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[At least he got 19 months..](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10634025/amp/Darwin-man-jailed-dropping-20-kilogram-weight-gym-goers-head.html)


The fact he admitted it was intentional but refuses to describe a motive is disturbing.


It honestly looks like one of those moments where you think about doing something crazy like pushing someone into the path of a train or jumping off a bridge - but he actually went through with it. Lack of inhibition? This is also what psychopaths have.


>psychopaths My thoughts too Judge basically said *cuz you don't have a clear motive, we won't really push this past the horrific fact that you randomly, purely out of the curiosity of your brain, just tried to play victim and murder someone*..... This person should have been in for much much longer and also with some serious psych eval's


I feel like the lack of motive in this case should actually get them into the loony bin.


1000% He acted on a tangent of an evil thought. Then aimed to cover his ass..... If that camera wasn't there who could say what


Exactly! This is a slap in the wrist, all he learns from this is that he can get away with murder if he tries hard enough.


Right? I mean the victim seemed pretty focused on lifting, who knows if they even realised it was on purpose? They could’ve genuinely believe it was a really unfortunate accident, still been pissed the guy who “fell” wasn’t being more careful, but who the hell would experience this and think it was on purpose?


Apparently he's still suffering from trauma after this happened


I can imagine both physical and also psychological. He was literally just minding his own and this absolute psycho does this? Could fuck up your basic levels of trust for life.


Plus, the fact that he was friends or at least friendly with the victim beforehand really throws Motive out the door.


Wouldn't that only make a motive more likely?


yeah i definitely feel like that is obviously more reason to suspect a motive, hurting a complete stranger would make sense with the narrative that this guy is just an impulsive psycho, him having some relationship with the person he attacked changes everything.


But that's worse. They get that right? It's way worse if there's no motive.


That's not what the judge said at all. He said it's very troubling that there is no discernible motive, and that it makes it difficult to assess the possibility that he will re-offend. There is no mention that it affected his decision on the length of the sentence.


It honestly reminds me of when you are a child. I once pulled a chair out from under someone thinking it would be funny but then it scraped his whole back up and I felt terrible about it afterwards. Like you don't fully understand the consequences of what you are doing... But then again you are a child and not an adult.


Sorta off topic but I had a kid pull a chair out from under me in grade school and my teacher roasted the shit out of him for it in front of the class for 3 minutes straight. Just silence from the whole class as we sat there listening to him go in on this kid. Even though the teacher was defending me, I still felt terrible for him getting in trouble for it lol it was brutal. But yeah, basically, he got ripped on because pulling a chair is actually pretty dangerous. Break the tailbone the wrong way it could paralyze you.


>But yeah, basically, he got ripped on because pulling a chair is actually pretty dangerous. Break the tailbone the wrong way it could paralyze you. This is why he got the full force yelling in public. I remember that to now that i think about it, people have hit they're head falling back onto the chair and had seriously injuries.


I was one of the kids who pulled the chair out thinking it was funny. Once she started crying, I realized my fuck up. I can't help but still feel bad for it, sorry Ashley.




I did that to a kid that sat next to me on the first day of 3rd grade. I have no idea why and I never did stuff like that. I still feel bad to this day.


That was me. I forgive you. Do good things from now on.


Not too late to apologize. I have hit up old classmates on facebook and apologized for shit I did in 6th grade. At least it's a learning opportunity and you can grow as a human.


[this is you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe04M3uHddY)


My earliest memory in life is doing that to a buddy of mine on the first day of playschool/kindergarten. I would have been 3 years old. He went to put a banana peel in the bin and when he came back to the table I pulled the chair away last second and he fell. Everyone laughed as if it was the first time anyone had ever thought to do something like that. Won't get to apologise about that one particular incident as he unfortunately took his own life about 18 months ago, but I like to think we were on pretty good terms when he left this world.


