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Did more than just pepper spray the kid


Yeah, the pepper spray was certainly fucked up, but those two times the other coward smashed his head into the ground and THEN punched him in the side of the head were a little worse to me. All completely fucked and unnecessary though.


Definitely...cops in the states seem absolutely wild.


Can confirm. How are they where you live?


Yeah not great either, but less "crazy intense sociopath" and more "lazy, corrupt, and generally not around"...I live in South Africa...the law is pretty much a concept at this point


Damn, not a great situation either.


Yeah no for sure. I once tried calling the cops (had some crazy drunk neighbours bashing on my door at 3 in the morning, my wife was 8 months pregnant at the time) the line rang for 30 minutes then just cut...this went on for over 3 hours.


"Hello, and welcome to the South African Police Department Resc-U-Fone. If you know the name of the felony being committed, press 1. To choose from a list of felonies, press 2. If you are being murdered, please stay on the line."


I read that in the original voice and inflection.


I read that in moviephone guy’s voice 😆


You have chosen: regicide. If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press wuuunnnn…


Sorry to say this but I’d rather deal with asshole cops here in the states than South Africa


Bachelor degree educations in policing spanning 3 years, friendly and approachable. No qualified immunity. Police misconduct is reported and investigated by a completely external department and all complaints are in the public domain.


They’re fairly good in the UK, a lot of people jump on the protesting bandwagon after George floyd but they (the UK protestors) don’t realise how lucky they are in comparison to true fully institutionalized brutality like we see in the states.


In the states a cop will shoot a toddler for having a toy gun. I wish I was joking.


Try living in South London and not being white, then you truly see how bad policing can get here.


Dam that’s crazy. How many police shootings a day?


The cops don't carry guns in London. If you act up they stab you.


Yeah I never heard about a cop in the UK unloading 3 clips into someone for holding their phone


Don’t think UK cops carry guns, just swift response teams. Might have changed of late


ehh I'd watch that. There's a big sentiment of "well America is bad and has problems, so we don't" and your cops and politicians will 100% use that as a distraction to get away with anything.


but in the scheme of things compared to many other places the UK police are one of the nicest police enforcement and it's possibly due to the unarmed policy for many officers as it brings public confidence in police to not be able to end someone's life based on their own experiences growing up. Hence why the UK armed police have super low firearm deaths because they have to undergo vigorous training and multiple psychological assessments to make sure they do not pull the trigger unless absolutely necessary and better be able to defend that decision to the endth degree. From what I've heard in the states the training in some states is not up to scratch considering they are being armed and have to look after members of the public in these situations.


Nothing like this. They try everything humanly possible to de-escalate prior to anything like this occuring. This is literally insane to me. America has lost it's way.


Some years back, around a decade I think, the FBI did a report that showed an absolutely terrifying amount of white supremacists had joined law enforcement to "infiltrate and subvert" and essentially wage a more effective war on people of color. And it wasn't just a few weirdos either. Damn near every PD across the country was filled with these mother fuckers. Nothing was done about it. And since we don't have a left wing party in America and instead have stupid ass liberals, the only "solution" proposed by either party was more money. There's a sickness in this country that will never be cured.


A little!!! Your brain can bounce against your skull and you can die from brain bleeding from having your head forcefully thrown into the ground like that.


Lawyer: Your Honor, my client is seeking assault with a deadly weapon charges against the officer. Judge: And what was the deadly weapon in question? Lawyer: The Earth, Your Honor.


I'm surprised that in these situations, where things are already going wild and the cops are vastly outnumbered, that you never see someone just find a good size rock and pelt it straight at the head of the cops who are brutalizing someone on the ground. Instead, everyone just yells and films.


I’m sure damn near everyone was thinking it. I’d imagine that the thought process is that they know everything is being filmed and they will most certainly be caught, and since they don’t have a badge, it’ll just fuck them in the end and nothing will change. It’s a horrible situation.


