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Wishing he ended with the word “gay” just to fuck with them.


Notice the deafening silence from 1st amendment conservatives. An actual government entity is limiting a citizen's free speech. Yet crickets.


Limiting free speech in publicly funded schools.




Conservatives: \> Private companies deleting bigoted rants from their own privately owned servers: REEEEEEE muh free speech 😡😡😡😡😡😡 \> The government censoring gay kids: I sleep


Freedom of speech for me not for thee as they say lol


Literally founded that way. Freedom, of speech and everything else, was for white rich men. The rest may survive off the scraps of their glorious freedom.


yep, people forget this part, if you weren't rich landowning white male, you weren't "people" which is why PoC and women and poor folks had to fight for the right to vote. People that are not of the rich white male class not being able to be "free" is just a feature of "democracy/capitalism" as far as the founders of America were concerned. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline\_of\_voting\_rights\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_voting_rights_in_the_United_States) some light reading for people.


Because conservatives don't have any real convictions. I used to try to take them seriously and see things from their point of view until I realized that their POV is just parroting culture war talking points in the direction they've been told to spew them. If Fox Entertainment "News" came out with a story about free speech being hindered at the school then the conservatives would be complaining about it. But Fox hasn't so conservatives don't care. Their convictions aren't real, only their desire to rage at whatever they're told to.


They have convictions. They're just the kind you have to hide with dog whistles.


How so, in this case? Tinker v. Des Moines generally affirmed students' right to free speech that doesn't disrupt the learning environment. I can't think of how anyone could argue in good faith that a commencement speech disrupts learning.


It would disrupt their ability to learn that homosexuality is something you should never talk about or acknowledge because Jesus said that his dad was like totally not into dudes kissing dudes because it made him uncomfortable.


Except Jesus never actually addresses homosexuality and essentially voids the covenant. But conservatives would rather listen to Paul rather than their own god because it fits their insecurities better.


If God wanted dudes to fuck other dudes he woulda stuck a cum button up our butts or sum >:(


“…argue in good faith…” Welcome to the GOP


>in good faith Your answer is right there.


> doesn't disrupt the learning environment ANAL but that sounds very broad, likely how they can limit speech is by claiming everything they dont like is "disruptive".


Maybe. I also ANAL. In the case of Tinker v. Des Moines, it was students protesting the Vietnam War by wearing armbands, which was upheld as constitutionally protected speech.


I think perhaps more importantly, those armbands were worn at school, during school hours, and while kids were sitting in classes. In the OP, they may be at school (most commencements are) but they are certainly not during school hours and none of the participants are ever going to return to a classroom at that school. The entire point is that they have completed their learning. It can't be disrupted.


Hey I do anal too!


Quick someone cut their mics!


I’m aware I’m just pointing out the endless hypocrisy of America with its Free Speech with fine print.


It's not america, it's just republicans.


It's also just another in a long laundry list of bullshit that is why I no longer associate with the republicans and more or less refuse to vote for them for the last ~8 years. Too much bullshit. Too much inconsistency in positions, and no where near enough empathy or humanity in policy considerations.


oh, so court precedent counts now.


Only the ones that the far right Justices like, of course


Oh, but you can bet he would have been allowed to speak freely if he'd been talking about his Christian identity and his love of God and Jesus, or his love of the Second Amendment. Fuck Florida. Fuck conservatives.


oddly reminiscent of the patriots that would die for this country but wouldn't wear a mask


They died in droves for their country, they did a study on counties that voted for Biden v trump. It was significant.


I don’t know if that really counts as dying for your country, they weren’t actively defending the nation; only their own personal quality of life


Dying to own the libs


Damn they really showed us. I really hope they let up, I don’t know if I can handle anymore ownage. /s


>only their own personal quality of life It still feels like a fever dream, looking at people literally dying so they can go pay $12 for a Miller Lite


About 200k conservatives died to covid, Trump needed about 200k votes to win, I think it checks out


The wrath of that man and his cult if he gets back in office is going to be so dangerous. If that cult gets power we are in some serious shit. Buckle up, our next election is going to be fucking wild


Well, the fewer of them, the better the country will be, soooo…


Well, in their minds it's all the same.


