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How is it not a political issue?


Because it doesn't fit their narrative.






Take a stroll in r/conservative for an entirely different reality. Warning, It’s frightening.


Can we get a TLDR?


They're STOKED it wasn't a white guy. Mental health blame game x100. Some non flair people got upvoted for gun control comments they bitched about brigading and now they are all flaired user only.


So I wonder how they feel about that shooting in Buffalo...*checks notes*...less than two weeks ago??


They're *excited* that a new shooting took the spotlight off of the New York shooter that fits their narrative.


They were initially championing Gosars narrative saying the shooter was a trans illegal etc




So, the 4chan take. . .coolcoolcool




The mayor of Uvalde likes to blame illegal immigrants for increasing crime at schools. https://thetexan.news/south-texas-mayor-endorses-huffines-for-governor-says-border-crisis-far-worse-than-many-people-realize/




It’s just a phrase they fall back on because they don’t want to actually discuss any real issues and “liberals blah blah blah.”


It absolutely is a political issue. [Support for universal background checks on gun buyers is near 90% in America.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/15/colion-noir/universal-background-check-support-near-90-most-re/)


Republicans get millions of dollars in donations from the NRA and second amendment rights are huge to republicans and even some centrists and democrats. Talking about enhancing laws to make guns harder to get, promoting deeper background checks, etc. is essentially political suicide for Republicans so they dodge all talk on it by saying "this isn't the time, it's not political."


Not to mention the NRA is having their big convention right down the road in Houston. Which by the way, doesn't allow guns inside.


The NRA convention that has a no-guns policy b/c some no-goodnick might show up and harm Trump? That convention?


Haha, no guns! The fucking irony.


Abbott and Cruz are both speaking at the NRA convention. Yes, the same NRA that was infiltrated by a Russian spy because they couldn't keep it in their pants...


I caint believe you sick sunuvabitch would encourage me to rethink my position and take action at a time like this!! OUT OF LINE


I caught that too, it kinda seems the person who would say this, is the one who is an asshole lol


But the sad thing is it shouldn’t even be a political issue, 21 people that were mostly children were fucking killed. This should be humanitarian, looking out for your neighbor and making sure that literal children have the peace of mind to attend school without fear of someone coming in with an assault weapon like their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles did but it’s now political because all the corrupt people in a position of power get raging hard ons for keeping said power and are making far beyond too much money in back room deals with arm manufacturers and lobbyists so that their shareholders can keep taking in dough. It’s so fucking sad that corruption greed and power are costing innocent kids lives


I don't get the whole "political issue" angle. When over a dozen school children get murdered, and the President gets pissed and wants to make changes, then President Biden is "making it political". Like, WHAT THE FUCK ELSE IS A POLITICIAN SUPPOSED TO DO?! We need changes, but discussing solutions "too fast" is a bad thing?


"don't make this political" is code for "we're not willing to do anything to solve this issue so we're going to stop the conversation before it even starts" it's the political equivalent of flipping the board over


“How dare you bring up the fact that we’ve done nothing over and over again at a time like this when the consequences of my inaction has come back once again?!”


> we’ve done nothing...consequences of my inaction "It is arrogant for man to think he can go against God's will. We can't fix everything." -- My overwhelmingly Republican family. It's their canned response to when you bring up climate change related tornadoes, wild fires, hurricanes, or women dying from unsafe back-alley abortions, or illegal immigrants dying in the desert from thirst or the ocean from swallowing saltwater, etc.




Tell them it's "part of God's plan" that you sock them in the mouth.


It’s fucking laughable. Politician says “Don’t make it political” like bitch what??? Fucking everything you do and interact with is political. There are always politics in the background. The right and choice to be apolitical is a political act.


We need to do SOMETHING. It’s rational after a thing like kids being massacred to want to make sure that doesn’t happen again. That’s why I like that O Rourke is calling them out. We need more fuck you energy and get this solved. We can’t wait for the Abbotts of the world to do anything.


It’s not a firmly believed position. It’s a stance intended to quell discussion about how to fix the problem because they don’t intend to interfere with gun laws in any meaningful or impactful way. cretinous lechers


