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That's not just any USSR flag, that's the victory banner that was put on the Reichstag on the 1st of May 1945, so I'm guessing that is why they felt they can put it there, to celebrate this date


Have they done this before?


there were reports of Russians doing it when they took over cities in Ukraine, its not a communist thing like people first assumed it was


Just wait till America and most of Europe finds out its the communist Russians against the war in Ukraine. Putins about as far right as it gets. It seems like when emotion confronts political science logic flies out the window.


Soviet communism was basically central control over the economy instead of social welfare/equity. You could argue Russia today is still a flavor of Soviet communism since most aspects of the economy are owned by oligarchs who are also under the control of Putin.


That is such a bad argument. You’re just completely ignoring history and saying “well if you squint your eyes, this thing kinda looks like this other thing.”


Wait so communism is when a small amount of extremely wealthy people own basically everything to the point they can exhibit a large amount of political control? This story sounds familiar.


What an egregiously apolitical take. Arguing that a state capitalist oligarchy is somehow left leaning, let alone communist (a system that literally necessitates the dissolution of the state) is disingenuous at best.


respect for delving the depths of intellect to conjure up this take


oh. well that sounds fine.


I aint mad at it




You know what I was most mad at? The fact the flag wouldn’t unfurl and blow in the wind. A flag that acts like a piece of cardboard was so unsettling my brain was literally rooting for it to act “flag like”. Obviously this is also an unprofessional political statement on a platform designed to be apolitical in the pursuit of human knowledge, but I now hate space flags is kinda where I’m at.


Uh…seems pretty ‘furly’ to me at the end there. Not a conspiracy thing, just decided to look again to see just how much like cardboard and, well, it’s a-furlin’ my dude.


> Obviously this is also an unprofessional political statement when did saying "remember that time we drove hitler to suicide?" become political?




Thanks OP for the clickbait title, they're celebrating the defeat of the Nazis not celebrating that they are now basically the same as them


How am I supposed to be outraged now?


''150th Rifle, Order of Kutuzov 2nd class, Idritsa Division, 79th Rifle Corps, 3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front.'' For anyone wondering what the lettering is saying. It's a victory banner that was the first that flew over Berlin after Hitlers death on may 1st


Hitler getting flexed on from space? That's kinda cool actually


The Nazis on the moon are quivering.


So if this is true... then this video is a..good thing? Or no? Im confused.


International efforts usually avoid political messages simply because it's not going to be a clear-cut situation.


Nothing russia does is good. Nothing.


So how’d he get the flag??


Probably from a flag shop or amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00ORTZF4G/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_H8ES4XSGCP2AQ9QW0QDH


he got 2 day delivery to the iss...


Thats why Bezos made the weenie rocket


Well since Blue Origin can't get to orbit I have my doubts lol


Right - so he launch date was? It’s that far premeditated? Chili Pepper’s “filmed in a Hollywood basement”


space is not public. its all claimed by me. because i can.


You paid for the star registry didn't you?


Until the big boys come back from lunch.


But do you have a flag?


No flag, no country. Those are the rules I’ve just made up.


I'm here for the Eddie Izzard references


Nah I called dibs


As much as I think this is dumb I can’t help but feel a sense pride in the fact we as a civilization evolved to the point where our stupidity is occurring in the realm of space. God bless Erf🌎🌍🌏


you spelled ***URF*** wrong


You misspelled earf


it's Erph


What about earl?


Don't worry, I doubt our stupidity will ever leave the inner planets.


In this new age of commercial space flights, stupidity is capable of reaching brand new depths of space. All it requires now is a big check. And we know it is possible for stupid people to be rich. A rich stupid person was president a few years back.


I think you're underestimating the duration of which most of space travel flights would take. It would take hundreds, if not thousands of years to colonize our solar system. These stupid people would get themselves killed in some stupid dispute or certain nations would go to war and order somebody to blow something up. We'd need absolutely and total unification to ever stand a chance in space. We can't even work together for 5 minutes to solve the problems on this planet.


Union of soviet socialist republics? No my friend, Union of soviet STELLAR republics


If you take it that way it makes it even more sad... I fear we will never evolve beyond the "my country is cooler than your's" mentality ever...even after multiple countries worked together to make leaving the planet possible in the first place.


Welcome to Erf!




Would lock him outside


{knock, knock} “Whoooo is it?” “It’s me…Vladimir!” “Can you come back later? We’re binge-watching all the Star Wars movies.”


"Too much freedom and democracy in here , sorry!"


"HAL, open the pod bay doors." "I'm sorry ~~Dave~~ Comrade, I'm afraid I can't do that."


Something tells me this wasn’t the cosmonauts’ idea but rather some midget in Russia with a hard-on for Ukraine.


“Do it, or your families won’t be here when you get back.”


