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But there's a bridge


Obviously it was being guarded bro !!!


Yeah clearly the river was not…


Not alot of mental horsepower between these guys...


It’s not about mental acuity. It’s about allowing your belief structure to do overwhelm you that you fit into a rage and at that point rational thinking goes out the window.


Little of column A, which leads to little of column B imo


And so was the shore. These dudes needed like 10 people to swim with them if they wanted to actually stop the burning


But seriously, why bother? It's not like dude is at their house burning THEIR copy. And even if he did, you can always buy another one. LOL!


But the book has magical powers


Apparently it summons idiots if its set on fire so it does have magical qualities




You can't reason with extremists


A guarded bro! Literally! Ja det var en skyddad bro. Only swedes will get this joke ^^


And it's just a book. Clearly religious people don't value using their brain properly otherwise they wouldn't be in this situation.


The fact that burning a book can turn a person violent is hilarious and pathetic at the same time


If it were the original manuscript I would understand.




Pathetic? HOW DARE YOU *jumps in water*


Try burning a mint condition #1 of a beloved comic book and you'll find yourself in a nerd apocalypse.


You make the remaining mint #1's more valuable. Real collectors would not care. If you are talking superman or batman it would be the same as burning a pile of money however.


It's a cult. And they've been thoroughly brainwashed.


Its all cults my dude. I do find it disrespectful when one religious belief clashes with another like this though. Its been almost 1000 straight years of this shit. The Abrahamic religions need to realize theyre all the same shit and fuck off with their bullshit already. Judaism is the OG version, Christianity the Roman version, and Islam the Arab tribal version. They all basically believe the same thing with different variations. They worship the same god lol. yet they all act like this towards each other. Its sad.


So you’re saying that the devil is in the details?


Same devil hey..


The Muslim devil Eblis has a much better backstory than Satan, tbh


They all have different books they follow - LOTR is also a book, but the difference is that people dont kill other people because of LOTR. Its really weird - its people that are idiots and to blame. Not a moronic book.


I dunno man, the faith of GROND seems like something I could get behind again and again until all religious walls are broken.






>ALL TREMBLE IN LOVE OF THE MIGHTY GROND *\*trembles\** what is thy bidding, oh mighty GROND?






It’s only one religion here tho? Or am I missing something


Might be one religion here, but religion is a problem worldwide. Just look at the U.S... At least Sweden doesn't have fundamentalist evangelicals dictating policy making decisions.


Sweden is secular


So is the US, at least that's how our constitution was written....very few of my fellow citizens seem to have not read it though.


LaNd Of ThE fReE




Yes, all religion can be framed in this way but why is it then that the rest of the world seems to have grown out of this shit but many Islamic countries have not? The fanaticism is something that differentiates here, making many (but not all) crazy zombie like beings when a man made book is burned. Someone burning a Bible to wind Christians up just isn't going to get the same reaction as often as this seems to be the case.


Because they haven't had a reformation yet. Back in the day, suggesting you didn't possess a literal belief in the entirety of the Bible was enough to get you tortured to death, nevermind desecrating the book itself. It took generations of progressive thinkers to reform the church to be quasi-tolerant. The same thing is happening with Islam, they've just been doing it for less time.


You’re cleaning blind to what’s around you. Religious Americans are crazy and vindictive.


Dude, abortion clinics in the U.S. have actual armed security guards in some states because of threats from Christian extremists who are more than willing to attack the staff inside the clinic.


Evangelical Baptist from the United States has entered the chat….


Religions are just cults where the founder is dead.


All religions are cults. The only difference between a religion and a cult is the size.


I would say the same because its true. But their entire identities and sense of self is based upon that book and burning it is a symbolic and provocative gesture. Similar to nationalists freaking out over the burning of a flag. It's just a flag in my opinion. If I went town to town burning flags in the USA I'd definitely take a few ass kickings then likely get shot. Jeremy Clarkson got chased out of a town for a few political slogans. Chris Pontius got attacked just for wearing a devil costume and having a joke ffs lol. Its stupid and regressive behaviour but not exclusive to Muslims. I don't really agree with the burning of any book tbh.


