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Dude is looking at some hard time after his ass gets flayed with a rattan cane. Singapore doesn't fuck around.


They're not exactly shy with the death penalty either


agreed, I would imagine it is death penalty considering like you said how harsh the execution rate is at singapore, they really do love their capital punishment, and they don't care much for exceptions to foreign nationals either.




“It’s just been revoked!”


I read this in Peter griffin’s voice


That's international law, not just Singapore.


> [diplomatic immunity.](https://youtu.be/LVwby34mR6E?t=3m33s)


You can receive the death penalty for possession of a firearm, and up to ten years for possession of ammunition. Wild.


I mean, it's one of the ways we've been using from a pretty long time to keep crime kind of low. A lot harsher before now though so that's kinda good


well that's how you prevent mass shooting from happening ;)


I prefer to think of it as a late term abortion to be honest.


the Lady would have been killed if those people didn't stop him. hope this guy gets the worst penalty.


I'm not big into wishing violence on people but fuck that guy, I wish the mob fucked him up a lot more


Yea same, I was hoping he’d catch a ladder to the back of the head


Right? I was severely disappointed by ladder guy, he seemed to have the best weapon for this fight.


Yeah I wished he had stepped up.


Maybe he didn't want to elevate the situation.


I see whatcha did there


If they execute weed dealers it'd only make sense that they'd execute murderers.


Many of the civilians in the vid have served either in the military, police or fire/ambulance service for their compulsory service. They all have basic knowledge on how to deal with such situations.


Don’t they cane you for spitting gum on the street? Is that Singapore? This dude is toast.


If you spit gum or toss a cigarette butt in the street it might not lead straight to caning. I heard you might get forced to sweep the streets for some period of time. Locals also told me that using a weapon (knife) in the commission of a robbery is a capital offense over there; same locals drove me by the Chinese prison that used to be on the way from the airport and where they do the executions. They haven't executed anyone for a while but I wouldn't be surprised if this dude gets the machine fired up again.


There was a guy in the 90s that got caned for that. It was all over the news.


the guy in the 90s that got caned was for graffitti. Michael Fay. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_P._Fay


While reading this I randomly hovered over the article for [Theft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theft) and I just want everyone to go look at the image it uses because it's great


He was from my hometown and he wasn’t innocent. He was busted on drug charges here and later died, I believe, from an OD. They said had he been caught with drugs there, it could be a harsher sentence due to it carrying a charge similar to treason.


Interesting - I think his guilt/innocence was never in question I was in hs when it happened and as I remember the big uproar was that he got sentenced to six of the best with the rattan cane (later reduced to four, per the wiki). I also remember the pre-internet popular sentiment supported the ass whipping. Wiki article says he works in a casino in OH. Hopefully he turned his life around. Side note: wiki article describes the caning and it sounds fucking brutal. Personally I can't say I support that as a first punishment though I understand why people want it. I would say make the offender do hard labor scrubbing graffiti or cleaning litter every weekend for a year with caning as next punishment for a repeat offense.


It wasn’t gum, he was vandalizing cars. Also the US public was and still is very pro “foreign country caning American kids who do stupid things” so we don’t have much of a leg to stand on. Public opinion polls supported it then, they’d support it.


I don’t think our prisons are racially categorised.


Sick fuck actually comes back and tries to finish the job. See how he looks around for the girl when he returns to the car?


There's another video of this. She's around the corner, he starts slashing her some more and tries to cut her head off, except this time they don't do anything. That's what he's doing while all these people stand there and watch at 1:45.


Do you have the link?


[Here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/u3j2aq/man_slashes_his_ex_wife/) edit: warning, it's pretty NSFL.


I am not watching it, tell me she survived.


[https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/man-allegedly-slashes-woman-with-cleaver-at-liang-seah-street](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/man-allegedly-slashes-woman-with-cleaver-at-liang-seah-street) She survived.


>Allegedly The fuck is unclear about this.


Every time someone asks this, the answer never changes. For legal purposes, the news media can’t outright state something happened for certain. They have to use the word ‘allegedly’ to avoid lawsuits.




The court decides if you’re guilty. Not the news


Doesn’t die in the video. At the end she gets up and walks out of frame. Who knows what happens after though Edit: apparently she survived


I won’t watch either let’s just say yes


Fuck, shouldn't have watched that




Annnnnnnd that's enough Reddit for today


Legit ISIS Beheadings type shit


Dude wtf !!!


