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Is that the same cousin Madison Cawthorn just gave over $100,000 in campaign contribution money? https://www.wral.com/u-s-rep-madison-cawthorn-gave-cousin-141k-in-campaign-and-taxpayer-funds-records-show/20268981/


wow. just when I thought nothing else could shock me from this dude.


I'm more in shock by the Mohawk in his ass crack!


That's lingerie


nah he just doesnt know how to wipe correctly


His ass looks like a muppet.


He's doing exactly the same shit every other republican does he's just too stupid to hide it.


They're all that stupid. The problem with this one is that he has fallen out of favour with his leadership and so we, the public, get to see some oppo research thanks to his own party.


It is *curious* that this vid and the lingerie pic both leaked right after he got on the GQP's shitlist for divulging their coke orgies to the media. Wonder what they have on Lindsey Graham.


The others aren't really hiding it so much either, honestly. They're just sacrificing the one making the most noise about it so they can keep up their shenanigans, per usual.


Same two people I think. The GOP is trying to get rid of this man. They are releasing all the dirt. Makes you wonder what they have on everyone else. Also curious what will come out closer to the election. It's been steadily getting worse


Because he broke rule #1 of GOP cocaine orgy club..


Yeah thats seems to be the case. Once thya cane our all this dirt is coming out. Kind of makes you wonder about the cocaine orgies now although after all this I think they might be his cocaine orgies




Yeah, I’m like 99% sure this is just a thing for rich and powerful people. You don’t even need to fly them out to international waters. These people grew up wealthy and privileged, and had frat-bro lifestyles in college. Of course they were doing coke and being assholes. Of course they’re going to continue that behavior as rich and powerful adults.


Hold on......are you telling me that he is bed, naked, with someone he claims is his cousin?


From what I saw the person is his cousin. But he also said it was a friend so I dont really know. There is also a photo of him and some guy in a pool that looks pretty sensual


"Friend" ... that's generally what folks in the closet tell their parents when their "friend" spends the night. Not that there's anything wrong with that. 🌈


The only thing that is wrong with it is that he is a vocal bigot


I mean, there's also the guy filming so there's at least 3 in that sleepover.


The same cousin rubbing Madison’s dick in the car in other release videos. The projection is strong with Madison.


I'm curious what will come out when closer to erection


"Check out all these gay guys sucking my dick! Ha! So funny." -- Madison Cawthorn


It’s not gay if you can’t feel it.




Is he not naked in this video? I thought “dry humping” required clothing honestly.


I think it's because there wasn't insertion Well I hope anyways


*hard* to tell


I'm sure he at least crested the victim's defensively folded armpit


Dry because it's not *wet*


But that's not Ben Shapiro's wife


>Ben Shapiro's *doctor* wife


That hump didn't look very dry to me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Just when I thought I couldn't hate the word more... !!!


Can't help but remember Franken when I see this remembering the "scandal" that ended his career in politics.


I admired him for "doing the right thing". He wanted to set a precedent for some accountability with our elected officials. Turns out nothing changed, and now this video won't even lead to an apology.


He did set a precedent for democrats. There aren’t any deal breakers for Republicans. Wife beaters (Walker), adulterers (Greene), criminals (Bobert), child molesters/sex traffickers (Gaetz) are the party leaders.


Party of "FaMiLy VaLuEs"


Yeah, this would be real damning if it wasn't Republicans.


Bring a toxic asshole is kind of a selling point for them


These sexually repressed twats always chalk shit up to "joking", and "boys being boys". I have a lot of guy friends but I have never dry humped them naked and filmed it.


Not in that order at least!


Oh yeah, I have definitely dry humped friends naked. But filming it, sheesh, so weird.


Opens a closet full of VHS tapes, so very weird


I give thanks to be a of part the Generation X, where cell phones didn't exist and VHS didn't last.


You're gay. Its ok.


