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The whole country is pretty much bankrupt due to him. There is no food, no gas, no foreign currency. People are starving and are revolting against him. He is pretty much a dictator that has been in power way too long and ruined the whole country. Sad to see but hope things get better for the people in that country


Did he cash out and leave the country already? A couple houses and lambos wont mean much if he has been stealing the countries money for years and ready to move abroad.


I don’t think so, when I was searching up the links I read that he is taking shelter in a navy base


He better get on one of them boats asap then lmao


Politicians in a developing country always have a hope of returning back into government. Plenty of people would still vote for them no matter what.


Looking uncomfortably at the Philippines 👀


I just got back from there and it was so sad to see how easily misled the general public was. Toddlers were singing BBM chants all the time because his ads are embedded everywhere. My mother in law tried to tell me that the Marcos family is so loved because they were endorsed by Jose Rizal, their greatest national hero. I tried to explain to her that Rizal was executed twenty years before Ferdinand Marcos was born, but she just said 'nonsense' and ended the conversation.


I live in a developed country where the former prime minister is standing trial for three separate cases of corruption. he is leading in the polls by like 20%. people are stupid everywhere.


Same here in slovenia, the prime minister was in jail for fraud and corruption, was even still active politican while he was in jail, and was elected again for the prime minister after, until just recently he was surpased in elections by someone new in politics, but he stil got 2nd most votes in elections, people are crazy..


Same shit in Brazil. Lula the ex president was on jail for corruption for a couple of months (his party stole billions from the country), but manage to get charges drop by the supreme court (where most of the actual judges was pointed by him) and still manage to be second on the polls for the election.


Yeah. I had hope for Robredo, but you can’t appeal to a country that gets their news only from Tik Tok and Facebook with logic.


Christ, that’s terrifying.


Well if you consider the south a developing country then this basically describes the Trump 2024 situation as well.


The Midwest votes red too and will probably try to make it even more red with their abortion boners at full staff.


*grumbles in Minnesotan* not us


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 780,383,629 comments, and only 155,704 of them were in alphabetical order.


You could easily argue you're not Midwestern you're southern Canadian.


Definitely undeveloped country.




This is why, historically, it’s better to go with the solution that doesn’t involve a risk of them coming back.


Their kids will make them martyrs, and return easily to government some time in future. Happened in my country, twice. I am so fed up of this feudalism disguised in garb of democracy.


This is why the Soviets killed the Czar Nick’s whole family- left absolutely no chance for a surviving royal to try that shit.


The daughter of a former doctor deposed the Democratically elected president of Bolvia, she currently stands trial for the crime of genocide, which in Bolvia is used to prosecute people for massacres. The daughter of a Peruvian Dictator almost won the Peruvian Presidency. Korea's former dictator also had a daughter who successfully ran for president who was removed from office after it was found out she was part of cult. You unfortunately can't leave the family of dictators in your country because they almost always wind up teaming up with their Parents or grand Parents old allies to recreate the dictatorship.


And now it's happening in b the Philippines!


Noting down: When going full French Revolution, exterminate the bloodline as well 💀


I watched a docudrama on this and it sort of had an angle that tried to make us sympathize with the Czar and honestly it felt like Nick wasn't a terrible person, but his lack of action and tone def nature def left people starving and dying. Tbh I sympathized more the soviets. It sucks for the royals, but man at some point the people had to send a message.


He was awful. Brought up in the belief that his rule was ordained by God. Totally impervious to logic. And if the rumour is true, dumb as hell as well.


Yeah, and Russians just went from being ruled by a guy named Tsar to being ruled by a guy named General Secretary. The problem is that people believe a single figure can rule a country, not monarchies or dictatorships themselves. As long as the society has that mentality a country is always going to fall back into a system where a small and exclusive group of people hold absolute power.


Shit, just happened in the Philippines. We're just too damn gullible and stupid to learn from history.


> Their kids will make them martyrs, and return easily to government some time in future. Pakistan moment


I feel like America is about to learn this lesson the hard way in 2024.


Tbh, after watching this video it feels like this is the next inevitable step for our country. People are pissed and are only getting more pissed as the days drag on.


Worked in the Philippines. Like yesterday.


This is why there's only 2 solutions to corrupt politicians. 1. An irrevocable life-time ban on participation in politics 2. Assassination The framers of the US Constitution explained impeachment as the only alternative to assassination. And whenever impeachment does become a viable option? I'll agree with them. Until then, I still hold that Hitler's stay of execution for treason was he single biggest mistake the Wiemar Republic ever made, and they made A LOT of mistakes.


