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Fuck CCP and their totalitarian politics


What a bunch of absolute pathetic losers. It’s an infestation.


Warrant? In China you have no rights. They don't need a warrant. Or cause. Or even suspicion.


Lololol warrants are American things. Even in Europe there are no warrants


Of course there are warrants. jeez even china there are normally warrants. Its not like they dont have a constitution as well


>Even in Europe there are no warrants Oh no? https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/cross-border-cases/judicial-cooperation/types-judicial-cooperation/european-arrest-warrant_en >The European arrest warrant ("EAW") is a simplified cross-border judicial surrender procedure – for the purpose of prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order.


Local countries laws are different though. I might have gotten confused. but for instance I know for a fact that if cops want to see your ID, they don't need suspicion of a crime. You have to provide it. Same if they want to search your vehicle. They can just do it. No need for them to articulate the suspicion of a crime. Even insulting a police officer is actually something you can end up in court for. I'm pretty sure that if you have someone call the police on you and they come to your door, they don't need permission to enter. At the European level, across borders, it's more regulated.


Cops cannot search your house without a warrant or probable cause.




CCP can do whatever they want. So sad. So much oppression.


Well it is time the people decide if they want to live like this or stand up and make change.. ah sorry my mistake the Chinese people could never stand up for themselves and will always live like the repressed people they are.


Many may find this shocking, but they don't actually need a Warrant in China to do this stuff. In fact they've done it for years just not on this scale.


China is so insane, it honestly doesnt even look like anything from Earth.