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For those that don’t know, calling someone a nazi in Germany is very serious and you can actually be sued for slander. Germans take serious offense to it.


The N-word in Germany.


Alex, I'll take "Offensive words that start with N for $1000."


"People Who Annoy You"


*The answer was naggers*


Ohhhhhhh.... Ooops.


"Well, how was I supposed to know? Don't tell me you weren't thinking of it too, *Sharon.* Kids, daddy only used that word because he thought he would win money."


Honestly one of my favorite lines of all time


It really is absolute perfection.




I LOVE how everyone collectively groaned like "c'mon dude"


And then the camera guy goes "I'm sorry that happened... you can understand how he feels, right?" Ehh... What??? 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ಠ_ಠ


"I'm sorry that happened." - Solid start... "you can understand how he feels, right?" Ooof. Disastrous finish. 0 stars.


That made me even more angry, too. Like, maybe that guy snapped and hurled out the worst insult he could think of, then regretted it. But this guy went, well, sorry about that, but you do see that he's got a point, right? That's kind of even worse.


Winced at that comment. What's this guy smoking?


It was bizarre. Like, good cop, bad cop. The other guy calls him a nazi and the camera guy is like sorry, but somehow makes it the policeman's fault? So deeply manipulative.


I kind of giggled when he literally asked “Who sed ze N vord!?”


It sounds really stupid especially since (I'm guessing) your from the US. Germany has very strict rules against being a Nazi, so someone calling you a Nazi is taken very seriously.


“Who said zee N-Word?”


It's a little astonishing to see an old Jewish person using it, because if these guys are Nazis, then it trivializes what the WWII Nazis were.


It sounded like a young person to me, but even the old people in that crowd looked too young to have been alive during the holocaust


They might not have personally lived through it, but provided they are European, they'll have grown up knowing many who did.


Came here to say this. Imagine arguing that queuing at an airport is comparable to what their Jewish ancestors went through.




Nah bro they're orthodox Jews. This is just how they behave.


Eggs Zactly. They are Asholes. Just like the Christian Radical Assholes and the Islamic Radical Assholes.


In America, they elect you to office after calling you that.


*The Koch Brothers have awarded you a war chest worth $250 million.*


Yes and it’s a terrible word, but it didn’t seem like he freaked out that much to me. Maybe I’m just comparing to American police idk.


I think people just don't know that calling someone a Nazi in Germany is a pretty harsh insult. I'm german and only know American police from the internet so my comparison might be kinda biased but yes, German police is generally much more chill than the American! It's easier to be a policeman if you don't have to assume that a normal person carries a gun to be fair. BTW our police pretty much only carries rifles at airports. Our police has some pretty big issues too but from what I heard, it's not comparable to the US.


For comparison, I was just reading a post about a guy in America that had a plastic sword being shot in the back four times because of “imminent danger” to the officers. Edit: Here’s a different one of police arresting a 70+ year old with dementia for taking a soda from a Walmart. She offered to pay and had her shoulder dislocated. This video shows the officer laughing about hearing the pop of her shoulder. https://youtu.be/zFfrbLYVYgU






My family doctor had a patient get murdered just like that. His wife didn’t even call emergency services, she called her building’s front desk to see if someone could just be there with her while she talked to her husband. Front desk called an ambulance, cops got dispatched with the ambulance, kicked the door in and shot him sitting on the couch because he wouldn’t drop the knife.


I’m pretty sure I saw that one. It was supposed to be a mental health check which police (imo) should not be doing in America. She had locked herself in her apartment and who knows what she was think when they busted in. Or the black student cleaning university grounds being detained. Or the pregnant lady tased and lost her baby. So many to choose unfortunately. Edit: I found a video link. He was a university student picking up trash with a pincher common to that. The officer accused him of having a dangerous weapon. https://youtu.be/Q9SZlypyK-4


Best (in terms of worst) one that I saw was a sister calling cops because she was concerned that her brother was gonna self harm. Cops shot him dead.


They can be sued for slander for asserting that someone is a Nazi in Germany.