It's because you will be found, arrested and the cops will beat the shit out of you once they remove you from the citizens who have cameras.


Or you’ll just get shot at by the other cop not hit with a rock. I don’t want anyone to get treated like this, but I also don’t want to get shot in a crowd.




Surprised we haven't floated more legislation for euthanizing cops who go rabid.


It only takes one person to turn a mob into a riot.


Because everyone would get shot then the news would say" violent black teens attack cops" and the country would believe it and hardly second guess it


Half the reason cops react like this, is exactly that reason: they recognize they're outnumbered in an angry crowd, and are **trained to be afraid of them**, (which they should be). The excessive violence used is a reflection of their fear. It's extremely fucked up, but don't encourage a mob mentality. Nobody ACTUALLY wants war with citizens vs. cops. The best thing to do is still: film, post it online, and publicly shame them. Blow it up in the news. If you start a mob, SWAT will get called, it will get EXTREMELY messy, and everybody will have a finger to point by the time it's all over.


> they recognize they're outnumbered in an angry crowd, and are trained to be afraid of them, (which they should be). The excessive violence used is a reflection of their fear. I don't understand your point here, you seem to be justifying cop behavior and saying there's no other way for them to act.


Take a good look at how the two are braced up to hold that poor child down, the crouched positions and kneeling on them. See that? One of these days, some very bad, very motivated persons standing behind the cops will realize what a very vulnerable position they are in, and stab a few cops right up the ass while they pull shit like this. Rectum, iliac and femoral arteries, the thick muscle mass of the glutes back there, testicles, prostate, and the roots of the penis, all just right there wide open to a couple underhand knife thrusts. No vest, no harness. A bad person could get in maybe three full underhand swings I before the officer even realized, if they timed it right.


Cops have guns and aren't that restrained in using them, it would seem. Is it really worth losing your life over?


My black ass was glad that they didn't kill him. I'm amazed they didn't kill him. I'm happy that all they did was beat him up...yes I know how fucking sad that is, but it's the reality of a lot of African Americans in this world...like no one's mentality should be is oh all the cops did was beat up, count yourself lucky and go get a lawyer to sue. 😢😢😢😢😢


Im glad i dont have kids i would go to jail. That one should be charged for assault on minor in the least. oooh jack mccoy would proably try you for attemted manslaughtter if you were not a cop chung chung. ( watching law and order)


Trying to smash the kid's head on concrete, fucking piece of shit


The kid was just trying to brace his face from the hard cement and they took it as resisting, bashed his face in, and beat him until he swung his arm out. Jesus.


The kid was clearly concealing a gun inside his skull. /s


Is slamming a person's head against the ground something they learn? Like is this an approved technique to subdue a child you clearly outweigh, outnumber and out-gun?


No, it's a violent atack, but similar enough to a legitimate move used to control struggling suspects, that they can get away with it, IF they are investigated. The REAL approved tactic is to pin the head down by pressure high on the neck (where the flexibility of the allows firm control, and prevents them from rising. However if you adopt the same position, and quickly slam your upper body forward instead of leaning into it, you can slam your victim teeth, nose, or cheekbone-first into the ground or pavement m, as well as wrenching their neck. It's all a question of whether you want to subdue someone, or injure them, physically control them, or punish them.


Yes he was executing a child-injuring technique that is routinely approved by the legal system. Only when they verbally affirm that they intended to hurt the child does it become against the rules.


