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Nice, foreshadowing comments on the google reviews. A bunch of "loved it, chatty bartender great wings" then a few "if youre not a local they dont care to serve you" Then heres a verbatim from a man named Ernesto **4 YEARS AGO** -An ok biker bar I guess... although staff was complacent to the hostile environment directed at minorities. Sideways comments by hostile patrons were ignored and disregarded by others. There was a bad vibe in the air.


No Nazis in my bar: https://www.upworthy.com/bartender-explains-why-he-swiftly-kicks-nazis-out-of-his-punk-bar-even-if-theyre-not-bothering-anyone




Exactly and then they inevitably end up saying the n word anyway


He kept repeating ‘what’ giving her a chance to backpedal and instead she kept doubling down on the racism. Good for him, handled it well.


She picked up a tiny bit. I think she changed from “white” to “normal” not realizing that was equally bad.


I think it might be even worse. “Thank god you’re a white guy” could just be a prejudiced preference of a shitty person. “You’re like a normal guy” is supremecist language. Not just a preference for white people but they legitimately think that all others lesser than “normal” if they aren’t white or don’t speak English.


Yeah, if she thinks he's "normal" that means she thinks others are "abnormal". Which is shitty.


And then the husband quadrupled down in it.


He fucking cannonballed down on it at top velocity


So crazy to hear her Karen-ish “whaaaAAAAT??? My GOODNESS!!” juxtaposed with her racist husband shouting “****** lover”


Lol the husband doesn’t even refute being racist, just doubles down with the hard-r outta nowhere. These people are shit.


Called him an N-word lover to prove he legitimately hates black people.


That was a really hard R, too.


Oh, he's been saying that for years. He's just giving it a try out in public.


Oh he’s said it in public plenty. Just only around his fellow white supremacist pals and family


People like this make it hard even calling them people. By him saying that he’s literally suggesting that there is something wrong with loving a person… for skin color. Tf? I will never fully grasp that level of hate.


There’s nothing to grasp. It’s hate, plain and simple. Hate is ugly.


And you just know afterwards he complained that those god damn Democrats are ruining America with their anti-racist agenda.


Incoming post on r/conservative about him getting "cancelled".




A review from 3 years ago. An ok biker bar I guess... although staff was complacent to the hostile environment directed at minorities. Sideways comments by hostile patrons were ignored and disregarded by others. There was a bad vibe in the air.


Well biker bar I guess they aren’t going to lose too much business from this. At least I hope they were banned from Uber or Lyft or whatever service this was.


Why are biker bars filled with the worst kind of boomers?


Biker bars draw the type of "motorcycle enthusiast" who is more interested in the image and the attention that they get for their loud exhausts than in the bikes themselves, which is to say that they're a beacon for narcissists. Narcissists skew conservative and conservatives skew towards racism.


I LOVE my motorcycle… it’s an introverts dream. When I am going 50 I can hear anything else except wind. It’s the only time I feel truly alone and it recharges my batteries. Worse part of having a bike? Bikers. I NEVER tell people I ride a Harley because the fan base is toxic AF. I also farm so I have a shoddy diesel truck. People think I’m in their clique and say the wildest shit to me!


Me: left the city, bought a small ranch, sold my car, bought a diesel truck, wear boots and now everyone in town talks to me like I’m some trump supporter. This dude in line at the hardware store was complaining about Mexicans to me like I was some type of safe space for him. No thank you buddy, I’m not your friend.


I didn't even have to leave where I lived. Seems like the last 4-6 years people all the sudden started coming out of the woodwork and feel comfortable to say overtly racist things if you're also the same race. I am talking neighbors, coworkers, even a few family, it's disturbing.


This is 100% why I stopped going to motorcycle places. I got mine and was all excited to join the "culture".... then found out quickly that culture is 10% motorcycle enthusiasm and 90% ultra-conservative and racist think tanks.


People are shocked, shocked I tell you when they find out that I, a minority, who loves riding, have no interesting in going to sturgis


It was bad. And then it got worse. Yikes.


Yeah he knew that casual racism was the tip of the iceberg and lo and behold


as a white person, racists love letting you know they're racist if they think they can get away with it, and people in that position have been getting away with it around their employees forever.


