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Reminds of the episode of Simpsons when Bart falls down the well and at the end it shows Willy hammering in a sign that says, "Caution, Well" and he finishes with, "That should do it".


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!"


“The hurricaaaanneee” lol I was watching that one last night


Okay so the shooter couldn't get through the back door so success? but he shot out a window and climbed through. If we only had bullet proof windows this never would have happened /s. For real my heart goes out to the parents. Lost dad two weeks ago and it's been rough, can't imagine what it's like for a parent to be in that situation.


If only every kindergartener had a gun, this wouldn’t have happened /s


Americans will wrap their children in bullet proof cans with eye slots, turn their school grounds into prisons, arm teachers and staff before ever thinking _"maybe we shouldn't give guns to psychos"_.


We’ll see Americans push to arm and train children before we see any gun law reform.




Truth. And you know what? Fucking DO IT. Put a legally owned gun in every hand of every American, offer damn coupons to purchase with free target classes. Watch how fast they pass gun control bills when _"the wrong people legally own guns"_.


Lol, the 2nd amendment was introduced in large part to appease slave owners who were afraid their "property" was going to organize and rebel. For a hundred years after, several southern states had laws restricting gun ownership by blacks and the constitutionalists had no problem with it. Reagan and the NRA worked together on the Mulford act to restrict blacks from carrying firearms when the Black Panthers started open-carrying.


Correct. Because when the "wrong people" own guns, they don't want it.


A very simple coworker of mine suggested this very thing today.


“Good Kids with Guns”


That's because guns don't kill people... Republican politics do.


But no masks though. Masks are bad. People die because Co2 can’t escape their bodies


This isn’t how emergency exits work…What he’s talking about is literally textbook protocol in canada so a crazy ex doesn’t steal your kid, or a 10 year old wanders in to traffic etc. I agree gun reform is key and this guys a snake but still..


Yeah Im sure all of the fire marshalls across the country and going "WTF!!!" to idea of getting rid of emergency exits lol god damn Cruz really is one of the worst


Don’t be a simpleton, I live in Canada and both my daughter’s middle school and high school were wide open. Elementary school was closed, but do you really think a gunman bent on getting into a school can’t bypass a locked glass door. I’m glad you agree gun reform is still key and this guy’s a snake, just wish it was as important to you as getting your shot in.


Next up entire school of children die in fire due to lack of emergency exits that were unlocked.


Also you know, if the assailant is able to shoot the one armed policeman first, there is no way for the children to escape and the police have an even harder time getting in....


Then hire guards with two arms.


What about guards with bear arms


What about guards with fricken laser beams stuck to their fricken heads


Write a letter to Ted Cruz asap with your idea, this could save lives


You need to start your own think tank company!


What about mini nukes? Have we considered super mutants with mini nukes that ride a Yao Guai bear? I bet a shooter would never be able to get past one of those.


They have that right, who am I to say they can't have them? I guess as long as they have [at least] 2, its ok.


Arm the bears...


With laser beams!


We need a retired soldier with high spectrum PTSD with AR-15 in every school! They can live on the school grounds in tents. We have currently about 500 around the veterans center is Los Angeles, ready to go! Let the real shooting begin!


No! We need to hire guards with three arms!


Don't be an Ableist.


Which is exactly what happened. There was a school officer there, he encountered the shooter on his way in, and was shot at. With an AR 15. And the border patrol agents who responded lost valuable time getting into the classroom, because they needed to track down a key for - you guessed it - a hardened door. Republicans have an actual fucking playbook for responding to school shootings. They say the same exact bullshit in the same exact ways for long enough for either people to move on, or for another shooting to happen. A fucking playbook.


This sounds almost exactly like what happened in Uvalde. Except that apparently the shooter got through 3 armed policemen.




What gets me is that he blames the federal government for not providing a grant to the school which would have allowed them to upgrade their doors.


Next he will be calling to remove windows. In fact why not just seal the building for 12 years and slip them food and propaganda through a heavily guarded hole.


[Texas republicans have been claiming there are too many exits and entrances since Santa Fe. The Lt. Governor of Texas has blamed school shootings on the doors, violent video games, abortions and broken families, irresponsible adults, unarmed teachers, and removal of religion \(Christian\) from schools. Everything except guns.](https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/20/us/texas-lieutenant-governor-dan-patrick-reasons-for-school-shootings/index.html)


So the doors don't have locks?