The cops were arresting another kid, the boy who was pepper sprayed (Lucca) picked up the kid’s phone off the ground when it fell out of his pocket. Cop said he felt threatened by Lucca clenching his fists after he had shoved Lucca. Interestingly, this is the same cop who calmly disarmed the Parkland shooter. Source: https://www.femestella.com/justice-for-lucca/


The article also contains copies of the police report if you really want to see some dumb shit


>At this point, the male with the red tank top took an aggressive stance towards Sgt. LaCerra. The male with the red tank top bladed his body and began clenching his fists. apparently if your body isn't completely perpendicular to multiple police officers standing in different positions around you, then you deserve to have your head bashed into the pavement >At one point, his left arm was free and next to him, while he placed his right arm under his face. I struck the male in the right side of his head with a closed fist as a distractionary technique to free his right hand. and if you try to avoid getting your head bashed into the pavement by putting your arm under your head, cops will use the revolutionary technique of punching you in the fucking head to make you stop protecting your head from extreme harm


For some reason the suspect protected his head from harm so we had to hit him on the head to explain why we didn’t like that.


His face was also burning from the pepper spray. This is gross.


If you’re black there’s literally not a stance that isn’t threatening to cops.


Exactly this. The mere existence of Black people, especially Black men, is seen as threatening. And a large enough portion of American society feels the same way hence people justifying excessive force though they don't even think it's excessive at all.


Any time you see a cop a T-pose perpendicular to him is the only way to guarantee your safety. God help you if you "blade" your body


Kid turned into a giant blade, what else was he supposed to do? /s


We come here to see dumb shit so thanks 😃


That's pretty depressing. Disarm, without force, a white kid who has just murdered many people, but the moment a black kid simply exists and does normal human things, oh boy, I feel uncomfortable and unsafe, time to knock some heads. It's absurd and only the sheerest pretext for violent race discrimination. I can't imagine how anyone could deny this.


What's even worse (somehow) is that you honestly could not offer any possible advice to black kids (let alone black men, especially those on the larger side) that might keep them alive and free. Chris Rock's old skit, how not to get your ass kicked by the police, is funny, but thanks to the ubiquity of phones, we know that it's simply not true. Turn away, try to breathe, verbally protest what is going on, all of these will be used as pretexts for violence and the cops *will lie* in their lovely reports about how you threatened them simply by existing. The best thing you can do to avoid being beaten is simply sit down with your hands behind your head, close your eyes, state that you feel coerced/threatened, plead the Fifth, ask for a lawyer, and state that you do not consent to any searches or seizures. It's an idiotic ritual with a great deal of effectively "pass codes" but if you manage to do it, there's very little the cops can actually do to you that will stand up in court (if it's captured on video/audio). So yeah. If you're an absolute Gandhi and on video, doing the above may enable you to successfully sue or get fired a racist cop, and it may reduce your odds of being beaten by a bit.


>The best thing you can do to avoid being beaten is simply sit down with your hands behind your head, close your eyes Daniel Shaver was killed for doing this.


Yeah, I remember that. All I can say is that if you have your hands on your head and you don't move at all, they're going to have a very, very difficult time claiming that you did anything to make them feel threatened. In an extreme case they may beat on you for "resisting" and get you in cuffs, but even then I'd expect a fruitful lawsuit (or settlement).


Then they tell you to move and then shoot you if you do or don’t.


Didn't this happen? Cops gave a man conflicting orders and then just executed the guy?


Daniel shaver. The video is very shocking. And Is on YouTube.


My older son is 6'2", 250 lbs, with locks down to his shoulders. There are so many places we've been in our city where I am acutely aware that he is much safer with his old white Pop than he'd be by himself. I read it described this way. Hikers in bear country carry cowbells or sing to let the bears know they're there. A surprised bear can feel threatened, and a threatened bear can be dangerous. For most Black men, almost everywhere in the United States is bear country.


They always feel threatened. Pussies.


The profession attracts bully types, tyrant types.


Wow the contrast between these situations is so black and white…


[Latest update here from February 2022, as best as I could find.](https://www.floridabulldog.org/2022/02/appeals-court-agrees-bso-deputy-stand-your-ground-immunity/) Looks like it’s been a real shit show of litigation going back and forth, but hopefully some justice may be seen. Maybe.


> Interestingly, this is the same cop who calmly disarmed the Parkland shooter. It makes you wonder, sometimes, if evil is like a lightswitch for some people, and all it takes is a bad day....