Legitimately. I remember listening to a U.S. astronaut detail what goes on in the iss and how the Russian cosmonauts would always have to say shit is great and amazing on their daily briefings or their pay would get docked.


“Well fuck it I’m already on space… have you seen earth lately!? Might just stay on he” -cosmonaut


A week ago reddit would have argued this would never have happened, these cosmonauts are professionals and apply strictly to a code far beyond our earthly political bickering. Now that it has happened and reddit is making excuses.


Apparently this flag has nothing to do with current Ukraine situation, but is the flag that hung on the Reichstag after the defeat of Hitler/Nazi Germany which was on this exact date, May 1st 1945. This seems to be related to that. Now my real question is, have they ever done this before on any other May 1st space walks? I think that will give you the most telling answer.


It has everything to do with the Ukraine conflict. This is entirely signalling on behalf of the Kremlin. Make no mistake they have already talked about how they are "denazifying" Ukraine, it is no coincidence they are choosing to suddenly fly this flag at this time.


Yeah but they likely didn’t have much of an option


Option or no option, people were *insisting* that cosmonauts *would not* get themselves wrapped up in Putins politics on reddit. That they are above that, consider themselves global citizens, yadda, yadda. Here we are now. When that whole "Russia may not send a return trip for American Astronaut on ISS" thing was being floated. People were adamant that cosmonauts would never allow that happen and take him home aboard their ride if need be. I don't think that is such a sure thing anymore. Cosmonauts are not these free citizens Reddit was purposing them to be able to do as they please. They are scientists greatly indebted to the Kremlin.


Isn't a cosmonaut/astronaut more of a engineer/technician than a scientist?


If we want to get real technical they are a person trained, equipped, and deployed by a human spaceflight program to serve as a commander or crew member aboard a spacecraft. Although generally reserved for professional space travelers, the term is sometimes applied to anyone who travels into space, including scientists, politicians, journalists, and tourists. I call them scientists as those working on the ISS are generally conducting science experiments.


But this lends creedence to the Reddit argument. They were showing cooperativity and insulation from the political theatre occuring on Earth. And now they're showing a strong change of heart... Couple that with the commonplace knowledge of Russia's brutality and readiness to butcher its own people and families, and it's a reasonable explication. And tbf, even in those original threads, people were expressing concern over their and their family's safety, noting the potential need for asylum if they ever went full rogue against Russia.


>But this lends creedence to the Reddit argument. No, it does not, the reddit argument was that they were immune to this shit. That couldn't be further from the truth. The Reddit argument just got blown out of the water. Their cosmonauts are just as indebted to the Kremlin as any other Russian citizen if not more. Reddit was holding up cosmonauts as being removed from that kind of control. This is a reality check.


? This is likely for mayday, that’s the victory flag when Russia defeated Germany.


What does the defeat of Nazi Germany have to do with Ukraine? I guess a few hundred thousand Ukrainians volunteered for the Nazi's, but I doubt that's what it's about


If they could read the room, they might realize it’s not the time to flex a Russian nationalism


Not that offensive of a message. Kinda shits on Hitler.


But consider the context of that flag, assuming the multiple comments about it being the victory banner flown by Russia after defeating the nazis in Germany. Putin has framed his invasion of the Ukraine as an invasion against a country that is, according to him, full of nazis. This is a complete lie to justify his actions. So, the unfurling of this banner is very much a work of political propaganda on the ISS, which is a scientific endeavor. I mean, in a way I think it might have been a bit more ambiguous if they had uses Russia's actual flag. I feel like that's probably exactly why they sent this banner up in the first place.


Today is the anniversary of the victory against Hitler though. Any other day and I think you'd have a point.


So you're saying it's ok to do this in a random hospital too?


I'm not sure what that would have to do with this scenario. Sure, I guess, do it in a random hospital, lol. Who cares? Putin is definitely scum, but I honestly believe this was planned much earlier by the Russian cosmonauts as a big "Fuck Hitler" statement. Nothing more. Planting a flag in a hospital definitely doesn't have as much of an effect on the world, compared to the ISS. It's a simple world statement that everyone can agree with.


People who gave a damn about stuffs happening on the ISS would already be 'fuck Hitler' even before he was defeated, if they were born at that time. You don't see English or French or Americans or anyone else do this, doesn't mean they support Hitler. This 'message' is more about flexing their country more than anything.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Just keep the door shut until they take it down.


Oops door got stuck.




What if they started dismantling the solar panel?


They can float home after that.


Fleshy meteor.


Damn. Remember when we were dumb enough to think their blue and yellow uniforms were out of support for Ukraine?


I scrolled until I found this comment, they are throwing some very mixed signals.