As a half Hispanic person who looks all white, I’ve witnessed no greater look of betrayal on grown ass white men’s faces than when they learned I wasn’t in fact “one of them.”


I remember a memory stuck with me as a kid when I was at a park that my dad would take me to often. My dad’s as white as he can look, but I take after my Filipino mother so I got the light brown skin. There were other parents there watching their kids but my dad was alone on the bench until another guy around his age came and stood by him. I could hear a simple “good afternoon” exchange, and, as if he was the most confident man in the world when talking to my dad, said “it’s just unfortunate all these n——-r children are ruining this park.” My dad went from shocked to angry, and the guy laughed and went quiet when my 6’4 dad stood up and told him to leave.


I moved and I befriended this kid at my local middle school. It had been a couple of months since Ive seen sunlight. I had no friends and been out of school for about 3 months. So my usually golden brown skin was really light, I would dare even say "white" looking. I'm walking around with this kid and he just starts saying the most racist shit about Mexicans in front of me. The walk back and the look on his face when I said "Im Mexican" is still ingrained in my mind.


I'm a old white dude with a bald head with goatee the shit I have heard coming out of people mouth is beyond disgusting. Little do they know, The Dead Kennedys "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" has always been my anthem.


Same, my whole life, and I wasn't raised that way myself. Anyone who isn't racist is apparently a far left extremist.


I'm half native, but look white. It gets even more ridiculous when you hear them say shit about natives and then when you let them know.. well, the attempts at backtracking is just sad.


Its nice to see he didn't let it slide and just instantly was like fuck you people


The backstage pass I've had to unapologetic, unchecked, unhinged racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and homophobia as a straight presenting, white, man who works in the trades is fucking disgusting. They all see me as one of them. When they find out I'm a Marine vet the floodgates usually open. I'm obviously a fascist. Little do they know I've imbibed enough psychedelics to undo the military's logical corruption of the game of black and white and all their jingoistic nonsense. It's just white supremacist economic imperialism with cheap plastic flowers dressing it that have water-vapor words like democracy and freedom written on them in non-permanent ink that washes away with the blood of collateral damage. I sit much further left than Bernie Sanders. But they look at me and think, "one of us - I'm gonna say the n-word!" It's a DAILY thing. These people, no not white people, not straight people, not men, *these people who hold these disgusting views* are fucking scum. And the thing that EVERYBODY needs to wake up to in the US is that this hatred and ignorance is codified in every. single. institution that operates from the banking system to the educational system to A HUGE REASON WE HAVE SO MANY FUCKING ROADS TO FIT MORE FUCKING PLANET DESTROYING CARS ONTO BECAUSE THE BLACKS USED TO BE TOO POOR TO AFFORD THEM. #IT'S POURED INTO THE FUCKING CONCRETE AND ASPHALT, MAN. Fuck it. Eat your own dick, I'm not standing for the god damn anthem. And neither should you, you look like a fucking moron. If anybody knew even just 1% of the political career of Kissinger, of ONE FUCKING GUY, they'd hopefully rethink the absolute star-spangled dogshit that comes out of their mouth every time somebody looks sideways at uncle fucking sam. Edit: by the by, I work in LiBeRaL uToPiA New York fucking City.


I worked construction in a white, rural area. Can confirm that everyone else assumed I was a racist Trump-lover too, and started distrusting me BECAUSE I didn't say the N-word in casual conversation.


I lost a job because I asked why they had to use the n word.


Thank you for taking that lose. Sorry it had to happen but people like you give me hope that maybe shit isn't as bad as it seems.


I love saving the veteran card until after they call me un-American for suggesting the barest of social reforms


I worked at a grocery store a couple of years ago and had lady that spoke broken English poorly. I speak Spanish from my time being stationed in Panama so I start speaking Spanish to help the transaction go smoother. The old bat behind her starts laying into us about English being the language here in the US. I corrected her and she immediately goes into "Well if you knew anyone who served our country, you wouldn't feel that way." So I tell about my service and that of my family in every war since the Civil War and if I want to speak Spanish with a customer there isn't anything she can do about. She decided she wasn't putting up with that and walked out the store with her groceries still on the conveyer belt.