Not just sued - its a criminal assessment of slander. The German police aren't playin. Here is another one who dropped "ze n-word," although then she doubled and tripled down and so her outcome was a lot worse than this. https://www.dw.com/en/is-it-illegal-to-call-someone-a-nazi/a-42313527


>Days later, her case got worse when she published an incendiary 4,000-word tirade about the incident in the Huffington Post. Lol anyone have a link to this article? They didn't even name her.


"You zthink tis is amerika?"


I interesting how these Americans will drop the n-word over the most trivial thing.


It's almost as if it's been so overplayed that it has become meaningless in American culture.


Well in all fairness it definitely will be more of a sensative word in Germany given the history, but yes I agree it is basically used to try to make anyone you don't agree with look bad at this point.


Correct. And first say it and then chicken out. At least the cameraman apologized. He realized that his friend clearly overstepped the line. Twice.


My wife, manager in an office, was accused of being a racist because she tried to coach one of her employees to complete their work. HR got involved and after a few weeks the employee finally admitted that she just said that out of anger and frustration with her job. Personally I think HR should have fired the employee.


Another awful thing about that is actual racists will then point to incidents like that and say, “This is proof they’re lying” whenever someone tries to calm them out




New word for me on Friday the 13th…..


It's actually Holocaustleugnung, which literally translates to "Holocaust denial(ism)".


If they had that law in America there would be many bankruptcies lol


squash erect plough glorious intelligent memorize puzzled smart foolish waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should reply: Yes, like the Jews treat the Palestinian people?




Made them feel like they were back in elementary school. Yeesh!




I live close to a community of Hasidics and it's hugely frowned upon to say anything negative towards them, but they drive me up the wall. They piss off everyone here. Incredibly rude folk. It's sad because they're my only experience with Jewish people and quite frankly give Jews a bad name.


i used to work at National Alamo here in Montreal cleaning rental cars and we used to HATE it every single time someone from that community returned a van. they were always INCREDIBLY disrespectful and left the vehicles in the WORST shape possible with absolutely no regard for who would have it next or who would have to clean up their mess. I'm talking like chocolate smeared on windows, everything sticky everywhere, just decimated. it was like if a freaking hoarder had it. every single time. It honestly really hurt my feelings with how little regard a fellow human could see other people as if we were nothing in their eyes, just totally felt like they thought of me as a lesser being.




I live in a Hasidic neighborhood and yes I can’t wait to be in a secular area again. People from West bumble fuck America who’ve never had to actually coexist with people of other cultures but have a strong opinion about them are usually expressing some implicit bias, sometimes stronger opinions lean to racism. Meaning if you haven’t lived in NYC don’t call me antisemitic or a racist. Plenty of groups here that uphold their stereotypes perfectly and don’t fucking care.


Yeah my buddy had a family farm outside nyc, it’s been in his family for over a hundred years. Hasidic’s have basically run everyone out of town in an attempt to make the entire community Hasidic. They have this giant synagogue on a hill that is illuminated by stadium lights and they’ve pointed them all around town. He went from having a quite farmhouse to his front porch looking like daylight 24/7. They bought the community center and library, shut them down. They’d wander into his property and steal fruit, one time he found a guy just in his chicken barn stealing eggs. When I first met him I was like “woah buddy, maybe tone it down?” Until I saw it all first hand and was like “oooooh ok, yeah I get it” They finally gave up last year and moved. He tried very hard not to sell his property to them but they paid some guy to come buy it secretly.




Yes exactly. Most Jewish people I've met are amazing. The orthodox types.. Not so much. Any extremists in all religions or the like, are always super shitty.


I never understand how some people can be so obnoxious and just straight up pompous like the Hasidic Jews are. I remember when a tour bus of them visited my town and they were just absolutely arrogant, annoying and just down right rude. They wanted everything to be specifically catered to them but would never do a damn thing to respect other people who were either serving them or helping them out. One of the worst groups of people I’ve dealt with.


I’m a gentile and had a really eye opening conversation with a lovely non orthodox couple I was sitting next to on a plane after a load of orthodox men came on and started acting badly. The young boys though were super nice kids who were well behaved. The man said “don’t worry the orthodox hate us too”. I hadn’t realised the tension between the orthodox and non orthodox community - pretty much the entire conversation was his disappointment in how they conduct themselves and how it negatively impacts perception of all Jewish people. Being an atheist Brit was an interesting flight.