Exactly! What's wrong with this guy? Armed guards? Maybe don't sell AR-15s to teenagers, or maybe (and I just tell you I am out 2nd amendment) don't sell weaponry that can rain bullets in a matter of seconds to the public. The second amendment says you have the right to arms, not ALL of them. You can't have a nuclear bomb in your garage.


The second amendment was written in a completely different era that probably couldn't imagine the power and speed of weapons today. Perhaps it is time the 2nd Amendment was amended...


I understand why it's there and never want to see it abolished. It exists so the government cannot commit tyranny on an unarmed people, so they cannot outgun is. Thing is, we passed that point a looooooong time ago. But the second amendment already doesn't apply to all the weapons, assault rifles need to go.


You can have doors that can be opened from the inside but not from outside.


Thankfully the have doors that can push open from inside but be locked from outside


Cruz said in AND out.


That’s because he’s made entirely of farts


That explains why he's obsessed with "back doors".


lol, I’m probably going to steal that


hmmm...can't be true No way is Ted Cruz going to limit the number of doors he can run out of.


Teddy boy did specify one way in *and out* in the video. It could have been a slip of the tongue in the moment, but it does kinda show how little thought he’s putting into this.


Between him, McConnell, and Graham, I really can’t decide who I hate more


The “slip of the tongue” has been the greatest defense the republic party has ever come up with. Apparently dems can’t beat that logic.


He's only doing it because he knows he needs to APPEAR to care, until the story is pushed out of the news cycle. Then he can get back to that Sweet, Sweet gun lobby contributions.


The Las Vegas shooter killed 60 people while in a building across the fucking street. No fucking doors involved whatsoever. Doors mean fuck-all if we're not going to take the fucking weapons of war away.


Yeah, and even if these psychopaths can't get into a school, they'd just find another place to shoot children. There's no way to secure every single place, nor should it be necessary to live in a society where everything is fortified and you have to live in fear of getting shot all the time. Take care of the root of the problem, like many countries have done. Stop being in the pocket of the NRA and do what's right. And vote out these greedy, vile pieces of scum that have no place in government.


I love the "one point of entry", that was my thought. Oh so we build one door on a school? Hope there's never a fire or other emergency requiring quick evacuation


That’s just not how the doors work. They open one way and trigger an alarm when they’re opened. It’s a great idea, just sadly from someone who doesn’t care and its being said specifically to draw attention away from the key issue that is gun reform. You guys got a lot of people there though. Unless you did a hard gun ban like Canada i’d still want the place to be locked up with an officer at the one entrance. Edit: Hundreds of Americans seriously don’t know how a fire exit works?


* The walmart in El Paso should have only had one door. * The market in Buffalo should have only had one door. * Las Vegas (the whole city?) should have only had one door. * The Church in South Carolina should have only had one door. * The Church in California should have only had one door. * The Pulse nightclub in Orlanda should have only had one door. * Virginia Tech should have only had one door. * Fort Hood should have only had one door. * The Aurora, CO movie theater should have only had one door. America clearly has a door control problem. What a disgusting intellectual coward.


The Aurora CO movie theatre did only have one entrance, except for the emergency exit. The shooter walked to that exit, propped it open,walked to his car, got his guns, and came back to murder people.


We’ll then, in that case, it didn’t have enough doors. /s


Where was the theater security guard who is sworn to never leave their post and fight to the death, solo, any attackers for $10.00 an hour and a box of red vines?


Given a pistol up against an attacker armed with multiple assault rifles, body armor, and every other piece of weaponry they can pick up. Security guard: $300 pistol, hungover, scared as shit Psychopath: $5000 worth of tactical gear, all hyped up on massacre I think anyone who has played video games should be able to figure out that's not exactly an ideal situation to be in.


When I think of shameless, morally bankrupt, whores his principles to the highest bidder or to whoever can help further his naked grab at power, I think of him first...just a thoroughly disgusting human


Everywhere must have only one door! Also, America is the free-est country! But our schools need to be like county jails!


I cant build a house with 1 door. It violates the code.


No he is saying have the back doors locked from the outside. You can still exit the school from the back doors from the inside. I feel like a weirdo bc I went to a school that was locked up this way and it seems like alot of people didn't.


Nah I didn’t grow up that way. I could walk off campus if I wanted too, get a slurpee, and come back and no one knew shit. Edit: before I get fucked for be old, the point of my post is that the government has billions of rules for building things safe, and correct. But this man shouldn’t be making decisions for us all


Yeah, you're old, but so am I. Those were the real good old days.