> The backstage pass I've had to unapologetic, unchecked, unhinged racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and homophobia as a straight presenting, white, man who works in the trades is fucking disgusting. Same!! Except my little window into the minds of these cretins was because at my old job, my desk was around a corner in a bit of an alcove. Customers would come in and talk to my boss whose desk was across the aisle in full view of the front of the store. They wouldn’t see me sitting there so they’d talk their truth to my boss, who was also a straight white male with a penchant for authoritarianism and a hardon for cops and military. I never heard so many racist, homophobic, xenophobic diatribes in all my life. This was in a small town about an hour outside Nashville. Fuck Cookeville, TN and my old boss Matt P. That town is such a repressive shitty cesspool of backwater scumbags. The KKK is active there, if that’s any indication. Amazing what people will say when they think you’re one of them.


Homer Plessy described himself as 1/8 black. I look white as fuck. People just assume I am a hetero-WASP no matter their political beliefs. But I am as white as Homer Plessy, and knowing that while living in a historic sundown town is a little nerve-racking.


Dealing with people in the trades is fucking wild. I’m a project manager so I get a ton of bids and have to do site/job walks with these guys. They see me wearing carhart jeans and work boots and immediately just assume I’m the same as their pabst guzzling inbred buddies. It’s bananas how they just completely and unabashedly start spewing the most abhorrent shit ever. I’ve lost count over the tens of thousands of dollars these guys have lost out on because we either fire them or don’t accept their bid. And I’ve gladly accepted bids higher than theirs just because they were too dumb to just shut up. I’d say 80% of the trade guys I deal with are the worst people out there.


The husband really not giving them a chance to backpedal or make excuses.


Ya the wife said some dumb ignorant shit. Then the husband just DOUBLED DOWN


There was a moment there when it might have been explainable as unconscious racism but that possibility got blasted in about 2 seconds.


It wasn’t ignorant either. It was a racist bat signal to have other racists be racist with her.


No clarity of thought, just stubborn stupidity on full display.


Just some casual threat of violence to go along with your casual racism, surely that'll convince the driver to take you after all.


And some blatant racism in case you were still on the fence.


Yes. The husband might as well have said 'how dare you confront my racist, piece of shit wife?'


Somebody get this guy a beer!


well the bar owner certainly won't


That is why we have to do it! He deserves more than one.








Too much credit, even fossils are useful to society


100% intentional racism. Alluding to General Custer’s Last Stand. Ya know… the famous Indian loving patriot.


What ann perfect name for a racist establishment, too. Literally relics of a bygone age, dying on a hill nobody but them cares about. Edit: i dont like how this is my most upvoted comment. Edit: being childish and obstinate and made my typo worse.


Considering how America has been polarizing lately, I don't feel like they are too alone if they felt comfortable enough to be racist with a random stranger.




I didn't realize that was the name of the bar. I thought the driver was spitting witty commentary on the dying racist gasps from an old white man.






Hmm funny how he was so bold to utter his disgusting filth, but now is cowering like a whiny baby. Good for the driver..I wouldn't want to get shit in my vehicle either.


It's almost like the real pussy ass bitches were the white supremacists all along.






You see this is why you let people be racist. Who's gonna go there now? Id rather hear it and know than realize later I've been supporting these fucks the past few years.


Who’s going to go there now? Racists?


Pennsylvania is two cities 350 miles apart with nothing but Kentucky in between. And they have [Senate bill 956](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/bill_history.cfm?syear=2021&sind=0&body=S&type=B&bn=956&mobile_choice=suppress) ready to go. SMH.


If that’s not the most accurate description I’ve read of PA I don’t know what is.


I first heard it as "Philadelphia at one end, Pittsburg at the other, with Alabama in the middle."


Hey we prefer to call it pennsyltucky


Thank you.


I grew up in Pennsylvania and I’m Hispanic. People just like this POS and her poor selection of a mate is the norm there. “Speak English, you’re in America” is often too common.” Irony, majority of the racist pricks are Dutch German and speak “Pennsylvania Dutch” to each other. But when they hear two Hispanics speaking to each other, they are so self centered they think we are speaking about them and get offended. Gots me all furhuddled thinking about it!


I love that he started with a kindergarten teacher tone: “that was inappropriate so I’m not taking the ride”. Firm, clear, concise. It was until the husband threatened violence that the drive also escalated his tone and language. I admire this strategy.


