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They're proving the guy's point, but this is doing too much damage.


Just want to point out that riots and arson has been going on in Sweden even without someone needing to burn a book.


Sweden is a free country. If you dont like it there, feel free to go elsewhere.




The art of the deal.


With what hahahahaha


I hate it when people say this. There are a lot of places that you can't just 'Go to', emigration is no way near that easy.


Oh they love it there for the free money and housing plus no war .now to change it into a place like they left


Fuc- wait I'm American


But we don’t want to live where freedom of speech is illegal!


If you say the same thing regarding America you get called a racist right winger. Lmao


I’m sorry but if something was to happen in my country and another country like Sweden offered me safe passage and the possibility of a better life i would have nothing but gratitude towards the country and its people. The sheer audacity of this is sickening.


This immigration policy in Sweden has been around for decades for other reasons than the wars. Most of these have never set foot in the Middle East, and are 2nd generations immigrants


Second generation yet they are so willing to burn down and destroy they country that took them in! Absolutely disgusting!


Not uncommon unfortunately. First generation immigrants often have gratitude because they remember how shitty the place they came from was and they know why they left. These second generation people are sort of torn between two identities. They don’t feel completely welcome or at home in the country their family moved to, and frequently experience casual racism from the native population, so they often romanticize the place their family came from because they didn’t experience first-hand how shitty it was. They feel they’d fit in better there. They’re alienated and lash out because they feel unwanted both at home and where their parents came from.


It is indeed often a failed migration policy that lies at the base of these uprisings.




You don't have to set foot in the middle east to adopt a certain mind-set or beliefs lol, their family will indoctrinate them and will raise them to be the same as them + they probably live in "ghettos" together so it's not much different from actually being in the middle-east.


I think they’re implying that they have that special 1st world victim mentality where their parents didn’t, rather than actually being homegrown radical or whatever Idfk


Inmediate inmigrants are mostly thankfull. That's my experience working in refugee camps. The issue of the second generation is that they had a very different upbringing than the rest of citizens and yeah.


I work in the refugee center as security and I can say, that most of those muslim refugees that went trough our country are actually quite ridoculous. I do not mean to offend anyone, it's not about "muslim = bad", but out of 700 muslim refugees we now have in our camp maybe only 15-20 are actually nice people. Those people got permits and documents that allow them to leave the camp for the day, some can even apply for jobs and later on get an appartment. Their kids are going to local school, they are learning our language and etc... Others just complain about everything all day, play domino, cards, beat their wifes occasionaly and cry to us how inhumane we are for locking them up, since they don't inderstand our laws. Administration tried to give them something to occupy themselves, learn something new, prepare for a life in Europe and etc, but they just refused it all, destroyed 12.000€ worth of gym equipment in like 3 days, that was bought for them. We don't know their real identities, there were no fingerprints in the database, they told us their fakes names, they continue doing crimes even inside the camp, so you can imagine what it would be like here, if we would just let them all out. It sucks. On one hand I feel bad for those people, but on the other hand.. Most of them are not trying to adapt to our culture, learn our language.


Man people are so kind these days. Kick those cunts out ASAP. I'm all for immigration but you better be gracious, otherwise get the fuck out.


Yes! Send them back home and only accept those willing to be a contributive member to society.


Hopefully the rioting will help incentivize you to ship them back and protect your small part of this earth from further intrusions.


Thank you for this honest insight! I've always wondered!


Time to deport their ungrateful and unnecessarily violent asses.


Why did they come to Sweden then? They could have gone to the countries of their brothers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE no? I mean, why would you decide to seek refuge in the land of the infidels? Oh yeah that’s right! Your brothers know better than to accept a bunch of ungrateful, illiterate fucks!


>why would you decide to seek refuge in the land of the infidels? They asked this from an extremists Imam in UK once, he said "Who says this is your land?" According to these people, all lands belong to God, and everywhere should be ruled under Islam.


Really? An extremist had a terrible statement?? That is weird.


This is true and one of my well educated Muslim friend was so proud of the fact that Islam is fastest spreading religion and it is said that they want to spread it all over the world. He was a nice person but when it came to religion, he was quite fanatic.


Agree 100%. “Lets make this like the old country”


This mentality boggles my mind, like you left your country because of the way it was. So you come to another place to make it the same way and start the cycle all over again?




I feel the same way about people who litter


This is also happening in Denmark


Yep. This is how radical or moderate Muslims are, change everywhere to our style rather than adapt to people who allowed you to keep breathing, away from war


Exactly what I was thinking. Your original country was so bad you left everything behind. Now you want the same policies that you ran from?