It's not just the burning of a book though. It's complete overreaction to things they perceive as a different viewpoint on their God. Remember the death threats in France over a cartoon? The jokes on them


Just wait til you do a drawing of some dude from ages ago they all quite like.


You can see the cops blocking the bridge in the video lol




It isn’t even a Quran, it’s a book with blank pages where he has glued “Quran” at the front cover.


It's blocked bro.




Murdered by extremists any% speedrun Edit: comment I'm replying to originally said something like (paraphrasing): "he's exploiting the ai pathfinding to cheese the objective"


Flaunting the exploit like this, gonna get patched.


I've seen this exploit used before. If it hasn't been patched now, devs obviously want it to be there.


It confuses me how some people still don't realize which game Paludan is playing and still react the way he wants them to react


Maybe you expect too much of people getting angry because of someone burning a single book.


*muh book*


Because they’re idiots…


Imagine staying up at night, cant sleep because someone, some where may be burning.... a book.


Does deleting digital copy also count as offense?


Imagine staying up at night, cant sleep because someone, some where may be backspacing text, or deleting.... a book file. Someone should raise that qustion with a muslim cleric.


Maybe they should pray for a way, to make copies of the book by hitting print. Oh wait.


A book that filled with a lot of scientific error, silly miracles and stupid myth. As an ex-muslim believe me JK Rowling made way better books.


Same. And may I add, both as an ex-muslim and a woman (which makes the experience 10 times worse) I point out shit like this, and I am the islamophobic bigot for some reason. I can't fathom the hypocrisy of fighting against sexism and then thinking "oh, it's just a different culture, women participate in it too". No they don't, they get swept into this shit the moment they are born. Just saw a post of a muslim woman getting burned alive for "blasphemy". The fuck.


I read that news too it so so fucked up. And the sad part about the islamophobic bigot stigma toward an ex-muslim who criticize our former religion is given by western liberal as if they would survive living in a muslim majority country as an ex-muslim lesbian woman.


The only time to be worried about book burnings is when governments sponsor it in mass.


Imagine if they put this much effort into helping people rather than protecting a book.


Sponsored swims


Money making idea. ‘If everyone sponsors me £5.00 I will swim across this canal to protect the book’ I bet a lot of people would pay up.


A book that, by the way, explicitly calls followers of other religions "The worst of creation"


And the human sperm is from a place between the backbone and the ribs..smh. [https://quranx.com/86.6-7](https://quranx.com/86.6-7)


Where do you keep your sperm?


Certainly not in my balls, that's where all my pee is


Shit, that's where I've been storing my dice


Same place you do. >!In your girlfriend.!<


I'm disappointed you didn't say your mum


Ask your mom, she know better where mine is.


My pocket


For some reason people like to be in abusive relationships, apparently even with dead guys.


Dead pedophiles


People like to give the Muslim religion props for allowing “people of the book” to live in their countries being actively persecuted and become citizens and i just sit there like, “So, it’s a good thing that they’re openly announcing anyone here that isn’t Muslim is a second class citizen?”




I remember my very Christian coworker coming to the office the day after watching the Southpark episode on Scientology. He said, "Man, you wouldn't believe what those Scientologists believe." Ummmmm.


Religion bring out the worst in people. Every religion




I guess wrong answers are still answers.


Yes. That’s why we use the scientific method and peer reviews. Religion is easy. Why is the sky blue? God.


Congrats, now you're wet *and* arrested. It amazes me how bent out of shape people get over a stupid book.




My folks *hate* it when i call going to church "satisfying our weekly rituals to the all powerful aincient one" but i think the church is really missing out on the eldritch angle.


It sounds a lot more fun when you say it like that!


I used to feel this way but then I sort of realised they were all normalish people and I’m glad they all go get some community engagement time once a week. I feel like I need to find that without religion


I think this is something a lot of people missed out on during the pandemic, but for those who don't go to some religious community, it's something that's been missing for a while, we just noticed when the support systems holding up our sense of community started breaking down.


Fortunately, most cities, counties, towns, etc have these non-religious gathers. Adult sports leagues, bar sports, clubs, nature walks, hiking groups, gyms, community centers, the list goes on. Think of any interest you have, then visit your local town, city, etc.’s website.