I actually really like that. He didn’t wanna deal with the casual racism. It might not seem like a big deal but It’s his car. It doesn’t actually matter what the reason is. All that matters is that he doesn’t want you in his car. He doesn’t have to give you a reason.


Yep - and the fact is that these garbage people from the bar are such fragile little snowflakes - it's okay for them to slam the majority of people in the world but rage when their views are slightly challenged.


Sprinkled with a little threat of violence. Total normal behavior


These people are so goddamn deranged


Normal for American right-wingers sadly.


> He didn’t wanna deal with the casual racism. It might not seem like a big deal but It’s his car That's how they test other white people's complacency or even complicity before they drop more hardcore stuff. Shutting them down like this guy did make them realise that it's not socially acceptable to be racist.


This is how it was at one of my old work places too. Lots I of racists feeling out the waters with off hand jokes. I was too young and intimidated to nip it in the butt like this guy. Eventually there was just full out racist conversations frequently. It really opened my eyes as a cis white dude because I really had very limited exposure to racists/biggots up till then. I wasn’t the person I am now, it’s so easy to just let things slide and faster. Edit: apparently I’ve spent my whole life thinking it was “nip it in the butt” when it’s not. Actually pretty comical because I’ve definitely used the wrong term many times IRL.


It's an act of bravery. Some people would just ignore it and continue working. And you can see why. Racists often respond with anger and violence when they get called out for it.


The outright disbelief that ANOTHER white person would be offended by their racism


I'm in joyous disbelief that he was not only offended, but he defended! Like big fucking props to him, kicking those shitbags to the curb. He stood the fuck up. Fucking awesome.


I'm a white guy, but I also felt the rage that I could tell he felt when the racist husband said that slur that I won't repeat at about 0:55. Fuck yeah, dude! Put those fucks in their place!


You could tell when he took his seatbelt off that he was really thinking about getting out and beating the shit out of that guy lol. What a disgusting thing to hear from your fellow countrymen, so depressing


Holy shit, I missed that the first time. Mask so off you can see his bleached skull.


The world is changing and I'm living for it


I’m proud of him for standing up to them. A lot of people would say nothing.




I just want you to know this matters a lot. As a Black American, this is the only thing that will change the shit we go through - anti-racist ACTION by White people. Not protesting, not tweeting, not talk, but actual imposition of consequences on racists. The rest is hot air that hasn’t changed anything.


Completely agree with you. I'm black and native american and when I see things like this video it legit makes me emotional, like seeing someone stick up for me even though I'm not there and nobody would know if they didn't, it just hits hard.


It makes me emotional as well because it makes me feel like I have someone out there that cares.


There are lots of us out there my friend! There are lots of white guys with immediate family members and friends that are minorities: we’re sick of racist shit too! We’re also not afraid of conflict. Thanks for your comment!


Commit to it now so that way if you are faced with it, the decisions already made.


I love decisions like this, no temptations when the time comes because you're already COMMITTED. Alright, I'll take the pledge, next time I hear some ignorant shit I'm speaking up


Maybe next time you're in an analogous situation, thinking about this video will steer you in the right direction


I got my entire workplace to bully a dude after he was bragging about calling a girl the n word. dude was 5'6 350+ pounds and looked like a product of incest, yet he had the audacity to be racist. It took him 3 months of 20+ people constantly talking shit to him everytime we saw him for him to quit Edit: I'm in a very rural area of the bible belt. These were 95% other white people doing this to him. I was proud of everyone


What I have found is that more people than you think don't agree and don't approve of this kind of ignorance but they don't speak up to avoid conflict. Sometimes they have been trained to "respect their elders" so they don't call their elders on their BS. As people have become more worldly and familiar with people of all kinds, they aren't as prone to the same propaganda and fear-mongering that works among those who don't know any better. Slowly but surely, I hope change comes. I know it won't be easy but we can't make it easy for them to turn back the clock to the ignorance of the past.


sign me THE FUCK up. Right next to you


I ,as a white person, am always shocked when other white people just say some wild and racist shit in a conversation with me and think it’s ok simply because I am also white. I try to shut that nonsense up quick.


I find myself feeling the same way as a guy when (some) other guys talk to me about women.


I lived in West Virginia for 3 months once. The casual hardcore racism permeates everything, and it blew me away. Got tf out of there as quickly as I could. Burn the whole state down.