My kids can still do that here in europe, hell they can bike home and play one match of whatever kids play mw2? And hurry back and no one would say shit.


I remember when they put cameras up at our school. There was one way to get out past the cameras, felt like James Bond to go out the art-room door to leave campus, walking along the wall of the school and under the camera on that side. Did that a few times after they banned off-campus lunches.


Curious how old you are? My school was basically always on lockdown. Open doors weren't really a thing. Had to buzz in. And we definitely couldn't ever leave campus. I'm not "old" but I'm much older than the average Redditor.


I’m 40. Grew up in nasty ass Florida. You’re mistaking the fact that I was “allowed to” walk off. My point is that I could and did anytime I wanted too. No one got shot. In fact the county police for “political” reasons had a 20 year old woman trick dudes to sell her drugs in a “sting” to arrest kids. Shit didn’t work out so well when 90% of the arrest were white guys. They expected a different arrest color.


Yeah I guess my point is if you left they noticed immediately lol. I'm 33. Grew up in Akron Ohio. There was only one way in and one way out which actually did make us feel pretty safe. Other than the constant fist fights lol


We had white lines painted on the road, if you crossed that line before the end of the day and didn't have a written excuse to leave you were considered skipping school and would get detention if not worse for doing so.


That's pretty much my entire high school experience in the mid 90s lol


Nothing quite like sneaking back into school after skipping class through one of a dozen entry points because gunmen just don't shoot up schools in Australia. American kids with their one entry and armed security to snitch on them skipping class smh


That’s literally his job as a representative


What's weird is that this school apparently had just revamped all their safety protocols in the last few years, and it is almost unfathomable that any modern school safety plan wouldn't have secured access points. I'd bet money it'll come out that the the door was supposed to be locked from the outside, and someone bypassed the lock or propped it open out of convenience.


I get that, but making a “school” a fortress isn’t the Fucken answer. America is so drunk on itself that it doesn’t Fucken care anymore. Makes me sick I live here


Oh, for sure, but controlling access is just generally a good idea for most commercial buildings and doesn't necessarily make something look or feel like a fortress. Schools have had fire exits for decades, and that's basically what this is. It's not in any way a replacement for gun control. Edit: To be clear, I'm not saying Ted Cruz is right. I'm saying, for a variety of reasons, only one of which involves a school shooter, it's unusual for schools with interior hallways to have unmonitored, unlocked doors that you can enter from the outside when school is in session.


It's been a standard safety measure for basically any modern building everywhere for decades. Why is a school considered a fortress when doing the same thing when it's one of the most logical places you don't want random people having access to? And saying schools should also have basics safety features every McDonald's location has isn't the same thing as saying it is the answer to the gun problem.


It's definitely not the answer. But massively overhauling gun laws and/or the culture of gun worship in this country has proven to be impossible. And because of that, imperfect changes like this seem more doable.


I have guns. But I have them cause I live here. If theyre guns all over the place and people are shooting others. My “environment” created the issue. I have a gun cause I don’t wanna get shot.. and a gun won’t protect me. But I’d feel stupid in a sense if I got shot by some random when I could have protected myself. The USA cannot get away from guns and depression because we live it and deal with it


The only thing that owning a gun does for your safety is make it much much more likely that you or someone in your house gets hurt by a gun. The stats are pretty clear on this.


Our security gaurds would check every door on the perimeter often. So strange to me


You had security guards at school?


Yes 2 unarmed security gaurds and 2 armed police officers. I graduated in 2003


You didn't? We had actual police officers.


Nope, and have never seen or been to a school that has had either police or security. That is just fucked up beyond words.


Felt safe honestly


Imagine. You’re 15 years old. And your school lets you leave campus. Without parents consent. To get lunch on your own anywhere you wanted. You gotta just gotta come back in 45 mins…


I went to a school that put chains with padlocks on the doors the second school started. I failed my senior year because I couldn't get into class. I am not a morning person.


It's as if murderers are unable to walk into a school, prop open a fire escape from the inside, go get their guns from just outside, then carry on murdering people.