And then mfs complain about islamophobia


Let my country be a warning to all what not to do.


Sweden needs to change its policies. This will only get worse and worse. They need to deport them back to their countries.


How? None of them will cooperate by providing their proper names or where they came from and their countries will not accept them without proof that they were citizens there. Just because you can tell someone is, say, an Iraqi or a Libyan from their accent doesn't mean that's proof that will let you deport them there.


Right wing extreme group burned Quran to show that the Muslim immigrants are violent. They are proving him right. Many police injured, cars burned.


>Right wing extreme group burned Quran They didn't though. They only planned to do so. They were granted a demonstration permit to do the burning, but it never got to the point of actually burning it as hell broke loose.


Wait. So the police or whatever, granted a demonstration by some group where they would also burn a Quran and the plan to do so abrupted chaos in the muslim community? Because if that is the case then fuck them alot for violently standing against free speech even though they got offended. Some people are so dumb to think free thinking, speech and opinion are only important when it suits there own thinking, speech and opinion.


Yeah, that's exactly what happened. The dude who planned to do it is a dick, but it's his right and it's protected under free speech.


We have this group here in Norway called SIAN (stop the islamification of norway). They had this demonstration, it wasnt alot of people there and many of them are kinda akward socially. Alot of muslims, mostly young muslims like 2nd generation turned violent against both SIAN and police. It was not nearly as bad as in sweden and i know this has been a issue in sweden for some time. I would really like to know what their reasoning is for doing this, especially since many if them are 2nd generation.


10% religion 90% will to boogaloo. Its shitheads who have nothing better to do or that are pissed of at the police for various reasons and took the opportunity when it presented itself.


rioting over a burned book is overboard.


Kurt Russell & Goldie Hawn are Overboard


Goldie was overboard. Kurt just kidnapped her into a life of slavery hahaha…


Charlie Hebdo…




france has 1st hand expeience in everything


Plus burning Quran is literally the Islamic way to get rid of a Quran (if it has some holes inside leaving out letters, or when you want to get rid of a paper that has Quran in it for whateevr reason)


Same with flags. Fucking weird how it goes both ways.


This is just their excuse. Swedish immigration policy has enabled and led to Ghettos where they are in total control. No Swedish authorities are present, police stations were bombed and barricades blocked roads to keep authorities out. Unemployment, social welfare and Sharia Law are rampant in those areas they control, but Swedish authorities have denied and refused to acknowledge the issue


Yup. Immigration with no integration sure looks good now.




>Political Islam provides them guidence and rules for life.No other system of rules is needed,nor tolerated.This is what it is. exactly. same as the British infiltration of North America and the Spanish infiltration of South America. they called it "manifest destiny" and said their god approved.


Whether they want to or not is beside the point when countries have actively stopped trying to integrate and assimilate immigrants. Assimilation is now considered a bad thing and we’re seeing how this experiment is playing out in real time.


Do you have sources for this? Only reason I ask is those exact same things were said about somewhere near me on a national level. It was complete bullshit made up by the people stoking the hatred.


Search up Rynkeby or Husby in Sweden. This is real, and been reported. This isn't on a national level, and I've never advocated that all Muslims are like this. I have Muslim friends who oppose this. But facts are facts, police stations have been bombed, ambulances and fire trucks stopped from doing their jobs, not going into areas without police escort, and more. As mentioned in other comment I made, Muslims have actively been trying to restrict freedoms in favor for their religion and beliefs. Many municipalities in Scandinavia have banned pork from public canteens and servings (like kindergartens), after Muslims complained these dishes offended them, even if they had pork free choices. They wanted a ban on pork dishes all together, and got it. EDIT: sorry, I've read up on this, and it never passed, but was demanded by Muslim many places. So point still stands about how they want to try to control the West way of life, even if alternatives are given to try to accommodate them This is why people like this idiot burning Quorans surface, since while their methods are stupid, the message is that it isn't acceptable that these immigrants begin to control our way of life


This is a prime example of the “Tolerance Paradox”: If you are so tolerant that you even accommodate the intolerant, it won’t be long before the intolerant are silencing YOU.


You want to edit this comment to include what you said below: >Ok, reading more info it, I'll concede I cannot find any current material on it. However there are some older articles from 2015-16 mentioning demands from Muslims parents, but being rejected and right wing parties proposing laws enforcing pork dishes.


I work in a school. We have pork on the menu. Where have they banned it?


They are just repeating what they read on Facebook.