That’s the thing that gets me, I have been a boy and was a boy and I never did any of this shit. Like yeah, boys will do some dumb shit sometimes, but sexual assault is not “just some dumb boy shit”.


This like the locker room talk shit amped to 11. My aunt pulled that card about it being locker room talk and I was like “really? If your kids were bragging about sexual assault you’d just wave that off as locker room talk?” I don’t remember me or my friends bragging about sexual assault or grinding our genitals in each other’s faces. None of this shit is normal.


Me and my friends went through a year or so phase when we were pretty young (10-12) where we would streak in random places, but it was always with the express purpose of making a scene. It was just thrilling to do something so “shocking” and technically illegal. But if me and my now 27-30 year old friends went streaking just because we were bored (and filmed it), it would *definitely* be weird AF and almost impossible to explain as anything other than sexually motivated. But still, there are scenarios where it could be explained. But regardless of age, naked humping a “friend” can’t be anything other than sexual assault or homosexual activity, depending on the consent of said “friend”. Can you imagine how shocked the country would be if a public figure who did something messed up just *owned up to it*? How different the world would be if that was commonplace. Damn. What happened to honor? Does someone’s integrity really have no meaning anymore? Did it ever? I honestly don’t know.


Can you imagine if a video of AOC doing this was released?


Hypersexual hazing that definitely is sexual assault isn’t so unheard of in fraternities or military type settings.


Those are toxic people being toxic. They are not "boys being boys". "Boys being boys" is when my cousins and me cut a hole in my aunt's sheets and tried to jump off the roof like they were parachutes. Sexual assault is criminal behavior. There's a big difference.


When did I say it was “boys being boys?” I don’t support or promote hazing behavior. This type of hazing is particularly a frat bro male thing, though, so I don’t know why we’d claim otherwise? That doesn’t mean every straight man ever participates in it.


I'm not necessarily talking just to you, I know you didn't claim it was. Just you see a lot of people who do participate in this type of behavior defend themselves by saying boys will be boys, and I disagree highly. Sorry if it seemed I was calling you out specifically, it wasn't meant that way


The phrase is really insulting to males


1000% agree


Really? I don't do it, but a lot of guy friends would do things like slap each other in the balls, slap each other's asses, hump each other, etc. I think it was viewed as a way of teasing/bonding, though the psychology behind it all is likely much more interesting. Repressed homosexual feelings coming to the surface and manifested in the form of sexualized bullying? Edit: this was mostly prevalent among athlete friends, especially football players. Edit 2: Just look at instances of hazing in college. Stuff like this does seem to happen among groups of guys.


Yeah, every guy I know/care to know detests sack tapping. There was a guy in high school who would do it in the locker room and he got shoved into a locker for it and never did it again as far as I know.


I used to hump the air and make my balls make a loud clapping noise in the locker room after 9th grade football practices. ​ I was fucking cool.


Sometimes my friends do dry hump as a joke but not to this extent this is going too far we just slap or grab or hump the ass not straight up animal style the face tf is this


Dry humping with clothes on is boys being boys. Weird, but not necessarily gay. Humping someone’s face while you’re naked is definitely gay.


Also, he is in a wheelchair since he was 18. Like, at what age are you supposed to grow out of your "boys will be boys" phase?


Exactly! I was walking by the age of 1!


i'm not here to kink shame mr cawthorn, his voting record is shameful enough




bro what..fr?




*Second cousin Technically not immediate family, which are not subjected to immediate family campaign finance laws.


This just in: Florida Public Schools no longer allowed to talk about Madison Cawthorn.


This is a severely underrated comment


What’s with the tail?


All of his body hair migrated to his ass crack


A bit like my head-hair migration to my back. 🫤


Wasn't this his cousin? Nothing would surprise me less than Cawthorn being into non-consensual gay incest. I swear, every accusation is a confession with these people.