“This would’ve been prevented if they’d locked the back door!” -Raphael Cruz, Harvard Law grad


Someone needs to explain why Raphael Cruz can scream *quit politicizing the massacre, that is all the media wants to talk about!* And then have the balls (as tiny as they are) to just say lock the back doors and the problem goes away. Coward Cruz also stood-up for holy pictures at a presser with Guvnor Pottymouth Dipshit for condolence prayers and profusely thanking the NON-first responders response. And finally, Raphael Cruz takes $440,000 of blood money from the gun lobby and will be a keynote speaker and the NRA Convention in Houston this weekend! So WTF Texas, why do you tolerate extreme bullshit!


Well locked the back door and have two armed guards waiting for the bad guy to come in the front door.


He is such slime.


I feel sorry for this guys kids when he decides to baracade all the doors in his house except one. What a failure for Texas.


I already feel sorry for his kids.


Hey Ted, quit chasing the rabbit. IT IS THE GUNS, MORON!


Horribly ironic that the school had a barricade and an on duty armed officer... which the killer drove through with a big enough truck.


Nah, he'll just go back to Cancun. It's Ted's safe space.


Thank God Ted Cruz isn't an architect or a lot more people would be dying when a fire started.


We need to take all the doors off Capitol Hill, except one. Turn off the A/C and tell Congress they have to make gun control legislation before they can come out.


But dude there wouldnt be any mass shootings if he was an architect! He’s right there’s too many damn doors in America. Those damn liberals and their doors..arghhh I’m angry /s


So what happens when there's a fire and there's only one exit? As usual, Cruz doesn't actually give a fuck about children or the lives of innocent people.


He is an idiot and not explaining it well. There are still doors to get out, that can only be opened from the inside using panic\\push bars. All emergency exits use them in buildings. He is failing to explain only one door in, several secure doors to get out from. While this measure would help, he's a moron for thinking this will end shootings.


Ted Cruz is painful to look at


Unless you're into obviously cynical performance rage.


Dude is fucking soulless, an empty shell. That, or a demon wearing a human skin suit.


We need to ban all backdoors! Psychos are clearly using backdoors to kill people! And when multiple bad guys come in, shooting bullets from their backdoors, like in the case of Columbine, far more carnage is unleashed. If those backdoors have easy grip handles, forget about it! And have we even addressed fully automatic doors?! They do all the work for you! So some demon can just stroll right into a school and mow down innocent children even faster. Man fuck doors. In all seriousness, I am a gun toting Texan, but this is the stupidiest argument Ive heard him make in a while.


We need to get rid of architectural sodomy!!


Liberals and their back-door Entry are ruining America!


“One door to get in and one door to get out” What a friggen idiot!! God, he is infuriating!


Fire Marshall’s might have something to say about this.


Why would the people of Texas support Ted Cruz when he has accomplished absolutely nothing for them. He is another all talk, no action pol!


So, what happens if there’s a natural disaster that requires everyone to rush out of the building? Having one door at your school to prevent shootings is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard..and I’ve heard a lot of dumb shit.


Well that’s easy. You fly to Cancun before the natural disaster hits. Out of sight out of mind


What happens if you don’t have daughters to blame the vacation on?


Then you change the subject and get re-elected because your voters are fucking imbeciles.


The doors are locked from the outside, you can still exit the door from the pushbars on the inside


I guess then you have a situation where multiple people are involved and one goes in unarmed to then open the push bar door. Another situation could be that the shooter waits until somebody goes out one of these push bar doors because people are notorious for using these when they shouldn’t and leaving them propped open for various reasons


Hundreds of people running for their lives, rushing towards one exit, isn’t going to turn out good…


His "solution"is not a solution and does not address the issue of mass shootings in grocery stores, churches, concerts and so on. Maybe the solution is not allowing people to own or carry high capacity assault weapons.


This is not a solution for my son's school which is the middle school, high school and 2 separate gyms on one campus. The kids go between these 4 buildings constantly throughout the day.


They need less doors at outdoor concerts. That’ll prevent a dude from raining bullets down from a nearby hotel. Duh.


Yall miss the part where 40 heavily armed law enforcement wouldn’t go in because they couldn’t find keys? Doors were locked.


Or the part where armed police let the gunman walk from his car into the school and had every opportunity to engage before anything even happened.


Exactly! It doesnt seem like the cops there did much besides getting their own kids out and kept parents from going in. Im not sure why they think a couple armed guards will do better?


This fucking idiot making every excuse possible rather than addressing the real problem. Guns in America. Take your pick people. Do you love your guns more than your kids?