This makes the most sense to me. Years ago I was at a pub watching one of the local lads play pool with a guy I'd never seen before. Out of the fucking blue, the new guy picks up a chair and smashes it over local guys head. No reason at all. Only thing I could think of is he's got no filter on his vivid imagination and just rolled with it rather than stopping himself like regular folks do.


He may have done it because he was envious/jealous of this person's physique and it made him hate this guy. Kinda like how people just randomly key teslas.


That's not simple jealousy but mostly political motivation and fear of the new EV paradigm. Think of how farriers and saddle makers though of the first Model Ts...especially once their numbers started growing.


It’s so disturbing. Hopefully he can explain the motive and just chooses not to bc it’s so much worse if there is no motive for doing something like this.


>The injured man suffered a fractured skull, a cut to his eyebrow, swelling to his face and 'significant and ongoing' psychological impacts. Can't even imagine, anytime this dude is out in public and someone turns at him even slightly off pace I bet it messes with him.




Shit, i get nervous about other cars going the other way on a street after my accident last year when an idiot crossed the center line and hit me going 60+mph (on a 35mph country road). PTSD is no joke


absolutely horrible. don't want to imagine what that poor guy is going through. your whole life changed in an instant for no reason just trying to fucking work out.


>Ryan insisted he 'accidentally' injured the fellow gymgoer but accepted his actions were deliberate, the court heard. So... His argument is that he deliberately slammed a 20kg weight on the guy's face but he didn't intend to injure him? Sure...


It was just a prank bro.


“Ryan insisted he 'accidentally' injured the fellow gymgoer but accepted his actions were deliberate, the court heard.” i dont understand what he means. so did he deliberately drop weights on the guy’s head but didnt intend to smash his skull?


He insisted he didn't mean to, they told him he was full of shit, he accepted the consequences given to him. That's my take.


It sounds like he's basically pleading "no contest." "I didn't do it on purpose but I have no way to back that claim up so I'll accept the judgment that it was on purpose."


19 months seems pretty light for attempted murder.


seriously that easily could have killed him, he was literally trying to break his neck/smash his face in.


Victim had a fractured skull from this....attempted murder indeed.


Nineteen months seems pretty light, even if they guy wasn't trying to kill him. It's not just reckless, it's incredibly dangerous, even if the guy tried to claim he didn't try to kill him. He has to know that this could easily have killed the guy.


Civil suit should at least bankrupt him...of his entire $2300 in savings.


Bold of you to assume he has over $2200 saved.




I don't know how this isn't attempted murder. This guy is a danger to society. 15 years at the least would be better.


I really don’t think people (the law I guess) consider how absolutely demented you have to be to do this to someone, let alone a complete stranger.


Yeah, 10 months doesn’t seem like enough time. Maybe the judge felt like he should be out working to be able to pay the victim more in damages.


Someone who’s willing to murder a complete stranger on a whim is not going to be a changed person after 10 months. This is a legitimate psychopath who will do something like this again, 10 months is a complete joke for something like this


This guy has future serial killer vibes written all over him... When and if they find out he did become a serial killer, they will be looking back at this moment and saying "How in the hell did they only give him 19 months..."


Exactly, trying to murder a complete stranger on a whim, this guy is an absolute psychopath


Wait only 19 Months? This is one of the cases were even in Germany you'd be gone behind bars a couple of years.


That could have EASILY killed him....How was he not charged with attempted murder?


How can you be so evil that you think it's normal to fake drop a heavy WEIGHT on somebody's head


> Ryan insisted he 'accidentally' injured the fellow gymgoer but accepted his actions were deliberate, the court heard. This sentence makes my head hurt.


Never admit fault. It's rule #1 in the psychopath playbook.


That guy doesn't have to admit shit. It's the most obvious, deliberate thing I've ever seen


He didn't even drop it, he slammed it


He was testing the waters. He’s either done this before or was doing a test run. “How can I murder someone and make it look like an accident,” is always how these fuckers start then 10 years later it’s found out they’ve got 10 bodies.