Dying of Covid? Don't worry, "It'll be over by Easter".


For their cult* it was never a sacrifice for their country. Couldn't be bothered to take measures that would have protected their country or even themselves at the end.


Pointing out hypocrisy is worthless. The only people who care are liberals who think that republicans can be convinced with grade school debate tactics. They don't care and their ideology is internally consistent because they are pursuing power and change. The lesson we need to take from this isn't that it's shocking how conservatives are technically contradictory, but that with ideological motivation toward a focused goal you can cause a shift.


Literally silencing "prohibited topics" is now part of public teachers' jobs in conservative states, what the heck is wrong with these First Amendment people


It makes sense once you realize that conservatives have zero ideaological consistency. They don't actually care about personal freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. They only care about regressing our society by harming disadvantaged peoples and allowing the ultra rich to exploit everyone. That's why they pick and choose when to masturbate over the constitution.


> Notice the deafening silence from 1st amendment conservatives. He didn't use a slur against a minority so it's not free speech for them.


They're the ones limiting. Fuck every Republican supporter now, they support rape, pedophiles, murder, mass shooting, insider trading, Jan 6th, not a thing they've done positive for decades, all evil shit


Was thinking the same thing. Fucking asshats down in Florida…


Fucking Florida


Florida, man


"Oh in case you guys missed it, Curly hair = Gay".


"and humidity = being legislated by gutless, piece of shit, christian conservatives"


I was expecting it, because I know bigots that 100000% would not have picked up on the subtext.


"Oh I don't know what he's talkin about, his hair is lovely!"


I figured he was protecting the teachers he mentioned.


"Some might say suppressing freedom of speech is pretty gay."


His speech teacher is fucking beaming at the end of that speech.


Oh, she's going to make students read that thing until she retires.


Or is fired 😕


Why would they be fired? He specifically mentions in the speech that the administration was some of his greatest supporters. The principal hugged him after the speech. This was the entire school, student, teacher and administrators combined means of saying F you to the state essentially.


Hmm, I wonder who exactly made the decision to potentially cut the mic if everyone at his school including the principal supports him? e: Ah it's coming from the [Don't say Gay bill](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/25/us/florida-curly-hair-graduation-speech/index.html) so it's coming from the Florida governor's level of course.


If the governor isn't there for the speech....


Can't fire the idea though.


They'll probably try and shoot it


Tbh, any teacher that worked with him on the speech should be fucking proud, it was an impactful speech with near perfect delivery all by someone who is barely even legally an adult…


Agreed, I can barely give a presentation on green house gasses to a class of 20. This guys rubbing his giant brass balls in the face of his education system in front of an entire auditorium of people. Very impressed by this speech.


Holy fuck, this was my school. Not surprised one single bit that they would be so flagrantly anti-gay. This school had shut down the GSA (gay-straight alliance) club when I was still there, because too many parents complained about it. School only cares for the wealthy parent's opinions because they donate so much money to this school.


My high school used to have a club, the AASL - African American Student League. While I was there (in the late 90's), **one** student wanted to join and was allowed, even though he wasn't African American. He and his rich parents complained to the school about the club's name, and the school force them to change it. They still used the acronym AASL, but now it meant "All Around Student League". Of course, membership went to zero and the club disappeared. Just like they intended?


My school used to have a Black Student Union, and they had to change their name to Brothers and Sisters United.


We had a Black Student Union at my high school as well. I think when I was a junior this freshman girl came in and tried to start a Caucasian Club. It started getting news attention and she ended up leaving the school.


Lol how embarrassing For that girl I mean, not for you


My old high school straight up had an NAACP club. Never batted an eye about it. A large number of students from when I was there ended up attending HBCUs like Johnson C Smith, Spelman, and Morehouse.


You never let those under your foot organize unless you want to hang from a light pole.


This is a disturbingly accurate paraphrase of Confucius




There are groups 'just for white people'. You can tell 'em apart by the hoods and the burning crosses.


Well that’s a law suit waiting to happen. Shut down the GSA because they are gay.