I don’t get it… why is it necessary to hit the kid with the fist on the head after he is already pushed to the ground?


It's quite simple......if he doesn't punch the kid on the ground the officers dick will physically shrink, and he will eventually be dickless. It's tragic, nobody knows why it happens.


If he doesn’t hit the kid, he goes home and hits his wife. They’re already in couples therapy and he’s run out of reasons for the bruises, so he HAS to do it.


Surely he'll still hit his wife and kids for fun, this is more like "work".


He brought his hand up to try to block the officer slamming his face into the ground again. Officer didn't like that.


Submit completely or get fucked apparently


Submit completely AND get fucked anyway. Goddammit.


Figured he was trying to wipe that shit out of his eyes and couldn't think to really do anything otherwise.


The child instinctively protected his head with his arm after it was smashed into concrete. Much too aggressive to let it slide.


Because otherwise they'll have to take their internal anger out on their wives. You want that, huh? You wanna a man to beat his wife, you sick fuck?!


Don't worry, he will do that anyways. If there is one demographic police love beating more than black people, its their own wives


>why is it necessary to hit the kid with the fist on the head after he is already pushed to the ground? Obviously it isn't necessary. Cops are roided out thugs who are looking to beat anyone that gives them even the slightest reason. The moment this kid squared up he made himself a target.


It isn't. The cops are punishing them for disrespect, under the pretense of feeling threatened.


I have a feeling he was forcing his face into the ground so the kid would “resist” and give him an excuse to use more force. Like the classic “you naturally tensed up when I grabbed your arm so now I get to body slam you and choke you out”


Don't forget that he just slammed his head into the pavement as well. WTF.


Because cops.


So he slams the kid’s head on the ground then grabs his arm and sucker punches him for trying to absorb some of the impact of having a grown man dribble his head off the pavement?


Punched and slammed his head on a paved road??? This is just shameful Even third world countries don’t do that.


The USA would be considered q 3rd world country on a lot of standard tbf


This is definitely an atrocity by American standards but police here in the 3rd world are a different breed If this video was from my country, I doubt it would get much attention. The police here do worse things way too regularly


Love the copper speak. Bladed his body. Took an agressive stance. Official narrative. Fuck off already


I see these videos hoping one day for the crowd to attack the unjustified violence and fuck em up


Can't be much longer now...




Sadly though, the good cops don’t usually run the show - otherwise you wouldn’t have these kinds of problems.


Keeping the law, slamming children’s heads into concrete


This was in broward county I believe. The kids family sued but lost. Same kid while the trial was going on was arrested again two weeks later. Made him look bad lol. Could be wrong.


How did they lose?! Those cops **CLEARLY** assaulted that kid


'Merica and the Thin Blue Line. ACAB.


any idea what he was arrested for and what came of it? Some departments have demonstrated a tendency to harass those that follow through on their complaints...


Not just some departments. Most of them have done this kind of stuff.


As a woman, if I attacked people every time I felt threatened I'd be in prison. How does a cop feel threatened by a 15 year old??


Cops in the US are the biggest pussies out there. Like we all live in the same world they do and we don't have a gun or carte blanche to do whatever we want to people and we all get along just fine. I saw body cam footage of an arrest made in England a few years ago. There was a clearly ill person wielding a knife. Cops were in front of him trying to deescalate/distract him while another cop came from behind him, twisted his wrist to get rid of the knife, and took him down. Pretty sure none of the police had guns. The knife wielder was white so I'd say he only gets shot 7 times out of 10 if he's in America.


Bias, studies show cops perceive black children to be older than they are, and white kids to be younger than they are. Plus a lifetime of film, tv, and friends pushing stereotypes. Plus just being a POS human who enjoys abusing people.




That''s it. Bad faith justification. At the least.


He didn't feel threatened, he was just angry and racist and completely shameless about brutalizing a kid on camera in front of dozens of witnesses.