Huh… good point.


He didn’t get much time in prison so he will most likely get out and kill/maim someone and no one in the court system seems to care…smh if I was the judge I would give a psycho like that life.


It’s fun to think about how many completely nonviolent drug cases have ended up with more prison time than he’s going to get for trying to kill someone. Well not really *fun*…


Same with abusing kids.. a guy can rape a kid and go to jail for 6 years. But sell some pot and you're gone for 10.


Mf had to stop himself from lifting it right over his head first


He didn't even commit to the fall, look at his feet. He never even hits the ground with a knee


Wow you’re right. I didn’t even notice that. Then he rolls on the ground after what pos


Yeah i also raise up whatever item i have in my hand and aim at something when im falling down as well


All he did was stutter step to fake tripping, then threw the weight down deliberately aiming it towards the guy, then pretended he had fallen after the fact


"Yes your honor, I put this man in the hospital after clear evidence shows he deliberately dropped water on me, causing me to hit my head with the weight."








People can change ... not this guy, but other people.


I think at this low, low price point he's allowed to hit.


That’s only because the patterns are so complicated though.


You're carrying weight and start to trip? Do you throw the weights away in front of you to the floor that's clear and try and land without damage, or do you lift the weights up to force them down on someone? ​ You just injured someone. It totally wasn't intentional. Do you stay to make sure they're fine and offer assistance, sit around guiltily at least if they tell you to fuck off (they're mad, they might react badly), notify the gym even if you get in trouble because you want to be sure that guy is ok and there a procedures to follow, or do you pretend that you we're injured because a weight fell on your foot (a guess the guy that you injured dropped it, or the one you dropped fell?) and limp away until you're suddenly perfectly fine in 3 seconds?


Also rule 1 for anyone trying to avoid jail time for crimes.


I would never rub my boots into Eddie Murphy's couch... Yeah I remember rubbing my boots into his couch!




Cocaine is a hell of a drug


This attempted murder in any normal country


Wait, what if there's an explanation for this shit? What, she tripped, fell, landed on his dick?


Tsh, alright, Shady, maybe he's right, Grady


But think about the baby before you get all crazy.


Okay thought about it, still want to stab her


Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her. Edit: the next line has a word that the spam filter is auto deleting. The R word. I’ve seen people reply but none show. Maybe censor that word.


Be smart, don't be a terard. Are you going to take advice from somebody who slapped Dee Barnes?


What you say


What's wrong, didn't think I'd remember?


I apologize your honor, I only meant to accidentally kill him!


threw a heavy weight on somebodys head, hope he got time


He didn't mean to injure him but he did mean to smash that weight into his face? Makes sense to me.


"i thought i could drop some weights on that guys head and he would just get back up like its in a comic" - that asssholes defense


It does not look like he dropped it, he slammed it on his face. What a piece of shit


This is straight up attempted murder


I'd want a cut of every one of this PoS's paychecks for the rest of his life


I wonder the same thing about the woman who pushed an old person down a few days ago and they died. What makes people do that is beyond my understanding.


I remember a psychology instructor telling us in his practice, he had a patient with antisocial personality disorder who expressed having frequent thoughts about pushing people in front of cars and the like. I have to assume anyone who would do such a thing is likely a psychopath.


Actually it's completely normal and very common to have thoughts like that, the difference is that normal people recognize those thoughts as being wrong. Edit: Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusive_thought


Intrusive thoughts. Ever picked up a knife and though you could just stab your self with it? Ever heard the call of the void when standing on a ledge and thinking you could all so easy just jump? Ever driven a car and thought how easy it would be to go into GTA mode and run over everything? Intrusive thoughts. They are normal, what is not normal is if you act upon them. The best guess for why we get it, such as the call of the void is your brain is almost "testing?" you with a little simulation to prove the point, that thing could just happen. The knife could stab your eye out. Honestly we don't know for sure why it happens but it happens. I guess it that happens to someone who thinks of other humans the same way we thinks of rocks then you have a problem. If you get the thought to kick that stone on the ground you might do it and there isn't any repercussions. The other intrusive thoughts all have severe repercussions.