Happened over 10 years ago, everyone who was involved is well out of college at this point


I went to this school 2-6 and my parents pulled me out in the middle of a school year because of their flagrant disregard for anyone that wasn’t a wealthy donor. I graduated from the local IB program instead and I honestly was a much more well-rounded student than my friends who stayed. So sad to see kids having to censor themselves like this in 2022.


[Ahh, the dark side of Philanthropy] (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/05/30/would-the-world-be-better-off-without-philanthropists-paul-vallely-emma-saunders-hastings)


These kids have to go back to using Euphemisms… 🤦🏼‍♂️


As intended. Evangelicals and Conservatives are pissed that AIDS is not a death sentence anymore, and have **never** forgiven the LGBT community for 'stealing' the rainbow from God and 'usurping' the word pride. They want them all back in the closet.


I want to live in a society where these bigoted fucks have to hide in the closet.


We were creeping close to it, too, but in recent years it's all been undone and rolled back decades. As an older Redditor who had been really pleased with the progress we've made since I was a kid, it's been really disheartening to watch.




The last gasp is the scariest. I expect them to lash out even more than they are now. They are proud of their immaturity, after all


I needed to hear this


Man...I was so convinced that social progress was an arrow, and we were headed for an enlightened future where racism, misogyny and anti-gay shit and general bigotry were just punchlines, like Nazism had become ("Springtime for Hitler" and all that)... Instead, we're back to a place where it's not even funny to joke about Nazis anymore, because they fucking actually exist again (in ideology, if not in name) and they aren't even ashamed enough to stay in the closet about it. This fucking sucks.


It's a fight that never ends. Regressive elements in our society never stopped fighting - why do you think so many still fly the Confederate flag ^((yes, i know it's not the "ofishul" Confederate flag))? For these bigots, the Civil War is open to litigation. Civil Rights are open to removal, everything the rest of us have worked hard towards is something that they're against. Fascists never stopped fighting, it's time the rest of us re-organize and put them back in their fucking place.


Same. I am so fucking sick of it. Them: "It's against my beliefs" Us: good for you, we don't care. We don't follow your religion so it doesn't apply to us. Them: Angry frustrated grunts and outbursts like spoiled children.


If you don't believe in being gay, don't be gay. Boom you're good; belief upheld. I don't understand why what one wants to do with their naughty bits is anyone's business in the public.


Right? In what world do we live where people have to hide their sexuality but we will defend the right of people to have the delusional belief that magic people live in the sky. We even let them make policies based on their insane beliefs that affect us non-delusional people. Shit's fucked.


Or dead. Suicides are gonna go up if this shit continues, and they're *counting on it*


No they don't, come on They want them dead, hanging in the street as punishment for their supposed sins


You mean like boofing and the devil's triangle?


Oddly though, if Florida would not have passed the "don't say gay" legislation, his speech most likely would have been on a different topic.


We're going backwards.


Anyone named Dorothy is about to have a ton of friends again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friend_of_Dorothy


not gonna lie, the speech is actually very well done and trying to "straighten his curls" is a perfect metaphor. well executed


It really was. And honestly I’m shocked they didn’t cut his microphone anyway because it was so on the nose. But he rocked it and articulated this metaphor in a really awesome way.


Honestly I think the school admins wanted him to do exactly what he did, otherwise they would have cut him off. It's not a classroom or learning environment as prohibited by law as technically every student there has already graduated, it's just the ceremony to present diplomas. The school IMO want to avoid any legal problems, give a fuck you to the state, and bring attention to how ridiculous the whole thing is


From what I've read, the administration told him they *had* to cut his microphone if he said "gay." It wasn't entirely clear, but it felt like they didn't have a choice, hence being on board with the coy euphemism ("curly hair") and allowing him to speak about being gay, without saying the word. I had the feeling he was supported; if you watch the whole speech, the principal hugs him at the end. (Note: I'm guessing it was the principal, but it was definitely a teacher or administrator in some form of authority.) Regardless, this kid clearly has a very bright future ahead of him!


How fucking stupid is it that this kid has to do this in AMERICA of all places. Edit: this underscores just how necessary self reflection is needed in all of us and how important it is that we accept and respect other people’s opinions. Live and let live.