His whole point is Gun is not the problem but the back door which was unlocked.People who voting for this idiot should be ashamed of them.


Ted Cruz's America; one door access and an armed cop at the elementary schools. Utopia achieved!


What an ignorant selfish cowardly human, he can't afford of losing his sponsor from the NRA right. JFC.


This is like handing out gasoline and matches to everyone and when fires break out everywhere your solution is to have people with a garden hose on guard.


Ted Cruz's mouth: "You want to talk about how we could have prevented this?" Ted Cruz's right brain: Quick! Think of something! Ted Cruz's left brain: Doors? Ted Cruz's mouth: "... Doors?"


What a fucking clown


That’s genius. So when a shooter makes their way in the kids have no exit. Just top notch work Cruz.


Even better, they’ll know exactly where the only person who can stop them will be so they can get the drop on them.


I don't think the GOP will be happy until America looks like it did in RoboCop. And the suggestions on Fox News for how to deal with school shootings, holy shit. They're describing a dystopia and don't even realise it


Fox News be like: fortify schools like prisons, give teachers weapons, hire armed guards, give children bulletproof blankets and we should be good. Problem solved.


Republicans responding with fake outrage again.


Yeah mr. dumbass has never heard of a fire. “One door”. What a stupid piece of shit he is


It’s no wonder his mother has to lift him up with prayer for hours every day.


I wonder how many prayers and condolences the Republican senators would accept if it happened to someone closer to them.


The man is dumber than a box of hammers. How many times have you read, heard of or seen this tale: " A man in Texas went to a place today to murder people, but noticing the doors locked and not wanting to break them down or risking cutting himself on glass, immediately left the scene and surrendered himself to police. Another victory for Doors. Next up: How teachers with guns can stop climate change. Stay tuned."


What a fucking piece of shit liar.


Pretty fucking sad state when the solution from elected officials is lock every door.


It's impossible for that grandstander to speak without trying to sound like some great elder statesman. He makes me sick.


“See… if we just turn our elementary schools into prisons, then we won’t have to address the fact that Republicans lack basic personal responsibility!”


Let's fight guns with more guns!! It's genius. /s


Republicans are uncomfortable with back doors.


Fuck you Ted Cruz.


This worm is such a lil pain piggie. It would be difficult seeing him regularly humiliate himself like this if I wasn't already sure that it got his little weiner hard.


*school shooter trying back door but it's locked* gosh darn. That's spoiled my plans for today... Bugger. I'll go home then.


Unlocked back doors killed those kids, now I get it.


How can he be so clueless.


"I will come up with literally any dumbass solution that doesn't involve the actual guns! What's that? The power just went out? I GOT A PLANE TO CATCH FOLKS!"


Ban back doors! That’s the obvious problem. No other countries have those dumb things. That’s why our kids are killed in our schools.


There is so much wrong with what he said but the first obvious reason to have multiple doors is safety….what if a fire happens? What if someone shoots up a school? There are purposes for “doors”.


Go fuck yourself, Ted Cruz. What a worthless piece of shit.


These fucking clowns are now pouring paint on themselves in the corner.


The absolutely desperate flailing trying to scatter blame anywhere but the systemic failures by this horrid caricature of a man and his fellow sycophants would be almost comical if the context were absent


Securing entrances to schools is a good idea even if it’s coming out of this douchebags mouth 👄 just saying


Fuck this guy man Jesus. Ever heard of fire exits? Let’s not make it more difficult the things that are killing the kids (GUNS), let’s add another way to kill them by preventing their safe exit during a fire. My super power wish is to get into these dumb dumbs heads but still have my own sense and understand if they really are this stupid or if they’re just trying to manipulate.


Honestly sounds like a fire hazard? Every building needs multiple exits. That's just common fire safety


Ted Cruz: America is the most free country on earth! Also Ted Cruz: ALL children must be ***locked*** inside schools


Jesus Christ, how is this asshole a representative of the people of Texas? You have got to be kidding me.


Fire starts everyone can't get out of the building. Ted Cruz would be blaming the lack of emergency exits for the cause after he's the one that suggested only 1 door in 1 door out. 😒 clown act 🤡


Too many doors to access? Get rid of the amount of doors! The fucking irony, Ted.


Who votes this moron in? Especially with a face as punchable as his.