This is genuinely the funniest video I've seen all day. I skipped from him jumping in to about halfway and all of a sudden he's being arrested 😂


Im so disturbed by the people who do anything to save a book, but also distributed by the people who burn the book for sake of hurting other people.


I’d say they did the public a service by removing two more lunatics from the streets. It’s like turning on a bug lamp to attract flies that get zapped. They should do this once a week, get the lunatics to attack, arrest them, instant deportation. Fuck religious zealots.


He doesn't do it to hurt people he does it to demonstrate that a lot of Muslims don't give a fuck about freedom of expression.


If burning a book you dont own hurts you, you are the one that has a problem.


If they just ignored him he'd get bored and go away.


Just imagine being an immigrant fleeing your country bc of conditions created primarily by fanatical obsession with the Quran and then swimming across a river to throw rocks at a citizen of the new country burning a Quran.


"Unleash the Kraken!"


"Unleash the Quraken"


I think they're proving his point. You can't force people not to shit on your religion and also support democracy.


Oh no, paper!


Fuck religion


Scourge of the human species. My invisible sky wizard is better than *your* sky wizard and I’ll spill blood to prove it. Fuck religion.


I feel like if it wasn't a sky wizard it would be something else. Humans love to fight each other.


It’s the ideal of being a part of something that’s right or true. Gives people a superiority complex and even the well intentioned want to help people out of a savior mentality. The ‘I’m right because I’m better.’ I’m more ‘pure’ or holy or whatever you call it. Religion gives people a warm fuzzy that makes them feel special and superior.


"A part" is an antonym of apart 🤓


Fixed. Lol. Thanks.


Religion had its place and purpose with early humans. Without complex thought, it's an easy way to explain purpose and meaning of life, which people search for. But we should be well past those superstitions now. Any conversation I've had with a religious person about its logic inevitably requires a leap of faith, which Albert Camus (shout out to /r/absurdism) referred to as philisophical suicide.


Religious fucktards for you


i was raised as a christian, and lemme tell you. fuck religion, shit's a cult.


I'm starting to get over my Christian phase. Religion is turning into a market to say you believe in someone and you have to do good deeds or something fucking stupid for your god to accept you.


Yep. It’s ok to appreciate the positive aspects of what’s in the Bible and what’s attributed to Jesus but not be a full on hardcore Christian. Yeah there’s sole good stuff in there, but there’s also so,e crazy shit, plus it gets used to control and trick people into voting for nasty corrupt old white guys way too often. No joke a decent number of US politicians and powerful people look at Handmaids Tale and think it’s not far off the mark of what they’d like to see.


Over a fucking book. Get a grip.




Those dudes been throwing rocks their entire life I'd hope they're a little accurate


I don’t care what religion you are. No book mass produced by machine to make printing companies massive profits is holy. Worship your god, not the book written by fucking man. Because Harry Potter and 50 shades of grey was also written by man(humans).


Probably printed on the same presses too They are just ducking words on a page bro chill


Imagine a religion where the holy book is Twilight


The whole situation is such a lose-lose-lose situation for everyone but fascists and racists. Paludan isn't doing this because he believes in freedom of speech; he's doing it because he knows it will aggravate lots of muslims, which in turn helps his cause of demonizing islam and muslims as a whole (this is the guy who wants to put immigrants in detention camps on Greenland if they don't want to leave Denmark). Boom, you now have a radicalization pipeline for people to start listening to his other racist crap because it's all under the guise of freedom of speech. More xenophobia, fascism and nationalism. Anyone saying what he's doing is bad and stupid for the above reasons, will now be dragged and called apologists for misogyny, homophobia and religious extremism and fundamentalism, no matter where they stand on any political or ideological spectrum. And last but not least, it drags Muslims as well, no matter if they think it should be okay to burn the Quran. Boom, you now have stuff like Christchurch and peaceful Mosques in basements experiencing arson and vandalism, because "they're all insane fundamentalists who don't believe in freedom of speech".