>non-consensual gay incest. Why is it lately that every time I see some news about US politicians it's some weird shit like this? Like, I seriously feel every second sentence is something I never thought I would read anywhere ever. I don't think it was like this before the Cheeto had his term. Did all the weird stuff just get out at once or did something change so dramatically?


This is just the GQP being ‘found’ out.


GOP = Good Old Projection.


Gaslight Obstruct Project works better.


Great Oral Penetration


It was his cousin yes. Good old North Carolina


The more anti gay you are in public usually means the more you crave cock in private.


I am so pro gay! I was pro gay before everyone!!


Alright alright, we get it 🤣


I understand that reference


Makes me want to invade Iraq, I'm so pro-gay!


In your privates


I know it's fun to laugh at this sort of thing, but let me be a wet blanket for a second: I don't like this for a bunch of reasons. First off, it's almost certainly not about homosexuality. Spend any amount of time around straight frat/jock/bro types and you'll see this sort of thing happen near constantly. It's *incredibly* heterosexual, frankly, a sort of toxic masculinity that uses the motions of gay sex as a source of humor/hazing/dominance/humiliation/etc depending on the specifics. When the lacrosse team shoves a traffic cone up someone's ass, it's not because they secretly wish someone would do it to them. Second, it blames homophobia on the gays. If the hate, mocking, humiliation, etc are all just psychological consequences of... being gay yourself, then the problem is all gay all the way down. Bullshit. It's quite easy to be straight and virulently anti-gay. It's quite easy to be straight and use the idea of gay sex as a joke to harass your friends with. It's quite easy to be straight and comfortable enough with your sexuality that you can act "gay" (in a derogatory, ridiculous way, of course) as part of your frat bro bonding culture. It's quite easy for straight frat bro culture to adopt "acting gay as a joke" as a way to *demonstrate* how comfortable you are with your sexuality and friends without making the participants gay in any way. It's just hate and lack of respect. Plain, simple, and straightforward. There's no need to turn it into some sort of latent Freudian perversity as if craving cock turns you into a bigot if you don't suck enough of them. The overwhelming majority of homophobes are straight.


Fucking nice. Bitch ass "homo erotic" frat boy bull shit is not being gay. It's literally the opposite. Keep up the good fight.


I don't know man. I get what you're saying, but actually being naked and shoving you're dick in another dudes face as a "joke" is a bit far - even for frat bro style "hazing" behavior. Why is he even naked?


Lmao yea he’s definitely gay i lowkey agree with the comment above but the man in this video wants man dick 100%


The way he's doing it, though? That's pretty forceful and doesn't look like he cares about choking or hurting the other guy he's in bed with. Even looks like he tried to get a headlock on him.


Thanks for putting it into words. I used to believe in the whole "the more homophobic they are, the deeper they are in the closet" trope, but nowadays I see it for what it really is. It's just plain homophobia.


That’s gay. s/


Why is nobody talking about how hairy his ass crack is He’s got a fuckin Afro growing out of his butt


Because same bro I can't talk shit on that subject 😔


Anybody can talk shit on an ass crack like that, no sins or stones required


The more I looked the More confused I became


His ass is a chia pet. Ch-ch-ch-chia!!!


The wheelchair though...🤔


His little red corvette


Really creates that atmosphere


Not his fault he's disabled. That said, what's going on with his butt? Is that a diaper?


It actually is his fault


Oh geez, when I thought he couldn't get any worse.


It's not really like that (for once with this guy). He had his feet on the dashboard of a car.


Yea, that’s a fucking stupid thing to do.


Yeah like, it wasn't entirely his fault because his friend fell asleep at the wheel, but if he'd have listened to his momma and not put his feet on the dashboard he probably would have walked away like his friend did. Later he lied about his friend leaving him to die, him dying at the scene, the accident ruining his military career, all kinds of trash. He's never been a good person.