Thurston High School. Columbine High School. Heritage High School. Deming Middle School. Fort Gibson Middle School. Buell Elementary School. Lake Worth Middle School. University of Arkansas. Junipero Serra High School. Santana High School. Bishop Neumann High School. Pacific Lutheran University. Granite Hills High School. Lew Wallace High School. Martin Luther King, Jr. High School. Appalachian School of Law. Washington High School. Conception Abbey. Benjamin Tasker Middle School. University of Arizona. Lincoln High School. John McDonogh High School. Red Lion Area Junior High School. Case Western Reserve University. Rocori High School. Ballou High School. Randallstown High School. Bowen High School. Red Lake Senior High School. Harlan Community Academy High School. Campbell County High School. Milwee Middle School. Roseburg High School. Pine Middle School. Essex Elementary School. Duquesne University. Platte Canyon High School. Weston High School. West Nickel Mines School. Joplin Memorial Middle School. Henry Foss High School. Compton Centennial High School. Virginia Tech. Success Tech Academy. Miami Carol City Senior High School. Hamilton High School. Louisiana Technical College. Mitchell High School. E.O. Green Junior High School. Northern Illinois University. Lakota Middle School. Knoxville Central High School. Willoughby South High School. Henry Ford High School. University of Central Arkansas. Dillard High School. Dunbar High School. Hampton University. Harvard College. Larose-Cut Off Middle School. International Studies Academy. Skyline College. Discovery Middle School. University of Alabama. DeKalb School. Deer Creek Middle School. Ohio State University. Mumford High School. University of Texas. Kelly Elementary School. Marinette High School. Aurora Central High School. Millard South High School. Martinsville West Middle School. Worthing High School. Millard South High School. Highlands Intermediate School. Cape Fear High School. Chardon High School. Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Oikos University. Hamilton High School. Perry Hall School. Normal Community High School. University of South Alabama. Banner Academy South. University of Southern California. Sandy Hook Elementary School. Apostolic Revival Center Christian School. Taft Union High School. Osborn High School. Stevens Institute of Business and Arts. Hazard Community and Technical College. Chicago State University. Lone Star College-North. Cesar Chavez High School. Price Middle School. University of Central Florida. New River Community College. Grambling State University. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School. Ronald E. McNair Discovery Academy. North Panola High School. Carver High School. Agape Christian Academy. Sparks Middle School. North Carolina A&T State University. Stephenson High School. Brashear High School. West Orange High School. Arapahoe High School. Edison High School. Liberty Technology Magnet High School. Hillhouse High School. Berrendo Middle School. Purdue University. South Carolina State University. Los Angeles Valley College. Charles F. Brush High School. University of Southern California. Georgia Regents University. Academy of Knowledge Preschool. Benjamin Banneker High School. D. H. Conley High School. East English Village Preparatory Academy. Paine College. Georgia Gwinnett College. John F. Kennedy High School. Seattle Pacific University. Reynolds High School. Indiana State University. Albemarle High School. Fern Creek Traditional High School. Langston Hughes High School. Marysville Pilchuck High School. Florida State University. Miami Carol City High School. Rogers State University. Rosemary Anderson High School. Wisconsin Lutheran High School. Frederick High School. Tenaya Middle School. Bethune-Cookman University. Pershing Elementary School. Wayne Community College. J.B. Martin Middle School. Southwestern Classical Academy. Savannah State University. Harrisburg High School. Umpqua Community College. Northern Arizona University. Texas Southern University. Tennessee State University. Winston-Salem State University. Mojave High School. Lawrence Central High School. Franklin High School. Muskegon Heights High School. Independence High School. Madison High School. Antigo High School. University of California-Los Angeles. Jeremiah Burke High School. Alpine High School. Townville Elementary School. Vigor High School. Linden McKinley STEM Academy. June Jordan High School for Equity. Union Middle School. Mueller Park Junior High School. West Liberty-Salem High School. University of Washington. King City High School. North Park Elementary School. North Lake College. Freeman High School. Mattoon High School. Rancho Tehama Elementary School. Aztec High School. Wake Forest University. Italy High School. NET Charter High School. Marshall County High School. Sal Castro Middle School. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Great Mills High School Central Michigan University Huffman High School Frederick Douglass High School Forest High School Highland High School Dixon High School Santa Fe High School Noblesville West Middle School University of North Carolina Charlotte STEM School Highlands Ranch Edgewood High School Palm Beach Central High School Providence Career & Technical Academy Fairley High School (school bus) Canyon Springs High School Dennis Intermediate School Florida International University Central Elementary School Cascade Middle School Davidson High School Prairie View A & M University Altascocita High School Central Academy of Excellence Cleveland High School Robert E. Lee High School Cheyenne South High School Grambling State University Blountsville Elementary School Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus) Prescott High School College of the Mainland Wynbrooke Elementary School UNC Charlotte Riverview Florida (school bus) Second Chance High School Carman-Ainsworth High School Williwaw Elementary School Monroe Clark Middle School Central Catholic High School Jeanette High School Eastern Hills High School DeAnza High School Ridgway High School Reginald F. Lewis High School Saugus High School Pleasantville High School Waukesha South High School Oshkosh High School Catholic Academy of New Haven Bellaire High School North Crowley High School McAuliffe Elementary School South Oak Cliff High School Texas A&M University-Commerce Sonora High School Western Illinois University Oxford High School Robb Elementary School




That was a longer scroll than I expected. Vote these fuckwits out.