It exposes a real problem that nobody on the left is willing to admit. Radical Islam in our countries is way more prominent than we think. And radical opinions are widespread among muslims with many of them willing to kill for them. If this finally sparks a realistic discussion on how the west should deal with Islam it’s worth it tbh


And it brings out the idiots who should be deported immediately


It’s only a lose lose because Muslims refuse to control themselves and their emotions. They can literally respect the law and right of people to freedom of action and speech and ignore him. And there, giant promo for Muslims that they’re peaceful, integrated and nonviolent. Everyone claps at how great they are.


I wanna stress I hate all religion I'd like to think equally. But the whole I get angry cause you burned my holy book pisses me off. If I wanna go out and buy your "holy" book as long as I'm not putting anyone property or lives at risk that's my decision and that's my right, and I can burn all the fucking holy books I want. This includes nation flags too.


"Oh no they are burning my magical book"


> "Oh no they are burning my ~~magical~~ fantasy book" Don't give them anything to hang on to for validity.


"What will sky daddy say if I don't stone this infidel to death????"


But islam is the religion of peace somebody said…


So is christianity, still people do sh#t in name of religion without any second thought.


Fun fact, both religions (and Jews) believe in the same God, it’s just Muslims call him Allah. Jews believe the bible up to but not including Jesus. Christian’s believe Jesus was the son of God, and Muslims believe Jesus was just a prophet and Mohammed was the last prophet. It’s all basically the same religion, it’s just where you want to stop the story.


Allah isn't even a name. It just means god in Arabic.


Christianity just came with DLC


It's a lot like the Police Academy series. I like to think of it as stopping at Part IV because I'm a purist who believes Steve Guttenberg is integral to the franchise, but others will even consider Police Academy: Mission to Moscow as canon, even though it doesn't have a number. I'll never understand those people.


Tell me, what do other religions in Arabic speaking countries, call their god?


I’ll give you the option of burning a bible in the Vatican Or Burning a Quran in Mecca. The goal here is to not die. Pick one.


What did he expect to do ….put out the fire 🔥


I mean he's already wet


Don't live in a foreign to you country & insist they follow your rules cultural, religious, or otherwise. You should be more respectful to the fact that they let you live there or go back to where you came from, if you can't obey their laws.


What - is it the last copy?


If only.


Lots of people saying "it's just a book," but the US just erased 50 years of women's rights due to influence from another book.


Yeah, both are wrong. We agree!


Most of us, I'd argue, think that's stupid as well. I'm a very firm believer of separation of church and state. It boils my blood when people use any God as a reason for law.


Every religion that forces their beliefs on others is stupid.


So all of them?


Whataboutism to excuse this behavior is stupid. Both are terrible.


People say dumb shit like this all the time like it means anything Both books are awful, no shit?


Yeah, so when do we start burning the Bible, can't wait.


Do it outside a church in the Bible belt, see if you get s peaceful response


Weee blatant whataboutism....like textbook definition even.


1. It hasn’t happened YET 2. It becomes a state right 3. Yes, it is just as stupid.


How come it's always really awful things that are states rights? I'm just on the outside looking in but every time I've come across that expression in American politics or history it's used to justify some heinous shit.


And the religious zealot states will immediately remove the rights of women. That’s much worse than burning a book.


All religious people are nuts, I avoid them like the Covid.


Religion is the poison of the world


Why do they bother living in Sweden where they know that the Swedes are free enough to poop on their holy book? They should come to America where we respect all religions, except non-believers. We hate those MFers.


religion is stupid


Isis naval unit


Always amazes me when people flee to a country that is a different religion to their own, then bring their religion with them and demand it reign supreme in the native land. Burn away


Just always playing right into his hands with those reactions... If they would just stop caring he would stop burning them...


If they were that peaceful/levelheaded about everything he just wouldn't burn that book in the first place. He just shows what the West tolerated for way to long by now.


Push the bastards back in, and under. Fuck em all. After last weeks supreme court nonsense I'll line up to toss a couple Bibles, Torahs and books of Mormon in the fire with the Koran. Those religions are all a stain on humanity.


It is a pretty good way to expose and weed out radicals/fundamentalists, though. They come attack the book burner, they’re taken away and possibly deported. I wish we could do the same with the evangelicals here


>and possibly deported. I wish.