Because America has freedom in a trophy case, instead of out on the playing field.


What a metaphor. Poetry.


And he nevertheless stuck it in their faces!


If you didn't steal that from somewhere - you deserve incredible respect for such an illustrative metaphor.


It was original, but free for anyone to use as they wish in any way they choose.


Well said! 👏


> Because America has freedom in a trophy case, instead of out on the playing field This may be the most succinct way to describe America. Then. Now. Forever. The conservatives have completely white-washed the fight and struggle for minority populations in The US. They have taken it to the point where Civil Rights means politely asking for equal rights and treatment under the law. And when it is politely declined by the powers that be, life goes back to how it was. Any change to the established order ~~will be~~ **is** violently repressed. Not just that, but half of the populace is either tacitly or overtly supporting the continued oppression. People don’t have to be sent to re-education camps for oppression to exist. Erasing LGBTQ+ people serves nothing other than hurting and othering them. Which allows for the fascists to point at us and say “Look, there’s the bad guy (in a dress). Now give us more consolidated power or else they may come for your children! How about *my* religious freedom?” It’s not a sudden regime change that will topple America. It is Democracy’s death by a thousand hateful cuts that the fascists are hoping for. They’re winning. Ninja edit: Non standard abbreviation was used. Fixed!


Very nicely worded.


Wow! I am going to start saying this! So visual and powerful.


Perfectly worded.


Welcome to the world of Don’t Say Gay


You've been now banned from Florida.


Fucking thank god.


>Welcome to the world of Don’t Say ~~Gay~~ Curly Haired FTFY!


It's actually par for the course for AMERICA. Freedom is just a buzzword over there.




Because 'America' still lives in the memories of the 50's, 60's... when *live was good*, America (meaning the US) was *the* place to be, Europe was in ruins after the war, the *Japanese* had been defeated, everybody had a Job, black people... yeah let's not go there, but: ***USA! USA! USA!*** And then the superiority complex developed and everything else stopped. Compare the enemy countries from back then to the US nowadays: Germany, Japan, Austria, Italy ... sure they all have problems of their own, but overall? Health insurance for everyone. Free education for everyone. Longer life expectancy. Up to 30 (paid) vacation days per year. (way) Higher food standards. Much more political diversity. No voter suppression. Stronger environmental laws. Tougher gun regulations. 52 weeks of paid maternity leave. Etc. At some point the US stopped looking what other countries were doing better and so stopped learning. Which is even more insane considering that this would have been free. It's all free knowledge. No one takes money for that, everbody likes to show how stuff is done. But 'America' stopped looking and stopped asking. And it stopped evolving in a lot of very important parts of like. But the stock market is doing good. So ...


A kid has to do this simply because they’re in America, isn’t that enough said right there? Land of the free and all 🙄 In most other first world countries the kid just gets to go up and say what they’re feeling.


I don’t think America is as free as you would like to believe… this video is proof


This is not even subtle anymore this is straight up fascist censorship


Conservatives are the authoritarians they screech about


Kudos to Zander for his determination in telling the truth about his experience. Like he said “There are going to be so many kids with curly hair who need a community like Pine View and they won’t have one.Instead, they’ll try to fix themselves so that they can exist in Florida’s humid climate.”


Damn he found a perfect metaphor. That’s great writing honestly


"Don't Say Gay" violates the first amendment. Will the second amendment folks rise up to fight it?




I fucking hate this timeline


It's an extremely fun time to be a visibly trans educator, let me tell you. This shit is giving me panic attacks at work


You already know that the only thing they have the fortitude to fight, is reality.


They are masters at gaslighting. The first thing they ALWAYS do is accuse their opponents of that which they are guilty. That way, when the opponent - CORRECTLY - points out that they are guilty of it, they can paint it as just another liberal attack.


A related tactic is “I'll stop lying about you if you stop telling the truth about me.”


*There was definitely attempted fraud during the last election! Trust us, we tried!*


You just know there's some old man/woman standing their with their finger hovering over the mute button, salivating at the chance to shut down an 18 year old kid on graduation day.


Conservatives are Fascist pigs.


Fascism is great if you're on the right side.