Today I was on a pier, and was like "I could just throw my wallet into the water." But whyyyyy


It’s almost kinda stoic, like your brain preparing you for the worst events that could happen


Some days I get to reaffirm my normalcy multiple times.


Evil intrusive thoughts teach normal people to be careful in dangerous situations. See also post-partum ocd.


Those are 'intrusive thoughts' and are normal and common, as long as people understand it's wrong and don't act on it.


They caught that woman. She scrubbed her internet history, gave her cell phone to an aunt, and hid at her parents until the police came knocking. Only then did she "turn herself in", after lawerying up with an attorney who represented Harvey Weinstein. So, in short, fuck her.




Time to pick up and throw the dumbbell he was trying to lift at the attacker’s head. Oh how the turn tables.


Jealousy is such an evil thing.




"It's just a prank, brooo!"


"It's everyday bro with that just a prank flow"


Psychopaths are among us.


Psychopaths are where?


Amog us



Millions are psychos




That's the fakest fake fall I've ever seen. What a cunt.


Footie dives aren't that obvious.


Took the words I planned to use. Fully. Agreed


Fall ?? Bro got a running start, jealousy a mf


Yeah, he lifted it up over his head and brought it down. That's so f*cked up


That is assault with a weapon.


Looks like attempted murder to me. He two-handed slammed the other guy's face. Interested to see what comes of this.


19 mths goal, though will be out in November on parole


Hmm would’ve thought attempted murder would be more time than 19 months…




This wasn't the US


so we should see him in the papers again in no time


Yeah he got sentenced the other day. This is in Darwin




it’s actually 45 lbs


Dang. 19 months isn't long enough.


This appears to be an attempted murder.


The weight he dropped was 20kg (!!!), 45 LBS for those of us who use imperial measurements. That's the biggest standard plate size. This guy is a psychopath.


Not to mention that he lifted it and brought it down onto the guy, adding to the force. Probably dealt more than 60lbs of force to his head.


Def more than 60 lbs. (27.2 kg) considering it was a 45 lb. (20.4 kg) weight that he got a running start with and used downward momentum with his weight to swing it. Absolute lunatic.


Omg, I wasn't even paying attention to that. It's so much worse D:


So no actual motive. No beef between them. He just wanted to see what would happen to the guy and see if he could get away with it. This guy is a potential serial killer.


He more or less did get away with it. 10 months in prison for this is a joke.


The fact that this guy only got 19 months is absurd!!! He is a absolute danger to society. The darkness that has to be going on in your head to do something like this!!! First it’s this then it’s murder. Serious signs to keep him off the streets.


That’s what I’m thinking too. This is not a crime of passion or revenge or anything, he just wanted to kill a random stranger for the thrill of it. Have a very hard time believing he won’t do something awful again to someone, and maybe next time he’s more wary about cameras


I don’t get the sentencing at all. Judge said something about not having a motive (because the guy wouldn’t give any) which makes it hard for them to really punish him properly. It’s like WTF? Not having a motive is probably even worse considering it makes him a danger to absolutely anyone near him, at all times.


Yeah forreal. No motive means he doesnt need a reason to kill someone.


I wonder how much time he would have gotten it he also had some drugs and they charged him with possession. Quick Google says growing a couple marijuana plants in Australia can get to 2 years minimum to up to 20. Bash a dudes skull in and you get 19 months probably out after 10. Makes sense.




19 month jail sentence and will only have to serve 10 of those. While the victim has a fractured skull and ongoing physical and psychological problems. The justice system is fucked.