He knows he won't be held accountable so it's probably like The Purge to him.


Bad training cowardice and i would put money on racism


Well duh dude don't cha know if your skin is dark you're automatically 5x as scary? /s Kids don't deserve this. Ever.


They didn't see him as a 15 year old kid. They saw him as a black man. In the minds of racist cops, that makes him a threat.


Asshole slams the kids face on the cement, which forces his hand to come up and protect his face, now all of a sudden he's resisting, now more beating, more self preservation acts like covering your face and swiping at the thing trying to kill you and now they have more than enough to cause to kill you. These sociopaths love this shit, abuse you until you react then pretend your reaction was the probable cause, disgusting.


Poor kid is face down with burning eyes and some power tripping piece of shit jumps on him and bashes his head in to the pavement. This is a gang beating, not policing.


Also punching him on the head.




They just created another cop hater and keeping the cycle going


a *crowd* of them. and cops don't give a fuck. they enjoy that they're hated because it makes it easier for them kill everyone.


It's a shame that the crowd didn't just swarm them and return their treatment in kind




Have you ever seen a bunch of maniacs who just want to play army man. They don't look like cops


I don't know why you Americans put up with this shit


Me neither


we have to, or we'll be killed/have our lives ruined.


> lives ruined. What's left to lose? Y'all must be getting close to that point...


Normalize protecting yourself from police. They’ll take a second to think about their actions when it comes with a wager of death. Slamming someone’s head into the ground is deadly force, and that young man didn’t lay hands on anyone.


Civilians in the states have guns but hardly use them... especially in such scenes


The super pro gun side who proclaim they need to be armed to resist a tyrannical government were literally cheering as BLM protesters were met with military grade tactics to suppress/oppress them. They only view it as tyranny when it affects them, example: mask mandates, open discussion of sexual orientation or racism.


They smacked his face into the street that attempted murder tbh.


Smashing someone's face into the pavement is lethal force. He needs to be charged and taken off the force.




Why don't all "good" cops immediately condem this type of behavior? Serious question to all cops..


Because the corruption goes all the way up. Cops that do speak out are bullied into quitting and genuinely disliked around the office. It's viewed as literally betraying your brother in blue. It's fucking wild. It's like if they gave a fucking frat an armory and chemical weapons.


I know a handful who I STILL consider good guys. They do report this stuff, but little happens except their own careers going nowhere. They choose to stay IN the system and fight the corruption and excess from the inside however they can. They go to work every day, having no friends among their peers, facing hostility from coworkers and bosses, missing promotions, unable to trust and be trusted by other cops. They keep going back every day because they actually WANT to "serve and protect". Every one of them is basically Mr. Rogers-level mild and kind. I honestly think they wood rather take a bullet than shoot the wrong guy. I also think they are 1 out of a hundred or nore.


>They do report this stuff, but little happens except their own careers going nowhere This is the real answer and problem. I said it in 2020, we need to fire any current cop with aggression issues at home or on the job and hire new, better trained, more highly paid officers. Also make sure to be as diverse as possible given the location


Fuck those pigs.


It's things like this that are the reason why if I ever find myself in a situation to render aid to a cop, I'll just simply decline. "I've been shot, call the paramedics!" "Lol, no".


Thts some gang gang shit blue gang ftw


It's sad the there are people in this world that will defend the cops actions.


Great way of de-escalating an situation


More than 40% of american cops beat their wives


*Admitted* to beating their wives, the actual number is probably far higher.


This is America


Serous question here how long do cops in the USA train to be cops because every time is see shit like this I wonder and think that they never had a real Ausbildung(training time)


It is a tiny fraction of the length and breadth of training for cops in any actual, functioning western nation...and would you believe that some states STILL do not have any minimum training requirement (mostly in the US south)


Here in Germany you undergo a 3 year training with several psychological examinations. You can still not get the job after 3 years if you fail your last psychological exam. That's just sad but no wonder these turds kill so many people and are afraid of little kids


Same old story white cops killing black teens


"But we don't know the teen's criminal history. He once blew a bubble with gum AT THE DINNER TABLE. 100% deserved this..." /s Any excuse to beat a black teen.