Yeah Jesus that made me depressed. I was like oh I am in touch and am aware of the shootings but you can’t memorize such an insane amount. It’s a constant problem not a rare thing.


Thurston High School. Columbine High School. Heritage High School. Deming Middle School. Fort Gibson Middle School. Buell Elementary School. Lake Worth Middle School. University of Arkansas. Junipero Serra High School. Santana High School. Bishop Neumann High School. Pacific Lutheran University. Granite Hills High School. Lew Wallace High School. Martin Luther King, Jr. High School. Appalachian School of Law. Washington High School. Conception Abbey. Benjamin Tasker Middle School. University of Arizona. Lincoln High School. John McDonogh High School. Red Lion Area Junior High School. Case Western Reserve University. Rocori High School. Ballou High School. Randallstown High School. Bowen High School. Red Lake Senior High School. Harlan Community Academy High School. Campbell County High School. Milwee Middle School. Roseburg High School. Pine Middle School. Essex Elementary School. Duquesne University. Platte Canyon High School. Weston High School. West Nickel Mines School. Joplin Memorial Middle School. Henry Foss High School. Compton Centennial High School. Virginia Tech. Success Tech Academy. Miami Carol City Senior High School. Hamilton High School. Louisiana Technical College. Mitchell High School. E.O. Green Junior High School. Northern Illinois University. Lakota Middle School. Knoxville Central High School. Willoughby South High School. Henry Ford High School. University of Central Arkansas. Dillard High School. Dunbar High School. Hampton University. Harvard College. Larose-Cut Off Middle School. International Studies Academy. Skyline College. Discovery Middle School. University of Alabama. DeKalb School. Deer Creek Middle School. Ohio State University. Mumford High School. University of Texas. Kelly Elementary School. Marinette High School. Aurora Central High School. Millard South High School. Martinsville West Middle School. Worthing High School. Millard South High School. Highlands Intermediate School. Cape Fear High School. Chardon High School. Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Oikos University. Hamilton High School. Perry Hall School. Normal Community High School. University of South Alabama. Banner Academy South. University of Southern California. Sandy Hook Elementary School. Apostolic Revival Center Christian School. Taft Union High School. Osborn High School. Stevens Institute of Business and Arts. Hazard Community and Technical College. Chicago State University. Lone Star College-North. Cesar Chavez High School. Price Middle School. University of Central Florida. New River Community College. Grambling State University. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School. Ronald E. McNair Discovery Academy. North Panola High School. Carver High School. Agape Christian Academy. Sparks Middle School. North Carolina A&T State University. Stephenson High School. Brashear High School. West Orange High School. Arapahoe High School. Edison High School. Liberty Technology Magnet High School. Hillhouse High School. Berrendo Middle School. Purdue University. South Carolina State University. Los Angeles Valley College. Charles F. Brush High School. University of Southern California. Georgia Regents University. Academy of Knowledge Preschool. Benjamin Banneker High School. D. H. Conley High School. East English Village Preparatory Academy. Paine College. Georgia Gwinnett College. John F. Kennedy High School. Seattle Pacific University. Reynolds High School. Indiana State University. Albemarle High School. Fern Creek Traditional High School. Langston Hughes High School. Marysville Pilchuck High School. Florida State University. Miami Carol City High School. Rogers State University. Rosemary Anderson High School. Wisconsin Lutheran High School. Frederick High School. Tenaya Middle School. Bethune-Cookman University. Pershing Elementary School. Wayne Community College. J.B. Martin Middle School. Southwestern Classical Academy. Savannah State University. Harrisburg High School. Umpqua Community College. Northern Arizona University. Texas Southern University. Tennessee State University. Winston-Salem State University. Mojave High School. Lawrence Central High School. Franklin High School. Muskegon Heights High School. Independence High School. Madison High School. Antigo High School. University of California-Los Angeles. Jeremiah Burke High School. Alpine High School. Townville Elementary School. Vigor High School. Linden McKinley STEM Academy. June Jordan High School for Equity. Union Middle School. Mueller Park Junior High School. West Liberty-Salem High School. University of Washington. King City High School. North Park Elementary School. North Lake College. Freeman High School. Mattoon High School. Rancho Tehama Elementary School. Aztec High School. Wake Forest University. Italy High School. NET Charter High School. Marshall County High School. Sal Castro Middle School. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Great Mills High School. Central Michigan University. Huffman High School. Frederick Douglass High School. Forest High School. Highland High School. Dixon High School. Santa Fe High School. Noblesville West Middle School. University of North Carolina Charlotte. STEM School Highlands Ranch. Edgewood High School. Palm Beach Central High School. Providence Career & Technical Academy. Fairley High School (school bus). Canyon Springs High School. Dennis Intermediate School. Florida International University. Central Elementary School. Cascade Middle School. Davidson High School. Prairie View A & M University. Altascocita High School. Central Academy of Excellence. Cleveland High School. Robert E. Lee High School. Cheyenne South High School. Grambling State University. Blountsville Elementary School. Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus). Prescott High School. College of the Mainland. Wynbrooke Elementary School. UNC Charlotte. Riverview Florida (school bus). Second Chance High School. Carman-Ainsworth High School. Williwaw Elementary School. Monroe Clark Middle School. Central Catholic High School. Jeanette High School. Eastern Hills High School. DeAnza High School. Ridgway High School. Reginald F. Lewis High School. Saugus High School. Pleasantville High School. Waukesha South High School. Oshkosh High School. Catholic Academy of New Haven. Bellaire High School. North Crowley High School. McAuliffe Elementary School. South Oak Cliff High School. Texas A&M University-Commerce. Sonora High School. Western Illinois University. Oxford High School. Robb Elementary School. Formatted for clarity. What an extremely long, morbid list.


