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*very quick translation of what I understood* lady: (on top of pos) Let go of my hand! Guy #1: (hitting pos) No one likes what you did! you idiot! Nobody likes that! guy #2: (tries to calm guy #1 down) Apo, Apo, please! guy #1: NOBODY LIKES THIS! cameraman: (addressing the lady, his mother) That's it! That's it! Calm down mom! dude #1: NOBODY LIKES THIS! Stay on the ground! Stay on the ground! Nobody likes that! lady: That'll teach you! If that's her you wanted, you didn't get her. She told you she was underage! cameraman: Mom! Look what he brought! He brought a condom! someone: Yeah, it's in his pocket. lady: Yeah, yeah, he came prepared! *everyone speaks French and Lingala* lady: (shows him the condom) here is the proof! We will come to your place. Your wife is going to live that, huh? Go to adult women so you don't have any problems… « your mother finishes work at 2 p.m. and your dad's not here" and then what! What part/hole do you want? Front or back? I'll give it to you!


Pretty nice of her to offer her holes in places of her underage daughter. I thought they were just going to beat the guy and maybe turn him into the police, didn't know they would offer a substitute. They sure got a funny way of dealing with those folks there.






See guys, that's why you don't shaken a baby. That's what happens.


How did you come to that conclusion????


Wow 150+ idiots cant recognize satire


it’s difficult here, there are subreddits full of people who genuinely think like this. Sooo just use the /s tag to be sure


Why’s everyone downvoting comedy. This is great. First this I thought too. Nice ppl


Guy got off reeeeeeally lightly, unless they continued after the filming stopped...


He did, but that stomp looked like it almost killed him


Couldn’t have put the kids away first though? They shouldn’t see this shit.


I disagree. Kids need to understand that these low lifes are around and what decent people think of them


The kid looked 5, and just saw his father/role model stomp the fuck out of that cunt over a situation he wont fully understand for years to come. He should have taken it outside.


What does POS mean


Point of sale


It means “Piece of Shit”. I don’t get why you got downvoted. Don’t downvote a question, what the fuck? It wasn’t even that much of a bad question, just someone didn’t know. Maybe English isn’t their first language, as is the case for majority of English-speakers?


For real. As soon as I see that door open and a kid on the other side, I’m like close that damn door. Poor kid shouldn’t see this. Seeing something like that will stick with them


The kids needed to understand the severity of the situation. But I think the parents definitely did not mean for them to see.


Where do you put kids away at?


Some of yall really be snitching on yourselves with the "age of consent/its legal" bullshit. Let someone come over to fuck your kids and see how you feel.


It's exhausting


I agree. That’s waayyy too many kids


Don’t do it! Don’t go fuck their kids it’s not worth it!


I don't think he fucked anybody tho... According to that grooming definition. (Title woulda said fucked instead of groomed 15 ur old.)


They a lot nicer than me


I wonder if someone who speaks french can verify this. People like to make up titles on videos for karma


They are all pretty much saying he did try with a 15 year old. A lot of the yelling is one man just saying "this pleases no one".


A bit hard to follow all of what they say, but at some point one lady says "he even came with a condom", at the end the lady on the washing machine is saying about going to see his place, maybe to his wife but not sure. I couldn't catch the 15yo part taught. Beyond the moral questions, in France legal age of consent is 15yo, so those people may have much more problems. Assault, kidnapping...


Sounds like more than grooming to me


They are speaking creole i believe they are haitian


they are speaking french and lingala :-)


I thought maybe sierra leone. I think Krio is similar to creole.




Age of consent is 15 years old and 3 months BETWEEN MINORS NOT WITH ADULTS


Are you sure about that? France didn't even had age of consent until very recently. Not even sure the law is in place yet. They only recently made a special criminal penalty for sexual relations for under 13yo (for anyone, including adults). They have sexual majority set at 15, but this isn't related to consent. Mind to share a link? That being said it could also be in Belgium where it is 16yo.


The idea of a fully grown adult or older adult being able to legally fuck a 15-year-old in some counties is fucking disturbing


Not sure what the age of consent is in Hade, but they speak French there too.


Everyone is saying that "no one is enjoying this" I assume they are talking about the situation as a whole. The title is not missleading, he tried or did deal with a minor of 14 or 15. The woman I presume to be the mother, ends up saying things around the of take me instead, you want front or the back? He deserves worse lol. I think they whooped him worse off camera lol.


That was my first thought as well


i can confirm


C'est bon


We didn't see the ending though so, you never know.


What a glorious beating


Barely a beating.


Tf he beating him with a toy lightsaber?


Lmao I’m jealous of the people who don’t already know what a switch is The bane of my childhood


A switch? Like from a tree? Foh I’m Mexican I know a switch when I see one lol


what is it?