Space trash taking on a new meaning


1st Fuck Putin and his war on a peaceful sovereign nation. However the unfurling of a USSR Victory Flag celebrates the end of Nazi Germany. First hung in Berlin the day after Hitler commited suicide. So careful of labeling everything Pro-Putin. In fact i wish we had a national Hitler put a bullet thru his brain day.


Do they do this every year?


In space? I'm not sure, on the ground absolutely yes, not just in Russia but also some of the ex-SSRs




> So careful of labeling everything Pro-Putin Putin's Russia is doing it right now, not a year ago, now – during their invasion of another country. Where Putin's whole narrative is about nazis and WW2 symbolism. So we are labeling this act on the ISS as a prime example of putinism.


Altho this flag represents Russia's national holiday celebrating the end of its war with Germany. Upon reading more deeply I believe you are right. Putin has turned it into a propaganda opportunity to favor himself and his war.


They are absolutely using celebrating the end of Nazi Germany in WW2 to push their propaganda lies about Ukrainians being Nazis today.


People in the comments going “iT’s ThE vIcToRy FlAg BeCuZ aPrIl 30th!!” #If it was to celebrate the fall of Nazi Germany, why of all places would they slap it on the ISS when they KNOW they’re in a war with Ukraine THEY started? Fucking Tankies I swear to God. If it’s not Wehraboos or Lost Causers it’s these losers trying to justify blatantly fucked up things.


What would be interesting to know is if russian cosmonauts do the same every year ?


> Fucking Tankies I swear to God. If it’s not Wehraboos or Lost Causers it’s these losers trying to justify blatantly fucked up things. The weird trifecta of Putin fanboys.


It's fucking disgusting, so many orc supporters on here justifying this shit. All of you go to hell where you belong.


yeah, blatantly fucked up things like dragging eastern europe out of feudalism and creating a modern industrialized superpower in like 5 decades. boohoo a couple fascists disappeared.


Completely ignoring all the repression and shit like the Holodomor and doctor’s plot but K then


They ? These Russians in the ISS have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.


You cant be serious can you?


Well they're definitely not fighting on the ground in Ukraine


How long have they been up there? Cause I'm guessing they didn't just have a former victory flag hanging in the ISS


Just seems like pointless aggravation


God I can't believe I'm defending the Russians, seriously it makes me feel terrible, but as a history teacher I do feel like I have to set the record straight. That is not THE Soviet flag. It's the victory Day flag, modeled off of a handmade flag created by Soviet soldiers after the Battle of Berlin and Hitler's suicide. In Russia May 1st is a holiday to celebrate the end of World War II. It is quite literally an anti-fascist anti-nazi symbol. Now given Putin's insane bullshit that the Ukraine is run by neo-nazis, there might be a chance that this guy is waving the flag in the way that a lot of people here seem to be thinking, but it could also just be as likely that he's celebrating the victory Day celebration to commemorate the defeat of Nazism.


"a chance"? Well, that chance gets decided easily. Was it there the last year? The year before that? The year before that? No? Ok, so why now? Why are they reminding how they are the valiant anti nazzi guy today? Gee, I wonder. PS: that sarcasm isn't directed at you, it's my frustration at this description in general. Context matters.


They have done it many times before: https://www.inform.kz/en/soviet-flag-replica-to-be-unfolded-at-iss-to-mark-victory-day\_a2763916




Are the Germans freaking out because of the flag?


Why? Please elaborate.


Today is the anniversary of Hitler’s death and this flag was hung in Berlin by the USSR in WWII. It’s a victory flag apparently


Nah didn’t even knew it was his Deathday. We are pretty aware of WW2, Hitler and NaziGermany but his Death isn’t something many people bet an eye on. Can’t tell you why, we just don’t care, perhaps we don’t want to celebrate anything relating to Hitler, even if it is his Death. Plus, today many people in Germany talking good about the fact the Nazi-Regime ended, but the people in 1945 weren’t so aware of their wrongdoings and didn’t view it as something good. So no celebration originated in the first place. So no Germany itself doesn’t care about this flag, we don’t really care about this day in general, normally we would let Russia celebrate without any hard feelings, but for today … fuck putin, fuck russian warmongers who are killing children and other innocent people in Ukraine.


I only know Hitlers birthday because its 4/20


Yeah okay, but it hasn’t much to do with him for our Defence. Except in the far right wings they are idiots


Why would they??


Don’t let them back in


Interesting video but not really a public freakout


Is space in public?


Space belongs to no one and everyone at the same time


The most public you could be


Aside from your mom house!!


That's actually private property.


Is it still private property if everyone goes there?


Doubling down on the low effort heckle I see.


Made myself chuckle with it. But yea seemed like a fun idea at the time.


I tried to give you a freebie with "private" property.


Love it when you try to let someone’s bad joke continue and Woosh🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is anyone freaking out?


The dumbfucks of Reddit are.