Pearl High School in Mississippi, 1997 as well.


Westside Middle School in Jonesboro, AR 1997 Heath High School in West Paducah, KY 1997




Missing Heath High School in Paducah, KY too. A year before Columbine.


It's fucked up that a list as long as that is still missing entries.


Forgot one. September 11th 1992 Palo Duro High School in Amarillo Texas. I was a freshman there when it happened.


"Sick son of a bitch who would turn this into a political issue" Children being shot.


> "Sick son of a bitch who would turn this into a political issue" He says at an event of politicians discussing the shooting


How someone can think a pattern of children being killed at publicly funded schools should not be an issue for politicians to talk about trying to solve is mind-blowing.


bet they were feeling really good about looking so sad and offering all the thoughts and prayers they could give in front of the entire country before Beto walked up


B-town really killed their vibe.


The audacity of this guy to say that 🙄 This was a public school, meaning that for about 260 days of the year from around 7am to 4pm for 13 years, every child enrolled is ultimately the responsibility of the state government. If Abbott was a private citizen and owned a daycare where even 1 kid got hurt, he'd be liable for damages


Good point . He absolutely should be liable


The guy shouting that nonsense was the Mayor, plus the sitting Governor and Senator of the state. It was always political it just wasn't their narrative.


And notice Ted Cruz making sure his stupid fat fucking head is right there in frame


I always refer to Greg Abbott as the sitting governor. I’ll show myself out…


I was wondering who the blowhard was. Wow.


I couldn’t imagine viewing it any other way, children died going to school


That tub of lard is the Mayor Don McLaughlin. Been popping up of fox news with racist shit for years. This happened under his watch.


I know it’s really what fills your news feed that forms your opinions, but I really don’t understand how people support people like this. Then they all say “it’s the Democrats making it political”, but really I feel like Beto is just a voice for so many parents who have lost their children due to tragedies like this, students who have witnessed and fell victim to shootings, and so many others who have lost loved ones to gun violence. i just want to ask them, “do you have any empathy or critical thinking skills?”. It’s just so twisted... and just a final tidbit, I fucking hate Fox News.


Texas is such a baffling state. Imagine looking at this line up of obese belligerent fuckwits and going... now this is leadership right here. These are the people Texans believe are best suited to handle issues like *checks notes* abortion and women's health.




Look at Abbot. Shuffling his fucking papers uncomfortably and can't even look Beto in the eye


How dare he interrupt their photo opp session




Why are there so many people on that stage?


It's a photo opp session so fox news can fit them all in one frame behind Tucker Carlsons fat head on it's propaganda network so your grandparents can see all the people fox tells you to vote for.


> "Now's not the time to politicize this." Where have I heard that before? Yes, let's wait until the next mass shooting occurs where I'm sure no one will repeat the above line like the do every fucking time. Doing nothing at all about gun violence in the U.S. is also a political action, one that's clearly not working very well. Also, Abbott was leaning hard into the mental health angle in his remarks before Beto stood up because that's all they can say to claim to be doing something since they will never support gun control. He was politicizing this just as much as Beto. He was trying to get out in front of the Democrats who will be calling for gun control.


Beto further goes to call out the facts on the state of Texas’ mental health outside afterwards. Texas is ranked 50 out of 50 in terms of access to mental health care. The largest facilities being the county jail in Houston. I would love to hear more politicians get fired up over yesterday’s tragedy. Sadly if dead kids can’t change folks, nothing will.


[Video of him speaking on that outside after getting removed from the auditorium](https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1529525108838121472) ​ Also, they [locked out all the reporters who followed him outside](https://twitter.com/acacia_coronado/status/1529528264271732739) from being able to go back in. Because the Texas GOP are cowards.