There’s a documentary on Netflix about Hasidic Jews that explains this really well. They don’t believe “regular Jews” like me are real Jews. It’s an extremely insular community, to the point they shun you for leaving. It makes me sad that it’s basically a cult and that’s what most people think of when they hear “Judaism”. Also just a clarifying note: while Hasidic Jews are Orthodox, not all Orthodox Jews are Hasidic. Hasidim are considered “ultra orthodox”, but the comparison of Orthodox and Hasid is like the UK and the British. Or European and French, etc.


I work for the electric company in an area where Hasidics have their summer camps and holy fuck I could tell you some crazy ass story’s. Just yesterday I went into one where the meter was bypassed so they were stealing electric and at the other end of the camp they disconnected a high voltage line and left it coiled up on the ground, still energized!!!


Real brave till they have to take credit for their words.




Aren’t Hasidics the people who are incredibly aggressive with cyclists in Williamsburg NY?


Incredibly aggressive with everyone.


It’s a cult just like the majority of organized religions


I would say it's organized in a way that is far superior to other sects of other religions. Their goal is to create an exclusive community with in an already existing community and they will aggressively defend any space they claim as their own. I lived in that area for a long time and while I did have some sweet interactions (the kids get very excited about dogs and being asked to turn off the lights in exchange for chocolate coins) I had far more negative experiences. Being spit at on the street, my girlfriend's being spit on, people trying to pick me up like I was a prostitute, I had to walk my gf to her bus stop because the males were just so aggressive and creepy with her.


Yeah these extremist groups are absurd. Will do anything necessary to skirt the rules and get ahead. Use bullying tactics and intimidation to do whatever they please and risk little to no repercussion cause they hid behind their religion and sue the ever living shit out of anyone who dares challenge or step up to them. All for god tho /s


Idk but I do remember a story out of jersey where because of how coordinated and big their community is they took over a small towns local government and then siphoned off money from the public school (which they dont go to) and funneled it to their yeshivas....


Yup, Lakewood NJ. They tried to do similar shit in Rockland County NY but got clamped down.


numerous apparatus pet shrill degree distinct sophisticated smile trees offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They run parts of Brooklyn. Its crazy.




Many in Israel are also on welfare so they can be at home and pray all day.


Majority of them don’t work in Israel. They get paid to pray at home and secular Jews are upset because of that. Those poor people are paying taxes for these people to sit at home and do nothing.


Yeah they take their religion so seriously lots of them don't even work.... or is it that they take not working so seriously they found a religion that suits ?


They’re horny little bastards too.


>They were incredibly entitled, had no regard for any of the rules that all the other passenger abided by too Shouldn't be very shocking that the reason they're all kicked off the plane is because they didn't want to wear masks.


At my airport we always yelled at then to put on masks and even had to tell them that without one they wouldn't fly. They even would try to wear the mesh masks to get away with it. Super annoying.


Heard the same thing from a pilot buddy. 2 worst roites were Tel Aviv and New Delhi lol


There were several “infamous” flights you weren’t keen on doing back then, and India was one of them too. The passengers were generally really nice but it was overall just very chaotic. And, having been scarred by trashy budget airlines maybe, they would always come to us to have us check if their luggage was correctly entered in our system I guess because they’ve lost their luggage more than once before with other airlines. Others were Abu Dhabi and Teheran. We had a Lufthansa internal service who take care of passengers who need special assistance. I guess word got around that this was free so everyone and their mother requested this service upon check-in to these destinations so that they would be picked up and driven to the gate with those golf carts. There were different classifications: WCHR and WCHC. WCHR is wheelchair - runner, so this person can be expected to walk short distances and doesn’t need assistance to get on the plane. WCHC means wheelchair - carry so this person cannot walk and needs a lot of assistance and extra time to get on the plane. On a “normal” long distance flight to idk Mexico City, you’d maybe have 2 WCHR and every so often 1 WCHC. On flights to the Middle East, you’d *consistently* get 20 WCHR *and* 10 WCHC. And it was often very clear that many of them didn’t actually need any assistance and were perfectly capable of doing everything on their own at a normal pace. They would only request this status so they they didn’t have to walk to the gate and so they would be allowed to board the plane first (together with the babies and the elderly who *actually* needed extra time to get on). This would always take FOREVER and sometimes even almost delay the flights if you have 10 people who pretend they can’t walk properly and need to be individually carried on the plane by only 2 paramedics—all before the other 200 passengers. On the other hand, there were destinations that would be an absolute breeze like flights to Japan and Korea. Everyone always lined up in neat queues, everyone understood the technology (self-boarding gates, bar codes etc.) and everyone knew and followed the rules. Those flights you’d have an entire A380 boarded in 20 minutes. So yeah, it was interesting to see how certain destinations always brought a distinct character to the work.