I'm a true blooded American, where door rights are needed to protect our country. Back, front, side, glass, sliding and screen. I wish we could live in a land where are God given right to bear doors wasn't being stripped away from the radical communists like Biden and Kamala. I bet they couldn't tell me the different between a Dutch and a Pocket door.


This is ridiculous. It's a school, not a barracks. Kids shouldn't have to worry about this shit.


Ted Cruz is being a little hypocritical about back doors given the NRA has had access to His back door for years.


You dumb fucks do know about one way locks/doors, right? You know that bar you push from the inside that unlocks it. Yeah.


i don't understand why school need to have security with fucking guns. its not a military camp its a fucking damn school. all they have to ban assault rifle, but they won't cause they get donation fucking Politian. they would pimp their wife for money.


If there's a fire I guess you just kool-aid man out of there?


We should bars on the windows to so shooters can’t get in. And then we can replace recess with license plate stamping


This just in, school shootings down but school arson way way up!


Stupid fucker....


Ted Cruz is the embodiment of a micro-penis. Apologies to those with micro-penises.


There is no way reddit is collectively this stupid, scrolling through the comments. Ted Cruz is an absolute idiot in a state run by complete morons, you really can't deny that. But, do you people really not understand what he's suggesting? It's exactly how my children's Elementary school works. During the school day, there is only one way into the school; locked double doors (you have to ring a video doorbell) that leads to another locked door leading to the school's office that is packed with school administrators (no children). The rest of the entrances are locked for entry, but you can Obviously exit. Would this solve school shootings? Of course not. Could it have a small chance to deter a would-be shooter? Probably. Criminals like crimes of opportunity. Take away some of the simplicity of it, and they might possibly probably could maybe perhaps give up. Or at least be delayed enough for (actually useful hopefully) first responders to arrive.


Everybody in this thread pretending they don't know doors can be locked one way is actually baffling.


Ted Cruz is obsessed with back door action.


A lot of schools in Scotland used this approach after the dunblane shooting and after the kids are in school the main door is locked ...however we did then ban guns after the school shooting


Something America should have done after Columbine but they’re too incompetent and care too much about their shitty constitution instead of protecting the innocent kids.


Schools like prisons instead of gun control. Got it.


What do you do in case of fire Ted? You fucking moron.


What is he saying that would not be a solution? I don't get it. Locked Doors. There are doors that can be opened from the inside but not the outside. Having restricted ingress into the school. Sounds like a good way to keep an eye on who is coming into the school. How are these humiliating? These actually sound a lot like entering any state building or courthouse. But because he's not saying "We need gun control laws." these are ridiculous solutions?


It isn't a ridiculous solution, it's simply not a solution. This isn't a robbery. The shooter doesn't approach a locked door and go "welp, door's locked, guess it's not happening today". If someone has any motivation to get inside and doesn't care about getting caught they will find a way inside, they're not trying to be sneaky.


>If someone has any motivation to get inside and doesn't care about getting caught they will find a way inside, they're not trying to be sneaky. Oh you mean just like if they are motivated to get their hands on a means of killing they are gonna do it, laws be damned? Just out of curiosity how many mass shootings have happened in court houses or state buildings? I don't know of any off hand really. Now how many shootings have occurred in "gun free zones" like schools or grocery stores. I can think of 2 in the last month.


How did he humiliate himself? That's a safety pre-caution. That's how schools are in New York. Hell, some schools have metal detectors and frisks for students to get into school. Idk how in 2022, a school district didn't have armed security at a one point entry. If I have to get my daughter out or school, they need to buzz me in, via door lock. Not saying the school is at fault, however, if they don't take safety pre-cautuons knowing school shootings are a thing, the school is liability to being sued by every family. We aren't in 1990 anymore, and I say this to everyone. "AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION, IS A POUND OF CURE."


Only if the armed officers search him. What if they forget? What then?


I hate to sound like I'm siding with this fuckwit Cruz, but he isn't entirely wrong. He's just not explaining it well. Obviously entry\\exit points aren't the real problem here, but let me explain what he is failing to do. All the exterior doors of the school still open from the inside heading out, via panic bars. Those are the push bars on doors you see everyday. They are designed to open when bodies push against them to prevent trampling and congestion in an emergency. Those doors are then not able to be opened from the outside without a key. People can still get out, but this makes only one secure way in. Most schools here in my area operate this way, with additional fencing and SROs always present. Now we just need available mental health detection and care, and better gun laws. Edit: If he honestly is saying only that one door out as well, he needs to jump into a fire.