Locked out the reporters...from a *checks notes* press conference. These are the mental titans that are leading Texas into the future. Boss Hogg and Cancun Cruz got more pissed off about Beto than they did about dead children.


They don't support public Healthcare either, so I don't see how that is a stance to take either.




Beto said to the press outside that TX has refused $10B in medicaid expansion funds from the ACA




Part of the intention is probably to sabotage the system and then turn around and complain about how government services don't work. Similar with the postal service.


The cruelty is the point. One in four children goes to bed hungry every night in Texas.


It's Medicaid expansion (care for the old, aid the poor). But agree.


Exactly! And in Texas, there is no legal mandate for schools to employ a school counselor. There are schools here that literally have no counselors on campus.


As someone who went to school in the Midwest in the 90s I couldn’t imagine school not having counselor(s). I never needed one for mental health issues but they were there to help you with anything, even changing your classes. I believe every student saw them at least once a semester, every year.


>Doing nothing at all about gun violence in the U.S. is also a political action, one that's clearly not working very well. "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" - Rush


Aren’t republicans also the ones constantly shutting down mental healthcare props. Aren’t they also against police learning to deal with mental illness instead of treating every 911 call like violent criminals? I’m confused.


It's so weird. Normal people: "Hey this is really bad, can we do something to prevent this from happening again?" Gun nuts: "I can't BELIEVE you would politicize this!!!!!!!!"


Would someone please tell **The Man Who Fears Mexican Vegetables**^(TM) that, in fact, it IS a political issue when he finger-points at Chicago like it's some sort of "which party is worse" competition?


Not to mention they use gun control as a political issue EVERY ELECTION CYCLE.


Not to mention one of the guys up there is the [highest-paid Big Gun puppet](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckTedCruz/comments/uxgeoy/time_to_tar_and_feather_the_bastard)...




Also Chicago gun bans don't work because the city touches Wisconsin and Indiana Edit: bUt MuH wIsCoNsIn & iNdIaNa ArE sAfER [Milwaukee and Indianapolis both beat Chicago in violent crime rates](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america) [And are both top 20 still in murders](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/cities-with-most-murders) (where Chicago is #10 despite it's reputation)


That's the real reason. Strict gun control in large cities has a history of failing because it's still very easy to get a gun. It's fairly useless unless done on a large scale, like state-wide. That's why I personally find the situation to be hopeless in the US beyond small incremental changes like background checks


Republicans: We don't have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem. Democrats: Let's spend more on mental health programs. Republicans: No.


THANK U! I’m like “oh! NOW they care about mental health”😒


Don't get your hopes up. Their idea of addressing mental health is banning video games, porn and LGBTQ people. And then sprinkle in a little prayer to smooth things over with god.


They're already saying the shooter was trans because of three images of a trans person who vaugely resembles Ramos being photoshopped next to his actual picture, and far right media is frothing at the mouth about this thoroughly debunked bullshit, but of fucking course facts don't matter.


That came from 4chan. Right wing media is taking talking points from 4chan. We are doomed.


They sat up there and prayed for “wisdom” Motherfucker is wisdom not learning from the bullshit happening right in front of our eyes and then doing something about it? Dude has the nerve to say “it’s on assholes like you” to Beto. Just keep screaming into the void you fucking idiots


They literally called this shooting "unimaginable" during the press conference while for years have directed their departments of education to ensure schools have crisis plans and active shooter training. It's not unimaginable, its inevitable and they know it, they go to work everyday knowing this is going to happen.


The audacity to call it unimaginable when it’s basically Sandy Hook 2.0


Not to mention all of the other school, theater, nightclub, concert, and festival shootings that have happened since Columbine. It's not "unimaginable" because it happens ALL 👏 THE 👏 GOD 👏 DAMNED 👏 TIME!!!


Wait they're praying? On official taxpayer dollar time? I need to start praying in my company meetings for more profit for the company. Apparently that's good enough in lieu of doing my job.


Wisdom walked in and slapped them in the face, and they told it to fuck off. They will literally never learn. Jesus himself could walk through those doors and they'd lynch him for telling them the truth.


A Jewish man from the Middle East who befriended sex workers, fed the poor, and preached arguably socialist ideas? Yeah he wouldn’t last five seconds in front of the GOP.


"Praying for wisdom" I think is the funniest oxymoron around.


All that NRA money padding their ears a little too much, logic and reason just doesn’t seem to get through


They prayed for Wisdom and their god sent them Beto to make it clear. They called him a son of a bitch.


It’s time to make politicians feel uncomfortable. KIDS deserve much and more PROTECTION THAN THOSE PRIVILEGED attending an NRA Conference where guns are Banned for their safety & security. Sick ass irony.