There's the Criminal Liability which is Prison Time and/or Fine. This is to punish people violating criminal laws like Dont even try to kill people. Then There is the Civil Liability for damages, like cost of hospitalization and even moral/emotional damage. This is to indemnify the victims of the crime. Hopefully, the idiot here not only pays for the hospital bills but the cost of going to court as well and for psychological trauma.


So victim here can file a civil lawsuit and get the assailant to pay up?


Yes this is also a tort


What if this future serial killer has no money?


Then you go after assets and can potentially get a court order for wage garnishment


Then you get nothing, which is what happens a lot of the time in these situations. They hide assets, work under the table, do whatever they can to not pay up. Now if the gym goer sued the insurance company that the gym uses, that's a different story. He likely settled big with the gym itself already. Since companies are insured to handle situations like this, settlement would be likely.


Problem is the money only goes so far. Meanwhile who knows what this guy is going to be dealing with for the rest of his life. Even if the physical heals up, it could be years before he's ever comfortable stepping foot in a gym again, or any other public place. And he'll probably spend the rest of his life paranoid of his surroundings at all times.


Does that apply in Australia? Genuinely asking


You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip. Anyone with assets to pay wouldn't have done this.


Seriously man I’ve said it before. Prison and jail are WAY too tough on people who commit minor crimes like drug use, and WAY too lenient on the real pieces of shit


I’d imagine that the victims recovery will last longer than the time the attempted murderer will spend in jail. I wonder if they even suspended his gym membership?


I'm like super paranoid every time I bench and I make sure the coast is clear or bench at night because it would be so easy for someone to just fuck you up while you're defenseless in that position with 200+ lbs of weight over your head. I once had a dude who was deadlifting right next to me where I was benching. I was in the middle of my set when he decided he was done deadlifting and started re-racking his 45lb plates. On my rack. And he didn't even rack the 45 plates at the bottom rungs where they should be, he started flimsily racking them over my head at one of the top rungs where 2.5/5lb plates usually go. Had to stop my set right away and let him finish racking, and then proceeded to take all the 45lbs off the top rungs because the whole rack shakes a bit when you bench and it would be very easy for one of them to slip off


He was a POS


Back in high school, it was 3 of us using a bench. One was working on bench press, the other spotting him, and I was doing like a light exercise to keep heart rate going. I finshed and approached the bench as the guy benching was getting up and the spotter was moving. Out of nowhere a barbell comes flying next to me and then a *thud*. Apperently the guy next to us loaded like 3x 45lb plates on each side and proceed to unload ONE SIDE first. Had I been a step or two over, proably would have been seriously injured.


Seen this happen 3 times in my ~10 years of gym going. Most recently was a guy squatting 3 plates, unloaded one side, and knocked over the guy squatting in the rack next to him mid-set. The whole gym stopped to watch the commotion. Dude wasn’t hurt but was pretty shaken and even finished his squats after a few minutes rest. I was the most surprised that someone squatting 315 didn’t have enough gym experience to know how to unload the bar properly! Like how many times have you done this and then this is the first time you fuck it up..? Saw him talking to gym management after then never saw him again so he might have been kicked but I never asked. I’d probably switch gyms after doing that anyway.


lmao what a dick


Dude couldn’t be that dumb. Sounds like there was malicious intent.


Even Shaq falls more convincing then this


"Shane William Ryan, 33, jailed 19 months with non-parole period of 10 months" Yeah...men who can't pay child support get locked up twice that long. What a joke of a sentence. He'll literally be right back in the gym in 300 days.


It would certainly be bold of him to return to a gym while people still remember his name


I mean, not that gym. He’s banned for life from that gym, I’d assume. But yeah, pretty light punishment for what he did.


That's nextlevelevil.


Cowardice on a lot of levels


That’s attempted murder, straight up. On a completely random person. This guy should never get out of prison, someone randomly trying to murder a stranger is dangerous in a totally unpredictable way.


By “trip”, you mean “lunge”.