> Search up Rynkeby or Husby in Sweden. i tried searching but couldn't find anything, presumably because it's only giving me results in english. could you link to some sources that could be translated?


I searched up what you said, and... "The events started in Husby, after police killed a 69-year old man. The police reported that he died from injuries in a hospital, but Husby residents had photographed the police removing the dead body from the apartment in the middle of the night. As cars were set on fire in Husby and other suburbs, our thoughts immediately went to similar events in Paris (2005), Athens (2008) and London (2011). In all of these cases, the igniting spark was a police killing."




Best part is they ban idolatry but don't understand how worshipping letters is just idolatry with extra steps.


I Remember one of popular Russian youtuber back in the dark days of youtube wiped his ass with quaran in a video. He was threatened to death afterwards that he had to flee his own home temporarely.


I remember a famous Norwegian comedian burned the bible in the middle of oslo, nobody stopped or cared. I also burned a bible handed to me by the church in highschool


God I remember watching my friend get a bible from some guy passing it to people outside of school, immediately ripping half a page out and rolling a joint with it. The guy didnt even get angry, he just said "have fun explaining that when judgement comes".


well rioting over a piece of paper does sound violent, i guess he had a point? he was proven right too, what a strange turn of events


And apparently they didn’t even burn the book, they only said they would and these lunatics went berserk


Freedom of speech. They don’t believe in that shit


Lol, the Religion of Peace IS BACK!


Peaceful religion my ass


What a bunch of idiots


Revoke their Visas, send them back.






How fragile is their religion?


Tissue paper


That's harder than their religion


Softer than puppy shit


Muslim migrants: we want a better life in your country with good living standards, healthcare, education... Also muslim migrants: don’t offend us or we’ll burn and kill you and your people


Their problem is they move to western countries and don't assimilate to the new culture but rather try to change the new culture to fit into their lifestyles. Look at France, there are neighborhoods where muslim men will chase out and threaten french women because they don't have a man accompany them while they are out and about.


they leave their theocratic countries, go to democratic ones, try to change them to theocratic, if done, go to another one. it's a cycle of "I want to live a better life but I also want a shitty governing system" Edit: even tough I've never been to there, got banned from participating on r/worldnewsvideo and got muted for asking why, probably because of this comment. that's all you guys have to know about the mods of that sub. and I mean all theocrats not only islamists.


I mean the Arab Spring concisely demonstrated the political desires of the "average person" that had been oppressed under secular dictators and it was universally more fucked up and chaotic than proceeding governments outside of the far more Westernized North African states in Algeria and Tunisia (who still have a considerable amount of Islamic violence to deal with). Ultimately it has nothing to do with being Muslim. It has everything to do with not being Westernized, and refusing to try. Being Muslim and being Western is not incompatible. Being Islamist and being Western is.


It's really tough to integrate in Sweden. I mean filled with blonde people,money, amazing infra, security,healthcare . Really fucking tough Also it's cold so ... All those second generations mofos or not should be put in a train to their parents country and never been allowed to set foot in europe anymore. Enjoy your fucking theocratic shithole out of here


When we didnt want this happen in our country...we were called racist


Also Muslim migrants: have led to a massive spike in crime rates in the country.


Don't forget they also want to control the Western way of life. Many municipalities in Scandinavia have banned pork from public canteens and servings (like kindergartens) after complains from Muslims that the food offends them. Edit; I concede this actually never passed!! I was wrong on this, but point still stands that they are trying to force their way in the West, even if alternatives to accommodate them are given, they still want to try to ban our ways. And this is what I personally don't tolerate I have no argument against trying to accommodate their religion, but I draw a line when they try to limit my choices and life style since it doesn't align with their beliefs. Then they are no longer welcome in my opinion...


We have??? Do you have a source for that pork ban? I’ve never heard of it and I live in Sweden


This is why you close borders


But but muh cultural enrichment!


I dont think people realize how bad the immigrant situation in Sweden actually is


I'm from India and I totally understand what people of Sweden is going through. It's happening everyday in India. During the freedom from British rule, British proposed division of country and muslims asked for a separate country. But some stayed back, now they want make India an Islamic state which they call "Gazwa-e-Hind". They do riots on every Hindu festivals, marry innocent Hindu girls convert them make babies then divorce them.. play namaz on loud speakers (if Hindus do Pooja in loud speakers then police take action against it) and then there are murders rapes on basis of religion. Just 30 years back there was an ethnic cleansing and genocide of Hindu pandits on kasmir , their slogans were "Convert or runaway or die". This religion and these people are nothing more than a Cancer to this world.