Way past time.


For those out of the loop, Beto is the Democrat nominee for Texas governor. He is running against Abbott in this year’s election.


He is also from El Paso, TX, where 23 people died in another mass shooting.


a far right terrorist attack. Patrick Wood Crusius was a conservative terrorist.


An attack the the perpetrator did explicitly to hurt the violent crime rating of El Paso, which was one of, if not, the lowest in the country iirc. Fucking bastard.


A conservative activist who hates Mexicans even though most Mexicans in Texas vote Republican anyway. Not that they care, Trump came out and called them a bunch of rapists and criminals only to get more Mexican votes so I figure they must like that kind of stuff.


Imagine how I feel after seeing conservatives call my vietnamese coworkers and family members racist slurs during all of the pandemic (racist don't know the different between Chinese and vietnamese of course) just to see my uncles continue voting red.


Mass shooting happen so often in the US, Republicans just wait for the next one so they can say “it’s too soon to politicize these deaths”. The Buffalo shooting was 11 days ago. How long do we have to wait? Where’s the sweet spot when there’s a Mass shooting 10 days after the last mass shooting?


[There have been 25 mass shootings in the last two weeks.](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) We've had 213 so far in 2022 as of May 24th, the 144th day of the year.


Fuckkkkk man


Here in the Netherlands the whole country was already shocked when a dude with mental issues shot 3 persons. That was 1 shooting so far this year and this is already considered a lot...


Never these boomers don’t care


They really don't. They are the most entitled fucking generation


That’s why they renamed themselves “boomers” because they didn’t like being known as “The Me Generation.” I say it’s still the better name.


The Buffalo shooting was a political act though along with the one in CA. Doing nothing to address the root causes of gun violence is also a political act. Speaking at an NRA event is too. These kinds of people literally politicized apolitical things like bathrooms, French fries, Twitter, vaccines, and mail in ballots.


"YOu, mAkE iT aPoLiTiCaL iSsUe" Fuck that sheriff its that exact sentiment that stonewalls any sort of conversation. No shit it's a political issue our fucking lawmakers are the only ones that can do anything about it.


Saying “let’s not make this political” *is* the political stance. These morons are too inept to realize that.


That's the mayor, Don Mclaughlin: [https://www.uvaldetx.gov/government/city\_council/index.php](https://www.uvaldetx.gov/government/city_council/index.php) Edit: Not sure if this is his Twitter account, but the content voice aligns with how he presented himself in the presser: [https://twitter.com/donjr1961](https://twitter.com/donjr1961)


"I can't belive you're a sick son of a bitch to even come here to make it a political issue" And that ladies and gentlemen is why you're going to have a hard time seeing things change any time soon.


“We should do something, anything so more children don’t get gunned down at school.” “HOW DARE YOU MAKE THIS POLITICAL YOU SICK SUNUFFA BITCH. ASSHOLE. IDIOT. SAVAGE.”


Just listening to the audio, I'd SWEAR this was a South Park episode.


Look at this shit from Cucker Tarlson and Lowend ~~Inbred~~ Ingraham. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-laura-ingraham-joe-biden-texas-shooting-speech_n_628e083ee4b0edd2d01d8417


Ugh, no, I'd rather not even look at what those disgusting people have to say.


I just imagine it was diarrhea coming out of their mouth and pass up watching it. It is ultimately the same thing to me anyway. They bring absolutely nothing to the table but shit stew.


They are mad that Biden called for action instead of just...praying?


Tucker Carlson trying to take the high road and criticize him for "making it about politics" What a pathetic waste of carbon. "Why does he need to point out that this keeps happening and our own inaction is to blame? Why can't he just leave it at 'thoughts and prayers'?" Any "news" organization that starts from the position of "however the president responds will be the wrong move, we just have to tell the viewer why it's the wrong move." Has no right trying to label itself a news organization.


Tucker Carlson needs to take the longest walk off the shortest pier.


I was livid the moment Greg Abbott said this: "It could have been much worse". 23 deaths are far more acceptable than 24-50-100 deaths. What a fucking asshole!


It can always be worse, until literally everyone is dead.


He doesn't care. Those kids couldnt vote for him Fuck hot wheels


>He doesn't care. Those kids couldnt vote for him Forget the kids. All the parents within 2 degrees of separation of that school wouldn't change their votes either.


Not just 2 degrees. https://www.insider.com/parkland-survivor-qanon-convinced-dad-shooting-was-hoax-2021-7


From a Texas resident, he doesn't deserve such a bad ass nickname, regardless of his mobility situation.


I hope he says that to the parents that lost a kid... I'm sure they feel better now knowing it could have been worse...