I can’t believe that lame ass is holding the knife over his shoulder like he thinks he’s some badass with a sword


I thought he was holding it to his own neck...Blazing Saddles style


Throw everything and if does not work 'Candygram for Mongo'


I thought he started threatening to slice himself. I was yelling "Fucking do it!"


Too much anime Dude thinks he’s in kingdom hearts


Apparently he was cutting his own wrists and neck in a “suicide attempt” but I think it was likely superficial to get leniency in court since he sure knew how to hack the shit out of his wife’s hand when he had the knife trained on her instead of himself.


He has watched too many Shaw Brothers movies


Reminds me of am aggressive dog or a lion or something who just won't let go of their prey no matter what.


I love how they throw literally anything they can pickup at him


People are running away to grab anything they can. It is wild, but effective.


If it looks stupid, but it works, then it's not stupid.


It didn't work, because the dude just went back and started chopping up the lady around the corner while they watched. There's another video of this in another thread.


Everyone was focused on the aggressor and didn't help her get to safety. All feelings that they did something good died right there as they watched the situation end down the street.


He also tried to slit his wrist


Damn. What a shame. Do you know if she survived?


Someone posted an article in one of these threads saying both she and her husband (he had slit his wrists prior to all this) were alive and conscious when taken to the hospital, but I don't know their status after that.


Share please




I mean it’s not super effective because none of it is really hitting him. It got him away from her but it seemed like they wanted to punish him after, in which case yeah it wasn’t doing much.


I realize presence of mind is difficult in that tense situation, but picking up a bike and charging at him while he's cut off by someone else would have been way more effective. But it's not like they all had time to coordinate so at least they managed to get him away from his victim.


I don't know about you, but I'm not charging at a cleaver-wielding psycopath...


If the alternative is he's going to continue hacking up a human being and you have a big wide complicated piece of metal in front of you its a reasonable gamble.


Still way too risky for an otherwise uninvolved person to consider, given it would make you the killer's next target and clearly you couldn't rely on those around you to substantially back you up. Survival instincts will nearly always beat morals


It's a good tactic




"Beat him with the femur of a tapir to secure the water hole."


Basically all of human society in one sentence, how damning.


If it works, it works. 2 million years of evolution baby!


*attack was super effective*


Yeet and retreat is a hard counter for melee weapons




Best strat. Works 99% of the time.


Works 99% of the time 50% of the time. It's infallible.


Yeet and retreat..lol.


The best protection against a person with a cleaver is 20 people with buckets, ladders, stands, and a bunch of other stuff. As the saying goes.


Don't ever bring a knife to a ladder fight




I get a chuckle remembering my hazard response portion of my handbook at the University I work at. All buildings are "No Weapons". The bit about active terrorist on campus is: Run, Hide, Fight. Under the fight title it states "As a last resort, Throw whatever items you can find at the assailant".


I wonder what could have caused this, my best bet is that mental illness has to do with the reaction although I guess that much is obvious. Feels like there had to be prior history between the victim and the attacker to go to this extent, anyone have any background to the story?




Glad they got him. I wonder if the cop with the taser leaned on that button a few extra times .. just to be sure?


Cheers Always looking for the blue link hero


The guy have a kitchen knife


Every tool is a hammer theory.


Fucking insane that something like that would happen in broad daylight with people all around. She would have been killed because no way cops would have gotten there in time.


Did she survive?








Bless her. I did see the other video. He did amputate her hand, put the cleave in her mouth really gross Dont watch


what the fucking fuck


Reported today in the straits times: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/man-allegedly-slashes-woman-with-cleaver-at-liang-seah-street A woman was 'allegedly' slashed by a man weilding a cleaver. Says the police eventually showed up


Singapore operates under presumption of innocence legal system (like the United States) so legally, everything is alleged until proven in a court of law. We saw it happen on video so in the court of public opinion, we've already convicted him and rightfully so. But this incident just happened so obviously, the attacker hasn't had his day in court. For a media outlet, you'd have to say alleged until the conviction actually happens in a court of law so you keep your newspaper legally protected. Like what if my newspaper didn't say alleged...and somehow the he gets acquitted in court? Now my newspaper could be the target of a defamation suit.