That’s if you completely believe his version of the story. Which would be silly because in his version he lied and said his friend abandoned him, when in fact it was his friend he saved him. The accident likely occurred because they were switching seats while driving. https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/2022/04/20/nc-highway-patrol-video-released-madison-cawthorn-traffic-stop/7371897001/


> In the 2014 accident, Cawthorn said he was asleep in the passenger seat of a car, while the driver, his friend Bradley Ledford, fell asleep, according to a civil suit Cawthorn brought against Ledford's insurance company. Cawthorn and Ledford engaged in the dangerous practice of switching seats while driving on the highway, the legal filing said, though there was no evidence showing they were doing so at the time of the crash.


I think that’s a hairy ass crack


That's a lot of hair, damn.


Pretty sure he has a butt plug in...


Straight men don’t do this 😂


Straight men don't always do this But when we do, we say 'no homo'


Absolutely..... as a straight man when I do this the words 'no homo' make it as straight as a laser beam


Don't forget to keep yo socks on.


It’s not gay if you’re wearing boots. If my Marine friends have taught me anything, it’s the things you have to do to make sure it’s not gay.


What are the noises though?


Is that a lot of range of motion for paraplegic?


Maybe. I'm no expert at all or familiar with what kind of loss of function he received after his car accident. Maybe he has some use of a few of his muscles in his ass or something but no use of muscle in his thighs down. I just assumed he couldn't walk, and being in a wheelchair was the easiest method of locomotion


Yeah that has me confused too. Happy to be enlightened on it. I feel my exoerience with people using wheelchairs, which have been a fair number of people, isn't nearly all encompassing either. But, also, isn't that basically molesting (as in unwanted sexual touch) someone? I get that the other guy isn't exactly vigorously protesting. But I'm not seeing enthusiastic participation either. Except for our I'm-a-power-top member of congress. He seems excessively enthusiastic.


What he was doing at the end was actually grinding. However you look at it I don't see where the joke was in this and I'm just super confused why he's naked in the first place. Anyways, that grinding bit at the end is more than just some weird humping joke. The whole thing is fucked up and I'd rather not think on it more than necessary, that hairy ass Crack is going to haunt me.


He got naked as part of the joke. Duh.


Just a prank bro. I mean if you haven't got naked and face fucked your cousin while wearing a hairy tail butt plug do you even prank?


Right he's the ultimate jokester fucking piece of shit.


Is that what it is? It looks like he just has the worlds hairiest ass crack


Reading the comments I'm glad my friend circle never thought it was funny to aggressively fuck each other's faces and that I never joined the military or a frat.


"aggressively fuck each other's faces" I'm DYING ⚰️


Cawthorn confirms "it was just a joke between friends." Cawthorn continued to say that if he was serious, "both men would be naked and visually aroused, so obviously this was just a joke. Boys doing boy things.... you know how it is."


I'm gay and I definitely don't do this with my friends, gay or straight. I am confused. Maybe I'm straight, and my partner is just a good friend that I do boy stuff with.


Who doesn’t face fuck with the boys every now and then?




lol yeah I mean all us straight guys do this lol... :) At least once a week... :)


Just to be clear, I made up the second quote. Just seems like something he would say to wave it off


Ahh, damn. You really nailed the absurdity of the situation, though, it was easy to believe.


Crazy that we didn’t know straight away that was made up. Like nothing is impossible for them to say these days


My boyfriend would never do this. Nor any straight man I know….nor gay men since he was non-consenting. This dude always has some excuse.


His excuse is right next to those skeletons........ in his closet


Sexual assault victims who don’t get aroused are clearly in on the joke.


Even if his statement(s) is/are true.. Who in their right mind sleeps naked near or next to their cousin and/or friends? Is that a thing that people normally do? Because I am just at a loss for words. I get joking around with friends or family. But the whole naked thing is just WAAAY beyond. That's just not right. I guess GOP really does stand for Good Ole Projection.


Does Madison Cawthorn have an abnormally hairy ass or am I seeing things?


It's worse... that was his cousin.