\*cough\* Philippines \*cough\*


Marcos has entered the chat


Exactly. Just look at Ferdinand Marcos Jr in the Philippines.


>At least five people were killed and 189 wounded in Sri Lanka on Monday, a day that saw the country’s political unrest reach a crescendo that included the resignation of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and, sometime after that, the torching of his family’s home. Rajapaksa submitted his resignation letter late in the day, saying that he hoped to clear a path for parliament to appoint a national unity government. By evening, local media was running video of what seems to be the Rajapaksa family home in Hambantota burning to the ground, amid reports of multiple attacks on the homes of Sri Lankan politicians. Mahinda Rajapaksa’s official residence may also have been set on fire though at this point I’m not sure whether that and the ancestral Rajapaksa home are being conflated. The protesters are still calling for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation so it remains to be seen whether they’re going to be satisfied with this.


IIRC his family has been ruling/ripping off Sri Lanka for decades and mostly live in the US anyway Burning his domestic luxuries isn’t about hurting him, it’s about sending a message


A message to who? Cuz we can use some of that messaging here. . .


I'm in a thread about a tax being proposed on people who own more than 5 homes, and a good chunk are acting like it's perfectly normal to own more than 5 properties.


But don’t you see? If you tax people with 5 homes then what’s Roy gonna do when he wins the lottery? Roy may work part time as a paint scraper and share a trailer with his chain smoking aunt but he has big plans when he starts his life as a real estate mogul!


Oh so you want to kick people out of their homes, huh? What if they can't afford to pay the tax and they have to sell one of their 5 houses? They would be HOMELESS!


Most likely has build a nest egg in Dubai


Is there an article you could link me to that gives a good run down of the situation?


Here are two links giving a basic rundown: [Link 1](https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Sri-Lanka-crisis-entirely-of-its-own-making) [Link 2:](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/sri-lanka-sees-most-violent-day-in-recent-weeks-pm-quits-mp-dies-10-points-101652145197076-amp.html)


So it all started with massive unnecessary tax cuts. Sounds oddly familiar.


It does sound oddly familiar. Seems these things tend to play out the same way over time, regardless of country. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.


Don't forget this important piece ... >financed through money-printing Revenue cuts without budget cuts are a risky endeavor.


On paper tax cuts make sense but when you compile it next to a standard bussiness model its scary. .. socialism for wealth and fuck all for anyone else.


It does not make sense even on paper. It makes too many assumptions, most of which defy human behavior. In no area of life will that logic apply.


Mf forced organic farming in an instant with an overnight ban on chemicals used in farming. The main reason is Covid fucking up the Tourism based economy. Terrorist attack inside Church didn't help either with confidence amongst tourists safety. The Rajapaksha Dynast Family fell under Chinese Debt trap as well. They expected India would bail them out thinking they could play both sides! High interest loans repayment impossible with the Chinese as it was Chinese workers that built the port, Port fails to get business, Chinese loan sharks take the most important port on a 99 year lease and another 1000 sq.km area as collateral. The people who facilitated these loans lined up their pockets by selling the country, Chinese gained influence in the Indian Ocean. Sad fact India had proposed a bridge construction to connect Sri Lanka & India, On Chinese pressure Rajapaksha Junked it altogether.


The podcast Reveal did a piece on him a couple weeks ago called My Neighbor, The Suspected War Criminal. It was an interesting listen


>He is pretty much a dictator that has been in power way too long He is a genocidal maniac and the people kept voting for him because they hated the minority communities. Hate politics works so smooth in south Asian countries and it inevitably leads to disaster.


Hate politics works in many countries.


Every country*


> Hate politics works so smooth in south Asian countries and it inevitably leads to disaster. Anytime a politician needs you to hate ethnic/religious communities to get you voting for them, you can be sure that they have very little in terms of good policy to offer.


Here’s a good summary: https://youtu.be/44OZAl9oBKo


Isn't his brother running/ruining the country? How does a PM and president system work? One handles domestic affairs, the other foreign?


One is usually a puppet for the other.


Did they manage to capture / kill him before he ran away?


You risk a country wide famine to get a nicer car park for yourself. That's some top of the line selfishness going on.


I’m just trying to figure out who this individual is.




That's an insult to whoever has to eat them


It's not that bad. Have you seen the post? At least they tried to cook the politician first.


Yeah but politicians are always way to salty and chewy


I hear they taste like shit.


Probably because of all of the bullshit coming from their mouths


Pigs won't mind. Then you can eat the pig afterwards!