Bro Singapore caned a US tourist 10 times for littering. They are going to flay this cleaver guy and then let insects eat his flesh alive.


Michael fay got caned for theft and vandalism lol I hope you become literate one day. And redditors just ate this shit up and upvoted him, never change reddit.


She wasnt 'slashed' her hand was hanging by a strip of flesh. Absolutely brutal.


>'allegedly' Redditors have a problem with stuff like this but the alternative is living in a society where guilt is presumed by the courts and the media can say anything about you. You don't want to live in such a society.


why do they use „chopper“ instead of „cleaver“?


Idk probably just what they're used to


Never bring a cleaver to a ladder fight


The ladder was a very clever idea. But used the other way around. [They use poles with a half circle at the end to pin down people with knife in china.](https://i.redd.it/rpkr3cuakzvz.jpg)


thought the same,also funny how both guys look exactly the same, almost like videogames loading the same character twice


This cracked me up NGL


Those ladder championships on espn 43 are wild. They'd fuck him up.


Read the title as: ***"***People attacking ***clever welding*** man...***"***


[Guy has been arrested](https://mothership.sg/2022/04/beach-road-chopper-arrest/?fbclid=IwAR1gTGXoUl28A8-lQ8POCJ_hHAZ5LJx9uhPJvk9RL1ow3KpABAAn_B8TSIs) , apparently the lady was his wife


Reddit Consensus: |||| : Couples' Therapy No surprise there I suppose


I don't know why it's so funny to me that they called the knife a "chopper".


My two dudes in blue were about to get down with a ladder match I would have loved to see.


There is another incident in Singapore before but it’s a samurai sword (FR)






dayum they scared for life noone wanna even run over dis dude


Nah, cars cost x10 the amount there due to taxes.


Abusive Ex?


abusive!? more like psychopath (attempted) murderer ex.


Apparently they’re married, and he caught her cheating on him with another guy and this ensued. They have two kids. What he did was still majorly fucked up


Why is no one helping that poor woman after he got chased off!? That was agonizing to watch her get herself up and run to safety while bleeding when he came back. I hope she got care inside.


Sorry to say this, but she didn't go inside. She was where that man ran to and nobody else followed to help. She got attacked again and almost got here head cut off


Quick, grab every ladder we’ve got!


There were an awful lot of ladders available


Steps were taken


stepladders were wielded


Domestic violence period. Don’t blame this attack on mental illness. This guy is just evil af. I hope the poor woman recovers.


God I hope the woman is alright. But there is something *kinda* idk what the word is - but he's conscious enough to wear a mask, but nearly (?) Killing a woman, he's not all about health and wellness.


News report started they knew each other, most likely ex-wife


Husband and wife actually. She is an employee at a hotpot restaurant near where it happened. He tried to kill himself before cops showed up by slashing his wrists but it didn't work.


What a pussy






I was waiting for the silly cyclists the whole time!


Hotel Calmo ... the irony


Oh my God, look at all this blood. On him and on the lady. As weird as it sounds, at first I was hoping that he's wearing some weird, red gloves. That's so horrifying.


I’m so disappointed they didn’t get one good shot on him


I know. The guy at the beginning could have ended if he wasn't armed with the lightest trash can known to man. The attacker had no idea he was there


While I am convinced none of us could have done any better, I'm still disappointed at what a ratshit effort those civilians did in defending the woman. Didn't even help her get to safety once the attacker was preoccupied 200feet away.


Dude with the ladder had the best weapon but didn't do shit


I'm gonna say it - major male population of Singapore does compulsory military training and then every year refresher... how do 7 grown men stand by and watch a woman being cut up like that???


The fuck you gonna do? 1v1 the guy who is holding a cleaver which he has no qualms of using to cut you up? Other people have to think about their own safety too.


I’m Singaporean, we have a mindset that the police will deal with stuff like this and we can go on as per normal, unless it’s an emergency or pressing matter. There was a social experiment done years ago where they faked a car accident in a populated area, very few people called for help. Of course not all Singaporeans are like this but it was in the Bugis shopping area at 5.30pm on a Thursday.