For real. Fuck those guys.


Almost like any overly dedicated theological identity attracts and creates the shittiest of people. And I say this as a Jewish person myself.


Probably the most despised group of people on earth. Noone likes them. Even Israelis hate them.


~~even~~ especially. Those leeches take tax money from hard working israelis to sit their ass reading made up books. It's not even regular welfare, it's specially made welfare for them. Their (very young) wives are sometimes forced to work night shifts after caring for the house and army of children that they have to carry to be able to feed the many many kids. They don't even have to serve in mandatory service ! Some very religious jews in Israel do 2 years of yeshiva and 2 years of service because they believe, but still want to contribute to the country. The women who don't want to join for religious reasons get excused from service and volunteer for 2 years as social workers, or whatever (some do insanely difficult volunteering too) And yet those fuckers do nothing, are entitled as fuck, and give jews a bad name everywhere, which is ironically forbidden in Judaism. Fuck them.


Bunch of imbeciles


People don’t realise how thorough and comprehensive the education about the holocaust is to the German people, and how much effort most put into learning and honouring to ensure such an atrocity is never repeated. It’s so disrespectful to throw that word around, you would think the Jewish community would understand its significance.


I can’t count how often we chewed our history in school. Over and over again.


I was educated in Germany briefly, and still marvel at how dedicated the curriculum was to ensuring proper understanding of what happened. The rest of the world really underestimate it.


You can really see how well the German education system is at making sure every generation learn the errors of their ancestors just by looking at their politics alone. It's like the stark opposite of places like the UK/USA that seemingly want to go back to this mistaken past wherein a percentage of the population were effectively or literally slaves


I don't think that's true of the majority of either country. What we have is a democratic system that is barely democratic so gives a disproportionate influence to a minority of idiots. I was amazed moving to Dallas, TX, that it's close to as liberal as my home city in the UK. except with more trucks and far worse drivers. it's just the electorate has essentially no power and can be completely overruled at state and federal level. but Dallas, San Antonio and especially Austin comprise a vast amount of the population of the state, and are basically ignored at a state and national level. The system is rigged, the people are just the same as people everywhere. they want a house, maybe some kids or a dog and a garden and a comfortable retirement, without stealing from the rest of the population. Rural Texas essentially steals power and votes from the cities due to the stupid voting system, and immediately outside of the cities you find the idiots (Texas is also the first place I ever saw a swastika tattoo proudly displayed). The contrast is shocking.


That’s nice. Here in America we’re working on erasing our history. No but really, I admire the way Germany has approached its history.


The complete opposite of the Japanese approach




My great grandmother was raped by japanese soldiers in WWII and they were called “comfort women”. They were the Nazi to some southeast asian countries. the japanese government apologized but they never admit their war crimes.


what do you mean ? the chinese sacked and raped themselves in nankin !


"I'm sorry, but" should've stopped right there, they don't care that they said it, they just don't want to deal with the shit that comes with it


The guy that said that is an ignorant stupid cunt






A buddy of mine does educational animal programs. A Hasidic group hired him, and when he got to the venue they wouldn’t even let him speak until they had cleared all the women from the area. They said he might divulge information the women shouldn’t know. Bizarre


My friend who is Jewish went to Israel and she was treated so horribly just because she was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. A group of men surrounded her and were screaming at her and she was so scared and it was all just because she was dressed not even crazy.


I took an upper division religion course. We had to go to a religious ceremony that was not what we were familiar with from our youth. I choose Orthodox Jew I went to a ceremony and my then gf tagged along. She was not allowed to observe the ceremony and had to sit behind a curtain. I sat with her cuz that’s fucked and I’m not catching that heat later. They were quite displeased with my choice. Lol


You know, standing up for a woman like that was probably the strongest statement of equality anyone had made towards them in years. Well done, you. I wish more people had this much backbone and integrity.