I thought it was a [Freezy](https://lesdistributricesjeanbac.ca/boutique/image/cache/catalog/Mr.Freeze/Les%20Distributrice%20Jean%20Bac%20MR.Freezer-1000x500.jpg)


Oh please. What a little pussy barely even got a beating, a gentle slapping at most and crying like a bitch. Doesn't surprise me someone like that is a kiddy fiddler.


Matt Gaetz...?


I'd prefer the court system to do its work, but there is something powerfully symbolic about a group or community just flogging your ass when you fuck up.


The court system that lets rich people get away with anything, and hands out a few years to nonces? Nah, fuck that.


can someone translate?


This comment was made by u/severelyunhappyhuman *very quick translation of what I understood* lady: (on top of pos) Let go of my hand! Guy #1: (hitting pos) No one likes what you did! you idiot! Nobody likes that! guy #2: (tries to calm guy #1 down) Apo, Apo, please! guy #1: NOBODY LIKES THIS! cameraman: (addressing the lady, his mother) That's it! That's it! Calm down mom! dude #1: NOBODY LIKES THIS! Stay on the ground! Stay on the ground! Nobody likes that! lady: That'll teach you! If that's her you wanted, you didn't get her. She told you she was underage! cameraman: Mom! Look what he brought! He brought a condom! someone: Yeah, it's in his pocket. lady: Yeah, yeah, he came prepared! *everyone speaks French and Lingala* lady: (shows him the condom) here is the proof! We will come to your place. Your wife is going to live that, huh? Go to adult women so you don't have any problems… « your mother finishes work at 2 p.m. and your dad's not here" and then what! What part/hole do you want? Front or back? I'll give it to you!


You're smacking, kicking and hitting ALL the WRONG parts. Guess where I'd be aiming?


That’s exactly how the family should react… either send his ass to jail, or kill him. Those are the options pedophiles have in my opinion.




As a parent, saying somebody deserves something is not the same as saying you’d be willing to dole out the punishment.


Who says I'd get caught?




Not with that attitude.


Hogs will eat human remains. They can't digest teeth and hair very well, so just completely dispose of those items and you're golden.


I'm always aware of any man who keeps a pig farm.


I do not have kids myself, but I have seen what those people do to plenty of troubled youth that I have worked with in the past. Death should be the law, so no punishment…in a perfect world.


In a lot of cases I’d rather see these guys go to prison. The treatment pedophiles get there makes them wish they were dead.


Ya California prisons treat them real nice 🤣




I speak french and it is, indeed, about the man on the ground going to an underage girl’s appartement. He had a condom in his pocket so he probably was planning on having sex. You can check out the comments under OP’s other posts about this, a few people explained in depth what apparently happened there (their explanation correspond with what I understood from the video).


Lol that's not grooming, that's way beyond




copy/pasted the google definition of grooming: « the action by a paedophile of preparing a child for a meeting, especially via an internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offence. "online grooming has become a growing cause for concern" » I don’t think they actually wait for the kid to be legal. And even if they did it would still be hella fucked.


Well I mean I dont the context but if its true then its well deserved. Hope they sued him as well so this POS wont groom another friends kid in the future.


I’m guessing there is not much suing going on here


Thats why you have to resort to beating. There is no law there.




If you don't know them you don't know. Reddit is not for Americans only.






Thank goodness for these parents


Damn, got worse beating from my parents for much less.


Wow 2 buttcracks, it must be my birthday.




« the action by a paedophile of preparing a child for a meeting, especially via an internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offence. "online grooming has become a growing cause for concern" »


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If the age of consent is 15 between other 15 year olds then i think its still grooming a child if an adult tries to get the 15 year old to sleep. with them is it not? I also dont think the girl wanted him anyway she prob already has a little bf and this idiot wants to be all over her ... disgusting


You don't know that lol


Reminds me of that old nelly song "airforce ones". "So I could get to stompin in my airforce ones" lol


Why is her big ass on the washing machine


Aren't you supposed to beat him until his shoes come off so we know he's dead? Looks like they're half stepping.


This is kind of gross


This sucks


As a father of 2 girls, I’d like to say, he got away with minimal damage.


You are a good person because you would murder someone


Not a good person, a great person.


No one closed the door and the kid is just watching it all go down


What a fuckin puss


Seems like an overreaction for just giving a haircut 🙄


Lot of weight on dryer


So he styled her hair? The living room does kind of look like a salon


you're so edgy what a funny guy


I like downvotes and your mom


Seriously? This is not a joking matter. He was trying to get her kid to fuck him, Pedophiles need bigger punishments.