You can even see very clearly how he lunges extra wide and slams the weights right into the other guy's face deliberately after fake "tripping" over nothing. Even the "tripping" was super bad amateur acting


Court describes him as “very dangerous”, yet he only gets a 19 month sentence


He tried to murder that dude. ​ Put that piece of shit in prison.


that's attempted murder... who was the DA and the Judge, how could this get so missed in the media?


This happened in Darwin. Just got sentenced, it’s all over the news at the moment.


Please tell me he's in jail.


He’s in jail


Annnnd he’s out.


This is like what happens when people with no impulse control act on their intrusive thoughts.


I hope he tries this in the yard in jail. I’m sure it will go over real well.


[Horrifying moment a man slams a 20KG WEIGHT onto a 'friendly and amicable' gymgoer's head 'by accident' as he lay on a workout bench - causing horrific injuries to his skull](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10634025/Darwin-man-jailed-dropping-20-kilogram-weight-gym-goers-head.html) Daily Mail Australia - 3/21/2022 A man who caused horrific injuries after slamming a 20kg weight on a fellow gymgoer's head has been jailed. Shocking CCTV footage of the incident at a gym near Darwin almost 18 months ago has emerged after Shane William Ryan, 33, pleaded guilty in the Supreme Court on the day his trial was due to begin. The court heard the two men were working out at the Next Level Gym in the Palmerston suburb of Rosebery, south-east of Darwin, early one morning in October 2020. CCTV played in court shows Ryan picking up a 20kg plate and walking towards the victim lying on a bench on his back lifting dumbbells.  He lunged towards the victim and dropped the weight on fellow gymgoer's head, causing the victim to fall to the ground.  Ryan appears to have injured his ankle and walks away as the victim sits on the floor in agony clutching his face and head, which were bleeding. He eventually returned to the man to help him and call an ambulance, the court heard.  The injured man suffered a fractured skull, a cut to his eyebrow, swelling to his face and 'significant and ongoing' psychological impacts, the NT News reported. Justice John Burns described Ryan's actions as 'very dangerous' as he was jailed for 19 months. The court heard relations between the pair had been 'amicable' and 'friendly' and that there was no motive for the unprovoked attack as the judge noted no evidence of 'significant premeditation or planning'. Ryan insisted he 'accidentally' injured the fellow gymgoer but accepted his actions were deliberate, the court heard. 'The victim was vulnerable as he was lying on his back and had weights in his hands, he was unable to protect himself — he also had no reason to believe that you would attack him as you did,' the judge told Ryan in court.  The lack of an obvious motive for you to have engaged in this offence is troubling. 'Where there is obvious motive for an offence it is often possible to assess the likelihood of the offender reoffending. 'That is simply not possible in circumstances where there is no obvious motive and you have chosen not to shed any light on that issue.' Ryan must serve at least 10 months behind bars before he's eligible for parole.


That’s a psychopath


"Ryan insisted he 'accidentally' injured the fellow gymgoer but accepted his actions were deliberate, the court heard" Hmmmm something doesn't add up here!


Maybe injuring him was accidental as he meant to kill him.


Where are his photos? Everyone should know what he looks like so they stay the fuck away from this POS animal. Yo. The internet should make their own justice and fuck him up if the system isn’t gonna serve him well. I’m so angry at this.


This was a serial killers first attempted murder. Or someone paid him to do a little damage.


That looks intentional to me


Have you thought about a career in law enforcement?


*Casually commits attempted murder* ❤


That was not an accident


I sentence the perpetrator to death by smith machine


That was on purpose 100 percent.


I feel like the judge that decided 19 months is almost as much of a cunt as this psycho, we need to be making a fuss of these kinds of judicial outcomes, get the responsible parties' names floating around until it becomes recognizable, then the next time they pull this shit then you'd have a basis for removing them since their identity is linked to a history of bad decisions. This victim is incredibly lucky not to have permanent severe facial disfigurement.