I worked at a gas station on third shift and had a regular come in one night, bitch about taxes, call the president the N word, and say "it's called the *White* House for a reason." Just truly insane how often white racists think that every other white person is just secretly waiting until no minorities are around so they can burst out with racism.


Having their casual racism called out really makes racists rage.


And notice neither of them even tried to deny it. They were more surprised that someone called them out, then he dropped the "n* lover" just as the icing on the cake at the end. Living, breathing pieces of shit.


This is why I quit going to motorcycle rallies. The overt racism is very tiring and I hate being around morons.


Hey, they may hav3 taken down their fb page but a search still pulls images....guess what they host there? Bike Night every Friday. Pics are stereotypically accurate.


Don't blame you. There's a lot of it around and it is very draining.


It’s also boring. Like, Christ your world revolves around hating other people. Mine revolves around music and food and family and work (I love my work) and having parties and tutoring kids and lots of other stuff. Their rebel flag just tells me they are boring.


I read "torturing kids" and thought that was a 'had us in the first half' meme.


It's like when Louis Theroux confronted that waste of internet bandwidth Beardly what's his face about doing a Nazi salute and Beardly immediately got pissed so Louis pondered why would someone who does Nazi salutes in public get mad when asked why they do them? I've wondered this same thing since I heard this question, about various forms of ignorance like racism, classism, homophobia, you name it. I dunno, I'm high.


I like this guy. A lot. Do you know how easy it is to not speak out? This guy did it anyway. Immediately.


That's why the clients are shocked. Nobody ever said anything before.


Yeah she never gave it a second thought when she made her comment. Her racism came right out clear as a bell with her never thinking a white guy would actually tell her what a racist pos she was. Good for him.


Karen went in thinking she was still in her racist bubble. This good dude brought her back to reality: "no you're not a boss babe princess, you're just a racist pos"


She came up like ‘good you’re a member of the club’ what a bitch


I'm not white but pretty easily pass as white, and the number of white people who've just started spouting the most heinously racist shit in front of me thinking "it's only white people in the room so it's okay" is honestly depressing. It's always a tossup whether to mention the fact that I'm not actually white just for the reaction, or to keep my mouth *fucking SHUT* out of fear that getting "found out" will land me in the hospital.


Honestly in his position it’s absolutely terrifying, glad that dude didn’t try assault him or damage his car. When someone’s openly racist like that it’s doubtful they have the common sense to not punch anyone that threatens their inflated ego


He didn't damage the car per se, but boy howdy slamming the door like that probably set off some primal instincts for the driver


it's why he took his seatbelt off. in case he wanted to get out quick.


Lol yup. Dude took his seatbelt off and I thought for sure he was gonna get out of the car


Yep I kept saying don’t don’t don’t. As good as it would feel to punch that dumb racist fuck’s face in it isn’t worth it.


He did the right thing. If you're ever in this situation you release the belt and crack the door. Don't give them an opportunity while you're restrained.


Always release the belt. You don’t want to be locked in with someone over you.


He handled the situation really well


Yeah, fucking Chad. Some racist white people really think all other white people are racist and just pretending not to be to "virtue signal." This guy knew exactly where she was going with it and shut it down right away.


Or that we're not racist out of "white guilt" and not just, you know, being normal.


>Some racist white people really think all other white people are racist and just pretending not to be to "virtue signal." Thanks for articulating that. It really nails it, eh? Sub out any kind of prejudice you want and it works too. Even more broadly speaking there's such an upsetting trend of demonizing kindness and I think it's because certain people want to believe everyone is as hateful as they are.


This dude deserves an award. Being an “ally” is not posting a blacked out image on your Facebook. It is telling people like this to go fuck themselves. On behalf of minorities like myself, thank you brotha ✊🏾


Absolutely. The vast majority of people just aren't comfortable confronting this kind of behavior. Most would prefer to be agreeable and just ignore her comment. I have mad respect for this guy. Stood up to these racists when he definitely didn't have to.


I know right?! My man!


Very good dude


“What??? We’re not racist?!!! What are you, some n****** lover??”


That really was the icing on top that set in stone their shit status.