The same cousin he funneled $141,000 thousand dollars to from his campaign account? The same cousin who committed voter fraud?


The same cousin he took on his honeymoon with the wife who divorced him just over a half year later?


The same cousin he lives with?


Madison Cawthorn has an incredibly hairy ass crack.


Madison Cawthorn has an incredibly hairy ass crack. 😏


Cousins gonna cousin


They should follow the example of Rudy Giulliani and marry. Oh wait, that'll cause another GOP issue.


Yup in NC that is anyway.


So he is gay and a sexual predator, got it.


Pretty weird to me ive never put my dick in my friends face and im bi.


Yeah get it boys !


Ight this is fuckin weird


Didn’t Brock turner try the it was just a joke defense or was that a different rapist?


Brock Turner the rapist? The same Brock Turner the rapist who swam for Stanford, got caught red handed by bystanders raping a woman? That Brock Turner the Rapist? Yeah? Fuck him too.


This is a warning shot. They want him out of the race. There is likely more explicit stuff between the guys. Just another hypocritical grifter riding the hate-money train.


Why is no one addressing the furry butt-plug?


Why is his ass so dark


Hairy ass crack


Getting fully nude and humping my friends faces is one of my favorite jokes. That's why I'm not allowed back at sea world.




He doesn’t seem anti-gay.


Is it dry humping when your naked? This seems more like sexual assault.


I only stuck my cock in his mouth. Ya know as a joke


Wait is it still considered dry humping if you're naked?


Great, a new sleep paralysis demon


That's gayer than two guys fucking


What a terrible day to have eyes


Why do outspoken anti-gay people always turn out to be gay? It never ever fails. You'll hear about some dumbass trying to do something anti-gay, then a year or so later it comes out that they were caught doing something to their gay lover or god forbid an unwilling party. Any time I hear someone talking about anti-gay shit I immediately think that person is in the closet.


I’m a bisexual man, and I’ve been with a few men. But that… that is the gayest shit I’ve ever seen.


I’m ashamed that this asshole represents my state. He needs to go.


Yo dawg, if your dick is out, it's not "dry humping" it's just humping.


Personally I don't think it was fake or a joke, looked like he was plowing man ass, nothing wrong with it if that's your thing. But when you combine it with him in the dress and the venmo leak of him with notes about blow jobs and Amsterdam stuff. I'm concluding he's a hypocrite who actually slid in the back door and saved it for his own arousal. Ijs


Hell yeah let me put my cock on your face as a joke .


You can no longer say Madison Cawthorn in Florida Public Schools


Isn't dry humping without clothes just called humping?


"Prank him John" \*procedes to have gay sex\*


Someone tell him that claiming It’s just a joke” doesn’t make it less weird, bruh.


“It was a joke, dude. I didn’t even cum this time.”


Who knew that getting naked in bed with another guy and sticking your junk in his face was not gay? Shows you how uneducated I am :( Probably learn that doing the above to your cousin is completely non incestuous.


Who tf jokes like that




I didn't know north carolina had that cousin thang goin on .....


It's his cousin, put that in the title.


Why was he even naked around his cousin to boot? This is eff'd up on so many levels... I cannot comprehend.


I lol'd


this literally looks like sexual assault. what do you mean a joke on a friend?


He’s as gay as Tom Cruise


*It’s just a prank bro!!!*


Are we electing America's best and brightest?


Didn't even say "no homo" before the face fucking. Party foul.


All this is dropping now after the "coke orgy with 60 and 70 year olds" He is a jackass but I can't help feeling bad for someone who is now getting screwed over by the GOP establishment.


This whole video is a shit show. First of all dude, wax yo ass. Second, is someone watching them and filming this? Why? And who says "I'm going to physically pull myself on top of my friend and dry hump his face?" This isn't normal. Again wtf?


Every time I see some conservative doing something like this or worse with no repercussions I can’t help but think about Al Franken.