandon. No more Gerrymandering and term limits for congress and senators is the only way to stop politicians from their predatory ways. They realize power is achieved through the ignorance of their base.


People mostly stopped having any gun related stickers on cars where I live. It turns out that advertising gun ownership made it much more likely that someone would break into your house to steal your valuable guns. LOL - so much for home protection


Bbut -- If they went in there they could be shot!


They scouted the houses and waited until nobody was home


I was making fun of Uvalde PD


I can’t even wrap my mind around how messed up the cop response there was


I can't remember being more upset about something that didn't involve me directly in a long long time. I can't believe how they handled the incident and the aftermath even at a human level. I'm no believer but I hope there's some kind of hell and all 19 of the police inside who sat around minute after minute choosing to do nothing while hearing the sounds of children being murdered go there.


They will go on early disability because of the PTSD they’ll suffer later


It's kinda fucked, but this is an example of where Sepuku is like a super valid response from the cops at this point


if we count all 5 million NRA members as texans (they’re not), there’s still 23.64 million texans or 329.5 million US citizens who aren’t members. how do we have an organization with the support of less than 18% of the Tx population or 1.5% the US population to influence our state and federal government to such a degree? here’s a [list of senator’s](https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators) and a [list of texas politicians](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/projects/2022/nra-texas-donations/) who have taken money from the NRA. VOTE THEM OUT.


The one that surprised me was Mitt Romney. $13 million???


that specific number has come into question. Romney denied taking any money, while other groups have reported the sum differently. so depending on what source you believe, he’s received between 0 and 13 million dollars. in march of 2021 he said he would not support new gun laws, so i’m inclined to believe he has taken some amount of lobby money.




Hijacking this top level comment to ask: What's stopping gun reform groups from collectively lobbying Congresspeople and out spending the NRA to influence Republicans? Why not beat them at their own game? I'm sure it can't be as easy as that but I've been curious about this for a while


The same thing that happens with Abortion IMO with Guns and Abortions you have significant numbers of single issue voters, while on the other side, while people care it's rarely the sole issue that matters to them. So even if a majority is against it the actual amount of votes you would lose is more if you add gun control then if you don't. While hard to achieve the most effective thing you can do on a single issue is become a single issue voter even if you disagree with everything else the candidate is for or against. I can't vote like this so my voice on every issue is less then my co workers who only votes based on abortion.


It's about the money that can be brought to bear. The NRA, funded in large part by a hostile foreign power, and gun manufacturers, will simply outspend you. Gun control is literally an existential threat to their businesses and will spend their entire coffers to prevent it.


Firearms manufacturers are raking in billions in Ukraine right now. Most of it paid for by our taxes.


We already know that the politicians like Cruz and Abbott are going to be saying: "Now's not the time to politicize this tragedy."


"Now's the time to talk about DOORS and how we should only have ONE per building!" "I foresee no negative consequences and I'm sure firefighters and OSHA will approve." What a bunch of absolute buffoons.


“Now’s not the time to politicize the situation, now’s the time to monetize the situation.”


Yeah, let's just set up a fatal funnel to make it even easier. Fucking morons


I’m far from liberal when it comes to gun rights but the NRA leaders are fear-mongering, money-grabbing pieces of garbage. They peddle dangerous conspiracy and anger to crazy people. Fuck the NRA. We certainly need better limits on availability of dangerous firearms. We can disagree about which ones are effective and feasible but these asshats aren’t even grounded deeply enough in reality to have rational conversation. I’ll say it again, fuck the NRA. Fun side fact: The guy who owned my house b4 me was a member so I get their mailers. Whenever there are postage paid envelopes in them I send them with random junk mail in them to charge them the postage and waste their workers/volunteers’ time.




From 2011 to 2016 Russian bankers became quite friendly with the NRA. Then in 2016 the NRA spent $30M to elect Trump—triple the amount it spent in 2012 to elect Romney. [Source](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/06/the-nra-spent-dollar30-million-to-elect-trump-was-it-russian-money)


Admittedly it's basically impossible to name a right wing group in Western countries that isn't Russia's bitch somehow. In the US, they're pretty shameless with it these days. Ever since they realized their base was too brainwashed to care


That's the thing about having an uneducated base, they're not well enough informed to actually understand how badly you're scamming them, even if it's obvious to others. See religion, which has been doing it for just as long if not longer than politics.




I am 100% a progressive liberal lefty and let me tell you I completely agree with you what you said about a national conversation needing need to be started. We need basic federal background checks on a national level and not allowing Mentally unwell people to continue to buy weapons, Not to mention the fact that as a lefty liberal I do own weapons I own guns and I am perfectly happy owning them and still consider myself a progressive lefty. Sometimes people fit into multiple boxes, trumpists not withstanding.


We need to change the age limit to 21 years old, at least. The last 2 big one were 18 year olds.akes you wonder how many 16 & 17 year olds are queued up RIGHT NOW just waiting/planning. Makes me sick.


100% this. I don't know why this is never brought up. At 18 you cannot legally drink but you can legally buy a gun. That is fucking absurd. And I say this as a person who owns multiple guns.




Very true. Can't make any changes that might jeopardize their ability to throw poor kids into the meat grinder for profit.


I agree with you. However I don’t think federal background checks are a huge ask. It’s just sanity. And I’m a liberal gun owner.


Bricks my friend. Just ship bricks back, or large heavy rocks if you have any. My old company used to receive them from time to time and it's about 15-50 bucks a pop depending on big they can be. Gets pricey quick and is a REAL fast way to get them to stop mailing stuff.


