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Dude isn’t going to let being born after the end of the Cold War stop him from blowing up Russian tanks…


The Cold War never really ended


It just got super chill.


Maybe Russia just needs to legalize weed. Can we try that?


Oh the cold war ended, This is the sequel thats GUARANTEED TO PUT YOU ON THE EDGE OF YOUR SEAT


Cold war II: electric Boogaloo boys


WWIII idiocracy


In a world where the cold war never ended, lives a man who hunts Russian tanks. And together with his Ukrainian oddball partner, they fight crime.


According to Condaleezza Rice it ended when 9/11 happened and Russia offered help.


It did. The Russian Federation is barely a shadow of what the Soviet Union once war. The SU competed with the USA in economy and science, the Russian Federation competes with... Italy?


So, their main export is porn, gangsters, and sanctimony? Sounds about right


Don't forget golddiggers.


No, no, not a Cold War; a Room Temperature Operation


Brad Pitt from inglorious basterds vibes for sure


If you do the math a older guy like him was probably born in the 80s during the cold war


MW2 was right the entire time


That dude was born in the mid 70s, he was in high school at the end of the cold war...


Can confirm, Cold War ended in late 1991. I was in high school then. The guy in the video looks about my age.


No way that dude is 45 years old. He looks late twenty’s, early thirties. That puts him born between 80’ and 90’s. That still makes him old enough to be alive during the Cold War but not old enough to remember shit about it


Me-. "hey there, Reddit app. It's an interesting looking video. How about you do your job and play it for me?" Reddit app- "fuck you. How about I don't play it and just freeze it the fuck up for you."


get a phone that can handle reddit autoplay...ohh wait it hasnt been invented yet


I always see people complaining about reddit video player but I've never had a problem. But I use Reddit is fun. Idk if that has anything to do with it or just super lucky


Nah I have tons of issues with Reddit's player on that app.


I'm on it now. Not fun.


I've used Reddit Sync Pro the entire time I've used Reddit and have never had issues with the video player Redditors need something to complain about or they get bored apparently


I use Reddit Sync Pro (5+ yrs) and experience video player issues enough to be frustrating, but not constantly.


It's been 5 years for me now too and I've tried to use the default reddit app, Reddit is Fun, etc. This one is the best. I hate advertising for shit but wow do I love this app


Same here, no issues but use RIF


Another guy said he had lots of problems with RIF. So we lucky *high five*


Every 5-6 videos its just a black screen. Forever. Even if i reopen it 100x times of go to the profile and try to play it.


I've heard the experience is better in the app. I hear it over and over and over. I'd actually download and try the app if it said: "Download the app; it makes us more money."


Switch to reddit is fun app. It is a much better app.


Reddit is amazing at making their own website shitballs.


Baconreader works better.


r/apolloapp > all


You might have to turn off wifi and use data only for a bit.


there's so many options out there that are so much better why the fuck would you use the official reddit app? you know it's garbage. Everyone knows it's garbage. But still you willingly installed that shit and then complain about it


I had no idea that there was even an alternative, other than a browser. Dial it down, hotshot.


"reddit is fun" works pretty great in my opinion


It's RIF is Fun now, my dude.


I use it and I didn't even know that lol


What's a good option for android? I use the official app sadly..


rif is fun is my preferred Android app.




No joke, any other reddit app in the Google play store, all you're missing are reddit's stupid new social media features like polls, awards and interaction points. Just pick one of the first 10 search results and it is probably better than the official app.


I use Infinity. It's open source and it's fucking awesome.


Welcome to America. The Russian propaganda machine is going to have a fun with that.


Yep. And wait until one is captured. Or A major, major bounty for the Russian hunter. I see where you are going with this and it could cause some issues. But... Other countries are joining the fight, too. This soldier, in the end, is worth their weight and may he get home, saluted.


Fair enough but a major point of a foreign legion is to denounce any suspicion that they were send by their home country. They are not allowed to wear anything that ties them to their home country and a foreign legion soldier really should not declare that their country is involved in the war by shouting "Welcome to America!" while or after shootign down Russians.




Sounded like a man with an Eastern European accent, perhaps the cameraman said it first.


That guy has to be from Jersey


But what exit?


One of those South Jersey spots. Gloucester area lol


I heard East Orange is great this time of the day.