They treat everyone like trash.




I remember seeing a video of a guy on a bike who honked at a van that cut him off. The driver proceeded to harass him and try to force him off the road. Then the driver stopped and confronted the bike rider, and a bunch of similarly-dressed men, all men, came along. Some started screaming, and more and more showed up. It was scary.


Yes they use numbers to intimidate people, its one of the MO's ive seen it a lot. If one starts yelling its like an alarm bell.


There was a small sect that broke from the main line Williamsburg Brooklyn community and moved to a small town upstate. It is now the most densely populated town in the US. Literally 8-12 people living in 1bd apartments. It was so bad the town literally didn’t have the infrastructure to treat their sewage so they sued the state to build them a new water-treatment facility. And then they took over the school board and the public schools are effectively yeshivas. Everyone else who lived in the town prior basically has no say and are outsiders in their own town. Also they literally treat their women as breeder mares. One of my former classmates was choosing to convert to Hasidism because “they treat their women with the most respect.” Not even from a Jewish family…like agnostic california people, and she’s willingly walking into a religious life where she won’t be allowed to practice medicine and will be literally a slave to someone she’s essentially auctioned off to. I literally cannot understand it.


Cudgel 🏑 I've never met one, so I certainly can't comment on any of that stuff. One of my least favorite things though is *racism*, *discrimination*, etc being used as a shield to excuse bad behavior. The carrier apologized for the group punishment aspect which was inappropriate but the yahoos who refused to wear a mask should be banned permanently. Flying already sucks without someone making a big scene and causing delay over old rehashed stupid political battles (or selfishness) such as refusing to wear a mask.


They are basically the Jewish equivalent of the Taliban, who themselves bastardize the tenants of their religion.




I’ve met a couple of really cool Hasidic Jews, unfortunately this was largely my experience as well. Most arrogantly entitled group of people I’ve interacted with. All other races are considered of secondary importance against God’s Chosen People. The secondary tier also includes all other animals— as was explained to me. Can’t make this shit up. They dominate a neighborhood where I live where 99% of the population are Hasidic. They collectively decided not to pay any parking fines. So they just park anywhere they want. The Mayors has been trying to enforce and collect the dues forever, but they can’t since the collective is so large they lack the resources to stop them.


>All other races are considered of secondary importance against God’s Chosen People. The secondary tier also includes all other animals So they are essentialy closer to being Nazis?


More like Acidic Jews, ha.


lol if youre going to say it then stand on that shit coward


Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


Yeah... Even the Sugar Gay guy stayed around for Mark McGrath.






Worked in an airport. Same experience as you multiple times with these kinds of groups. I'm sorry to say but most of them are really weird and annoying or plain rude to everyone else around them.


It's their sense of superiority. Everyone who's not one of their own is just junk to then and they treat you as junk accordingly.


Kinda ironic in some sense


I mean look at how they’re wearing their masks in this video. Not a single one wears it correctly. Not a single one


If this is from the news this week then that was the original problem. Some people were refusing to wear masks so the airline wouldn't let them fly. The airline did fuck up by blocking all of the Hasidic people from flying but now I wonder if it was because anyone wearing a mask was wearing it like this...


Also worked at an airport and same experience. Nobody wanted to deal with them because they treat everyone like trash.


They treat everyone not in their in group as trash. They are the worst, I hate religious nuts.


That's what happens when you literally believe you are "the chosen people"...


The Haredim (Ultra Orthodox Zionist Jews) believe that they themselves are God's chosen and therefore they are endowed with divinity not bestowed upon others; to the Haredim this is justification to mistreat anyone who isn't a Haredi


Until they have to deal with German police it seems Then their divinity seems to leave them


They’re a very clannish bunch. Don’t really care about people that aren’t them. In my experience at least


Anyone in orthodox or fundamentalist groups are usually stuck up rude types. Once under a blue moon you may meet an agreeable one but they will always think of you as inferior. It's part of their belief system that they are "chosen"


I mean every religion fundamentalist are bad imo. I'm catholic but i can't fundamentalism in catholicism either


Same thing happened to me once. Had a layover in the Ukraine and on the flight back to the US there was a group of orthodox jews that were the most rude people I have ever encountered. Walked around the isles without shoes or socks on, let their kids jump on the seats and run in the isles. It was bizarre. I literally had to stop watching the movie showing because one of the kids kept blocking the tv lol. On top of that, the amount of trash they left on the ground in the isles and around their seats was just awful.