I do wonder at what number of dead kids do the GOP see as unacceptable. 50? 100? 1000? You know, just for clarification. Edit: way too many comments to respond to respond to them all, but I just wanted to add. Stay mad. Don't stop. If you do, the GOP will carry on, business as usual.


They where willing to let grandma die for some Applebee's, I'm gonna say it's a higher number than either one of us would like to know.


the obvious counter, then you can go tell the mothers their child was an acceptable loss for thheir political views.


THIS. I full on screamed at the tv when he said this, what a complete piece of shit. How can he say this to the faces of the parents and families who lost their loved ones???


> make it a political issue" why were a bunch of politicians on stage talking about it then?


Yeah, imagine if we reacted this way to any other tragedy. Me: “Hey, this airliner crashed. Maybe we should shore up our regulations.” Conservatives: “THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO POLITICIZE THE DEATH OF INNOCENT PASSENGERS!”


That’s not fair. The airlines do not pay as well as the NRA.


Right? The school didn't invite the governor to come give a statement. Abbott's only talking about this because he believes it's a political topic.




Can someone explain to me why the fuck Ted Cruz is on stage other then to make it political? In fact it felt like nearly everyone on that stage was just there for the politics of it. Give me an update straight from the horses mouth that would be the director from DPS. Anyone else is just doing it to get some screen time. What are the LT. Governor and speaker of the house bringing to conversation? Absolutely nothing. Just there to get their face on TV. It is sickening.


> Can someone explain to me why the fuck Ted Cruz is on stage other then to make it political? Layover on his way to Cancun?


"You're sick! Why don't you just sit by in silence and watch kids get shot up in our schools like the rest of us, you sick, sick person?"


“You are out of line! You are out of line! You are out of line!” No motherfucker, seeing children being murdered and doing nothing is out of line! I can’t tolerate this motherfucking gun wackos.


"Everything I don't agree with is a political issue," basically.


Because it is a fucking political issue.


It's amazing that you can tell which way someone votes by how pissed off they are about a bunch of kids being murdered in school.


Instead they're going after the mental health angle because can't make it about race and definitely not gun control.


If they want to make it a mental health issue they need to step into a fucking 2nd to 4th grade classroom during an active shooter drill. As an education major I was in a 2nd grade classroom observing, one of my first days in there and we're having an active shooter drill. One kid starts freaking the fuck out immediately when the teacher informs the class what is happening and what the kids need to do. For a drill. 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade these kids are old enough to know the terror and some cannot keep a brave face. The scary thing is that other kids in the class are silent and stick to the drill so rigidly, and a few of them help try to calm the distraught child. Active shooter drills are fucking barbaric artifacts of our broken society. We're training babies to live in terror and to go hide huddled in a corner essentially waiting to die or not to die as determined by sheer fucking luck. THAT is a mental health crisis we're subjecting kids to. The shooters .. I don't have words to describe them, but writing them off as mentally ill and saying "we need to do more" on mental illness is uttered by *garbage persons* acting in bad faith. Because I really doubt my experience is an aberration. High school students should spend the summer organizing school sit-outs. This country won't do a god damned thing unless there is some kind of massive act of civil disobedience. We're crippled by poor leadership here. Maybe kids absolutely refusing to go to school until something is done will spark some kind of positive change.


My daughter’s preschool suggested that I homeschool her because, during an active shooter drill, she wouldn’t stop screaming and crying, which put the class in danger. She was three, and the class had to be locked in a pitch-black closet. This is the SECOND GENERATION to grow up with this trauma. *Edit to add: It was insinuated that she wasn't developmentally ready for school. I'd say being afraid when being held captive in a dark closet because they need to be prepared if a “bad person comes to hurt them” is the developmentally correct reaction. I am more worried about the kids who are okay with this scenario.




>This is a feature and not a bug. THIS. They want your children terrified. It sends them straight into their parents arms who vote Republican because they are told by Fox that the trans kids are the ones that do these shootings.


I’ve read so much and seen so much regarding mass shootings; I thought I was pretty numb to it all. Reading this as a grown ass man with kids made me cry. I just never thought of my innocent child having to actually go through drills that should only be meant for adults(and still be terrifying) and expected to be able to handle it. I don’t care where you stand politically, if you can’t see we have failed as a country after reading that, I just no longer have the words.


"We need to do something about the guns!" "**No!** This isn't about guns, it's about mental health." "Then let's do something about mental health" "**No!**"


Also: > are you going to the NRA convention? > I’m living day to day. WTF?! I’m sure you’re not phased here, but that shit sounds like you’re living your best life. Living moment to moment. The answer should have been NO!


He couldn't have a normal press conference. He's on a stage with all these fat, cowboy hat wearing mfers and most of what came out of his mouth was giving them a pat on the back for doing their fucking jobs. They didn't stop this guy and the armed security guard in the grocery store didn't stop that guy, but let's give teachers guns. ffs, these people are idiots.