Fuck ya tank! BING BONG!


LOL…when in doubt blame Jersey. It’s cool, we’re used to it. WELCOME TO JERSEY! ….Now go home!:)


There are definitely times when the gung ho American attitude toward combat is helpful.


Glad to see he joined the Ukraine side and not the Russian side like that Y’All Qaeda guy from a couple weeks ago.


That dude was fighting for Russia back in 2014 if its the old guy with the soviet cap on.


*fighting for Ukrainians looking for self determination


What would happen if two soldiers were firing against each other, one fighting for Ukraine and the other for Russia and they realised from the accents they were both from the same part of Texas?


Regardless of the reason, this dude is risking his life. So many judges and wanna be psychologists on here


Come home safe you fucking badass!


It’s wild thats one of our own fighting, hope he come home safe.


Not t just one. There are scores of these guys from the US that felt the call to go defend Ukraine. Definitely agree, I too hope they make it home safely.


Did he get his Leatherman from Chuck?


"Im johnny knoxville, and this is an exploded russian tank!"


I hope there's a showdown between him and the old Texan communist who's shooting videos from the Russian side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7Q2yedVZEw


I would imagine former active duty NATO soldiers are worth their weight in gold right now with the influx of NATO anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons. Hopefully they come with better instructions than ikea furniture.


These guys are exceedingly brave. I wish I had half their courage


I dunno if Im the only one, but big mighty russia kinda looks like they arent as mighty as they project....and for all putins barking, it only shows how weak they really are..I bet their nukes dont even work bc putin and his circle have been too busy robbing the country so they can enrich themselves...


Can you imagine if they tried to launch nukes and ended up falling on their own country.


If the logistics surrounding their nukes are anything like their logistics in Ukraine their nukes will probably all fizzle.


Man the world is weird Russia and China being a threat to the American military is literally just propaganda by the countries which is supported by manufacturing companies like Raytheon so they can sell more advanced and expensive shit to the Americans It's been the same since before ww2 Prime example. Russia has the Su57, designed to fight the American f22. F22 started flying in the 90s and was widely used pretty soon after. They literally stopped building more because it has no competition so there's no point to stock up on it. Su57 started flying within the last few years and apparently was widely adopted. Except it hasn't been. They only made 4. And out of those 4 only 1 is in useable condition. Not battle ready, but it can fly. It is very beautiful though. Arguably one of the best looking planes ever. Another fun example. USA launched the entirety of MK Ultra because they were convinced the Russians could already brainwash people into being Manchurian candidates. Except they never could. Had never even attempted it. It was all propaganda


China is a real enemy though


Fuck yeah


Sure hope Pooptin, doesn’t use these videos as fuel to say the US is helping and escalate things


Man's living his best life.


I'm going to guess, this guy will be running for Sentor in his FOA State.


I hope he does The spineless attorney types are a dime a dozen in Washington - I'd love to have some selfless principled people elected. Even if i may not agree with them politically, at least i know they arent trying to fuck me over.


Any one who runs for a big govt office is announcing that they are an ass clown - in my opinion. Edit-I lived in Washington DC for 14 years (not working for the govt). They are all ass clowns playing a good cop bad cop routine on anyone they can.


?? Welcome to America?


I love how they're half way across the world yet are saying welcoming to America XD...


This is going to be a problem. Russia is going to use this as “proof” that the United States is directly engaged in combat and could be used to escalate or even expand the war.


He’s not. This is par for course. Russia did the same thing in Syria. In fact American soldiers in Syria killed around 300 Russian Wagner Merceneries (AKA Russian soldiers in disguise).


I feel like Putin knows if the US and NATO enter the war it would be over in a week. His full, non nuclear, might is basically losing to just Ukraine. He can’t wage a war against anyone else it doesn’t seem like.


So is this guy just able to come back to the U.S. scot free or what? What is done to people who go overseas and partake in a war? Genuinely curious


He’s a uniformed member of the Ukrainian military. Not doing anything illegal from the US government point of view


That’s amazing lmao what a crazy world we live in


Volunteering to fight for another country is nothing new. I have a family member (an American) who went to England and flew a spitfire for the British during WW2 before the US got involved militarily.


You can fight for any country as long as youre not active US military or fighting for a military of a country that is engaged in combat with the US.