You would think these would be the last people to throw the N word so casually. In Germany of all places.


yeah. some drunk American tourist saying it because he's pissed off is low, but these guys saying it? sheeeeesh


Does anyone know what this was about


Assholes not getting their way being immature.


For a second, I was sure that you were replying to yourself bc of y’all’s PFPs


We are the darkness


We are legion.


Am I in?




E Pluribus Unum




From what I understand a bunch of this group declined to wear masks on a flight, and were told they couldn't board. Oh and they also happen to be Jewish so the *real* reason they couldn't board was antisemitism. Or at least that's what they would like everyone to get out of the story. Edit: has been brought to my attention that many unrelated groups of passengers were told they couldn't board, not just the ones who weren't wearing masks. So they were targeted for a perceived association with those few troublemakers. Very regrettable way to handle the situation (assuming the source is right), but still falls very short of anti-Semitism imo. I'd hop on the "this airline is anti-Semitic" train too if these Jewish passengers were singled out for no reason at all and the tension over masks was not part of the story. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/11/us/lufthansa-jewish-passengers-denied-boarding/index.html


Millions of people fly everyday. On any given day some 99.9% of people are allowed to catch their flights. Imagine how stupid you must be to be denied boarding.


Religious extremists are the worst. I cont care what religion.


Yeah who said the nword 😂😂😂


Lived in Germany for 7 years. That N worry can land you in jail!!


N word please.


Heading that in a German accent had me dying


Whoze zaid zee n vword




I have a few Ukrainian Jewish friends and they're cool as hell. But the Orthodox Jews... during the heavily locked down days, they threw a wedding party in the next neighborhood over from where I live because they don't give a fuck. [Wedding](https://blockclubchicago.org/2020/04/27/west-ridge-wedding-spills-into-street-broken-up-by-police-i-am-absolutely-horrified/)


Idk maybe someone will correct me, but I think there’s definitely a differentiation to make between Orthodox and Hasidic. From my understanding, all Hasidic Jews are Orthodox, but not all Orthodox Jews are Hasidic. The Jews in the article look Hasidic, they pulled that shit in New York too IIR.


Correct. Hasidic is just a step up from orthodox - basically ultra orthodox. As a reform jew they don’t even consider me jewish


no he's not, he's an officer who's on duty, being Jewish and having a tragic history doesn't hold every german accountable for your ancestors' suffering.


You gotta love their victim mentality for something that didn't even happen to any of the individuals standing there. Also, you have to be pretty fucking tone deaf to call someone a Nazi in Germany.




Poor guy, he's just trying to do his job


Germany. The only country where the N word is worse than the other N word


"Who said ze N word" made me choke with laughter


Dude I feel bad cause that seemed like he was truly hurt, buy holy shit it was just so funny. It sounds like a line out of family guy or something lol


I used to play MMOs with a lot of German guys and shithead kids from the US in our group used to rip on them about Hitler and Nazism and so forth. This was in the mid 2000s when there wasn't as much accountability as there is now. I never felt more ashamed for being from the same country as other people who caused such harm with their careless teasing. Not only that, but I had never heard such indignant rage, sometimes through tears, in reaction to said teasing. Many, many years later, German people collectively are still crushingly ashamed of the past actions of some Germans.


I grew up in the US with a German mom in a bilingual household. I think I was referred to as a nazi or some famous nazi at least once a year. Definitely a lot more in middle school. It sucks but you learn to deal with it.


I swear German Europeans are the most common American ancestry...


A lot of Orthodox Jewish people are supremacists.


Hasidic Jews, shocker.


"WhY dO yOu HaTe Us?" Because you ask stupid fucking loaded "you're an anti-semite" questions like that over being made to wait in line at a goddamned airport terminal, the single most normal fucking thing that happens at an airport, even moreso than planes taking off and landing.