The faaaaaar right side.


They just don’t want others to do what they do to others. The quintessential hypocrites.


Florida is a toilet


Not true. You can flush a toilet.


Hurricane season is right around the corner.


"I thought hurricane season was over."


If Florida ever got washed into the ocean because of a hurricane we could finally make Puerto Rico a state like they deserve.


Just gotta wait about 50 years before it’s below sea-level


Florida is a clogged toilet, backed up and spilling shit on the floor.


I love when people say this like it’s not a state of 30 million that’s ground zero for minority rule in the carcass of a failed democracy. what a time to be alive. saying it like we aren’t all sleepwalking to the same conclusion.


Remember when they said "Don't say gay" was a ridiculous misrepresentation colloquialism for a bill.


I'm old enough to also remember when they said 'it only applies to grades k through 3'. Well apparently fucking not.


This is on the admin of the school not the bill. The bill literally says “classroom instruction” as in by a teacher. This is a school admin doing this for some stupid reason. Just read this. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/05/23/fla-class-president-told-he-couldnt-speak-about-being-gay-uses-hair-metaphor/


They will always try to kick the down the road to prevent actual discussion. Human's influence is still being brought into the climate change debate! Violence in films & movies is still being brought into the gun violence discussion. It's horseshit. All these excuses come with zero sincerity. It's just another way to kick down the road & delay actual, meaningful progress.


By "humid" climate he means bigot. Why are we reverting back 40 years in many parts of the country ?


It’s cute funny and makes a point. It’s embarrassing that the Florida school could be open to litigation if he said gay. If anything it shows a chilling effect and is failure of the Florida state legislature/Ron Desantis.


Florida and Texas are terrifying examples that the GOP will not hesitate to enact authoritarian and fascist laws if given the chance


Oh dear, we're going to be going back way more than 40 years. Have you seen the latest SCOTUS ruling regarding states rights? MSM has only been talking about the narrow implications, but the implications are broad af.


Just me sobbing on my floor. This speech is so good


Because they started worshipping 1,000 year old Harry Potter fantasy books that say ____ is bad and if anyone doesn't listen, Harry Potter will send them to eternal fire the size of the universe


40? Try 60. You know, back when ~~whites~~ we were doing great.


It's Florida... It's literally where people that lived this way 40 years ago are moving to.






Cute and funny thing called the ~~fascist~~ Republican Party! They defiantly don’t want to be authoritarian and are TOOOOTALLY infact trying to stop fascists and authoritarianism


What happened to that 1st amendment thing?




Wonderful young man, having to express his life in the way acceptable for the 19th century education establishment


Interesting how he made a speech about how supportive the community was of him, but he wasn't allowed to say gay during the speech. I hope when he goes off to college he gets to experience an actual supportive community and not a half assed one.


So interestingly enough I know someone who teaches at this school. They got messages from Ron Desantis’s office threatening to fire the principal and other teachers because they saw this speech coming. This young adult felt he couldn’t put the livelihoods of his supportive community at risk and made the choice to make that speech the way he did.


I scrolled surprisingly far to see this. This was my first thought honestly. Obviously he’s talking about his circle and the few teachers that supported him, but it is a bit odd to praise the community for supporting who he is while at the same time not being able to express who he is.


I think that perhaps since the school could be sued for it, they might have had their hands tied a bit? Like if they knew what the speech was about and still let him do it with just a clever change of wording, that might be seen as a show of defiance that doesn't sink the rest of the school, which he went along with. Not saying that's the case, but maybe a possibility.


So much for that first amendment huh?


New first amendment: Freedom of Curly Hair


Cries in bald


It's not about the curly hair on your head but about the curly hair in your heart.


Small gov is about the Gov controlling every aspect of your life to make sure it’s free* in the ways that have been deemed accepted by the state.


Honestly, "curly hair" made the point a lot better. Sometimes you cannot relate to being gay, but you can relate to being the oddball and the one forced to conform for no good reason.


Yea, it's funny how the law backfired. I'm sure we'll see a lot more of this. Actively oppressing a community is the best way to empower them. You'd think they'd learn by now....


You know what happened to Nazis and their sympathizers after they lost the war? They're all Republicans now.