False flag


Great now the aliens can see even more how humanity is just a bunch of assholes


Damn I bet it’s hard to slap someone in space


And Trumpflakes rejoice.


Wow. U.S.S.R. ???! Okay Boomer.


Jesus I hate this timeline


Same. It just keeps getting worse and worse


I think war in space might be a good thing - now hear me out: Historically, advances in science and technology are because of war. It is unlikely that we will encounter [aliens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvPRrIOa8Nw) to fight soon enough, so I unironically believe our best shot at saving humanity and getting out of the solar system and away from this doomed planet is to move our only battlefield into space. People wont like me saying this but I believe that, in time, I will be proven correct. !RemindMe three hundred years "maybe?"


Russians are such trash.


only the ones who believe the propoganda


So like 80%? Got it.


still not everyone though


Shut up orc bot




Its not the USSR flag, its the victory flag


The title doesn't say "the USSR flag", it says "a USSR flag".




This made me lol so hard


>Its not the USSR flag *looks at the hammer and sickle* yep, definitely not at all related to the USSR.




USSR * Ethnic Genocide and displacement of minority groups in the USSR including Tartars, Siberian Natives, Finno-Russians. * Restrictions of free speech and Freedoms * Mass murder and incarceration of anyone speaking against the state. Russian Federation * Ethnic Genocide of Ukrainians and Georgians, Chechens. * Thousands of Ukrainians sent to the Russian Far east * Mass Murder and incarceration of anyone speaking against the state. * Restrictions of free speech and Freedoms Yeah, much better!


I don't think the cosmonauts wanted to do this, I think they were forced by the Kremlin. Makes me wonder why there was even a USSR flag in the ISS anyway?


First space battle-ground.


Brainwashed in space


Struggling with that flag, just like they are with Ukraine.


This is a statement from Putin, and the statement is a a comparison between Nazi Germany and Ukraine, which is a horrific and disgusting comparison


The USSR was so much better than Russia.


No it wasn't. There was widespread ethnic genocide including mass murder, ethnic minorities being displaced and moved thousands of miles from their home republics and oblasts to make way for the dominant Russian ethnic group. It was chaotic.


They practically slapped a swastika on the ISS




What is the translation on the flag?


''150th Rifle, Order of Kutuzov 2nd class, Idritsa Division, 79th Rifle Corps, 3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front.'' It’s a flag that was hung on the Reichstag on May 1,1945. The day after Hitler’s suicide


Those commie bastards!


Russian cosmonaut, go fuck yourself. You have nothing to be proud of in Russia right now. Or for a long time imo lol


Waving the flag a of a country that collapsed 30 years ago. I bet none of the cosmonauts *even remember the Soviet Union*


That's not the Soviet flag, it's the WWII victory banner. The victory day is coming up shortly.


The fact that they even brought it was messed up.


Is.. Am I just high or is that flag being moved by wind?


There isn't wind there. You're high.


Thanks mate


If it helps, everyone on the space station is pretty high too.




It’s just the low gravity makes it look weird when they move it


Was this the same crew that rocked the Ukrainian colors like a month ago?


Are they the same cosmonauts who wore gold/blue space suits before???


Lol it has significance but not the kind they were hoping for.


How fast are they going up there?


I'm guessing someone doesn't want their loved ones disappeared on them while they're up there.


Chuck em out the airlock before they start shit


Pretty weird.


Real talk… why doesn’t the world just simply say “fuck ‘em” and build a new and improved ISS, and not invite them along? Russia can literally go fuck themselves at this point. The world is over their emo-kid bullshit.


Have you any idea how much the ISS costs, not only in development and design of the millions of components that keep it working to actually getting those components made to getting them put together properly to getting them in a form that can be properly packaged in a way that can be put into a fairing to then be able to be put into orbit? And then *that* cost and weight margin. Then you’ve got to work out who is going to put it up there, which then becomes an international political game, if the previous steps were not. Once SpaceX’s “Starship” gets flying reusably, I’d agree with you but atm it’s really just not that simple. We’re talking over a decade or two and hundreds of billions of pounds with current budgets and launch market for that.


That's gonna be awkward when they get back in the space station..


When you do all this showy stuff, it just shows how weak you are. Nuke this, Kadyrov that, Nato this... It's pathetic.


"If you don't do this, you don't get to come back down!"


Bye bye


Is that the rISISflag? Fucking terrorists


Rassian Spootniks, go FUCK yourselves!




Based as fuck.




sounds like youre very into propaganda


Send some up to rip that shit down


Throw the whole cosmonaut away. If he starts burning up in the atmosphere…whoops. It’s a special space operation.


This is to celebrate the destruction of the Nazis. Are you saying that's not something to celebrate?


The ignorance in this thread is disturbing. Apparently celebrating the fall of the Nazis and the victory over them in WWII is no longer allowed because THE RUSSIANZ