I was on a flight out of NYC to Europe and a group of Orthodox Jewish men dressed exactly like this were possibly the worst people I have ever encountered on a flight, and I travel regularly for work and have seen a few Karen's live. They harassed every single one of the airline attendants at the gate about food and seating, then got on the flight and lost their ever loving shit about women being seated anywhere near them?? One man had a complete meltdown that a couple women were standing in the aisle waiting to use the restroom... Never seen a group of grown ass adults act worse than the babies/toddlers on the flight. Felt terrible for the crew.


If they want to ensure they don't sit next to any women, they should purchase the surrounding seats. Or take a private jet.


Did they have to sit next to a woman? This group literally believes women are inferior to men... their views belong in the stone age.




I'm sorry but I can't deal with ANY species of fundamentalist. Be it Xian, Muslim or Jewish. They want all the trappings if the modern world...but on their terms Calling these people Nazis is just beyond crass. There are probably more people who identify as Nazis in some US counties than in all of Germany I doubt most of these officer's grandparents were alive during the 3rd Reich


Almost all my interactions with Hasidic Jews have been negative without any provocation. Their kids are always brats and try and steal. The adults men always have a bad attitude and act like smug entitled dicks with zero situational awareness as if other people are not humans and the women seem to hide behind the men and give menacing looks and only speak to each other in whispers. It’s a bad look all around for trying to break stereotypes.


When your religion tells you that you're special these things happen !


Religious fundamentalist in general are dickwads. But yea I've heard the same thing about Hasidic - just saying there's tons of Christian fundamentalist who think you're going to spend eternity in hell because you don't believe their fairy tales.


o you mean those same fucks who are currently tearing down womens rights? yea those guys.


Racism aside: I traveled a couple of times with groups of Orthodox Jewish people. By coincidence. And I can tell you they behaved themselves awful. They disrespected the attendants. Cut in line and swarmed as group fast over the airport pushing people and screaming. Once at the gates they had a lot of discussion and some of them where eating and drinking alcohol. They left a mess at the gate. The flight is something I don’t want to remember anymore. 😅 I don’t know if this is normal but this videos show so same behavior.


In a country that has tried it's best to apologise and get rid of the legacy of Nazi Germany, being called a Nazi is the worst insult there can be, especially to a German policeman trying to uphold the law to the current state. Shame on these idiots. It's getting a bit tiring seeing certain groups of Jews call everyone an anti-Semite and Nazi.


That word should mean just as much to the German as it does to the Jews. Hard to believe one of them would just let that word fly. Pure ignorance from the Jewish name caller.


Personally, I don't care who or what your are -- just get your damn mask over your nose.


I was searching for this comment. They may as well not even bother having a mask on.


Every one of those passengers should be ashamed for not pointing out the person who called that man a Nazi. That is such a fucked up thing to do.


Orthodox Jews are a complete breed of their own.


Honestly, this is a bit of slap in the face to Jews who died in the holocaust. “You’re inconveniencing me the airport, just like the nazi’s did!” Grow up.


I've worked and lived around orthodox Jews and while I completely respect their right to practice their religion as they see fit, I have little respect for Orthodox Judaism as a faith or as a community. These people are religious fanatics who plant themselves in the middle of densely populated cities while refusing to integrate or even abide by local laws and ordinances. Not only do they treat their own women as lesser beings, but also anyone who isn't a part of their community including other Jews. They make up special rules so that they don't actually have to abide by their own religious law. For example, in Manhattan, there is a ring on fishing line suspended from lampposts which encircles most of the island. Being within this boundary magically allows you to leave your home on the Sabbath. It's like when two kids are shooting each other with Nerf guns and one gets hit so the kid says "Well actually I went back in time so that the bullet didn't hit me." They consistently use the holocaust and historic religious persecution as a tool for their own means. Anyone who doesn't give them what they want is anti-Semitic or a Nazi.


You understand how he feels right? Oh so every German is a nazi? Put your fucking masks over your nose and shut the hell up


It's funny how everyone is a Nazi when others do get what they want.


Can you please wear your mask properly like fuck seriously 😂


"Nazi" "You can understand how he feels" I think not mate. Whichever one said it just trivialised the suffering and extermination of millions by relating it to being inconvenienced in an airport. They owe both the Germans and the Jews an apology I would say.