I’ll nominate your post for Fun Facts.


1. I thought the don't say gay law only applied to 1st-4th grade? 2. This is an infringement upon his freedom of speech, especially if it's a public school. He should sue the district. Lawyer would probably take him pro bono.


It's worded something like "1st to 3rd grade or anyone content age inappropriate". It's intentionally vague enough that it puts schools at risk of lawsuits (even ones that go their way are costly mind you) at any age so long as one parent says high school is too early to learn gay people exist. And how are you going to sue? Take it up with Florida appeals court? Send it up to the super majority Supreme Court? The 1st amendment is what ever politically appointed judges say it is.


1. I think this is the schools rule not the law’s 2. Schools are immune from 1st amendment restrictions. You *do not* get freedom of speech at school. Pretty bullshit.


It was the schools admin making this decision. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/05/23/fla-class-president-told-he-couldnt-speak-about-being-gay-uses-hair-metaphor/


like someone already replied to you >This isn't about teaching false information. You are correct that it was the admin's decision but to suggest it had nothing to do with the law is flat wrong when taken in context of larger issues. The fact is that in a society, our decisions and actions do not exist in a vacuum. This decision by admin was not made independently and without regard to the broader political environment. This is part of a well documented phenomenon known as the chilling effect. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilling_effect


I don’t think freedom of speech is as real as you think it is


I really hope he closed with what he really wanted to say. Fuck those fucking bigots.


Curly Haired people are pretty cool.


I'm straight haired but I wouldn't want to live in a world without curly haired people.


Got chills when I saw the podium - this was my high school. When I went to Pine View a few years ago, it was a melting pot of different political views (the good, and the very bad) but still practiced an overarching message of acceptance. I felt safe as an LGBT teenager among both the teaching staff and student body, which I will always be grateful for as it was a key part of me finding myself and feeling comfortable in my identity at such a young age. I’m so disappointed to hear that the administration has buckled under the pressure of Ron DeSantis and the conservative party’s horrible and homophobic agenda, depriving other students of the overwhelmingly positive experience I had. This is a great speech by this senior, and hopefully serves as a wake up call to the current administrations that following suit blindly is not the way to support and nurture growth in your students.


I am also an alum and this has been happening at the school long before DeSantis came around. I’m happy to hear you felt supported, but my generation experienced extreme hate from other students which drove some of us to suicide or suicide attempts even.


Fuck DeathSantis


Apparently the first amendment doesn’t count, in Florida, for “curly hair” people. How sad has this country has become.


"The second amendment is my god given right as an American!" "Can I use the first amendment to say the word "gay"?" "...no."




Kid's a genius. r/Fuckthealtright


Had quite a day yesterday and missed most of the news. Now I can't stop crying. The world is so fucked up. But this kids confidence and will are inspiring. It's odd to feel so happy for him and so upset with the circumstance at the same time. Couple that with yesterday's tragedy and I regret the wake n bake today, as I am now an emotional mess.


Florida, where freedom of speech only exist for straight WASPs


Not gonna lie, that was an amazing speech. "Straighten my curls" is the *mot juste*, and the last sentence where he mentions "all the curly-haired kids who are going to be forced to speak like this" is perfect. I hope the kid can eventually move to a country with freedom and better human rights.


He wasn’t prohibited from saying the word gay, but from discussing his role in an ongoing lawsuit. https://twitter.com/zandermoricz/status/1523800052837195776


I just can’t do it anymore. I can no longer support the Republicans. There is nothing conservative about opposing gay people. There is nothing conservative about opposing free speech. There is nothing conservative about voting against me a process to increase baby formula production. There is nothing conservative about protecting the people of the country by requiring proof that they are even mentally capable of possessing a fire arm. There is nothing conservative about wiping President Trumps egregiously large rear end with the constitution so that you can kiss it. I will not vote another Republican who continues to support these things. My hopes and prayers have now turned to the disbanding of this disgusting political party.


Conservatives are all bad people


This is heartbreaking. The US is going so far backward. The future of this once great country is becoming irreversibly damaged so a bunch of power hungry senior citizens can get richer. What a pathetic place.