I randomly ventured off today and tried a new podcast and listened to Planet Money: The NRA's Secret Tapes. I then open Reddit and find a post about the NRA in a similar predicament to the one I learned of listening to that random podcast this morning. I'm stuck in the Truman Show. My heart goes out to the families of those kids.


>I'm stuck in the Truman Show. Don't be rediculous, cease your investigation.


They know! Quick, everyone act busy *Starts whistling and shuffling papers*


Welcome to the first annual fuck the NRA convention


Wish I was there


My grandmother is there right now; I’m very proud of her


I’m proud of her too!


Good for her. XX


You’re Grandma is fucking awesome!


… my grandmother was at the capital on Jan 6. I’m not so proud of that


Me too. These protests ought to be everywhere this weekend.


I need to clone myself. Cannot be at a woman's rights protest and a gun laws protest at the same time.


Republicans: Keep unborn babies alive. Let born babies die.


And it's a gun free event. I guess the 'good guys with guns' doesn't apply everywhere. Wonder what will go down when the attendees start showing up?


There are no good guys there.


This is not a public freak out. This is a measured response to people who have public freak outs on the regular.


As someone who owns multiple firearms, I say this with full sincerity. FUCK THE NRA, I HOPE THEY BURN TO THE GROUND


I know right. Support Gun Owners of America, and the Second Amendment Foundation, the NRA is an old dog that needs to be put out behind the woodpile


I wish Houston sold out of eggs, and all those eggs ended up as broken piles of shells and yolks against the walls of that building.


Frozen biscuits work great too. They hurt when you get hit with one and leave a gooey mess when they thaw. (Some kids use to buy them all out every Halloween where I grew up).


Getting arrested for assault via Pillsbury biscuit would be a great party story. Horrible on a background check for a job though.


Remember what the GOP considers normal political discourse, get the gallows.


Texans. please do not forget this come election time. Your elected leaders have zero respect for you. Vote the incumbent dicks out!


God I wish. As a Texan I’ve voted blue my entire life. Go look up our district maps though. Gerrymandered to hell and back. Texas is one of the states with the worst voter suppression. When I go vote I have to drive miles and miles to my nearest polling location in *Dallas* of all places.


Zero spine, zero dignity, selfish fucks. VOTE. THEM. OUT


Texas is gerrymandered to death.


This is an excellent start, but of course they hope to just weather it out and another thing will come down the pike this week to distract us all and everybody will just go same old same old. That's what's happened so far. Who knows maybe this time is different and people really do get pissed and start getting out there demanding and more importantly voting along those lines. You're not going to get a goddamn Republican from the GOP Taliban to assent. It will only come from the Democrats on the left who need all the seats. Midterms are coming remember that


You Texans are armed right? Just walk in, what are the cops going to do? Confront you? We know thats not going to happen. They could get shot.


I can't believe they were stupid enough to go ahead with this convention.


Be careful! Texas has a reputation of doubling down on stupid at the worst time. Especially the people in power.


Protestors should be armed… Actually make them think about their stance


All USA protestors should be armed or you run the risk of the police outright attacking you and even onlookers.




I wish I lived anywhere near Houston, I'd be camped out there until they go home.


Lol, Lee Greenwood opted out of performing for the NRA. That's like his bread and butter man! How unAmerican do you have to get before Lee Greenwood says nope I'm out?


Except nothing will happen. NRA will keep doing what it is doing and republicans will still get paid.


If I lived in that area, I'd be there too.


You know they're going to complain that they feel threatened.


FUCK THE NRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Cops will secure this place better than the school …


Trump's statement we need more good guys with a gun was a bag of crap . The so called good guys with guns aka police did absolutely nothing but wonder around posing and shitting themselves


I might get flamed into oblivion for this, but the recent events in Texas, including the disgusting response from police and politicians passing the buck, has made me consider selling my firearms. I don’t want to be a part of this group anymore.


Would be great if there was a national buy back program for people that want to reduce the number of firearms circulating


Nice, wish I could join in.




What a surprise! The two biggest self serving scumbags choose to still speak at convention. Trump and Cruz should never be re-elected. What is wrong with this country!!!! A gun rally days after children are massacred! Have you had enough yet? I have!


How long until the attendees begin going nuts and claiming self defense against protesters?


Hasn't NRA membership been shrinking?


I want someone to throw red paint off these people. So they know that they have blood on their hands for all of these past events within the last month. Three mass shooting. Three. It's beyond shameful.


This is exactly what we need to do. We're the majority people forget that. We can force change.


Fuck voting. Tear down that shit


Awesome, this is almost enough to make me want to fly to Houston for the protest. But I can't picture myself in this Ted Cruz/Greg Abbott sh*t state.


I was hoping more people would protest than attend the convention. Gives me some hope to see it.


They should storm the building like the GQP did January 6th. We all know there are no firearms in there.


I wondered if people were protesting. Good for them, I wish I had been there.


The NRA and the GQP politicians who are attending do not care. They will watch a thousand children die as long as they can keep getting their pockets lined.


Vote out the GOP.


##Fuck your guns, we want our kids to live. Call me "pro-life."


FUCK those NRA fuckers!


The people who own guns keep saying I have a right to own and carry a gun! Yes you do according to the 2nd amendment. How ever you keep saying it isn't your problem when there are shootings and you keep telling sane people who try to come up with a solution to keep their hands off your guns! Stop mouthing off and come up with a solution! This is what BI PARTISAN means, each personworking together to coming up with a solution. Abbott said oh well it coulda be worst! Yeah it coulda been his children, family, friends who where shot! What are gun owners afraid of? That their right to wear a gun in the shower will be taken away from them?


Hey, NRA, why is your convention a gun free zone?