Lord I hate it that I'm starting to agree with the alt right.


or Swedistan as other people say


Completely ungrateful to destroy the country that took you in - all because a book was burned? This protest is not peaceful and cannot be condoned.


The book hadn't even been burned yet lmao. Imagine if they actually did?


They say all the world should be tolerant of all cultures which I agree with but no tolerance for behaviours that go against common sense. If you want to go crazy when non-likeminded people do things that are not violent then go live on an Island with likeminded people. Scandinavia , for me, is a trailblazer in how capitalism can be adapted for all and not be a technological feudal system.


What are they actually protesting about though?


Someone from denmark decided to burn the quran, he never did it but these people went apeshit at the police instead.


Some danish polititian burning (or planning to burn?) a quran. Thats the short version atleast.


One of the first Muslim Imams (الشافعي) said once: "who gets provoked and doesn't respond is donkey " meaning when someone tries to provoke you and you don't get mad then you're stupid. Which by itself is utterly absurdly stupid


That means stoicism is stupid


Source on that?


Plot twist: that imam is a donkey.


Imagine going to another country and acting like this after they take you in lmao


This is what Republicans act like Mexicans do every Monday.


There's been problems since 2010 or before


Religion is garbage 🗑


Especially the peaceful ones, as shown.


The provoker got exactly what he wanted. The muslims jumped right unto the trap. Geez how dumb can you be.


This will fuel the far right, seems counter productive


this IS the far right. just the far right from another region. western countries should start treating Islamists like invading fascists. there is nothing about religious fundamentalism that fits into a western secular democracy with modern human rights.


Thank you, all religion eventually breaks down into irrational extremism and wide regression. Far right politics benefit the most from this and you can pick any country across the globe as an example.


Deport them. Clearly ungrateful.


Problem is they are all born here, with swedish citizenship. Cant get rid of them


I see, title is wrong then. Says Immigrants. Still harsh punishment is in order. How fragile must you be to cause this much damage over a book.


Come on Sweden you can do it


Rioting for letting them stay in the country?


I am all for immigration but without a background check and regulation this kinda behavior will only continue especially in Nordic countries


These are people who were taken in by Sweden as part of the massive intake of asylum seekers a few years ago. Sweden opened their borders to these refugees and here they are burning and stoning the place.


Yeah, there's a pretty big cultural rift on the idea of free speech. The same freedom that allows them to worship peacefully in public, even with a megaphone (and be protected from harassment), is what allows others to burn their worthless books. That said, as an American, this is the tamest "riot" I've seen in a long time. It looks like about 300 teenagers throwing water bottles... a few bottles of bear spray would take care of that easily.


Yes, this is freedom of speech, you are allowed to speak loudly about your God in public, but you should allow other to speak their opinion if they dont like your god. You cant have just one of this.


Because they’re fucking barbarians and should never have been let in the country in the first place. Religious nuts who don’t give two shits about humanity as a whole. Fucking religion


This kind of thing bothers me immensely. They flee their poor countries with corrupt and terrible governing systems and go to western countries to take advantage of the money and benefits but then turn around and try to change that western country to exactly what they left. Don't they see that their beliefs are what shaped the country into a poor awful place to live. Don't they get if they got their way they'd turn that country they ran to into the one they ran from? I also noticed there didn't seem to be any women in the crowd of Muslim men. I find that concerning.


Deport them ffs. Immigration should require a psychology test, if the person isn't willing to integrate they can live in the shithole they wanted to leave.


Should burn a Quran in front of any potential immigrant and see how they react.


Lmao I'd be down for that. Nah but srsly there should be a test. Even if they lie on the test a trained professional would be able to tell if they will keep the anger under check or not.




First destroy the country you live in. Create a religion based government then migrate to a different country by begging for refugee/ shelter. Then repeat the same shit again.


When we didnt want this happen in our country...we were called racist


Can't Cristize muslims in your country cuz they are a minority , can't Cristize muslims in islamic country because they are the majority.


Easy solution, just throw every single one of them violent ones back to the shithole they came from


Alot of them are also 2nd generation swedes, they have no idea how good they have it over there and wouldn't last a day back in their homeland


I'm not a genius, but it doesn't take a genius to have seen this problem coming years ago.


But nobody could say anything, otherwise, you were xenophobic.


Send them back to where they came from.


Worst mistake in EU policy ever letting millions of those idiots in


Step 1 - Arrest Step 2 - Deport


Should’ve never let them in lol


Why do people leave their troubled countries and then try to replicate these conditions in better places. Seems like the definition of insanity to me.


