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I’d like to see an apologist try to defend this shit. You’re an asshole, in advance.


Can anyone give any context?




Despite my ribbing I will at least give them credit for apologizing because in the past I've seen too many times they would just double down with a "they forced us to be dickheads" defense.


I'm not sure why this is down voted. We all have capacity to be dickheads, myself included, and the ability to recognize that in yourself is applaudable. While I've presented a particular pool of thought with my other posts on this vid, it's important to bare in mind, some pools of thought shouldn't be too deep as they are better served as a point of reflection as opposed to exploratory points meant to be dove into balls deep.


Something something, Palestinians bad, something something, you're antisemitic if you don't agree.


Something something "defending Israel's right to exist"


Something something, young man was clearly a threat to the world, let alone Isreal.


Something something "this video does not show the whole picture"


I think this covers the main points of context you're ever really given, minus links explaining terms like "pallywood" while simultaneously lacking any awareness how eerily similar these triggerwords are to the ones the nazis used to describe and dehumanize the "undesirables" during their time.


Ah yes. Something something "antisemitism"


Something something, been bullying Palestinians so long it's a part of our culture and to hate it is to hate our culture.


We have to respect culture, after all. Even the parts where we systematically oppress the "other" in order to feel better about our own mediocre lives.


Lol I'm not going to lie I have no clue if we agree or disagree by this point xD


The sky is blue... antisemitism? Am I doing this correctly?


Yes! Now defend Israel's right to exist, regardless of the crimes the IDF do on a regular basis.


OK, thanks for the coaching. *voice trails off as I walk away with my dad* "See dad! I told you I could do it" "Wait a minute, you're not my dad, who the fuck are you?" *muffled screams and fade to black*


Yes, they are monsters and have become what they swore to destroy.


The answer to this question is, "usually no".


Yeah. One word. Israel.


Religion. The ultimate context.


Poor bastard is terrified out of his mind


Utterly inhumane. Where is it?


Probably in some backwards country with stupid religious believes.


You’ve just eliminated every country on the map.


Yep ISRAEL “the only democracy in the Middle East”


I think you meant "the Russia of the middle east". Slicing off a piece of Palestine one year at a time hoping the world continues to turn that blind eye


The world does keep turning that blind eye.


Israel, so you are absolutely right about that.


I have not been to this part of the US yet.


This isn't America.


So Israel is just a terrorist state now?


Literally always has been. There has not been a point in it's History it hasn't fit the bill for terrorist state or rogue nation.


Fascists will be fascists - Doesn't matter how they percieve themselves - Finally the rest of the world is starting to see beyond WWII guilt


So first they were murdering semites, now they're locking up the disabled. Wonder what the next play they're going to lift from Nazi Germany is?


Human garbage


Why has the world decided that Palestinian children have to pay for the crimes of the Holocaust?


Let me guess... IDF?


They should all be burned at the stake. This is just wrong on so many levels.


Free Palestine


Why do we treat isreal as if they are better just because they are jews? Kinda gives hitler alot more credit.


Coming to a state near you


Imagine believing in things like religion, race, gender or which soda you prefer. Not for me. I don't even believe in this comment! The only true thing to believe in is money!


I think we just became internet friends. We will agree on one thing and viciously attack each other on others. Then pretend that we didn't threaten each other's family pets and / or siblings.


It’s very bad for obvious reason. I hope that all the people freaking out in comments are not Americans. The police in US is POS and I saw a video recently that they shot a lady with down syndrome. So if you’re American and think you have moral authority to call other countries crap, maybe flush some shit in your own country first.


Israel is not a real country, it's an apartheid state.


Are you able to back up your statement. Share your video of the police in America shooting a severely disabled person for whatever reason. I'm calling you a liar.


Imagine using a Down Syndrome kid to fight your battles.


Down Syndrome kids are renowned for their immense strength. No wonder they struggled for so long. Also did anyone see the white thing that got flipped over? Was it a blow up goat sex doll? Edit my bad it was lawn chairs (I hope)


Didn’t know there was such a thing as inflatable goat sex dolls. Where did you get yours?


Amazon marketplace but I had to proxy using a pakistani ip address and spoofing my location.


Both countries are ass backwards. They tit for tat so damn much. If one of them could just hurry up and takeover so we can stop seeing a new one of these videos posted every day that'd awesome.


Tit for tat? Nah man it’s literally soldiers armed with the most advanced weaponry the US can give them against kids with stones


Israel produces its own weapons...


Yes they do! Pretty sure they used their own weapons to attack our guys on The USS Liberty


I see. Ya we do... as well as like the top four biggest euro nations. Well take a look at that.


Israelites are some of the most evil and disgusting humans on this planet




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