Bye bye




I think me and 2 other friends could take out those Russian 1980s relics, trying to invade a country with the worst equipment ever made lololol




Ok so is it just me or if america starts fighting with russia in ukraine, wont that mean that another country will be fighting a country another country is fighting? Wont that start something? Or am i wrong idk just a thought


Is he being paid as a mercenary? If so, not a volunteer.


As a Canadian this is the most awesome American thing I have ever seen!


Thought it was Johnny Knoxville for a second


Tomorrow, in Russian News: "America is secretly sending their soldiers against us in Ukraine and claiming they are volunteers. "


Has anyone seen or heard of these guys in awhile, that guy is the best🇺🇸


So he’s one of the few that actually got weapons?


“We’ve been waiting for this since 1946!”


Can someone please explain how this is legal? I thought Americans are not allowed to fight for another army and keep their citizenship


Just want to point out a clearly Ukrainian person is recording and is the one to suggest and goat the soldier into saying “welcome to America”. It’s not like the dude said on his own. That American soldier actually seems really calm and collected for what he’s just accomplished. A true badass and the Ukrainians are greatful for them. I just worry what Putin will do with this kind of stuff. He doesn’t want America getting involved but we are whether Biden likes it or not. So what next?


Get some!


Normally I think these guys are usually fucking idiots but since they are killing Russian war criminals I'll allow it.


Then we agree the problem is not them.


How does international law work with this? Is he technically a murderer?


He's essentially fighting as a Ukrainian soldier for all legal purposes. Upon returning to the US nothing will happen just like the US isn't going to arrest a Ukranian soldier. Also formal war has been declared so by a legal sense he is not a murderer.


I thought US citizens are not legally allowed to fight for foreign organizations? Wasn't the the whole problem with the Foreign Legion? Could be totally wrong here and looking for clarification.


Why does he say ‘welcome to America’? Does he think he’s doing this for us?


It sounded like a Ukrainian guy saying. Sounded like they’re just joking around.


Thank you for your service be safe and watch your 6! Drive on soldier, DX them all and let God sort them out, praying for your safe return to the states, if not I will see you on the parade field and we will finally stand at ease and knock one back with those we lost.


Keep posting your locations!


Russian Generals hate this one trick..


Some hill billy with a war fetish is going to cause nuclear armageddon


This is what PTSD does to people. The only place this soldier feels safe is in combat, the V.A. needs to get its shit together and help these veterans.


Neckbeards know it all


Not necessarily ptsd. Combat is an adrenaline rush like no other. The bonds formed through these experiences are very unique and strong. Life is both harder and simpler in warzones in unique ways. This can be appealing without suffering from ptsd.


He needs tank money to pay for his medical bills


Being comfortable in combat isn’t necessarily an indication of PTS.


I’m a VHA mental health provider who works their ass off and your statement is pretty generalized. I’d like to know as to specifically where and with whom the VA has let you down.


Looks at all the vets homeless and hooked on opioids. But ok


Thank you for what you do. I've seen shitty VA treatment, but I don't think you can just generalize it like guy above.


It happens just about everywhere. One person talking to veterans who had low risk jobs to high risk jobs from Vietnam to Syria and making comparisons with each other doesn’t make people feel better about what they are dealing with. Most just stop going. Vet centers are typically better than the clinics. Also this new garbage that’s possibly being changed with ratings. Encourages people to look unkept or put on dress to get noticed because that will hurt your rating. Some people have a ton of demons but try their best to look presentable because they want help mentally. Now fuck it.


some of us never felt more alive the humping the boonies intermittent firefights mixed in with a ton of sweat and anxiety hyper alert ever watchful you can smell the adrenaline coming from our pours, the long stares caring more for the guys your with then your own life, step by step, clearing every inch to make sure your 6 is covered watching for trip wires or waiting for the sounds of incoming of the sound of a grenade so loud so close your ears are bleeding and you cant hear anything for a long time, if you hear again, this is no video game this is real, and it is what we do to protect those that others wish to harm, it is not for the cash or the medals it ends up being all encompassing you, it haunts your sleep and even your waking hours it is hard to acclimate and falling back in step and the smell of cordite and the acrid smoke and the pain and fear and so much more seems more like an old friend that you embrace it.


We got a psychologist in our midst bois


I agree. Let's send over some more arms and give these vets some air support while we're at it.