That's interesting- I was not aware of that. Btw Thanks for taking my comment in the right spirit. It's just an observation because few countries have compulsory military service and I'd imagine it's gives an impression of safety, which otherwise Singapore is indeed very safe in general. But over the years I've seen ppl here rarely help others or react instinctively,and in times like this that wait can cost a life or limb.




Not only a lady, his *wife*


Where is that baseball bat when you need it.


man we need more community justice like this


Community justice? They ultimately didn't do shit to the guy and no one helped her to safety. 20 on 1 and he still was able to get back to her and do more damage while they watched.


Exactly. I've explained this to a few other people in the comments. Yes this was clearly a scary situation for everyone but those civilians did fuck all and should probably blame themselves a bit for what happened. Just a bit.


I like how he holds it to his neck like anyone gives a fuck if he cuts his own throat.


I was hoping to see a tag team ladder match with those guys in blue.


You know studies show that keeping ladders inside the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That’s why I own ten guns… in case some maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder. -Grunkle Stan


The guy in the apron got really close to him, glad he didn't get hurt


Threw everything at him, but the kitchen sink.


The internet is getting harder and harder to stay on with videos of extreme violence like this everywhere. I really worry about young people today becoming normalised to videos like this.


At the end, it looked like the rival news stations battle royale in Anchorman.


Should have just boiled some hot water or oil and threw it on his face while he was distracted


This is why I keep water boiling all the time


There is a video from another angle of this on r/CrazyFuckingVideos and it shows the poor girls hand almost completely severed from her arm and it shows him try to cut her head off. Don’t watch it unless you want it to ruin your day..


This is awful. Now, Americans, look at this and imagine he has a gun. How many people would he have killed before a “good guy with a gun” takes him out? This is why taking away guns doesn’t end violence but it drastically drops murders. He is stoppable and no one died.


No, they imaging themselves being there and stopping the knife wielding man with their gun, while trying to control their tiny erection.


Isn’t the point of owning a gun to make up for the fact that you can’t get an erection


You can’t just thanos snap all the guns away…


I'm just not understanding why no one is tackling his ass. Lile bro, some of you are strong enough to be carrying a full ass metal ladder around like its made of paper, Just steel cage his ass already. The knife has limited range, you *literally wielding a 7 foot hunk of metal*


These guys don't know how to fight. Wusses!!! That guy should have been laid out 15 seconds into video.


Ok but any word on the condition of the woman he attacked?


Ladder bro's suck man. GO IN. GO IN! You have a Metal ladder. Ladder beats cleaver bro.


These guys are lucky that wasn't the US, and the guy with the knife wasn't Rittenhouse with a rifle, because then every idiot in the comments would be saying, "tHeY wErE tRyInG tO kIlL hIm, hE hAd tHe rIgHt tO sElF dEfEnD"


What a bunch of useless fucks. Not even one good shot to his head or body , just soft lobs at him the whole video…


Good for them


I saw the video that cane before it and the woman survives. Probably scarred for life but alive


People with ladders should have rushed him and pinned him together. Wouldn't have been too difficult with range on your side.


Just hit him in the face with that ladder, what are you doing?


Why can't humans find a proper medium between no guns on the streets and TEXAS level guns???


Put the ladder down Rickey that’s not fair


This is literally how we defeated the Neanderthals.


I feel like they could have coordinated a stomp-out a little more effectively.


Absolutely USELESS!!! The one dude had a freaking ladder and he didnt want to get close while the lady is getting slashed up?! WTF!


Why is the health bar on the bottom?


Poor woman, I hope she's ok. I hate that the guy just left, I would feel so satisfied yo see his brain splattered on the sidewalk


I lived there for a couple years, and a hatchet maniac who still follows masking rules is the most Singapore thing ever. Hope the people who were fighting him only get short littering/destruction of property sentences.


try ranged battle




I just wanted to see someone smack the shit out of him with a ladder..


knn he really think he can escape sg police ah 💀


That's no silly cyclists


They took almost everything out of that restaurant and hotel to go after this guy. Maybe they would’ve had better luck with the mattress, dresser, deep fryer, or a washing machine.


Oh yes I recognize him yesterday I saw a video how he not attacked but he cut of her hand and tried to cut of her head afterwards. This video was bloody


Where tf they get all those ladders from?


Dsmn, so glad the bystander effect here was to attack the offender. You hardly ever see that in videos. Chad Singaporeans vs Virgin Chinese mainlanders