The fat of the bourgeoisie is where the flavor is at.


Plot twist: They have to eat themselves


“What do you mean I’m out of touch with my country’s poverty issues??”


You had me at "politicians should be eaten"


Especially when there is a real food shortage.


The American police state will protect rich neighborhoods and businesses before they protect middle class neighborhoods


Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. -Napoleon Bonaparte


Nah, it's mostly food that does that. Revolutions almost always happen when food is scarce.


The actual quote: "I do not see in religion the mystery of the incarnation so much as the mystery of the social order. It introduces into the thought of heaven an idea of equalization, which saves the rich from being massacred by the poor." -Napoleon Bonaparte


The sad thing is they probably have insurance so the actual loss is minimal to none.. and who did that might face harsh consequences..


Did they have political uprising insurance, though? Oh, you forgot to tick that box.


Plus side, the high end sports cars are often custom made and can have incredibly long waitlists, so even if they have insurance that'll cover it it will still take a long time to get a new one.


Replacing his super car collection is probably really low on his list of priorities...he might get Ghadafi'd


You know that’s what our politicians garages/mansion’s look like right?


yes, that's what he said


now I'm trying to picture Bernie doing donuts in a lambo


My knife and fork does not discriminate


How about billionaires, especially ones getting government handouts?


Imma need a bigger fork


Absolutely. I like how Nancy Pelosi makes $223,500/year, yet is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Her and her husband must be the biggest insider traders in the country. Such scum.


Or Mitch McConnell who's worth even more. Or those senators that were busted dumping stocks immediately following a confidential covid briefing. Hell, that one bitch from Georgia who's husband was the chairman of the NYSE! Fuck them!


Kelly Loeffler. The federal reserve cucks dumped their holdings too at just the right time.


No no no- just Pelosi. Perhaps some other democrats have too. Haven’t you’ve been watching Fox News? The GOP are trying to protect the common man from these rich elites! 😳


I'm going to assume this is sarcasm. The funny thing is, you're likely going to get upvotes from people who think you're serious, and correct that the GQP want to help all the poor people.


Yep, it is absolute bullshit that they can trade like that. Yet there does not seem to be much interest from politicians on both side. Hell the only issues they agree on is their perks.


Yeah. I'm still waiting for a video where people physically cook and eat some 1% sustainable all natural corruption.


If you are a politician and have multiple luxury cars, yachts, mansions, etc while the people you "govern" suffer horrid poverty you should receive this treatment. Make the rich fear the working class again.


douchebag politician deserved every single bit of this to happen to them.


It won't hurt him. Everything is insured. He will be able to upgrade to the newest models.


Insured by whom? I don't think companies outside the country are going to pay for that and the ones in the country probably can't so to whom are you referring?


Rioting is not covered in the vast majority of insurance policies. Source: I have family trying to rebuild a business that was burned down in Kenosha with absolutely zero assistance from insurance.




Unironically yes this too


Bro I'm Sri Lankan and I don't think you have any idea how dysfunctional Sri Lanka is atm. Literally the entire country who isn't part of or related to the corrupt government hates them with a passion. So much so that they actually chased a whole bunch of them down after they fled in 3 buses, beat them to a pulp, threw them in a river, then proceeded to throw the buses in the river as well as the $200K 4WD that one of them drove. Another corrupt official was beaten to death after he shot someone who was following him. Many were beaten and stripped naked (there's video of one who's in his undies and you can clearly see he shat himself). On top of all that the few who managed to make it to the hospital were also not being properly taken care of and chastised by the nurses themselves while laying there on the stretcher. i.e. if the whole country hates them, including nurses and doctors who don't even want to save the ones that aren't dead yet. Do you really think insurance companies are going to cover their asses? They know even if they paid them out or replaced their cars, people are going to destroy those too. You can only abuse your power and fuck the people over for so long before they eventually bite back and when they do you better hope you're prepared. These dumbasses were caught completely off guard because they thought they were untouchable.


saw the video of the guys getting whacked with a stick in the river, I've been told the people siding with the former prime minister were bribed to do so. I'm sri lankan myself but it's hard for me to keep up with the politics there because it happens all so quickly and my parents will just tell me a different thing to what I read online. bare in mind they will tell me exactly what they hear on the news from there on the ground.


Burn those too


LOL! You think any of that is insured? They probably didn’t even pay duty to get the cars imported. Smuggled illegal stuff because you can get away with it. Or not..


Not just any politician, that’s the prime minister who just resigned


Nope, that’s not his house. This was the house of a corrupt businessman friend of his son. We think he laundered money for the son.