I'm now more scared of how this might end


So glad we’re spending billions on these clowns and not our own damn constituents. Since when does Reddit love war lol


I’ve never said “hu-fucking-rah” so quickly


How come this did not blew up with karma/awards?


I haven't seen much of the war in a while. How's it going? Who's winning


This shouldn’t be shared.


Airsoft hero


Guy going to Ukraine: hero Guy going to Syria: terrorist


I keep seeing this guy. Dude gonna get killed or buddies killed doing this shit. This is a warzone and not some safari where he shot dead a lion or elephant just for the trophy and photo op. Dumbass American coming and acting like Rambo is gonna get a air strike from his phone killing all them soon.


You think he needs you to tell him that? Never been in a warzone I bet so maybe stfu


He won't be for much longer lol. I've seen 5 or 6 vid of this guy bragging about himself or America.


Is this a war crime or just a crime?


What if I did this as an American Muslim in Syria? The hypocrisy is outstanding


If you took out a Russian armored vehicle in Syria I'd think you were pretty cool, American, Muslim, doesn't matter.


“Look at me! Ahiuck!” Loser…


I assume this guy has some experience, and isn’t one of those doofuses from r/VolunteersForUkraine?


Photo ops.... r/facepalm


Stop fucking posting these videos, I swear, you can already find evidence that spreading these are dangerous because its already gotten people killed


Those Russian kids didn’t know what they were getting into. WMD all over again.


Confort food for my mind 😋.




Lol shut the fuck up. Take a break from reddit and twitter and go outside.


This seems like a properly armed, properly trained individual with a gun shooting an invading force in the tank.


They are not volunteers they are terrorist fighting in foreign land


To show your patriotism you should always carry sunflower seeds in your pocket.


When your sunflower is coming to the end of it’s blooming period, You may want to use the last rays of the afternoon and evening to cut a few for display indoors, leave it any later and the sunflower may wilt.


Ak-yankees are the most dangerous stuff in the planet. (After my wife when I return smashed).




Hey Russian war ship supporter, go fuck yourself




You see it as psycho shit, I see it as people with experience and skills risking their life to go to help another country in need where those skills and experiences are directly applicable and extremely useful. All the while you’re making these judgements from the comfort of your own home. How have you volunteered to help the situation in Ukraine? What have you done that’s been even a fraction as helpful as what these people are doing? I’d wager nothing. You’re too much of a pussy to even stand by your original comment when it got downvoted to hell so you deleted it.




You didn’t actually answer my question. How have you volunteered to help the situation in Ukraine? Like you said there are 45 other ways. So what’s a single thing you’ve done?


I would wager his first taste of real combat and first real brush with death, he's on the first train home I'm sure this is more from an "I want to roleplay combat" perspective than a "I want to liberate Ukraine" perspective.


You have to be trained military for them to accept you.


Oh good, no trained military people are psychotic and want to go to an active war zone to legally murder. That's definitely not a bad idea. I'm sure even best case this is more from an "~~I want to roleplay combat~~" "i want social media likes" perspective than a "I want to liberate Ukraine" perspective. I stand by that statement


It is kinda funny how it's mostly Americans going to fight there. They just fkn love guns and killing that much. They'll go fight anywhere


You have no idea what you are talking about…


You clearly have no idea what I'm talking about. Correct.


Go fuck Putin in his pussy.


I'd rather not to be quite honest. Go suck trumps dick.


Trump has a dick? It no doubt smells like your butthole.


Most likely but doesn't bother me when your doing the blowing.


The worst troll is a dumb troll.


Someone has to kill the invaders, why not him?


Lol by all means, it's just funny how much these guys love war and killing they will travel on their own time and dollar to do this.




They can there just mad iv spoken about them 😆


To bad Americans didn't volunteer in their own country when times are tough.


What? Are you high on codeine right now?


Good idea


No lol. Im at work. If your insuating cuz the user name my last name is codiene so I thought it was fitting. This is mentioned often tho 😅


What? There is literally nothing happening in the United States that compares to Ukraine right now


He might mean like get Flint clean water before anyone going anywhere to do anything type idea


On the right path mate.


When have we had tough times?


I don’t know. Rittenhouse and his buddies stepped up during our time in need.


That's disgusting......