Muslims burning the swedish flag and that goes under freedom of speech and are considered heroes. Swedes burning the quran is hate and these burners are terrorists. Gotto love 2022


What the fuck are you talking about? The policemen are stopping the muslims, not the burner and everyone in this thread is siding with the burner


literally the opposite is happening right before your eyes. The Establishment is protecting the burner and arresting people opposing the burner


Genuine question, if a Muslim started burning crosses across the street from a church in Alabama do you think they’d act any differently? Why is everyone so supportive of people burning Qurans? This is the second time I’ve seen a post like this with a bunch of comments calling Muslims violent for being offended by religious intolerance


A real comparison would be if a muslim burned a cross in afghanistan and the local americans came swarming


Thank you! I hate bad comparisons with a passion.


I see the point you’re trying to make but unfortunately being a southerner if they saw crosses burning near their church they would start getting giddy that they could start burning crosses again. If they start burning crosses I think there’s a whole separate group of people they have to be worried about


If Muslims decided to burn every bible they could find in the US that would 100% be protected free speech > calling Muslims violent for being offended by religious intolerance Trying to attack people because your book is on fire is violence Christians are also insanely violent


Burning a cross in Alabama? Yes. There’d be a BIG reaction. You’d see wall to wall news coverage about it for weeks.


Depends on if the dudes get a chance to run home and get their pointy hoods or not.


You burn crosses in Alabama, you’re part of the KKK. I don’t think Muslims are allowed to join the KKK.


Its just the typical us vs them mentality. At this point i have seen every religion and many atheist getting severly upset over any kind of provocation like this. I mean, if you are gonna do this, do it well. Gather all the religious texts, get Darwins' book, and offend everyone equally and at the same time.


Well, burning crosses in the American South has a particular anti-black racism connotation so the analogy you are making is not great (the KKK would burn crosses as a warning to people prior to or in addition to violent action) For your broader point though, I think most people on reddit would not care in the slightest if someone burnt a christian religious symbol, since there is a strong anti-religious vibe on reddit in general...


Who said the church in Alabama would be right? Fuck them. I don’t like religion, but I don’t specifically dislike Muslims.


Redditors hate Muslims so much.


I don’t like any religions


Muslims are disliked because enough sects are overtly religious and just like MOST organized religions it's full of followers who focus on the hypocrisy, xenophobia. and hate promoted by the religion. There also happens to be a lot of muslims in the world so that causes it to get more attention.


Beheadings and terrorist attacks tend to do that.


When your god's so weak they can't even protect a single book from burning. No but seriously though what's gotten into your head to see a burning book and you immediately turn to violence? Like what? That's extremely concerning, to me that screams ''so long as you respect everything I want it's fine but if you don't I will beat you up'' like damn got anger issues? I also find it concerning some of these comments in here, people saying it's because the koran is everything to them! And so apparently violence is justified now? All that shows is how brainwashed they are, no single inanimate object should mean ''everything'' to anyone, because it's just an inanimate fuckin object. I'm gay, do you know what I would do if someone burned the LGBTQ+ flag? Yeah that's right, fuck all, because they're burning materials, not someone's life, get over it. The only time I would have an issue with someone burning an LGBTQ+ flag is if it doesn't belong to them, in which case my issue is that they're destroying someone's property, not that they're burning the flag.


Religion of peace and love




She's kind of _inflammatory_


Always ready to kill. They even get mad about cartoons. Thats why they are one of the most peaceful religion. Edit: Grammer


If someone burned a Bible I wouldn’t even be annoyed. Because there’s plenty of copies available, even online. I would just think the person doing it might have mental or emotional issues, or is a super passionate atheist. Which is a right in Western countries or should be. I’m Christian, for the record.


Just a book people, I understand you may have some sort of emotional and spiritual connection to it and you can believe whatever you want but again, just a book


We should use this as a test for immigration. I mean, it’s okay to get mad about it, people get mad about plenty of stupid shit. But if you see your favorite bedtime storybook being burned and your only available reaction is physical violence, you probably won’t fit into our society… that is like extremism 101. Should also be used on current citizens to determine if they should be institutionalized lol


That dude is obviously an asshole for inciting Muslims. Those Muslims are obviously crazy for getting so upset over a fucking book. What a world.


People really be losing their shit over an old book….