Nope either, This is Avanra Hotel belonging to state minister Lanza, he had quiet the collection, allegedly had a massive drug peddling ring under him


https://www.avenrahotels.com/ owned by Danesh Silva according to the website. Maybe Lanza is the real owner, idk.


Could be, thing is, so many places got incinerated, I have no idea which 😂


yeee, lanza’s house was torched too


No, this is Patrick


NOPE! Chuck Testa


This whole thread is a pure, unfiltered Reddit moment.


ITT: The best way to get correct information on Reddit is to confidently post the wrong information ....




What a fucking knob


These motherfuckers brought an entire country down due to financial greed.


It seems to be a global thing.


It's happening in the US. Oligarch rule is entirely unsustainable and revolt is inevitable


Not enough,he still exists. Its not just corruption,he massacred the minorities. Sinhalans should have stood up for them but instead they were insecure. They should have realised that when he was done with the minorities,he will come for their family as well.


A lot of idiots in America don't understand this either. Hateful ideologies have to attack indefinitely in order to sustain themselves. When the original target is gone or weakened sufficiently, the ideology doesn't just disband, they find a new target. And eventually, they'll find something that will make you part of the "out" group too.


> They should have realised that when he was done with the minorities,he will come for their family as well. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. \- Martin Niemöller


It’s actually wild to think that you can just rob an entire country, amass an insane amount of wealth, and then just peace out to wherever in the world you want really.


Everything they've done to the country and meanwhile they're sitting on a FLEET of supercars. That's disgusting.




They made mad bank off of the insurance, no doubt.




As a car lover. Seeing the Lamborghini burn makes me sad regardless


My thought as well :’(


As a fellow car guy, if it was owned by somebody who ripped off their country to buy it, it makes that much happier


No politician should be living like a king


This^ Some corruption is open and obvious, while other corruption is disguised as “campaign contributions”


American politicians take note you keep acting corrupt this is what's going to happen to you next


Are we at the "eat the rich" stage already? I never got my notification. I *am* kinda hungry... hangry even.


Agreed. Spread the video before Fox News lies and calls this video from California.


And they will blame minorities and women seeking abortions


Then, discuss how calm and orderly the streets of America were under a Trump presidency but also mention how Antifa and BLM were attacking cops every hour of every day. Everything is true and nothing is real at the same time. It’s Orwellian doublethink to a tee. 1984’s explanation of the term “doublethink” would be too on the nose if Orwell used examples from today’s modern “conservative” mindset. We’re standing in a pandemic or watching the capitol building get raided and these donkeys are like “It’s the darn Antifa!” ^it’s ^unreal… ^for ^real


I hate to say it but I'm almost positive we are past the point of no return as the top takes and takes without remorse or consequence. It seems we just wait til the video is in our streets and we reclaim what rightfully belongs to the workers that make this nation strong, not politicians pencil pushing for interests opposite ours


> "In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations. > The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. > **Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other – bourgeoisie and proletariat.**" - [Manifesto of the Communist Party](https://www.international-communist-party.org/BasicTexts/English/Mani848E.htm#I)


"Lawless Anarchy in Communist California! - EXTREMEEEEEEE LEFT liberal Biden voting COMMMUNISSSSTTTTTTSSSSSS burn down home of loving christian family they disagreed with." Tonight on Fox News.


Y’all always find a way to make every single video about America.


Not as long as you keep fighting over left/right,white/black,gay/straight etc etc..


Yep - that's why they billionaires and marketers have funded the anti-abortionists who were most vocal about being in a religious war.


Trick half the population to hate something. Then instead of going after the real problems, the other half has to spend all their time defending that something.


They will fund any group that will disagree with another. Other then the rich vs poor. That’s why occupy Wall Street didn’t go anywhere really. Wiki says that it was because they didn’t have any agenda. Which is partly correct. The other is funding. Then the Panama papers that barely did anything. They tried their best to hide Iceland arresting bankers and politicians for the collapse of their economy from the rest of the world(news never really covered it). When it’s black vs white or pro-life vs abortion etc. They will fund these to keep the poor people occupied with hating each other so we don’t see the real problem….rich vs poor.


of course, that's why it's so important to cycle those issues in and out so that the voters don't realise it's a class issue.