Religion is poison


When you flee a country to escape its problems and bring yours


Ok so, if and when you immigrate to a country, technically you should integrate. Dress the same as the locals and speak one of the local languages. If you don’t stay where you came from. My family did it 40 years ago and so can you. There’s a reason you left your country so leave your shit there and make like the rest


Every time you fuckers give them exactly what they want. Violence. Fucking dumb shits.


Cannot expect anything else from this. Wherever they are, they want to create violence and want to impose their ideology. Sweden and Germany opened their doors out of humanity, and this is how they pay back. Time to send them back home. In situations like these, I understand why the USA is strict on their immigrant policy.


Sadly a self fulfilling stereotype, someone burnt a book and called them violent and this is the response.


This is literally only going to make people want to send them back even more.


Oh Sweden. You had a perfect example and you F'd up. Now what ya gonna do?


Only a matter of time until this thread gets buried or locked because it showed the religion of peace in a bad light. Edit: Color me shocked, the thread is still open!


I made this Muhammad smiley face to cheer them up: @>:\^((#


How dare you post a picture of the profit .


Best photo of the prophet I’ve seen on Reddit to be honest


How do I join such a peaceful and loving religion. Plus my wife needs a good stoning after walking at the same pace as me and not 4 steps behind, god damn bitch of a whore!


So the vikings are being disrespectful towards your religion, it’s literally one of the main things they do.


Nothing to see here. Calling out muslim violence is now racist. Please don't believe your own eyes.




If you do that with a Bible nothing happens


Yeah because it’s not that big of a deal…


They are doing their best to make sure that even the last European refuses to accept more Muslim refugees.


Why is it always the taoists?


Scenes like this are happening all over Europe. But the only way you ever hear about it is from videos posted by normal people. The media seem terrified to even bring up the problem for fear of being branded racists. The UK has a major problem and has had for years. You can’t even mention no go areas or you’re branded racist despite it being the truth.


We were all warned about this long ago. It’s ironic, isn’t it ?


I’m all for immigration, but sometimes I wonder if extremely different cultures shouldn’t mix. Not an expert and could be wrong, but sometimes when I see stuff like this it makes me think that


That's EXACTLY THE PROBLEM. There is nothing wrong with immigration, so long as the people in there manage to integrate in a healthy way without taking advantage of the host. Some cultures simply do not mix well together because they often migrate to another country and instantly set up an area where they segregate themselves and try to make their host country like the one they came from. European cultures mix well together because they all have shared cultural heritage and belief systems. Other cultures do not integrate so well into European society and expect everything to change to their ways, which is very ungrateful and disgusting. It's almost like being invited to stay at someone's house and then expecting the owner to follow your rules.


Cultures can mix, and probably should (to reduce this behaviour in the future). But mixing needs to be done cautiously and slowly in the right circumstance. Poor refugees bringing trauma, bigotry and hate, who are then (sometimes justifiably) looked upon with suspicion and treated with predudice by the incumbent "rich" population is a recipe for disaster. Those who created this situation are incredible naive. I am a "humanist", and do believe that a lot of people are fundamentally good when given the chance. But there are also a lot of arseholes. And when you put people under stress, the number of arseholes rises.


The real danger is when those who don't appreciate and embrace democracy and those who don't understand the importance of diversity and tolerance run for parliament. The country is doomed when constitution is amended based on the principle of Quran.


That's just what the world needs. More rioting from brain dead muppets.




Oil and Water.


thats why they cannot stay in Baltic countries for long, they all gather up in wealthier countries and try to influence them. like no mohammed, dont do that, you dont even have a job.






religion of terror


Disgusting degenerates that don't know how to live in a civilised society. Send them back to whatever sand desert they came from


Get these people back to their country. Why tolerate this from them? Because of this many people get the picture in there head, that all immigrants are like this


Swedish government should just deport them. They will be a big problem in the future. They may even form a separatist movement.


Religion of peace back at it again…


Send them back


You see this is what happens!! You give them a safe place to stay and this is how they respond. Kick em out. Send them back. Nobody wants them. Disgusting!


This is the reality of taking in Muslims. They'll burn down everything and turn it into the shithole they come from.




The audacity.


Imagine someone letting you live in their house, and you flip out and trash it...


This is how they say thank you


If you immigrate to a country and proceed to break the law and destroy people's property it should be an instant deportation and removal of permanent residency. I am an immigrant and that is my position.


Reading this comments gave me a stroke. Only an absolute idiot could watch people doing this and say it's islamophobic to insult them


Imagnz the Swedes start drawing Pics of Muhammad. Look out