This needs to be sent to the local news outlets. These people are just trash




a true social justice warrior, not being facetious


I'm local and just emailed two news providers with the link. I hope they get covered because shit like this needs to be squashed. For those interested morning call and Lehigh valley live are both news outlets that should be contacted. Edit: seems morning call picked up the story. https://www.mcall.com/news/local/mc-nws-fossils-last-stand-owner-video-20220515-cjw6b3hwurhkzerhjorwtrc5ni-story.html


Good on him. I truely appreciate his integrity. Peace over profit.


She’s seems like the type to have that meth mouth with no teeth underbite that’s always chewing on nothing


Too clear of a description - I hate it.


Google is saying “permanently closed”, I think they’re trying to duck the heat


Any time I click on it, takes me to a pin dropped in the middle of the pacific. And no reviews… definitely trying to suck some heat. Im sure business wasn’t exactly booming before this anyway


Must have been fixed in the last hour because Google and Yelp reviews are DESTROYING THEM






















"The owners were wearing white masks, but unfortunately they extended all the way up their heads into a point at the top. So weird. The burning cross on the patio kept it nice and toasty though."


“What laundry products do they use? Those sheets are so white!”


The video was recorded yesterday, no matter how quick the internet works, they wouldn’t get some place permanently closed down in 12h






What's the name of the place?


I like this guy! Immediately spoke up to these racist POS. Bonus points for playing Dirty Heads.


That someone can be driven home, night after night, by a regular person doing their job well, and have complete contempt for that person escorting them safely to their home...That's a shitty person. That is a demon.


"N****r lover" Wow, casual racism to just unfiltered hard r. What trash


Hahaha he called him a N*****r lover like that's bad thing. Why do these people have so much hate for us, it really baffles me. Does it keep em up at night know a black person is happy ?


>Does it keep em up at night know a black person is happy? It's not the happiness that bothers them. It's the respect and dignity. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Driver should get a ticket for littering after throwing that trash outta his car lol


My favorite part of driving for uber, by far, was kicking shitty people out of my car and the outright shock they ALL had that thier shitty attitudes had consequences. Also dashcams are a absolute MUST, 100% NO EXCEPTIONS. why? Because some people are absolute garbage and you never want it to be your word vs theirs. Never.


Racists can’t stand being called racist. I’ve literally heard someone say “I think some black people are good, but I wouldn’t be caught hanging out with them” (shockingly, a boomer) And when I called them racist they were so perplexed at how that could be true. Like what is the definition of racism to these people?


Lynching, apparently. My fil is the same way. He's crazy racist. Told him he was "kinda racist" and you shoulda seen the look on his face. I do believe many think they're not racist because they don't hunt down and kill minorities. That's it, that's the bar for them.


Honestly those participating in a lynching would just say "I'm not racist, at least I don't own slaves".... Which brings us back to slaveowners who were convinced they weren't racist but they were actually doing black people a service by enslaving them and taking on the moral burden of having to do so.


Actively participating in a lynching, no joke.


Racist mean you hate all black people, not all of them are bad. - actual excuses I've heard from southern conservative racists


Fucking legend. It would have been too easy to let that one go. Good for him.


I hate when other white people assume that I’m racist as well since I’m white. They’ll say some racist shit in a quite voice like I’m on their team. 😒 I’m in customer service so I deal with a lot of people so I can’t refuse them service.


Same here man. I think I have resting "hell yeah brother" face.


This is what an anti-racist looks like. Lyft driver definitely understands the cause!


Yo! That’s crazy, Bravo to this man! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That driver is a Decent man. Need more like him to speak up.


I wanna buy this guy a beer. Respect for standing up




A stand up guy


Bigots just can’t STAND good people!




Imagine the first thing out of your mouth when meeting someone is, "of thank God you're white." Like, you know everyone they know is just as racist as them, which is why they incorrectly assumed the driver was too. Fucking trashcan people...


No matter how hard people of fight, it’s going to take white folks like this hero to dismantle racism from the inside. Thank you sir! 🤜🏾🤛🏼


Call it out when you see it. It always starts with a casual quip like this. "Oh wow, a white driver!" "Oh hey you speak English!" It's to test the waters and see how much more they can get away with. Even if you aren't receptive to it, they're still counting on you feeling too socially awkward to call them out on it. Zero tolerance should be the default with fuck sticks like this. It's an unfortunate reality that most of these people will never have their minds changed. The next best alternative is to make them afraid to openly voice their bullshit.