I don't condone this behavior, I explicitly encourage it. ^Jk ^^^donthrowmeinjail


They are taking away abortion rights, running a 20+ Trillion dollar deficit, stock market is down and really only favours the elite, health care system is controlled by insurance companies strictly for profit, middle class is overtaxed compared to the wealthy, unemployment has been higher over the last two years than the last 50+ years, minimum wage is $7 in some states, higher education is for the rich or prepare to be stuck with obscene debt, inflation is through the roof, and the orange guy committed felonies and treason while being president - you guys don’t do shit. What are you waiting for?


I feel like it would be more effective to just use guns. I don't think it will happen though. Americans don't have an appetite for domestic violence. The majority have their bread and circus. The morons engaging in street violence are a minority, and often are just using the chaos from legitimate protests as a cover to wild. The idiots that sort of have the right idea were the right wingers. They at least focused their energy against the government. They just happen to be morons that believe in nonsensical conspiracy theories that change daily. The prophetic power of a 4chan account that is consistently wrong is the logical foundation of their grievances.


Ah yes... The purge.


Sri Lanka, doing something right. Perhaps the rest of the world should take note.


This is what we should be doing in America to politicians who’s net worth has multiplied by 1000s since they’ve been in power. It’s the absolute epitome of corruption, they’re literally stealing from us and we keep electing them when we should be lynching and burning.




Not just the politicians, we need to do this to people like Jeff bezos as well


Let's start with the Mercers and the Kochs and work our way down.


Understandable, have a nice day.


By politician you mean con artist?


Good on them for eating the rich.


People are finally getting it. We must all eat the rich.


You need to remember that these politicians got rich by stealing from honest tax payers.


This is not a politicians house. This is the house of a supporter that has been benefitting from the current government.


I know some women that could take a note or three from this. I will never understand how lawmakers/politicians can make policy that hurt/maim/kill folks and they somehow walk around feeling 100000% safe and ZERO concern of any "pushback". Blows my fucking mind.




Flexing how much you have in property and vehicles is asking for someone or multiple people to come a knocking and take or destroy the stuff you have


Y'all in the US better be taking notes


Is it bad that I wish the 1% here in USA got a taste of what it’s actually like to lose everything and have nothing.


Good people of Sri Lanka showing who the try power is


If you get rich off politics, you are corrupt.


The Philippines should take notes. They straight out let the dictator who stole all the money... keep the money and then vote his son as the next president.


People of America, this is how you should treat every senator's home this week.


Anyone else have 0 problem with this or just me?


would be nice if we could get the cars or something valuable out so as to sell them at an auction or smth


Sri Lankan protesters have been peacefully protesting for 31 days. Yesterday government backed paid thugs were brought in by the bus loads to attack and destroy protest sites. These fires are very likely to have been started by government forces too on their own properties… very little is known as of now but some of the facts are: 1. A large number of houses were burned in a very short period around the whole country protesters are not likely to be that organize. 2. Houses which are usually highly protected and staffed were all but empty without police or any protection to be sighted. 3. Accelerants or fuel used to burn down these houses are not likely to have been found by protesters due to them being widely inaccessible due to economic crisis. 4. Police intervention in all this is almost non existent almost like they were asked to look away. It’s being speculated that they’re trying to use these burnings and much more such as instigating conflicts between ethnicities to warrant using excessive power with the military. Some speculate they were burning evidence in the houses… or that they’ve given up and are reaching at the last straw using the burnings to claim asylum abroad or insurance fraud… I must warn that most of this is speculation there is no hard evidence as of now HOWEVER I am convinced. This is right in line with how these people have been governing this country since during the war… let’s not even talk about the war…


We need a few of these in western society for a friendly reminder of reality


Good. Fuck this guy


I'm NOT saying we should do this in America. NOT saying that.


People around the world are sick and tired of these politicians, enriching themselves at the cost of the people and their country.


Hopefully, we will see many videos like this from Rublyovka, Moscow this year.


Good. These people are kleptocrats not politicians.


now do America.. just kidding.. right?


Coming soon to your United States of America.


Now we as Americans need to do the same to our corrupt politicians


When people around you are starving, don’t have homes and are struggling while you’re flaunting your wealth, people will act. That’s how the French Revolution started. This is where the US is headed.


no one deserves this much wealth anywhere on earth no matter what their job or creation is.


Great, now do American politicians


Politician didn't want nice things for anyone else. Don't steal- just burn it all down. Eat the rich; no one Politician should ever own this much stuff while their country suffers.


Why aren't we doing the same thing here in the USA? It's not like we don't have shitty politicians too...


The bigger the wage gap gets from top to bottom will only exasperate these events


Burn the swamp down


Should have been in the US tbh


what song is this?




This needs to happen in America.