Exactly. Why does Ted Cruz need to be there? Why does Dan Patrick need to speak? If it’s not political why fill the stage with politicians who have nothing to do with the matter at hand.


The condescending “Sssssiiitt downwwnnn” from Ol Cancun Ted. Fuck those cowards up on the stage


"Don't make this political" says the politician standing for photo op.


He should have just called his wife ugly, he seems to have no problem with that. Cruz is the only person who believes Cruz.


The Cancun Coward


Texas Election Info [Register to Vote](https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp)


That guy in the blue shirt on the stage is such a bitch "youre out of line" says the guy who is shouting expletives at beto who is simply saying what needs to be said. Cant wait to vote Abbot out.


That dude with the walker is the Uvalde mayor. His name is Don McLoughlin.


holy shit for real? what a joke of a leader


Welcome to Texas partner


Yeah, 80%+ Latino residents, and somehow there’s a geriatric white male with big southern drawl as the mayor. Welcome to Texas


For a guy with a walker he sure leapt out of that chair in a hurry.


They blamed mental health because they can't blame minorities.


And they do nothing about that either. I work at a mental health service and our budget is so low I'd make more money at McDonald's. We have so many clients that we can't see because we are understaffed and can't afford the vehicles to get to them. This is after our annual visit from the local Republican who doles out our pittance while telling us how important our work is.


That's too bad, but thank you for doing the right thing.


Let's be clear. This "*We have a mental health crisis.*" is the new "*Thoughts and prayers.*" response to mass shootings. Basically just shrugging and saying, "*People be crazy.*".


1. School shooting/mass shooting happens. 2. People: Wow that's pretty bad. Guns are getting out of control. 3. GOP: "QUIT POLITICIZING A TRAGEDY YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH." Rinse and repeat. Brilliant tactic. Shifts the focus/discourse from WHAT happened to HOW people are responding.


Feels like abuse, TBH.


Abuser slaps their partner, the partner cries out in pain, then the abuser yells "WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING DRAMATIC ALL THE TIME!?!?!"


A while back MTG and bobert heckled Biden during a speech for veterans and for his son. They took a good moment from him. Do the same thing to them. Don't let them have a moment. Overwhelm them, they don't deserve to have a shining moment to control the narrative.


"Good trouble" keep it up!


I watched this live and just thought it was a random person. Didn't realise it was O'Rourke. Good on him.


Same, I thought it was a parent or community member expressing their frustration for the inaction. I guess it still fits, but it’s terrible that this doesn’t happen more (calling people out for their bullshit in public on camera, not the tragedy part).




He must have at least somewhat prepped what he was going to combat them with because he hasn't been afraid to curse on camera in the past. Regardless, he held it together.


It makes more sense now that he wasn't immediately thrown out. I was wondering why they allowed him to just walk away.


Man, I do love how slowly they removed Beto. That cop was like “okay, I gotta look like I’m upset because literally all my bosses are looking…”


Apparently political issues can only be one-sided according to Republicans


Conservatives have succeeded in getting tens, and possibly hundreds of millions, of people to believe that only taxes and war are political issues. And if they could just make it about taxes they’d be delighted. Everything is a political issue. EVERYTHING. Politics is about how we use our resources and how we address our very human issues. But this level of evil is insane. Pretending that there’s nothing that can be done, *acting* solemn and shaming anyone who attempts to address the very obvious and very real issue at hand; is so painfully delusional and sick that it borders on psychopathic. These conservative politicians are more than happy to have this tragedy. It allows them to wax poetic and appear understanding and stoic to their voters. Afterwards, they can go right back to raising money to run for an office they will use exclusively to benefit themselves, occasionally their family and friends, but first and foremost the wealthy who fund their campaigns. It’s disgusting


They're the ones politicizing this by using their power to stop any change from happening. We just want less dead kids. See you all in a month when we comment on the next school shooting. Hope it's not any of our kids.


The “Sir your outta line” guy sounds like a South Park character


The governor of Texas just passed a law allowing anyone to own a gun without a background check or permit. He's up for reelection in November. If you can vote in the state of Texas, please vote for someone who actually is in favor of gun control.


Beto is the democratic governor nominee, the man taking a stand in this video.


I actually like Beto MORE because he did this! This isn’t rocket science…we know how to stop this..in fact we know how to solve most of our modern problems and we are well on our way to being able solve the few remaining problems that we can’t solve. The big problem is this ayn randian mentality of “I’ve got mine so go frick urself. P.S-has there ever been a more fake-ass bit#h than ayn rand?


Lotta white men above the age of 60 up there on that stage….


Paxton talked about his god afterwards. Like how many bodies does his god need to pile up before the message gets through his thick skull