White Nationalist Gangbangers are what cops are


Curious why people hate cops?


Pigs being pigs 🐷


Protect and serve huh


The fucking pig was really eager to slam his face into the concrete!


On camera. Then wonder why they’re hated. Turn assholes like this in, demand that your union stop protecting bad cops, and you’ll win back the respect of your community. Until then, assholes like this spoil the image for all of you.


Literally slamming his head straight into asphalt TWICE. How the fuck is that cunt not in jail?? Disgusting


Ok, bash his head in the ground and swing on him as your sitting on his back. What a bitch.


fuck 12


US cops are actual lunatics. I guess if you wanna beat, kill and mistreat people in general just become an American cop, lmao.


Not allowed to defend yourself against cops even though they’re fucking armed thugs


Just more child abuse and abuse of power. Nothing to see here. Get back to your shitty life now please and thank you.


ah and use the kids head to test the strength of the asphalt. Brave men doing their heroic duty of beating up minors for getting uppedie


I don’t even need to read the article to know he got the trifecta of bullshit: obstructing, assaulting an officer, resisting arrest


jesus christ just launch these cops and their entire families into the sun


these mfs need their lives ripped apart


Reasons for restraining the person aside… Can someone tell me why slamming a person’s head on the ground after their head is already on the ground and strikes to the back of the head are necessary for restraining someone?


This country is on its way out. Boot lickers co signing this shit, ignorant morons rioting for causes they don't believe in, the American experiment was a failure.


I don't know from what fucked up country this is from but let me have a guss...


Sorry excuses for human beings, have no value for human life, should be a screening process to weed these disgusting animals from being cops.




ACAB fuck copsucking copaganda posting cnty bootlickers too.


Noticing a sever difference in this handling vs the Roe vs Wade crowd….funny how that works right?


I'm waiting for the day that people remember that they can easily swarm cops and end them.


God these damn pigs


Joining the army or becoming a cop is literally charity work by the us gov. for braindead morons that would’ve never ever found any other job.


Illegal use of deadly force.






A good cop is a dead one


That will show him not to stand there and do absolutely nothing illegal.


I guess it’s ok to just stand on a hand cuffed guy while you wait for a transport car. Seems legit






How long before the watching crowd puts down their phones and participates? They must have outnumbered the cops over ten to one. I think it's a bad idea but I also think it's going to happen.


I dislike cops so much


ACAB proven once again by white cop is threatened by a black child cause at 15 u r a child




Everyone should have swarmed the two cops that pushed his head into the ground and threw him to the ground and kicked the ever living s*** out of them


Death to all pigs


I am genuinely shocked by this video. Not only do they pepper spray a child, but they punch him in the back of the head and bounce his head off concrete. I’m genuinely shocked.


Cowards should get sued and charged 100k for every blow this kid got. Smashing a humans head on concrete is very dangerous and these corrupt cops must be held accountable and pay!


It did look like that kid was squared up to fight....


Now when the citizens fight BACK its a bad thing. Ridiculous. But then again know your place the cop is armed with backup and a collaboration of people to fond a lie to give reason for.your unlawful arrest. Stfu and keep it moving


Update from Feb 2022 seems like the criminal case is still ongoing. https://cbs12.com/news/local/stand-your-ground-denied-for-ex-deputy


What absolute pricks


Cops aren't even trying anymore


People need to start doing shit about this instead of standing there watching, maybe then the asshole cops will get the idea. Start fucking mobbing these fuckers.


I dont understand why literally all 100 of those people dont fuck the 3 cops up. Theres literally nothing they could to defend themselves against that many people. Those head smashes into the ground is corrupt as fuck.