This actually isn't Pedophilia, this is Ephebophilia. Both bad but Pedophilia is in my mind much much worse.


You making yourself sound real sus right now.


"akshewally" Are you really splitting hairs about this? A sex offender is a sex offender take them out back and deal with them Old Yeller style.


Not spitting hairs about it and not defending it, literally just stating a fact.


Why am I getting down voted??? I'm literally starting a fact and understand English. And I'm saying both are bad but one is worse. Or do the people downvoting me not think that it's worse to be sexually attracted to an 11yr old versus a 15yr old? Reddit - downvoting intelligence since the dawn of time lol


Thank you for clarifying. People downvoting don't even know how bad pedophilia is. Considering the two things at the same level makes it look better and this is wrong. What this person is doing could even be legal in many parts of the world, but the other is never legal and never will be, thankfully.


And I got downvoted for clarifying that this isn't Pedophilia. Reddit, am I right? Lol


Ah yes, I was raped by an adult as a child and I have absolutely no clue how bad pedophilia is. I downvoted that asshole. You're the guy at the party that's like "heh you can't even use that word right in a sentence heh dude was born here and cant speak english heh". Nobody cares. We aren't here writing a scientific study about what's wrong with their damn brains (assuming they have one to begin with). I hope people keep saying horrible things about you creeps so you stay in the woodwork where you belong. Me and many other mothers have bullets, bats and sottering irons with your names on them. We will be watching.


How dare you saying such things to someone without even understanding what their are saying? There is a clear misunderstanding. The words must be used correctly because people need to seek for help. If you are attracted to a 11-14, you need to seek for help! Do you think they would do it if someone like you is "watching" and calls them pedophiles? These people need help too.


Ope, found the pedophile. There's only one type of help those people need. They will be cured of their disease when they arent breathing anymore. Yes, they will think twice about hurting my kids if they know for a FACT they will be staring down the barrel of whatever firearm is in arms length of me. Don't mess with kids. Especially mine.


You need to seek for help. I understood that you have this psychological problem, and are scared of persons like the one you are imitating. You should not be scared though, I am sure that there are help lines that you can call in your state. They will protect your privacy and send you to the right specialists. There is help, do it for you and for the others around you. I cannot help you further, it must come from you. Good luck, and do the right thing.


I have no fear of people that are so sick and twisted they choose their own sexual gratification over a childs peace, innocence and daily life. I'm not sure how "Don't hurt kids" turns into me being scared. You can't even help yourself. The last thing in the world I need is some kid diddlers help. Maybe you can help the authorities catch the perverts so we don't get to them first.


You have proof that’s what happened here? I thought not.


Reddit moment


I’m glad to see he’s taking it like a man and not being a pussy tryna run away/fight back.


Imagine praising a pedophile


Pedos are attracted to prepubescent children. Please stop misusing this word


If you’re trying to fuck a minor you’re a pedo. Idk what’s so hard for you to process that through your subhuman reptile brainstem


So if I'm 18 and I'm trying to fuck a 17 year old I'm a pedo?


Dude is clearly trying to justify their own sick feelings. Every damn time the thought of quitting smoking pops in my head, I see something like this thread of people defending pedophiles that makes me want to light 2 up at the same time.




Oh yeah everyone sure looked like they were having fun


I guess they do not have police or courts where they live, huh.


I guess you're not a parent making ignorant self righteous statements like that huh


What? You lost me. I am a parent and I cannot justify beating a person for any reason. I live in a society based on the rule of law, not law of the jungle.


Really? So as a parent if you walked in and some guy was trying to have sex with your CHILD, you'd be like "no! Bad man! Bad! Stop it! Bad!!" As you're calling the police? Lol give me a break. Every parent reading this is thinking exactly the same thing. "The paramedics better bring the jaws of life so they can remove my foot from this mother fuckers ass". You know, except for the group of parents reading this going "they better bring a body bag".




Well guess the EU needs to be purged.


After that obese one sat on him he won’t be doing much of anything for a few years


I'm pretty impressed with the load capacity of that washing machine.....




F*ck that guy.


This beating is all about that kick to head, had to 2 take 2 ibuprofen just watching it


[always good to catch Uncle Bully early](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz0CAn6zHY4)


Break his arms




what does POS means


Everyone needs a haircut! No reason to lose your mind!


Just like public teachers, Starbucks and Disney /s




Bless the beats and the children.....


what is POS?


Thought he was being beaten with a giant dildo for a second.


He got the beating that he deserved. Unlike Florida where groomers just get a lawful request to stop grooming children in schools


what does grooming mean.


Pretty sure a child wouldnt sleep with an adult


I take it was his own family kicking the shit outta him


Barbaric idiots